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10 Best place to visit in Põlva Estonia


Restaurants in Põlva, Estland

Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Põlva. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.

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Hier findest du Restaurants in Põlva, Estland:
1) Restoran La Storia
2) Pesa restoran
3) Põlva restoran
4) Vana Vaksal
5) Käbliku Pruulikoja Õllekelder
6) Tillu kodukohvik
7) Park bar
8) Väikelinna Baar
9) Jäägri Pubi
10) Britney Ltd.

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Maardu - a likable small city with good infrastructure for pedestrians located near Tallinn (15 km)

Maardu is small but a likable city close to Tallinn. I was positively surprised by the wide pedestrian paths, many trees, green areas, and children's playgrounds.
You can rent an electric car like the one I used and many more from ELMO rent


The video is filmed on DJI Pocket 2
and a DJI Wireless Microphone Transmitter for DJI Pocket 2

0:00 Starting the trip from Tallinn
0:12 Introduction and stats
1:19 Renault ZOE
2:09 Estonian Restoration of Independence day
3:20 Wolt couriers on bikes
4:36 Viru intersection is special
5:00 Heard a Lamborghini nearby :)
5:14 Near Maardu
6:25 Entering Maardu
9:07 Parking the car
9:56 Continuing on the Segway
10:45 Old abandoned cars
12:15 The park and the church
16:32 Children's playgrounds
17:11 New buildings
19:13 Older renovated building
19:23 Old garages (past and future)
21:20 Private house's area
22:35 A beautiful alley with trees
23:02 Some older buildings
25:22 The thumbnail
25:36 Rent a car from ELMO rent

Music in the video:
Yah Yah - josh pan (My favorite used it 2 times :) )
Come On Out - Dan Lebowitz
Slingshot - Steve Adams
Sunset Strut - Dan Lebowitz
Stellar Wind - Unicorn Heads
Nine Lives - Unicorn Heads
Trimmed & Taught - Dan Lebowitz
#maardu #estonia

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Trains in Estonia. I travel by trains in Estonia. From Valga to Tartu, Tapa, Narva, Vaivara, Tallinn

I traveled by train from Valga to Tartu.
I took another train from Tartu to Tapa.
I went from Tapa to Narva by train Tallinn - Narva
I arrived in the town of Vaivara.
I took the train from Narva to Tallinn.

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HOLIDAY VILLAGE Pullijärve in Võru County | South Estonia

Pullijärve Holiday Village is located in wild nature, in Misso village at Võru county, southeast of Estonia. It’s a perfect vacation place for everyone who loves nature and spending time in the fresh air.

There are many activities at holiday village: one kilometer long walk path, playing volley ball and soccer on the grounds and stadium, playing footgolf, tennis or petanque, swimming in Pullijärve Lake, riding canoe, boat or water bike and fishing pike, perch, tench and eel. Pullijärve is the best place for summer or winter corporate parties, celebrating anniversaries and recreational time with your family!

Pullijärve Holiday Village is 10 km from Latvian and Russian borders on the Riga-Pskov highway next to Misso village from Riga side. By the legend the lake (Pullijärve means Bull Elk Lake) was named after the bull elk that was killed by the wolves on the ice of the lake. Our own legend has happy ending. “And if the bull is still alive, you can see it occasionally riding the boat on the lake…”

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[RUS] База отдыха Пуллиярве (Pullijärve puhkeküla) расположена на юго-востоке Эстонии в деревне Миссо (Misso), в уезде Вырумаа (Võrumaa). Это идеальное место отдыха для людей, которые любят природу и времяпровождение на свежем воздухе. Предлагаются разные виды активного отдыха: на километровой беговой дорожке можно пробежаться или погулять, на стадионе и игровых площадках можно поиграть в футбол, волейбол, теннис, футгольф и петанк, можно искупаться в озере, покататься на каноэ, лодке или водном велосипеде, половить рыбу: щук, окуней, угрей и линь.

База отдыха Пуллиярве находится в 10 километрах от границ с Латвией и Россией на шоссе Рига-Псков, по рижскую сторону от деревни Миссо. Согласно легенде озеро (Pullijärve означает Лосиное Озеро) получило свое название от лося, которого волки задрали на льду озера. У этой истории есть более счастливый конец - если лось до сих пор жив, то иногда можно его увидеть в лодке на озере.

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Cool Nights by Dixxy

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#EestiLoodus #PuhkaEestis #Võrumaa

Common Info about Estonia:

Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.


एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।

إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.

mapa de Estonia

Estonia, oficialmente República de Estonia (en estonio, Eesti Vabariik), es uno de los veintisiete estados soberanos que forman la Unión Europea. Limita al sur con Letonia, al este con Rusia, al norte con el golfo de Finlandia y al oeste con el mar Báltico.4​

El territorio de Estonia comprende una región continental y un conjunto de 2222 islas e islotes dentro del mar Báltico,5​ cubriendo un total de 45 228 km².1​ Está dividida políticamente en 15 condados, y la capital del país es su mayor ciudad, Tallin.6​ Con una población de 1,3 millones, Estonia es uno de los países menos poblados dentro de la Unión Europea.

El pueblo estonio es étnica y lingüísticamente hermano del finés y tiene lazos históricos y culturales con los países nórdicos al igual que los otros dos países bálticos. A pesar de ello, los países nórdicos no les reconocen todavía su adscripción a este grupo, aunque están en negociaciones para adherirse al Consejo Nórdico, en el que las repúblicas bálticas son oficialmente observadores.

Estonia adoptó el euro el 1.º de enero de 2011,7​8​ sustituyendo a la corona estonia. map of Estonia Eesti Estland Viro El territorio de Estonia incluye una pequeña porción de tierra en la ribera meridional del golfo de Finlandia y más de 1500 islas del mar Báltico, entre las que destacan Saaremaa y Hiiumaa, situadas frente al golfo de Riga. Limita al norte con el golfo de Finlandia y al oeste con el mar Báltico. Al este, el lago Peipus y el río Narva constituyen la mayor parte de la frontera con Rusia; al sur limita con Letonia, cuya frontera no se basa en ningún accidente geográfico destacable.

Es mayor que muchos países europeos, como Dinamarca o Suiza. Su superficie es de 45 228 km²,1​ similar, por ejemplo, a la de los Países Bajos. Los depósitos de Pizarra bituminosa y de piedra caliza, así como los bosques que cubren el 47 % del territorio, desempeñan un papel clave en la economía del país, que es pobre en recursos. Dentro de la Estonia continental existen también dos unidades diferenciadas: una zona compuesta por bajas llanuras, situadas en la mitad occidental de la Estonia continental y en la franja costera del golfo de Finlandia, y otra algo más elevada situada en la mitad oriental. El litoral estonio es muy recortado y su longitud es de 3794 km,1​ de los cuales 1242 km se encuentran en el continente y 2540 km se reparten entre las islas. La costa posee numerosas bahías, estrechos y ensenadas y es principalmente baja, exceptuando los acantilados del norte de Estonia y los acantilados de la Estonia occidental en la costa septentrional de las islas Saaremaa y Muhu.

Estonia es un país muy llano en el que abundan los humedales. Su máxima altura es el Suur Munamagi, de apenas 318 m. De su geografía destacan dos grandes lagos: el Vorts y el Peipus —el cuarto mayor de Europa—.24​ El clima es continental-húmedo, con veranos templados e inviernos fríos. El influjo del Báltico modera la temperatura y aporta mucha humedad. La isla de Ruhnu en el centro del golfo de Riga es la única isla que no se encuentra dentro de la zona costera próxima a Estonia. Está situada a 70 km al sureste de Kuressaare. Posee una extensión de 11,9 km². Su altitud máxima la alcanza con la colina de Haubjerre 29 msnm. La costa carece de la articulación característica del resto de las islas estonias. Las islas ocupan el 9,2 % de la superficie de Estonia y se caracterizan por ser predominantemente llanas y boscosas. Las mayores islas se ubican en las aguas occidentales, dentro del conocido como archipiélago estonio.

Acantilado de caliza de la costa septentrional.

La isla de Osmussaar.

Viru Bog, Parque Nacional Lahemaa

El 5,6 % del territorio de Estonia está cubierto de pantanos.25​

La mitad del país está cubierto por bosques. Ciudades de Estonia
Principales localidades de Estonia



Localidad Condado Habitantes Localidad Condado Habitantes Narva



1 Tallin Harju 430 805 11 Valga Valga 12 334
2 Tartu Tartu 93 715 11 Võru Võru 12 022
3 Narva Ida-Viru 56 103 13 Jõhvi Ida-Viru 10 398
4 Pärnu Pärnu 39 375 14 Haapsalu Lääne 9838
5 Kohtla-Järve Ida-Viru 34 394 15 Keila Harju 9775
6 Viljandi Viljandi 17 525 16 Paide Järva 8078
7 Rakvere Lääne-Viru 15 413 17 Elva Tartu 5648
8 Maardu Harju 15 189 18 Saue Harju 5640
9 Kuressaare Saare 13 276 19 Põlva Põlva 5458
10 Sillamäe Ida-Viru 12 989 20 Tapa Lääne-Viru

Tour to Kuressaare, the capital of Estonian island

Our next destination was the most significant settlement on the island. Kuressaare is home to several SPA hotels, a beautiful but small old city, and the most preserved Knights fortress in Estonia. You can spend a day in Kuressaare visiting the history museum in the fort and walking around and having lunch on the main street of the city. After a recent renovation, it became very welcoming and pleasant to spend time.
read the whole article here:

My First Experience in Estonia Was This Place

10 years ago when I first came to Estonia, Jõgeva was the first town I experienced. I recall those first memories and show you Jõgeva. You can see Jaanipäev, Naiste Tantsupidu, swimming and the night life all around this town in this episode. I also add another icon to the map and of course we can't forget about Betti Alver!

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Music and Art is all original and made by us. Except for any short scenes of live music and dancing of course.

map of Estonia [ eesti kaart ]

Estonia (Estonian: Eesti [ˈeːsʲti] (audio speaker iconlisten)), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland across from Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea across from Sweden, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia. The territory of Estonia consists of the mainland, the larger islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, and over 2,200 other islands and islets on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea,[9] covering a total area of 47 549 KM². The capital city Tallinn and Tartu are the two largest urban areas of the country. The Estonian language is the autochthonous and the official language of Estonia; it is the first language of the majority of its people, as well as the world's second most spoken Finnic language.

The land of what is now modern Estonia has been inhabited by humans since at least 9,000 BC. Ancient Estonians were one of the last pagan civilisations in Europe to adopt Christianity following the Papal-sanctioned Livonian Crusade in the 13th century. After centuries of successive rule by the Teutonic Order, Denmark, Sweden, and the Russian Empire, a distinct Estonian national identity began to emerge in the mid-19th century. This culminated in the 24 February 1918 Estonian Declaration of Independence from the then warring Russian and German Empires, and, after the end of World War I, in the 1918–1920 War of Independence where Estonians were able to repel the Bolshevik Russian invasion and successfully defended their newborn freedom. Democratic throughout most of the interwar period, Estonia declared neutrality at the outbreak of World War II, however the country was repeatedly contested, invaded and occupied, first by Stalinist Soviet Union in 1940, then by Nazi Germany in 1941, and ultimately reoccupied in 1944 by, and annexed into, the USSR as an administrative subunit (Estonian SSR). After the loss of its de facto independence to the Soviet Union, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by diplomatic representatives and the government-in-exile. Following the bloodless Estonian Singing Revolution of 1988–1990, the nation's de facto independence was restored on 20 August 1991.

Estonia is a developed country, with a high-income advanced economy; ranking very high in the Human Development Index. The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic, it is administratively subdivided into 15 maakond (counties). It has a population of 1.3 million, and is one of the least populous members of the European Union, the Eurozone, the OECD, the Schengen Area, and NATO. Estonia has consistently ranked highly in international rankings for quality of life, education, digitalization of public services and the prevalence of technology companies Tallinn Harju 434,562 11 Sillamäe Ida-Viru 12,719
2 Tartu Tartu 96,974 12 Valga Valga 12,182
3 Narva Ida-Viru 55,249 13 Võru Võru 11,859
4 Pärnu Pärnu 50,643 14 Paide Järva 10,590
5 Kohtla-Järve Ida-Viru 33,743 15 Jõhvi Ida-Viru 10,541
6 Viljandi Viljandi 17,407 16 Keila Harju 9,910
7 Maardu Harju 15,332 17 Elva Tartu 5,664
8 Rakvere Lääne-Viru 15,189 18 Saue Harju 5,629
9 Kuressaare Saare 13,097 19 Põlva Põlva 5,324
10 Haapsalu Lääne 13,077 20 Tapa Lääne-Viru , Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea immediately across the Gulf of Finland, on the level northwestern part of the rising East European platform between 57.3° and 59.5° N and 21.5° and 28.1° E. Average elevation reaches only 50 metres (164 ft) and the country's highest point is the Suur Munamägi in the southeast at 318 metres (1,043 ft). There are 3,794 kilometres (2,357 mi) of coastline marked by numerous bays, straits, and inlets. Estonia's number of islands and islets in the Baltic Sea is estimated at some 2,222, and the country has 2,355 including those in lakes. Two of them are large enough to constitute separate counties: Saaremaa and Hiiumaa.[158][159] A small, recent cluster of meteorite craters, the largest of which is called Kaali is found on Saaremaa, Estonia.

Estonia has over 1,400 lakes. Most are very small, with the largest, Lake Peipus, being 3,555 km2 (1,373 sq mi); it is the fifth largest lake in Europe, and also the largest trans-boundary lake in the whole continent. There are many rivers in the country. The longest of them are Võhandu (162 km or 101 mi), Pärnu (144 km or 89 mi), and Põltsamaa (135 km or 84 mi). Estonia has numerous fens and bogs. Forest land covers 50% of Estonia] The most common tree species are pine, spruce and birch.

Phytogeographically, Estonia is shared between the Central European and Eastern European provinces of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF, the territory of Estonia belongs to the ecoregion of Sarmatic mixed forests
Religion mapa de Estonia , Viro , Estonie , Estland

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Põlva | Estonia - English

#PõlvaPlaces #Põlva
Põlva is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Estonia having many best places in Põlva. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Põlva that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Põlva. Estonia has some of the best places in Põlva. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Põlva. There are many famous places in Põlva and some of them are beautiful places in Põlva. People from all over Estonia love these Põlva beautiful places which are also Põlva famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Põlva.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Põlva, Estonia. Walking in the city. 4K

Põlva is a small town in south-eastern Estonia. It acquired the rights of a town in 1993, which makes it one of the newest towns here. The population is just a little over 5,000.

Recorded 28 December 2021

#estonia #polva #põlva #walking #walkingtour #virtualwalking #citywalk #eesti

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Walk through Põlvamaa 2020

Põlva-Värska, kevad 2020

Discovering Estonian Summer Destinations Võsu and Käsmu - Boulders included

We explore a popular summer spot called Võsu and the famous boulder field you can find at Käsmu. Estonia has some great summer locations for a quick getaway and Estonia is famous for it's boulders.

Please leave a comment below. What is you favourite Estonian boulder?

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Instagram - @kristinastukert
Twitter - @Welshtonians

Music and Art is all original and made by us.

Varska hotel & vater park. Põlva County, Estonia (overview)

Varska hotel & vater park. Põlva County, Estonia
(overview room hotel and spa)
57°58'57.5N 27°37'26.5E

The Most Beautiful Railway in Estonia | Train Ride from Tartu to Põlva

Elron train ride on July 8, 2023. This was train 384 LP.

The train Tartu-Koidula runs everyday, twice a day. In the summer, an extra trip runs on weekends. On occasion, the train will reverse, and continue down the track to a small tourist station at Piusa.

Tallinn to Tartu - How to travel from Tallinn Airport to Tartu Estonia - Travel Guide

You may Wonder what the best way to get to Tartu is from Tallinn Airport - well Fret not -The Wondering Englishman has you covered! In this short video I advise you on how to get from Tallinn Airport to Tartu - it works coming back also! Who would have thought! Tartu is the second largest city of Estonia, after Estonia's political and financial capital Tallinn. Tartu is often considered the intellectual centre of the country, especially since it is home to the nation's oldest and most renowned university, the University of Tartu.

I am not working for any tourist board, government or sponsor so the views in this video are entirely my own.

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The Wondering Englishman - Website

When travelling around Estonia - I recommend Bolt & Uber for your Taxi Needs.
***Download the App from the App store.***

Use Code uberAVT to get money off your first journey with Uber.
Use Code HFDHF to get money off your first journey with Bolt

When I’m travelling I book a lot of my accommodation through Airbnb and Booking . com.
If you would like a free travel credit please help me and help yourself by using the following links - each will give you Free Travel Credit when you sign up Usually between $20-$50 depending on where you are from.

- Free Travel Credit

To find the cheapest flights I recommend using Skyscanner - Click here to search for flights

To get latest prices on Train & Coaches from Tallinn to Tartu I recommend using Rome 2 Rio
Current Prices 2020
Coach - 12 Euros
Train - 22 Euros + 1.50 Tram

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Video Shot on the Sony Action Cam FDR-X3000 - (UK)

Need a Travel Bag or Backpack for your Travels - I use and recommend the travel bag I used from the company RPS Pro Supply - use this affiliate link
Use Discount Code - READYPROAF15 - so you get a 15% Discount on first-time purchases.

#Estonia #Tartu #Tallinn #TallinnAirport #EstoniaTravel #WonderingEnglishman #Travel #Vlog

Winter activities in Pärnu (Visit Pärnu)

Video: Hollandfilms

Piusa Caves Visitor Centre. Estonia

Second Channel:

Video from drone camera.
The Piusa Caves, tunnels dug into the light sandstone, are undoubtedly one of the most famous tourist attractions in Southeast Estonia. For years now, a great, bat-shaped visitor center has awaited visitors. The center has a seminar room, a craft hall, a cinema, and numerous exhibits. Guests can watch movies about the bats, the most important residents of the caves, in the cinema, and then head to the museum's cave viewing platform with a tour guide. There are no bats in the caves in summer, they just come here to hibernate in the winter. Behind the museum is the Piusa sand quarry, Estonia's largest sandbox.

Estonia, A Day in the Countryside

ENG: This video was shot in Estonia during the Autumn 2018.
The place is called Padise, a tiny village in Harju County, located in Northern Estonia, less than one hour from Tallinn. This is one sample of how beautiful the Northen autumn can be! If you want to read the text, you can visit my blog:
ESP: Este vídeo es del otoño de 2018, en un pueblecito llamado Padise del condado de Harju, que está al norte de Estonia, a menos de una hora de Tallín. Esto es una muestra de lo bonito que es el norte de Europa en otoño...Si quieres leer el texto, puedes visitar mi blog:
Music: Country and western music by Freesound Music

Vändra St Martin’s Church Pärnu County Estonia

Vändra St Martin’s Church
Vändra Church is one of the simplest churches from the 18th century. The church consists of a longitudinal building, divided by windows and doors, and joined by a square vestry in the east. The church is named in honour of the reformer Martin Luther.

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[한국어 정보]
북유럽의 깊고 긴 밤이 지나가고 나는 에스토니아 북쪽의 탈린으로 향했다. 국토의 반이 숲인 에스토니아에서는 어딜 가더라도 끝없이 펼쳐진 숲과 만나게 된다. 잘 달리던 차가 갑자기 멈춰 섰다. 무슨 일인가 싶어 봤더니 빨간색의 금지 표시판이 있다. 차를 멈추거나 내릴 수 없다는 안내도 보인다. 순찰 중이던 에스토니아 국경수비대가 상황을 설명해줬다. “러시아 쪽에서는 정차할 수 없습니다 1Km의 거리입니다.” 여기는 에스토니아의 도로가 잠깐 러시아 땅으로 넘어 갔다 나오는 구간이다. 빨간색 기둥이 러시아 국경이다. 그럴 필요가 없는데도 긴장이 됐다. 국경과 도로가 만드는 모양이 부츠처럼 생겨 이곳을 ‘사테부츠’라 부른다. 러시아쪽 집들은 에스토니아의 집들과 크게 다르지 않았다. 갑자기 눈이 오기 시작했다. 북유럽의 겨울은 춥고, 길고, 아주 변덕스럽다. 오후 4시지만 이미 해가 진다. 그래서 이곳에서의 낮 시간은 정말 귀하다.

[English: Google Translator]
After a deep and long night in northern Europe, I headed to Tallinn in northern Estonia. In Estonia, where half of the country is in the forest, you will meet endless forests wherever you go. A well run car suddenly stopped. What I wanted to see was a red sign of prohibition. You can also see that the car can not be stopped or lowered. The Estonian border guards, who were on patrol, explained the situation. You can not stop on the Russian side, it's a kilometer away. This is the road from Estonia to the Russian land. The red pillar is the Russian border. I did not need to, but I was nervous. Border and road make shape like boots and this is called 'Sate boots'. The Russian houses were not much different from the Estonian houses. Suddenly the snow began to come on. Winter in Northern Europe is cold, long, and very volatile. It is 4:00 pm but it is already sunny. So the daytime time here is really yours.

[Estonia: Google Translator]
Pärast sügavat ja pikka öö Põhja-Euroopas käisin ma Põhja-Eestis Tallinna. Eestis, kus pool riigis on metsas, kohtub sa lõplikult metsadega kõikjal, kuhu sa lähed. Hästi juhitud auto äkki peatus. Mida ma tahtsin näha, oli keeldude punane märk. Samuti näete, et autot ei saa peatada ega langetada. Olukorda selgitasid Eesti patrulliga piirivalvurid. Sa ei saa peatada Vene küljel, see on kilomeetri kaugusel. See on tee Eestist Vene maale. Punane sammas on Venemaa piir. Ma ei vaja seda, aga ma olin närvis. Piir ja tee muudavad kuju nagu saapad ja seda nimetatakse Sate boots. Vene majad ei olnud Eesti majadest palju erinevad. Järsku hakkas lumi hakkama tulema. Talv Põhja-Euroopas on külm, pikk ja väga volatiilne. See on kell 16:00, kuid see on juba ikesepaisteline. Nii et päevane aeg siin on tõesti sinu oma.

■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아02-05 러시아 국격을 지나는 도로 사테부츠
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 장민석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 11월November

마을,village,camel, dune, sand, ATV,길,street,자동차,탈것,,car,유럽Europe유럽에스토니아EstoniaEesti VabariikEesti장민석201611월펄바 주Polva CountyPõlva maakondPõlvaNovember걸어서 세계속으로



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