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10 Best place to visit in Langenhagen Germany


Visit Hannover - Top 10 Sites in Hannover Germany

Whether you are just passing through on your way to Berlin or Hamburg, Hannover is the biggest small town in Germany. With numerous sites, a nice rebuilt historic center and the home of numerous trade fairs like CeBIT Hanover offers a lot of travelers and tourists. Here we give you the top 10 sights to see in Hanover, Germany
filmed in Hannover
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014

4 days exploring Hannover | unappreciated city in Germany

Today we are in Hannover! The most unappreciated city in Germany. The only thing I knew about Hannover is that it sounds like hangover.

Even though it took 6 hours one way, it was definitely worth the journey. The hotel was so trendy filled with professional looking people, the weather was perfect for sight seeing and the food was out of this world.
Fun tip the first place we went to VietCuisine Hannover was so affordable for the portions you get. Highly recommend!

If you would like to support & donate my silly little videos:

00:00 welcome to Hannover
00:29 me and all
01:39 red line
02:06 pho & cakes
03:17 nanas
03:38 more sights
04:14 breakfast! breakfast!
04:53 Herrenhausen Gardens
03:28 burgers brothers
06:00 town hall view
06:55 turkish delight
08:03 breakfast market
08:46 thrift makeover
10:20 viet cafe
10:53 shopping!
11:26 perfume experts
12:06 bavaria
12:42 modern art museum
12:57 me & walk
13:25 not starbucks
14:54 train train
15:23 rip eggy ;(

Without Hannover this video would not be possible so thank you so much to Hannover for hosting us!

Info about Nanas:

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Modern art museum Museum:

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HANOVER in 3 minutes | THE LOCALS for Hannover City

Hannover, also called Hanover, is the city with the red thread. The arrival is easy: Hanover Airport is 15 minutes away from the city centre, Hanover Central Station is located directly in the city centre. We show you some highlights like the Tiergarten, Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten, Maschsee and the Nanas.

#theTravellers #Hanover #Europetravel

Recommended stay: min 2 days
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Walking tour in Hannover, Germany - 4K 60fps

Thank you for watching the video, hope you enjoyed the tour. Please if you like it make like and subscribe to the channel to see the new great tours.

Today's tour is in Hanover city, the capital city of lower saxony state in Germany. we explore the old town and all the famous landmarks. I focus more to show you the natural life in hanover and a city full of life in streets, restaurants, parks, coffeeshops, train stations.

Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany )

Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany )

Hanover is the capital city of the German state of Lower Saxony. It's known for trade fairs like the annual CeBIT tech expo. The red-brick Gothic Market Church and the Old Town Hall stand among half-timbered houses in the rebuilt old town. The ornate New Town Hall has views from its dome and 4 different scale models of the city through the ages. The 17th-century Herrenhäuser Gardens are just outside the city center.

Hannover on the River Leine, is the capital and largest city of the German state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), and was once by personal union the family seat of the Hanoverian Kings of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, under their title as the dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg (later described as the Elector of Hanover). At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Electorate was enlarged to become a Kingdom with Hanover as its capital. From 1868 to 1946 Hanover was the capital of the Prussian Province of Hanover and afterwards of the Hanover administrative region until that was abolished in 2005. It is now the capital of the Land of Lower Saxony. Since 2001 it has been part of the Hanover district (Region Hannover), which is a municipal body made up from the former district (Landkreis Hannover) and city of Hanover (note: although both Region and Landkreis are translated as district they are not the same).

Hanover also hosts annual commercial trade fairs such as the Hanover Fair and the CeBIT. Every year Hanover hosts the Schützenfest Hannover, the world's largest marksmen's festival, and the Oktoberfest Hannover, the second largest such festival in Germany. In 2000, Hanover hosted the world fair Expo 2000. The Hanover fairground, due to numerous extensions, especially for the Expo 2000, is the largest in the world. Hanover is of national importance because of its universities and medical school, its international airport and its large zoo. The city is also a major crossing point of railway lines and highways (Autobahnen), connecting European main lines in both the east-west (Berlin–Ruhr area) and north-south (Hamburg–Munich, etc.) directions.

The city's central station, Hannover Hauptbahnhof, is a hub of the German high-speed ICE network. It is the starting point of the Hanover-Würzburg high-speed rail line and also the central hub for the Hanover S-Bahn. Hanover and its area is served by Hanover/Langenhagen International Airport. Hanover is also an important hub of Germany's Autobahn network; the junction of two major autobahns, the A2 and A7 is at Kreuz Hannover-Ost, at the northeastern edge of the city.

Alot to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) such as :

Herrenhausen Gardens
Marktkirche, Hanover
Hanover Zoo
Sprengel Museum
New Town Hall , Hannover
Lower Saxony State Museum
Wilhelm Busch Museum
Museum August Kestner
SEA LIFE Hannover
Historisches Museum
Schloss Herrenhausen
Herrenhäuser Straße
Aegidienkirche, Hanover
Masch Park
Spielbank Hannover
Casino RP5
Löwen Play
Fürstenhaus Herrenhausen Museum
Botanischer Schulgarten Burg
Spielbanken Niedersachsen
Schützenplatz Hannover
Hermann-Loens Park
Soccer & Racket Park GmbH
Kreuzkirche, Hanover
Spielpark Wakitu
Hinüberscher Garten
Herrenhäuser Church
Großer Garten

( Hannover - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Hannover . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Hannover - Germany

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Was muss man im Harz sehen? 15 Sehenswürdigkeiten für einen unvergesslichen Urlaub

Komm mit uns auf eine Reise in den wunderschönen Harz! In unserer Doku erkunden wir malerische Fachwerkstädte, die atemberaubende Landschaft, geheimnisvolle Wälder, majestätische Berge und geben einen Blick in die Geschichte dieser schönen Region mitten in Deutschland. In unserem Video führen wir dich zu einigen der schönsten Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten im Harz.

Für jede Attraktion geben wir nützliche Tipps. Egal, ob du den Harz besuchen oder einfach nur die Schönheit dieser Region aus der Ferne genießen möchtest - unser Video ist der perfekte Reiseführer!

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Diese schönen Orte und Highlights musst du im Harz unbedingt sehen:

✓ 00:14 Hexentanzplatz Thale mit Bodetal: Der Hexentanzplatz und das beeindruckende Bodetal bieten eine faszinierende Mischung aus Mythen, Legenden und herrlicher Natur.

✓ 00:57 Brocken (Wanderung über Eckerlochstieg): Eine Wanderung auf den Brocken über den malerischen Eckerlochstieg belohnt mit atemberaubenden Panoramaaussichten. Der Gipfel ist eines der Highlights im Harz.

✓ 01:28 Klusfelsen: Die beeindruckenden Felsformationen laden zum Erkunden ein und bieten eine malerische Kulisse für ein Picknick.

✓ 02:20 Teufelsmauer bei Blankenburg: Die eindrucksvolle Teufelsmauer bei Blankenburg bietet atemberaubende Ausblicke und ist ein einmaliges Naturdenkmal.

✓ 03:07 Quedlinburg: Die mittelalterliche Stadt mit dem UNESCO-geschützten Stadtkern begeistert mit gepflasterten Straßen, Fachwerkhäusern und einer reichen Geschichte.

✓ 03:46 Goslar: Die historische Stadt ist bekannt für ihre Kaiserpfalz und die malerischen Gassen mit den Fachwerkhäuser.

✓ 04:18 Hamburger Wappen: Die eindrucksvolle Felsformation bietet spektakuläre Fotomotive und ist eine tolle Kulisse für Wanderungen.

✓ 04:56 Stabkirche Hahnenklee: Die Stabkirche ist ein beeindruckendes Beispiel nordischer Architektur und bietet die Möglichkeit, einen Hauch von Skandinavien im Harz zu erleben.

✓ 05:17 Marktkirche zum Heiligen Geist in Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Die hölzerne Marktkirche ist die größte ihrer Art in Deutschland.

✓ 05:42 Titan RT: Die Fußgänger-Hängebrücke ist ein kleines Abenteuer und bietet einen unvergesslichen Ausblick über das Rappbodetal.

✓ 06:09 Bergwerke im Harz: Die historischen Bergwerke im Harz ermöglichen es dir, tief in die Bergbaugeschichte der Region einzutauchen und die unterirdische Welt des Erzabbaus zu erkunden.

✓ 06:40 Verlobungsinsel im Okertal: Die idyllisch gelegene Verlobungsinsel bietet eine wildromantische Kulisse und ist ein schöner Ort für eine Pause auf einer Wanderung.

✓ 07:40 Oderteich: Der malerische Oderteich, einer der ältesten Stauseen Deutschlands, bietet die Möglichkeit, die Schönheit der Harzer Wasserlandschaft zu genießen und zahlreiche Wasservögel zu beobachten.

✓ 07:26 Burg Falkenstein: Die mittelalterliche Burg, hoch oben auf einem Berg gelegen, ist eine spannende Reise in die Vergangenheit und bietet eine tolle Aussicht auf das umliegende Harzvorland.

✓ 07:56 Wernigerode: In der Bunten Stadt am Harz kannst du das Schloss Wernigerode und hübsche Fachwerkhäuser erkunden.

► Einen Überblick über alle Highlights im Harz findest du auf unserem Reiseblog unter

► Auch für Familien mit Kindern findest du bei uns tolle Ausflüge im Harz

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Hannover attractions in 4K Lower Saxony Germany | Landes Niedersachsen

Enjoy 4K travel video about top sights and attractions of Hannover. Tourists from all over the world visit Hannover to see the sights of the capital of Lower Saxony (Landes Niedersachsen). Enjoy this travel video in 4K.

Locals love Hanover (spelt 'Hannover' in German) for the low cost of living; good public transport; wealth of museums, theatre, live music and other arts and cultural events; and the city's proximity to green spaces. The spectacularly Baroque Herrenhäuser Gärten, the constructed Lake Maschsee and the Eilenriede, Europe's largest urban forest, are all close at hand. That said, most Germans groan at the first mention of Hanover, whose dialect is regarded as the closest tongue to High German. Perhaps it's a complex socio-linguistic thing – or perhaps they're just jealous of the laid-back lifestyle.

Video by Andrey Shagin
Music track by Andrey Shagin
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Видео: Андрей Шагин
Музыка: Андрей Шагин
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Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) Erlebnis Zoo Hannover

Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) Erlebnis Zoo Hannover

Hanover Zoo is located in the city centre of Hanover, Germany. The zoo was established on 4 May 1865, and comprises an area of 22 hectares. It contains about 3,414 animals in 237 species, which are cared for by more than 400 employees in the summer season.

Hanover Zoo is the fifth oldest German zoo. It was established in 1865 with private money. To cover expenses, a stock company was founded. Without any experience in the keeping of wild animals, the company faced significant difficulties and, as a result, losses. It was often visited by local residents.

Due to the consequences of World War I, ever increasing subsidies by the government were needed to keep the zoo open. In 1920, the city took over, but in 1922, when the zoo was no longer financially viable, it was closed. Two years later, in 1924, due to public pressure and private commitment by the animal trading company Ruhe, it was re-opened with a lions' canyon and monkey rock. In 1932, Ruhe completely took over the zoo and used it as a showcase for their pet shop. Often, the animals were only exhibited for a few weeks before they were sold.

During World War II, the zoo was badly damaged. In 1946, Ruhe restored parts of the zoo provisionally and few animals could be seen until the reopening in 1950. As time passed and with funding from the municipal budget, new enclosures were built for rhinos, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, seals, and penguins. At this time, Hanover Zoo was renowned for its elephant breeding program: 10 Asian and 3 African elephants were born. In 1972, the zoo was again taken over by the city of Hanover.

In the early 1990s, the zoo had continuously falling visitor numbers. In 1994, it was converted into a limited company and sold to Hanover Region and work on a new concept started the next year. €111.9 million has since been invested in the zoo's development. Since 2000, more than a million people have visited the zoo annually. In 2005, the Winter-Zoo was introduced, in 2007, the children's paradise Mollywoop was opened, in spring 2010, the Australian Outback and in May 2010, the seventh theme world followed. A Canadian theme world Yukon Bay was opened, a world record of five Asian baby elephants were born in one calendar year at the zoo, and it received the 2009/10 ‘Best Zoo’ award. More than 1.6 million people visit every year.

( Hannover - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Hannover . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Hannover - Germany

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Hannover The Red Line for Tourists and the Old Town

Hannover, Germany's old town (what is left of it) has a few treats for the tourist. One thing that makes seeing the sites in Hannover so easy is the Tourist Red Line you will see painted on the ground. Just follow the red line and it will take you to all the major sites. It is very helpful if you do get lost as it passes by all the important areas (so its safe). So if you are in Hannover Hanover for CEBIT or another trade fair at the Messe there are some things for you to see.

Visit Hannover - 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Hannover, Germany

Visiting Hanover for a trade fair or CeBIT? There are lots of sites to see in Hannover, from visiting Volkswagen or seeing the Market Church or having a beer at Ernst August Brewery but it is not all perfect in Hannover. Here we have the best and worst of Hannover for tourists.
Filmed in Hannover, Germany
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014
Visit Hannover, Hannover Tourist Information, What to See in Hannover

Qué ver en Hannover ???????? | 10 Lugares Imprescindibles

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Ein Tag in Hannover | ARD Reisen

Lisa Kestel besucht die Landeshauptstadt von Niedersachsen und spaziert durch die Herrenhäuser Gärten, erkundet das Neue Rathaus und natürlich dürfen auch das typische Gericht Kanzlerplatte und das Traditionsgetränk Lüttje Lage bei Ein Tag in Hannover nicht fehlen.

00:00 Begrüßung und Rathaus
02:08 Vom Hauptbahnhof zur Altstadt
03:01 Lisa trinkt eine Lüttje Lage
05:29 Barocke Blumenpracht in den Herrenhäuser Gärten
07:12 Experimentelle Stadtentwicklung im PLATZprojekt
09:42 Kiosk-Bier und Limmern in Linden-Nord

Ob in der historischen Altstadt, oder im Szene-Viertel Linden mit einem Bierchen unterwegs – in Hannover gibt es viele tolle Orte zu entdecken. Ein Stadtwald, doppelt so groß wie der Central Park in New York, die prachtvollen Herrenhäuser Gärten oder Europas einziger Bogenaufzug im Neuen Rathaus – Hannover ist so viel mehr als Messestadt und perfektes Hochdeutsch. Knapp 540.000 Menschen leben in der Leine-Metropole, darunter mehr als 50.000 Studierende.

Eine Stadt, die definitiv einen Trip wert ist. Was denkt ihr? Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!

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Ein Film von Lea Wulfert. Redaktion Jörg Gaensel und Patrick Löffler. Dieser Film wurde im Jahr 2021 für Ein Tag in... produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seit dem nicht aktualisiert.

Hannover Drone Video Tour | Expedia

Check out the best sights and attractions Hannover, Germany has to offer through aerial drone footage of the city.

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Things to do in Hannover

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Things to do in Hannover in Germany!

Here is our Top 10, enjoy!

Hannover is a city located in the northern part of Germany. It is the capital of the state of Lower Saxony and is considered to be one of the largest cities in the country. Hannover has a rich history that dates back to the medieval period, and it has played an important role in shaping the culture and identity of Germany. In this essay, we will explore the history, culture, economy, and attractions of Hannover in detail.


Hannover was first mentioned in historical records in the 11th century. It was founded by the Duke of Saxony, who established a castle in the area to protect the region from invading armies. Over time, the castle became a thriving settlement, and by the 13th century, Hannover had become an important trading hub in the region.

During the 17th century, Hannover was ruled by the House of Hanover, which was one of the most prominent royal families in Europe. The House of Hanover played a significant role in shaping the culture and politics of Germany, and its members went on to become kings and queens of Great Britain.

During the 19th century, Hannover underwent a period of industrialization and modernization. The city became a center for manufacturing, and its factories produced textiles, machinery, and chemicals. This period of growth and development transformed Hannover into a modern city, and it continued to thrive throughout the 20th century.


Hannover has a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its architecture, music, and art. The city is home to many museums, galleries, and cultural institutions, including the Lower Saxony State Museum, the Sprengel Museum, and the Hannover Opera House.

One of the most famous cultural events in Hannover is the Schützenfest, which is an annual festival that celebrates the city's history and culture. The festival is held in July and features parades, music, and traditional German cuisine. Another popular event in Hannover is the Maschsee Festival, which is a celebration of the city's largest lake. The festival features concerts, fireworks, and water sports.

Hannover is also known for its architecture, which combines elements of traditional German design with modern influences. Some of the most famous buildings in Hannover include the New Town Hall, the Leibniz House, and the Herrenhausen Gardens.


Hannover has a diverse and thriving economy that is driven by a range of industries, including manufacturing, technology, and services. The city is home to many international companies, such as Continental, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, and TUI Group.

The city is also known for its trade fairs, which attract thousands of visitors from around the world each year. Some of the most popular trade fairs in Hannover include CeBIT, which is the world's largest trade fair for computer and information technology, and the Hannover Messe, which is the world's largest industrial fair.

Love Germany!

Die besten Restaurants in Langenhagen

Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Langenhagen. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.

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Hier findest du Die besten Restaurants in Langenhagen:
2) Restaurant Korfu in Langenhagen
3) Zur Sattelkammer
4) Restaurant Ropoto
5) Ristorante Paladino
6) Wald See Küche
7) Balkan House
8) Mercado Beef & Bar
9) Gastwirtschaft Rust
10) Restaurant Waldkater

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Beachclub am Silbersee - Kultur & Freizeit -Seaside Langenhagen - Germany

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Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn, Hannover, Germany

Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn, Hannover, Germany
About Property:
Just 4 km from Hanover Airport, this hotel by Tulip Inn in Langenhagen offers soundproofed rooms, free WiFi, and creative German cuisine. Langenhagen Mitte Train Station is 800 m away.
The 3-star-superior Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn has colourful rooms and apartments with satellite TV, a minibar, and a safety deposit box.
Steaks, seasonal specialities, and varied salads are served in the Ambiente’s EssKultur restaurant, and the bar featu...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Walsroder Straße 70, Langenhagen, 30853 Hannover, Germany
Searching For
1. Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn - Hannover - Germany
2. Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn - Hannover - Germany Address
3. Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn - Hannover - Germany Rooms
4. Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn - Hannover - Germany Amenities
5. Ambiente Langenhagen Hannover by Tulip Inn - Hannover - Germany Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
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Apotheken in Langenhagen

Wer auf seine Gesundheit achtet und Medikamente gegen Erkältung oder Heilsalben gegen Wunden braucht, ist auf die Arzneiausgabe angewiesen. Die wichtigsten Apotheken in Langenhagen.

Hier in Langenhagen findest du die besten Kinderspielplätze:
1) City Apotheke
2) European pharmacy Ostpassage
3) Elisabeth Apotheke
4) Herz-Apotheke
5) Apotheke am Berliner Platz
6) Apotheke Strassburger Platz
7) Markt Apotheke
8) Alte Apotheke
9) Apotheke-Godshorn
10) Brinker Apotheke

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Top 10 hotels in Hannover: best 4 star hotels in Hannover, Germany

Best Hannover 4 star hotels, Germany
1. Apartment Hannover Top Citylage
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2. Grand Hotel Mussmann
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3. Hotel Savoy Hannover
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4. 4 Sterne Wohnung in zentraler Lage
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5. Hotel Villa Will
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6. Grand Palace Hotel Hannover
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7. H+ Hotel Hannover
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8. Radisson Blu Hotel Hannover
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9. Courtyard by Marriott Hannover Maschsee
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10. Novotel Hannover
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germany walking tour on the snow in hannover lower saxony langenhagen pferdemarkt 10 41

Germany Hannover Walking Tour 10 on the Snow in the District of Lower Saxony Langenhagen Pferdemarkt, Short 41. Explore everything that has happened and is still happening to the world from the start and see the affects of climate change on beautiful places at Comment, like and subscribe. Thanks. To read about ecological, economical, political, religious and social crises caused by politics, and to get the best solutions, read



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