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10 Best place to visit in Kandry Russia


Tuktu- 7- The Ten Thousand Fishes (how to fish with a rock weir)

Alaska Extreme Store:

Learn about traditional Inuit culture from this fascinating series. This series documents cultural practices, skills, and values in Nunavut in northern Canada. Each episode focuses on a different topic, and does a good job of celebrating the skills and resourcefulness of the Inuit.

The territory of the Inuit (also called Eskimo, Inupiaq, Yupik, and other regional names) cover the northern and western regions of Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland. The Inuit continue to live in these areas and maintain many cultural traditions while also incorporating some modern technology into their culture as well. Inuit continue to have a deep respect and spiritual connection with the land and its resources.

The Tuktu documentary series was produced by the National Film Board of Canada between 1966 and 1968.
Director: Laurence Hyde
Writer: Laurence Hyde
Star: Tommy Tweed
License: Public Domain

#alaska #alaskaextreme

???????? ????Most beautiful images of Rouen / Les plus Belles images de Rouen Seine-Maritime Normandie - (4K)

Rouen - Seine-Maritime - Normandie
Rouen - Seine-Maritime - Normandy

The Shockey Ararat Expediton to Noah's Ark

Dr. Don Shockey was the initiator of the expedition to the site of Noah's ark. Without him and Dr. Carl Baugh, there would have been no such expedition to the ark in the year of our Lord 1990.
Dr. Don Shockey and Dr. Carl Baugh were co-directors of the expedition. There were eight individuals on the team. Two of which, Dr. Carl Baugh and Robert Summers, I personally spoke with in an interview. Unfortunately Bob (Robert) couldn't met the next day for the on camera portion of the interview with myself and Carl, to give an account of his experiences during the expedition us all. Perhaps in the future.
However we still have Dr. Carl Baugh interview which gives us insight into what they learned about Mount Ararat and Noah's ark. I hope you enjoy it and it gives you a deeper understanding of the way God guides us and history. Please support by sharing and subscribing, thank you.

Thomas Land At Drayton Manor FULL Tour & ALL Rides 2023

Home to over 25 rides and attractions, Thomas Land at Drayton Manor is one of the best theme park family areas in the UK. In this video we take you for a full tour of Thomas Land, including a close look at all of the rides on offer in the area. We also share the height and age restrictions for all of the different rides, along with taking a look inside the UK's largest Thomas Shop!

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All those years of promoting Mazatlan’s tourism, we were also about keeping visitors and residents informed, bridging the cultures and bringing people together.

Lufthansa Longest Flight ????????: Boeing 747-8 Business Class: Frankfurt to Buenos Aires

I took Lufthansa longest flight from Frankfurt to Buenos Aires onboard the Boeing 747-8 in Lufthansa Business Class!


#noelphilips #inflightvideo

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Aaron Adams, Alan Williamson, Alexander James Ewing, Anthony Cavaco, Brandon, Brandon Promeneur, Connor Wallace, Daniel Hornett, Daniel Juschus, Filip Konopski, Graham brownlow, Jeffrey R. Williams, Joao Pedro Wilshusen, Kieran Butterfield, Luis Zaragoza,Max Lavallee, Mike Wooldridge, Neil Turner, Ove Aleksander Langeland-Finne, Paul Fitchen, Peter Smets, QFS Aviation,Ryan Wylde,Sam Stevens, Sarah Clark, Tizian

EQUIPMENT (affiliate links)
GoPro Hero 7
Feiyutech G6 Gimbal

Train from Tynda to Tommot AYAM Line - Siberia

Explaining 3rd Class Platskartny on Russian Trains.

Iceland Instagram vs Reality #iceland #travel

Brix, Restaurants, Moscow

    Brix, located in Maly Kozikhinsky pereulok is one of the wine bars of Brix mini-chain. It's a small space with friendly atmosphere built in the classical European style. The idea of Brix wine bar belongs to Alexander Shikin, a Moscow barman known by such restaurants as The Apartment, Gallery and Nedalny Vostok (Not Far East). Shikin started it from zero - he worked out the concept, found the place and investors, invited a good cooking group and even participated in planning the design. The main specification of Brix, - he says, - is its own wines supplied from small wineries in France and Spain and excellent food from the superb team of experienced chefs.

     The name of the second bar in Pyatnitskaya Street - Easy Brix Grill & Wine - is directly connected with its format. It's equipped with a Josper charcoal grill and oven professional machine which help the Chef Andrei Antonov in his masterful creation of delicious meals from fresh fish, meat, vegetables and sea-products. All the dishes are meant as an ideal addition to wine. What is left for the guests is to decide which wine to choose - white or red, the one delivered from rare wineries or a well-known wine brand. Since the bar offers all the wine with just retail charges, the guests are quite able to afford them all! The menu has an excellent choice of lunches which differ from week to week. On Saturdays and Sundays the chef personally grills steaks for a special offer 2 New York steaks and a bottle of Cote du Russillion Domaine de la Chique French wine for 2000 Rubles.

By Our Local Expert: Natalia Orel

More Brix videos


Santander - Самый БЕЗОПАСНЫЙ город Испании / Кантабрия Сантандер

В этом видео я вам расскажу про столицу Кантабрии Сантандер

Видео про Природный рай(Бискайя, Кантабрия, Астуриас)

Видео про Бильбао

Видео про Сан Себастьян

Видео про Сарагосу и Памплону


00:00 Вступление
01:56 Пробки и Проблемы с парковками
03:20 Пляж
04:43 Безопасность
05:17 Дворец La Magdalena
07:24 Океанариум и ПИНГВИНЫ
08:57 Погода
09:58 Взрыв корабля
11:04 Прогулка по Сантандеру
12:21 Ресторан
13:43 Облом
14:04 Разочарование
14:29 Итог

Song: Cartoon - Más Y Más (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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Song: ZeusXCrona- Lights Turn Out (Feat. Max Landry) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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¿Qué ver en HAMBURGO en un día? ✈️ (Alemania)

¿Quieres visitar Hamburg en un día? ✅ En este video tienes la ruta perfecta para disfrutar de un solo día en Hamburgo al máximo.

???????????? Suscríbete AHORA: ????????????



???? Hamburgo, rojo ladrillo en el Elba:
???? Ayuntamiento de Hamburgo:
???? Qué visirtar en Hamburgo:


Hamburg, o como se diría en español “Hamburgo”, es la segunda ciudad más grande de Alemania. Con más de 1 millón 800 mil habitantes, queda justo después de Berlin, la capital de Alemania.

Hamburg es una ciudad que, a pesar de no estar en contacto directo con el mar, consta del segundo puerto más grande de Europa. Y éste es un puerto fluvial, que se dispone en la zona con más canales de la ciudad.

Hamburg es también una de las ciudades con más canales del mundo, llegando a superar a Ámsterdam y Venecia.

Pero la ruta no la empezaremos por el puerto, sino que haremos en pleno centro de la ciudad. En la plaza del ayuntamiento.

Este edificio se construyó en el siglo XIX, debido a que un incendio acabó con el ayuntamiento anterior. Por suerte, este ayuntamiento no sufrió daños por la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Se caracteriza por el estilo neorenacentista, concretamente la variante historicismo del mismo. Debido a este estilo, podemos encontrar numerosas referencias a estilos arquitectónicos del pasado preindustrial.

El ayuntamiento de Hamburg se yergue opulosamente, respondiendo al gran poder que tenía la Prusia del momento. Y es que en el siglo XIX, Alemania no era lo que es actualmente y este territorio se conocía como “Prusia”. Este territorio se había constituido como un Imperio y el ayuntamiento de Hamburg, la ciudad más importante del mismo, debía estar a la altura.

En definitiva, que este edificio tan monumental es una pieza clave dentro de la arquitectura alemana. Por sus grandes dimensiones, te quitará el aliento y no podrás dejar de admirarlo.

Así que, de la Chilehaus nos dirigimos hacia el puerto, ya que están pegados. El puerto es una de mis zonas favoritas de la ciudad. Los edificios que se alzan entre los canales están construidos a base de ladrillo rojo, otorgándole un carácter muy especial.

El puerto es todo un símbolo del carácter comercial de la ciudad de Hamburg. Y es que, a pesar de haber sido fuertemente deteriorada durante el desastre de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ha logrado renacer y postularse como una ciudad cosmopolita.

El puerto es la viva imagen de este carácter. Los ladrillos rojos le dan una personalidad muy marcada a esta zona, con lo que será fácil reconocer la ciudad a través de este paisaje. Además, el puerto no se establece simplemente como un punto comercial y de negocios, sino que es también una referencia cultural en toda norma.


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???? Quentin Hannappe - Raise Your Voice

Track: BEAUZ & Momo - Won't Look Back [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Track: Lost Sky - Vision [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Track: Distrion - Chasing Ghosts (feat. Max Landry) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Music from
Modern Jazz Samba by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Music from
Getting it Done by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

FITNESS STREET PHUKET - where to stay and how to get the BEST DEAL?

Where to stay near FITNESS STREET PHUKET? I check the best hotel near fitness street. In this episode I share local prices, so you dont pay extra booking via or Contact hotel directly to get your BEST deal by using @KICACLUB discount code.

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Legnica - Polónia Cityscapes

Legnica - Polónia

Song: 8HopesBeats - Belief
8HopesBeats's channel:

Южные дороги

Августовское путешествие в Крым на автобусе. Мимо проносятся десятки городов, сотни городков, тысячи деревушек... и миллионы людских судеб... Теплый, ароматный воздух, щедрое южное солнце, ветер с моря оставляет легкий соленый вкус на губах....Как же приятно снова окунуться в лето, когда за окнами сумрачный питерский декабрь...)))
Огромная благодарность Дмитрию Янковскому за идею этого путешествия и воплощение этой идеи в реальность. А так же Наталье Ивановой за потрясающую компанию и лавину позитива, сделавшей эту поездку незабываемой.


As guerras podem revelar o pior da humanidade, mas, por vezes, também inspirar histórias que têm a ver além da violência, pois envolvem companheirismo, empatia, patriotismo e superação.
Confira nesse vídeo quais são os melhores filmes de guerra nos canais de streaming para você assistir no Carnaval!!Afinal, filme de guerra bom é sempre bem vindo.
As histórias de guerra sempre geraram muito fascínio no cinema. E não só por trazerem tramas inspiradoras de soldados que deram sua vida em batalhas decisivas ou coisas do tipo. Na verdade, é a própria ideia de que todos esses roteiros são baseados em fatos, o que dá um peso muito maior à trama que é apresentada e que torna tudo muito mais interessante.
Por isso mesmo os canais de streaming não economizam esforços para terem em seu catálogo diversas produções que recriam eventos históricos com ênfase no mundo militar. São lançamentos de filmes de guerra que abordam a Primeira, a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Guerra do Vietnã e outras guerras recentes em histórias de heroísmo ou fatos desconhecidos .
Para os apaixonados por tramas militares, para quem gosta de tramas envolventes ou mesmo para aquele professor que gosta de passar um filme na aula de História, não faltam opções. E, para ajudá-lo a escolher o que assistir, o Viagem na Historia listou 10 melhores filmes de guerra disponíveis para você assistir no carnaval e transformar sua sala de TV numa autentica sala de guerra...
Um filme de guerra top sempre é bem vindo, seja da guerra de trincheiras, batalha naval ou luta da resistência. É só conferir nossa lista de melhores filmes de guerra ...
#filmedeguerra #netflix #dicasdefilmes

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BATON ROUGE Walking Tour 4K - Walking in Louisiana Capital City's Downtown

Baton Rouge is the capital city of the U.S. state of Louisiana. It's known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and is situated along the Mississippi River.

In this video, experience the serenity of its downtown - one of the emptiest I’ve explored. Contrasting with the vibrant New Orleans which is just about an hour away.

Filmed on July 16 2023 around 12 noon, immerse yourself in this tranquil urban landscape.

Thank you for watching...

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#BatonRougeAdventures #ExploreBR #LouisianaWanderlust #DiscoverBatonRouge #BayouBeauty #SouthernCharmBR #RiverfrontVibes #CulturalCapital #HistoricLouisiana #LSUExploration #MississippiMagic #BatonRougeSights #BayouStateJourney #LouisianaLife #CityofCulture #MysticalMississippi #SouthernHospitality #BatonRougeVibes #PelicanStateTravels #LouisianaLove

【4K】4 Capitals of SOUTH AMERICA from Above | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in 4 Capitals of South America (Brasilia, Georgetown, Paramaribo and Cayenne); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-08 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

▶️ 1 Brazil: Brasilia @ 0:00
▶️ 2 Guyana: Georgetown @ 5:50
▶️ 3 Suriname: Paramaribo @ 13:52
▶️ 4 French Guiana: Cayenne @ 17:34

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Media data: This drone video (21:32min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB South America 4K Drone Video Footage & South America Drone Pictures. Copyright protected Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, contact me via E-Mail, my Blog, Facebook or Instagram Page.
???? One Man Wolf Pack Contact:

South America Drone Flight: South America is a continent in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. It may also be considered a subcontinent of the Americas, which is how it is viewed in most of Europe and the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking regions of the Americas. The reference to South America instead of other regions has increased in the last decades due to changing geopolitical dynamics. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes twelve sovereign states: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, and French Guiana. In addition, the ABC islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Falkland Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama may also be considered part of South America. South America has an area of 17,840,000 square kilometers. Its population as of 2018 has been estimated at more than 423 million. South America ranks fourth in area and fifth in population. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Capitals, World, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Capital Drone, The Capitals, Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, French, Guiana, Guinee, Brasilia, Georgetown, Paramaribo, Cayenne, Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni

???? Video [Internal ID 586] taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020

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(All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)

(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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Music (among others):
Beatcore & Ashley Apollodor - Just Stay [NCS Release] //
Jordan Schor & Harley Bird - Home [NCS Release] //
Unknown Brain & Spce CadeX - Holding You (feat. Max Landry) [NCS Release] //


Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 -

+++ Download prohibited | Absolutely NO unlicensed usage | NO reproduction (in part or in its entirety) for TV/Media/News/YouTube/Social Media or anything else without prior written permission +++

???? One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact:

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Official Best Of America - TX/OK 2018

See some of the very best places Texas and Oklahoma have to offer from the border of Mexico to Oklahoma City and points in between. See more at

Alaska Cruise 2010 #9 (College Fjord)

College Fjord, a tour of the ship's kitchen, another dancing class, and the farewell dinner are the programs for the last day on board.



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