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10 Best place to visit in Kubinka Russia


Park Patriot - themed Park in Kubinka, Russia

Those interested in a military hardware we recommend visiting the Patriot Park near Moscow. The park also features an aviation museum, a museum of armoured vehicles, a museum of artillery, expositions of weapons. There is also a model “partisan village” - a recreation of dwellings, shelters, farm buildings, fortifications used by military resistance groups during the Second World War (1941-1945). A newly built cathedral is also worth visiting.

The park is located in Kubinka setttlement, near Moscow.

#justgorussia #patriotpark #traveltomoscow


Russian Army, Park Patriot army exhibition of military equipment, Moscow Walking 4K.

Patriot Park is a theme park in Kubinka, Russia that is themed around equipment of the Russian military. The park, which officially opened in 2016, is designed around a military theme, and includes interactive exhibits with military equipment.
The park incorporates the Aviation Museum of the Kubinka air base and the Kubinka Tank Museum. The location of the exhibits and the restrictions for civilian visitors are changed very often without any notifications.[citation needed] In 2020 the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces was completed and plans for an Armed Force Museum are in progress.
The park has hosted International Military-Technical Forum Army since 2015.

Filmed : 28.08.2021

Victory Museum, Moscow (The museum of the Great Patriotic)

One of the most spectacular War Memorials around the world is Victory Park in Moscow. Completed in 1995, the Park commemorates the 50th anniversary of the victory in the 2d World War. It includes plenty of sculptures full of war symbolism, Spanish Catholic chapel, Mosque, Synagogue and Russian Orthodox Church to commemorate soldiers of different religions etc. Besides, various military equipment from the USSR, Germany and country-allies is presented on the open air exhibition – and if you a military history buff, you must see all sections. Central crescent museum – the Museum of the Great Patriotic War – it’s also called the Victory museum – describes the history of the Great Patriotic War (which is how the Second World War is known in Russia). Among the more standard exhibitions of documents, photographs, videos and items, the museum also includes six dioramas featuring the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Siege of Leningrad, the Battle of the Kursk Salient, the Crossing of the Dnieper and the Storm of Berlin. Victory Park is in TOP 10 landmarks to see when in Moscow.

Time stamp
1:24 Intro
1:58 History
2:50 Victory Monument
3:28 St.Goerge's Church
3:52 People's Tragedy sculpture
4:38 Allies Monument
4:59 In fight with Fascism we were together
5:38 Spanish church
5:54 Memorial mosque
8:17 Victory in faces
9:37 Hall of remembrance and sorrow
12:57 The Battle of Stalingrad
14:14 The Siege of Leningrad
16:26 The counter- attack at Moscow
17:29 The Battle of Kursk
18:23 The crossing of the Dnieper
19:09 The Battle of Berlin
20:04 The way to Victory
21:10 Hall of Glory
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#Moscow #Victorymuseum #secondworldwar

AMAZING New Russian Memorial Orthodox Christian Cathedral for Military

This new Cathedral is one of the tallest Cathedrals of the orthodox church. Built just outside Moscow, this Cathedral is a sort of a shrine for Russian Armed Forces. The great Cathedral complex is designed in monumental Russian Revival style. It will be located in the Patriot Park to symbolize spirituality of the Russian Armed Forces that unsheathe the sword only to defend its Fatherland.
Video copyright: Минобороны России

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Квартиры бизнес-класса в Клубном доме «Точка отсчета»:
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Колыбель нефти, одна из самых богатых постсоветских республик, одна из самых светских мусульманских стран — Азербайджану приписывают много эпитетов. В большом фильме подробно поговорим о всех особенностях Страны Огней. А еще искупаемся в нефтяной ванне, попробуем кутаб с верблюдом и пройдем по Кровавому мосту.

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Фотографии прошлого:
Аренда авто:

0:00 Как путешествовать по Азербайджану
2:50 Азербайджанская Швейцария: похоже или не очень?
6:16 Про общительных азербайджанцев
10:32 Памятник Ван Дамму: что?
11:05 Шеки: как выбирать шелк и как за него торговаться
20:37 Шебеке — ковры из стекла и света
22:46 Кухня: пити, люля, дюшбара и кутаб с верблюдом
27:16 Какое место занимает чай в жизни азербайджанцев
32:41 Удины: как живет один из самых малочисленных народов
39:50 Ивановка: самое русское село Азербайджана
44:00 Ислам, зороастризм и другие религии Азербайджана
52:36 История Азербайджана за 2 минуты
55:31 Нефть: от первой в мире вышки до современной роскоши
1:01:28 Нафталан — город, в котором лечат нефтью
1:07:22 Кровавый мости и история братьев Сименс
1:08:22 Гянджа: царство самостроя
1:14:21 Ленкорань: талыши и рыбацкий промысел
1:21:43 Нетипичный Баку: трущобы Кубинки и Белый город
1:28:48 Мастерская Али Шамси
1:33:25 Туман в Шахдаге
1:35:14 Хыналыг — самое высокогорное село Азербайджана
1:41:42 Заключение + неудачные дубли

The Best Military History Museum in Yekaterinburg, Russia

About this video :-
hey guys, in this video I am exploring a beautiful military museum in Yekaterinburg city in Russia.

The UMMC Museum Complex officially the UMMC Museum of Military and Automotive Equipment, is a museum complex located in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. The private museum is dedicated to the mechanical and military history of the Ural Federal District. The complex, which constitutes two museums, is funded by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and houses a substantial collection of vehicles and other artifacts.

Thank you so much for your support.

#Yekarinburg #BestMilitaryMuseum #Russia

Баку. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (Russian, English subtitles)

Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (Heads and Tails. Reloaded) в столице Азербайджана (Azerbaijan) - городе Баку (Baku)! У нас наконец-то появилась возможность прогуляться основной достопримечательностью города - Приморским бульваром. Настя Ивлеева и Евсей Ковалев попробовали национальные блюда азербайджанской кухни. Мы заглянули в самы опасный район Баку - Кубинка, провели мистический обряд челдак и искупались в грязевом вулкане в заповеднике Гобустан.

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Tank museum in Kubinka. Heavy tanks, SA The Soviet Union. Part 4.

#Russia #Кубинка #panzer #museum #amphibian #travels #DJONDO

танковый музей в Кубинке - музей бронированных боевых машин в Кубинке, Одинцовский район, Московская область, Россия. Музей состоит из открытой и покрытой выставки многих известных танков и бронетехники на протяжении 20-го века. Известно также, что он представляет и демонстрирует множество уникальных транспортных средств, таких как немецкий сверхтяжелый танковый прототип Panzer VIII Maus, тяжелый танк Troyanov и самоходная артиллерия Karl-Gerät, среди других одиночных или ограниченных производственных прототипов из Советского Союза и нацистской Германии.

The Kubinka Tank Museum is a museum of armoured fighting vehicles in Kubinka, Odintsovsky District, Moscow Oblast, Russia. The museum consists of open and covered exhibition of many famous tanks and armored vehicles throughout the 20th century. It is also known to house and display many unique vehicles, such as the German super-heavy tank prototype Panzer VIII Maus, the Troyanov heavy tank and a Karl-Gerät self-propelled artillery, among other single or limited production prototypes from the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Russia Trip 2016

Clips from my trip in October 2016 to Moscow and Mozhga, Russia.

Indian visiting World War 2 RUSSIAN MILITARY Patriot Park, Kubinka, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Hi Friends, in this vlog I am showing you Patriot Park, Минское ш., 55км, Kubinka, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 143063 . It is a theme park or Museum in Kubinka, Russia area. The overall theme of Patriot Part is around Russian military Equipment. It was opened officially in the year 2016. Mostly you can see world war 2 Russian military equipment such as tanks, aircrafts etc.
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#NomadicKick #RussiaVlog #RussiaTour #RussiaTrip #Kubinka #RussianHospitality #Moscowtour #MoscowCity #victorydayrussian #victoryday #RussianMilitary #WorldWar2


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नमस्ते दोस्तों, इस व्लॉग में मैं आपको पैट्रियट पार्क, инское ., 55км, Kubinka, मास्को ओब्लास्ट, रूस, 143063 दिखा रहा हूँ। यह कुबिंका, रूस क्षेत्र में एक थीम पार्क या संग्रहालय है। पैट्रियट पार्ट का समग्र विषय रूसी सैन्य उपकरण के आसपास है। इसे आधिकारिक तौर पर वर्ष 2016 में खोला गया था। अधिकतर आप विश्व युद्ध 2 रूसी सैन्य उपकरण जैसे टैंक, विमान आदि देख सकते हैं।
मुझे उम्मीद है कि आपको मेरे वीडियो पसंद आएंगे, कृपया चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें - और अपने पसंदीदा वीडियो अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ साझा करें।

Tour: The military museums of Moscow

We would like to bring to your attention the winner tour in the nomination “The Best Military-Historical Route of Russia 2018”: Moscow Military Museums.

The idea of development of this route occurred due to the increased interest in Russia and the Russian army.

For this tour we have chosen the most interesting interactive objects, museums and exhibitions, where tourists can touch, hear and try what the Russian army of different eras is.

Group tours from 10 tourists.

The tour is in English, on request we can arrange a tour in other European languages.

The tour includes:

Transfer from and to the airport

Accommodation in double rooms in 4 star hotels. (on request we can offer 5 stars) with breakfast.

Arrival day: Arrival to Moscow, check-in at the hotel

Day 1: A short tour of the Moscow Metro

Excursion to the Bunker-42. A stronghold of resistance in the Cold War. The Bunker is 65 meters underground. You can see an imitation of a nuclear attack, as well as feel the anxiety and tension of a nuclear confrontation. We will visit Stalin’s office where you can take a picture.

Lunch. There is the most underground restaurant in Moscow in the Bunker-42, where tourists can try dishes from the menu of the Politburo of the USSR (lunch is not included in the price of the excursion and is paid separately $10-30)

The “Submarine” Museum

We will visit a real submarine, which was recently in service with the Northern fleet. A huge nine-meter submarine “Novosibirsky Komsomolets” was converted into a museum of the Russian submarine fleet and reveals all the secrets of the life of brave submariners. In addition to the submarine, the tour includes a visit to the landing boat.

Day 2:

The Memorial Museum on Poklonnaya Hill.

The world’s largest memorial complex dedicated to 26 million Soviet citizens who died in World War II.

Lunch at a fish restaurant (lunch is not included in the price of the excursion and is paid separately $20-30)

Exhibition of military equipment in the open air: a unique collection of all types of equipment from World War II. You can touch and climb many of the exhibits.

If you wish, you can visit the Church of Saint George, Memorial Mosque, Memorial Synagogue and Holocaust Museum

Day 3:

The Central Armed Forces Museum of the Russian Federation is the world’s largest military museum. More than 800,000 exhibits, banners, trophies, animation, prototypes.

Open-air exhibition

Return to the hotel and packing

We move from Moscow to Moscow Region.

Sightseeing tour of the Moscow Night Lights

Day 4:

Patriot Park. Exhibition of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the exhibition of Russian troops’ activities in Syria. Interactive military classes and games at your discretion.

For lunch we offer field kitchen or Russian shashlik

Day 5:

Borodino Field: the world’s largest museum on the battlefield. The battlefield of two wars (the War with Napoleon of 1812 and World War II).

Presentation of souvenirs

Transfer to the airport Russia

Military events Saint-Petersburg

Top 10 World's Weirdest Theme Parks Ever Created

Top 10 World's Weirdest Theme Parks Ever Created
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Theme Parks work with the same idea all over the world. Roller coasters, water rides, Ferris wheels.... and a few other predictable rides.
But sometimes, the thrill and the weirdness is taken up a notch.
When that happens, you end up with the theme parks on this list!

10. Hello Kitty Island

Located on Jeju Island in Korea, Hello Kitty Island is one of the world’s most unique theme parks that is centered around one of Sanrio’s most famous cartoon characters.
The park is decorated with all shades of pink and as soon as you enter, you’re bombarded with all things Hello Kitty.
Suited for adults and children both, this three-story park features the entire history of Hello Kitty.
The Hello Kitty House, art and music-halls are the perfect way to familiarize yourself with what’s next to come when you first enter.
After this you’ll find exhibits and art galleries along with Hello Kitty’s room and the famous Hello Kitty Cafe which serves all kinds of rare Hello Kitty themed food items like the 11,000 Won Hello Kitty Cheesecake.
Finally, you get the park’s famous 3D Theatre which plays an 8-minute show about Hello Kitty every 30 minutes.
Besides all of that, the attractions of the park include an indoor activity area and a playground, both of them featuring Sanrio themed games, rides and seats.

9. Evermore Park

Located in the city of Pleasant Grove in Alabama, the Evermore Park is a magical escape from the rest of the world.
Featuring futuristic, modern interiors, Evermore Park was built by its founder Ben Bretschneider as a form of escapism that takes you into a world of fantasy.
He has heavily invested in Victorian styled props, costumes and decorations to ensure that the experience at Evermore Park remains one of a kind.
The park is an extremely immersive experience where you’re thrown into an interactive world where everyone has to quickly adapt into certain roles.
With new themes being introduced every month, the entertainment options at Evermore never really end.
This unique, role-playing experience is truly different for everyone.
Once you choose your adventure at Evermore, you decide where you want to go with it.

8. Patriot Park

Patriot Park is a riverside theme park that pays homage to Russian wartime veterans.
Located within 16 acres of land in Kubinka, Russia, the park isn’t one of the biggest in the world, however it really is one of its kind.
Working on a first-come first-serve basis, Patriot Park is the perfect escape from the outside world with its beautifully built pavilion and gazebo areas.
One of the park’s key features is the Kubinka Tank Museum which houses a collection of armored vehicles from different countries over the world.
The Park also features interactive zones for people to get insight on all the wars that Russia has been involved in.

And for the rest of the list, continue watching the video!
See if you can guess our Top 3 and comment below!

2 days in Moscow Russia, during my trip for Follow Up SIberia

The capital city of Russia, Moscow, has many names and nicknames. There are various approved nicknames, such as the First Throne, which means Moscow is the first capital of the Russian state, or Golden Dome, which represents the dome of Moscow churches that collect gold.
However, there is one nickname for this city that has been known since the Middle Ages, namely Third Rome.
Philotheus (Filofei), an Orthodox monk, was the first to call Russia Third Rome. In 1523-1524, he wrote a letter to the Duke of Moscow and asked him to oppose heresy. According to Philotheus, the duchy of Moscow is the last stronghold of true religion.
The entire Christian empire has changed and has turned into a single sovereign kingdom, Philotheus said in one of his letters. Two Romans have fallen, the third is still standing, and it will not be in Rome Four.

Park Patriot Russia

Park Patriot / Парк Патриoт
Rozloha 5500 hektarů / Area 5500 hectares
více než 20 tématických expozic / more than 20 thematic places
více než 700 exponátů / more than 700 units of equipment
Parkoviště pro 6000 vozidel / Parking for 6000 vehicles

Patriot Park (Moscow-Kubinka) Парк Патриот (Москва-Кубинка) #москва #паркпатриот #храм #kubinka

Patriot Park (Moscow-Kubinka) Парк Патриот (Москва-Кубинка)

#паркпатриот #кубинка #патриот #музей #россия #парк #танки #москва #музейтехники #война #отдыхсдетьми #гдепогулятьвподмосковье #отдыхвподмосковье #гдеотдохнутьвподмосковье #парккультурыиотдыха #храм #армия #выставка #танк #новости #вов #мортиракарл #сирия #паркпатриоткубинка #museum #russia #паркпатриотмосква #военнаятехника #партизанскаядеревня #дорогапамяти #самолеты #трофейнаятехника #patriotpark #техника #т34 #russianarmy #выставкаоружия #музейпаркпатриот #храмвсрф #одинцово #главныйхрамвсрф #kubinka #украина #московскаяобласть #1418шагов #армияроссии #музеимосквы #деревня #ссср #храмвооруженныхсил #храмыроссии #park #главныйхрамвооруженныхсилрфвкубинке #великаяотечественнаявойна #втораямироваявойна #патриотизм #родина #patriot #нато #строительство #звезда #вертолеты #дорогапамяти1418шагов #музейныйкомплексдорогапамяти #танковыймузей #главныйхрамвооруженнхсил #подмосковье #армия2023 #семья #шойгу #танкмаус #путешествие #битвазаберлин #чем #снабдило #киев #неоруэлл #технику #леонковполитика #shorts #москвапаркпатриотдорогапамяти #трофей #леонковзахваченнаятехника #музейвкубинке #кубинкатанковый #кубинкатанки #музейтанковвкубинке #кубинкавооруженныхсил #кубинкатанковыймузей

Main WWII Museum Victory Park in Moscow 60FPS

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Russian Railways: cycling to the Manikhino-Kubinka line and capturing rare green locomotives

On May 1, 2020, the coronavirus raged in Russia. The country's authorities have even imposed restrictions on movement for almost all citizens. But I am an employee of the Russian railways, and therefore I had the right to move as much as I want. So I took my bike, as well as my friend, and we went to self-isolate on bikes. Our goal was the Lukino station, located about 60 kilometers from Moscow on the ring railway.
We caught several green locomotives, as well as the Riga electric train ER2R - a rare rolling stock.
In this video, I invite you to take a bike ride with me through the spring forest of the Moscow region and soak up the atmosphere of Russian nature in the middle lane, as well as admire the beautiful trains. Happy viewing!

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Telegram: @trainphotoblog

Channel sponsorship:

00:00 Intro
00:44 Some cute cats
01:05 Road to the location
01:53 We came to Manikhino station
02:18 Railway section Manikhino - Lukino
03:50 Road to Lukino station
05:15 Freight train at Lukino station
06:02 Green VL10 at Lukino station
06:43 Lukino station overview
07:42 One more freight train
08:25 Green VL11 at Lukino station
09:16 It's time to go home
10:01 Ending

Patriot Park Russia

Návštěva Parku Patriot v Rusku u Moskvy

Patriot Park | Moscow | Парк Патриот | Москва | 2017

Patriot Park in Kubinka, Moscow. Located on the Minsk M1 Highway around 60km west of Moscow. Accessible by train from Moscow Belorussky station to Kubinka station (60mins electrichka) and then short taxi ride. (approx. 350P)

September 2017

Парк Патриот в Кубинке, Москва. Сентябрь 2017 года



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