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10 Best place to visit in Pudozh Russia


Russia 2016 / Pudozh - Olonets

Hankala päivä ajatti Vytegran läpi takaisin Äänisen länsipuolelle.
The day of struggles. The tour around Lake Onega saw its end when we rode through Vytegra and kept on going west.

Biisit / Songs:
Rusty Tea Makers - Mirror
Rusty Tea Makers - Summer
Rusty Tea Makers - Lie in a box
Rusty Tea Makers - I need more
Alex Che - Grand Epic

Kizhi. The wooden wonder of Russia. Virtual travel. Aerial 360 video in 12K

In the northern part of Lake Onega, there is an island known all over the world: it is named Kizhi. A nature reserve protecting rare animal and plant species was created here. But definitely, the major landmark of the island is its architectural complex, Kizhi State Open-Air Museum of History, Architecture and Ethnography. Don't forget that this is 360 video: you can change the angle of view.

We express our gratitude to the staff of the Kizhi Museum and personally to the director E.V. Bogdanova, as well as Dmitry Dyugay for the help in organizing the filming.
Special thanks to Roman Tokarev from Insta360 Russia for the provided equipment.

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YouTube does not support 12K 360 video yet, so the video was down-sampled from 12K to 8K. But still you need an extraordinary computer power for watching 8K 360° videos.

Nowadays you need extraordinary computer power for watching 8K 360° videos. If you have troubles with watching such videos, choose 4K or HD quality in the settings of your YouTube player. We hope that YouTube will find a solution for optimization this videoformat to make it watchable for common users.

Also here is the answer for a frequently asked question about true resolution of an 8K 360° video. Unlike standard videos, in a 360° video you can see only a part of original image (approximately 30 degrees out of 360). As result, the real resolution of the part you can see isn't bigger than 1.3K.

#AirPanoNature #Kizhi #Virtualtravel #Russia #AirPano #360video #VR

Russia, Murom, Holy Trinity Monastery. (Россия, Муром, Свято Троицкий монастырь.)

#Murom #Russia #Россия #Монастырь #travel #путешествия #Djondo
Holy Trinity convent - monastery Murom diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, located in the city of Murom. Known fact that it saved the relics of saints Peter and Fevronia, who are revered in Russia as the patrons of family and marriage.
The monastery was founded in the second quarter of the XVII century (1643) Murom merchant Tarasy Borisovich Tsvetnova, according to some local historians - on the site of the so-called old fort where initially during the XI-XIII centuries have wooden cathedral in honor of Saints Boris and Gleb, and later there was a wooden Holy Trinity Church.

In 1642-1643 years' care and securing such Tarasy Tsvetnova in place of a wooden church was built Holy Trinity Cathedral of the stone has been preserved to date. In 1643 Tarasy Tsvetnov asked the Bishop of Ryazan and Murom permission for the foundation of the cathedral of the monastery, and he received such consent.

The main decoration of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity are gilded wrought-iron crosses - masterpieces blacksmith work Murom craftsmen of XVII century - and the glazed tiles of the same century with a variety of ornaments. Tiles Trinity Cathedral give special elegance and unique identity that distinguishes it from other temples of Murom. The style in which built this cathedral, called the Russian Uzoroche.

In the years 1648-1652 in the southern part of the monastery on the same foundation were built tent Gate Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and slotted tiered bell tower.

Свя́то-Тро́ицкий же́нский монасты́рь — монастырь Муромской епархии Русской православной церкви, расположенный в городе Муроме. Известен тем, что в нём сохраняются мощи святых Петра и Февронии, которые почитаются в России как покровители семьи и брака.
Монастырь основан во второй четверти XVII века (1643) муромским купцом Тарасием Борисовичем Цветновым, по мнению ряда краеведов — на месте так называемого «старого городища», где первоначально в период XI—XIII веков располагался деревянный кафедральный собор в честь святых Бориса и Глеба, а позднее существовал деревянный Свято-Троицкий храм.

В 1642—1643 годах «тщанием и снисканием» Тарасия Цветнова на месте деревянного храма был возведен Свято-Троицкий каменный собор, сохранившийся до настоящего времени. В 1643 году Тарасий Цветнов просил у епископа Рязанского и Муромского разрешения на основание при соборе монастыря, и такое согласие он получил.

Главным украшением Свято-Троицкого собора являются кованные золоченые кресты — шедевры кузнечной работы муромских умельцев XVII века, — и поливные изразцы того же столетия с разнообразными орнаментами. Изразцы придают Троицкому собору особое изящество и неповторимое своеобразие, отличающее его от других муромских храмов. Стиль, в котором создан этот собор, называется русское узорочье.

В 1648—1652 годах в южной части монастыря на одном фундаменте были построены надвратная шатровая церковь во имя Казанской иконы Божией Матери и прорезная многоярусная колокольня.
x Republic of Karelia

Republic of Karelia is the beautiful northern land with an abundance of natural, historic-cultural and architectural monuments attracting tourists from all over the world. Russia. (卡累利阿共和国, カレリア共和国, جمهورية كاريليا). See on map .

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Здравствуй Беломорск. 2 февраля 2015

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