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10 Best place to visit in Pijijiapan Mexico


Top10 Lugares para Visitar en Chiapas

La abundancia de sus recursos naturales, la grandiosidad de su zonas arqueológicas, la belleza de sus ciudades típicas y la personalidad única que le da la presencia de su población indígena, hacen del estado un destino turístico que nadie debe dejar de visitar.

Aquí te mostramos el Top 10 de sitios que no te debes perder en tu próxima visita a este bello estado.

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Life of Riley de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution (

Pijijiapan, Chiapas , Mexico, before the 8.1 earthquake off the coast. hotels , travel, reserve

Pijijiapan, Chiapas , Mexico, before the 8.1 earthquake off the coast. hotels , travel, nature reserve
Chiapas travel,
Chiapas tourism,
Chiapas nature,
Chiapas earthquake,
Chiapas tsunami,
Mexico travel,
Mexico tourism,
Mexico nature,
Mexico eartquake,
Mexico tsunami,
Paredon travel,
Paredon tourism,
Paredon nature,
Paredon eartquake,
Paredon tsunami,
Pijijiapan is a town and municipality in the Mexican state of Chiapas, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean about midway between the border with the state of Oaxaca and the international frontier with Guatemala.
As of 2010, the municipality had a total population of 50,079,[1] up from 46,949 as of 2005. It has a land area of 2,223.3 km².
As of 2010, the city of Pijijiapan had a population of 16,917.[1] Other than the city of Pijijiapan, the municipality had 1,305 localities, the largest of which (with 2010 populations in parentheses) were: Las Brisas (1,718), San Isidro (1,626), Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez (Margaritas) (1,617), Tamaulipas (Joaquín Amaro) (1,567), El Carmen (1,416), Hermenegildo Galeana (1,158), El Palmarcito (1,135), and La Esperanza (El Zapotal) (1,031), classified as rural.[1]
On 7 September 2017, a powerful earthquake of magnitude 8.1 struck the coast of Pijijiapan, with the epicenter placed at 123 km (78 miles) southwest of the town.[2]
El nombre Pijijiapan, proviene de la lengua náhuatl, es un topónimo aglutinado que se compone de dos palabras:
pijiji = es el nombre de un ave palmípeda (Dendrocygna autumnalis) característica de la región.
-apan = significa lugar en el agua o lugar en el río, es decir:
Lugar en el río de los pijijis, cuyo nombre es onomatopeya de tales aves.
Este municipio se ubica en la costa del océano Pacífico en la sección del Itsmo, y tiene una extensión territorial de 2,223.30 km².
Límites municipales[editar]
Tiene límites administrativos con los siguientes municipios y/o accidentes geográficos, según su ubicación:3​
Pijijiapan es un municipio del estado mexicano de Chiapas, ubicado en la costa del océano Pacífico, en la región socioeconómica de Istmo-costa conformada por tres municipios.
Pijijiapan, Chiapas, México, antes del terremoto de 8,1 frente a la costa. hoteles, viajes, reserva natural
Chiapas viajes,
Chiapas turismo,
Chiapas naturaleza,
Terremoto de Chiapas,
Tsunami de Chiapas,
México viajes,
  México turismo,
México naturaleza,
México eartquake,
  México tsunami,
  Viajes a Pijijiapan,
  Pijijiapan turismo,
  Pijijiapan naturaleza,
  Pijijiapan eartquake,
  Tsunami de Pijijiapan,
The Gulf of Tehuantepec lies above the convergent boundary where the Cocos Plate is being subducted below the North American Plate at a rate of 6.4 cm/yr (2.5 in/yr).[10]
According to the National Seismological Service (SSN) of Mexico, the epicenter was located in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, about 137 kilometres (85 mi) southeast of Tonalá, Chiapas.[1] The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the epicenter was about 87 kilometres (54 mi) southwest of Pijijiapan, Chiapas.[2] The SSN reported a measurement of M 8.4,[1] while the USGS reported a M 8.1 earthquake after correcting an earlier estimate of M 8.0.[2]
The earthquake is the most powerful to be measured in Mexico since the 1985 Mexico City earthquake,[11][12] and is comparable to the 1932 Jalisco earthquakes.[13]
Several homes in Chiapas have reportedly toppled or have been severely damaged by the earthquake; hospitals and schools were also damaged.[4] At least five people have died in the earthquake, including three in Chiapas and two in Tabasco.[4]
The earthquake also caused buildings to shake and sway in Mexico City, while also knocking out electricity.[4] There were reports of glasses shattered at Mexico City International Airport.[14]
A tsunami with waves of 1 metre (3.3 ft) and higher was generated by the earthquake and was recorded at Salina Cruz.[5]
In the hour following the earthquake, at least five aftershocks were recorded by the USGS.[15] The SSN has recorded at least 61 aftershocks.[1

Cañón del Sumidero Chiapas, la guía definitiva

En esta guía acerca del Cañón del Sumidero, te contamos todo lo que necesitas saber para preparar tu viaje a Chiapas y vivir esta gran experiencia. Continúa leyendo para obtener los enlaces de los lugares que mencionamos en el video.

Los embarcaderos hacia el Cañón del Sumidero están en el pueblo mágico de Chiapa de Corzo, por lo cuál te recomendamos mucho hospedarte en el pueblito y no en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutierrez, ya que el Chiapa de Corzo tiene más que ofrecerte como viajero.

*Dónde hospedarte

-A dos cuadras de la plaza principal de Chiapa de Corzo, está ubicado el Hotel La Ceiba uno de los más completos del pueblo, que te aseguramos que te va a satisfacer en todos los aspectos de tu viaje, nosotros lo escogimos por ubicación y precio, revisa su página web para que conozcas sus paquetes y ofertas:

*Camino al Cañón del Sumidero

-Hay varias cooperativas turísticas que ofrecen el tour en lancha, nosotros nos fuimos con la cooperativa Grijalva y nos costó $190 pesos por persona. Te recomendamos que te pongas bloqueador de sol y que lleves sombrero o gorra. El recorrido dura aproximadamente 2 horas.

*El Cañón del Sumidero

-Durante tu trayecto puedes ver muchas especies de fauna y formaciones rocosas que, si dejas volar tu imaginación, semejan animales, rostros, y todo tipo de figuras. Los muros del Cañón llegan a medir más de 1000 metros de altura, lo demás te lo puede ir platicando tu guía, tampoco queremos platicarte todos los detalles para que los descubras por ti mismo.

*Recomendaciones durante tu recorrido

-No te quites el chaleco para nada, primero por tu seguridad, segundo por que si te ve una autoridad, te harás acreedor de una multa.
-Por favor, si generas desechos mientras navegas por el Cañón, guárdalos en tu mochila para tirarlos después en la basura.
-Disfruta primero, toma fotos después.
-Al terminar NO TE QUITES la pulsera, la puedes necesitar después.

*Dónde comer en Chiapa de Corzo

-Terminando el paseo en lancha, te recomendamos saciar tu apetito en el restaurante El campanario, ahí puedes probar los platillos más representativos de Chiapas, son deliciosos y la atención es muy buena. No es precisamente barato, pero el sabor de la comida y la abundancia con la que te sirven vale la pena.

*Los 5 miradores del Cañón del Sumidero

-A media hora de Chiapa de Corzo está el acceso al Parque Nacional el Cañón del Sumidero que debes de visitar para completar tu experiencia. El acceso tiene un costo de $31 por persona, pero es gratis si muestras la pulsera que te dieron durante el paseo de Lancha.

-Vale la pena parar en cada mirador para contemplar por un momento los diferentes ángulos de esta maravilla natural, sin embargo el 5to mirador, el que se encuentra en la cima del Cañón es el que tiene la vista más impresionante.

-En la tienda de artesanías que hay en este lugar, puedes comprar los Karushitos, una artesanía muy original de Chiapas, son animalitos hechos con semillas de distintos árboles y pintados a mano. Éstos personajes tienen un canal de Youtube, aquí está su enlace:

*Diviértete y baila en el parque de la Marimba.

-Antes de regresar al Hotel, ve al Parque de la Marimba en el centro de Tuxtla Gutierrez para disfrutar de una tarde de música viva, la orquesta toca todos los días de 6pm a 9pm, es muy divertido.

*Visita la Fuente Opilóna en Chiapa de Corzo

-Un monumento artístico, único en su tipo, dónde te vas a tomar unas fotos padrísimas para que te lleves un recuerdo magnífico de tu aventura en el cañón del sumidero.

Eso es todo lo que necesitas saber para tener la mejor experiencia cuando te decidas a vistar este majestuoso lugar.

Music by Joakim Karud

Top 10 Playas para Visitar en Chiapas

La franja costera de Chiapas cuenta con unos bellos paisajes soleados de tranquilidad absoluta.
Si estás en busca de paz y tranquilidad, la costa chiapaneca es el mejor destino para dedicar unos días a sus espectaculares playas.

Aquí te mostramos el Top 10 Playas que debes Visitar en Chiapas.

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No puedo dejar de estar enamorada de México! Esta vez me tocó conocer Chiapas y las cosas que pude ver, comer y experimentar me han dejado sin palabras!

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#Chiapas #Mexico #Viaje2021

El Palmarcito Pijijiapan Chiapas Mexico con DJI Mavic Air 2

Short video with DJI mavic air 2

El Palmarcito Pijijiapan Chiapas Mexico 10/9/2020

Hotel Boutique Manglares, Chocohuital, Pijijiapan Chiapas

Exploramos Chocohuital en Pijijiapan Chiapas visitando sus manglares y hospedando nos en Hotel boutique Manglares donde te ayudarán a tener la experiencia completa de lo que es Chocohuital al mismo tiempo, que te dan un servicio único con alimentos de muy buen sabor y calidad

Recuerda que los manglares son un ecosistema de gran importancia en nuestro estado y que es el lugar perfecto para observar fauna única del estado en su hábitat natural.

Hotel boutique Manglares

Video grabado con gopro hero 9

Tomas de Dron con Dji mini 3 por Francisco García

Video editado con gopro Quick y Splice

No olvides visitar también nuestro Instagram donde verás más fotos de este bello lugar

Outfit by Larva
Entra y pon el código: exploringchiapas y obtén 10% de descuento en tu pedido


Al aventurarse hasta el final del camino, descubre “Refugio del Sol”, un lugar diseñado para viajeros, que andan en busca de tranquilidad y la experiencia de vivir en uno los lugares más secretos, exclusivos de Chiapas.
Este bello paraiso, se encuentra ubicado en Chocohuital, en el municipio de Pijijiapan, Chiapas, su propietaria, Pilar Martínez, asegura que este, es un espacio diseñado para los amantes de la naturaleza, debido a que se vive en medio de manglares, de la naturaleza particular que lo caracteriza, por encontrarse frente al bello estero de Chocohuital.



Tuxtla Gutiérrez , Chiapas, Mexico , before the 2017 earthquake, hotels, church, tourism, travel

Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Tuxtla Gutiérrez , Chiapas, Mexico , before the 2017 earthquakr, hotels, church, tourism, travel
Tuxtla Gutiérrez earthquake,
Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas,
Tuxtla Gutiérrez hotels,
Tuxtla Gutiérrez church,
Tuxtla Gutiérrez tourism,
On 7 September 2017, at approximately 11:49 p.m. local time, a magnitude 8.2[2] earthquake occurred off the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, approximately 87 kilometres (54 mi) south of Pijijiapan in the Gulf of Tehuantepec.[3] The earthquake caused some buildings in Mexico City to shake, prompting people to evacuate.[4] At least five people have been killed, according to the state governments of Chiapas and Tabasco.[5] The earthquake also generated a tsunami with waves of 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) above tide level;[6] tsunami alerts have been issued for surrounding areas.[7] It was the strongest earthquake recorded in Mexico since the devastating 1985 Mexico City earthquake,[8] as well as the second strongest recorded in the country's history, behind the magnitude 8.6 earthquake in 1787.[9] It is also the most intense recorded globally in 2017.[10]
On 6 September, several earthquake alarms in Mexico City were mistakenly activated and prompted the evacuation of buildings. The incident prompted a review of the system.[11]
Tectonic setting[edit]
The Gulf of Tehuantepec lies above the convergent boundary where the Cocos Plate is being subducted below the North American Plate at a rate of 6.4 cm/yr (2.5 in/yr).[12]
According to the National Seismological Service (SSN) of Mexico, the epicenter was located in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, about 137 kilometres (85 mi) southeast of Tonalá, Chiapas.[2] The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the epicenter was about 87 kilometres (54 mi) southwest of Pijijiapan, Chiapas.[3] The SSN reported a measurement of M 8.4,[2] while the USGS reported a M 8.1 earthquake after correcting an earlier estimate of M 8.0.[3]
The earthquake is the most powerful to be measured in Mexico since the 1985 Mexico City earthquake,[13][14] and is comparable to the 1932 Jalisco earthquakes.[15]
Several homes in Chiapas have reportedly toppled or have been severely damaged by the earthquake; hospitals and schools were also damaged.[5] At least five people have died in the earthquake, including three in Chiapas and two in Tabasco.[5]
The earthquake also caused buildings to shake and sway in Mexico City, while also knocking out electricity.[5] There were reports of glasses shattered at Mexico City International Airport.[16]
The epicenter was near Mexico's border with Guatemala, where the quake was felt in Guatemala City, and infrastructure damage was reported by CONRED in the nation's south-west.[1] President Jimmy Morales claimed that one Guatemalan may have been killed.[17]
A tsunami with waves of 1 metre (3.3 ft) and higher was generated by the earthquake and was recorded at Salina Cruz.[6] The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for the entire Pacific coast of Central America, also extending south to Ecuador.[18]
Mexico,before the 8.1 earthquake off the coast. hotels,travel,reserve,earthquake,8.1 earthquake,Mexico earthquake,Chiapas earthquake,Pijijiapan,Chiapas,Chiapas travel,Chiapas tourism,Chiapas nature,Chiapas tsunami,Pijijiapan travel,Pijijiapan tourism,Pijijiapan nature,Pijijiapan eartquake,Pijijiapan tsunami,Mexico travel,Mexico tourism,Mexico nature,Mexico eartquake,Mexico tsunami

Earthquake in Mexico explained, off the coast of Pijijiapan , Chiapas, tsunami warning

Earthquake in Mexico,

Earthquake in Mexico explained, off the coast of Pijijiapan , Chiapas
Features and effects of an Earthquake
tsunami warning

effects of an earthquake, earthquake, effects of an earthquake , earhtquake features, features, focus, hypocenter, epicenter, tremor, tremors , seismic waves, seismic wave, shock wave, shock waves, fault, normal fault, scarp, escarpment, damage, damage to buildings, fault plane, earth movements, earth, flood, floodings, Adjoining plates, plates, fault line, landslides, hilly ground, hills, Liquefication of sediments, liquefication, quake,
geography, g

Places to visit in Mexico. Chiapas

Chiapas Earthquake Mexico, 8.2 magnitude, first images, Gulf of Tehuantepec

On 7 September 2017, at approximately 11:49 p.m. local time, a magnitude 8.2[2] earthquake occurred off the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, approximately 87 kilometres (54 mi) south of Pijijiapan in the Gulf of Tehuantepec.[3] The earthquake caused some buildings in Mexico City to shake, prompting people to evacuate.[4] At least five people have been killed, according to the state governments of Chiapas and Tabasco.[5] The earthquake also generated a tsunami with waves of 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) above tide level;[6] tsunami alerts have been issued for surrounding areas.[7] It was the strongest earthquake recorded in Mexico since the devastating 1985 Mexico City earthquake,[8] as well as the second strongest recorded in the country's history, behind the magnitude 8.6 earthquake in 1787.[9] It is also the most intense recorded globally in 2017.[10]
On 6 September, several earthquake alarms in Mexico City were mistakenly activated and prompted the evacuation of buildings. The incident prompted a review of the system.[11]
Tectonic setting[edit]
The Gulf of Tehuantepec lies above the convergent boundary where the Cocos Plate is being subducted below the North American Plate at a rate of 6.4 cm/yr (2.5 in/yr).[12]
According to the National Seismological Service (SSN) of Mexico, the epicenter was located in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, about 137 kilometres (85 mi) southeast of Tonalá, Chiapas.[2] The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the epicenter was about 87 kilometres (54 mi) southwest of Pijijiapan, Chiapas.[3] The SSN reported a measurement of M 8.4,[2] while the USGS reported a M 8.1 earthquake after correcting an earlier estimate of M 8.0.[3]
The earthquake is the most powerful to be measured in Mexico since the 1985 Mexico City earthquake,[13][14] and is comparable to the 1932 Jalisco earthquakes.[15]
Several homes in Chiapas have reportedly toppled or have been severely damaged by the earthquake; hospitals and schools were also damaged.[5] At least five people have died in the earthquake, including three in Chiapas and two in Tabasco.[5]
The earthquake also caused buildings to shake and sway in Mexico City, while also knocking out electricity.[5] There were reports of glasses shattered at Mexico City International Airport.[16]
The epicenter was near Mexico's border with Guatemala, where the quake was felt in Guatemala City, and infrastructure damage was reported by CONRED in the nation's south-west.[1] President Jimmy Morales claimed that one Guatemalan may have been killed.[17]
A tsunami with waves of 1 metre (3.3 ft) and higher was generated by the earthquake and was recorded at Salina Cruz.[6] The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for the entire Pacific coast of Central America, also extending south to Ecuador.[18]
Mexico,before the 8.1 earthquake off the coast. hotels,travel,reserve,earthquake,8.1 earthquake,Mexico earthquake,Chiapas earthquake,Pijijiapan,Chiapas,Chiapas travel,Chiapas tourism,Chiapas nature,Chiapas tsunami,Pijijiapan travel,Pijijiapan tourism,Pijijiapan nature,Pijijiapan eartquake,Pijijiapan tsunami,Mexico travel,Mexico tourism,Mexico nature,Mexico eartquake,Mexico tsunami

Vive por México, qué visitar en Chiapas

Chiapas 1 week itinerary roadtrip ????????

Chiapas 1 week Itinerary!
Everything to see and do on your Chiapas, Mexico roadtrip + some helpful travel tips!

???? @sofi_lyrintzis for daily travel adventures, tips and inspiration!


1️⃣ English speakers are limited to very touristy areas so brush up on your Spanish!

2️⃣ Driving: Smaller roads were sometimes unpaved. Lots of speed-bumps, curvy mountain roads. Takes longer than map estimates.

3️⃣ Safety: Do not drive at night. Additionally, it is common for road blocks to occur, especially between San Cristobal de las Casas and Palenque, causing hours of delays and waiting.


- what I did is not what I recommend doing. My trip was way too rushed, I recommend this instead!

✈️ Fly into TGZ
- if possible see the Cañon del Sumidero but continue to San Cristobal de las Casas. Don’t spend the night in Tuxtla.

???? Tuxtla to San Cristobal de las Casas: 50min

???? San Cristobal de las Casas (2-3 nights)
- Super cute town! Walk around and enjoy the markets!
- Day trip to Cañon del Sumidero (if you don’t do it after flying in)
- Hotel I stayed in: Hotel Casavieja

???? San Cristobal de las Casas to Lagunas de Montebello: 4hrs
- direct is less drive time - longer here because on the way you can stop at Cascadas el Chiflón.

???? Lagunas de Montebello (1-2 nights)
- A national park with multiple lakes.
- You can go to view points by car or hiking or on boat rides in several.
- Hotel I stayed in: Cabañas Camino Real Tziscao

???? Lagunas de Montebello to Las Nubes: 1hr 45min

???? Las Nubes (2 nights)
- There are many many things to do here! We went rafting however there are waterfalls, hikes and caves you can explore.
- Hotel I stayed in: Centro Ecoturístico Las Nubes


en las playas de chiapas con la familia

Manglares y playa Pijijiapan Chiapas

promocional turistico de Chiapas


Chiapas es un lugar para la aventura, la contemplación y la fascinación. Aquí, los pueblos atrapan los colores y los liberan en forma de magia y de leyenda. Las culturas indígenas abrazan el pasado y lo comparten a través de su historia y de sus costumbres. Aquí el verde y el azul tiñen las imágenes del esplendor y la belleza.

Puerto Arista & Boca del Cielo ???? the Coast of Chiapas, Mexico

#Mexico #Chiapas #PuertoArista

Puerto Arista & Boca del Cielo ???? the Coast of Chiapas, Mexico

Puerto Arista and Boca del Cielo are two tiny villages on the Pacific side of Chiapas Mexico. What is it then that draws thousands of visitors a year to these otherwise quiet shores? There's more than meets the eye along the Coast of Chiapas. Find out why these places are special and what there is to do here.
BONUS: We go explore the Mayan Ruins of Iglesia Vieja in the jungle covered mountains over the coast!

I Have bought all of it and use it for real ????
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

EDITING ???? :
Editing Software: -
JBL Headphones: -

SOUND ????:
Tascam DR-07X for Voiceover and Sound Effects -
Lapel Mic -

Camera Sony A6000 and Lenses: -
DJI Osmo Action with spare battery -
Drone DJI Mavic Air -
The camera I want but can't afford :

LIGHTS ????:
Lume Cube Mini LED Light: -
SLONIK Headlamp: -

High Performance SD Cards: -
Micro SD Card: -
SD Card Case: -
OSMO Action Dive Housing: -
Selfie Pole: -
Action Camera case: -
Action Camera mounts: -
Solar Power Bank: -
Sun Protection (Hat): -



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Looking for more amazing Chiapas adventures? Check out this playlist:

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Thanks for watching!

Lugares turísticos de Chiapas

Lugares turísticos de Chiapas, Expediciones, Cascadas de Agua Azul



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