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10 Best place to visit in Kovačica Serbia


Make journal adventure:1 minute in Kovačica (SErbia)

Looking for a new place to visit in Serbia you haven't visited yet? See the essence of this place in just 1 minute. The capital of naive art, Her Majesty, Kovačica !

If you would rather read and view the pictures, you can find the full article on this site:

????Music: Jan Ambroz - Chorem by Telgartom; I don't claim rights to this song
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Top 15 Things To Do In Pancevo, Serbia

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Pančevo -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 15 things to do in Pancevo, Serbia
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.

1. Svetionik na Ušću Tamiša u Dunav -
2. Church of the Assumption -
3. Tamiški Kej (Tamiš Quay) -
4. National Garden -
5. Church of the Holy Transfiguration -
6. Vajfert Museum -
7. Park Trg Kralja Petra I -
8. Vojlovica Monastery -
9. Zgrada Narodne Pivare -
10. National Museum -
11. Buvljak -
12. Visit Belgrade - mareandmare / shutterstock
13. Deliblato Sands - Mateja Beljan / shutterstock
14. Smederevo Fortress -

15. Try some Burek - agrofruti / shutterstock

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Pancevo,Pancevo serbia,Pancevo tour,Pancevo tourist,Pancevo guide,Pancevo attractions, visit Pancevo, travel Pancevo, things to do in Pancevo, places to visit in Pancevo, Pancevo holiday,Pancevo hotels,

Discover Serbia - Naive art & Kovačica Teaser

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CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: Click for Serbia is happy to present to you our video about our beautiful country and culture that we all love. The new video Discover Serbia - Naive art & Kovačica from the Click For Serbia, from the Discover Serbia series.

Naïve art is usually defined as visual art that is created by a person who lacks the formal education and training that a professional artist undergoes (in anatomy, art history, technique, perspective, ways of seeing).When this aesthetic is emulated by a trained artist, the result is sometimes called primitivism, pseudo-naïve art, or faux naïve art.

Unlike folk art, naïve art does not necessarily derive from a distinct popular cultural context or tradition; indeed, at least in the advanced economies and since the Printing Revolution, awareness of the local fine art tradition has been inescapable, as it diffused through popular prints and other media. Naïve artists are aware of fine art conventions such as graphical perspective and compositional conventions, but are unable to fully use them, or choose not to. By contrast, outsider art (art brut) denotes works from a similar context but which have only minimal contact with the mainstream art world.

Srpski: Click for Serbia sa zadovoljstvom vam predstavlja naš video o našoj prelepoj zemlji i kulturi koju svi volimo. Novi video Poseti Srbiju -Naivna umetnost & Kovačica iz serije Poseti Srbiju. Наивна уметност или наива је посебни сегмент уметности XX века. Означава дела, најчешће самоуких уметника, која се не слажу са доминантним токовима у уметности свога доба.

Наивна уметност је аутономна уметност која постоји независно од јасно одређених одлика стила и уметничког образовања, одвојена од спољашњих утицаја. Изолована је – што као последицу има разноврсност ликовних решења. Не трпи правила – правила се обично откривају тек по завршетку сликарског чина. Немогуће је научити је – као што се ни таленат не може научити. Стихијска је у наступу рађања облика – јер је спонтана. Не жели да учи, већ нам, захваљујући необузданој машти стваралаца, намеће своје особено писмо и нове облике естетско

Београд, ТОП 10 места / Belgrade, Serbia, TOP PLACES

Izložba u Beogradu na Cvetkovom trgu - TOP 10 места

Summer drive Kovačica - Zrenjanin - Žabalj

It was a small road trip to Pivnice, but my battery gave up somewhere near Žabalj. Nice day, clear roads, excellent conditions overall. Most of the journey in this video takes place between Kovačica and Zrenjanin.

Zrenjanin (Serbian Cyrillic: Зрењанин, pronounced [zrɛ̌ɲanin]; Hungarian: Nagybecskerek; Romanian: Becicherecu Mare; Slovak: Zreňanin; German: Großbetschkerek) is a city and the administrative center of the Central Banat District in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia. The city's urban area has a population of 76,511 inhabitants, while the administrative area has 123,362 inhabitants (2011 census data). The old name for Zrenjanin is Veliki Bečkerek or Nagybecskerek, as it was known under Austria-Hungary until 1918. Zrenjanin is the largest city in the Serbian part of the Banat geographical region and the third largest city in Vojvodina (after Novi Sad and Subotica). The city was designated a European city of sport.

welcome to kovacica [part 1 of 5]

Zbog heterogenog nacionalnog sastava i skladnih medunacionalnih odnosa izmedu Slovaka (41,07%), Srba (32,91%), Madara (10,52%), Rumuna i ostalih, Kovacicu nazivaju Vojvodina u malom. Stanovnici Kovacice, gonjeni ekonomskim problemima, verskim proganjanjima i vodeni željom za boljim životom, uvek se se oslanjali jedni na druge, poštovali svoje obicaje, jezik i kulturu drugih, cuvajuci i negujuci svoje. Pre dvesta godina došli su da cuvaju srednju Evropu od upada Turaka, i ovde ostali do danas.
Due to heterogenous national composition and harmonious international relations between Slovaks (41.07%), Serbs (32,91%), Hungarians (10,52%), Romanians and others, Kovacica is often called Vojvodina in small. Pursued by economic problems, religious persecutions and lead by the desire for better life, the inhabitants of Kovacica have always relied on each other, respected their customs, language and cultures of other nationalities, but on the other hand, preserving and cherishing their own. 200 years ago they came to protect middle Europe from the Turkish intrusion and have stayed in this place ever since.

Ulica Ivana Gorana Kovačića, Banja Luka 4K, februar 2023.

Vožnja automobila kroz Banjaluku. Početak snimka je na kružnoj raskrsnici kod Centruma, ispod Petrićevca. Skretanje u Ulicu Ivana Gorana Kovačića i vožnja do kružne raskrsnice kod Lesnine.
Saobraćaj u Banjaluci

Ulice Banjaluke

Vožnje u 2023. godini

Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture. Optagelser, hvor du kan se vej såvel som strand, turiststed, naturlige seværdigheder, by, landsby, bjerg, flod og hav
Улица Ивана Горана Ковачића, Бања Лука 4К

#70 - Kovačica, Serbia - Cyclomarathon Belgrade - Kovačica 2/2 (06/2013)

Strange as it may sound, this movie starts right where the previous one has ended. ;) From near a place called Jabuka (Apple), through Crepaja (the official goal of this public ride), all the way to Kovačica. You'll see many flat and completely straight roads, many cyclists, some horses, two churches, one tram/train, one school, a great park and - icecream! And, by popular demand, more of that deep conversation most of the way! Obviously, not to be missed.

But seriously, this was a really great public ride and I'm happy it takes place every year. There are more nice things in Kovačica I have yet to discover. Feel free to join!

Filmed in June 2013.
Photo album -

Copyright © Srđan Canić. All rights reserved.

R130 & M13: Kovačica - Ečka - Zrenjanin (June 12, 2018)

Driving from the town of Kovačica to Zrenjanin along the regional road R-130 and State Road M13.

Playlist with all videos from Serbia here:

Video details:
Size: 4.26 GB
Length: 41' 25''
Resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD)
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Framerate: 60 fps
Bitrate: 13,700 kbps (original)
Edited using: VSDC Free Video Editor.
Rendering time: 3h 52'.
Road signs and other assets created using: Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007.
Recorded on: 12-Jun-2018
Uploaded to youtube on: 15-Jun-2018.

Kotlovi Reke Belice Srbija/Serbia

Kotlovi reke Belice su prirodno čudo i oaza u srcu jugoistočne Srbije! Gledajte video u HD rezoluciji! Slobodno dijelite video sa prijateljima i komentirajte ispod!
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Beautiful Serbia 1

Visit Serbia. Posetite Srbiju.

Restaurants in Vršac, Serbia

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Vršac. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Vršac, Serbia:
1) Etage Restoran Vršac
Dositejeva 10, Vršac 26300
066 319319

2) Family winery Vinik Vršac
Novosadska 1, Vršac
063 8503474

3) Element drinks & food
Trg pobede 2, Vršac 26300
013 837057

4) Etno Restaurant Dinar
Dimitrija Tucovića 82 26300, Vršac
013 830024

5) Salas
Karađorđeva 9, Vršac 26300
063 380830

6) Rab
11, Trg Svetog Teodora Vršačkog 26300, Vršac 26300
063 546537

7) Restoran Stanisic
Stevana Nemanje 67, Vršac
013 833686

8) Express restoran
Dositejeva 10,26300, Vršac
013 831574

9) Leskovcanin
79/A 2.OKTOBRA, 26300, Vršac, Južno-banatski okrug
013 821486

10) Riblja Kuca
5 ZELENA PIJACA, 26300, Vrsac, Juzno-banatski county, 26300
013 2830192

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The music is from:

A Day in Pančevo, Serbia

00:00 Borča
02:16 Road to Pančevo
03:51 Pančevo

#69 - Belgrade, Serbia - Cyclomarathon Belgrade - Kovačica 1/2 (06/2013)

Now, I know it's a number 69 but it really isn't what you think. ;) It's another public ride (one more left), another great adventure and another personal best broken. Oh, and another new destination as this was my first real venture into Vojvodina region. Best known (among cyclists) for being flat. And I do mean flat (Fruška Gora excluded). Still, there's so much more to it as you'll realise once I... Hehe, spoilers... (as River Song would say)

So, a public event which worked perfectly well. Except for not going to Kovačica. ;) And I must point out the best police work I've ever seen (motorcycle unit). Incredible. More on that in the movie. Also, as promised, you'll have a rare opportunity to listen to us talking almost the entire time! And such useful stuff, you won't believe. And all for free! Is this the best channel or what? ;)

Oh, apart from great police work, great stories, beautiful landscapes and some (great) tips, you will also see the Pančevo bridge over Danube river, learn some history and how to get from Belgrade to Pančevo on bike almost the legal way. So, don't waste another moment, grab some popcorns, sit back and enjoy the ride! It'll feel like doing the hard work yourself. Only, with absolutely no effect whatsoever. ;)

Filmed in June 2013.
Photo album:

Copyright © Srđan Canić. All rights reserved.

welcome to kovacica [part 3 of 5]

Zbog heterogenog nacionalnog sastava i skladnih medunacionalnih odnosa izmedu Slovaka (41,07%), Srba (32,91%), Madara (10,52%), Rumuna i ostalih, Kovacicu nazivaju Vojvodina u malom. Stanovnici Kovacice, gonjeni ekonomskim problemima, verskim proganjanjima i vodeni željom za boljim životom, uvek se se oslanjali jedni na druge, poštovali svoje obicaje, jezik i kulturu drugih, cuvajuci i negujuci svoje. Pre dvesta godina došli su da cuvaju srednju Evropu od upada Turaka, i ovde ostali do danas.
Due to heterogenous national composition and harmonious international relations between Slovaks (41.07%), Serbs (32,91%), Hungarians (10,52%), Romanians and others, Kovacica is often called Vojvodina in small. Pursued by economic problems, religious persecutions and lead by the desire for better life, the inhabitants of Kovacica have always relied on each other, respected their customs, language and cultures of other nationalities, but on the other hand, preserving and cherishing their own. 200 years ago they came to protect middle Europe from the Turkish intrusion and have stayed in this place ever since.

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welcome to kovacica [part 2 of 5]

Zbog heterogenog nacionalnog sastava i skladnih medunacionalnih odnosa izmedu Slovaka (41,07%), Srba (32,91%), Madara (10,52%), Rumuna i ostalih, Kovacicu nazivaju Vojvodina u malom. Stanovnici Kovacice, gonjeni ekonomskim problemima, verskim proganjanjima i vodeni željom za boljim životom, uvek se se oslanjali jedni na druge, poštovali svoje obicaje, jezik i kulturu drugih, cuvajuci i negujuci svoje. Pre dvesta godina došli su da cuvaju srednju Evropu od upada Turaka, i ovde ostali do danas.
Due to heterogenous national composition and harmonious international relations between Slovaks (41.07%), Serbs (32,91%), Hungarians (10,52%), Romanians and others, Kovacica is often called Vojvodina in small. Pursued by economic problems, religious persecutions and lead by the desire for better life, the inhabitants of Kovacica have always relied on each other, respected their customs, language and cultures of other nationalities, but on the other hand, preserving and cherishing their own. 200 years ago they came to protect middle Europe from the Turkish intrusion and have stayed in this place ever since.

Kovacica Gallery

Gallery in Kovacica

Kovacica english

production: Studio S - Kovačica

Vršac (Vârșeț) - Serbia 2018 (Photo Slideshow)

Cateva imagini din albumul personal.



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