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10 Best place to visit in La Fría Venezuela



Venezuela es un país con una geografía realmente privilegiada. Sin duda, un destino más que interesante para todos los amantes de la naturaleza, gracias a sus diversas regiones que ofrecen playas, sabana, selva, desierto e, incluso, picos nevados.
Aquí va una lista con algunas de las joyas naturales Venezuela, así que presta atención y tomen nota.

0:27 Los Roques
1:12 La Gran Sabana
1:47 Salto del Ángel
2:34 Delta del Orinoco
3:23 Monte Roraima
3:41 Parque Nacional Mochima
4:18 Parque Nacional Médanos de Coro
4:45 El Pico Bolívar
5:18 La laguna Negra
5:55 Parque Nacional Henri Pittier
6:20 Isla Margarita
6:48 Balneario Tobogán de la selva
7:32 Confluencia de los dos ríos
8:11 Los salvajes Llanos
8:56 La isla de la Tortuga

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Así es el CARIBE VENEZOLANO ???? Llegamos a LOS ROQUES, una de las MEJORES PLAYAS del mundo ???? Ep.7

Visitamos el famoso destino venezolano de Los Roques, considerado uno de los mejores destinos de playa del mundo.

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#Venezuela #Caribe #LosRoquesar

EL PARAÍSO DE VENEZUELA ???????? LOS ROQUES (4K) enriquealex

Más allá de la política, Venezuela es un país apasionante con lugares increíbles. El Archipiélago de Los Roques, con islas y playas de arena blanca de coral, es la definición exacta de paraíso. Un destino seguro, con flamencos, tiburones, corales, pelícanos y relax garantizado.

Este es mi seguro de viaje, puedes conseguirlo con descuento aquí ????????

Vídeo 204. ¡Dale a like si te ha gustado! :)

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Las aguas de Moises????, Playa Medina????, Playa Puy Puy???? y Mochima???? Venezuela. Sucre Parte 1

Visitar las costas de #Sucre fue una completa travesía. un #viaje que nos resulto un poco complicado por todos los inconvenientes que tuvimos que pasar, pero con la satisfaccion de recorrer cada uno de los maravillosos paisajes que tiene este estado de #venezuela.

Visitamos las aguas de moises, playa medina, playa puypuy, playa de uvas, mochima e hicimos muchisimas actividades en cada una de ellas.

Quédate con nosotros hasta el final del video en donde para que entiendas un poco más de lo que fue nuestro viaje y de los mejores tips para visitar las costas de sucre.

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y suscribirte al canal si aun no lo estas. para disfrutar del mejor contenido de viajes de este hermoso pais que muchos llamarmos hogar, VENEZUELA.

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Episode 8: This should be one of the SEVEN WONDERS of the WORLD - The SALTO ÁNGEL, Venezuela

This is the last chapter of my Venezuela journey. The last and most epic one!

I went to Venezuela for 3 weeks in total. I have seen a lot of the country although a lot is still missing! What was my highlight? Well, you'll see it here, in this video.

Ever since I am 15 years old I had been dreaming about this place. The Disney movie Up sparked my curiosity about Venezuela. After watching the video I started to google the Salto Ángel. And all I thought was: Is this place even real?!
The Salto Ángel - or Angel Falls - is the highest waterfall on earth and it can be found in the south of Venezuela in the state of Bolivar in the national park of Canaima.

So I put Venezuela on my Bucket List at the age of 15 years. After traveling to many different countries 2023 was finally the year to make my dream come true. It was time to start my biggest adventure and to explore a country that has not been seen by too many people yet.

Join me on this last and greatest adventure of my Venezuela trip!

If you have any questions about Venezuela or the Salto Ángel, feel free to drop them below in the comments section. I will do my best to answer all of them as soon a possible.

Thank you so much for watching!

#venezuela #canaima #saltoangel

My gear:

Drone DJI Mini 3 pro:
DJI Mini Fly more Kit:
DJI Mini 3 Serie ND Filter:

GoPro Hero 10:
GoPro Hero 10 Media Mod for Creators:
GoPro Hero 10 Light Mod:

SYNCO external Microphone:

Visitando las Costas de Aragua - Bahia de Cata y La Cienaga | Venezuela ????????| Aranza Mendizabal

La Costa del Estado Aragua en Venezuela tienen mucho que ofrecer, playas cristalinas, montañas y paisajes increibles que valen la pena conocer.

En esta oportunidad visitamos el pueblo de Ocumare de La Costa, las playas Bahia de Cata y La Cienaga, en el video te muestro toda mi experiencia además de información importante por si quieres visitarlas.

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Instagram: @Amendi22
Facebook: Aranza Mendizabal
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EL LUGAR MÁS IMPRESIONANTE DEL MUNDO: Salto Ángel (Canaima, Venezuela) 4K | enriquealex

El Salto Ángel, en el Parque Nacional Canaima (Venezuela), es el salto de agua más alto del mundo. Esta enorme cascada de casi 1 kilómetro de alto es un lugar espectacular, pero todo el Parque que lo rodea es pura magia. Dentro vídeo!

Este es mi seguro de viaje, puedes conseguirlo con descuento aquí ????????

Vídeo 205. ¡Dale a like si te ha gustado! :)

Vídeo anterior:

Instagram: enriquealex
Twitter: enriquealex

La web donde yo siempre reservo mis hoteles. A través de este link pagarás lo mismo, pero ayudarás a mantener este canal :)

Listado completo y actualizado aquí ????????

Las canciones de mis vídeos forman parte de una librería musical que puedes conseguir gratis durante 30 días haciendo clic aquí ????????

Subí a la cascada MÁS ALTA DEL MUNDO! Salto Ángel, Venezuela ????????

Hoy nos fuimos a Venezuela, al Salto Ángel, el más alto del mundo.
Más alto que burj khalifa, y tomamos un helicóptero para ir a la cima de la montaña para vivir la aventura.
Joe HaTTab Español
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- ❤️Echa vistazo a mis otros documentos❤️ :

-❤️ El mercado de frutas más grande del mundo ►

-❤️ Visitando la Ciudad MÁS FRÍA del Mundo (-71°C) YAKUTSK ►

-❤️ El Mercado más TERRIBLE del MUNDO! ►

-❤️ Un día en la escuela japonesa ►
-???? Mi nombre es JOE HATTAB????
Soy un cineasta/Youtuber, creo documentales sobre viajes alrededor del mundo. Inicié con un canal árabe en 2016, creando blogs sobre viajes después de renunciar a mi trabajo como contador en Arabia Saudita. Hoy en día me dedico a la creación de documentales con los que he alcanzado 10 millones de visitas en mi canal árabe.❤️
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Venezuelan Girls Saved me in Dangerous Hood ????????

I decided to visit Petare in Caracas Venezuela, this is considered the most dangerous hood on earth during it's peak. The notorious favelas wrap around the city of Caracas however Petare is the single biggest one in all Latin America and per capita the homicide capital of the world during it's peak. I went there to meet the people of Petare and have a few beers. Night time slowly caught up to me faster than the beers but luckily there were some nice Venezuelan women who rescued me that evening...

???? $2 Venezuelan Street Barber

0:00 Intro
0:06 Meeting people in Petare neighborhood
5:34 Solo in most dangerous Venezuelan neighborhood
6:58 Meeting friendly Venezuelan girls
10:09 Going trough Petare hood
14:35 Venezuelan party
17:36 Venezuelan family in Petare
20:07 Venezuelan food

✅ My Food Channel


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Prostitution in Mexico - Guadalajara -Pretty Womens ????

February 2023. Walking in the street randomly found streetwalking .... Fast look to easy ladies spots - Guadalajara Zona Centro around calle Aguafria - Calle Huerto

How to Pick up Girls in Argentina Beach ????????

There's many beautiful girls in the summer beaches of Argentina in Mar Del Plata. I decided to ask some of the latina Argentina women what would it take for you to get their number and pick them up on a date. At the same time while showing you more of the beach culture here and another side of the beach. Join me and see how to pick up Argentina girls in the beach.

???? Part 1 on the beaches

0:00 Intro
0:40 Mar del Plata beach
1:03 Street venders
3:10 Friendly Argentine people
3:33 Argentine alcoholic drink
6:06 Argentine girls on the beach
8:23 Beach street food
11:32 Cold Argentine beach

???? It's cringe to say it but if you like the video, comment, and subscribe it will help the video get a further reach to new viewers and helps us grow. If you really enjoyed it and felt someone else might to then give it a share and lets make it go viral. Thanks for all your support fam.

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Los 5 destinos más bonitos del Caribe qué debes conocer

Conoce Los 5 destinos más bonitos del Caribe. Te dejarán maravillado con sus cristalinas aguas y su blanca arena.

NOTA: Fe de erratas: En el video hay un error orgráfico la palabra BUCEO es la forma gramaticalmente correcta a la palabra BUSEOque aparece en un texto del video.

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Picture credits:

$Mathe94$ [CC BY-SA 3.0 (

madmack66 [CC BY 2.0 (

Brell64 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (

Bjørn Christian Tørrissen [CC BY-SA 3.0 (

David et Magalie from Vancouver, Canada [CC BY 2.0 (

Coolcaesar [CC BY-SA 4.0 (

Pietro [CC BY-SA 3.0 (

Provhatomayor [CC BY-SA 4.0 (

Jean-Marc Astesana from Voisins le Bretonneux, France [CC BY-SA 2.0 (

Contribuciones al Video:

Director/Editor: Ramses Villalva
Instagram: @RamsesVillalva

Redes Sociales

YouTube: Viajando con Rodi


Facebook: Radames Resendiz

Los 7 países MÁS CONGELADOS de América Latina








Latinoamérica es una región inmensa y geográficamente diversa con una amplia gama de climas que varía de país a país y que nos convierte en una de las zonas más particulares del planeta.

Usualmente se asocia el continente como un área con exclusivo clima tropical, pero existe un abanico de microclimas dentro de cada nación increíblemente complejo de analizar y muy favorable para la vida en sociedad.

Pero gracias a una sacudida en los patrones meteorológicos globales, los últimos dos inviernos de la región fueron los más intensos en casi 50 años, y se alerta que esto seguirá cambiando. En ese sentido, te invitamos a explorar los 7 países más fríos de América Latina.

¡Comenta con respeto, dale 'me gusta' y comparte en redes sociales!

Mucurubá Merida Venezuela Mapa de ubicación

Posada Doña Berta Mucurubá Mérida Venezuela
0274 8885028 0416 37414 58

Las 25 Mayores Maravillas Naturales del Mundo

Glaciares inmensos, montañas impactantes, pladeras repletas de animales salvajes... vivimos en un mundo inmenso y precioso; a continuación verás los 25 hermosos destinos, desde Arizona hasta la Antártida, que tienen que estar en lo más alto de tu lista de viajes.

00:49 - #25 Salto Angel
01:42 - #24 Calzada del Gigante
02:21 - #23 Costa de Nā Pali
03:11 - #22 Monte Everest
03:52 - #21 Preikestolen
04:30 - #20 Wadi Rum
05:24 - #19 Lago Baikal
06:20 - #18 Maldivas
07:24 - #17 Banff
08:15 - #16 Salar de Uyuni
08:52 - #15 Yellowstone
09:48 - #14 Cataratas del Iguazú
10:53 - #13 Desierto Sahara
11:39 - #12 Islas Galápagos
12:02 - #11 Pamukkalle
12:47 - #10 Parque forestal Zhangjiajie
13:36 - #9 Aurora boreal
14:16 - #8 Gran Barrera de Coral
15:12 - #7 Antártida
16:05 - #6 Monte Bromo
16:39 - #5 Cataratas Victoria
17:21 - #4 Grand Canyon
18:10 - #3 Bahía de Ha-Long
18:58 - #2 Amazonia
19:40 - #1 Serengeti


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Barrow (Utqiaġvik) en Alaska - Estados Unidos, es la ciudad más al norte de America, y durante el invierno se experimenta la Noche Polar un periodo de tiempo donde el sol no sale sobre el horizonte. ¿Quieres saber cómo se vive en una ciudad donde todo el día es de noche? ¡Descúbrelo en esta aventura!




10 Things NOT To Do in Colombia!

Colombia is known all over the world, but not necessarily for good reasons. However, this beautiful tropical country is beginning to show it has so much more to offer than that, and slowly but surely it's becoming a very popular tourist destination. This being said there are definitely a few things you need to... know before you go!

1. Don't Ask For Brazilian Coffee.
Colombia and Brazil both produce good coffee, Colombia's is richer and more acidic and Brazil's has a smoother flavor. If you dislike Colombian coffee and prefer Brazilian coffee, don't ask for it, the chances that they even have it in Colombia are low and even if they do, asking for it would be offensive, you might as well go to Spain and say you prefer Italian olive oil then go to Italy and say you prefer American pizza and then go to America and tell everyone that you think basketball is stupid.

2. Don't Ask For Directions.
Yes, this one may seem odd but it seems that in Colombia, and indeed a lot of Latin countries if you ask someone how to get to a certain place, they would rather make up an answer than admit that they don't know where it is. You can overcome this by either asking 2 or 3 different people for the same directions to see if they give the same response or using the GPS on your phone. But. Be careful taking out your phone in public, because...

3. Don't Dar Papaya.
Dar papaya is a Colombian expression that translates To Give Papaya, it basically means to give an opportunity.
Flashing your phone, or expensive watch, wallet or cash is basically showing people whether you are worth mugging or not. Simply put, if you don't show people you have a papaya, no one with try to rob it from you.

4. Don't Hail A Cab At Night.
Ok, so it's not as bad as the media makes you think, hailing a cab doesn't mean you're going to automatically get kidnapped or mugged, but why take the risk? especially if you're alone. If you need a cab use a Taxi app or ask the bar or hotel you're in to call one for you.

5. Don't Refuse A Shot.
Aguardiente or Burning Water is a strong local spirit that is taken as a shot. If someone offers you a shot they are generally not trying to get you drunk or take you on an all-night bar crawl.
Aguardiente is taken in a similar way as you would take a nip of whiskey from a hip flask or a brandy to calm your nerves. The offer of a shot is one of friendship, a Come and warm yourself by the fire type of gesture, and to refuse it may be taken as an offense, or at the very least, a cold shoulder.

6. Don't Rush.
Before you even get on the plane to Colombia, change your mindset!
In Colombia punctuality is flexible, and being half an hour late, isn't considered being late at all!
Don't plan your days to strict timetables because you are guaranteed to be let down, transport will be late and a guide may not be there when you planned. Relax! Make your timetable flexible, don't pack too much into each day and if someone is late, get a drink at a nearby bar while you wait, remember, you're on vacation!

7. Don't Forget The Suncream And A Brolly.
Two things you should always have on you are suncream and an umbrella. Colombia has a tropical climate and so it's prone to sudden rainstorms, always carry an umbrella or a waterproof jacket with you so you aren't caught out.
Despite having a tropical climate Colombia is actually colder than you may think especially if you are in the mountains instead of on the coast. This being said even if you are in the mountains and it is cooler, always put on suncream, being at higher altitudes means that even though it's cold the sun will still burn you.

8. Don't Eat The Thick Arepas.
Arepas are a type of local cornbread that is served virtually everywhere. However, you may notice that the ones served in the restaurants are thick and look like balls of dough and the locals tend to leave them on their plates untouched. This is because the thick ones are normally still raw inside and nowhere near as nice as the slightly burnt, thin, and crispy ones served in the stalls.

9. Don't Expect Them To Speak English.
Despite receiving a large number of English-speaking tourists, Colombia's English speaking proficiency is actually pretty low. Don't go there expecting people to understand you or to go out of their way to try to. You are visiting their country and therefore you should have to adapt, not them!

10. Don't Just Queue Up.
In shops or other areas where you see a queue and then other people hanging around, don't just stand in the queue, first ask, Quien es el Ultimo? Who is the last? the person who responds is the one who is in front of you in the queue, if someone else comes in and asks the same question, you respond Soy yo I am and so on and so on. This is generally done in places where it's not possible to form a long orderly queue.

Which Country should we do next?
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Episode 6: LOS ROQUES, VENEZUELA - Are these really the BEST BEACHES of the WORLD?

Join me on my next adventure in the Caribbean paradise of Venezuela!

Ask any Venezuelan where the best beaches on earth are and I am sure they will all tell you the same: Los Roques, Venezuela.
Venezuelans hype this archipelago a lot! So my expectations could not have been higher. But do these islands actually deserve to be hyped like that? Are they really as beautiful as Venezuelans say?

Check out this video to learn the answer!

In the next two weeks I will take you on the greatest adventure of my life! We will go to the most impressive p-lace I have ever seen! And trust me, this place only exists once on this planet and can be found in the south of Venezuela in the state of Bolivar. I will show you Canaima.

#venezuela #losroques #caribbeansea
My gear:

Drone DJI Mini 3 pro:
DJI Mini Fly more Kit:
DJI Mini 3 Serie ND Filter:

GoPro Hero 10:
GoPro Hero 10 Media Mod for Creators:
GoPro Hero 10 Light Mod:
GoPro Hero 10 Waterprotector case:
GoPro Hero 10 Underwater Dome:

Episode 4: La Tortuga, Venezuela - Camping on an uninhabited island in the Caribbean Sea

Subtitles in Spanish and German available!

Would you go camping on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea? I did go and it was such a great adventure!

I went for one weekend (3 days, 2 nights) in La Tortuga and in this video I'll show you what a weekend on an uninhabited island looks like. The adventure started in Higuerote, a coastal town of Venezuela. Here we met the crew of Millas Venezuela at 6 am on a Friday morning at the harbour to take a boat to La Tortuga.

After about 6 hours on the boat we arrived in paradise! Crystal clear water in different shades of blue, white sand beaches and an island that we basically had for ourselves!

The camp is right in front of the Caribbean Sea. On a trip like that you'll wake up with an insanely beautiful view over the sea, enjoy delicious typical Venezuelan food, relax on one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen, make new friends and have the best time ever!

Make sure to subscribe to my channel to join me on upcoming adventures!

#venezuela #latortuga #caribe #southamerica
My gear:

Drone DJI Mini 3 pro:
DJI Mini Fly more Kit:
DJI Mini 3 Serie ND Filter:

GoPro Hero 10:
GoPro Hero 10 Media Mod for Creators:
GoPro Hero 10 Light Mod:
GoPro Hero 10 Waterprotector case:
GoPro Hero 10 Underwater Dome:



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