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10 Best place to visit in Magadan Russia


Magadan, Russia: The City with a Dark History ENG SUB

I traveled to Magadan, a city, located in far northeastern Russia. In the Soviet Union era, it was a transit centre for the transportation of Gulag inmates and materials to camps of Kolyma. Although today locals preserve the memories of those dark days, Magadan is developing and looks nothing like many other towns that served as labour camps in the past. What is the secret of Magadan? Why it hasn’t turned into a ghost town 30 years after the fall of the USSR?

#magadan #russia #gulag #documentary

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Hey guys! My name is Ilya, I am a Russian journalist and a founder of various urban beautification projects in Moscow and across Russia. There is nothing in the world that I love more than traveling. On this channel I will do my best to give you an unbiased overview of life in different places around the globe. Subscribe to the channel not to miss my new videos.

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00:00 Welcome to Kolyma
01:17 Soviet architecture and strange design solutions
06:32 History of Magadan and the region
06:54 Residential buildings facing the Sea of Okhotsk
07:58 A bus stop with an amazing view
08:55 The New Scandinavia project
11:51 “Testing the water” at an ice beach
12:13 Modern art in Magadan
12:41 Palakta: beautification going wrong
15:54 Free labour used for developing gold deposits
17:03 The Mask of Sorrow monument to Gulag victims
17:57 What is the Soviet Secret Police Directorate building used for now?
19:01 Harsh climate and poverty make people leave
20:05 Tour in abandoned houses
24:45 First Magadan’s camp
25:46 A place where all the roads end
27:00 An abandoned fishing village
28:17 Tasting local crab
28:50 So, is Magadan turning into a ghost town?

|4k| Walk.Winter Magadan.Russia. Прогулка.Магадан. Наровчатова-Пролетарская

Evening walk through the snow-covered city of Magadan. Snow and peace all around. It is very nice to take a walk on a frosty evening, and then come home and drink a hot mug of tea????

Вечерняя прогулка по заснеженному городу Магадану. Кругом снег и умиротворерие. Очень приятно прогуляться в морозный вечер, а потом придти домой и выпить горячую кружечку чая????

You Won't Believe What Happened with Me in the Most Isolated City of Russia (MAGADAN ????????????)

You Wont Believe what Happened with me after completing 2000 KM Journey on the Road of Bones / Kolyma Highway. I arrived Magadan, which is one of the Most Isolated Cities in the World. The most Amazing Locals of Magadan Russia Treated me and Made me a Celebrity.
***This Video is also available with English Subtitles / Caption***

Must watch Full Video for Complete Information & Amazing Experience.
COMMENT if you have any Question or Suggestion.


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Top 10 most beautiful nature places in Russia you must know about.



Road trip 2021: Magadan – Yakutsk – Moscow. How to survive at the Oymyakon Pole of Cold

How did we get the idea for a road trip from Magadan to Yakutsk to Moscow?
(Chinese and Spanish subs are available)

The route is over 12,000 km (7,500 miles) long:
Magadan – Susuman – Ust – Nera – Oymyakon – Tomtor – Khandyga – Yakutsk – Neryungri – Chita – Ulan-Ude – Irkutsk – Tayshet – Krasnoyarsk – Kemerovo – Novosibirsk – Omsk – Tyumen – Yekaterinburg – Kungur – Naberezhnye Chelny – Nizhny Novgorod – Moscow

It was actually really simple. Thanks to a certain nasty virus, the entire world was shut down. Pretty boring, right? I mean, you can’t really fly anywhere. So we had to come up with something else to do. We dug around in the archives and asked other travelers about interesting places to go in Russia in the winter. They had a bunch of different suggestions, one of which was Oymyakon.

I agreed pretty much right away. I figured we could go there during the holiday break, soak in the local atmosphere, and see what -50°C (-58°F) really feels like. But instead of “zip over to the pole of cold, freeze our butts off, and then go back,” we found ourselves in a magical world of white expanses, endless roads, and constant motion. We were all just enchanted and hypnotized by it. And we froze our butts off too, of course :)

But when we got to Yakutsk, I realized that we couldn’t just stop there. So we traded in our horses and buggies and kept going until we got to Moscow. But that wasn’t so much for tourism or curiosity as for work — we had to meet with partners and clients from all over the country.

00:00 Start
0:31 Magadan
1:20 Susuman
2:08 Abandoned Soviet Mining Town Kadykchan
2:30 Ust-Nera
3:19 Olchansky Pass
3:39 Oymyakon
5:04 Khandyga
5:25 Our cars
6:54 Yakutsk
7:59 Lena river
9:17 Baikal - Amur Mainlain
9:59 The republic of Buryatia
10:19 Baikal
11:06 Kranoyarsk
11:55 Europe - Asia border
13:08 Moscow

Eugene Kaspersky's Travelog


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Rusia, Magadán: ¿Por qué la gente huye de esta ciudad? | Campos de Gulag, Stalin, oro de Kolimá

Magadán es una de las ciudades más remotas de Rusia. Colocada en el Lejano Oriente del país, la zona de Kolimá es conocida por su oro que llevaba años siendo uno de los deseos mayores del gobierno ruso, hasta que en la Unión Soviética empezaron a desarrollar la industria aurífera aquí.

Hoy en día, Magadán es uno de los ejemplos de cómo las ciudades soviéticas se adaptaron a la realidad moderna. En mi nuevo vídeo les voy a mostrar este lugar increíble donde las fantasmas de la época estalinista todavía se sienten en el aire.

Si te ha gustado este vídeo, compártelo en Reddit y en otras redes sociales. ¡Y no olvides suscribirte a mi canal! Tu suscripción lo ayudará a crecer.

Rusia desconectada: ¿Como viven los pensionistas en los pueblos aislados? | Tiendas móviles EPS SUB

Rusia desconocida: República de Tuvá, la región más peligrosa del país | ¡Me atacaron en la calle!

Afganistán unas horas antes de la llegada de talibanes | Pobreza y ejército irresponsable ESP SUB

Yakutia, Rusia: la vida de los pastores de renos nómadas en el Extremo Norte ESP SUB

#rusia #magadan #kolima

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00:00 Bienvenidos a Kolimá
01:17 Arquitectura soviética y extrañas soluciones de diseño
06:32 Historia de Magadán y de la región
06:54 Edificios residenciales frente al Mar de Ojotsk
07:58 Una parada de autobús con una vista increíble
08:55 El proyecto Nueva Escandinavia
11:51 Probando el agua en una playa de hielo
12:13 Arte moderno en Magadán
12:41 Palakta: embellecimiento fracasado
15:54 Yacimientos de oro y explotación de los prisioneros
17:03 La Máscara del dolor, monumento a las víctimas del Gulag
17:57 ¿Para qué se utiliza ahora el edificio de la Policía Secreta Soviética?
19:01 El clima duro y la pobreza hacen que la gente huya de la ciudad
20:05 Visitando una casa abandonada
24:45 Primer campo de trabajos forzados de Magadán
25:46 El lugar donde terminan todas las carreteras
27:00 Un pueblo pesquero abandonado
28:17 Degustando cangrejo local
28:50 ¿Se está convirtiendo Magadán en una ciudad fantasma?

HOW FAR EAST CAN YOU GET TO BY HITCHHIKING | 2032KM From Yakutsk to Magadan (Road of Bones)

I was always wondering what is the easternmost city you can get to by road on the Eurasian continent, and it turns out to be Magadan. I took my backpack and left my apartment in Yakutsk to see what is at the end of this road.
Pierre wasn't here for this trip because he had to work, but he did some other cool stuff.

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Kadykchan - the Largest Ghost Town in Eastern Russia

Kadykchan is a depopulated urban locality of Magadan Region, Russia.
It was built by GULAG prisoners during World War II for the purposes of coal extraction. Coal was used mainly at a local electric power station, which supplied electricity to 2/3 of the Magadan region. In the late eighties, more than 10 thousand people lived there. Life was in full swing: shops, restaurants, a cinema, a House of Culture, a bathhouse worked. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, coal mining in the area became increasingly unprofitable.
Discover this abandoned ghost town in Kolyma region on the border of the famous Road of Bones, Magadan Oblast, in the far east of Russia!

Find out more about our tours to Magadan & Yakutia:

4K footage of this video available on request.

Produced by Pavel Ageychenko | Founder of BaikalNature:

Magadan, Rússia: Gulag, Stalin, ouro de Kolima

Magadan é uma das cidades mais remotas da Rússia. Localizada no Extremo Oriente do país, a região de Kolima é conhecida pelo seu ouro, cobiçado pelo governo russo por muitos anos, até o início da sua exploração pela União Soviética.
Hoje, Magadan é um dos exemplos de como as cidades soviéticas se adaptaram à realidade moderna. No meu novo vídeo vou mostrar a vocês este lugar surpreendente, onde os fantasmas da era estalinista ainda podem ser sentidos no ar.

Turquemenistão: O país mais misterioso do mundo | Como as pessoas vivem na ditadura mais estranha

Tibete russo se afunda em dívidas! | Cidade de xadrez, despovoamento e budismo na Calmúquia

Finlândia e Rússia: países com o mesmo clima e condições de vida diferentes | Inverno e segurança

Aldeias russas: isoladas e famintas | Lojas móveis salvam aposentados deixados para trás

Rússia desconhecida: República de Tuva, região mais perigosa do país| Fui espancado na rua!

#rússia #magadan #kolima

Se você gostar deste vídeo, por favor deixe seu like, deixe comentários e compartilhe-o nas suas redes sociais!

Olá! O meu nome é Ilya Varlamov, sou jornalista russo e fundador de vários projetos do reordenamento urbano em Moscou e em muitas cidades da Rússia. Nada neste mundo eu adoro tanto quanto viajar. Neste canal, faço o meu melhor para lhe dar uma visão objetiva da vida em diferentes partes do mundo - assine para não perder meus novos vídeos!
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Marcas temporais:
00:00 Bem-vindos à Kolima
01:17 Arquitetura soviética e soluções de design bizarras
06:32 História de Magadan e da região
06:54 Edifícios residenciais de frente para o mar de Okhotsk
07:58 Uma parada de ônibus com uma vista incrível
08:55 O projeto Nova Escandinávia
11:51 Provando a água numa praia de gelo
12:13 Arte moderna em Magadan
12:41 Palakta: Embelecimento fracassado
15:54 Depósitos de ouro e exploração dos prisioneiros
17:03 A Máscara da Dor, um memorial para as vítimas do Gulag
17:57 Como é utilizado agora o edifício da Polícia Secreta Soviética?
19:01 O clima rigoroso e a pobreza expulsam as pessoas da cidade
20:05 Visita a uma casa abandonada
24:45 O 1º Campo de Trabalho Forçado de Magadan
25:46 O lugar onde todas as estradas se acabam
27:00 Uma aldeia pesqueira abandonada
28:17 Provando o caranguejo local
28:50 Magadan está se tornando uma cidade fantasma?

Yakutsk - Oymyakon - Magadan Road. Winter Travel in Siberia Russia

In February 2013, 8 international travellers embarked the world's coldest road trip Yakutsk - Oymyakon - Magadan. They experienced the extreme cold weather (-60C) in the coldest inhabited place called Oymyakon (Siberia/Russia) and covered more than 2000 km.

The next Yakutsk - Magadan travels will take place in Jan-Feb 2015 -

Follow me on Twitter @yakutia:

Train travel in Russia - From Moscow to Magadan

In this journey from Moskou to Magadan, Jelle visited numerous areas of Russia. It's time for the trip back, and he choses to take the train for it. Taking a train in Russia, is like a small incursian in Russian daily lives.
Original title: Het spoor terug
What's left of communism? How big are the differences between the poor and the rich? What is the influence of corruption? Is Russia a young democracy (as former Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende previously said)?Is it a sovereign democracy (according to Putin) or a fascist regime (as read in The Economist)? Jelle Brandt Corstius is looking for the topics that rule the life of ordinary Russians in Russia.

Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
© VPRO March 2009

This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

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English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.

15 best places to visit in Russia | Travel Guide |

As the biggest country in the world, there are many magnificent places to visit in Russia. If you want to know what it’s like living there, you should travel before you get there.
By traveling, you will also learn about Russian culture and become familiar with its history and traditions.

Russia is the largest country in the world, with terrain from tundra to desert to subtropical forest. Due to its sheer size, it is no surprise that there are many places to visit in Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Vladivostok, for example.

There are also many places to travel in Russia that are remote and still relatively untouched by tourism, making them some of the best destinations to travel to in Russia.

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New wealth in Siberia - From Moscow to Magadan

The Siberian city of Khanty Mansiysk has become extremely rich thanks to oil. In some parts of Russia, villages are emptying because residents seek better prospects, like the ones happening in Khanty Mansiysk. Jelle visits such a village.
Original title: Siberische belofte
What's left of communism? How big are the differences between the poor and the rich? What is the influence of corruption? Is Russia a young democracy (as former Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende previously said)?Is it a sovereign democracy (according to Putin) or a fascist regime (as read in The Economist)? Jelle Brandt Corstius is looking for the topics that rule the life of ordinary Russians in Russia.

Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
© VPRO March 2009

This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
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English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.

Магадан: город, который не вымрет | Лучший пример для умирающих городов России

Магадан – один из самых труднодоступных городов России. Сюда не ведут железные дороги, есть только одна автомобильная трасса и аэропорт.

А появился Магадан из-за настоящих золотых месторождений! Колымским золотом грезила ещё царская власть, но руки дошли уже при Советском Союзе. Партия сказала надо, и экспедиции это золото немедленно нашли. А сегодня это довольно редкий для нашей страны пример советского города, который смог адаптироваться в новые реалии и прекратить вымирание.

#Колыма #Магадан #Россия

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Владивосток: город, который не за что любить

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as-the-sea-pulls-them-under by rift Artlist
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ES_Into The Blue - Luwaks
ragnarok by rift Artlist
ES_State of Play - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
ES_Still No Wifi - Dylan Sitts
ES_The Sirens of the Lambs - Matt Large
Quincas Moreira - Hip Bone
ES_Calling Me STEMS BASS - Ooyy

0:00 Начало
1:28 Знакомство с Магаданом
9:38 Приехал в удачное время?
12:43 Лучшая шаурма Магадана?
13:29 Непростая судьба Магадана
14:35 Благоустройство Магадана
21:25 Катастрофа с кадрами и неплохой кофе
24:20 Достопримечательности Магадана
28:25 Кислотный посёлок Палатка
37:01 Экономика и заключённые Магадана
38:30 Маска скорби Эрнста Неизвестного
41:26 Память о прошлом Магадана
42:30 Заброшенный посёлок Карамкен
49:40 Кладбище машин
51:06 Золото Магадана
53:00 Закат на пляже
55:05 Ещё одно богатство Магадана

OMSK Top 50 Tourist Places | Omsk Tourism | RUSSIA

Omsk (Things to do - Places to Visit) - OMSK Top Tourist Places
City in Russia
Omsk is a city on the Irtysh River in the vast Russian region of Siberia. The central Vrubel Museum of Fine Arts, in 2 pastel-colored buildings, displays Fabergé creations, Russian paintings, and porcelain.

Nearby, the ornate facade of Omsk Drama Theater is topped with a winged sculpture. St. Nicholas Cossack Cathedral, dating from the 1840s, and the gold-domed Assumption Cathedral are holy landmarks.

OMSK Top 50 Tourist Places | Omsk Tourism

Things to do in OMSK - Places to Visit in Omsk

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OMSK Top 50 Tourist Places - Omsk, Russia

|4k| I Прогулка. Магадан. Россия. Городской парк. Walk. Magadan. Russia. City Park.

Решила выложить прогулку по городскому парку. Сегодня у нас сильный мороз, под ногами скрипит снег, в парке тишина. Мы гуляем с Людвигом и наслаждаемся этими звуками и ощущением мороза. Когда ты хорошо одет, как говориться по погоде, то мороз тоже может приносить удовольствие. Предлагаю прогуляться вместе с нами.

I decided to post a walk through the city park. Today we have a severe frost, snow creaks under our feet, silence in the park. We walk with Ludwig and enjoy these sounds and the feeling of frost. When you are well dressed, as they say according to the weather, the frost can also bring pleasure. I suggest you take a walk with us.

#magadan #russia #прогулка #evening_walk #парк

|4k| Evening Snow Walk. Magadan, Russia || Вечерняя снежная прогулка, Магадан Ленина - К. Маркса

Дорогие друзья! Публикую вновь, случайно удалённое ранее видео! Эта вечерняя прогулка особенно передаёт то умиротворение, которое возникает в Магадане, когда идёт снег! В день, когда я его снимала, было примерно -10С, время - около 17.30. Предлагаю прогуляться еще раз по заснеженному Магадану!

Dear friends! Reposting a video I accidentally deleted! This evening walk especially conveys the peace that arises in Magadan when it snows! On the day when I shot it, it was about -10C, time - about 17.30. I propose to take a walk again in the snowy Magadan!

[4K] Корякский Новый год - Туйгивин. Магадан (full) || Koryak New Year - Tuygivin. Magadan, Russia.

[full version]

Туйгивин - так называется корякский Новый год, который отмечается в дни зимнего солнцестояния. С этого момента коряки ведут отсчет Нового времени. Коряки радуются прибавлению света, встречают Солнце и благодарят Духов Матери-Природы.

На Туйгивине коряки проводят традиционные древние обряды: «Инэлвэт гин’эн» - забой оленя; «Инэлвэт камлэлэн’» - обряд благодарения Духов Земли, «Инэлвэт милг’ык» - благодарение священного Огня, обрядовая гонка «Забег», древний обычай морзверобоев «Уляу», обряд «Внесение священного дерева», обряд «Лаутэн».

В этот раз празднование проходило в недавно открытом этническом парке Дюкча, который располагается на берегу бухты Гертнера в 10 минутах езды на автомобиле от центра города. Помимо выступления местных творческих коллективов в концерте приняли участие корякские гости из Камчатского края.

Приятного просмотра.

Tuygivin is the name of the Koryak New Year, which is celebrated on the days of the winter solstice. From this moment, the Koryaks are counting the New Time. The Koryaks rejoice at the addition of light, meet the Sun and thank the Spirits of Mother Nature.

On Tuygivin, the Koryaks perform traditional ancient rites: “Inelvet gin’en” - slaughtering a deer; Inelvet kamlelen' - the rite of thanksgiving of the Spirits of the Earth, Inelvet milg'yk - the thanksgiving of the sacred Fire, the ritual race Running, the ancient custom of the sea hunters Ulyau, the rite Introduction of the sacred tree, the rite Lauten.

This time the celebration took place in the newly opened Dyukcha ethnic park, which is located on the shore of the Gertner bay, 10 minutes by car from the city center. In addition to the performance of local creative groups, Koryak guests from the Kamchatka Territory took part in the concert.

Enjoy watching.

#russia #koryak #коряки #танцы_народы_севера

[4K] Корякский Новый год - Туйгивин. Магадан, Россия || Koryak New Year - Tuygivin. Magadan, Russia.

[short version]

Туйгивин - так называется корякский Новый год, который отмечается в дни зимнего солнцестояния. С этого момента коряки ведут отсчет Нового времени. Коряки радуются прибавлению света, встречают Солнце и благодарят Духов Матери-Природы.

На Туйгивине коряки проводят традиционные древние обряды: «Инэлвэт гин’эн» - забой оленя; «Инэлвэт камлэлэн’» - обряд благодарения Духов Земли, «Инэлвэт милг’ык» - благодарение священного Огня, обрядовая гонка «Забег», древний обычай морзверобоев «Уляу», обряд «Внесение священного дерева», обряд «Лаутэн».

В этот раз празднование проходило в недавно открытом этническом парке Дюкча, который располагается на берегу бухты Гертнера в 10 минутах езды на автомобиле от центра города. Помимо выступления местных творческих коллективов в концерте приняли участие корякские гости из Камчатского края.

Приятного просмотра.

Музыка: Рада Рай и Олег Ныпевге - Колокольчики

Tuygivin is the name of the Koryak New Year, which is celebrated on the days of the winter solstice. From this moment, the Koryaks are counting the New Time. The Koryaks rejoice at the addition of light, meet the Sun and thank the Spirits of Mother Nature.

On Tuygivin, the Koryaks perform traditional ancient rites: “Inelvet gin’en” - slaughtering a deer; Inelvet kamlelen' - the rite of thanksgiving of the Spirits of the Earth, Inelvet milg'yk - the thanksgiving of the sacred Fire, the ritual race Running, the ancient custom of the sea hunters Ulyau, the rite Introduction of the sacred tree, the rite Lauten.

This time the celebration took place in the newly opened Dyukcha ethnic park, which is located on the shore of the Gertner bay, 10 minutes by car from the city center. In addition to the performance of local creative groups, Koryak guests from the Kamchatka Territory took part in the concert.

Enjoy watching.

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