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10 Best place to visit in Kresttsy Russia


Что я нашёл в деревне Усть-Волма

В этом видео речь пойдет про деревню Усть-Волма Крестецкого района Новгородской области. Деревня находится в 30 км от поселка Крестцы. От трассы М-10 до нее идет грунтовая дорога среднего качества. Расположена Усть-Волма в очень живописном месте на берегах двух рек Волмы и Мсты.
Первое упоминание о селе Волма датируется 13 веком, о чем говорит нам одна из берестяных грамот. Так же вблизи деревни на берегу реки Волмы можно найти городище, курганы и сопки 8-9 веков.
Больше всего интересовал небольшой водопадик на месте мельничной электростанции на реке Волма, от которой ныне остались лишь каменные быки по бокам реки.

Какие интересные достопримечательности имеются здесь на сегодняшний день.
- Прежде всего это Усадьба семьи Татищевых.
Татищев Василий Никитич - российский инженер-артиллерист, историк, географ, экономист и государственный деятель, основатель городов Тольятти, Екатеринбург и Пермь.
Не будем уходить далеко в подробности, вся информация есть в поисковых.
Так же здесь расположены другие достопримечательности:
Дом Щеголева, в окрестностях деревни 2 часовни, памятник летчику Кулакову (при въезде в Усть-Волму).
В деревне есть магазин, почта и отделение связи, дом культуры, медпункт и библиотека. Несколько лет назад в доме усадьбы Татищева располагалась школа, позже её перенесли в районный центр - поселок Крестцы.

Что же делать с пустующим сегодня зданием усадьбы Татищева?
На сегодня усадебный дом пригоден для проживания гостей.
Отличная идея - сделать в усадьбе местный краеведческий музей, или дом-музей графа Татищева!
Можно было бы проводить экскурсии и рассказывать гостям историю села и старинного рода Татищевых, и одновременно предлагать путешественникам хороший отдых в нескольких комнатах усадьбы, а летом на свежем воздухе - места для палаточного лагеря во дворе, как я лично видел, это делают в похожих усадьбах в других регионах.
#история #усадьба #татищев #водопады #глубинка #россия #достопримечательности
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DJI MINI 2 4K Cinematic Abandoned Stone Bridge Deep In The Woods

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Drone footage 4K of a beautiful abandoned stone railway bridge build somewhere deep in Russian forests at the very beginning of 20 century...
DJI MINI 2 4K Cinematic Abandoned Stone Bridge Deep In The Woods
This railway stone bridge was built in 1914. This region has no more railway stone bridge just this stone bridge only. This fact makes this railway stone bridge even more unique. This stone bridge has its own unique design. Despite the location of this railway stone bridge. The stone bridge is quite high - 19 meters from water level.
Abandoned Stone Bridge Deep In The Woods
Ancient stone bridge in the forest #vanlife tourism
There is an abandoned stone railway bridge in the forest. Stone handsome! Forgotten, abandoned by everyone ... Let's visit it and do some drone footage in 4k!
By M10 / E105 Moscow - St. Petersburg to the village of Yarynya. From Veliky Novgorod about 110 km. From the M10 you need to go along the sign to the Kolokola village. Further along the dirt road to the crossing, about 3 km. From the crossing, to the right, 1 km. on foot along the sleepers to the actual railway bridge to capture some drone footage.
I have dreamed of making drone footage of this stone bridge crossing the Yarynya River for a long time. Thera are several drone footage of this stone bridge already awailable on youtube? but none of this drone footage is 4k. Unfortunately, this is already an abandoned stone bridge, but stone cladding and classic arches strikingly distinguish this railway stone bridge in the forest from modern crossings, it hides in the coastal foliage and is undeservedly deprived of attention so it is not easy to perform drone footage of this stone bridge.
The Valdai - Kresttsy railway was part of the Narva - Luga - Novgorod - Bronnitsy - Valdai project, which was built during the First World War, including for strategic reasons.
At the same time, in the same place, another project was being implemented - the Petrograd - Novgorod - Bronnitsy - Soblago - Smolensk - Oryol railway. The well-known bulls on the Volkhov (unfinished railway bridge) were to become the pillars of the railway bridge of these two projects.
Both projects were never fully implemented. There is a version that it is precisely because of the Novgorod cultural heritage. The project and the railway stone bridge under construction caused a lot of noise in the then cultural circles, since the railway was supposed to pass in the immediate vicinity of Rurikov Gorodishche and the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa and completely change the local landscape. You can find some drone footage of this location on youtube. According to another version, the construction of the railway stone bridge was stopped due to the fact that in 1918 Soviet Russia concluded a peace treaty with Germany in Brest. Because of this agreement, the need for the construction of many strategic roads has disappeared.
From the first project, only the Novgorod - Batetskaya - Luga and Valdai - Kresttsy sections were implemented. Both sites were built in 1916. From the second - Novgorod (Preduzlovaya-Pavlovskaya) - Novolisino (1914 - 1918, 1918 - 1922). In addition to the two sections, Orlovskaya Street and the embankment from Myachenskie Lakes to the village of Kresttsy remained from the project.
It's hard to believe, but such beauty, such a beautiful railway stone bridge, is not located anywhere in Europe, but here, right next to us. The ancient stone railway bridge, built a hundred years ago for strategic reasons, could well become a prominent tourist attraction in our time. And i hope that my drone footage will help on this matter! Moreover, the presence of a railway allows excursion trains to be launched here. Isn't it a retro route? Good photos of the abandoned railway stone bridge are only possible during the leafless season. The stone bridge is overgrown on all sides. As, however, the entire Valdai line. So be careful while producing drone footage. You can easily loose your drone along with all drone footage.
If we lived somewhere in central Europe, this railway stone bridge would definitely have a name and it would be a well-known symbol of the area. Officially, the Valdai-Kresttsy line is in operation, but the last train along it passed already in 2006. By the time the line was closed, there was almost no movement along the line. Passenger traffic through this railway was stopped even earlier, in 1992. Retro tours using steam locomotives were organized at least in 1996.
Watch it to the end, like it! Subscribe and comment! More drone footage to come!
That Dude From Russia



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