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10 Best place to visit in Korhogo Ivory Coast


Street Food in Côte d’Ivoire!! ???????? Insane VERTICAL BBQ in Abidjan (West Africa)!!

12 hour Ivorian street food tour in West Africa!
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ABIDJAN, COTE D’IVOIRE - Welcome to the beautiful country of Côte d’Ivoire (also known as Ivory Coast), in the heart of West Africa. Abidjan is the biggest city, and home to some incredibly tasty street bbq - including a unique vertical bbq and some of Africa’s fastest BBQ! Today we’re going on a full Ivorian street food tour!

A huge thank you to my friend Mo Soumahoro from Belle Côte d’Ivoire ( for arranging my trip and setting up everything!

1. Breakfast - we started early in the morning and headed for a rare dish of steamed corn with thick sour milk porridge. It was unique and very hearty in the morning.

2. Plakali - One of the most beloved Ivorian foods is plakali, a thick stew of crabs and seafood with cow skin and okra. It’s a dish with so many components and texture and absolutely incredible.

3. Fried snacks - When you’re in Côte d’Ivoire you don’t want to miss all the delicious fried snack you’ll find all over Abidjan. It was awesome to hang out with Yasmine Fofana (

4. Pique chicken and fish and Ivorian choukouya - From this entire Abidjan street food tour, probably my favorite dish was the pique chicken and fish and the West African choukouya. The chicken and fish were skewered then marinated in spices and pepper then grilled in a sandbox - vertical bbq style. It kept the meat juicy and full of flavor. They also made delicious choukouya, where the chicken is first grilled, chopped, and mixed with onions and seasoning. It’s absolutely amazing.

5. Market + sandwich - Next up we continued on this West African street food tour at the market to see some local ingredients, and a tasty onion and egg sandwich.

6. Brochette and bread - Another classic Abidjan street food is grilled small skewers of meat stuffed into French bread with kankankan. It’s one of the fastest grilling techniques I’ve seen, and unbelievably tasty.

7, Grilled meat ending - Finally we had one more stop to eat more grilled meat, choukouya. Can’t get enough!

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Découvrez ABIDJAN : La Capitale économique de la CÔTE D'IVOIRE | 10 FAITS INTÉRESSANTS

Abidjan est la capitale économique de la Côte d’Ivoire et l’une des villes francophones les plus peuplées d’Afrique. Selon le recensement de 2014, la population d’Abidjan s’élevait à 4,7 millions d’habitants, soit 20 % de la population totale du pays, ce qui la place au sixième rang en Afrique derrière le Caire, Lagos, Dar es Salaam, Kinshasa et Johannesburg. Abidjan, carrefour culturel de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, a un haut niveau d’industrialisation et d’urbanisation. Abidjan étant également la plus grande ville du pays et le centre de son activité économique, elle a été officiellement désignée comme capitale économique du pays. Le district autonome d’Abidjan, qui englobe la ville et certaines de ses banlieues, est l’un des 14 districts de la Côte d’Ivoire.

Abidjan est restée la capitale de la Côte d’Ivoire après avoir gagné son indépendance de la France en 1960. En 1983, la ville de Yamoussoukro a été désignée comme capitale politique officielle de la Côte d’Ivoire bien que l’ancienne capitale Abidjan ait conservé plusieurs fonctions politiques. Avant 2011, le district actuel de Yamoussoukro faisait partie de la région des Lacs. Le district a été créé en 2011 et est divisé en départements d’Attiégouakro et de Yamoussoukro.

« La langue traditionnelle de la ville d’Abidjan serait l’Ebrié. Depuis l’indépendance, la langue officielle à Abidjan et dans toute la Côte d’Ivoire est le français. Bien que la langue officielle soit une variété formelle de français standard semblable à celle de Paris, le français le plus couramment parlé dans cette ville est un dialecte familier connu sous le nom de français de Treichville ou français de Moussa qui est différent du français standard dans la prononciation et dans une partie de son vocabulaire. Une autre forme de français parlé à Abidjan est Nouchi, une variété très informelle utilisée comme argot adolescent. La lingua franca historique, encore parlée et comprise par la plupart de la population commerçante d’Abidjan, est Dioula. La ville accueille de nombreux Ivoiriens de tout le pays et une soixantaine de langues vernaculaires sont parlées, comme Baoulé, Wobé, Bété et Attié. Abidjan est entourée de plus de trente villages où l’on parle encore couramment le baoulé et l’ébrié. »

La nourriture ivoirienne est piquante et épicée avec un grand nombre de piments. Essayez- donc les plats suivants;
a) Attieke - Manioc fermenté
Le manioc est un aliment de base en Côte d’Ivoire. Attieke est un aliment attrayant avec le manioc fermenté comme ingrédient principal. Il a une saveur douce et est un natif de la tribu Nzema au Ghana, amené en Côte d’Ivoire et dans de nombreux autres pays d’Afrique. Les Ivoiriens le consomment souvent avec de la viande braisée, du poisson, du couscous ou de la banane plantain. Ce plat présente de nombreuses variantes.
L’aliment Attieke de haute qualité est appelé Abgodjiama. L’Attieke Petit Grain est une version bon marché et est souvent vendu sur les marchés. Garba Attieke est plus abordable que l’Attieke traditionnel et ce type est généralement utilisé pour la consommation de Garba.Vous pouvez
également essayer de manger l’Attieke avec du poisson.

b) Soupe de pêcheur
Ce plat a des racines en Hongrie et était une invention des pêcheurs hongrois. Ils ont fait la première soupe sur un feu ouvert le long des rivières dans ce pays. Aujourd’hui, il apparaît à travers l’Europe,
l’Afrique de l’Ouest, et d’autres continents. Au début, les pêcheurs utilisaient des bouilloires pour cuisiner cette délicieuse nourriture.

CAVA (Centre artisanal de La Ville d’Abidjan) est situé au milieu d’Abidjan. C’est pourquoi elles ont beaucoup de choses en commun telles que des batiks, des toiles de Korhogo, des pagnes, des statues de bronze, des bijoux, des peintures et plus encore. Retrouvez également de superbes pièces du Ghana, du Mali ou du Nigeria. Chaque vendeur a sa
spécialité. Vous pouvez également observer certains artisans à l’œuvre. L’endroit est certainement très agréable, mais visitez-le avec du temps et de la patience parce que vous serez constamment arrêté par les fournisseurs pour « jeter un coup d’œil ». Inutile de dire que la négociation sur le prix est un must!


© 2022, L'Afrique révélée

Korhogo | Côte d'Ivoire , Village des Tisserands, Woodcarver's Quarter,Péléforo Gbon Coulibaly

Ivory Coast game :
Korhogo is a town in Korhogo Department in the north-central region of Côte d'Ivoire. Still is the capital of the Senufo people
Get in[edit]
Air Côte d'Ivoire offers direct flights from Abidjan to Korhogo several days a week. The approximate cost of a ticket is $150 round-trip.
Korhogo is easily reached by bus from Banfora in Burkina Faso egional Museum
Woodcarver's Quarter
Village des Tisserands
Visit Wananiere Village de Tisserand about 15 minutes outside of the town near Mont Korhogo. A vast amount of lokal cloth is produced in the villag with traditional methods. They also sell everything from table cloths to handy bags in various motives and colors. You can also find their products in many souvenir markets around the country. Take a Taxi and ask them to wait for you while you get a tour and do some shopping. Expect to pay about 5000 FCFA for the taxi there and back and for table cloths 10000 FCFA upwards.

Angry soldiers have blocked off access, Ivory Coast problems in the cities
Les soldats en colère ont bloqué la ville d'accès en Côte d'Ivoire, les problèmes de la Côte d'Ivoire dans les villes
Kızgın askerler, Fildişi Sahili'ndeki erişim şehirlerini, şehirlerdeki fildişi kıyıları sorunlarını engellediler
성난 군인이 아이보리 코스트의 접근 도시, 아이보리 코스트의 도시 문제를 차단했습니다.
Angry agha egbochi anya ohere obodo na Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast nsogbu n'obodo
askari hasira zimeziba off upatikanaji mji katika Ivory Coast, matatizo Ivory Coast katika miji
Ushtarët e zemëruar kanë bllokuar qytetin e aksesit në Bregun e Fildishtë, problemet e Bregut të Fildishtë në qytetet
զինվորները փակել դուրս մուտքի քաղաքը Փղոսկրի ափի, Փղոսկրի Ափ խնդիրներ քաղաքներում
وقد أغلق الجنود الغاضبون قبالة مدينة الوصول في ساحل العاج، مشاكل ساحل العاج في المدن
የተናደደ ወታደሮች, በአይቮሪ ኮስት ውስጥ ከተሞች ውስጥ በአይቮሪ ኮስት ችግሮች መዳረሻ ከተማ ጠፍቷል አግደዋል
Ядосаните войници са блокирали град за достъп в Кот д'Ивоар, проблеми с Кот д'Ивоар в градовете
asilikali anakwiya kuti chinatchingidwa mwayi mzinda Ivory Coast, mavuto Ivory Coast m'mizinda
Vrede soldater har blokeret adgangsby i Elfenbenskysten, Elfenbenskysten problemer i byerne
Wütende Soldaten haben die Zugangsstadt in der Elfenbeinküste, die Elfenbeinküste Probleme in den Städten blockiert
Vihainen sotilaat ovat estäneet pääsyn kaupungin Norsunluurannikko, Norsunluurannikko ongelmia kaupungeissa
Οι θυμωμένοι στρατιώτες έχουν αποκλείσει την πρόσβαση στην πόλη της Ακτής του Ελεφαντοστού, τα προβλήματα της Ακτής του Ελεφαντοστού στις πόλεις
ગુસ્સે સૈનિકોએ આઇવરી કોસ્ટ, શહેરોમાં આઇવરી કોસ્ટની સમસ્યાઓનો ઉપયોગ કર્યો છે
sòlda fache te bloke nan vil la aksè nan Ivory Coast, pwoblèm Ivory Coast nan lavil yo
חיילים זועמים חסמו את הגישה לעיר חוף השנהב, בעיות חוף השנהב בערים
नाराज सैनिकों ने आइवरी कोस्ट, शहरों में आइवरी कोस्ट की समस्याओं का उपयोग शहर बंद कर दिया है
npau taws cov tub rog tau sim tawm kev nkag rau hauv lub nroog Ivory ntug dej hiav txwv, Ivory ntug dej hiav txwv teeb meem nyob rau hauv lub zos
iwe agha egbochi anya ohere obodo na Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast nsogbu n'obodo
fushi sojoji sun katange kashe damar birni a Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast da matsaloli a cikin biranen
I soldati arrabbiati hanno bloccato l'accesso città in Costa d'Avorio, problemi delle Costa d'Avorio nelle città
binu ogun ti dina pipa wiwọle ilu ni Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast isoro ni ilu
Soldados enojados han bloqueado la ciudad de acceso en Costa de Marfil, los problemas de Costa de Marfil en las ciudades
askari cadhooday ayaa hor istaagay magaalada galaan maamulka sare ee Ivory Coast, dhibaatooyinka Ivory Coast ee magaalooyinka
Soldados furiosos bloquearam a cidade de acesso na Costa do Marfim, Costa do Marfim problemas nas cidades
ناراض سپاهي عاج سامونڊي ۾ گهڻن شهر بند جي پروفائيل تي آهن، شھرن ۾ عاج سامونڊي مسئلا
Masoja vakatsamwa kuti akavhara kuwana muguta Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast matambudziko mumaguta
tezitra miaramila no nanakana ny fidirana eny tanàna ao Côte d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire olana tao an-tanàna
Tentara yang marah telah memblokir akses kota di Pantai Gading, masalah Pantai Gading di kota-kotaचिनी सैनिकांनी आयव्हरी कोस्ट, शहरातील आयव्हरी कोस्ट समस्यांवरील प्रवेश शहर बंद केला आहे
Сердитые солдаты заблокировали доступ город в Кот-д'Ивуар, проблемы Кот-д'Ивуара в городах
masole a koatile ba thibetsoeng theoha fihlella motse Ivory Coast, mathata Ivory Coast metseng
сарбозони хашмгин дар Соҳили Оҷ шаҳри дастрасӣ баста кардаанд истироҳат, мушкилоти Соҳили Оҷ дар шаҳрҳо
Arga soldater har blockerat åtkomststaden i Elfenbenskusten, Elfenbenskusten problem i städerna
amasosha uthukuthele uvimbele off ukufinyelela edolobheni e-Ivory Coast, izinkinga-Ivory Coast emizini
amajoni angry ziye uvalwe isixeko ufikelelo Ivory Coast, iingxaki Ivory Coast emizini
Những người

Raw, Unfiltered, Inside the Real Streets of Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire #Africa Ep 8

Raw, Unfiltered, Inside the Real Streets of Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire
#Abidjan is a city on the southern Atlantic coast of Côte d'Ivoire, in West Africa. It's the country’s major urban center, with skyscrapers rising above the Ébrié Lagoon. Modern landmarks include La Pyramide, a ziggurat-like building. St. Paul's Cathedral is a swooping structure tethered to a massive cross. Artwork, cultural relics and handicrafts are on display at Le Musée des Civilisations de Côte d'Ivoire.

#ivorycoast #cotedivoire

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Découverte de Korhogo en Côte d'Ivoire | Voyage avec Saraï ????????????

Plongez avec nous dans le cœur de Korhogo, une ville enivrante de Côte d'Ivoire, guidés par l'enthousiaste Saraï D'hologne. Des panoramas du Mont Korogho aux mystères des Cases à Fétiches, chaque étape de notre périple est un mélange d'émotions et de découvertes. ????????✨


1️⃣ Mont Korhogo - Une montée de 25 minutes nous offre une vue spectaculaire sur la cité.
2️⃣ Rocher Sacré de Chien Léo - Un lieu de culte chargé d'histoire où les vœux prennent vie.
3️⃣ Danse du Boloye - Vibrez au rythme de la Danse de la Panthère, une tradition profondément ancrée.
4️⃣ Docteur du Balafon - Rencontre avec Dr Soro Zana et immersion musicale !
5️⃣ Cases à Fétiches du Village de Niofoin - Une architecture mystique, réservée aux initiés.
6️⃣ Village de Fakaha - Émerveillez-vous devant les tapisseries artisanales, inspirant même Picasso.
7️⃣ Or Blanc - Beurre de Karité - Participez à la confection de cet or liquide aux milles bienfaits.
8️⃣ Carrières de granite - Témoin du travail incessant des femmes et de la beauté brute du site.

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The Media Won't Tell You This About IVORY COAST ( Cote d'ivoire)

In today's travel video, I explored and discovered Cote d'ivoire ( Ivory Coast ) and I am going share with you amazing things that I discovered about Ivorians, the street food, economy and amazing things in the cities such like Abidjan, Bouake, Yamoussoukro, Korhogo, San Pedro.

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#ivorycoast #travel #cotedivoire #abidjan #afcon2023 #documentary #ivorianfood #ivorians #coupédécalé #french #ghana #nigeria #bukinafaso #senegal #attieke #abidjan #cotedivoire #can2023 #africacupofnations #travelvlog #travel #ivorycoastmusic

Korhogo , Ivory Coast

Korhogo Children , Ivory Coast

Côte d'Ivoire, la mosaïque Africaine - Documentaire voyage - HD - AMP

C'est l'un des États les plus importants de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, doté d'une étonnante façade maritime, qui partage ses frontières avec cinq autres pays. La Côte d'Ivoire est un pays métissé, où les langues sont aussi nombreuses que les ethnies et où les rois sont bien plus que des curiosités.
✋Les plus belles destinations, c’est ici ???? ???? Abonnez vous ! ????
Côte d'Ivoire, la mosaïque Africaine
Réalisé par Éric Bacos

Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire VS Paris France. Which One Will You Visit In 2022. Discover Ivory Coast.

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Ivory Coast economic city of Abidjan also know as Cote D'Ivoire has close links to Paris France as the two capital cities are attractive holiday destination. This video compares both Paris and Abidjan. Abidjan city in Ivory Coast/Cote Ivoire is an economic power house of West Africa and now referred to as the Manhattan of Africa due to its mega structures and high rise buildings that make the skyline of Ivory Coast defacto capital looks beautiful. Abidjan has a huge history after once being the former capital of West Africa. Abidjan contributes millions of dollars to the economy of Ivory Coat and is a major commercial and economic hub and international airport. Abidjan. Ivory Coast has connections with France since independence. Abidjan tourism attracts tourist from all over the world that fly to Abidjan and the city of Abidjan has many hotels and international restaurants. Abidjan is home to many experts who work and live in Ivory Coast working in many international international companies with headquarters in Cote D'Ivoire. Some Best Places to Visit in Ivory Coast includes, Grand-Bassam, Taï National Park, Jacqueville, San-Pédro, Yamoussoukro, Korhogo, Bouaké, Comoe National Park, Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Assouinde, Sassandra, Marahoué National Park, Abengourou. Best places to visit in Paris includes Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre Museum, Champs Elysées / Arc of Triumph, Cruise on the Seine, Montmartre, Palace of Versailles, The Latin Quarter - Luxembourg park, Moulin Rouge, Disneyland Paris. In this video, we have discussed Abidjan like never seen before. Abidjan capital city is the main commercial hub with flights coming in from Europe like Airfrance, Brussels airline Belguim, Kenya airways, Ethiopia airlines and local airline air Ivorian. Côte d'Ivoire economy is growing and amongst the fastest growing economies in sub Sahara Africa including countries like Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Nigeria Tanzania, South Africa. Ivory coast is world's largest producer of Cocoa after Ghana. Ivory Coast will host the African cup of nations in 2023 and this brings many investments opportunities in Ivory Coast. Yamoussoukro the capital is a growing and city and has attracted business from all over the world. 14 places to go to enjoy the best of France includes Paris, Mont St-Michel, Normandy, Chamonix, The Normandy Beaches, Carcassonne, Champagne, The Loire Valley, Nice and the Three Corniches, Lyon, Pont du Gard, Nîmes, Dune du Pilat, Pyla-sur-Mer, Alsatian Wine Route, Carnac's megaliths, Southern France's hilltop villages

Also known as the Latin Quarter, the 5th arrondissement is home to the Sorbonne university and student-filled cafes. It's also known for its bookshops, including the famed Shakespeare & Company. Family-friendly attractions include the Jardin des Plantes botanical gardens and the National Museum of Natural History. The stately Panthéon building holds the remains of notables like Voltaire and Marie Curie
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#Abidjan #Paris #TravelVideos
Abidjan is a city on the southern Atlantic coast of Côte d'Ivoire, in West Africa. It's the country’s major urban center, with skyscrapers rising above the Ébrié Lagoon. Modern landmarks include La Pyramide, a ziggurat-like building. St. Paul's Cathedral is a swooping structure tethered to a massive cross. Artwork, cultural relics and handicrafts are on display at Le Musée des Civilisations de Côte d'Ivoire.
France, in Western Europe, encompasses medieval cities, alpine villages and Mediterranean beaches. Paris, its capital, is famed for its fashion houses, classical art museums including the Louvre and monuments like the Eiffel Tower. The country is also renowned for its wines and sophisticated cuisine. Lascaux’s ancient cave drawings, Lyon’s Roman theater and the vast Palace of Versailles attest to its rich history.
Côte d'Ivoire is a West African country with beach resorts, rainforests and a French-colonial legacy. Abidjan, on the Atlantic coast, is the country’s major urban center. Its modern landmarks include zigguratlike, concrete La Pyramide and St. Paul's Cathedral, a swooping structure tethered to a massive cross. North of the central business district, Banco National Park is a rainforest preserve with hiking trails

I make travel and informative videos about Africa countries including economic, African cities, African capitals and African infrastructure projects. Best places to visit and live in Africa, doing business in Africa, African culture and entertainment. Hotels in Africa and best places to visit in Africa. I cover countries in africa like Ghana, Tanzania, Senegal, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Burkina Fasso, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Morocco, Democratic republic of Congo, Uganda, Mali Sudan, Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Angola, .

Peuple SENOUFO perpétue un artisanat et une architecture ancestrale Côte d’Ivoire T. AFRIQUE ep.34

Dans le Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire nous sommes allés à la rencontre du peuple Senoufo. Ils perpétuent dans le plus grand respect de leurs traditions un artisanat et une architecture uniques au monde.

Leurs réalisations sont pleines d’histoires, de symbolismes et de traditions. Nous avons cherché à en apprendre plus.

Nous sommes tous deux architectes et sans grande surprise passionnés d’architecture. Mais ce n’est pas l’unique passion qui nous lie car depuis notre rencontre, nous profitons de chaque opportunité pour découvrir de nouvelles contrées.
Pour nous, l’architecture et le voyage sont avant tout des émotions. Ce sont ces émotions que nous mettons au centre de nos récits et de nos créations.

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Côte d'Ivoire AFCON 2023 Stadiums | Les Stades de la CAN 2023

Get ready for the biggest football tournament of the African continent! In this video, we take a closer look at the six FIFA international standard stadiums that will host the TotalEnergies Africa Cup of Nations in Côte d'Ivoire 2023. From the largest stadium in the country, Alassane Ouattara Olympic Stadium, to the oldest stadium, Félix Houphouët-Boigny Stadium, we show you the impressive facilities, natural grass pitches, and modern designs of these venues. Join us for a tour of the stadiums and get ready to experience the excitement of the tournament firsthand. Don't forget to leave a comment about your expectations for the upcoming AFCON competition and hit the like button if you loved the video. And be sure to subscribe to the Real Jeri channel for future videos on development projects in Africa and around the world.

Please watch: Lagos Blue Rail rapid transit


Have You Seen These Amazing Places in Ivory Coast? ❤️ |Curiosity Juice| Country Tour #84

You will definitely would wish to travel to Côte d'Ivoire after watching this video. Tourist villages, beaches, and photo safaris are some of the main tourist attractions to see in Côte d'Ivoire. You must watch famous Mapouka dance.

It is also famous worldwide for its delicious cuisine, its trendy fashion industry, luxury sports cars and motorcycles, diverse regional cultures and dialects, as well as for its beautiful coast, alpine lakes and mountain ranges (the Alps and Apennines). No wonder it is often nicknamed the Bel Paese (the Beautiful Country).

How many of the places you have seen already in this video? Don't forget to mention in comments
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Abidjan - Remains the administrative center and other countries maintain their embassies there.
Korhogo - Rebel head quarters; otherwise idyllic, bursts with commerce during Feb - May because of flowing cotton and cashew trade.
Aboisso - Important mile stone on the route connecting Abidjan and Ghana trade route
Bouaké - the second largest city
San Pedro - the second port city
Yamoussoukro - Although it has been the official capital since 1983, it is not the administrative centre.
Grand-Bassam - A coastal town full of colonial charm, often a retreat for local Ivorians seeking to escape the city life of Abidjan on the weekends.
Man - A town in the central west surrounded by hills and a great place for hiking up Mount Tonkoui.

Other destinations
Three National Parks are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Taï National Park
Comoe National Park
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve

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#IvoryCoast #Abidjan #Africa #Travel #2021

University of Bouaké in Ivory Coast, impressions of campus, buildings and faculties

University of Bouaké Ivory Coast

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15 Best Places To Visit Côte D'Ivoire | Nomad Footsteps

In this video, I'll share with you 15 of the best places to visit in Côte D'Ivoire. From beautiful beaches to charming villages, these places are perfect for a leisurely trip!

If you're heading to Côte D'Ivoire soon, be sure to check out this list of the best places to visit! From lush rain forests to beautiful coral reefs, you're guaranteed to find something on this list that will captivate your attention! Let Nomad Footsteps take you on a journey to some of the best places to visit in Côte D'Ivoire.

Visit Our Website -


Overlanding West Africa: Ivory Coast Village Dance

Our Freetown To Accra trip spends time in Ivory Coast. We overnight in a village near Korhogo where we get to witness a 2 hour traditional dance, full of singing and dancing accompanied by incredible music.

The highlight is a stilt dancer who comes in to perform for the last 20 minutes or so

11 Amazing Places to Visit in Ivory Coast!!!????#shorts

11 Amazing Places to Visit in Ivory Coast!!!????

1 Grand-Bassam
2 Abidjan
3 Man
4. Taï National Park
5 Jacqueville
6 San-Pédro
7 Yamoussoukro
8 Korhogo
9. Comoe National Park
10. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve
11. Assouinde

Music is licensed in the account.

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What $35 Can Get You In Ivory Coast/ Cote d'Ivoire || Affordable Items In Ivory Coast

Whiles my stay in Ivory Coast I purchased some items and I would like to share with you. It was quite affordable to me as compared to Ghana, let's see the prices of the items. I hope you enjoy this video.

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MOMO - 0508382795

Welcome to my channel, my name is Kimora, call me Efyakimora, my goal is to showcase to you the beautiful places and culture in Ghana, Africa, and the world at large. This is my second international country and It'd make my day if you could take a minute to subscribe to my channel as it goes a long way to help the channel and my promoting Africa

check out my previous video: Pack With Me For Côte d'Ivoire/ IVORY COAST | My 2nd Country

MOVING From Ghana to Côte D’Ivoire/Ivory Coast ???????? | 16 hours Road Trip ~ Budget and Tips -

Grand-Bassam COTE D'IVOIRE || The National Museum of Costume || FIND The HISTORY of IVORY COAST???????? -

Exploring The Beauty of GRAND BASSAM BEACH In Ivory Coast/Côte d'Ivoire -

I Explored the ABANDONED LIGHTHOUSE In Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast/ Cote d'Ivoire -

ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL, ABIDJAN Cote D'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) -

I Didn't Believe This Is ABIDJAN (Ivory Coast) | Could This be The MOST - BEAUTIFUL CITY in Africa?

$6 STREET FOOD In Abidjan, Ivory Coast || Attieke/Acheke, The Best Food In Cote D'Ivoire -

Day Out In Abidjan, Ivory Coast With My Nephews and Niece || Abidjan Zoo || Rich Aunty Vibes -

Affordable $2 NAILS FIX In IVORY COAST/ Cote D'Ivoire || Nails Transformation -

Transportation System In Abidjan Ivory coast On The Ebrie Lagoon || Transport By Water -

Travelling Back To Ghana From Côte D’Ivoire Without a Flight || Goodbye IVORY COAST Hello GHANA -

This video is also related to visiting Cote d'Ivoire/ivory coast, visit Cote d'Ivoire/ivory coast, interesting places to visit in Cote d'Ivoire/ivory coast, Abidjan, where to visit in Cote d'Ivoire/ivory coast, Abidjan, visit Abidjan in Cote d'Ivoire/ivory coast, Things to do in Abidjan, ebrie lagoon, Plateaux, Plateau, Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, wode maya, cote d'Ivoire to Ghana, Road trip,

#cotedivoire #usd #cfa

Let's get interacted:

Overlanding West Africa: Ivory Coast Stilt Dancer

Our Freetown To Accra trip spends time in Ivory Coast. We overnight in a village near Korhogo where we get to witness a 2 hour traditional dance, full of singing and dancing accompanied by incredible music. The highlight is a stilt dancer who comes in to perform for the last 20 minutes or so

Driving in UNESCO World Heritage Site Grand Bassam Ivory Coast January 2018



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