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10 Best place to visit in Riachos Portugal


Warmest Countries in Europe (Top 10 Winter Destinations)

Top 10 Warmest Countries in Europe! Here's our list of the 10 warmest countries to live in winter. Warmest winter travel destination in Europe. Low cost and budget vacation holiday travel tips for digital nomads and expats looking to retire in Europe's warmest countries. Warm countries to escape the winter! Hot weather winter destinations for Ex-pats.

#Warm #Europe #Top10

Monaco isn’t a large country. It is therefore very easy to evaluate when you consider its rich culture and mild climate. It is situated on the French Riviera and has average annual temperatures ranging between 13 and 14°C. Several European locations have greater July daytime temperatures, but Monaco keeps most of its warmth at nighttime and does not see significant decreases throughout the cold season.

Cold days at the Turkish shore are lovely and moderate, with readings ranging around 12-15 degrees - though it typically seems hotter thanks to the sunlight.
January has just passed, the season of Christmas is over, and spring is really far away. Europe half-asleep under snow and ice. However, Turkey is a different story this winter. Turkey's Mediterranean coast is one of the warmest destinations on cold days at the Turkish shore is lovely and moderate, with readings ranging around 12-15 degrees

Other than in the Coastline, where warm temperatures and scorching summertime are typical, France normally has moderate winters and mild summertime.
You may enjoy your winter vacation avoiding the chilly temperatures without departing Central Europe. We are referring to the south of France, namely Nice, where the cold climate ranges around 12°C (54°F) and 6°C (44°F).

Next, we move to Iberia, wherein Portugal is somewhat hotter than adjacent Spain throughout the year. Its sun-kissed Algarve area has scorching summer heat, while the Portuguese state of Madeira is among Europe's hottest wintertime locations. Funchal, Madeira's main city, with a mean heating rate of 20°C even in Early December, gives it a favorite destination for New Year's Night parties.

So where to hang out in December, when the rest of Europe shivers underneath blankets? The average time the sun is above the horizon in Tirana, Albania in November and December is 8 hours, respectively. These two months are good for outdoor activities. Tirana, Albania's capital, is known for its vibrant construction, which includes structures from the Ottoman and Soviet periods. It also has an extraordinary horizontal woodland designed by architect Stefano Boeri.

Bordering Greece is really 3°C colder on average throughout the year than Cyprus. It may, though, contain several locations which have a comparable temperature. Crete and Rhodes are some of the hottest, with degrees that are greater above the nationwide norm.

Palermo is Italy's fifth biggest town, and it's also among the hottest, thanks to its location on the 'stone' that the 'boot' of Italy kicks on the globe. The Winter season in Palermo is pleasant, with temperatures reaching up to 20°C on certain days, owing to the balmy Sirocco breezes that sweep in from Africa.

Montenegro has a mild and humid environment. You can have some beautiful, bright winter afternoons in which you may go outdoors in your sunglasses and coat, drink a cappuccino, read a book, or simply watch things go by.
Podgorica lies in the core area of Montenegro, which is intersected by streams and is close to Lake Skadar. In addition, the town is only approximately 22 miles from the Adriatic Sea's coasts.

obviously, we couldn't discuss mild temperatures in Europe throughout the wintertime without discussing the little island of Malta. Malta has Subtropical weather, which implies moderate winter weather with daily values ranging from 15°C to 19°C dependent on the month.
While not as hot as many of the various places listed previously, the temperature is still mild sufficient to enable for sightseeing tours and traveling, since the island has many interesting things to explore.

In fact, Cyprus experiences the hottest temperatures in the Southeastern area of the European States. Another competitor for possessing the finest living weather in Europe. Cyprus, located in the southeast region of the Mediterranean, is indeed very warm throughout the summertime, however, it does not reach the severe highs of certain countries.

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Nomad Report Studio*

11 Wonderful Places With Most Crystal Clear Water in the World

11 Wonderful Places With Most Crystal Clear Water in the World
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4 Ever Green is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people, beautiful animals and cute things that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video!

On 4 Ever Green, we will help you in mindset productivity, whether it's how to make more money videos, beautiful animals, cute birds or going over the biggest mansions in the world, we show everything here! Make sure to subscribe for more awesome videos every week!

As you may or may not know, the world is made up of a majority of water. From lakes to rivers, to streams, seas, and oceans the Earth is believe it or not 71% water. And there are just so many different variations of water you can see on Earth, from ordinary lakes to an extraordinary sea. With all of these vast waters and the diversity that comes along with, there are some simply gorgeous waters to be seen on planet earth.
Welcome to another episode of 4 EverGreen and in today’s video, we will show you 11 of the most beautiful crystal clear waters in the world. Make sure to stick around for our number 1 pick as it is guaranteed to stun you with its unreal beauty. Let’s begin!

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TOP 10 - HIGHLIGHTS SCHWEDEN - mit dem Wohnmobil - Travelguide Sweden

Schweden ist wirklich ein absolutes Traumziel für Reisen mit dem Wohnmobil. Wir waren mit unserem Campervan 8 Wochen lang kreuz und quer im Land unterwegs und wollen euch heute 10 unserer Highlights zeigen. Die sind über das gesamte Land verteilt - vom hohen Norden nahe den Grenzen zur Norwegen und Finnland, über das weitläufige Mittelschweden mit der berühmten Wildnissstraße, bis hin zum Süden mit seinen kilometerlangen Küsten und Scheerenlandschaften.

0:00 Intro
1:05 Abisko Nationalpark
2:33 Öland
3:52 Smögen, Fjällbacka, Lysekil
5:43 Vildmarksvägen
7:10 Süd-Ost Schweden
8:43 Skuleskogen Nationalpark
10:15 Storforsens Naturreservat
11:40 Schwedens Seen
13:05 Fulufjällets Nationalpark
14:19 Stora Sjöfallet
15:45 Outro

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Фантастически красиво. Мадейра. Португалия. Путешествие по живописным местам затерянного мира

Нон-стоп путешествие по самым красивым местам острова Мадейра за 12 дней на машине. Популярные и безлюдные левады, купание в водопаде, настоящий древний тоннель, водопад прямо на дороге, красивые маяки, поражающие смотровые площадки, волшебный реликтовый лес, сказочные домики, природные бассейны, поход на самую высокую гору, уютные города, морской заповедник и рассвет на горе - все это в видео про о. Мадейра, включая виды с дрона.

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Популярные видео в моей коллекции:
????‍ Место где хочется жить. Канарские острова. Тенерифе. В поиске душевных и живописных мест
????‍ Путешествие в Хорватию на машине
????‍ Белорусское Полесье и чарующая река Припиять
????‍ Сплав на байдарках по реке Ислочь

План путешествия:
День 1: Приезд в Фуншал
День 2: Знакомство с центром Фуншал. Парки, набережная, музей Кристиану Роналду, парк Монте
День 3: улица раскрашенных дверей, крепость, смотровые площадки Фуншал
День 4: Аренда авто, мыс Кабо Жирао, город Понта Ду Сол, приезд в Эштрейту-да-Кальета
День 5: Поход в дождливую погоду по левадам 25 фонтанов и Ришку. Старинные тоннели вдоль моря и водопад Ангелов
День 6: Поход на левады. Эвкалиптовый лес, тоннель Рабакал, снова левады , но уже без дождя и с дроном. Паул да Серра и фантастическая обзорная площадка Бика де Кана, маяк
Понта Ду Паргу, приезд в Порту Мониш.
День 7: Лавровые реликтовые леса Фанал, поход по безлюдным левадам и купание в водопадах, вечерняя прогулка по Порту Мониш
День 8: Природные бассейны Порту Мониш, переезд в Сейшал: лавовые бассейны , вулканический пляж, серфинг, переезд в Сантана, вечерняя прогулка
День 9: Подъем на саму высокую гору о. Мадейра Пику Руйву, знакомство с традиционными домиками Сантана, поездка на самый восток, скалы Понта де Сан Лоуренсо, возвращение в Сантана
День 10: рассвет на Пику ду Ариейру, парк Quemadas со сказочными домиками , поход по леваде, переезд в Канису, посещение статуи Христа
День 11: Канису: морской заповедник, пляжи купание, чистая вода. Переезд в Фуншал , возврат арендной машины. Прогулки по центру города, кафе , закат
День 12: Утренний вылет

Приблизительные затраты на двоих:
- Перелет ~400€ (в обе стороны)
- Аренда жилья на 12 дней ~700€
- Аренда авто на 7 дней - 280€
- Топливо ~ 50€
- Проезд на автобусах ~ 25€
- Парк Монте ~30€
- все природные достопримечательности - бесплатные

♪ Morning (Prod. by Lukrembo)
Link :

/*Гид по видео*/
00:00 Интро
01:32 Дешевые билеты
03:24 Фуншал - главный город острова (Funchal)
11:32 Смотровая площадка Кабо Жирао (Cape Girão)
13:28 Приятный город Понта Ду Сол (Ponta do Sol)
16:18 Левада 25 фонтанов, водопад Ришку (Rabaçal - Levada das 25 Fontes e Risco)
20:00 Водопад Ангелов прямо на дороге (CASCATA DOS ANJOS)
21:28 Левады, тонель Рабакал, виды с дрона (Calheta - Túnel do Rabaçal)
26:20 Фантастическое плато Паул да Серра (Paúl da Serra)
28:00 Маяк Понта Ду Паргу (Farol da Ponta do Pargo)
29:18 Живописный город Порту Мониш (Porto Moniz)
30:00 Мистический лес Фанал - реликтовые лавровые леса (Fanal Pond)
32:24 Секретные левады. Купание в водопаде
35:20 Природные лавовые бассейны Порту Мониш (Piscinas Naturais Porto Moniz)
38:10 Почти идеальный город Сейшал. Лавовый пляж и потрясающие виды (Seixal)
42:08 Поход на самую высокую гору острова Пику Руйву (Pico Ruivo)
44:53 Причудливые домики города Сантана - символ острова (Casas Típicas de Santana)
47:03 Другая Мадейра. Пустынные скалы Понта де Сан Лоуренсо (Ponta de São Lourenço)
48:48 Это нужно увидеть. Рассвет на Пику ду Ариейру (Pico do Arieiro)
51:20 Статуя Христа. Место, где началась история острова (Cristo Rei)
53:03 Жилье, погода и пляжи с кристально чистой водой (Caniço)
55:26 Заключение

#мадейра #португалия

GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK (2023) | 7 Best Things To Do In The Grand Tetons + Travel Tips

Grand Teton National Park is located in the northwest of Wyoming, just south of Yellowstone National Park. Home to a rich array of wildlife, pristine lakes, lush meadows, and the iconic mountain range that gives the park its name, Grand Teton is an outstanding natural beauty. There is something for everyone here, whether you’re an adventurous traveler, a family, or a photographer. In this video, we highlight 7 awesome things to do in and around the national park during the spring or summer.

7. Explore The Town Of Jackson
???? Recommended stay - Flat Creek Inn:
6. Hike Around Jenny Lake
???? Jenny Lake Trail Overview:
5. Hike To Cascade Canyon
???? Cascade Canyon Trail Overview:
4. Go Horseback Riding
☑️ Horseback riding tour in Grand Tetons:
3. Hike To Taggart & Bradley Lake
???? Taggart Lake & Bradley Lake Trail Overview
2. Spot Wildlife
1. Take In Views From The Overlooks (Mormon Row Historic District, Glacier View Turnout, the Snake River Overlook, the Willow Flats Overlook, Wedding Tree, Jackson Lake Overlook, and Oxbow Bend)

???? Other day hikes in the park:
???? Rent a car:
???? Rent a campervan:

- Yellowstone National Park Video:
- Glacier National Park:
- Utah Top 10:
- Bryce Canyon National Park:
- Zion National Park:
- Las Vegas, NV:
- Seattle, WA:
- Leavenworth, WA:


- Book cheap flights:
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- Book cheap rental cars:

100 Bucket List Destinations In The World:




Still Waters Instrumental by Marshall Mcferrin
Rejoice in the morning by The David Roy Collective
Dancing Leaf by Itamar Gross
Once Upon A Time In The West Elevator by Jamison Dewlen

0:00 Intro
1:18 Jackson
1:54 Jenny Lake Hiking
2:40 Cascade Canyon Hike
4:08 Horseback Riding
5:06 Taggart & Bradley Lake Hike
5:58 Wildlife Safari
7:24 Grand Teton Views
8:19 Grand Teton National Park Tips

#grandtetonnationalpark #wyoming #jacksonhole

Praia da Marinha: One of the Best Beaches in the Algarve, Portugal

Praia da Marinha or Marinha Beach is one of the most emblematic and best beaches in the Algarve.

This award-winning beach has been featured in many Portuguese guidebooks and advertising campaigns.

Praia da Marinha has been considered as one of the 10 most beautiful European beaches and one of the 100 most beautiful beaches in the world by the Michelin Guide, and CNN has also recognised it as one of the world’s best beaches and destinations.

When visiting the Algarve, make sure to visit Marinha Beach, I believe that you will like it as much as I do.

You can read my full guide to Praia da Marinha here:

Check the posts about the Algarve on my site:

1 - 7 Must-See Beaches in Lagos, Portugal:
2 - 15 Best Things to Do in Lagos:
1 - Best things to do in Faro:
2 - 20 Very Best Things to do in Algarve:
3 - 20 Best Things to do in Albufeira:
4 - Algarve Itinerary:
5 - 7 Best & Most Beautiful Beaches in the Algarve:
6 - 15 Best Algarve Tours, Activities & Excursions:

Don't forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel, please. I really appreciate that ????????

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Cidade de Torres Novas - Santarém

???? Torres Novas é uma cidade portuguesa pertencente ao distrito de Santarém.
A cidade é atravessada pelo rio Almonda à superfície e no subsolo da área envolvente encontra-se a mais extensa rede cársica conhecida em Portugal, de mais de 10 km desde a gruta da nascente do Almonda, considerada um santuário da espeleologia nacional e próxima da gruta da Aroeira onde foi encontrado o mais antigo fóssil humano, um crânio de 400 mil anos.
Torres Novas multiplica beleza e riqueza naturais desde logo pelos jardins, espaços verdes e de lazer junto às margens do rio Almonda, mas também porque a 7 km da cidade se encontra o Paul do Boquilobo, zona húmida rica em plantas aquáticas, caniçais e salgueiros e em colónias de garças, o Paul do Boquilobo faz parte da Rede de reservas da Biosfera da Unesco desde 1981. Por fim, Torres Novas integra ainda o Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros, no qual se encontra o Monumento Natural das Pegadas de Dinossáurios com extensos trilhos e pegadas do jurássico médio que ascendem a 175 milhões de anos.
Um dos locais mais procurados situa-se a 2 km da cidade na aldeia de Lapas que empresta o seu nome a um conjunto labiríntico de galerias de calcário mole também conhecidos por “tufo” escavadas na rocha, as quais são popularmente apelidadas de Grutas de Lapas.
Dedicado à apresentação da história local, à arte sacra, ao restauro de materiais e à realização de exposições temporárias, o Museu Municipal Carlos Reis reúne ainda um conjunto considerável de pintura do mestre Carlos Reis, torrejano e um dos expoentes máximos do naturalismo português.
São múltiplas as oportunidades de comemorar a história e as estórias contadas na Feira de Época que anualmente traz milhares de visitantes a Torres Novas, ou ainda provar e saborear o figo preto, um produto único e diferenciador, ex libris da Feira Nacional dos Frutos Secos e embaixador de excelência de Torres Novas.

15 Best Places To Visit in the Dominican Republic

Discover the vibrant tapestry of the Dominican Republic as we journey through its top 15 captivating destinations. From the pristine beaches of Punta Cana to the cultural riches of Santo Domingo, this video unveils the country's diverse landscapes and historical treasures. Join us in exploring the many facets of this Caribbean gem, from its bustling cities to its tranquil countryside, and get ready to be inspired for your next adventure in the Dominican Republic!

⏱️ Video chapters:
0:00 Dominican Republic as a destination
0:30 Puerto Plata
1:16 Valle Nuevo
2:29 Barahona
3:13 La Romana
3:58 Monte Cristi
4:41 Las Terrenas
5:24 Jarabacoa
6:12 Playa Rincon
6:51 El Limon Waterfall
7:30 Santo Domingo
8:17 Ocoa Bay
8:49 Samana
9:30 Bayahibe
10:13 Sosua
11:00 Punta Cana

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#dominicanrepublic #travel #caribbean


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In this video we explore Aswan in Egypt, we stayed on an amazing secluded island called elephantine island, went on a boat and swam in the river nile


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Où voyager en EUROPE en 2022 ? TOP 10 DESTINATIONS ✈️

Abonne toi et clique sur la ???? pour recevoir une notification à chaque nouvelle vidéo !

Vous vous posez la question : Où voyager en Europe en 2022 ?. Je suis là pour vous inspirer ????
Je vous présente mon Top 10 des destinations à découvrir absolument... Entre le soleil de Sardaigne, la mer turquoise d'Ibiza, ou encore les volcans d'Islande et : inspirez-vous et évadez-vous avec cette bucket list !

➡️ Alors, quelle destination vous donne le plus envie de voyager ?
Si vous avez d'autres destinations rêvées et que vous souhaitez que j'en parle dans une prochaine vidéo, n'hésitez pas à me les écrire dans les commentaires ! ????

PS : Prochaine vidéo sur les voyages Internationaux en 2022, abonnez-vous pour ne pas la louper ❤️

00:00 INTRO
01:35 10 - Croatie
03:00 9 - Allemagne
04:48 8 - Islande
06:45 7 - Écosse
08:21 6 - Angleterre
10:13 5 - France
12:27 4 - Portugal
14:36 3 - Grèce
16:08 2 - Espagne
18:04 1 - Italie
20:21 OUTRO


Un petit coup de pouce pour faire grandir la chaine est toujours grandement apprécié, tu peux mettre un j'aime si la vidéo t'a plu et si tu as appris des choses, tu peux également t'abonner à ma chaine, c'est une façon très simple de me remercier pour mon travail ❤️

???????? Commente Mystère et boule de gomme si tu as lu toute la description ????

Merci d'avoir regardé cette vidéo.
Thanks for watching ❤


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Je filme avec un Canon G7x Mark III
Je monte avec Adobe Premiere Pro + After Effects

Luoghi Incantati: Le Meraviglie Naturali più Belle d'Europa | 4K Guida di Viaggio

Benvenuti a bordo di un viaggio emozionante attraverso gli incantevoli luoghi naturali d'Europa! Il nostro documentario in 4K vi condurrà alla scoperta dei posti più belli del continente, utilizzando il drone per catturare immagini straordinarie e dettagliate.

Esploreremo la varietà della natura d'Europa, dai paesaggi affascinanti dell'Italia alle maestose bellezze della Francia, dall'isola magica dell'Islanda alle fiabe nordiche della Norvegia e della Finlandia, fino alle ispiranti Meteore della Grecia e alle perle segrete di Montenegro, Slovenia e Portogallo.

Le attrazioni naturali e i paesaggi più belli d'Europa si sveleranno davanti ai vostri occhi, incantandovi con la loro bellezza senza tempo. Sarà come immergersi in un sogno, dove la natura si manifesta in tutta la sua grandiosità e bellezza.

Il drone ci offrirà prospettive uniche e spettacolari di queste meraviglie, permettendoci di volare sopra le maestose montagne delle Dolomiti, sorvolare le valli verdeggianti e le cascate dell'Islanda, e ammirare le scogliere a picco sull'oceano delle Isole Faroe.

Preparatevi a essere affascinati dalle meraviglie naturali più belle d'Europa, ciascuna con la sua storia, il suo fascino e la sua unicità. Dalle magnifiche cascate di Dettifoss alle grotte magiche della Slovenia, ogni luogo avrà una storia da raccontare e un impatto indelebile sulla vostra anima di viaggiatori curiosi.

Il nostro documentario in 4K vi permetterà di vivere l'esperienza di esplorare questi luoghi incantati come se foste lì di persona. Sarete circondati dalla natura in tutta la sua gloria, in un viaggio visivo indimenticabile.

Non perdete l'occasione di scoprire le migliori attrazioni naturali e i paesaggi più belli d'Europa in questo documentario unico. Preparatevi ad essere ispirati e incantati dalle meraviglie che il nostro continente ha da offrire, e preparatevi a sognare ad occhi aperti durante questo straordinario viaggio attraverso luoghi incantati.

#placestovisit #europa #luoghi #viaggio #europetravel #meraviglie #natura

00:00 Introduzione
00:58 Aurora Boreale
01:50 Laghi di Plitvice, Croazia
02:44 Costiera Amalfitana, Italia
03:45 Meteora, Grecia
04:35 Gola del Verdon, Francia
05:28 Fiordi, Norvegia
06:19 Cappadocia, Turchia
07:14 Isole Faroe
08:10 Dolomiti, Italia
09:11 Cascata di Dettifoss, Islanda
10:05 Highlands Scozzesi
11:00 Vatnajökull, Islanda
11:57 Durmitor, Montenegro
12:59 Grotta di Postojna, Slovenia

Movimento na estação de Riachos - Torres Novas - Golegã

14/10/2017 Riachos - Torres Novas - Golegã
Movimento ferroviário na estação de Riachos - Torres Novas - Golegã no quilómetro 102 da Linha do Norte. Mercadorias, regionais, intercidades e Alfa Pendular.

14/10/2017 Riachos - Torres Novas - Golegã
Rail traffic at Riachos - Torres Novas - Golegã station, Kilometric point 102 North Line in Portugal. This video features freight, regional, intercity and Alfa Pendular trains.
Music: #NoFerroviario #trains #travel

???? Torres Novas - Mais Portugal

Torres Novas - Portugal
Torres Novas é uma cidade portuguesa pertencente ao distrito de Santarém, na província do Ribatejo, região do Centro e sub-região do Médio Tejo, com cerca de 36.716 habitantes. É sede de um município com 270 km² de área e 36 338 habitantes , subdividido em 10 freguesias.
Venha você também conhecer Torres Novas.

#MaisPortugal #Portugaleassim #TorresNovas

12 MUST DO things on Day One at YOSEMITE

Is this your first time at Yosemite? This will be a great guide to help you get familiar with the basics and make your initial arrival smooth. I've been coming to Yosemite for years and these are the things I wish I would have known on my first visit.

This video was filmed on April 2nd, 2021 in Yosemite National Park when the snow is melting from higher elevations so the waterfalls have their maximum water flow.

Here are the 15 things I would recommend doing:
1. Get there early!
2. Credit Card Only
3. Use the bathroom at the entrance gate
4. Pull off the road at El Capitan
5. Park in Yosemite Village
6. Visit the Village Store and Gift Shop
7. Eat lunch at the Loft Cafe
8. Fill your water bottle with fresh Yosemite water
9. Visit the park information tents
10. Hike to Lower or Upper Yosemite Falls
11. Take a cold dip in one of the streams
12. Tunnel view at sunset

Any drone footage featured in this video is STOCK FOOTAGE and was not filmed by me or anyone associated with The Places Beyond.

Is Candal, Portugal the CUTEST Aldeias do Xisto Village? - Walking Tour Video

Candal, Portugal is one of the 27 “schist villages” (Aldeais do Xisto) in the mountains of Central Portugal. It is serene and beautiful, clinging to a hillside with idyllic scenery all around. Candal is a great place for tourists to visit, as it has easy access from the road and doesn't require hiking. But if you're up for a hike, you can walk between Candal and other aldeais do xisto villages nearby. An unforgettable experience and one of the best things to do and see in Portugal!

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Cidade de Gouveia - Guarda

???? Gouveia é uma cidade portuguesa do distrito da Guarda.
Integrado na encosta ocidental da Serra da Estrela, em Gouveia apreciam-se vistas de cortar a respiração, com vastos horizontes e panorâmicas de praticamente 180º dos seus mirantes como são o do Paixotão e do Monte Calvário, junto ao centro da cidade. Avista-se o vale do Mondego e os horizontes recortados pelas vários sistemas montanhosos da Beira Alta. O acesso ao maciço central é feito através de toda a encosta, proporcionando uma viagem até ao ponto mais alto da serra, com vistas ímpares em Portugal.
Vários ribeiros e riachos descem a encosta e criam pequenas bacias hidrográficas, que proporcionam às populações um grande número de fontes de água pura e cristalina, que alimentam o maior rio exclusivamente português, o rio Mondego, que nasce no município, na fonte do Mondeguinho em pleno Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, próximo do Vale do Rossim.

Top 10 Hidden Places to Visit in Louisville, Kentucky | USA - English

#LouisvilleUSA #HiddenPlaces #Tourism #HiddenPlacesInLouisville #LouisvilleHiddenPlaces #LouisvillePlacesHidden #LouisvilleUSA
There are many hidden places to visit in Louisville, but we selected the top 10 hidden places to visit in Louisville. These places contain caves, forts, hills, ponds, and water streams. Many people do not know about these unknown places in Louisville. We researched and found these hidden places in Louisville. We hope you will like this video.

In this video, we will show you the 10 hidden places of Louisville and you should visit these places. if you visit Louisville and want to go on mostly unknown places in Louisville.

Apricot Wanderer's mission is to promote the beauty of the capitals of the world as well as cities and promote the tourism of those cities.

There are many Hidden Places in Louisville. USA has some of the best Hidden Places in Louisville. We collected data on the top 10 Hidden Places to visit in Louisville. There are many famous Hidden Places in Louisville and some of them are beautiful Hidden Places in Louisville. People from all over USA love these Louisville beautiful Hidden Places which are also Louisville famous Hidden Places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful Hidden Places to visit in Louisville.

Please like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel Apricot Wanderers and press the Bell icon to stay updated for more videos.


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Please visit our Official Apricot Wanderers Website for Tourism Blogs

Top 10 Hidden Places to Visit in Jersey City, New Jersey | USA - English

#JerseyCityUSA #HiddenPlaces #Tourism #HiddenPlacesInJerseyCity #JerseyCityHiddenPlaces #JerseyCityPlacesHidden #JerseyCity
There are many hidden places to visit in Jersey City, but we selected the top 10 hidden places to visit in Jersey City. These places contain caves, forts, hills, ponds, and water streams. Many people do not know about these unknown places in Jersey City. We researched and found these hidden places in Jersey City. We hope you will like this video.

In this video, we will show you the 10 hidden places of Jersey City and you should visit these places. if you visit Jersey City and want to go on mostly unknown places in Jersey City.

Chapters of the Video
0:00 Introduction
0:11 Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal
2:26 Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital
0:45 White Mana Diner
1:03 Infinity Climber
1:21 The Katyn Massacre Memorial
1:39 Jersey City and Harsimus Cemetery
1:54 The Colgate Clock
2:10 The Black Tom Explosion Memorial
2:29 Morris Canal
2:50 JSQ Lounge

Apricot Wanderer's mission is to promote the beauty of the capitals of the world as well as cities and promote the tourism of those cities.

There are many Hidden Places in Jersey City. USA has some of the best Hidden Places in Jersey City. We collected data on the top 10 Hidden Places to visit in Jersey City. There are many famous Hidden Places in Jersey City and some of them are beautiful Hidden Places in Jersey City. People from all over USA love these Jersey City beautiful Hidden Places which are also Jersey City famous Hidden Places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful Hidden Places to visit in Jersey City.

Please like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel Apricot Wanderers and press the Bell icon to stay updated for more videos.


All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them.

Riding on Lisbon's 19th-Century Funiculars ????????

Step back in time and experience the charm of Lisbon's funiculars, one of Lisbon's most picturesque modes of transport. The iconic funiculars are: Bica Funicular (Ascensor da Bica in Portuguese), Glória Funicular (Ascensor da Glória) and Lavra Funicular (Ascensor do Lavra), all of them installed in the 19th century. Funiculars provide a convenient and efficient means of transportation between elevated and lower areas, saving people from having to climb Lisbon's steep hills.

???? A river cruise on a traditional boat:
???? Walking tour of Bairro Alto:
???? Lisbon nightlife, Bairro Alto:
▶️ Map with ALL my videos:

This walking tour was filmed in 4K resolution, first-person point of view with captions (no talking), for a more immersive experience!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ???? If you like this video ????

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⌚ Video chapters ⌚

0:00 Intro to Lisbon's funiculars
1:08 Starting the walking tour
6:21 Bica funicular
10:38 Chiado district
19:55 Glória funicular
24:07 Downtown
27:39 Lavra funicular
32:23 Glória funicular
35:09 Bica funicular

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ???? About POV Tours ????

POV Tours - Portugal in 4K is all about immersive and relaxing walking tours. You'll experience, as if you're there in person, lively urban areas, small picturesque towns, historical places, monuments, as well as places of natural beauty.

As I'm based in Lisbon, Portugal, most of my videos will be in this region, but there will be videos from all over Portugal in the future. Is there a special place in Lisbon you'd like to see, or elsewhere in Portugal? Let me know in the comment section below and I'll see what I can do!
Includes music by instrumental music composer Adrian von Ziegler

Lusitânia Expresso 19xx Tancos e 26xx Riachos 5 Nov 2005

Passagem do Comboio Internacional Lusitânia Expresso em Tancos(Linha da Beira Baixa) traccionado por uma máquina diesel da série 1930 e em Riachos traccionado por uma máquina da série 2600/20 a 5 Nov 2005



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