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10 Best place to visit in Kara-Balta Kyrgyzstan


Arriving In Kara-Balta

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4K. Город Кара - Балта, в Кыргызстане (Киргизия)

Some information about Kara Balta town in Russian and English language:

Город Кара-Балта в Кыргызстане, центр администрации Жайылского района в Чуйской области
9 сентября 1975 года Верховный Совет республики издал указ об образовании города Кара-Балта.
Численность населения города на 2013 год составляет 46 596 человек. Кара-Балта — многонациональный город, в котором проживают кыргызы, русские, уйгуры, узбеки, корейцы, казахи, немцы и татары. В 1991-1993 годах численность населения составляла 54 200 человек.
Кара-Балта считается одним из самых молодых городов Кыргызстана. Хотя первые земледельческие поселения возникли в этих краях Чуйской долины еще в V—VIII веках. После нашествия Чингисхана с XIV до XIX века здесь жили племена кочевников и скотоводов. В советские годы Кара-Балта стала промышленным городом.
Кара-Балта продолжает обеспечивать 70% промышленного выпуска Чуйской области.
Кара-Балта — уютно размещен у подножия северного склона Ала-Тоо, в центре западной части Чуйской долины, в 62 км от столицы Кыргызской Республики — города Бишкека, на высоте 700-750 метров над уровнем моря, на левобережье реки Кара-Балта бассейна реки Чу. Кара-Балта — один из крупнейших транспортных узлов Чуйской области: с запада на восток его пересекают железнодорожная линия Ташкент-Тараз-Бишкек-Балыкчи и автомагистраль Ташкент-Бишкек-Алматы, имеющие межгосударственное значение. Для социально-экономического развития района важное значение имеют автомобильные дороги Бишкек-Ош, Кара-Балта-Суусамыр-Минкуш, проходящие по правобережью реки Кара-Балта. Гидрографическая сеть города представлена рекой Кара-Балта, окаймляющей город с востока на протяжении 7 километров и, берущей начало в ледниках гор при слиянии горных речушек Абла, Коль, Туюк. Длина реки в целом составляет 133 км, площадь ее бассейна — 577 км», средний расход воды 5,25 м»/сек, источник воды — снеголедниковое.

Kara-Balta Town in Kyrgyzstan, center of administration of Zhayil district in Chui region
On September 9, 1975, the Supreme Soviet of the republic issued a decree on the formation of the city of Kara-Balta.The population of the town in 2013 is 46,596 people. Kara-Balta is a multinational town inhabited by Kyrgyz, Russians, Uighurs, Uzbeks, Koreans, Kazakhs, Germans and Tatars. In 1991-1993, the population was 54,200 people.Kara-Balta is considered one of the youngest cities in Kyrgyzstan. Although the first agricultural settlements arose in these parts of the Chui Valley as early as the V-VIII centuries. After the invasion of Genghis Khan from the 14th to the 19th centuries, tribes of nomads and herders lived here. During the Soviet years, Kara-Balta became an industrial city.Kara-Balta continues to provide 70% of the industrial output of the Chui region.
Kara-Balta-comfortably located at the foot of the northern slope of Ala-Too, in the center of the western part of the Chui valley, 62 km from the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic - Bishkek, at an altitude of 700-750 meters above sea level, at left bank of the Kara-Balta river of the Chu river basin. Kara-Balta is one of the largest transport hubs in Chui oblast: from west to east it is crossed by the Tashkent-Taraz-Bishkek-Balykchi railway line and the Tashkent-Bishkek-Almaty highway, which are of interstate importance. The highways Bishkek-Osh, Kara-Balta-Suusamyr-Minkush, passing along the right bank of the Kara-Balta river, are of great importance for the socio-economic development of the region. The hydrographic network of the town is represented by the Kara-Balta River, bordering the town from the east for 7 kilometers and originating in the glaciers of the mountains at the confluence of mountain rivers Abla, Kol, Tuyuk. The length of the river as a whole is 133 km, its basin area is 577 km , the average water discharge is 5.25 m / sec, the source of water is snow-glacial.
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VLOG #041 TIAN SHAN - The most BEAUTIFUL road of KYRGYZSTAN // Mountains, nature & SOVIET past

SEASON 8 | Tian Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan

Not too long ago I went on a trip with my father to the remote town of Min Kush in the Tian Shan. The road took us through the most beautiful nature - the country of Kyrgyzstan has to offer. We visited the Kara Balta gorge, the Too Ashuu pass, the Suusamyr plateau, the Kökömeren gorge, the Rainbow Mountains and the coal mining town of Min Kush.

Enjoy the first Vlog of the Central Asia series ;p



Kyrgyzstan TV 10-Oct-16

Kyrgyzstan TV timelapse, 10-10-16

Trekking to Ala Kul lake on 29th of October! | Kyrgyzstan

Short video report about how we did trekking tour to Ala-Kul lake for 1 day at 29th of October.

If you are interested in trekking to Ala-Kul lake then let us know!

Trekking program:

Video by: Ryce Travel Karakol Travel Agency


Cycloscope - around the world by bicycle. Ep 12 - Kyrgyzstan: from Bishkek to Issyk Kul

Cycloscope: a gaze upon the world through the eyes of a bicycle.
Daniele and Elena, two storytellers cycling the world. Entering to Kyrgyzstan from Merke border. Across Kara Balta to Bishkek to attend the celebration of the indipendance day. Then cycling to Issyk Kul

Tyup Valley. Kyrgyz Republic

Tyup Valley
The Kyrgyz Republic, Issyk-Kul Lake. July 2014
For more movies, photos and books visit to

Doing my new country ritual in Kyrgyzstan! ????????

Every time I visit a new country, I do something special to mark the occasion. In this vlog, you’ll see me doing my new country ritual in Kyrgyzstan, as well as spending my first day in Bishkek getting my bearings and visiting sites such as Victory Park and Ala-Too Square.

???? Бишкек, Кыргызстан (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

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Arriving In Bishkek

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Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan

Nel piazzole delle giostre a Tokmok, a nord del Kirghizistan ,al confine con il Kazakistan, si sente l'influenza italiana nella musica. Dalle casse esce un ritornello in italiano ed è addirittura la radio in diretta.


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Red October Tour 2017; the two faiths in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan

The Christian Orthodox church made of wood, at the end of the XIX century, and the chinese mosque built by muslim immigrants coming from China

Dzień Niepodległości Kirgistan (Jalal-Abad) | Independence Day Kyrgyzstan Jalal-Abad

Belogorka, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan -- April 2011

Belogorka, situated on the outskirts of Bishkek offers diverse landscape for photography, the lush green valleys, give way to the majestic rocky cliffs, cascading river and snow covered valley all in the span of 3 hours.

Ущелье Аламедин, от водопада и немного выше. Alamedin Gorge, from the waterfall and a little higher.

Можно сказать что в городе уже лето, а вот в горах весна в самом разгаре. Отбивая чечётку трековыми палочками я решил сходить в Аламединское ущелье выше всем (ну или почти всем) известного водопада. С погодой как всегда повезло.

Ош Базар [Рынок] в Бишкеке / Osh Bazaar [Market] in Bishkek

Some information about Osh market In Russian and English language
Ош Базар или Ош Рынок основан в 1983 во время СССР. Почти все Рынок похоже друг на другу в Бишкеке, но они отличаюся по цене товара и покрытие территории, в отличии Орто Сай базар (Рынок) здесь надо торговатся. Здесь всё есть что вам нужны.

Osh Bazar or Osh Market was founded in 1983 during the USSR. Almost all the markets are similar to each other in Bishkek, but they differ in the price of goods and coverage of the territory, unlike Orto Sai Bazaar (Market) here you have to bargain. Everything here is what you need.

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*********************Track info:***********************
Track title---------------------Blue Danube (by Strauss)
Added in you tube audio libraru September 2013
********Track taken from free YOUTUBE audio library*******

Audio track Intro info:
Track title:---------------Mess call
Artist:---------------------USAF Heritage of America Band
Added in Youtube free audio library April 2016


Türklerin ilk camisi nerede?Balballar nedir?Balbal neden yapılır? Türklerin ilk camisi Burana kulesi. Tarihi ipek yolunda Balasagun şehrinde yer almaktadır. Kırgızistan'da gezilecek yerlerden birisi Burana Kulesi.

Arkadaşlar bir süre seyahatime Manas Destanının geçtiği topraklarda Kırgızistanda seyahatime devam edeceğim;
Bu videomda;
Daha çok hepimizin tarih derslerinde ve kitaplarında okuyup duyduğu Burana Kulesine gideceğim. Bişkek'ten bir dönem Karahanlılar Devletine başkent olmuş tarihi Balasagun kentine günümüzdeki adıyla Tokmok'a müslümanların ilk camisi tarihi ipek yolunun kadim bekçisi Burana Kulesini görmeye gideceğim. Ayrıca Kutadgu Bilig'in yazarı Yusuf Has Hacib'te Balasagun'da dünyaya gelmiş ..Hatta tarihte Balasagunlu Yusuf Olarakta bilinmektedir.

0:00 Intro
0:40 Hostelimin içi ve çevresi
3:16 Limuzin Cenneti
03:53 Kahvaltıda Samsa
07:40 Bişkek Otogar
12:12 Burana Kulesi
15:30 Balballar ve Petroglifler
16:19 Balasagun Yol Manzaraları
18:23 Bişkek - Burana Kulesi arası ulaşım ve masraflar genel bilgi
18:37 Orta Asya'nın en büyük ortodoks kilisesi
19:50 Ala Too Meydanında Gün Sonu ve Hostele Varış

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Sosyal Medya Hesaplarım

Over The Abyss

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КЫРГЫЗСТАН, СВАДЬБА,конкурсы, и пр.!лол.KYRGYZS' WEDDING,GAMES,lol,Yйлөнүү,Бийлер,ТОЙ,fun!


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