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10 Best place to visit in Kavadarci Macedonia


10 Best Places to Visit in North Macedonia | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel

10 Best Places to Visit in North Macedonia | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel
#travelvideo #travel #travelguide #northmacedonia

Top Macedonia Tourist Attraction | Tikves Winery

Tikveš (Macedonian: Тиквеш) is a plain situated in central Republic of Macedonia which is known for an artificial lake. It is home to the towns of Kavadarci and Negotino. Famous for its wine, Tikveš is the center of the Macedonian wine production which has been cultivated for more than 120 years. The region is also very famous f

Wine industry
A large fertile plain of about 2,000 square kilometers makes up the Tikveš district (part of Povardarie region), located in central Macedonia and enclosed by mountain highlands on three sides. It consists of gentle undulating hills at an average of 300 meters above sea-level. Its climate is characterized by long, hot summers and mild and rainy sub-mediterranean winters with an average of 460 mm of rainfall each year. Spring is shorter, some say fresher here and autumn is a bit longer and warmer.

Its altitude varies between 110 and 650 meters. The Vardar River, the country’s principal river, cuts the valley into western and eastern sections. These two sections are very different in their relief, climate, surface waters, soil quality and flora and fauna. The valley’s eastern section is arid and sparsely populated, while the western section is fertile and, compared to that of the east, much more densely populated. This area is also rich in forests, minerals and pastureland and resembles an oasis with a virtual Valhalla of vineyards and orchards.

District's wine growing characteristics
average sum of active temperatures during vegetation 42.84°C
absolute maximum temperature 44.8°C
absolute minimum temperature -23.2°C
average air temperature during the vegetation period 19.3°C
average late spring frosts occur to 23.03, early autumn frosts from 04.11
average rainfall per year 483 mm
average rainfall in the period of vegetation 262 mm
sum of sunny hours during vegetation 1750.8
As a result of a harmonious climatic and geographic convergence, the Tikveš region is a perfect place for the cultivation of wine (which is locally popular). The region has produced wine for over 2,500 years.

Today, there are predominantly 20 different grape varieties grown in the Tikveš region. The local Smederevka, Vranec and Temjanika comprise 80% of the total grape production. As wine consumers' preferences change globally, the region keep paces with current trends and adjusts its vine varieties accordingly.

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5 Must Knows Before Going To Macedonia ????????

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Kavadarci, North Macedonia


Село РАДОЖДА | Струга | Преубаво село покрај Охридското езеро

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✔️ Видео за селото Радожда, Струга, Преубаво село покрај Охридското езеро
✔️ Video za seloto Radozda, Struga, Preubavo selo pokraj Ohridskoto ezero


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Македонија се наоѓа на Балканскиот Полуостров, што ја прави мост кој низ векови ги спојувал Западот и Истокот.
Со право се вели дека Македонија е срцето на Балканот.
Нашата цел е да ги промовираме нејзините убавини.

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Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

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Hotel Feni, Kavadarci, Macedonia, HD Review

Book it now! Save up to 20% -
Set in a modern building 0.6 miles from Kavadarci’s town centre, Hotel Feni offers comfortable rooms with spacious bathrooms and free Wi-Fi. It features a restaurant and a bar.
Most rooms at Feni Hotel come with king-size beds. Every room features a flat-screen TV and a seating area with comfortable armchairs. The spacious bathrooms come with glass shower cabins.
Buffet breakfast is available at the restaurant, which serves national specialties and good regional wines. The hotel also includes a bar.
Hotel Feni offers free private parking and guests can drive to Lake Tikvesh in just 15 minutes, while the distance to Tikves Strict Natural Reserve is 18.6 miles.

Belgrade vs. Zagreb vs. Sarajevo vs. Skopje - Which is Best for You?

IMO, the BEST CITIES in Eastern Europe are Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skopje!

I get many questions about these Balkan capitals and I compare and contrast them in this video.

Definitely travel to all of Belgrade, Zagreb, Skopje and Sarajevo if you can, but I know not everyone can visit all of them in one trip. So if you are on a time crunch and trying to figure out which to fly into and spend more time in I hope this video helps give you insight of what to expect from the cities.

This video is based on my personal experience and my travel style, so continue to look at other videos and blog posts to make up your mind.

Time stamps:

0:00 - F.A.Q.
1:30 - Vibe of Each City
3:47 - Main Square/City Center
4:30 - Tourist Sites for Culture & History
6:54 - Nightlife
8:53 - Food & Prices
10:54 - Day Trips from the Capitals


HELPFUL LINKS (some are affiliates):

--- Where I Find The Cheapest Car Rentals ---
Discover Cars:

15 Places to See in Macedonia that Aren't Skopje or Ohrid:

--- Where I Find The Cheapest Flights ---
Skyscanner app (specifically traveling in & around Europe)
Google flights

--- Where I Find The most Affordable Accommodations w/Lots of Options (Even in Small Towns!) ---

Zagreb accommodations:

Belgrade accommodations:

Sarajevo accommodations:

Skopje accommodations:



My Favorite Balkan Adventures Playlist:

Sarajevo Travel Video:

7 Must-See Places to Visit in Eastern Serbia:

Matka Canyon (filmed in 2015, super old video, pardon the shakiness!):

Croatia's Istria Region:

Serbia Travel Playlist:

Croatia Travel Playlist:

Bosnia & Herzegovina Playlist:

Albania Travel Playlist:


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#Serbia #Croatia #Macedonia #BiH

Macedonia Timeless Food

Read more about Macedonian cuisine on the following link

Macedonia Unveiled: Top 10 Must-See Hidden Gems ????

Welcome to AniGo Travel Guide, where we uncover the most breathtaking and picturesque destinations around the globe. Today, we're embarking on a journey to reveal Macedonia Unveiled: Top 10 Must-See Hidden Gems ????. Dive into the heart of the Balkan Peninsula and explore a world where ancient history and stunning landscapes converge, offering something special for every traveler. From the vibrant streets of Skopje to the serene beauty of Ohrid Lake, each destination is a testament to Macedonia's rich heritage and warm hospitality.

Join us as we navigate through top 10 things to do in this remarkable country, discovering enchanted castles, serene national parks, and the untouched beauty of nature's wonders. Find inspiration for your next adventure and marvel at the unique charm that each Macedonian gem has to offer. Whether you're an avid adventurer, a history enthusiast, or in search of a peaceful retreat, Macedonia's diverse landscapes and cultural richness are waiting to captivate your heart.

Subscribe now and let's explore together! Embrace this opportunity to become part of a vibrant travel community passionate about discovering the best travel destinations, uncovering travel tips, and staying ahead of travel trends. Let's explore together and find our next amazing place to travel.

Macedonia, with its blend of history, nature, and hospitality, invites you to uncover its hidden secrets. Pack your bags, and let us guide you through an unforgettable journey across one of the world's most enchanting destinations.

#2024TravelDestinations #AmazingPlaces #OldBazaar #EuropeTravel2024 #UnescoWorldHeritageSite

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Skopje Travel Guide
0:51 - Ohrid Highlights
1:11 - Exploring Matka Canyon
1:35 - Mavrovo National Park Adventure
1:59 - Discover Bitola
2:23 - Kavadarci Wine Region
2:45 - Pelister National Park Beauty
3:08 - Prilep Cultural Gems
3:30 - Strumica Attractions
3:53 - Kokino Ancient Observatory
4:19 - Outro

Gradski stadion - Kavadarci

Gradski stadion - Gradski park - Kavadarci

What's Going on in MACEDONIA in 2023| Is it Cheap? Is it Safe?

Today we take a deep dive in the controversies, the ups and downs of Macedonia, aka Northern Macedonia. I take to the streets of Skopje to explain the sheer craziness that this country is!




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Viaggio in Macedonia | Lago Ohrid, Matka Canyon, Skopje | Video 4k | Macedonia del Nord cosa vedere

Viaggio in Macedonia. Questo video per gli amanti dei viaggi e delle attività ricreative educative presenta una panoramica video unica della Repubblica della Macedonia del Nord, girata con un drone in 4k da una vista a volo d'uccello.

Informazioni generali sul paese
La Repubblica della Macedonia del Nord è un paese della penisola balcanica nella parte sud-orientale dell'Europa, dove la sua capitale Skopje si trova nella regione centrale vicino al fiume Vardar. Nella parte occidentale, che è la più attraente per i turisti, ci sono parchi nazionali con il famoso lago di Ohrid. Non c'è molto sviluppo turistico nella parte orientale, ma la gente del posto è spesso pronta ad aiutare tutti gli ospiti smarriti.

La capitale della Macedonia è Skopje. Qui, un palo di pietra del XV secolo collega la moderna piazza meridionale con il bazar ottomano della riva settentrionale del fiume Vardar - Old Cershia, e grazie alla fortezza di Kale, Skopje è stata sotto una protezione affidabile per molti secoli.

Clima della Macedonia
Il territorio della maggior parte del paese con un clima continentale prevalentemente temperato. Nella parte meridionale il clima mediterraneo è caldo e secco, qui è + 18, + 22 ° C nei mesi estivi, e fino a 1, -3 ° C negli inverni miti e umidi.

Natura macedone
I paesaggi del paese sono ricchi di alte montagne, valli pittoresche e splendidi laghi profondi. Luoghi belli sono presentati in abbondanza nella parte orientale della Macedonia, dove prevalgono fitte foreste di latifoglie, e nel sud-ovest con grandi laghi (Prespa, Ohridskoe). Ci sono anche parchi nazionali progettati per proteggere molte specie di piante e animali dall'estinzione.

Principali città della Macedonia
Skopje. La capitale della Macedonia, nota tra i turisti per la sua parte più colorata: la città vecchia piena di strade strette, moschee e caravanserragli orientali.
Bitola. La seconda città più grande della Macedonia, famosa per le rovine di una colonia greca del IV secolo.
Ocrida. La località turistica sulle rive collinari del Lago di Ohrid (la principale perla della Macedonia) è piena di chiese medievali, monasteri, le più antiche chiese ortodosse e rovine.

Cosa guardare
Gli ospiti della Macedonia dovrebbero assolutamente guardare il lago incredibilmente bello e più antico della terra: Ohrid, che ha più di 5 milioni di anni. Inoltre non sarà superfluo riservare almeno un po 'di tempo per una gita al canyon Matka, a 17 chilometri da Skopje, dove, per i numerosi edifici religiosi, il luogo si chiama Sveta Horus.

Viste della Macedonia
1. Lago di Ohrid. Si tratta di un antichissimo bacino idrico balcanico, inserito nella lista dell'UNESCO. Qui puoi anche andare in barca a vela, rilassarti su spiagge pulite o in confortevoli hotel.
2. Fortezza Skopje. Un'antichissima fortezza di Calais, fondata nel I secolo d.C. Qui puoi camminare lungo i sentieri acciottolati tra le mura di pietra della fortezza e passeggiare nel parco paesaggistico.
3. La città di pietra di Kuklitsa. Molti turisti spesso amano riunirsi qui. Il luogo del paesaggio naturale unico è chiamato la Valle delle Bambole, dove sono raccolte più di 120 figure di pietra che somigliano a persone. La particolarità di questa valle non è solo nelle tante voci e leggende soprannaturali, ma anche nel fatto che queste pietre sono realizzate grazie alla natura, e non all'uomo.
4. Croce del millennio. Questa croce come monumento in onore del cristianesimo è stata costruita nel 2002 su una montagna alta 66 metri, il che ha reso questa struttura particolarmente evidente ovunque nella capitale, soprattutto con l'illuminazione notturna.
5. Monastero di San Naum. Il tempio più antico della Macedonia, il cui splendore delle pareti interne e dei soffitti catturerà lo spirito di ogni turista. Inoltre, qui è spesso possibile degustare piatti della tradizione nazionale preparati dai monaci e degustare vini di propria produzione.

Informazioni utili per i turisti
A causa della sua scarsa popolarità tra i turisti, la Macedonia ha il principale vantaggio attraente: l'assenza di folle, code ai musei e prezzi notevolmente gonfiati. La cosa più costosa è la sistemazione in albergo. Il trasporto pubblico è spesso utilizzato qui a Skopje, ma tra le città si viaggia con autobus o treni speciali. Va ricordato che è meglio cambiare valuta in anticipo (per questo è possibile utilizzare banche o uffici di cambio), perché qui è consuetudine pagare solo in dinari. Ogni anno in Macedonia si tengono molti festival e fiere per tutti i gusti. E la cucina locale è sempre pronta a coccolare i vacanzieri con il burek, una deliziosa torta di carne con formaggio. Dovresti sicuramente apprezzare la trota di Ohrid fritta o gravce-na-tavce, il piatto nazionale di fagioli. Quando si viaggia in tutto il paese, gli ospiti devono seguire semplici precauzioni, fare attenzione ai loro oggetti di valore e non dimenticare il severo divieto di fumare in stanze chiuse affollate.


Macedonian beauty

Republic of Macedonia beuty natural beauty historical sites,culture,museums,lakes,mountains,caves,rivers,waterfalls,churches,monasteries,mosques,cities,places,Skopje,Ohrid,Bitola,Veles,Kavadarci,Strumica,Gostivar,Tetovo,Stip,Kicevo,Kumanovo,Kuklici,Kokino,ancient observatory,natural lakes,artificial lakes,ancient cities,roman cities,galleries,architecture,cuisine,mines,wine,thousands of species,flora and fauna,waterparks,crosses,statues,monuments.MACEDONIA,Macedonia,Македонија
Travel to Macedonia,visit Macedonia,tourism,education,beauty

Unveiling Skopje, Macedonia ???????? in 4K ULTRA : A Drive Tour by Car

Are you ready to experience the beauty of Skopje, Macedonia like never before? Join us on a drive tour by car as we unveil the hidden gems of this stunning city. In this complete guide, we will take you on a journey to remember, exploring the best sights and attractions that Skopje has to offer.

#Skopje #Macedonia #DriveTour #CarTour #Travel #Explore #Adventure #Vacation #VisitSkopje #MustSee

Macedonia - Training Camp For Tourists - TV Tourism Commercial - TV Advert - The Travel Channel

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Macedonia - Training Camp For Tourists - TV Tourism Commercial - TV Advert - The Travel Channel

Macedonia, is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in 1991.

It became a member of the United Nations in 1993 but, as a result of a dispute with Greece over its name, it was admitted under the provisional reference of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, sometimes abbreviated as FYROM.
A landlocked country, the Republic of Macedonia is bordered by Kosovo to the northwest, Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south and Albania to the west.

It constitutes approximately the northwestern half of the larger geographical region of Macedonia, which also comprises parts of Greece and Bulgaria. The country's capital is Skopje, with 506,926 inhabitants according to the 2002 census. Other cities include Bitola, Kumanovo, Prilep, Tetovo, Ohrid, Veles, Štip, Kočani, Gostivar, Kavadarci and Strumica. It has more than 50 lakes and sixteen mountains higher than 2,000 m (6,562 ft). Macedonia is a member of the UN and the Council of Europe. Since December 2005 it has also been a candidate for joining the European Union and has applied for NATO membership.

Crkva Sv. Petka | Tri Krushi | Cycling Tour Ep. 2 | Skopje, Macedonia | Go Pro Hero 6 black

A short cycling tour to a nearby church with a stunning view above Skopje, Macedonia.

Stay tuned!

Music owned by YouTube.

mapa de Macedonia del Norte

Macedonia del Norte (en macedonio, Северна Македонија, romanización Séverna Makedóniya), oficialmente denominada República de Macedonia del Norte (en macedonio, Република Северна Македонија, romanización Repúblika Séverna Makedóniya), es un país sin litoral en el sureste de Europa. Limita al norte con Serbia y Kosovo,Nota 2​ al este con Bulgaria, al sur con Grecia y al oeste con Albania. Su capital es Skopie, con más de 700 000 habitantes.

Este país surgió en 1991 después de que la antigua República Socialista de Macedonia, una de las partes constituyentes de la República Federal Socialista de Yugoslavia, declarara su independencia con el nombre de «República de Macedonia» (Република Македонија, Repúblika Makedóniya),Nota 3​ y con el nombre corto de «Macedonia», en algunos casos. El uso del término «Macedonia» fue rechazado por Grecia, y surgió una disputa sobre la denominación de este país entre ambos estados. Como postura intermedia, en 1993 se adoptó la referencia provisional de Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia9​ (Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија, Poranešna Jugoslovenska Republika Makedónija) para denominar al Estado macedonio en algunas organizaciones internacionales, como en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. El conflicto perduró hasta febrero de 2019, después de que ambas partes aceptaran el uso definitivo del nombre de «República de Macedonia del Norte».
Macedonia del Norte es miembro de la OTAN desde el 27 de marzo de 202011​ y es candidato a la adhesión a la Unión Europea (UE) desde 2005.12​ Macedonia del Norte tiene una de las economías más débiles de Europa y está en proceso de transformación, tanto económica como políticamente. El país está luchando con altas tasas de desempleo y una infraestructura débil, así como con una falta de inversión. map of Macedonia A nivel administrativo, Macedonia del Norte está compuesta por 80 municipios (en macedonio: општини, opštini), divididos a su vez en urbanos y rurales. El nuevo sistema entró en vigor en 2004. Cada municipio tiene un gobierno local, una capital y un alcalde elegido por sufragio universal, cuyas competencias están definidas por ley.77​ Skopie está compuesta por diez municipios y tiene un estatus especial definido en la Constitución.47​

Los municipios pueden descentralizar su labor en pueblos o barrios, con competencias determinadas por el gobierno municipal. Sin embargo, esas entidades menores no pueden tener naturaleza política. En lo que respecta a la polietnicidad del país, una minoría étnica podrá usar su propio idioma en la administración local si supera el 20 % de la población municipal.47​

Por otro lado, Macedonia del Norte está subdividida en ocho regiones estadísticas (регион, regioni). A diferencia de lo que sucede con los municipios, las regiones no están consideradas división territorial oficial: sólo se utilizan para obtener datos estadísticos y coordinar las políticas económicas locales.77​

En Macedonia del Norte hay un total de 1 637 localidades. Según el censo de 2002, el 59,5 % de los macedonios viven en municipios urbanos. Skopie es la capital y ciudad más habitada del país con más de 460 000 habitantes, el 25 % de la población nacional, y si se tuviese en cuenta la región de Skopie la cifra ascendería a 571 000 personas. Muy por debajo se encuentran los municipios de Bitola (74 550), Kumanovo (70 842) y Prilep (66 246). El municipio de Tetovo, al noroeste del país y fronterizo con Kosovo, es el primero donde la población de etnia albanesa supera en número a la macedonia.78​ El país sufre un éxodo rural, por el que 150 pueblos han sido abandonados y otros 450 están a punto de serlo.79​

Las regiones más densamente pobladas son Skopie y Polog, ambas concentradas en el noroeste del país y alrededor del valle del río Vardar. La suma de Skopie, Tetovo y Gostivar representa el 43 % de la ciudadanía nacional, y son además las que presentan un mayor crecimiento demográfico, motivado por dos razones: la población rural se traslada a la capital en busca de oportunidades, y la etnia albanesa tiene una mayor tasa de natalidad.78​ El sur del país presenta un crecimiento inferior, pero en ella se encuentran importantes ciudades como Bitola, Prilep, Štip, Strumica Kavadarci.

ROAD TRIP 2019 PART 3: North Macedonia - Greece (Tabanovce - Evzonoi))

Third part of my trip to Greece and back

Driving through North Macedonia to Greece

Border crossing Preševo(SRB) / Tabanovce (NMK)
Demir Kapija
Border Crossing Bogorodica(NMK) – Evzonoi(GR)

ADRIATIC TRAIL – Part III: North Macedonia

Following our tracks down the Adriatic Trail, we’re certain you’ll fall in love with soulful North Macedonia. Come along with us and discover cheerful Skopje, refined Bitola and tranquil Ohrid, the “Balkan Jerusalem” with its 365 churches. We’ll show you the brilliant Late Roman archaeological sites Stobi, Heraclea Lyncestis, Plaosnik and the ancient theater at Ohrid, and we’ll take you through the famous Tikveš wine region and the amazing natural beauty hidden in this charming country.

????️ Make sure to watch all the episodes:
???? Part I - Montenegro & Bosnia and Herzegovina -
???? Part II - Albania -

Adriatic Trail (also known as the Illyricum Trail) is a journey that leads a traveller through representative archaeological sites from the Late Roman Empire, providing visitors with insight into how people lived, worked and entertained at the time. The Trail also offers side trips along beautiful landscapes, and opportunity to taste wines produced from autochthonous grape varieties and delicious local food, while exploring these hidden historical and natural wonders. Illyricum is a geographical term that was used by the Romans in the late 1st century BC and the early 1st century AD to describe the new Balkan territory that they were conquering.

The Trail consists of nine mapped sites in Western Balkans, each of them easily accessible by various means of transport. In Albania, three amazing antique sites are: #Butrint (Saranda), #Apollonia (Fier) and #Dyrrachium (Durres); in Bosnia and Herzegovina there is marvellous #Mogorjelo villa rustica (Čapljina); in Montenegro two sites are: sturdy #Doclea (Podgorica) and colourful #Risinium (Kotor); while in North Macedonia sites: #Stobi (Gradsko), #Ohrid and #Heraclea Lyncestis (Bitola), each are telling an interesting story.

Adriatic Trail is part of The Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route, which is listed among the 38 Cultural Routes, certified in 2015 (and re-certified in 2019) by the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme.

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Skopje Photo Tour

Exploring Skopje with a photographer and local tour guide



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