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10 Best place to visit in Leszno Poland


Leszno, Polska, Centrum

Leszno, Poland. Downton. Summer 2021.

From Leszno, Poland to Tanvald, Czechia with the Interslavic language: part 1, Leszno

Moj prvy, amatorsky reportaž iz voženja sę do Čehije na češsky Festival Zavízofest.
My first amateur reportage from travelling to Czechia to the Czech Zavízofest Festival.
Мој првы аматорскы репортаж из вожењја се до Чехије на чешскы Фестивал Завӣзофест.


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#medžuslovjansky #Interslaviclanguage #словиански
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Leszno | Wiosna 2022 | Spacer po Lesznie | Binaural Audio ???? [4k]

Leszno | Wiosna 2022 | Spacer po Lesznie

Leszno jest miastem w województwie wielkopolskim. Położone jest w zachodniej części Polski, pomiędzy dwoma dużymi centrami gospodarczymi - Poznaniem i Wrocławiem. Jest szóstym pod względem wielkości w województwie.

Dzisiejsze Leszno to dawna osada rycerska, o której pierwsza wzmianka pochodzi z 1393 roku.

Od początku znane było ze swej tolerancji dla różnowierców, z gospodarności, rozwoju oświaty, rzemiosła, a także patriotycznych zrywów mieszkańców.

Prawa miejskie uzyskało w 1547 roku.

W roku 1606 Żydzi otrzymują zgodę właściciela miasta na osiedlenie się w Lesznie.

Pierwszy herb Leszna, którym miasto posługiwało się do 1738 roku, był połączeniem motywów herbu Wieniawa, którym pieczętowali się także Leszczyńscy i motywów herbu Topór, którym pieczętował się ród Tęczyńskich (z tego rodu pochodziła żona Rafała IV Marszałkowica, Barbara).

Herb Wieniawa miał jako symbol głowę tura z kółkiem w nozdrzu, zaś herb Topór właśnie wyobrażenie topora.

Obecny kształt herbu miasta opisuje uchwała Rady Miejskiej w Lesznie z dnia 28 stycznia 1992 roku w sprawie herbu miasta Leszna.

Przywilej Zygmunta III Wazy zrównujący w prawach Leszno z największymi miastami Polski pochodzi z 1631 roku.

W 1815 roku na mocy kongresu wiedeńskiego Leszno znajduje się w Wielkim Księstwie Poznańskim.

Leszno stało się miastem wojewódzkim w 1975 roku.

00:00 Leszno

#leszno #spacer #2022


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Dando Vueltas por el Mundo 4: Leszno, Polonia #GoingAroundTheWorld Poland

Dando Vueltas por el Mundo 4: Leszno, Polonia #GoingAroundTheWorld Poland


Poland's economy and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is currently the sixth largest in the European Union by nominal standards, and the fifth largest by purchasing power parity. It is also one of the fastest growing within the Union and reached a developed market status in 2018. The unemployment rate published by Eurostat in 2021 amounted to 2.9%, which was the second-lowest in the EU. Around 61% of the employed population belongs to the tertiary service sector, 31% to industry and manufacturing, and the remaining 8% to the agricultural sector. Although Poland is a member of EU's single market, the country has not adopted the Euro as legal tender and maintains its own currency – the Polish złoty (zł, PLN).

Poland is the regional economic leader in Central Europe, with nearly 40 per cent of the 500 biggest companies in the region (by revenues) as well as a high globalisation rate. The country's largest firms compose the WIG20 and WIG30 indexes, which is traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. According to reports made by the National Bank of Poland, the value of Polish foreign direct investments reached almost 300 billion PLN at the end of 2014. The Central Statistical Office estimated that in 2014 there were 1,437 Polish corporations with interests in 3,194 foreign entities.

Poland has the largest banking sector in Central Europe, with 32.3 branches per 100,000 adults. It was the only European economy to have avoided the recession of 2008. The country is the 20th largest exporter of goods and services in the world. Exports of goods and services are valued at approximately 56% of GDP, as of 2020. In 2019, Poland passed a law that would exempt workers under the age of 26 from income tax.

Main articles: Tourism in Poland, List of World Heritage Sites of Poland, List of Historic Monuments (Poland), Seven Wonders of Poland, and Crown of Polish Mountains

The Old City of Zamość is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Poland experienced a significant increase in the number of tourists after joining the European Union in 2004. With nearly 21 million international arrivals in 2019, tourism contributes considerably to the overall economy and makes up a relatively large proportion of the country's service market.

Tourist attractions in Poland vary, from the mountains in the south to the sandy beaches in the north, with a trail of nearly every architectural style. The most visited city is Kraków, which was the former capital of Poland and serves as a relic of the Polish Golden Age and the Renaissance. Kraków also held royal coronations of most Polish kings and monarchs at Wawel, the nation's chief historical landmark. Among other notable sites in the country is Wrocław, one of the oldest cities in Poland which was a model for the founding of Kraków. Wrocław is famous for its dwarf statues, a large market square with two town halls, and the oldest Zoological Gardens with one of the world's largest number of animal species. The Polish capital Warsaw and its historical Old Town were entirely reconstructed after wartime destruction. Other cities attracting countless tourists include Gdańsk, Poznań, Lublin, Toruń as well as the site of the German Auschwitz concentration camp in Oświęcim. A notable highlight is the 13th-century Wieliczka Salt Mine with its labyrinthine tunnels, a subterranean lake and chapels carved by miners out of rock salt beneath the ground.

Poland's main tourist offerings include outdoor activities such as skiing, sailing, mountain hiking and climbing, as well as agritourism, sightseeing historical monuments. Tourist destinations include the Baltic Sea coast in the north; the Masurian Lake District and Białowieża Forest in the east; on the south Karkonosze, the Table Mountains and the Tatra Mountains, where Rysy – the highest peak of Poland, and Eagle's Path mountain trail are located. The Pieniny and Bieszczady Mountains lie in the extreme south-east. There are over 100 castles in the country, most in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, and also on the Trail of the Eagles' Nests. The largest castle in the world by land area is situated in Malbork, in north-central Poland. #roundof16 #poland #polska #mapschool #mapsolo #maps #mapas

Wielkopolska Travel S02 E02 - Rydzyna, Leszno, Osieczna, Przemęt

W tym odcinku odwiedzimy południowo-zachodnią Wielkopolskę. Zaczynamy w Rydzynie, gdzie znajduje się jeden z największych zamków w okolicy, potem przeniesiemy się do Leszna - miasta dawniej będącego tyglem języków i religii, by wreszcie trafić do Osiecznej i jej Muzeum Młynarstwa. Na koniec spływ kajakowy po Szlaku Konwaliowym w okolicy Przemętu.

Kulisy Antidotum Airshow Leszno 2022 | VLOG | POLAND ON AIR by Margas & Łogusz

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Tym razem pokażemy Wam nie tylko co działo się na niebie podczas AIR SHOW, ale także to co działo się w hangarze na Antidotum Airshow Leszno 2022! Jako jedna z 2 ekip mogliśmy latać dronem podczas pokazów, pozmawialiśmy z pilotami, którzy opowiadali nam o swojej pracy, podziwialiśmy akrobacje i malowanie światłem! To była prawdziwa podniebna sztuka!

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Obejrzyj nasze filmy z cyklu POLAND ON AIR:

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⭐ Szczecin ON AIR:
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⭐ Gdańsk ON AIR

#POLANDONAIR #Leszno #airshow Na kanale POLAND ON AIR obejrzysz piękne widoki i krajobrazy Polski widzianej z lotu ptaka - filmy lotnicze z Warszawy, zdjęcia lotnicze, filmy z dronów, Polskę z góry. Wykonujemy zdjęcia oraz filmy z dronów, samolotów, śmigłowców, balonów, i wydajemy albumy o Polsce widzianej z powietrza. Tematy nam bliskie to architektura, urbanistyka, fotografia, drony, turystyka, krajoznawstwo, Warszawa z lotu ptaka, inwestycje i historia. Można nas wspierać poprzez, a na zamówić nasze wydruki fotografii i albumy. Twórcy kanału to Maciej Margas i Aleksandra Łogusz.

At POLAND ON AIR channel you will see beautiful views and landscapes of Poland seen from a bird's eye view - aerial videos from Warsaw, aerial photos, drone videos, Poland from above. We take photos and videos from drones, planes, helicopters, balloons, and we publish albums about Poland seen from the air. Topics close to us include architecture, urban planning, photography, drones, tourism, sightseeing, Warsaw from a bird's eye view, Warsaw aerial footage, Poland aerial footage, investments and history. You can support us through, and at you can order our photo prints and albums. The creators of the channel are Maciej Margas and Aleksandra Łogusz.

1117 POLAND Wschowa Dębowa Łęka Długie Stare Lasocice Leszno DASHCAM 2019 WWW.TOFIL.NET

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00:00:14 #Wschowa
00:04:43 #DebowaLeka
00:10:10 #DługieStare
00:12:37 #Lasocice
00:16:18 #Leszno

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Why does Poland still run its steam engines? - Wolsztyn Steam Experience Review


Hello and welcome back to another video. Today I'm taking a ride on-board Europe's last mainline steam service, running from Leszno to Wolsztyn in Poland, as a regularly scheduled passenger train.

It's a fantastic novelty to ride a steam engine in service in 2022, and I highly recommend paying a visit to this railway yourself.




Journey Details:
Origin: Leszno
Destination: Wolsztyn
Company: Parowozownia Wolsztyn (PW) for Koleje Wielkopolskie (KW)
Train: PKP Ol49 + Regional Carriages
Accommodation: Second Class Seat (2nd)
Distance: 28 miles / 45 kilometres
Price: 14.80 PLN (£2.70 / €3.20 / $3.30)
Time: 1h23m -1E


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Poland Road Trip: Zielona Góra, Wrocław PART 1

Welcome to the vlog series of road trip around Poland. Me and my gf took this trip in July 2022 and it was awesome. I still can't process how much we saw and that it really happened. Enjoy!
My photography on Instagram:
PL ????????
ENG ????????
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Zielona Góra


Restaurants in Leszno, Polen

Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Leszno. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.

Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, nutzt gerne einen unserer Affiliate Links. Euch entstehen dadurch keine Mehrkosten und wir erhalten eine kleine Provision.

Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):

Hier findest du Restaurants in Leszno, Polen:
1) San Carlo Italian Pizza, włoska pizza, pizza leszno
2) Blue Kot
3) Koryto
4) Restauracja Wieniawa
5) Markiz Restaurant
6) Zielona Antresola
7) Restauracja Pireus Leszno - domowe obiady
8) HOCHO Sushi Bar & Restaurant
9) Restauracja Cela Pod Różą - Pierogarnia & Naleśnikarnia
10) Figa z makiem

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Stylish Stay at Cozy Attic Room at No1 B&B @ Leszno, Poland

#Leszno #Poland #No1
On my way back to my city Wroclaw, I stayed a night at cozy attic room in No1 Bed & Breakfast in Leszno. Very stylish lounge welcomed me when checking in and the breakfast was very well served in this spot. My room was on the top floor with cute window, through which I could see the wide sky. Ceiling was not high in this attic room, but it was very clean and cozy to have a good sleep.

Fine Dining with Delicious Polish Food at Wieniawa @ Leszno, Poland

#Leszno #Poland #Wieniawa
Leszno was very quiet at night, so I decided to have a peaceful but fine dinner with Polish local food. As a part of nice hotel, the restaurant Wieniawa served Polish food at high quality, including Zurek, Rosol, Beef Cheek and beef rib accompanied with many side dishes. Rose petal jam was nicely sweet to add on my black tea.

Molinos de camino a Leszno , Polonia ???????? Travel around Poland


Seminar Erasmus+ Now Go in Leszno, Poland (long version)

27 participants from 6 different countries who discussed how to involve youth in local activities, through organizational work.

One of the challenges the European Union faces nowadays is the amount of youth excluded and without opportunities to take part, actively, in the society. There are too many young people [...] running a high risk of being unemployed and socially marginalized, with no trust in institutions and political parties.

Young people are a very important element in drawing the society nowadays toward the close future they want to have and in which they will live. Thus, a possible solution for social exclusion problem can go by involving and empowering young people, their surrounding environment and their peers and develop their skills, encouraging their participation in democratic and social active life through organisational work and by empowering and involving them in develop activities in the local society.

Objectives of the Project:
- To Increase quality and quantity of youth participation opportunities provided by partner NGOs on local, national and international levels.
- To share local activities and national cooperation strategies, then discuss efficiency and feasibility among multinational groups, and conduct national mandates to improve them based on good practices and different international perspectives coming from participating NGOs.

- To share local impact studies on international participation in participating countries and insights from the participating NGOs, create an open space to include local communities and youth needs into the discussion, then conduct a desired impact on local/national level based on good practices and different international perspectives coming from participating NGOs.

- To share experience between experienced and upcoming NGOs , foster cooperation between them nationally and internationally and encouraging young organizations to grow and develop their international presence.

The objectives of the project contributes directly to the achievement of the overall objectives of the renewed framework of cooperation in the youth field.

1- Supporting the work of youth associations in order to improve young people’s
participation and social cohesion.
By capacity building for NGOs and youth workers we support the associations staff to have an efficient community intervention. To be more aware of the needs of young people and to be more initiative to their diversity. Thus, offering more open and inclusive local programs that promote for active participation and inclusion regardless of backgrounds or difficulties of participation youth can have.
2- Promoting for voluntary activities among young people to develop their sense of responsibility and citizenship.
By developing more Erasmus+ projects targeting young people from diverse communities and highlighting the profits of these mobilities. We offer support, mentoring and a learning experience that fits young people’s needs, as well as the responsibility of their learning objectives
3- Encouraging greater understating and knowledge on youth. By international cooperation.

Video by Mari Trini Giner
If you want know more about me, check my Youtube Channel or my profile on social networks.

08.- My Way to Santiago de Compostela - Camino Polaco_5 (Leszno - Zgorzelec)

On 16 November 2023, I completed my greatest challenge and adventure - the Camino de Santiago. I walked 5005 kilometres from my home in Sigulda (Latvia). I spent two hundred and one days on the road. I walked through six countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, France and Spain to Santiago de Compostela.
Watch my entire Camino de Santiago series from the beginning -
Playlist -

QQLX 0293 POLAND - Leszno - Street View Car 2016 Driving through

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Poland Baltic Trip 2020

V roce 2004 bylo vyznačeno prvních pár úseků Cesty sv. Jakub jako součást evropské sítě Camino de Santago. Dnes přes Polsko vede téměř 6 000 kilometrů tras označených symbolem žluté mušle. Díky nim můžete také jít do/z Litvy, Ruska, Ukrajiny a Slovenska do/z Německa a České republiky.

POMORSKÁ CESTA SV. JAKUBA - Cesta podél Baltského moře
Pouti k hrobu svatého Jakuba, apoštola Krista, jehož hrob je ve španělské Compostele, začaly v 9. století. První záznamy o dnešním Polsku pocházejí z 11. století.
Pomořská cesta sv. Jakuba odkazuje na trasu, která začala v Königsbergu a dnes z východní části Litvy, z Kretingy, a vede přes Rusko (Kaliningradská oblast), Polsko, Německo a dále na hlavní trasy vedoucí do Španělska. Celková délka trasy od začátku je 1142 km.

Pomořská trasa sv. Jakuba ve své současné podobě je výsledkem aktivit v rámci projektu „Revitalizace evropské kulturní cesty v oblasti jižního Baltu - Pomeranian St. Jakuba “v letech 2010–2013. Polský úsek stezky je dlouhý přibližně 720 km, trasa vede z Braniewa do Štětína a přes Świnoujście a dále do Rostocku. Trasa v Pomořansku je rozdělena na 7 částí včetně 29 úseků. Poutníci na stezce mohou obdivovat krásy pobaltské krajiny, navštívit cenné kulturní památky a ochutnat regionální jídla.


Proč Camino v Polsku?
* Protože je to blíže. Jistě je jednodušší vyjít na cestu spontánně, přes noc, dokonce i na víkend, než plánovat mnoho týdnů dopředu, rezervovat let a přesouvat povinnosti doma i v práci.
* Protože neexistuje žádná jazyková bariéra, a to je důležité (nejen) pro plaché.
* Protože poutě v Polsku jsou pevně zakořeněny v našich srdcích a myslích.
* Protože poutník je na cestě obnoven a oživuje tvář Země. Tato země.
* Protože se o tuto zemi staráme tím, že šetříme její výfukové plyny, a někdy se ze silnice zvedne láhev nebo papír.
* Protože silnice ukazuje zdánlivě známá místa ze zcela jiného úhlu. A kolik méně známých míst kolem nás, ale zajímavých, pěkných, zajímavých a krásných.
* Protože vidíte, kolik máme všichni společného na tomto nádherném kontinentu, v Evropě, a že nás to všechny přitahuje na konec světa.
* Protože nejjednodušší způsob, jak zahájit své velké dobrodružství s Caminem a individuální poutí, je z prahu vašeho domova.

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From Leszno to Wroclaw Austega's photos around Wroclaw, Poland

Preview of Austega's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:

This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.

Entry from: Wroclaw, Poland
Entry Title: From Leszno to Wroclaw


Wed 24 Sep, Wroclaw A number of long days & late nights is taking its toll. I've actually felt very tired almost all day. It's been an emotional day for me too, and that takes its toll too, I know. I hadn't been happy about having a family room with Chris - I felt I'd need some privacy - but he made great efforts to stay out of our way, particularly in the morning, and I expect would have done so at night as well, except when we encouraged conversation. So that worked much better than it might, mainly due to his flexibility & thoughtfulness. After breakfast today, first stop was the post office. We were planning to post home guidebooks & other books in order to reduce the weight before our RyanAir flight tomorrow. Chris couldn't park nearby, so we got out & he went to try to find parking. While waiting for him, we found a chart of postage costs - we managed to work out which column applied to Australia - and the prices were very high. Using sign language, we managed to communicate that we wanted our package weighed, and the weight was 2.38 kg. Then we went to check the postage chart. A 1 kg package to Australia costs 67 zloty - halve that to $A. Our 2.38 kg parcel would cost 73 zl, or close to $37. Again I wondered couldn't we try to get our luggage under weight by moving around the heavier items, rather than spending all that on postage. Chris' stories earlier about how untrustworthy is the Polish postal system didn't help. So when Chris arrived, having finally parked the car, we told him we'd decided to keep the books with us. Next stop was the Jewish burial prayer house, on the edge of the old Jewish cemetery. It is now used as the public library, and didn't open until 11, so we were behind a locked gate. Stacked outside were a number of old tomb stones - from Dariusz we'd learned that 2 of them are for CHARIGs. We took a few photos through the gate of the building, the rows of stones & were on the point of leaving, when I said that I thought I needed a few more minutes here. Much of our time in Leszno has been used being efficient, trying to achieve as much as possible in very limited time. (Actually much of the trip has been like that.) But standing there in what remained of the old cemetery, it suddenly hit me - Michael is probably here somewhere (my ancestor). Chris pointed out that some of the ground had been taken over for the local swimming pool, and some is car park. Again we were nearly leaving when I said, I'm sorry but I need to take another photo of the general area. I got out of the car, walked across the grass to get a wider photo - when suddenly I had one of those almost spiritual experiences, feeling very close to an ancestor. Tears flowed & I felt very blessed to be here. I've learned a lot about their lives & have tried to find out as much as possible - these people have been high in my mind for days. But this time, somehow they were in my heart. Chris had told us that the word Poland in Yiddish means here we stay. Suddenly that had much meaning for me. Chris drove us next to the archives, to pick up the scans ordered yesterday. I was still struggling with tears & so asked to be left alone outside for a few minutes. However when I went in - I was the one with the receipt, David & Chris had had to wait for me. We were given the CD & David said is the map (of old Lissa) on there too? Much uncertainty - they went to check - and after a bit came back with another CD for us, this with the very large map we had asked to be copied (the oldest one held in the Leszno archives, about the size of 3 x A3 pages). Great that he remembered to check. After that we set out for Wroclaw. We had a chance to ask Chris about his impressions of the 1980s & later, & how Poland had changed - and in fact is still evolving. We remembered that when we last visited Poland (in the south in 1995) they were then in the process of changing from old zloty to new zloty, and 10,000 old ...
Read and see more at:

Photos from this trip:
1. Burial house, now library
2. Old Jewish cemetery, Leszno
3. Kerry & Chris at National Archives
4. Old Jewish cemetery, Wroclaw
5. Jewish cemetery
6. Town Hall trim
7. Fountain, Wroclaw
8. Stary Rynek, Wroclaw
9. Wroclaw
10. Wroclaw glass fountain
11. Looking towards cathedral
12. Panorama battle scene
13. Town Hall at night
14. Wroclaw Opera House

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