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10 Best place to visit in Onguday Russia


Indian hitchhiker in Siberia : Altai Mountains, Russia

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This is the Second video of Day-10 of my Russian trip in which you will see me exploring the Altai Mountains, the unexplored part of beautiful Russia. I managed to reach Onguday with the help of a lovely elderly couple. After that, I got a lift in another car from Onguday to Geyzernoye Ozero, a place near Aktach. I stayed with Dima and Tanya in a log hut in Geyzernoye Ozero. We all paid 500 Rubles each for a night. Interestingly that was the coldest night of my trip. The temperature dipped to almost -10-degree Celsius. More details -

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# RUSSIA playlist -

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Altai, Chuysky Trakt: The Most Beautiful Road of Siberia

Chuysky Trakt in Siberia is perhaps the most famous and beautiful road in Russia, stretching 997 km (620 miles) through Altai to the border with Mongolia. The road is a scenic adventure and stunning scenery: mountains, rivers, and lakes of incredible beauty. Chuysky Trakt is recognized as one of the most beautiful roads in the world by National Geographic.

Future World (Instrumental) by Adam 7

Russia Road Trip, Siberia, Altai, Altai Mountains, Chuysky Trakt

#Altai #ChuyskyTrakt #Siberia

Why Russians loved this Indian tourist! (Chusky Tract: Altai Mountains)

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Watch this video to know why almost every Russian loved this Indian tourist! An Indian backpacker took this video during hitchhiking in Russia in 2017. The location in the video is Chusky Tract in the beautiful Altai Mountains. To be specific about the location the video was shot between Barangol & Onguday in the Altay region of Russia. This area is in the Siberia, which is one of the coldest parts on earth. So you will see a lot of snow in a particular stretch (Seminsky Pass) in this video.

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# EUROPE Playlist -
# BANGLADESH playlist -
# SPITI (India) playlist -
# MALAYSIA playlist -
# RUSSIA playlist -
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Russia. Mountains of Altay. R-256, 819th km Chuysky Trakt, Kurai village

The most beautiful and exciting road in Russia. Mountain Altai, 'Chuysky Trakt' road.

Road location: R-256, 819th km, Kurai village.

GPS Coordinates: 50.497719, 86.576097

Nearest Internet 3G/4G zone: Kurai village.

Filmed: Summer, August 2021, in clear and hot weather.

Approximate weather during the typical day: 28°С, at night: +2°С. There is a very large temperature difference between day and night.

Very high altitude above sea level, so take care of protection from the scorching sun.

A fascinating journey along the road through the mountains in clear sunny weather. Full immersion in the atmosphere of the trip!
In this video, you can see beautiful nature and fascinating mountain landscapes, a road stretching into the distance, green meadows with wild animals, mountain rivers and cliffs, as well as colorful ethnic houses of local residents.

Get visual enjoyment from untouched wildlife!

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Hello. Welcome to the Flights N' Road channel. Our channel exists to charge you new experiences and give additional ideas for your new journey.

We shoot first-person videos of interesting and exciting places while traveling on the roads.
There is nothing better to get the full impression of a location than when you see the entire path through the place.

By selecting and classifying the videos we have made, we help you make the right choice in planning your trip.

In the description you will see GPS coordinates, month, year, season and approximate weather of shooting, as well as information about the quality of roads, internet, gas stations, so that you can be fully prepared for the trip.

By following the release of new videos, you can greatly expand your horizons of travel locations and learn about places that your surroundings and your friends do not even think about. By introducing new ideas, become the travel leader among your friends!

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Road Trip Altai, Russia/Mongolia [4K] - Chuyskiy Trakt (Чуйский тракт) & Asian Highway 4

Raw GoPro footage of a journey from the Altai Republic of Southern Siberia, Russia to Western Mongolia, taken through the Chuyskiy Trakt and AH4. Watch how the landscape gradually changes.


Part I: Chuyskiy Trakt Southbound
00:00:00-01:28:30 Gorno-Altaysk - Tashanta (Chuyskiy Trakt, Altai Republic, Russia)

Part II: Western Mongolia
01:28:30-01:34:11 Tashanta - Olgii (AH4, Bayan-Ölgii Aimag, Mongolia)
01:34:11-02:00:38 Olgii - Khovd - Khar Us Nuur (AH4, Bayan-Ölgii & Khovd Aimags, Mongolia)
02:00:38-02:47:50 Khovd - Olgii (AH4, Bayan-Ölgii Aimag, Mongolia)
02:47:50-02:58:54 Off-roading (Bayan-Ölgii Aimag, Mongolia)

Part III: Chuyskiy Trakt Northbound
02:58:54-04:02:42 Chagan-Uzun - Gorno-Altaysk (Chuyskiy Trakt, Altai Republic, Russia)

Settlements and natural features:
Altai Republic, Russia
00:03:44 Kamlak
00:07:14 Cherga
00:09:05 Shebalino
00:10:20 A snowy Seminsky Pass
00:22:11 Tuekta
00:26:39 Onguday
00:36:41 Kupchegen
00:42:44 Maly Yaloman
00:59:30 Iodro
01:24:10 Kosh-Agach
01:27:30 Tashanta

Western Mongolia
01:33:41 Ölgii
01:36:00 Tolbo Lake
01:56:30 Khovd

Altai Republic, Russia
02:54:00 Chagan-Uzun
03:14:41 Kuray Steppe
03:25:00 Kuray
03:27:00 Chibit
03:48:30 Belyy Bom

Taken Oct 2019, with a GoPro Hero 4 Black. Vehicle: UAZ Patriot. Driver: Leonid Kokpoev.

Горный Алтай 2021.Увидела всю красоту за один день: Чуйский тракт, Катунь, горы, перевалы и водопад.

Чтобы увидеть космическую красоту Горного Алтая мне понадобился один день и 600 км пути. 6 часов дороги по Чуйскому тракту прошли незаметно, потому как это чистой воды наслаждение. Бескрайние просторы, открывающиеся с перевала Чике-Таман. Выносящая мозг красота малого Яломана, слияния рек Чуи и Катуни, сказочно бирюзовое Гейзеровное озеро. К концу пути я даже немного устала от обилия красоты.
А еще я пообщалась с коренными алтайцами, узнала несколько слов по-алтайски и попробовала местную кухню.
Смотрите, наслаждайтесь и планируйте свою поездку на Горный Алтай. А в помощь вам даю координаты самых интересных мест.
#Алтай #ГорныйАлтай #Алтай2021 #Чуйскийтракт #Алтайпутешествие #Altai #ПутешествиепоРоссии #Путешествиенамашине

???? Наш водитель и гид Андрей:

???? Места, которые я посетила:
Семинский перевал: 51.045548, 85.604318
Перевал Чике-Таман: 50.645050, 86.311838
Малый Яломан: 50.497719, 86.576097
Слияние рек Чуи и Катуни: 50.396410, 86.673386
Кафе Чуй- Оозы: 50.405943, 86.701349
Водопад Ширлак: 50.345554, 87.219053
Гейзерное озеро: 50.289271, 87.667111

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???????? Западный Крым. Тарханкут, Оленевка 2021. Пляжи, кемпинги, морская прогулка, Чаша любви:
????????Евпатория2021/Крым. Пляжи, море, уличная еда, разливное вино, трамваи и Мойнакский детский парк:
????????Евпатория, Крым 2021. Рынок, жилье в Старом городе, городской пляж, прибрежный ресторан.
????????Путешествие по Тульской области. Чекалин и Одоев:
????????Богородицк и Кондуки - жемчужины Тульской области:
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????????Блеск и нищета коммуналок Питера:

???? Тем, кому очень хочется путешествовать, но не хватает денег:

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09 | MYANMAR TO UK on Motorcycles ( MOTOURLOGUE ) RUSSIA 02/04

Christine, Lake Svetloe in Siberia, Ergaki National Park in Khakassia Republic

Lake Svetloe in Ergaki, Siberia, Russia

Центр Горного Алтая! Дорога по Семинскому перевалу!

Индивидуальные туры в Горный Алтай!



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