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10 Best place to visit in Kostomuksha Russia


Karelia | Russia travel

Karelia Russia travel guide, Karelia Russia tourism & vacations, Karelia Russia trip, Karelia Russia travel vlog
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Karelia is a region in Northwestern Russia, which borders Finland to the west, Murmansk Oblast to the north, the White Sea to the northeast, Arkhangelsk Oblast to the east, Vologda Oblast to the southeast, and Leningrad Oblast to the south.

Karelia is known as the country of lakes. One quarter of Karelia's surface is covered by water including about sixty thousand lakes. The second-largest lake of Europe, Lake Onega, is located in Karelia. The largest lake of Europe, Lake Ladoga is partly located in Karelia (together with Leningrad Oblast). Wherever there is land, there are dense forests covering the ground.

Karelia has strong cultural connection with Finland and the Karelians, for whom the republic is named, are a Finno-Ugric group very closely related to the Finns. The western part of Karelia is a relatively recent Russian/Soviet conquest from Finland, and a bit of a sore spot for the Finns.

Valamo Monastery - the monastery of the Finnish Orthodox Church. Originally Valamo was placed on an island of lake Ladoga in Karelia but was evacuated whilst in war with the Russians in the 1940s. The monks came with their icons and rebuilt Valamo close to Heinävesi a bit west of Joensuu. The monastery is visited by many Finns, orthodox or not, and is featured in most tourist guides as well. Almost all buildings though are post war and one can't suppress the impression that there is a commercial streak somewhere. However most people come to see the ancient icons from the old Valamo monastery. Boats full of tourists leave during the summer months from Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya, and Pitkyaranta, as well as big river cruise boats from Saint Petersburg and Moscow. It's also possible to travel here by helicopter from Petrozavodsk.

Rusia preciosa: Karelia | Cocina deliciosa, naturaleza espectacular, tradiciones auténticas y osos

Esta república en el noroeste de Rusia ha ganado fama entre los rusos durante la pandemia. Aquí se puede pasear por los bosques, recoger bayas y disfrutar de la naturaleza espectacular. La mayoría de los edificios en las ciudades fueron construidos por los finlandeses, e incluso ahora, décadas después, se ven arreglados. Las iglesias de madera de la isla Kizhi no dejarán indiferente a nadie.
Me critican a menudo por notar las imperfecciones de los lugares del mundo, pero esta vez no encontré prácticamente ningunas. ¿Quieren conocer esta república que tanto impacta? Acompáñenme en este viaje.

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#rusia #finlandia #animales

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¡Hola! Me llamo Ilya Varlamov, soy periodista ruso y fundador de varios proyectos de mejoramiento urbano de Moscú y muchas ciudades en toda Rusia. Nada en este mundo me gusta tanto como viajar. En este canal hago todo lo posible para brindarte una visión objetiva de la vida en diferentes partes del mundo. ¡Suscríbete para no perderte mis nuevos videos!
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00:00 Las maravillas de Karelia
01:04 Petrozavodsk, capital de Karelia, y la influencia de Finlandia
02:27 Una iglesia antigua y una casita de madera
03:39 Cambio de banquetas en la ciudad
04:33 Competencias de saunas en la ciudad
05:12 Cercado y un edificio histórico
06:32 Puerto de Petrozavodsk y precios de motonaves
07:24 Viaje a la isla de Kizhi
09:20 Restauración de las iglesias de madera
11:34 ¿Cuántos años tienen los pinos utilizados para construir las iglesias?
11:59 Sistema de apagar incendios
13:28 Dentro de la cúpula más grande de madera de Rusia
14:15 Un manual para colocar la pieza de la iglesia en su lugar
15:55 Un museo de las costumbres de Karelia
16:45 Repostería tradicional de Karelia
17:56 Cuánto cuesta un programa con degustación de empanadas y taller
18:19 La belleza de Kizhi
20:11 El valle de los liebres
23:55 Archipiélago Kuzová
27:04 El punto más alto del archipiélago
27:44 Qué se puede observar desde el punto
28:26 Las islas Solovetski, o Solovkí
29:23 Las piedras de los saames
30:51 Una liebre salvaje y encuentro de camarógrafo con un oso
31:54 Una casa de geodestas
31:09 Parque natural donde se puede acampar
33:24 Recorrido por Rabocheostrovsk, una aldea y escenario de la película rusa “Isla”
35:03 Petróglifos: caza, concepción y parto
38:10 Conocemos Kostomuksha, ciudad de construcción finlandesa
41:15 Parada de autobús y otros edificios de construcción rusa
42:40 Edificio de nueve pisos finlandés y su entorno
48:28 Comparamos los edificios rusos y finlandeses de cinco pisos
50:45 Jardín de niños construido por los finlandeses
51:12 Una fábrica de bayas:¿cuánto gana un recolector?
54:25 La mora de los pantanos
55:46 El pueblo Kórmilo, pequeño paraíso a la orilla del lago
58:32 Los caballos de la aldea
59:23 Cómo se ve la casa por dentro
59:58 Los animales de la granja
01:01:01 ¿Cuánto cuesta hospedarse en Kórmilo?
01:01:52 La colección de los samovar
01:03:00 La carrera mañanera
01:03:35 Voknávolok, aldea donde fueron conservadas las tradiciones
01:07:48 Me voy, pero voy a volver

Ingress Karelia - Resistance operation - 25/08/2013 @Kostomuksha


Finnish-Russian border 360 (Russia in the background), 61.6°N, wind and bird sounds.

The 1340-km long Finland–Russia border runs from the Gulf of Finland (60°N) to northern Lapland (69°N) through mostly uninhabited taiga forest and sparsely populated rural areas. The border region offers beautiful natural environments to explore Nordic nature. This channel shows a series of GoPro videos filmed while hiking/kayaking near the border.
x Belomorsk petroglyphs, Vygostrov

The world famous Belomorsk petroglyphs - more than 2000 unique rock carvings of late Stone Age, that are to be found at the lower reach of Vyg river, near the village of Vygostrov . Russia : Republic of Karelia. See on map .

Kostomuksha | Karelia | Russia

Kostomuksha is a small town in the north of Karelia, cozy and very beautiful, as if grown in the middle of a forest. The city-forming enterprise here is Karelsky Okatysh JSC. The nature around Kostomuksha is simply fantastic!
Every year the flow of tourists both to Karelia and Kostomuksha is getting bigger and bigger.
But why tourists come here, you will learn from this video.

My Instagram -

#kostomuksha #karelia #russia

Kostomuksha Russia

Kostomuksha Russia e420

Driving a road from Kajaani, Finland to the direction of Kostomuksha, Russia.MP4

August 2010

Driving a road from Kajaani, Finland to the direction of Kostomuksha, Russia II.MP4

August 2010

Kostomuksha 2008-10-04


Island walking and boat trip 4K Vyatikkya Ladoga Skerries National Park Karelia Tour Part 1

Hiking in the beautiful forest and boat trip between rocky islands. Ladoga, Part 1.
Ladoga is the largest lake in Europe. In this video, we will take a boat ride on this lake and walk on its islands. A little later on the channel will be appeared another video with boat trip on a speedboat from Sortavala.
Timeline links
00:00 Vyatikkya village
00:13 By motor boat from Vyatikkya pier
00:25 Passing under the bridge
00:35 Ladoga skerries
00:45 Walking tour on the shore of the bay
02:16 By motor boat along the skerries
03:56 The duct
06:25 Walking on a small island
08:05 The islands views
10:23 The Waves
10:43 Seagulls
11:21 Big waves on the open Ladoga
11:55 Walking on the island
18:02 Boat trip between the islands
19:09 Walking on the island
25:04 Boat trip between the islands
25:52 Walking on the island
28:55 Catamaran on our way
29:13 Return trip Republic of Karelia

Republic of Karelia is the beautiful northern land with an abundance of natural, historic-cultural and architectural monuments attracting tourists from all over the world. Russia. (卡累利阿共和国, カレリア共和国, جمهورية كاريليا). See on map .

[ИСАКОГОРКА] 2ТЭ10М-2441 с грузовым поездом стартует из Обозерской

Перегон Обозерская - Разъезд 1008 км., 10 мая 2019 года

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Ледмозеро - Костомукша (Окт. ж.д., РЖД)

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Ledmozero 3 Russia

Ledmozero 3 Russia Kostomuksha e420

Пробиваемся ПО УШИ В ГОВ...Е. Дальнобойный офф-роуд к границе с Финляндией. Дорога на Костомукшу.

Всем привет! В этом интересном видео я расскажу вам о том как мне пришлось добираться до города Костомукша, расположенного в на границе с Финляндией. В этом городе есть завод под названием Карельский окатыш. Но прежде чем доехать до завода мне пришлось пробиваться по карельским болотам до города, так как есть участки, где об асфальте приходится только мечтать.... Этот кусок дороги расположен вблизи населенного пункта Кочкома. Там на протяжении 25 километров дороги нет уже на протяжении нескольких лет. К сожалению ее начали делать только в 2021 году и обещают построить к 2025. На данный момент приходится довольствоваться тем что есть.... Только благодаря хорошей новой резине я смог пробраться по этому бездорожью. Много раз я цеплял брюхом своего коня об землю, но слава Богу не застрял там. После этого участка бездорожья я потихоньку начал подбираться к городу. Становилось все холоднее и начался снег. В течении полу часа все побелело, и я из поздней осени попал в зимнюю сказку. Все это я предлагаю Вам посмотреть в моем видео. Приятного просмотра, пишите комментарии. Что вы думаете о такой дороге в 21 веке?))) За что мы платим налоги и платон.....???

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SCANDINAVIA II (Sweden and Finland) & RUSSIA

Fotos tomadas con cámara de rollo.
Octubre / October 1998.

Suecia: Estocolmo y Uppsala.
Finlandia: Helsinki.
Rusia: San Petersburgo.

Las pistas que acompañan este video pertenecen a mi biblioteca personal de
WMP / All the tracks added to this video
belong to my own personal library on WMP.

Editado por / Edited by:

Aleksandrovska - Murmansk: real Russian road.

Driving through what is now taiga, Team Taxi Adriaan's on the worst road of the entire trip. Later, a befuddled Russian in Murmansk tells us he is much impressed by what we've done here. We always go through Finland because this is such very bad road. One rallyteam badly damaged its exhaust and we had 1 flat along this road - when I tried to sleep in the back, for the first time in my life I awoke with pain in my kidneys, to then hit my head on the carroof some 6 times. But actually, this road was better than the one I once drove in Transnistria, close to the Moldovan border.

Top 7 Dangerous Railway Tracks in world | Khatarnak railway Tracks.#railway#dangerous#tracks

▶️Top 7 Dangerous Railway tracks in World❓
▶️ Khatarnak Railway tracks❓
▶️Advance Railway tracks❓
#railway #railways #tracks #dangerous #europe#pakistan #india #newzealand #japan #viral #fact #beautiful #pakistan #world#viral #pakistan #viral #australia #srilanka #bangkok #bejing #burjkhalifa #railways #fact #top #top10 #dailytrend #dailycurrentaffairs #dailynews #today #todaynews #geonews #arynews #arydigital #todaynews #bbc #punjabi #urdusong #english #englishmovies #zemtv #duckybhai #mrhow #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #youtubeshort #video #songs #sidhumoosewala

▶️Which is the most dangerous railway track in the world❓

⏭️⏭️World's Most Dangerous Railway Lines
Ep1: The Bernina Express, Suisse. ...
Ep2: The Tazara, Tanzania - Zambia. ...
Ep3: The Pamban Railway, India. ...
Ep3: The Pamban Railway, India. ...
Ep4: Southern Railway, Peru. ...
Ep4: Southern Railway, Peru. ...
Ep5: The Train to the Clouds, Argentina. ...
Ep5: The Train to the Clouds, Argentina

▶️Which rail is dangerous❓

⏭️⏭️The third rail
The third rail is probably one of the most difficult dangers to see. It looks just like an ordinary rail, but it carries 750 volts – easily enough to kill you.????

▶️Which is Asia's highest railway track❓

⏭️⏭️Indian Railways' ambitious Bilaspur-Manali-Leh line along the India-China border, is touted to be the world's highest rail

▶️Which is the hardest train in the world❓
⏭️⏭️The heaviest trains in Finland weigh approximately 5,400 tonnes (5,310 long tons; 5,950 short tons) and carry iron ore pellets (taconite) from the mines and processing plant in Kostomuksha, Russia .❤️❤️ They go from Kostomuksha to Oulu, Finland, as 60-car unit trains measuring approximately 880 metres (2,890 ft) in length.01-Nov-2022

▶️Is Pakistan Railway safe❓

⏭️⏭️As far as safety and taking an overnight train in Pakistan it is an important consideration. But certainly we all reached the end of our journey on an overnight train from Islamabad to Karachi – so yes, I think the train in Pakistan is safe as long as you take sensible precautions☑️

▶️Which country has the best rail❓
⏭️⏭️It probably comes as no surprise that in a global 2019 survey of railroad efficiency, the top two places went to Japan and Hong Kong, with scores of 6.8 and 6.5 (out of seven) respectively☑️☑️

▶️Which is the biggest station❓

⏭️⏭️The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus is the biggest railway station in India.

▶️Which is the largest railway track❓
⏭️⏭️While the United States has the largest overall rail network, China boasts the largest highspeed rail 〰️network. In 2021 the country operated nearly 40,500 kilometers of highspeed rail lines. This made the Chinese network more than 11 times the size of its closest contender, Spain????

▶️Where is the world's slowest train❓

⏭️⏭️The Glacier Express is known as the slowest express train in the world. As St. Moritz and Zermatt are home to two well-known mountains, the Glacier Express is also said to travel from Matterhorn to Piz Bernina.☑️

▶️What is the top 1 longest train in the world❓

⏭️⏭️The Trans-Siberian

The Trans-Siberian is the longest passenger train in the world and travels across China, Mongolia, and the famous, beautiful Siberia❤️

▶️Which country train is fastest❓

⏭️⏭️China's Fuxing trains can carry 1,200 passengers at speeds of 350 kph. As well as boasting the longest network of high-speed lines in the world, China now has the fastest scheduled trains on the planet.

▶️How many trains run in Pakistan❓

⏭️⏭️Pakistan Railways carries 65 million passengers annually and operates 228 mail, express and passenger trains daily

▶️What is the most famous rail❓
⏭️⏭️Venice Simplon-Orient-Express from Venice to London. Probably the most famous train in the world????, the Orient Express is a theatrical performance for those who long to hark back to a golden age of travel????

▶️Which countries don't have a railway❓
⏭️⏭️No railways

Kharagpur Junction, West Bengal, India

▶️Which is the world 3 largest railway station❓

⏭️⏭️It is the world's third longest railway platform.
Hubballi Junction, Karnataka, India: 1,505 metres (4,938 ft)☑️
Gorakhpur Junction, Uttar Pradesh, India: 1,366.33 m (4,483 ft)☑️
Kollam Junction, Kerala, India: 1,180.5 m (3,873 ft)☑️
Kharagpur Junction, West Bengal, India: 1,072.5 m (3,519 ft)☑️

▶️Gorakhpur Junction, Uttar Pradesh, India????

▶️Which train takes the longest time❓
⏭️⏭️Dibrugarh – Kanniyakumari Vivek Express is the longest train of Indian Railways which runs from Dibrugarh in India's North-eastern state Assam to Kanniyakumari in Tamil Nadu the southernmost state of India????

▶️Which railway is better India or Pakistan❓
⏭️⏭️It has become quite fashionable in Pakistan to compare every sector of the country with its respective Indian counterpart and start lamenting that every state institution in Pak????

Meet the communities working to save Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park's coral reefs

Thousands of species of sea creatures live in the coral reefs of Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park. But because of threats such as global climate change, this premier diving destination is fighting for its life. In this mini-documentary, meet the members of the local community who are coming together and taking action to preserve this natural wonder.

Find out more:


■National Parks of Japan



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