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10 Best place to visit in Parabel’ Russia


MiG-29 High Altitude Stratosphere Flight - long version 8 camera HD | flight data

Learn more about the Edge of Space Flight:
The famous MiGFlug MiG-29 Edge of Space flight (also known as Stratosphere or high altitude flight) makes the news regularly as it probably is the craziest and most surprising adventure available, worldwide. The Edge of Space Flight - or Stratosphere Flight - has several unique characteristics that can't be experienced elsewhere:

- It's the only possibility for everyone to break the sound barrier
- supersonic flying with a top speed up to MACH 1.9
- Altitude up to 20km/65,000ft altitude
- Insane aerobatics with G-Forces up to over 9g
- The only possibility to fly a modern 4th generation fighter jet
- MiGFlug customers can control the MiG-29

You will reach twice the altitude and speed of a commercial airliner. Up there, in the stratosphere, you can clearly see the curvature of the Earth. Countless stars can be seen, even at daytime - in a deeply black sky. And far below the Earth is wrapped in a blue fog - the Troposphere. A breathtaking - life changing experience.
But how does the MiG-29 climb to these altitudes? It is above the service ceiling of the beautiful fighter jet. The MiG-29 climbs at maximum speed in a huge parabola and overshoots the service ceiling.

After the Edge of Space part - on the way down, you'll get to learn the amazing agility of the MiG-29, and the G-Forces the advanced aerobatic manoeuvres in combination with high speed causes. You can experience up to 9.2g which is very intense.

You'll also be able to control the MiG-29 and fly aerobatic manoeuvres yourself - the MiG-29UB is fully dual control and you'll get to learn how to fly it before during the ground training.

This video features Canadian Ferrari racecar driver, Ferrari club president and entrepreneur Josh Cartu. He dreamed of becoming an Astronaut or fighter pilot, MiGFlug had the honour to make his dream come true. But you don't need to be as famous as Josh is - everyone can fly with us.

Canakkale Turkey 4K: Trojan Horse & Naval Museum Part 2

Canakkale Turkey 4K: Trojan Horse & Naval Museum Part 2

I was in Çanakkale back in September. On my final full day, I went to see the famous Trojan Horse that was used in the movie Troy.

Also, I had a chance to check out the impressive Naval Museum which exceeded my expectations. I ended the day with a ferry ride back to Gallipoli.

Çanakkale is a fascinating place to travel to as it's immersed in history. In addition to this, I feel it's a wonderful place to visit as a tourist due to how immaculate it is and how the weather and surrounding sea makes it an ideal place to visit.

I highly recommend you watch part 1 of my trip in Çanakkale. Check it out via this link:

To learn more about The New Ottomans, view this video:

I thank Ayberk Efendi at the @RoyalOttomanSociety for giving me the confidence to speak on the importance of the Ottomans and his book Lions of the Golden Apple is a must-read for anyone that believes the Islamic Caliphate should be reinstated:

If you are going to Çanakkale, you can contact Mesut who drove me to the many memorials shown in this video. You can call or message him on the following number: +90 (0) 543 799 2071

Intro: 0:00
Trojan Horse: 0:26
Naval Museum: 1:46
Ferry: 16:44

Get Yourself an Ottoman Ring and view a catalog of stylish Islamic clothing and accessories:
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???? Music Licensed by Epidemic Sound (get a free one-month trial by clicking the link):

INSTAGRAM: @donimran1

About me:
Hi, this is Imran, I am a digital nomad, and welcome to my channel. My goal for this channel for 2023 and beyond is to travel vlog videos in Turkey or as the locals like to call it Türkei.

God willing, I will travel to major cities of Turkey in the likes of Istanbul, Antalya, Bursa, Edirne, and Cappadocia as well as many others. I will strive to share valuable information such as how to travel from one place to another, the expenses of each adventure, and much more.

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this and please make sure to subscribe to my channel today:


Zero-G Flight - Parabolic Flight with the Airbus A300 Of Novespace

Zero-G Flight - Parabolic Flight with the Airbus A300 Of Novespace

Between December 2012 and 2015 we flew clients onboard the Airbus of Novespace into weightlessness and participated on each flight over these years.

The Airbus A300 was sent in retirement in 2014, in 2015 an A310 (the former plane of German chancellor Angela Merkel) is used. Out of organisational changes, we stopped flying in France in mid-2015.

Flights were smooth and nice, people enjoyed the time in weightlessness a lot.

We started with flying parabolic flights in 2002 in Russia (doing that up to present), between 2005 and 2010 we also fly in the United States with the Boeing B727.

Song Atmosphere by DigitalR3public

Таёжная деревня старообрядцев

The Ob Yenisei Canal is a grandiose structure in the deep taiga on the border of the Tomsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Region . At the beginning of the 20th century, this was a waterway with grandiose prospects. Now, covered with mysterious stories, the overgrown canal attracts only extreme people who are able to get to these remote places without roads.
We thought so until, we ended up our expedition #Tungusskayanomadicpath on the canal by chance . It turned out that people live on the canal. They build new houses, start families and do not complain about the lack of roads. So for the first time we got acquainted with the village of the Old Believers - Bezymyanka.

And who would have thought that a simple phone call would make us go back to the deep winter taiga in a couple of days...

Обь Енисейский канал загадочное сооружение в глухой тайге на границе Томской области и Красноярского края. В начале ХХ века это водная магистраль с грандиозными перспективами. Сейчас, овеянный таинственными историями, заросший канал привлекает только лишь экстремалов, способных добраться без дорог в эти глухие места.
Так думали и мы, пока волею случая не оказались на канале в своей экспедиции #тунгусскаякочеваятропа. Оказалось на канале живут люди. Они строят новые дома, создают семьи и не жалуются на отсутствие дорог. Так мы в первый раз познакомились с деревней часовенных староообрядев - Безымянкой.

И кто бы мог подумать что обычный телефонный звонок заставит нас уже через пару дней вновь отправиться в глухую зимнюю тайгу...

#Геотрофи #GeographyTrophy #Гапонов
#старообрядцы #староверы #сибирские_деревни #тайга #экспедиция
#путешествия #счастливые_люди #обь_енисейский_канал #безымянка #баронский_тракт #oldbelievers #old_believers

огромное спасибо руководителю
Максиму Дведенидову.????????????

The Great Vasyugan Mire in Siberia, Russia - The largest swamp

The Great Vasyugan Mire is the largest swamp in the northern hemisphere, covering 53,000 sq km. It is located in Russia, in southwestern Siberia. Every year the swamp grows by an average of 8 sq km. Fr om north to south, the swamp stretches for 320 km; from west to east — 537 km. The swamp formed about 10,000 years ago. The swamp occupies the northern part of the Ob and Irtysh interfluve, mostly within Tomsk Oblast and partially Omsk and Novosibirsk oblasts.

The Vasyugan Swamp is called the second «green lungs» of the planet after the Amazon Basin. It is a monument of nature. In 2007, the swamp was included in the Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, being one of the major regulators of the Earth's climate, able to counteract the greenhouse effect.

The swamp is the main source of fresh water in the region, with some 800,000 small lakes. The left tributaries of the Ob (Vasyugan, Parabel, Chaya, Shegarka) originate there, as well as the right tributaries of the Irtysh (Om and Tara) and rivers, feeding fishing lakes of the inner basin of Western Siberia.

The Vasyugan Swamp is the largest peat deposit in the world. The explored reserves of this mineral make up more than 1 billion tons.

The nature here has remained completely untouched. 10% of the swamp is included in the Vasyuganskiy Regional Nature Reserve (Bakcharsky District).

Subsribe on Happy Traveler -

Race Car driver Josh Cartu doing Stratosphere Flight in Supersonic Fighter Jet

Learn more:
The MiGFlug Edge of Space flight in the MiG-29 is probably the top adventure currently available worldwide - it's nuts! Up to 20km 65,000ft altitude, insane aerobatics with G-Forces over 9g, and a top speed of Mach 2.
It is the only possibility to break to sound barrier for Civilians, worldwide. There is no possibility to reach a higher speed than that. In fact, it is twice as fast as the next possibility for non military pilots.
And - you can control the MiG-29 up there, even if you are not a pilot!

But how does the Edge of Space flight day look like?
The Edge of Space flight program is as follows: The day starts usually at 09:00 - when you are picked up from your hotel by your charming interpreter and your personal driver. The limousine will bring you to Sokol Airbase, where the MiG-29UB two seater is produced. Actually, the MiG-29 you'll fly in later is the one that is being shown to potential customers. So it is always kept in perfect conditions. Now you'll be introduced to the crew and pilot, then a short medical check will ensure that you are in good conditions to do the flight. Enough sleep and no alcohol the night before is recommended.
Once the check is done, you'll continue with the flight preparations: During the briefing you'll discuss the flight program. You can let the pilot know how you'd like your Edge of Space program - especially the aerobatics part. Some want as much G's as possible, others want no aerobatics at all. But don't worry, since you probably don't know what you can stand - the flight program will be adapted once in the air, depending on how you'll feel. And the pilot will ask you regularly how you feel, so he can deliver the optimal flight program for you, custom-tailored to your preferences and condition.
After the briefing, you'll be fitted in G-suit and overall, and the helmet will be tried on and explained to you.
Now you are almost ready for the stratosphere! After being driven to the beautiful Mikoyan MiG-29UB Fulcrum, you'll do a walk around with the pilot, and do all the necessary checks. Now you'll climb into the cockpit and the crew will strap you down. Once you seat in the cockpit, the pilot will explain you all instruments - and how to use them. Remember, you'll have the possibility to fly the MiG-29 yourself. Once you are ready, the pilot will climb inside and the canopy closes and the incredibly loud Fulcrum engines are being tested.

Now the stratosphere flight starts. After taxiing to the runway, the engines get louder, and once the breaks are being released, the Fulcrum accelerates in a way you'll be pressed into your seat properly. But there is more to come.
After take off, the MiG-29 starts to climb with a climb rate of up to 330m/s. Isn't that insane? You are basically in a rocket.
You'll now fly all the way up to the Edge of Space, in a ballistic flight path. That's the only way to get that high as you'll be much higher than the service ceiling of the MiG-29 in the end. So the MiG-29 climbs with full power to that altitude - and with supersonic speed.
Once you have reached the stratosphere, you will stay there and enjoy the breathtaking view you have from there: The sky above is black. You can see a huge amount of stars even during the day. The Earth can be seen as a planet with the curvature, and it is wrapped in the blue fog of the atmosphere. Just as you know it from photos taken from space. It is described by customers as a life changing moment.
Now the way down starts. And with it, the aerobatics program. In fact, you'll be doing your own awesome airshow. Loops, rolls, inverse loops, turns, Tail slide, Hammerhead to finish off! And you'll be breaking the sound barrier again, with top speeds of up to 2450 km/h possible. And you'll get the control stick - you can fly the MiG-29 yourself.

After the flight, you'll receive a certificate with a proof of the top speed, altitude and G's you achieved.

The new video format with the outside cameras and the speed/height/G-Force indication can be ordered together with every MiG-29 flight now. Additional to the 3 outside cameras, there will also be 4 cameras inside and an additional camera man and photographer on the ground.

The video features Canadian Ferrari race car driver test pilot Josh Cartu, who booked his MiG-29 Edge of Space flight early 2015.

Video by Artur Sarkysian. A longer 7min version of Josh's flight is now available:

Civilian Edge of Space flight in the MiG-29 Fulcrum

Learn more:
The fabolous Edge of Space flight in the Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum supersonic jet, up to an altitude of 23,000m or 75,500ft. The Edge of Space flight takes place on Sokol Airbase in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The new Edge of Space flight video with outside cameras can be watched here:

These Edge of Space flights enable you to go as high as you can get as a Civilian. and at the same time, it is the fastest speed you can achieve. And the only possibility nowadays to break the sound barrier and fly at supersonic speed - worldwide! Again: Currently it is not possible for civilians to go higher than the MiG-29 Edge of Space altitude. And it is not possible to fly faster than the MiG-29 (up to Mach 2!). The view that customers have at the Edge of Space is fascinating: The sky above is very dark, almost black. With countless stars. The atmosphere far below looks like a blue fog. And you can clearly see the curvature of the earth. Stunning, extraordinary, marvellous, incredible, phenomenal, mind-blowing and life changing are words used by past Edge of Space customers to describe this experience.

But how does it work to fly to the Edge of Space as a Civilian customer? How can you even get into a supersonic fighter jet without being a military fighter pilot? That's possible as you have a very professional, experienced MiG-29 test pilot with you. Before the flight you'll get a cockpit and flight system training, so you know how to fly the MiG-29 yourself. And you'll be able to control the jet during part of the flight!

Another question often asked is: But how does the MiG-29 Fulcrum even climb to that altitude? That's a smart question, after all the service ceiling of the legendary MiG-29 is significantly lower than the altitude reached during an Edge of Space flight. The answer might be surprising to you: You are kind of sitting in a flying cannon ball during your stratospheric MiG-29 flight. As it is climbing with full afterburner it overshoots and gets much higher than the service ceiling. The MiG-29 is climbing to that Edge of Space flight altitude at supersonic speed and at a climb rate up to 330m/s - in a ballistic flight path.

It is very important that Edge of Space flights are don during the winter. The MiG-29 can climb much higher when the air is cold. The difference can be as much as 3km (10,000 ft).

Aerobatics is also included in the flight:
- Rolls
- Immelman
- Looping
- Split-S
- Vertical dive
- SportyCurves
- Tail-Slide
- Zero Gravity parabola
...and much more!


SVO New Terminal

Hal Tabu Di 12 Negara, Ada Larangan Yang Tidak Masuk Diakal !!

Ketika Berkunjung ke 12 Negara Ini, Jangan Sembarangan Melakukan Hal Ini!

Setiap negara memiliki budaya yang berbeda, sehingga tidak semua tindakan yang dianggap wajar di satu negara dapat diterima di negara lain. Misalnya, menggunakan isyarat tangan di satu negara mungkin tidak masalah, tetapi di negara lain, hal itu bisa dianggap menghina. Untuk menghindari kesalahan ketika berada di suatu negara, ada beberapa hal yang sebaiknya anda ketahui. dan Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal yang dilarang dilakukan ketika anda berada di 12 negara yang hal tabu nih akan bahas, menurut sumber kutipan yang linknya di deskripsi.

1. Inggris

Inggris memiliki larangan memotong antrean karena hal itu bisa menimbulkan masalah besar. Selain itu, jangan juga tanyakan berapa gaji seseorang, akan lebih baik jika menanyakan sesuatu yang sedikit lebih sopan. Dan jangan undang seseorang ke rumah kecuali jika anda telah mengenalnya dengan baik.

2. Kroasia

Di Kroasia, jangan menaikkan ibu jari, telunjuk, dan jari tengah secara bersamaan karena isyarat tangan tersebut menandakan anda adalah nasionalis Serbia.

3. Chile

Jangan makan apapun hanya dengan menggunakan tangan ketika berada di negara Chile. Selain itu, cara berperilaku di Chile lebih formal dibandingkan di negara lainnya.

4. India

Berciuman di depan umum di India dilarang dan bisa menyebabkan anda masuk penjara. Selain itu, ada larangan kontak fisik dengan jenis kelamin yang berbeda seperti bersalaman atau memeluk kecuali itu memang ditawarkan oleh penduduk lokal langsung.

5. Singapura

Singapura merupakan negara yang sangat disiplin, sehingga salah bertingkah sedikit saja bisa kena denda. anda bisa dikenai denda jika memberi makan burung, meludah sembarangan, merokok, makan di angkutan umum, dan membuang sampah sembarangan.

6. Meksiko

Meksiko punya larangan untuk tidak memandang rendah orang lain. Selain itu, jangan mudah tersinggung karena orang Meksiko senang bercanda dan candaan mereka tidak mengenal batas. Orang Meksiko sangat menyukai jika anda mencoba berbahasa Meksiko dan ikut berpartisipasi dalam budaya mereka.

7. Prancis

Ketika berada di Prancis, jangan mengharapkan banyak variasi sayuran karena tidak banyak orang Prancis yang vegetarian dan hanya sedikit dari mereka yang menerima para vegetarian. Hal penting lainnya yang dilarang adalah jangan membicarakan soal uang karena tabu hukumnya. Dan jangan terlalu berharap orang Prancis untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris karena sistem pendidikan di Prancis tidak terfokus pada pendidikan bahasa asing.

8. Jepang

Jepang memiliki larangan memberikan uang tip karena bukan bagian dari budaya mereka. Selain itu, dilarang memeluk orang yang baru ditemui karena mereka tidak menyukainya. Terakhir, di eskalator, hindari berdiri di sisi yang salah dan ikuti aturan lokal.

9. Norwegia

Di Norwegia, dilarang memelototi orang yang telanjang karena orang Norwegia sering mengganti pakaian di depan umum. Meskipun begitu, sebaiknya memalingkan muka. Jangan pula bertanya mengenai gereja karena hal tersebut dianggap tidak sopan, dan sebagian besar orang Norwegia tidak pergi ke gereja. Selain itu, jangan harap mendapatkan perlakuan istimewa karena orang Norwegia cenderung informal dan mereka menggunakan nama depan satu sama lain.

10. Selandia Baru

11. Rusia

12. Turki

Nonton juga :
12 Aturan Tabu & Unik di Inggris ???????? Bukan Britania Raya ????????
16 Larangan & Aturan Di India
21 Larangan Yang Harus Dihindari Di Singapura
14 Aturan Unik Di Jepang ini
11 Larangan Di Rusia ini nih
10 Hal Larangan Saat ke TURKI

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Why does North Korea develop nukes and launch ballistic missiles into the sea of Japan?

Everyone in the world knows North Korea is developing Nukes but few knows why they start nukes, how they are testing and what North Korean nukes are actually like.

I will explain why North Korea prioritizes nukes over the economy and people's lives.

Round the world trip:

Der Sternhimmel von eROSITA – Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmitt (25.11.2021)

Unsere Sonne ist umgeben von einer sehr dünnen und sehr heißen Gasschicht, die in der Regel nur im Röntgenlicht sichtbar ist und als Korona bezeichnet wird. Wie eine Aufnahme des YOHKOH-Sonnensatelliten belegt, ist die Röntgenkorona der Sonne in unzählige bogenartige Strukturen unterteilt. Des Weiteren ändert sich die Sonnenkorona auf den verschiedensten Zeitskalen und überschüttet die Erde mit Röntgenstrahlen und energetischen Teilchen. Solche Sonnenstürme sind für die auf der Erde beobachtbaren Nordlichter verantwortlich und können im Extremfall zum Zusammenbruch von irdischen Stromnetzen führen. Unsere Sonne ist ein bereits gealterter Stern und daher nur schwach aktiv. Andere, insbesondere jüngere Sterne, zeigen eine um etliche Größenordnungen größere Röntgenemission als unsere Sonne. Mit eROSITA erwarten wir die Entdeckung von 700.000 solcher sonnen-ähnlichen Sterne, daher können wir diese jungen Sterne
im Detail untersuchen und so einen Blick in die Kinderstube unseres Sonnensystems werfen. Im Vortrag werde ich neue eROSITA-Ergebnisse präsentieren und mit Ihnen einen Spaziergang über den stellaren Röntgenhimmel unternehmen.

Jürgen Schmitt promovierte nach seinem Studium der Physik in Würzburg und London im Fach Astronomie an der Harvard University, USA. Während der Promotion begann er, sich intensiv mit der Röntgenastronomie zu befassen, die seine weitere wissenschaftliche Laufbahn wesentlich prägte. Nach der Promotion wurde er Mitarbeiter am Max-Planck-Institut in Garching, um an der ROSAT-Mission mitzuarbeiten, seit 1998 ist er an der Hamburger Sternwarte tätig.

In der Vortragsreihe eROSITA: Das heiße Universum und die Dunkle Energie in Kooperation mit der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg.



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