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10 Best place to visit in Ostiglia Italy


VoceClassica: Brenta-Ostiglia Cyclo Path Bridge in Curtarolo, North Italy Artistic Place

Dear Friends, I'm Renato and one of my great passions is Art in all its forms and especially so-called cultured or sought-after music. In my videos I will not only talk about music but also about other artistic expressions that I have found noteworthy. I am not a musicologist and these interventions of mine have no claim other than to share my enthusiasm. Your suggestions or links to resources relating to musicology or fine arts in general are very welcome. Peace, Love and Understanding for all.

I nostri video sono solo un mezzo per condividere le nostre esperienze. Se i nostri video saranno di una qualche utilità ne saremo felicissimi. Fateci sapere come li trovate. Grazie!
Non hanno nessuna pretesa di essere insegnamenti o verità assolute. I commenti anche critici, sono bene accetti finché non sono offensivi o lesivi o volgari. In tal caso quegli utenti verranno bloccati. Pace, Amore e Comprensione per tutti.
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15 PISTE CICLABILI da fare ASSOLUTAMENTE in ITALIA ????????‍♀️????????

In questo video vi elenco le migliori piste ciclabili che ci sono da fare in Italia! Si tratta di itinerari a volte che necessitano di un viaggio di più giorni per terminarle che attaversano la via francigena, il Lago di Garda, da Napoli a Bari, sono panorami meravigliosi che vi consiglio di andare a vedere!


???? Adotta un Alveare:
???? Prenota un viaggio:
???????? Allenati con stile:
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Questi li uso anche io! te li consiglio ????
⌚️Cinturino smartwatch:
????Borse Bicicletta:
????Macchinetta Istantanea:
????Pose Istantanea:
????Coperta picnic:
????Borraccia 2:
????Scarpe trail running:
????Tenda 2 posti:
????Sacco a pelo:
????Zaino 10L:
????Zaino 30L:
????Zaino 50L da viaggio:
????????‍♀️Tappettino Yoga:

Comprando tramite questi link mi darete una mano a migliorare sempre di più la qualità dei video che faccio, questo perché essendo affiliata Amazon e Decathlon ricevo un guadagno per ogni acquisto idoneo, ma voi non spenderete un centesimo in più. Grazie mille ????

Sorvolo sulla Treviso - Ostiglia

Sorvolo dell'ex ferrovia Treviso - Ostiglia, da Silvelle a Quinto di Treviso.
Video realizzato nel 2012, prima della riqualificazione degli ultimi chilometri e trasformazione in pista ciclabile del tratto da Quinto a Treviso..

#treviso-ostiglia #ostigliamancante #tesilaurea #iuav2013

Music: « Sweet » from (

Quinto Camper Resort a Quinto di Treviso - Tutto quello che si può fare in questa Area Sosta.

#camper #campground #areasosta #ostiglia #badoere #treviso
Questo il nostro diario un insolito weekend che abbiamo trascorso all'Open Season Festival 2023 magnificamente organizzato dall'Area Quinto Camper Resort di Quinto di Treviso (TV).
Oltre alle moltissime sorprese che ci ha riservato Roberto Boscarin l'organizzatore, nel video descrivo l'area sosta, che è aperta 12 messi all'anno, ed anche le nostre uscite in bici sulla vicina ciclabile dell'Ostiglia (tracciato di una ferrovia dismessa), fino al suggestivo borgo di Badoere con la sua piazza mercato Rotonda.

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The trip to Italy - 2014

The trip to Italy ,Driving to italy to buy a pizza.,Top 10 facts about italy..,Our ten most interesting facts about Italy to impress and entertain you. ,,,Italy's riviera: cinque terre.

Radtour vom Allgäu nach Südtirol: Auf der Via Claudia Augusta über die Alpen | ARD Reisen

Ohne Muskelkater über die Alpen vom Allgäu bis nach Südtirol? Auf der Via Claudia Augusta soll das gehen! Tamina Kallert macht eine Fahrradtour und testet dabei einen Teil der ehemaligen Römerstraße. Immer an ihrer Seite ist die Allgäuer Mountainbike-Expertin Helena Plath. ( Mehr Radtouren mit Tamina, z.B. auf dem Tauernradweg von Österreich nach Deutschland, findet ihr in der ARD Mediathek: )

00:00:00 Intro
00:05:08 Füssen
00:12:07 Offroad mit dem Mountainbike
00:15:31 Nervenkitzel auf der Hängebrücke
00:17:38 Die Festung Ehrenberg
00:26:45 Bogenschießen
00:30:48 Mit der Seilbahn auf die Zugspitze
00:39:37 Das Schloss Fernsteinsee
00:48:36 Sonnenaufgangswanderung auf dem Venet
00:56:09 Abstecher in Landeck
01:12:23 Die Zollfeste Altfinstermünz
01:21:10 Über steile Umwege in die Schweiz
01:25:17 Letzte Etappe zum Reschensee
01:27:35 Outro

Ausführliche Informationen zur Tour:

Mit dem Ziel Südtirol vor Augen starten sie am Forggensee unterhalb des Schlosses Neuschwanstein. Von da aus geht es weiter über Füssen nach Österreich, wo eine 114 Meter hohe Hängebrücke für Nervenkitzel auf der Römerroute sorgt. Abseits des Fahrradwegs geht es einige Male auf die Spitze: Mit einer Seilbahn kann man auch von österreichischer Seite aus ganz entspannt auf die Zugspitze fahren. Auf der Glanderspitze schauen sich Tamina Kallert und ihre Begleitung den eindrucksvollen Sonnenaufgang an. Die letzte Etappe führt über den Reschenpass bis zur italienischen Grenze. Dort angekommen rollen sie hinunter bis an ihr Ziel, den Reschensee in Südtirol.

Die Via Claudia Augusta wird immer beliebter: Pro Jahr fahren 100.000 Tourenradler über die 2.000 Jahre alte Römerstraße. Die gesamte Strecke ist 700 Kilometer lang und führt von Donauwörth über die Alpen bis ins italienische Ostiglia. Dabei verläuft die Via Claudia fast immer durchs Tal am Fluss entlang; nur wo es den Römern zu eng und zu gefährlich war, bauten sie ihre Straße auf halber Höhe, und dann immer auf der Sonnenseite. So konnte der Weg nach Regenfällen stets schnellstmöglich trocknen. Die Römer waren die ersten, die den Norden und Nordwesten Europas mit dem Süden und Südosten des Imperiums verbanden. Tatsächlich geht der Ursprung der Route aber auf die keltischen Völker zurück, die bereits im Alpenvorland ansässig waren, bevor Rom seine Expansionspolitik begann. Die Straße wurde schließlich unter dem römischen Kaiser Claudius fertiggestellt, sodass sie durchgängig von Fuhrwerken befahrbar war. Zudem wurde sie bis zur Donau verlängert. Claudius, der Sohn von Nero Claudius Drusus, baute die Straße zwischen den Jahren 41 und 54 n. Chr. nicht nur aus militärischen Gründen, sondern auch als Handelsroute und zur Erschließung der Provinz Rätien weiter aus. Er benannte die Via Claudia Augusta nach seinem Vater.

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Ein Film von Michael Wieseler. Redaktion: Iris Möller-Grätz. Der Film wurde im Auftrag des WDR für die Sendung Wunderschön im Jahr 2023 produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Wunderschön produziert Reisedokumentationen für den WDR. Es werden Reiseziele auf der ganzen Welt vorgestellt. Wunderschön versucht Menschen, Kultur, Kulinarik und die Landschaft des jeweiligen Reiseziels zu zeigen und gibt Tipps für die Planung des eigenen Urlaubs.

The romantic Buranelli canal in Treviso

Taste all the good of Italy: art, lifestyle, products, language, food & more revealed by a local.

Via Postumia: Giorno 10 da Castelfranco Veneto a Cittadella sul sentiero degli Ezzelini

Dopo una notte di meritato riposo presso la casa di fraternità delle Discepole del Vangelo ci mettiamo in marcia verso Cittadella, la terza città murata incontrata sul nostro cammino.
Dopo un antipatico tratto lungo il provinciale il percorso andrà via via migliorando il sentiero degli Ezelini prima e diversi tratti tra i campi o attraverso tranquille cittadine (Castello di Godego, Galliera Veneta) ci porteranno a destinazione.
Degne di nota le Motte di Castello di Godego, un insediamento protostorico del XIV° secolo avanti Cristo, leggermente fuori percorso e apprezzabile specialmente dall'alto.
Potrete vederne le immagini nel video grazie al nostro piccolo e fedele drone mavic mini.

After a night of well-deserved rest at the fraternity house of the Disciples of the Gospel, we set out for Cittadella, the third walled city we encountered on our way.
After an unpleasant stretch along the provincial road, the route will gradually improve the first Ezelini path and several stretches between the fields or through quiet towns (Castello di Godego, Galliera Veneta) will take us to our destination.
Worthy of note is le Motte of Castello di Godego, a protohistoric settlement of the fourteenth century BC, slightly off the road and especially appreciated from above.
You can see the images in the video thanks to our small and faithful mavic mini drone.

Massa Italy

Massa (Italy) La fontana in marmo.

10 Amazing Things to do in Treviso Italy

Treviso, Italy

Read 10 Amazing Things to do in Treviso Italy
Also Read about Treviso & Its History


#Treviso #TrevisoItaly #Italy

Treviso in Italy is often overlooked because of the tourist hype of nearby Venice, and that is exactly what makes it very special. The calmness and tranquility are the loveliest things about the beautiful Treviso city. It is the capital of the province of Treviso in the Veneto region of the Italy. The city has wonderful medieval walls, gates, narrow and curvy cobble stone streets. Beautiful tiny canals pass throughout the town, passing under houses and gardens. Treviso is also sometimes referred as little Venice. The best part of visiting Treviso is that it’s a crowd free, stress free, much cheaper than Venice and a great place for a relaxed walk. You will not face the specific tourism attitude where every shop is trying to sell you expensive souvenirs and tourist stuff.
Treviso has a very calm atmosphere and people are very friendly. The city welcomes you with open arms and leaves an unforgettable nice memory on your mind. There are many wonderful attractions that are attractive for tourists. If you are staying in Venice, it takes 40 minutes to reach Treviso or vice versa. You can either plan a day trip to Treviso or you can choose to stay here in the calm and cheaper city and plan your day trips to Venice or other towns around the city.
Best way to explore the city is either by foot or bicycle as car parking can become a headache for you. You will love to interact with the friendly locals around the city as most of them do speak English. The food is amazing, and the city has some amazing local wine. There are many small wine yards around, where you can go for wine tasting. Prosecco wine is also a product of Treviso. The city is also famous because of the two rivers Sile and Cagnan which circle around the city without meeting. The city is also famous for being the origin of the popular Italian desert called Tiramisu. The famous clothing brand Benetton has a headquarter based in this city.

History of Treviso Italy

It is hard to find Treviso in the books of ancient history writers. The name of the city is believed to be a mixture of two languages i.e. Celtic and Latin. It is also believed that the name of the city originated from an early tribal language. The residents of the city are considered to be descendants of the Roman tribe of Claudia. The city suffered a lot of damage during the World War II when it was bombarded heavily. Many of the medieval structures were destroyed, which were then rebuilt and restored in the later years.

10 Amazing Things to do in Treviso Italy

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Thanks & Best Regards

Ostiglia - Provincia di Padova

02 / 10 / 14

Da Vicenza a Treviso in bici lungo la ciclabile VIA OSTIGLIA ????????

Lungo la ciclabile via Ostiglia

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LESA, ITALY • North Italy Escapade ???????? | Travel with Donna ✈️????

Ciao, everybody! I am Donna Z, and I love Cooking, Traveling, and Exploring new and different cultures around the world.

As I travel around, I wanted to bring you guys with me. This time let's travel to Lesa, Italy.

Lesa is a little town on the shores of Lake Maggiore. The town and surrounding area are lined with extravagant villas and palazzi, with gardens and distinctive architecture, on the lakeshore are the ruins of a castle that once guarded the town. There are several ancient churches to visit, too! © SummerinItaly

So Let's go! Come and join me as we explore this wonderful place, list this place on your Travel Bucketlist for your next destination!

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Pedalo sulla ciclovia TREVISO OSTIGLIA - FATB-DAY30

Traccia Strava

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Tenda da 2 persone
Naturehike 20D Mongar Double Layer Waterproof NH17T007-M

Ether Light XT™ Insulated

Sacco letto
Sea TO Summit Reactor Extreme Thermolite

Trek decathlon

Seat Bag
Lixada 10L

Frame Bag
kicking donkey bags Half frame

Top tube bag
Crosso Zipper Top

Handlebar Bag
CLS 55 MX Series-X2 (IconRed)

Front rack panniers
Crosso Twist 30

Porta utensili borraccia
ROCKBROS Porta utensili borraccia

Fornello da Campeggio Gas
Awroutdoor 3500W Fornello a Gas

Gavetta titanio
Tiartisan Pure titanium

Tazza titanio 0.36l
Tiartisan con coperchio 0.360l

Cartuccia GAS a vite
Decathlon Forclaz

Sony RX100 VII

Action cam
Gopro Hero 8 black

Anker Power Core II 20000 mAh

Cavalletto flessibile
Ulanzi MT-11

HDD portatile
Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB

Guscio impermeabile
Salomon outline 360 3L JKT

“In qualità di Affiliato Amazon io ricevo un guadagno dagli acquisti idonei

Music credit
Local Forecast - Slower by Kevin MacLeod

Reach For The Stars by Rafael Krux

La nuova spettacolare pista ciclabile che porta a Lignano Sabbiadoro

Con questa pedalata la guida cicloturistica Mario Saccomano vi porta a conoscere il percorso ciclabile Adriabike (FVG 2) nel tratto che da Precenicco porta a Lignano Sabbiadoro costeggiando il Fiume Stella e la Laguna di Marano.
La pedalata è stata realizzata nell'inverno del 2022 e vi farà scoprire la nuova e meravigliosa pista ciclabile che costeggia la Laguna e la Riserva Naturale Foci dello Stella.
Da Lignano si proseguirà alla volta della regione Veneto per connettesi con le ciclovie che conducono a Venezia.

Per conoscere la Ciclovia Adriabike (FVG 2) visitate la pagina dedicata sul nostro sito:

Musica (licenza Creative Commons):
- Ketsa: Bouncy Spongy
- Evan Schaeffer: Laurel Breeze
- Scott Holmes: Beyond Dreams

January 2022 Trip to Italy & Norway part 2

Welcome back everyone :) and thank you all so much for the response to Part 1 of this trip, I will try get back to your comments, soon as I can.
We continue, where we left, in Piombino Dese,
Reloading in Tresigallo near Ferrara, Italy, and start working my way back up north.
a trip not without little hick-ups ;)
I hope you will enjoy the trip, I promise to work hard on getting Part 3 ready for you asap :)
Music downloaded from my account at

BEST WESTERN Titian Inn Hotel Treviso **** Hotel Review 2017 HD, Silea, Italy

Save money booking hotel BEST WESTERN Titian Inn Hotel Treviso in Silea, Italy
Book now
Property Location
When you stay at Best Western Titian Inn Hotel Treviso in Silea, you'll be near the airport and convenient to La Strada Ciclabile Treviso-Ostiglia and Piscine Comunali Fiera e Selvana. This 4-star hotel is within close proximity of Treviso Sport A.S.D. and Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore.
Make yourself at home in one of the 70 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and LCD televisions. Rooms have private balconies. Complimentary wired and wireless Internet access kee...

Bologna to Bolzano by train - Speedrun

Brennero railway, Bologna to Bolzano (Italy).
Filmed with Apeman Action Cam:
Edited with Final Cut Pro X v. 10.2.1.

Soundtrack: Cool Edge - Day from Sonic Unleashed

Destination Verona - Pianura dei Dogi

Lago di Garda, Verona & More…Esplora le infinite bellezze della provincia. Seguici per non perderti nulla ➡

Lake Garda, Verona & More...Explore the infinite beauties of the territory. Follow our page to discover more


A bikerrepórter Renata Falzoni e seu amigo Paulo de Tarso, do Sampa Bikers, seguem o cicloturismo pela Via Claudia Augusta. Depois de pedalarem por Füssen, cruzarem os Alpes pela Áustria, eles chegaram à Merano, na região trentina do Alto Adige, no norte da Itália, de onde partem rumo à Trento, em um caminho de aproximadamente 100km. Confira a videorreportagem.

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