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10 Best place to visit in Khāchrod India


रतलाम के 10 प्रसिद्द स्थान | Ratlam Tourist | Best Places to Visit In Ratlam | Cactus Garden Sailana

रतलाम मध्यप्रदेश के मालवा में एक जिला है। रतलाम शहर सेव, सोना, सट्टा ,मावा, साडी तथा समोसा , कचोरी ,दाल बाटी के लिये प्रसिद्ध है। रतलाम की सबसे ज्यादा प्रसिद्ध रतलामी सेव । आज में आपके लिए लेके आया हू रतलाम शहर के प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल। रतलाम के पास के मुख्य शहर है उज्जैन, मंदसौर और नीमच।

रतलाम के 10 प्रसिद्द स्थान | Ratlam Tourist | Best Places to Visit In Ratlam | Cactus Garden Sailana

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रतलाम के 10 प्रसिद्द स्थान-
1. Kalika Mata Mandir, Ratlam
2. Dholawad Dam, Ratlam
3. Cactus Garden Sailana, Ratlam
4. Kedareshawar Mahadev Mandir ( Kedareshwar Waterfall), Ratlam
5.Bilpakeshwara Temple ( Bilpank Mandir, Ratlam)
6.Windmills near Jaora, Ratlam
7. Isarthuni Waterfall, Ratlam
8. Bibrod Jain Tirth Ratlam
9. Mahalaxmi Mandir, Ratlam
10. Mangalay Mandir, Ratlam
Watch More Place Video -:
आगर-मालवा के प्रसिद्द स्थान -
राजगढ़ में घुमनें के 10 फेमस स्थान -
भिंड में घूमने के 8 बेस्ट स्थान -
दतिया में घूमने के प्रसिध्द स्थान -
राजस्थान में प्रसिद्ध माता जी के मंदिरो के दर्शन करें -
गुना में घुमने की जगह -
सतना में घूमने के 10 प्रसिध्द स्थान -
Indore me Kaha Gumne Jaye -

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#bestvisitingplacesinratlam #Ratlam #Cactusgardensailana #Kedareshwarwaterfall #isarthuniwaterfall #Ralmasev #Travelstalk

Ratlam district top 5 tourist places in hindi???? Ratlam me ghumne ki 5 sabse achi jagah hindi me.

रतलाम जिले में घूमने की 5 सबसे अच्छी जगह।
Top 5 Visiting Places in Ratlam.

Dholawad Dam
Cactus Garden Selana
Jaora Husain Tekri
kedareshwar Mahadev Mandir
Kalika Mata Mandir

उम्मीद है वीडियो पसंद आया होगा।

रतलाम कि सेव हलवाई से जानिए पूरे सीक्रेट || ratlami Sev recipe

ratlami Sev recipe banane ki ye secret recipe
hai .
3 kg besan regular besan
250 ml Moyan oil
20 gm Ajwain
10 gm black pepper powder
10 gm Red chilli powder
5-6 gm haldi powder
10 gm garam masala
1/2 TSP hing powder
1/2 TSP lavang
90 gm namak
1.5 liter Pani
aata lagane ka tarika video me bataya hai .

रतलामी लौंग सेव नमकीन ऐसे बनाते है हलवाई सभी सीक्रेट मसाले वजन के साथ देखिए और समझिए ratlami sev

hello friends
aaj hum apko ratalami loung sev banane ka perfect Tarika batane wale hai video ko pura dekhe


5 kg supar fine besan
125 gm balaji longi mirch
150 gm salt
15 gm clov powder
70 gm black pepper powder
20 gm Asafoetida water
50 gm ajwain
20 gm garam masala
1 liter oil
2 liter water

#ratlamisev #रतलामीसेव
#bikaji #bikajibhujiya

PHONE – 9414009719

website for jarawala


सिद्ध स्थल है उकाला के खड़े गणपति रतलाम म.प्र. | Ukala Ganesh Mandir Ratlam | Ukala Ganpati Ratlam |

भारत मे मंदिरों की कोई कमी नही। यहां हर शहर में हजारों मंदिर बने हुए है। लेकिन उनमें से कुछ चर्चित हो जातें है और कुछ मंदिर प्राचीन और चमत्कारी होने के बाद भी चर्चा में नही आ पाते। ऐसा ही एक प्राचीन और चमत्कारी मंदिर है मध्यप्रदेश के रतलाम शहर में। उकाला गणपति के नाम से प्रसिद्ध ये मंदिर भगवान गणेश के भक्तों की आस्था का मुख्य केंद्र है। 

रतलाम के उकाला गणेश मंदिर में भगवान गणेश की खड़ी हुई प्रतिमा विराजमान है। गणेशोत्सव के दौरान यहां गणपति को सोने और चांदी के वर्क से भी सजाया जाता है। एक मान्यता के अनुसार उकाला गणेश मंदिर करीब 400 साल पुराना है। यहां गणेश प्रतिमा करीब 11 फीट ऊंची है और गणपति खड़े हुए है। आम तौर पर गणेशजी आराम से बैठे होते है लेकिन यहां गणेशजी की खड़ी प्रतिमा है। यहां मंदिर में तीन बावड़ियां बनी है जो किसी समय रतलामवासियों की प्यास बुझाया करती थी। कभी इन बावड़ियों में इतना ज्यादा पानी आता था कि यहां की स्थानीय मालवी भाषा मे इन्हें उकाले वाली बावड़ी कहा जाने लगा था। इसी उकाला वाली बावड़ी के नाम पर यहां मौजूद गणेशजी का नाम भी उकाला गणपति ही पड़ गया।
इस मंदिर की सबसे बड़ी विशेषता गणपति की मूर्ति ही है जो इस मंदिर को बाकि मंदिरों से अलग पहचान दिलाती है। तकरीबन 11 फ़ीट की ऊंचाई की इस मूर्ति को चमत्कारी मना जाता है। यहां आने वाले भक्तों का मानना है कि यहां बप्पा से जो कामना की जाती है वो अवश्य पूर्ण होती है। खड़े गणपति इसलिए भी भक्तों की पसंद है क्योंकि कोई भक्त परेशानी में गणेशजी को याद करता है तो वो तुरन्त उसकी सहायता करने चल पड़ते है। गणेश जी मंदिर के पास ही यहां एक शिवमंदिर है और राम-हनुमान का मंदिर भी बना हुआ है। 
लेकिन वर्तमान हालातो पर गौर करें तो उकाला जैसे अतिप्राचीन और सिद्ध मंदिर में भी शासन-प्रशासन और जवाबदारों की अनदेखी दिखाई देती है। यहां की प्राचीन बावड़ियां कचरे से पटी पड़ी है और मंदिर तक पहुंचने का मार्ग धूल से भरा है। अगर यहां रखरखाव और उचित इंतज़ाम कर दिए जाएं तो गणपति का ये सिद्ध स्थल देशभर के श्रद्धालुओं को अपने यहां आकर्षित करने की क्षमता रखता है। तो अगली बार आप कभी रतलाम से होकर गुज़रें तो उकाला के सिद्ध गणेश जी के दर्शन लाभ अवश्य लें।

रतलाम ज़िला भारत के मध्य प्रदेश राज्य का एक ज़िला है। ज़िले का मुख्यालय रतलाम है।
रतलाम भारत के मध्य प्रदेश प्रान्त के मालवा क्षेत्र का एक जिला है। रतलाम शहर समुद्र सतह से १५७७ फीट कि ऊन्चाई पर स्थित है। रतलाम के पहले राजा महाराजा रतन सिंह थे। यह नगर सेव, सोना, सट्टा ,मावा, साडी तथा समोसा , कचोरी ,दाल बाटी के लिये प्रसिद्ध है। रतलाम की सबसे ज्यादा प्रसिद्ध रतलामी सेव हैं जिसका पुराना नाम भीलडी सेव था , सेव की खोज भील जनजाति ने करी थी

महाराजा रतनसिंह और उनके पुत्र रामसिंह के नामों के संयोग से शहर का नाम रतनराम हुआ, जो बाद में अपभ्रंशों के रूप में बदलते हुए क्रमशः रतराम और फिर रतलाम के रूप में जाना जाने लगा।[कृपया उद्धरण जोड़ें]

मुग़ल बादशाह शाहजहां ने रतलाम जागीर को रतन सिह को एक हाथी के खेल में, उनकी बहादुरी के उपलक्ष में प्रदान की थी। उसके बाद, जब शहजादा शुजा और औरंगजेब के मध्य उत्तराधिकारी की जों जंग शरू हुई थी, उसमे रतलाम के राजा रतन सिंह ने बादशाह शाहजहां का साथ दिया था। औरंगजेब के सत्ता पर असिन होने के बाद, जब अपने सभी विरोधियो को जागीर और सत्ता से बेदखल किया, उस समय, रतलाम के राजा रतन सिंह को भी हटा दिया था और उन्हें अपना अंतिम समय मंदसौर जिले के सीतामऊ में बिताना पड़ा था और उनकी मृत्यु भी सीतामऊ में भी हुई, जहाँ पर आज भी उनकी समाधी की छतरिया बनी हुई हैं।

औरंगजेब द्वारा बाद में, रतलाम के एक सय्यद परिवार, जों की शाहजहां द्वारा रतलाम के क़ाज़ी और सरवनी जागीर के जागीरदार नियुक्त किये गए थे, द्वारा मध्यस्ता करने के बाद, रतन सिंह के बेटे को उत्तराधिकारी बना दिया गया। इसके आलावा रतलाम जिले का ग्राम सिमलावदा अपने ग्रामीण विकास के लिये पूरे क्षेत्र में प्रसिद्ध हे। यहाँ के ग्रामीणों द्वारा जनभागीदारी से गांव में ही कई विकास कार्य किये गए हे। रतलाम से 30 किलोमीटर दूर बदनावर इंदौर रोड पर सिमलावदा से 4 किलोमीटर दूर कवलका माताजी का अति प्राचीन पांडवकालीन पहाड़ी पर स्थित मन्दिर हे। यहाँ पर दूर दूर से लोग अपनी मनोकामना पूरी करने और खासकर सन्तान प्राप्ति के लिए यहाँ पर मान लेते हे| भील - रतलाम की जनजातियों में भील प्रमुख जनजाति है , रतलाम की सेव प्रसिद्ध है और इस सेव के निर्माण सबसे पहले भील जनजाति ने ही किया था , इतिहास में वर्णन मिलता है कि एक भील सरदार ने मुगलों को सेव खिलाई थी ।
बैगा - बैगा एक जनजाति है

गणेश शिवजी और पार्वती के पुत्र हैं। उनका वाहन डिंक नामक मूषक है। गणों के स्वामी होने के कारण उनका एक नाम गणपति भी है। ज्योतिष में इनको केतु का देवता माना जाता है और जो भी संसार के साधन हैं, उनके स्वामी श्री गणेशजी हैं। हाथी जैसा सिर होने के कारण उन्हें गजानन भी कहते हैं। गणेश जी का नाम हिन्दू शास्त्रो के अनुसार किसी भी कार्य के लिये पहले पूज्य है। इसलिए इन्हें प्रथमपूज्य भी कहते है। गणेश कि उपसना करने वाला सम्प्रदाय गाणपत्य कहलाता है। गणपति आदिदेव हैं जिन्होंने हर युग में अलग अवतार लिया। उनकी शारीरिक संरचना में भी विशिष्ट व गहरा अर्थ निहित है। शिवमानस पूजा में श्री गणेश को प्रणव (ॐ) कहा गया है। इस एकाक्षर ब्रह्म में ऊपर वाला भाग गणेश का मस्तक, नीचे का भाग उदर, चंद्रबिंदु लड्डू और मात्रा सूँड है।

आपसे भी निवेदन है की वीडियो पसंद आने पर इसे आगे प्रेषित जरूर करे.. धन्यवाद, जयसियाराम Please subscribe

रतलामी लौंग सेव सीक्रेट रेसिपी - Ratlami Laung Sev Recipe - ratlam ki femush sev #ratlamisevrecipe

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Namaskar dosto aap sabhi ka humare youTube channel par bahut bahut swaagat hai.
Aaj ka ye video Ratlami Laung Sev Recipe ka hai jo bahut acha sev hai ek baar jarur banakar dekhe

#ratlam #modirojgardo

3 kg basan
15 gm Cloves
15 gm black pepper
15 gm Roasted Cumin Powder
10 gm Roasted celery
90 gm salt
1 TSP baking soda
150 ml oil
required water

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????MANGAL YATRA YouTube channel

my Instagram id ????

RATLAM - INDORE Train Journey : Single Line Diesel Section (Indian Railways)

Train : Delhi Sarai Rohilla - Indore Holiday Special
Loco : RTM WDM3A
Camera : Canon sx60hs / MOTO G4+

The Rail Mania FB Page :


Ratlam’s 6 Best Food Joints|I Love My India: MP Ki Galliyon Mein MP Ki Kahaaniyan Ep1 | Curly Tales

Ratlam ki galliyon mein…No we are not talking about Jab We Met’s iconic scene. We are quite serious about food and in this episode, we visit the ‘Sev’ capital of India, Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh. If you thought it is just the Sev this town is famous for, wait till you spend the day here and start one with Kesar Chai. There’s no dearth of flavours here as we try 15 different types of Pani Puri, Palak Pakoda, and also get to know how the popular Ratlami Sev was invented. Come along with us through ‘Ratlam ki galiyaan’ as we titillate our taste buds throughout the day!

Do check out the other episodes here: ❤️

Created & Hosted by: Siddharth Aalambayan (Insta- @thestorytellerindia)

@incredibleindia @MadhyaPradeshTourism

Styled By - Rachyta Majumdar

P. S: We bet you can't get through this whole episode without your mouth watering!

0:00-0:30 - Intro

0:30-1:50 - Kesar Chai / Bajrang Restaurant

1:50-3:35 - Sev Sev Sev / Gordhanlal Sev

3:35-4:45 - Kele Ke Samose /Karu Mama Ke Samose

4:45-5:00 - Bhutta /Bhutta Ride

5:00-7:05 -Palak Chaat / Lala Satish Chaat House

7:06-7:45 - Simple Delicious Veg Thali / Hotel Santushi

7:45-8:10 - Dum Biryani / Hotel Angara

8:10-8:43 - End

#MP #Curlytales #Ratlam #madhyapradesh #mptourism #ilovemyindia #incredibleindia

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Ratlam Tourist Places | Ratlam City Video | Ratlam me Ghumne ki Jagah | Ratlam Video | Ratlam Vlog

Ratlam Tourist Places | Ratlam City Video | Ratlam me Ghumne ki Jagah | Ratlam Video | Ratlam Vlog

Your queries Answered:
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रतलाम जिले के प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल (Ratlam Visit Place) मध्यप्रदेश का सबसे अलग शहर रतलाम

Ratlam district। Ratlam information। Ratlam history। Ratlam tourism। Ratlam city facts
Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 2022

If you are searching ratlam visit place or any Ratlam vlogger then this video is for you. In this video you can see all the Ratlam tourist places which always remain in Ratlam best tourist places . Ratlam city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. You can do the Ratlam city tour by checking our Ratlam city video . So why wait, let's go to Ratlam tour . You can easily plan your Ratlam trip after checking this Ratlam vlog by Ratlam vlogger Ihana :)
Here you will check all Ratlam visit place in this Ratlam video .
If you are searching for Ratlam video or Ratlam vlog then you are at right place, here you will find all ratlam places to visit and all Ratlam famous places . You may also check it as Ratlam status . If you are looking for Ratlam me ghumne ki jagah this Ratlam district video is for you . Ratlam is having an special place in Madhya Pradesh tourism. This video of Madhya Pradesh travel vlog includes Madhya pradesh temple such as Kedareshwar Cave temple , JVL temple or Mangalay mandir ratlam etc .
Here in this Ratlam video you can check Kedareshwar cave temple or kedareshwar mahadev mandir which is an amazing places . Kedareshwar Sailana or Kedareshwar ratlam is really a must visit among all places to visit in Ratlam .
Also you can see Cactus garden Ratlam or cactus garden Sailana Ratlam which is also a wonderful place to visit .
Ratlam Madhyapradesh ke best visiting places.

In this video you can check the best Ratlam tourist places which includes Kalyan Kedareshwar Mahadev, Cactus Garden Sailana, Sailana Palace, Mangalay Temple or JVL Temple, Ratlam Selfie point and Ratlam City view. It is one of our best trip in Monsoon.

Your Queries Answered :
Ratlam district
Ratlam district information
History of Ratlam
Ratlam Madhya Pradesh
Ratlam amazing facts
Ratlam district ka itihaas
Ratlam City view
Ratlam ke bare mein bataiye
Ratlam ki video
Ratlam gold and silver jewelry market
Ratlam district news
Ratlam tourism and tour
Ratlam Ujjain
MP me Ghumne ki Jagah Konsi hai ?
Which are the best Ratlam Tourist places ?
How is the Ratlam vlogger video ?
What are the ratlam picnic spots?
Where is Kedareshwar Mahadev ?
Ratlam me Ghumne ki Jagah konsi hai ?
Ratlam kha h ?
Ratlam Kahan per Hai ?
Where is Cactus Garden Sailana ?
Where is Sailana Palace ?
How is Ratlam visit in Monsoon ?
How is Mangalay Temple or JVL Temple ?
Where is Ratlam selfie point ?
Which are the best places to visit in Ratlam ?


#ratlam #kedareshwar #vlogger #hindivlogs #vlogs #travel #travelvlogs #vlogging #Ratlam_News


Music Credits:
Song: Ikson - New Day (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: Ikson - Paradise (Vlog No Copyright Music)
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Ratlam Madhya Pradesh | Vijay Kumawat

Welcome to my channel! I'm passionate about exploring new cities and popular places around the world, and i believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the beauty and diversity of these locations. That's why I've created this channel, which offers virtual tours of different cities and popular places.

My virtual tours are designed to provide viewers with an immersive and comprehensive travel experience, allowing them to explore the unique culture, history, and architecture of each location from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you're interested in visiting major cities, small towns, historical landmarks, natural attractions, museums, or other popular tourist destinations, our channel has something for everyone.

Exploring माणेक चौक चांदनी चौक सराफा बाजार रतलाम मध्य प्रदेश l MP road trip Vlog#3 #ratlam

Exploring माणेक चौक चांदनी चौक सराफा बाजार कसारा बाजार रतलाम मध्य प्रदेश l #ratlam

Hello !
We are Hardik & Radha a teacher Couple :-)
We both quit our jobs to travel full time and wish to travel every country !!
In our Last Road Trip Magical Madhya Pradesh we drove our VW Polo for around 2100+ Kilometers for 21 days across the central Indian State of Madhya Pradesh to explore it with our eyes and lens.
While doing so we visited the famous city of Ratlam and explored various Bazars Of Ratlam that includes Manek Chok, Kasara Bazar, Mawa Mandi Chandni Chok and the sarafa Bazar of this city.

We hope You will enjoy watching this vlog. More Exciting Vlogs Coming up Soon!
If you like our video don't live without subscription button and we love to communicate with you and want to hear your thoughts in comment section !

-------------------- Travel Cooking accessories we used during our Trip ----------------------------------------
Travel Cooking Set :
Portable Gas Burner :
Butane Gas for Burner :
Foldable 5 Litre water Bag :
Thermosteel Bottle :
Small chopping board :
Ready to eat food products for camping:
Veg Pulao:
Instant Poha:
Dal Makhani:
Paneer Butter Masala:

--------------------------------------- Travel Gadgets we used during Our Trips -----------------------------------
Laptop :
Gopro 9 :
Gopro 9 Silicone Lanyard Sleeve Protective Cover:
Gopro 9 Glass Screen Protector:
Tripod Mount adapter for Gopro:
3-Way Monopod Grip Arm Tripod Foldable Selfie Stick:
Gopro 9 Battery Charger:
Tripod Stand:
Iphone XR:
Memory Card:
External Hard disk :

माणेक चौक रतलाम,चांदनी चौक रतलाम,सराफा बाजार रतलाम,कसारा बाजार रतलाम,रतलाम मध्य प्रदेश,#ratlam,Magical Madhya Pradesh,Ratlam City Vlog,bhutte ki kachori,Mahalakshmi Mandir Ratlam,manek chowk ratlam,sarafa bazar ratlam,chandni chowk ratlam,ratiram ram vinod chandni chowk,ratlam ka chandni chowk,kasara bazar ratlam,#fulltimetravelvloggers,famous travel vloggers,Indian Travel vloggers,Ratlam ki galiyan

RATLAM Food Tour - FAMOUS Ratlami Sev + BHUTTE ki Kachori + KELE ka Samosa (& Tikiya)

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Historically known as Ratnapiri which translates to as ‘The City of Gems’, Ratlam is situated in the north western part of the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. It is referred to as the city of three S i.e. Sev, Sari and Sona (gold). Moreover, it is also a significant railway junction of the Indian Railway. The place has a huge foodie populace hence in this episode we are here to explore its wonderful street food scene. In this journey we are joined our hosts Ratlam Wale and Chirag Rai.

We started with central India’s traditional breakfast dish Poha from a popular joint Saklecha Nashta point. It was fluffy and light on spices. But the toppings of sev, fresh coriander, pomegranate seeds and chopped onions made it a tasty affair.

With the rains making a sudden appearance, we rushed to this busy tea stall named Bajrangi Tea stall to satiate our tea craving. Furthermore, just like Bhopal and most other cities of central India, Ratlam too is a tea loving city. The crowd here was a testimony of its amazing service. The tea was indeed very energizing but their much loved saffron coffee was just decent.

Our next destination was Gordhalal Sev Wala, a fifty year old shop that specializes in the famous Ratlami sev. These gram flour based tiny deep fried snacks were truly appetising and fun. Here in Ratlam it is eaten all the time and with most of the dishes. According to the owner, the climate and the water of Ratlam gives it the distinct character.

Next was the turn of a wholesome Dal Bati and Bafla Thali from the popular Vyas Dal bati. There was crushed Bati and Bafla along with sweet and sour dal, papad and chutney. The platter was delicious and value for money.

After that we tasted a simple and light Sabudana khichdi from Sabudana Bhandar. Like the Poha this too is a preferred breakfast dish across central India. We liked it sweet and sour taste that was quite satisfying.

From there we reached Kalu Mama Samosa shop. Their highlights were the corn samosa, raw banana samosa and mirchi vadas. All of them were distinctly flavoursome. This place is a hot favorite so don’t miss it if you are visiting Ratlam.

While ambling down the street we came to a very interesting shop with the name Madhya Bharat Bar. On inquiring we realised that it used to be a thriving place long back and its origin dates back to Independence. Now it isn’t functional. Here we tasted their fruit beer which okay but not much impressive.

Our next stop was Satish chaat wala whose chaats are a craze among the locals. Here we tried their three popular dishes- one was the aloo tikki chaat, the other was raw banana chaat and finally aloo tikki biscuit. Everything was delectable. It’s another must try place in Ratlam.

From there we went to their relative’s pani puri shop for some delightful panipuris. The owner was such a generous host that he made us taste all the different flavours of pani puris that was available in his shop. They were just brilliant. We also had the palak chaat at this place. We highly recommend this place to all the Pani puri lovers.

After binge eating the pani puris we went to taste another famous hot beverage the kesariya doodh. The thick and luscious milk is was quite pleasing. The locals love to have it after dinner.

We ended our food tour in Ratlam with a tasty paan from Govind paan shop. The day super gratifying and we could cover most of the popular eateries in the city. We are extremely grateful to chirag and Ratnam wale for taking us around and helping us in our exploration.

#RatlamFoodTour #MPFoodTour

About the host - Anubhav Sapra:

Anubhav Sapra is an avid foodie! He is a Founder but proudly calls himself a Foodie-in-chief at Delhi Food Walks. He is also a street-food and Indian regional cuisine connoisseur and loves to write about street-food. To know more, visit

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep our Indian street food explorations video in your feed!

Thank you for watching!

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Design and filmed by Rahul Singh
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Text by Swetaleena Nayak

Ratlam City tour in a day l MP Road Trip Vlog 2

We are Hardik & Radha a teacher Couple :-)
We both quit our jobs to travel full time and wish to travel every country !!
#ratlam #placestovisitinratlam #ratlamtourguide

Recently we drove our @volkswagen Car converted into CV for around 2200 kilometers around many parts of Madhya Pradesh including Ratlam and other popular places. On one fine day we decided to Explore the city into more familiar way .

We explored Hanuman Tal or popularly known as Sajjan Mil Tal followed by Ram Mandir and Kalka Mata Mandir and ended our vlog at the market of the city.

We hope you will Enjoy watching this Travel vlog of our Magical Madhya Pradesh Series.

0:00 Intro
0:50 Leaving from relative's home
1:52 Hanuman Tal/Sajjan Mil talab, tirupati Nagar
4:36 small walking trail near the Hanuman Tal temple
6:41 Ram Mandir, Bodina Nagar
8:51 famous kalika mata Mandir, Shastri Nagar
12:25 Manek chawk, Ratlam
14:10 local shopping things in manek chawk
15:25 clothing shops in manek chawk
16:09 Street foods on manek chawk
16:31 talking to Street vendor
17:42 visiting unique shop in manek chawk
18:30 what is famous ratlam for ?
19:55 tried corn kachori in manek chawk

-------------------- Travel Cooking accessories we used during our Trip ----------------------------------------
Travel Cooking Set :
Portable Gas Burner :
Butane Gas for Burner :
Foldable 5 Litre water Bag :
Thermosteel Bottle :
Small chopping board :
Ready to eat food products for camping:
Veg Pulao:
Instant Poha:
Dal Makhani:
Paneer Butter Masala:

--------------------------------------- Travel Gadgets we used during Our Trips -----------------------------------
Laptop :
Gopro 9 :
Gopro 9 Silicone Lanyard Sleeve Protective Cover:
Gopro 9 Glass Screen Protector:
Tripod Mount adapter for Gopro:
3-Way Monopod Grip Arm Tripod Foldable Selfie Stick:
Gopro 9 Battery Charger:
Tripod Stand:
Iphone XR:
Memory Card:
External Hard disk :

Video Tags:
Ratlam City tour in a day,Permanent Passengers vlog l,ratlam city vlog,ratlam citytour,the ratlam tour,ratlam city madhya pradesh,ratlam market vlog,ratlam vlogger,Sajjan Tal Ratlam,ratlam city tour,ratlami city tour,ratlam vlog,Places to visit in Ratlam,ratlam ka toure,ratlam ka tour,Ratlam shahar ka tour,ratlam city kaisi hai,chandni chowk ratlam,ratlam city 2021,ratlam picnic spot,ratlam,ratlam mandir,रतलाम मध्य प्रदेश,Ratlam city

One of our exciting video you should not miss
Watch it here


The SEV CAPITAL Of India! | Madhya Pradesh FOOD TOUR | Ratlam | EP19

CarLife 2.0 - The second season of the car life series, a road trip across India while sleeping & living in a car. In this travel and food vlog, we are doing a delicious Ratlam Food tour, including the famous Ratlami Sev, Ratlami Poha, Bajrang tea stall, and many more. The Madhya Pradesh food tour was a unique experience for us.

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Malayalam Travel Vlog By TinPin Stories | Lakshmi Krishna | Harikrishnan J |

0:00 Foodroduction
1:56 Best Sev In India
5:59 Rickshaw Ride
6:16 Best Poha In Town
9:46 Kesar Coffee
11:46 Baap Of Kachoris
16:38 Jalebi Jamun
18:59 Outroduction

#FoodVlog #CarLife #MalayalamVlog

Ratlam bypass!रतलाम बायपास 10 साल से ऑफिसों के चक्कर लगा रही फ़ाइल! दुगनी हुई लागत तब जागे ज़िम्मेदार


Ratlam Junction railway station, Madhya Pradesh, India. रतलाम जंक्शन रेलवे स्टेशन,मध्य प्रदेश, भारत

ratlam railway station. ratlam city. ratlam station. ratlam junction. रतलाम रेलवे स्टेशन. ratlam. ratlam railway. ratlam video. ratlam ka railway station. ratlam railway station video. Ratlam Junction railway station, Madhya Pradesh, India. रतलाम जंक्शन रेलवे स्टेशन, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत.
Ratlam Junction railway station is a major rail junction on the New Delhi–Mumbai main line of Indian Railways.
It comes under Western Railways zone of Indian Railways. Ratlam is one of the busy and revenue generating junction for western railways.
There are Four major Railway Tracks passes through Ratlam City, these are along Dahod, Fatehabad Chandrawatiganj Junction, Nagda Junction and Chittaurgarh Junction. Ratlam is connected to Indore and Neemuch via National Highway no. 79.
Ratlam About this sound pronunciation (help·info) (Hindi: रतलाम), known historically as Ratnapuri (Sanskrit: रत्नपुरी, lit. gem city) is a city in the northwestern part of the Malwa region in Madhya Pradesh state of central India. The city of Ratlam lies 480 metres (1,575 feet) above sea level. It is the administrative headquarters of Ratlam district, which was created in 1947 after the independence of India.[2] Ratlam is also very well known for Gold, Ratlami Sev, Ratlami Saree and its people.The famous Kalika Mata Temple,Kedareshwar Temple(Sailana),Jain Tirth(Bibrod) and Hussain Tekri(Jaora) is situated here.
Ratlam was given to Ratan Singh Rathore as a gift by Shah Jahan. Shah Jahan loved watching elephant fights and therefore held an event, choosing his favourite war elephants and inviting all the clans of Rajputana (present-day Rajasthan) to watch. From the Rathore clan, Ratan Singh was chosen. At the beginning of the festival, one of the elephants (Keharkope) went berserk and headed towards Shah Jahan. No one in the crowd was brave enough to move to protect him. Everyone feared for their own lives and fled except Ratan Singh, who swiftly mounted the elephant. With his katar, Singh stabbed the elephant in its head and killed it. Shah Jahan saw this and was so impressed by his bravery that he gave him the entire state of Ratlam, proclaiming him as the king.
Ratlam Junction is a major junction on Delhi-Mumbai and Ajmer-Khandwa Rail routes and rail division of Indian Railways on broad gauge lines on Western Railways Zone. Ratlam junction is Divisional headquarters of Western Railway Zone.[7] There are four major railway tracks passing through Ratlam City, leading to Mumbai, Delhi, Ajmer and Khandwa.

Ratlam is also the first ever clean train station of Indian Railways network. Under this scheme, Indian Railways has introduced cleaning of coaches of a train en route while it halts at a particular station for 15 to 20 minutes. The entire train is cleaned with vacuum cleaners and toilets are washed with handheld portable HP cleaners.[8]

Ratlam station is believed to be one of the busiest railway stations in India.[9]

Ratlam Junction is referred in 2007 Hindi romantic comedy film Jab We Met.[10] though the shooting had not happened actually in Ratlam and the places and locations mentioned in the film doesn't exist in the city.
Ratlam has several industries which manufacture copper wire, plastic ropes, chemicals and artificial oxygen, among other products. Ratlam is also very well known for Gold, Ratlami Sev, Ratlami Saari and its people.

The People can be seen pouring from distant places for gold purchase owing to the purity of gold here. Ratlam gold markets bloom during festive and marital seasons.

Ratlami Sev is a very popular food product throughout the country. Made of gram flour and pepper, the taste has become famous over the years and Ratlami sev is now exported to foreign countries including Americas and Gulf.

Ratlam is a shopping centre for people of nearby areas and has markets well planned in terms of traffic handling capacity and road layout. Traditional Rajasthani and Gujarati handwork and kitchen wares can be seen throughout the market.

On a broader base, markets are rooted in the good old traditional Indian culture. There are some international fast food restaurant and ice cream parlour like Domino's, Baskin Robbins, Sam's pizza,laziz pizza.

मांगल्य मंदिर JVL Mandir ????Ratlam City का Drone View ????️ 4K ???? #YSSRatlam

मांगल्य मंदिर JVL Mandir ????Ratlam City का Drone View ????️ 4K ????

मांगल्य मंदिर धर्मक्षेत्र ???? (JVL) रतलाम(म.प्र.) के ड्रोन दर्शन (Drone View)...Full HD
#YSSRatlam #SantShriAsharamjiBapu

मांगल्य मंदिर JVL Temple ????Ratlam City का Drone View ????️ 4K ????

मांगल्य मंदिर JVL ????के ड्रोन दर्शन Drone View???? Ratlam City

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संत श्री आशारामजी बापू प्रेरित युवा सेवा संघ ,रतलाम नौनिहालों में अपने माता-पिता के प्रति आदरभाव सुविकसित करने व भारतीय संस्कृति के प्रति अपना प्रेम प्रकटाने के लिए कार्य करता है।

Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu Apostle
Yuva Sewa Sangh, Ratlam works to develop respect for their parents and express their love for Indian culture in the youth.

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एक झलक...मांगल्य मंदिर JVL Temple JVL Mandir ,Ratlam City..???? #yssratlam

एक झलक...मांगल्य मंदिर (JVL Temple) Ratlam City की...☺️ #yssratlam

एक झलक...मांगल्य मंदिर ,धर्मक्षेत्र की...☺️

आपको इस एक झलक में मांगल्य मंदिर की रात्रिकालीन खूबसूरती दिखेगी। ????
#YSSRatlam #SantShriAsharamjiBapu

संत श्री आशारामजी बापू प्रेरित युवा सेवा संघ ,रतलाम नौनिहालों में अपने माता-पिता के प्रति आदरभाव सुविकसित करने व भारतीय संस्कृति के प्रति अपना प्रेम प्रकटाने के लिए कार्य करता है।

Sant Shri Asharamji Bapu Apostle
Yuva Sewa Sangh, Ratlam works to develop respect for their parents and express their love for Indian culture in the youth.

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Q ट्रैक क्या होता हैं, रतलाम में इसे क्यों बनाया गया हैं || Ratlam Q track

Aaj is video mein railway k Q track k bare me sari jankari di gai hai, isse janne ke liye iss video ko pura jaroor dekhiye aur achha lage toh like kijiye aur share kijiye…

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भारत के किन शहरों में मेट्रो रेल सिस्टम है,और किन शहरो में मेट्रो शुरू होने वाली है

भारत का वो रेलवे स्टेशन, जो एक लड़की की वजह से 42 साल तक बंद रहा

पाताल लोक से भी खतरनाक कहानी है , पाताल पानी रेलवे स्टेशन की

भारत का एकमात्र बिना नाम का Station

मोदीजी का उद्घाट्न किया हुआ स्टेशन अब रोजाना सिर्फ 20 रूपये कमाता है

उल्टा लटककर चलती ट्रेन आपने कभी नहीं देखी होगी

जब ट्रेन का आविष्कार हुआ तो उसे पटरियों पर ही क्यों चलाया गया, सड़क पर क्यों नहीं...???

देश का सबसे अनोखा रेलवे स्टेशन जो दो राज्यों की सीमा पर बना है

भारतीय रेलवे की कैंसर एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन कौन सी है

Allahabad के बाद इन सभी स्टेशनों का नाम बदलने वाला है

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#RatlamQtrack #Qtrack #RailKarwaan #IndianRailways

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हैं || Ratlam Q track

श्री राम मंदिर मुंडलाकला ताल जिला रतलाम मध्यप्रदेश Ram Mandir Mundlakalan Tal jila Ratlam MP

श्री राम मंदिर मुंडलाकला ताल जिला रतलाम मध्यप्रदेश Ram Mandir Mundlakalan Tal jila Ratlam MP



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