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10 Best place to visit in Krzeszowice Poland


What Can 100 Zloty ($24.04) Buy in Kraków, Poland? ????????

This is what you can buy with 100 Polish Zloty in Kraków, Poland! 100 zloty is equal to about 24 USD. Kraków is a very affordable city compared to other major cities in Europe, and a great option for any European vacation!

Welcome to our journey! We are Max & Sid, and we decided to take this year to travel to a new continent and see what life is like in a new environment!

This is Chapter 103 of our story. Watch them all by visiting our channel! Likes and subscriptions are extremely appreciated and help our growth on YouTube.

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Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound.

#travel #poland #krakow

Opuszczony Pałac Potockich w Krzeszowicach [4K Polska dronem] DJI Mavic Air 2

Opuszczony Pałac Potockich w Krzeszowicach z lotu ptaka.

Dan Lebowitz

Charzykowy famous as Charzyfornia - a full magic place in Poland

The best place for summertime vacation.

This film is dedicated to my family, my friends dog Aris(*).

Music: Steen Thottrupp - If You Were Here Tonight

Kolo Castle - Trips around Poland - Castles & Palaces

Kolo Castle - Trips around Poland - Castles & Palaces

According to the chronicles of Jan Długosz, the founder of the castle in Koło was Kazimierz Wielki. The castle was built in the second half of the fourteenth century as an independent defensive structure. This was a unique approach because most of the castles were connected with the city. The best years of the stronghold were in the 15th century. At that time, conventions of the nobility were organized and it was a frequent object of royal visits. In the second half of the 16th century, the castle lost its significance, and the destruction made during the invasion of the Swedes began its slow death. At the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the castle was owned by the Benedictines who began its demolition. At the end of the 18th century, the castle was already a ruin, and further demolition and operation of the Warta waters meant that only a small part of the castle has survived to this day. The castle ruins are located about 3 km from the city center, in a beautiful area. The stronghold is located on a small hill in the Warta River valley. Today it is mainly the destination of the inhabitants of Koło and nearby surroundings. Unfortunately, its condition does not impress, and the stronghold falls into further ruin.

Zamek w Kole - Podróże wokół Polski - Zamki i Pałace

Według kronik Jana Długosza fundatorem zamku w Kole był Kazimierz Wielki. Zamek powstał w drugiej połowie XIV wieku jako samodzielna budowla obronna. Było to wyjątkowe podejście, ponieważ większość zamków była powiązana z miastem. Najlepsze lata warowni przypadły na XV wiek. Urządzano w niej wtedy zjazdy szlachty i była częstym obiektem królewskich wizyt. W drugiej połowie XVI wieku zamek stracił swoje znaczenie, a zniszenia dokonane podczas najazdu Szwedów rozpoczęły jego powolną śmierć. Na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku zamek był własnością benedyktynów, którzy rozpoczęli jego rozbiórkę. Pod koniec XVIII wieku zamek był już ruiną, a dalsze rozbiórki i działanie wód Warty sprawiły, że do dzisiaj zachowała się tylko niewielka część zamku. Ruiny zamku położone są około 3 km od centrum miasta, w malowniczej okolicy. Warownia położona jest na niewielkim wzniesieniu w doliny rzeki Warty. Dziś jest głównie celem wycieczek mieszkańców Koła i pobliskich okolic. Niestety jej stan nie zachwyca, a warownia popada w dalszą ruinę.

Kraków Główny-Praha hlavní nádraží I EC 114 ,,Cracovia I EU07-324/151 023 -9 I 10.08.2020

Witam serdecznie wszystkich i przedstawiam pierwszy film z kolejowej operacji ,,Praga-Wiedeń-Graz,która jak się dwa dni później okazało,zakończyła się kompletną katastrofą. Pierwszy film z tej trasy,nagrałem 10.08.2020(Poniedziałek).Jest to 100% kolejowej trasy pociągu EC 114 ,,Cracovia,czyli Kraków Główny-Praha hlavní nadraží. Pociąg w tym akurat dniu,prowadzony był na odcinku Kraków Główny-Bohumín, przez doskonale znaną mi już lokomotywę EU07-324 PKP IC.Prowadziła ten skład 20.04.2019,akurat do Bohumina przez Oświęcim i Czechowice-Dziedzice oraz 22.09.2019 pociąg EC 204 ,,Sobieski z Bohumina do Krakowa Głównego.Na odcinku Bohumín-Praga pociąg EC 114 ,,Cracovia,prowadziła lokomotywa 151 023-9 ČD.
Zapraszam zatem do oglądania!

Hello everyone and I present the first video from the railway operation ,,Prague-Vienna-Graz,which ,as it turned out two days later,ended in a complete disaster.The first film from this route was recorded on 10.08.2020(Monday).It is 100% of the railway route of EC 114 ,,Cracovia,i.e. Kraków Główny-Praha hlavní nadraží.The train in this particular case was run on the Kraków Główny- Bohumín section,by the EU07-324 PKP IC locomotive,already well known to me 20.04.2019, to Bohumín via Oświęcim and Czechowice-Dziedzice,and on 22.09.2019,by the EC train 204,,Sobieski from Bohumín to Kraków Główny.On the section Bohumín-Prague,the train EC 114 ,,Cracovia was run by a locomotive 151 023-9 ČD.

So please watch!

Ahoj všichni a já představujeme první video z železniční operace ,,Praha-Vídeň-Graz,které,jak se ukázalo odva dny později ,skončilo naprostou katastrofou.První film této trasy byl zaznamenán 10.08.2020(pondělí ),což je 100 procent železniční trasy vlaku EC 114 ,,Cracovia,tj. Kraków Główny-Praha hlavní nádraží .V tento konkretní den byl vlak veden v úseku Kraków Główny-Bohumín lokomotivou EU07-324 PKP IC,kterou jsem již dobře znám,20.04.2019,Bohumínem přes Oświęcim a Czechowice-Dziedzice ,a 22.09.2019 vlakem EC 204,,Sobieski z Bohumína do Krakova Główny.V úseku Bohumín-Praha byl vlak EC 114,,Cracovia provozován lokomotivou 151 023-9 ČD.

Zvu vás ,abyste se dívali!

Not all of Poland is flat! (Exploring Zakopane & the Polish High Tatras) ????????

Poland has mountains?

If the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Poland are its endless flat fields, I wouldn't blame you. However, deep (and I mean DEEP) in the south of Poland lie the stunning Polish High Tatras, which offer some of the finest mountain scenery in Europe.

After being blown away by the beauty of nature and the rich culture that I enjoyed on the Slovakian side, I headed to the town of Zakopane - Poland's famous resort town - and used this as my base for exploring the stunning peak of Kasprowy Wierch, which offers one of the most inexpensive cable cars in Europe at a mere $20 USD (79 PLN) round trip.

Although the weather during my visit was a mixed bag, I did enjoy some sunshine atop the peak, which offered views into Slovakia and beyond. My visit coincided with the first snowfall of fall, so I was treated to beautiful snow-capped mountain vistas in all directions.

What's more to love about Zakopane? It's cheap as chips, with prices almost half that of the neighboring Slovakian side of the High Tatras. If you ever find yourself in the Krakow area, take the short detour to this stunning mountain resort!

Vlog Number 59 | #Europe | #Poland #Krakow | Filmed October 2020

Download the following music used in this episode with a free trial of Epidemic Sound! (

Tei by Ooyy
Future Vibes by Qeeo
Through the Clouds by Lotus
Rapture by Ooyy

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Canon Rebel SL2
Tamron 18-270 mm wide-angle zoom lens
RØDE - VideoMicro
DJI Mavic Mini
DJI Osmo Pocket
Apple iPhone 7


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Krzeszowice – Mników ∆ hiking trails ∆

more information on

#3Dletsgooutdoors #3Dnature #3Dtrail
trasa prejazdu (km) 14,9 / czas trwania podróży/przejazdu (godz.) 4:00 / wznoszenie (m) 242 / zniżanie (m) 269

Poland, more videos at or

STREET FOOD Tour in Kraków Poland - by a LOCAL RESIDENT

Ged Getting Fed

Planet krakow,you tube online
Touring the city,selecting a dine
Ged holding camera,licking his lips
Thinking sausage and hot dogs and plenty of dips

Judah market was first visit,hot dog his call
A spectacular sausage,it really had all
Mac and cheese special,submarine was same size
If council awarded....they would win prize

Plac Nowy next visit,Zapiekanka for sale
Ged in his glory, he told us the tale
Meat and veg,for three quid this grub
Down in kaziemierz new square,it's tourist hub

Now Ged loosened his buckle,burger in wait
Okraglak burger,gorgonzola,was great
Tastiest burger,our Ged sat in awe
As he crammed the last morsal into his jaw

Udon Noodles...there was no stopping Ged
He was munching for camera,before going to bed
But one last stop in krakow,so long was the queue
At the famous grilled sausage,on sale at van blue

I have tried it myself,best sausage in town
Mustard or red sauce,nectar going down
Well worth a visit,and well worth the wait
From 8pm daily.......until 3am late

Ged inspires with his passion,krakow has heart
This video channels a cracker,I have watched from the start
If you need information,or restaurant review
Get yourself onto you tube,that's what to

Don't trust street food guides from travelers that have been in the city a few days. Trust a 2.5 year resident to show you the BEST and most loved street food places in the city of KRAKOW as well as the best foods

Polish food and international food

A resident's pick of the five best street food locations in Krakow

3D-Trip: Synagoga (dom modlitwy dla kobiet) [Krzeszowice, Poland]. 2023-08-20

3D-Trip: Synagoga (dom modlitwy dla kobiet) [Krzeszowice, Poland]. 2023-08-20




Krzeszowice, Tenczynek - Przepiękna historia na naszych oczach [4k, 60fps]

Odwiedzam kolejne niesamowite miejsca, tym razem przyszła kolej na miejscowość Krzeszowice, Tenczynek, Rudno oraz Czerna. Te miejsca także są częścią szlaku orlich gniazd na Jurze Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej. Będziecie mogli obejrzeć nie tylko zmagania roweru elektrycznego w trakcie bardzo trudnego podjazdu pod piaszczyste wzniesienie zamku, częściowo o nachyleniu ponad 30%. Zamek Tenczyn w Rudnie to niesamowita historia, zahaczająca nawet o Władysława Łokietka. Przebywali na zamku między innymi: Jan Długosz, Mikołaj Rej, Jan Kochanowski, Piotr Kochanowski oraz inne ważne postaci polskiego odrodzenia. Plenery zamku zostały wykorzystane w serialu Czarne chmury (reż. Andrzej Konic) w odcinku pt. „Wilcze Doły” oraz w serialu Rycerze i rabusie i w filmie Ostrze na ostrze. Odwiedzimy także pozostałości po sztolni kopalni Krystyna (były to ponad 2km wykutych tuneli, niestety po 1 w0jnie światowej wejście zostało zasypane) , pałac Potockich z XIX wieku, centrum Krzeszowic a także zajedziemy sobie do Czernej gdzie znajduje się dolina Eliaszówki oraz słynne ruiny dawnego mostu pustelniczego oraz źródło proroka Eliasza w kształcie serca.

#krzeszowice #tenczynek #zamekwrudnie

Krzeszowicki Klub Podróżnika - Poznajemy naszą Gminę !

1 Maja KKP wyrusza w wędrówkę po okolicach gminy Krzeszowice .
Miłego oglądania czas : 2:25 minut. ;)

2016 10 15 Most Diabelski w Czernej

Jasna Gora Monastery - Poland (โปแลนด์)

3D-Trip: Przejazd przez Tenczyński Park Krajobrazowy. 2016-11-10

3D-Trip: Przejazd przez Tenczyński Park Krajobrazowy. 2016-11-10

Churches on the Royal Road, Kraków

The metropolitan city of Kraków, former capital of Poland, is known as the city of churches. The abundance of landmark, historic Roman Catholic churches along with the plenitude of monasteries and convents earned the city a countrywide reputation as the Northern Rome in the past. The churches of Kraków comprise over 120 Roman Catholic places of worship, of which over 60 were built in the 20th century.They remain the centers of religious life for the local population and are attended regularly, while some are often crowded on Sundays.

The Royal Road or Royal Route (Polish: Droga Królewska, IPA: [ˈdrɔɡa kruˈlɛfska]) in Kraków, Poland, begins at the northern end of the medieval Old Town and continues south through the centre of town towards Wawel Hill, where the old royal residence, Wawel Castle, is located. The Royal Road passes some of the most prominent historic landmarks of Poland's royal capital, providing a suitable background to coronation processions and parades, kings' and princes' receptions, foreign envoys and guests of distinction traveling from a far country to their destination at Wawel.


Wyprawa do Krakowa! - Paszport dla Emi

Dzisiaj zapraszamy was na wycieczkę razem z nami do Krakowa! Jedziemy specjalnie załatwiać paszport dla Emilii. Dodatkowo dla wszystkich zainteresowanych na koniec postaram się wyjaśnić wszystkie kwestie związane z paszportem i rejestracją dziecka. Pozdrawiamy

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Kraków or Krakof - Poland ????????

Kraków is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in Lesser Poland Voivodeship, the city dates back to the seventh century. Kraków was the official capital of Poland until 1596 and has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Polish academic, economic, cultural and artistic life. Cited as one of Europe's most beautiful cities, its Old Town with Wawel Royal Castle was declared the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the world.

The city has grown from a Stone Age settlement to Poland's second-most-important city. It began as a hamlet on Wawel Hill and was reported by Ibrahim Ibn Yakoub, a merchant from Cordoba, as a busy trading centre of Central Europe in 985.With the establishment of new universities and cultural venues at the emergence of the Second Polish Republic in 1918 and throughout the 20th century, Kraków reaffirmed its role as a major national academic and artistic centre. As of 2022, the city has a population of 800,653, with approximately 8 million additional people living within a 100 km (62 mi) radius of its main square.

#krakow #poland #polska

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Wonderful Polish foods, drinks, fashion and crafts at the summer Kiermash fair in KRAKOW

You walk around the city - Nowa Huta (Poland) - virtual hiking to study/work/sleep

2:18 - food trucks and Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury (NCK)
5:12 - Łąki Nowohuckie (Nowa Huta meadow)
10:13 - Central Square in Nowa Huta
12:50 - Aleja Róż
16:15 - Stylish Restaurant
17:21 - Town Hall Park and the sculpture 'Fish'
29:20 - People's Theater
32:19 - IS-2 tank in front of the Museum of Armed Action in Krakow

Subscribe to see more videos for work, study, sleep!

Pałac potockich



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