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10 Best place to visit in Rionero in Vulture Italy


I 10 borghi più belli della Basilicata | Cosa vedere in Basilicata

Quali sono i borghi più belli da visitare durante un viaggio in Basilicata? In questo video viene proposta una classifica dei borghi più belli della Basilicata secondo Come si viaggia.

Top 10 borghi più belli della Basilicata:
1 Guardia Perticara
È denominato il “paese delle case di pietra”, per i suoi caratteristici vicoli, le stradine strette e ripide e le case in pietra

2 Castelmezzano
Lo spettacolo più affascinante di Castelmezzano è quello offerto dallo scenario delle Dolomiti Lucane che gli fanno da sfondo

3 Venosa
Su un altopiano compreso tra due valli e circondata da una rigogliosa vegetazione, Venosa si rivela in tutta la sua bellezza

4 Acerenza
E' un piacere perdersi tra i vicoli del borgo antico dove si susseguono fontane e palazzi di pregio

5 Viggianello
Situato ai piedi del Monte Pollino, il borgo unisce patrimonio naturalistico a quello storico

6 Craco
Craco è lo splendido “paese fantasma” della Basilicata. Osservandolo in lontananza si presenta come una scultura di origini medioevali

7 Irsina
Città dal forte valore storico e culturale è uno dei più antichi paesi della Basilicata e sorge sulla cima di un colle roccioso

8 Pietrapertosa
Pietrapertosa è un borgo in provincia di Potenza situato in prossimità delle suggestive vette delle Dolomiti Lucane

9 Pisticci
Cuore del borgo è Piazza Umberto I, da dove si susseguono una serie di piazze e palazzi storici

10 Maratea
Maratea vi accoglierà con grotte, spiagge silenziose, acque trasparenti e montagne lussureggianti

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

Towns in the Vulture - The Bread of S. Andrea di Atella

English version of
Borghi del Vulture - Il pane di S. Andrea di Atella

Centro Studi LEONE XIII
x Italy Travel Southern Italy Basilicata - Potenza

Visit interesting Basilicata - Potenza and Southern Italy

Tiyende Pamodzi Tour 2013 - Rionero in Vulture (PZ)

Tiyende Pamodzi Tour 2013 - Rionero in Vulture (PZ).
Tiyende Pamodzi (Camminiamo insieme) è il titolo del tour italiano del Koinonia Youth Team, gruppo di 16 ex ragazzi di strada del Mthunzi Centre di Lusaka, Zambia.
E' un viaggio di conoscenza e scambio, un'esperienza di vita: dal 23 novembre al 15 dicembre 2013 in 14 città italiane, da nord a sud.
L'iniziativa è organizzata da Amani Ong insieme a Koinonia Community, con il contributo di Fondazione Cariplo ed il sostegno di Ethiopian Airlines Italy.
La data di Rionero in V. è un'iniziativa della Provincia di Potenza | Abitare Il Futuro, Città di Rionero in Vulture, Centro di Ascolto Caritas Rionero, Associazione Arkestra, Associazione Vulcanica.
Foto di Giovanni Marino -

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Rionero in Vulture (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Visiting 9 villages across Basilicata, Italy - Viaggio Italiano

This video is about my recent road trip exploring nine different villages called Borghi across the region of Basilicata, Italy.

The campaign is called Viaggio Italiano which translated to Italian Trip. #ViaggioItaliano

Here are the 9 individual villages (Borgo) that I visited across the region of Basilicata, Italy on this trip:

1. Moliterno
2. Maratea
3. Latronico
4. Aliano
5. Tursi (La Rabatana)
6. Pisticci
7. Acerenza
8. Venosa
9. Rionero in Vulture

You can read about my itinerary and route for this trip over on my blog:

I hope you enjoyed this video and found it helpful towards creating your own road trip across Basilicata visiting all the different Borghi across the region.

Happy travels around Italy!

Southern Italy Road Trip: The Ultimate Guide to Basilicata's Hidden Gems

Embark on the ultimate Southern Italy road trip through our comprehensive guide to uncovering Basilicata's hidden gems.

For more information, Please Visit my website:

Join us as we explore the breathtaking Italian provinces, sharing insightful travel tips and captivating destinations. This video is your key to discovering the allure of Southern Italy, from hidden treasures to Italy's lesser-known regions. Get inspired to embark on an Italian road trip filled with beauty, adventure, and the charm of Basilicata's undiscovered gems.

✅ Timestamps:

0:00 Introduction to Basilicata Road Trip and Viaggio Italiano
1:20 Moliterno, Basilicata
3:00 Maratea, Basilicata, and Christ the Redeemer
4:27 Latronico, Basilicata
5:05 Aliano, Basilicata
6:15 The Calanchi
6:55 La Rabatana & Tursi
7:25 The Mandarine, Orangery Retreat
8:38 Pisticci, Basilicata
9:00 Acerenza
10:08 Venosa, Basilicata
10:46 Rionero in Vulture

Video Title: Southern Italy Road Trip: The Ultimate Guide to Basilicata's Hidden Gems |

The video has information on Southern Italy Road Trip: The Ultimate Guide to Basilicata's Hidden Gems, But it also tries to cover the following subjects:

Discovering Basilicata
Italy Hidden Treasures
Southern Italy Adventure

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© Scott Escapes

Il Vulture 2016 (Basilicata, Italy) in 4k Ultra HD

Places of the Vulture area in Basilicata (Italy) that might be interesting for tourists.

A PASSEGGIO NEL PASSATO: La Rionero dei Vicoli Il Ricordo

Rionero in Vulture. Le origini del nome di questa cittadina non sono del tutto chiare. Secondo alcuni, la sua etimologia deriva da Rivo Nigro (fiume nero) , sorgente affiorante dal tufo vulcanico di colore nero che attraversa il paese dividendolo in due parti (fonte ora inglobata nella Fontana della Baronessa (o Fontana Grande); altri sostengono derivi da Are Nigro, stante ad indicare il terreno nero della zona dalle cui pietre di pozzolanico sono costruite le abitazioni. Dopo l'Unità d'Italia, a Rionero si aggiunse il suffisso in Vulture per distinguerla dall'omonima Rionero Sannitico, in Molise.

Basilicata: Authentic Italy, presentation by Karen Haid on the Discovering Italy Series

All about Basilicata, a fascinating region at the heart of Southern Italy. Author Karen Haid presents highlights of Basilicata’s magnificent natural beauty, rich culture and longstanding traditions. From the provincial capitals of Potenza and Matera to villages set in dramatic mountain landscapes and coastal beach communities, the small region surprises with its naturalistic diversity, historical depth and cultural wealth, all fit into the unassuming instep of the Italian boot. In the video, you will see precious artifacts from ancient Greece and Rome, medieval castles, impressive churches, distinctive cuisine, unique festivals, UNESCO World Heritage sites, outdoor adventure activities and the region’s welcoming people. Topics include the region's history, brigandage led by Carmine Crocco, Italian emigration, the Albanian people who settled in the Pollino Mountains, local culinary specialties such as peperoni cruschi and Aglianico del Vulture wine, and numerous towns and their offerings, including Venosa, Melfi, Castelmezzano, Pietrapertosa, Craco, Metaponto, Policoro and Maratea.

Basilicata is a land that maintains an old-world charm and authenticity into the 21st century. The original Zoom presentation was hosted by the Discovering Italy Series, directed by Meri Howard.

For further information, history, places to visit, experiences, stories and anecdotes about this wonderful Southern Italian region, check out Karen Haid’s book Basilicata: Authentic Italy. Details at

La Frasca 2019 Porcapizza Rionero in Vulture

Hyperlapse notturno a Rionero in Vulture


Nel comune di Rionero in Vulture in provincia di Potenza, un sito naturale di selvaggia bellezza all' interno di un cratere. Le curiosità legate a Carmine Crocco che qui trovava rifugio con i suoi uomini. Scopriremo come la polvere lavica raggiunga la battigia di lido Morelli, Ostuni in provincia di Brindisi (Puglia) sospinta dalle correnti marine dell' Adriatico nel quale si riversa il fiume Ofanto a sud del lago di Salpi nei pressi di Margherita di Savoia ad oltre 160km di distanza.

#justwalkingroad #Montevulture #viaggio #Basilicata

Time to Taste one of Italy's Top 3 Wines - Aglianico Del Vulture!

The Aglianico grape is said to be one of the three big wines of Italy along with Nebbiolo and Sangiovese. There are some Italian style wines available in the Okanagan - if you're interested in booking a tour this summer, check out this link!

Volcanes de agua Mariposa prehistórica viva TOUR ITALIA TV Monticchio Basilicata parte 1

TOUR ITALIA TV Monticchio Basilicata parte 1
#BASILICATA #MONTICHIO #montichiolagui #MATERA #italy #italia #basilicata
#touritaliatv #altamura

Monticchio è una frazione appartenente ai comuni di Atella e Rionero in Vulture, in provincia di Potenza. Situata alle pendici del Monte Vulture, un vulcano spento dell'Appennino meridionale, conserva un variopinto patrimonio ambientale, che rende Monticchio una meta di visitatori soprattutto nel periodo estivo.[2] Dal 1971 è stata istituita la riserva regionale Lago piccolo di Monticchio, che rappresenta l'habitat naturale di una rara specie endemica di farfalla notturna, la Brahmaea europaea.

Monticchio es una fracción perteneciente al municipio de Rionero in Vulture y Atella, en la provincia de Potenza. Situada en las laderas del Monte Vulture, uno de los más antiguos volcanes de los Apeninos meridionales, conserva un variopinto patrimonio ambiental, que hace de Monticchio una meta de visitantes sobre todo en el período veraniego. Desde 1971 ha sido creada la Reserva regional Lago piccolo di Monticchio, que representa el hábitat natural de una rara especie endémica de mariposa nocturna, la Acanthobrahmaea europaea.

Monticchio está dividida en tres zonas: Monticchio Bagni, Monticchio Sgarroni (ambos pertenecientes al municipio de Rionero) y Monticchio Laghi (del municipio de Atella). Monticchio Bagni presenta alrededor de 250 habitantes y es rica en vegetación de alisos, álamos y robles cabelludos. La fracción es conocida por la producción de aguas minerales, donde opera el grupo empresarial Gaudianello, que produce la notable agua mineral homónima. Monticchio Sgarroni tiene apenas 50 habitantes.

First inhabited by the Normans, who occupied the ancient castle near Sgarroni (Castrum Monticuli),[1] it became, in the second half of the 19th century, a strategic point for brigands after Italian unification. It was the shelter for brigands such as Carmine Crocco[2] and his subordinates Ninco Nanco (Giuseppe Summa), Giuseppe Caruso, Teodoro Gioseffi and Giovanni Fortunato. Nowadays it is a touristic place admired for its natural environment and for mineral waters, due to the presence of some extinct volcanoes.

Monticchio Laghi, situada en las vertientes occidentales del monte Vulture, cuenta con una población de alrededor de 150 habitantes y es la sede de estructuras receptoras como los agroturistas. Colocada a espaldas del Vulture, toma el nombre de la presencia de dos lagos de origen volcánico (denominados los gemelos del Vulture), uno mayor y otro menor, en algunos puntos con una profundidad de más de 60 metros.

Monticchio is part of the Vulture region and lies near the borders with the Province of Avellino, Campania. The three tiny villages composing it are located to the west of Mount Vulture and few kilometres away from each other. A regional road links Monticchio Bagni and Monticchio Laghi.

Monticchio Bagni is the northernmost locality, situated few kilometres from the borders with Campania and from the closed railway station on the Avellino-Lioni-Rocchetta line. With a population of about 250, it is the most populated locality.
Monticchio Laghi lies on the slopes of Mount Vulture and counts about 150 inhabitants. In front of it there are situated two little volcanic lakes and the locality is receptive for tourism.[5] From 1971 the smaller of the two lakes, habitat of the European owl moth, constitutes a natural reserve, named Riserva regionale Lago piccolo di Monticchio.[6] Around the village are situated two abbeys: St. Michael and the ruins of St. Hippolytus.
Monticchio Sgarroni[3] (40°55′6.75″N 15°34′16.8″E), with a population of about 50, is the least populated one. Also known as Sgarroni, close to it are located the ruins of a castle.
Monticchio is 13 kilometres from Melfi, 16 kilometres from Rionero in Vulture, 22 from Atella, 68 from Potenza, 71 from Foggia and 123 from Avellino.

TG7 Basilicata. Striscia la Notizia a Rionero in Vulture

TG7 Basilicata 29 Marzo 2016
Dopo Checco Zalone anche Striscia la Notizia si interessa di Rionero in Vulture. Chissà Perchè?

Vulture Senza Tempo

Progetto realizzato da APT Basilicata in collaborazione con Italia Senza Tempo

Time-lapse shooting, Editing & post-production: Angelo Chiacchio e Walter Molfese
Music: Marco Cucco e Giacomo Del Colle Lauri Volpe
Project and communication: Ilaria Navarra

Basilicata itinerari dello Sguardo (tratto da basilicata in tir)

Comune di Rionero in Vulture (Associazione Vibrazioni Lucane)

Castello di Melfi (Melfi) Basilicata - Italy????????/Potenza/4K/Maluphotography16/Cinematic/Aerial.Shots

We'll take you to beautiful Melfi and bring you a little closer to the Castello di Melfi and its treasures! But now to the facts:

The Castello di Melfi (Castle of Melfi) is one of the most important medieval fortresses in southern Italy. It is owned by the Italian State. Its foundation, as far as can be deduced from the extant remains, dates back to the Norman conquest of southern Italy. The castle has undergone considerable changes over time, most notably during the Angevin period and under the Aragonese crown.
During the reign of the Angevins and later also under the influence of the Renaissance, the castle underwent major changes. Today the National Archaeological Museum can be found in the rooms of the castle.

The whole building, founded directly on the rocky bank, clearly visible in the deposit on the second basement floor with a rocky outcrop, is characterized by a supporting structure made of local stones of medium and large dimensions, connected with cement mortar. Extensive consolidation measures carried out in recent years (2000s) following the damage caused by the 1980 earthquake have led to the use of concrete in the basement levels to support the structures above.

The floors of the exhibition rooms are all in terracotta, with the exception of the Sala Doria and the adjoining rooms, which have a marble gravel floor. The ceilings are coffered, vaulted or flat ceilings made of wood. The Sala Doria preserves an 18th-century boiserie with gilded details.

The museum exhibits a large collection of finds from the Vulture-Melfese area (Lavello, Banzi, Ruvo del Monte, Rionero, Ripacandida and the town of Melfi itself) relating to a chronological arc of the 7th century.

Of particular note are the numerous funerary objects, characterized for the most ancient phases by refined Daunian pottery with geometric decorations, bronze armour, shields, helmets and weapons, as well as the unique examples of floats from the Chiuchiari necropolis of Melfi; of precious ornaments made of silver, gold and amber and of vases and bronze tools of Greek and Etruscan production. Characteristic of the phase of the 4th-3rd century B.C. The ceramics of Magna Graecia with red figures and the monumental vases with polychrome decoration and with superimposed figures of Canosine production are mainly found in Lavello (the ancient Forentum).

On the ground floor, the Roman period is represented by the sarcophagus of Rapolla, an exceptional Roman-era sculptural work that identifies the entire municipality and is named after the place where it was found in 1856. The sarcophagus is a fine example of 2nd-century marble sculpture of Micro-Asiatic production. AD The lid depicts a sleeping female figure, while the case depicts various gods and heroes and the paraphrased story of the Trojan War.
We wish you a lot of fun with the video and let yourself be carried away into another time.

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2013 Brasilicata Tour/ITALIA

EN//Cultural exchange between Brazil and the Basilicata region (Italy)
FR//Échange culturel entre le Brésil et la région de la Basilicate (Italie)
PT//Brasilicata Tour - Intercâmbio cultural entre Brasil e a região de Basilicata (Itália)
IT//Brasilicata Tour- Scambi culturali tra Brasile e Basilicata (Itália)

Agromonte Mileo (Latronico), Aliano, Atella, Avigliano, Barile, Brienza, Brindisi di Montagna, Castelsaraceno, Castelluccio Superiore, Chiaromonte, Fardella, Ferrandina, Grumento, Irsina,Lago Sirino Nemoli, Lagonegro, Laurenzana, Lauria, Maratea, Marina di Pisticci, Matera, Melfi, Metaponto, Moliterno,Montescaglioso, Oppido Lucano, Pignola, Pisticci, Potenza, Rionero in Vulture, Rivello, Rotonda, San Paolo Albanese, San Severino Lucano, Sarconi, Satriano, Savoia di Lucania, Scanzano Jonico, Spinoso, Teana, Carbone, Terranova di Pollino, Tito, Tramutola, Vaglio, Valsinni, Viggiano, Villa d’Agri.

International Partner: Ramona Bavassano

Edit Gabriel Bolzan
Director Aline Yasmin



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