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10 Best place to visit in Khvalynsk Russia


Yeniseysk in pre-revolutionary photographs

Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях

Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs

Here I present a series of early 20th century photographs of the historic Siberian town of Yeniseysk in the province of Krasnoyarsk, situated on the Yenisey River. The town was founded in 1619 and was once the great fur-trading capital of Russia.

Variations on the folk song Dorozhki played here on Classical Russian guitar by Andrei Krylov

Таруса / Tarusa: 1900s

Россия в дореволюционных фотографиях
Калужская область
1900-х годов

Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
Kaluga Oblast

Melody in F Major Op. 3 No.1by Anton Rubinstein

The ancient town of Tarusa is located on high ground at the confluence of the Tarusa and Oka Rivers, 70 km from Kaluga.
There is no railway, and therefore the town was less susceptible to the passage of time and industrialisation. Most of the buildings are one- and two-story houses located on their own plots of land.

The Russian Soviet writer, Konstantin G. Paustovsky wrote of the town:
I live in one small town on the Oka. It is so small that all its streets go either to the river with its smooth and solemn bends, or to the fields where the wind shakes bread, or in the woods, where spring is in full bloom between the birches and the cherry pines ...

First mention of the settlement was in 1246....and was under the influence of Lithuania by the early 15th century. However in 1508, after a long struggle, the Lithuanian prince Sigismund was forced to abandon his claims to Tarusa and other settlements around Kaluga.
By the beginning of the XIX century Tarusa had about 600 inhabitants, there were 70 houses, two churches and one small brick factory, where only 10 people worked!

Paustovsky continues .... Perhaps nowhere near Moscow was not such typically and touchingly Russian in its landscape. For many years, Tarusa has been a kind of reserve for lyrical strength, diversity and softness of the landscape. No wonder since the end of the XIX century Tarusa became a town of artists... .....Here every summer comes young people from Moscow's art institutes. Writers and scientists reached for the artists, and Tarusa became a kind of creative laboratory and a shelter for people of art and science......

Ялта / Yalta in pre-revolutionary photographs

Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
Ялта вокруг 1900 г.

Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
Yalta, around 1900.

Yalta is a resort city on the north coast of the Black Sea on the Crimean peninsular and is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony....
During the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for Russian aristocracy and gentry. Leo Tolstoy spent his summers here. In 1898 Anton Chekhov bought a house (the white Dacha) here, where he lived until 1902.The town is also associated with the Imperial Family. In 1889 Emperor Alexander III constructed Massandra Palace to the north of Yalta and his son,m Emperor Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.

Music: Arioso from 24 pieces for violin & piano by Cezar Cui

Балашов / Balashov - 1900s

Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
Саратовская область

Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
Saratov region

Romantic Russian Love Tune, Guitar Variations to Folk Song Dorozhki - Andrei Krylov

Balashov is a town in Saratov Province on the River Khopyor. Until the end of the 18th century the settlement was known as Balashovo. In 1780 the village was granted town status and became known as Balashov

Balakowo Балаково Wolga Волга P226 R226 Russia Россия 16.7.2016 #436

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Хвалынск Путешествие в Поволжье Родина Петрова-Водкина

Хвалынск маленький городок на Волге с 12 тысячами жителей. Основан в 1556 году, а с 1780 года в статусе города.
Родина знаменитого художника Петрова-Водкина, и его знаменитого красного коня купали именно тут, в Хвалынске.
Сейчас здесь есть маслодельный завод, молочный завод и завод овощных и плодовых консервов. Хвалынские яблоки очень знаменитые и вкусные. Есть Национальный парк и горно-лыжный курорт.


Улицы Москвы / The Streets of Moscow 1888-1914. Part 3

Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
Улицы Москвы
Часть 3

Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
The streets of Moscow
Part 3

Waltz in A -flat major by Anton Arensky

Here I present the third of a series of photographs of Moscow taken between 188 - 1914.
I have, for the main, shown the lesser known streets of this great city;
secluded lanes, forgotten landmarks and old quarters.

Святой Источник. Хвалынск, лето 2011.wmv

Семья на Хвалынском Святом Источнике - лето 2011

Поездка в национальный парк Алханай, Забайкальский край.

Не легкая, трех дневная мини-экспедиция на Алханай. Цель поездки, сделать снимки ночного неба. Организатор похода, Читинский фотограф, Анатолий Мишаков , за что, ему огромное спасибо:)

Камера: GoPro HERO3 Black Edition
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Хвалынский национальный парк

Хвалынский национальный парк образован в 1994 г. для сохранения уникальных природных комплексов Хвалынских меловых гор Приволжской возвышенности и памятников историко-культурного наследия этого края.

Самая низкая точка всей русской равнины в Мезозое, стала самой высокой точкой этой равнины вовремя формирования гор Приволжской возвышенности 379м над уровнем моря - это высота горы Беленькой. Горы действительно белые, потому что состоят из чистейшего мела, который как никогда не тающий мех снег сверкает круглый год между зеленью сосен с оранжевыми ветвями, меловых, реликтовых. Реликтовые водяные крысы-выхухоли - ровесницы мамонтов, плавают по дну многочисленных чистых родниковых прудов, благоприятных для отдыха. Рядом красавица Волга.
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