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10 Best place to visit in Issa Russia


Russian TYPICAL (Low Budget) Supermarket: Svetofor

Dicover what a Russian TYPICAL Low Budget Supermarket looks like. Svetofor is concidered the losted priced supermarket in Russia. Ho do the prices compare inside, compared to other Russian Typical Supermarkets.

???? Store Name: Svetofor ( Светофор )
???? Store Website:
???? Street Address: Moscow, Polyany Street, 8этаж -1
???? Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 5.00 pm (17.00 pm) 13th Feburary 2024.

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow

Russian TYPICAL Apartment Tour: Could you live Here?

What does a Russian TYPICAL Apartment look like in Moscow, Russia. Together we will find out, as I take you on a tour of a 2 Room Apartment for rent in Moscow Region. What are the prices like for rental properties in Russia in 2023.

Did you want to see the other apartment in this building I toured:

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Moment Fisheye Lens:
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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану #НовостиДагестана

Если вы из России:
????Сбербанк VISA:
4276 4600 3142 5759
Алексей Константинович Н.

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0 705 772 809

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4400 4301 2164 7579
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4215 8901 1179 6774

Извиняюсь за фактическую неточность. Глубина Сулакского каньона около 1600 м

????Выпуск про потрею дрона и его поиски в дагестанских джунглях

????Выпуск про восхождение на одну из самых красивых гор Кавказа

????Выпуск про мой экстремальный поход
в Тляратинском районе

????Шамсудин, сопровождавший меня в Гооре и снимавший на языке Тролля:

????Дауд, ювелир из Кубачи:

????Гамзат, вытащивший из передряги в Чародинском районе:

????Парни, помогавшие в съёмках и поисках дрона в Зизикском ущелье:
Мейлан: (страница удалена)
Хабиб: (страница удалена)

????Ахмед, амбассадор Большого Сулакского каньона, сдаёт комнаты в Верхнем Каранае:

????Ганифа, сопровождавший меня на Шалбуздаг:

????Ирек, тоже вместе поднимались, проводит туры по Грузии:

???? Парни, с которыми мы вместе ходили по долине реки Баараор до озера Хала-Хель:
Камиль: (страница не найдена)
Хабиб (тоже там втретились, план ХЪ):

????Отдельное спасибо за дагестанскую музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макьам.
Профиль ансамбля:

❇️Чтобы увидеть много красивых фото и мои путешествия практически в прямом эфире, ПОДПИШИСЬ НА МОЙ ПРОФИЛЬ:

Всем привет от Youtube-канала VPUTNAP!
????Меня зовут Алексей, и я обожаю путешествовать!

????Сегодня у меня новый выпуск про Дагестан
????Пожалуй, такой мощной концентрации красоты в одном видео у меня ещё не было! И всё это в 4K! Я не зря был в путешествии по Дагестану целых 4 месяца!

В этом выпуске вы узнаете про 10 мест Дагестана, которые поразили меня своей неповторимой атмосферой и красотой и больше всего запали мне в душу.
Я расскажу о том, что это за места, как туда добраться и покажу, ради чего стоит приехать в Дагестан!

В этом видео вы увидите:
????самое высокогорное село в Европе Куруш (Докузапринский район)
????самое самобытное село Дагестана Кубачи (Дахадаевский район)
????один из самых красивых водопадов Дагестана Чирхалю (Чародинский район)
???? дагестанские джунгли (Зизикское ущелье, Сулейман-Стальский район)
????самый красивый (но опасный) пеший маршрут в Дагестане вдоль реки Баараор (Тляратинский район)
????дагестанский язык тролля (Шамильский район)

Ещё вы узнаете:
????чем заброшенное село Кала-Корейш (Дахадаевский район) лучше распиаренного Гамсутля (Гунибский район)
????где найти в Дагестане исландские пейзажи (долина реки Шиназ, Рутульский район)
????почему все ездят на маленький Сулакский каньон в то время, как есть реально Большой
????как отдохнуть душой и найти атмосферное место с нетронутой природой и мощнейшими видами посреди самого туристического района Дагестана (гора Маяк, Гунибский район)
????где я встретил лучший рассвет в своей жизни (гора Шалбуздаг, Докузпаринский район)

Бóльшая часть мест из моей десятки – не самые туристические.
Но, поверьте, несмотря на то, что в некоторые из них ведут плохие дороги,
либо они пока ещё малоизвестны – это всё настоящие жемчужины????
????Приятного просмотра!

00:00 Начало
01:39 Старый Гоор. Дагестанский язык Тролля
04:46 Старый Кахиб
05:15 Самое высокогорное село Европы — Куруш
08:36 Самое самобытное село Дагестана — Кубачи
12:21 Чем Кала-Корейш круче распиаренного Гамсутля
15:36 Водопад Чирхалю
16:43 Пейзажи Чародинского района — просто песня
17:40 Как я застрял на седане в глубине Чародинского района
18:49 Рутульский район. Цахурская долина
19:32 Исландские пейзажи долины реки Шиназ. Древнее село Уна
22:39 Большой фильм про Дагестан. СКОРО
23:05 Дагестанские джунгли
25:25 Большой Сулакский каньон
29:26 Почему все едут на маленький каньон, когда есть Большой?
31:00 Гора Маяк — топовое место в Дагестане
36:33 Лучший рассвет в моей жизни
37:26 Шалбуздаг: почему стоит подняться?
40:12 Долина реки Баараор: лучший пеший маршрут в Дагестане
43:10 Самый сложный поход в моей жизни
44:26 Сёла Тляратинского района
45:03 Как составлялся список мест?

Russia's LARGEST Shopping Mall After 700 Days of Sanctions

Discover what the Largest Shopping Mall in Russia looks like. Do Sanctions affect Russia, and how has the retail sector changed in Russia in the last 2 years. Discover what its like inside AviaPark , the largest shopping mall in Russia.

LINKS To some of the Stores in a seperate Video:
DNS Hypermarket (Electronics Store)
Obi (Hardware Store)
Hoff (Furniture Market)
Auchan (2 level Supermarket)
Sportmaster (Sport Store Supermarket)

???? Shopping Centre Name: Aviapark ( Авиапарк )
????Mall Location: Khodynskiy Bul'var, 4, Moscow, 125167
????Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 4.30 pm (16.30 pm) 20th January 2024.
???? Shopping Centre Website:

Ways you can support the channel:
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:
Rode Patch Cable:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#moscow #travellingwithrussell #russia

Russian TYPICAL (Hard Discount) Supermarket in 2024

What does a Russian TYPICAL Supermarket look like in surburban Moscow. Take a look inside a Russian TYPICAL Hard Discount Supermarket. How busy is it? What food items are available in 2024 in this Typical Supermarket in Russia.

???? Store Name: B1 - Perviy Vybor ( Б1 - Первый Выбор )
????Store Location: Moscow, Izmaylovskoye Highway, 6
????Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 6.00 pm (18.00 pm) 16th January 2024.
???? Store Website:

Ways you can support the channel:
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#moscow #travellingwithrussell #russia

Most Popular Places in St Petersburg Russia Walking Tour [3

Saint-Petersburg, Russia. The third part of the big walk on Sunday in St. Petersburg. In the previous episodes, we walked from the Petrogradskaya metro station along Kronverksky Avenue to the Peter and Paul Fortress. This part of the video starts from the Trinity Bridge. We will walk along Millionnaya Street to the Moika River embankment, then we will cross Palace Square and come out to Nevsky Prospect.

00:02 View of the Trinity Bridge and the Peter and Paul Fortress.
01:01 Palace Embankment.
01:10 Rostral column obelisk.
01:26 Suvorovskaya Square and a monument to the commander Suvorov.
02:11 Ahead is the Field of Mars.
02:38 Millionnaya Street.
03:15 Marble Palace 1785.
03:54 In the palace, the exposition - Foreign artists in Russia of the 18th-19th centuries.
11:13 Moika River, Bolshoi Konyushenny Bridge.
13:14 Moika 12. Pushkin's apartment.
21:03 View of the Palace Square in the early morning.
21:22 Court singing chapel 1889.
23:15 Alexander Column 1834 (Palace Square).
23:23 The column is the tallest monolith in the world (47 m).
26:34 Bolshaya Morskaya street.
28:53 Nevsky avenue.
30:18 Wawelberg Banking House (Hotel now). In the 70s, there were Aeroflot ticket offices here. Every summer we bought tickets to Aktyubinsk here ...

Our other Relaxation films:

Walking in bars and pubs. Filming inside all drinking establishments. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


Russian TYPICAL Supermarket Tour (On New Years Eve)

Together lets see what its like in a Russian TYPICAL Shopping Centre on New Years even in Moscow, Russia. Are people shopping in Russian Supermarkets? Are people spending money. This video will give you a true first hand look at Russians shoppnog on New Years Even in Russia.

???? Globus Hypermarket Website:
???? Salaris Shopping Centre Website:
???? Shopping Centre Location: Москва Киевское шоссе, 23-й километр 1, Moscow, 108811
???? Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 3.00 pm (15.00 pm) 31st December 2023.

Ways you can support me and the channel
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the things I use to create my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S22 Ultra:
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Rode Microphone:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow

MARGARITA Venezuela - The Most Beautiful Island in the Caribbean - Best Things To Do and Visit 2024

#margarita #venezuela #losroques
Discover the hidden gems of Margarita Island, Venezuela, in this captivating travel guide video! Join me as I explore the breathtaking Playa el Yaque beach, renowned as one of the world's top kitesurf and windsurfing destinations. Immerse yourself in the rich history and stunning views from the iconic lighthouse of Pampatar, and indulge in the sun-soaked paradise of Playa el Agua beach, where I share my experience staying at a remarkable hotel. Get a glimpse of the island's past at the historic Fortin de la Galera fortress in Juan Griego, and marvel at the architectural beauty of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Valle. Plus, embark on an unforgettable adventure to the enchanting Island of Cubagua. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural delights, this comprehensive tour has got you covered. Don't miss out on this incredible journey – join me now!

Kyrgyzstan Supermarket Tour: Moscow vs. Bishkek

Come along on a walk through a Kyrgyzstan Supermarket together with a Russian friend, as we compared a supermarket in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan with supermarkets in Moscow, Russia. What differs will we find? How are they different?

???? Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
⌚ Time of Filming: 14.00 pm (2.00 pm) 5th July 2023.

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Ways you can support the channel:
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
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Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:
Rode Patch Cable:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission from every purchase.
#supermarket #travellingwithrussell #bishkek

⁴ᴷ Russia St Petersburg City Walking Tour Dekabristov Street. LIVE CAMERA

Saint Petersburg Russia City Walking Tour. Central District: Dekabristov Street.
Daytime spring walk in St. Petersburg, Russia, along Dekabristov Street, in the central area. On Dekabristov Street there are three stages of the Mariinsky Theater: the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater, the second stage of the Mariinsky Theater and the main stage of the Mariinsky Theater. We will not go inside, except for the lobby of the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater.
But it's still nice to walk around St. Petersburg on a pleasant sunny day!
Dekabristov street in St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful streets in the central area. It seems that spring has come to St. Petersburg ... I think we were just lucky!
Saint Petersburg City Walking Tour. Mariinsky Theater, Synagogue.
????️ Map of the Walk:
???? Route length 1 miles (1,7 km)
???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
00:01 Pisarev Street.
01:00 Dekabristov Street.
02:03 Estonian Church of St. John.
07:00 Workshop street.
10:30 Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater. Opened in 2006. Prices from $ 10 to $ 30.
14:20 Lermontovsky prospect.
15:46 Great Choral Synagogue 1883.
24:02 On the right - the Mariinsky-2 Theater 2013.
25:10 Kryukov channel.
27:03 Trade Bridge, Union of Pechatnikov Street.
27:46 Left - State Academic Mariinsky Theater 1849.
30:54 Theater Square.
31:25 Decembrists Street.
⛅ Air temperature 39 ° F (4 ° C)
???? Camera: DJI Pocket 2
???? If you like videos of walking around St. Petersburg, subscribe to my channel!
⭐ Nevsky Prospect. St. Petersburg

⭐ Night in St. Petersburg ????

⭐ Petrogradskaya Side, Saint Petersburg

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Saigon Water Bus - A Relaxing Sunset Ride in Vietnam

Relax with us as we take a chill trip down the Saigon River via Water Bus. Enjoy the sunset and beautiful neon lights of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam. This is a very mellow vlog, it's more about the atmosphere than me rambling on. Our Russian Friend joins us, but don't expect her to talk much. We are just acting like tourists. I hope you enjoy it. Second Half shot in 4k 60 FPS.

My Videos are translated into over 80 languages. Just select your language in the (CC) settings.

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Thank you very much everyone for all the love you send my way. I assure you, the feeling is mutual.

I am an American Expat in Ho Chi Minh City, (Saigon) Vietnam. (I dislike the word Expatriate). I have lived in Vietnam for 3 years, I am almost considered an expert at living abroad. As I live, work and travel in Vietnam and south east Asia, I want to take you around with me to show you what I saw in Vietnam, in South East Asia and talk with you about my experiences living in Saigon HCMC and take you with me as I travel vlog around Vietnam and South East Asia in 2022. I am not a backpacker but I started by wanting to backpack through South East Asia. I was going to just visit of vacation, but I was going to take part in tourism activities. I was going to be a globetrotting tourist but I never really planed to document mytravels. Was going to be a long holiday trip, maybe I would become a digital nomad. But I knew Vietnam would be my home when I got here, now Saigon is my home, where I work and live, but I still plan to motor bike across Asia, motovlog Vietnam, moto vlog South East Asia, dare I motorbike into China? And also fly around South East Asia, to tour and travel, But for now, this is my Vietnam life, my HCMC Saigon life, my expat life. I always thought living abroad would be scary, but it's interesting and fulfilling. The food is amazing, the culture is fascinating and the people are friendly and welcoming. If you ever wanted to take the leap to travel and live abroad, Tourism in Vietnam is buzzing right now since Vietnam reopens. I am often asked: are Vietnam borders open? Yes indeed, tourism reopened in 2022. Want to know what I saw in Vietnam and my life in HCMC Saigon. What I think about Vietnam and traveling and living abroad? What to do in Vietnam? How do live in Asia? What to do in Saigon? How to work, or work as a teacher in Asia? How to get a visa or what a digital nomads life could be like in Asia or Vietnam? What is it like to be an Expat in Vietnam and South East Asia? I am an expat, a Saigon Vlogger, a HCMC vlogger, a moto vlogger, a lifestyle vlogger, a digital nomad resource, a Saigon nightlife vlogger, an immigrant, a migrant worker. I make vlogma videos, (wth is vlogma) I want a daily vlog, but ain't got the time. But I can do a video diary, which makes me an online creator. Why anyone would watch vloggers as bad as me, I don't know. Sometimes I make food vlogs, foodporn? Did you know yum in Vietnams mean horn.., well, neverminded. I hope you will feel encouraged by my channel. I will show you a lot of things like how to live abroad, how to be a digital nomad, how to work in Asia, how to experience Vietnam, how to make friends and build a life in Asia, how to enjoy the culture and food. How to be a gamer in Asia. How to live a life in Asia, like a normal person. How to be a happy person. I am not a Vietnam digital nomad in HCMC. But I know a few. Did you actually read all that? Tell me in the comments that you did and I will give you shoutout in my next video. Some keywords I like to include are: Beautiful Scenery Vietnam

距中國最近的俄羅斯城市,僅800米遠,沒護照也能出國,俄羅斯布拉戈維申斯克,Blagoveshchensk,Благовещенск,Russia,The closest Russian city

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A man asks Sadhguru if he believes in Jesus Christ, Sadhguru's answer will shock you

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For additional information on Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, visit their website at
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This is not an official channel. No volunteers or ashram is involved in making these videos.

#Sadhguru #Christ #coronavirus

Amalfi & Atrani, Italy Walking Tour - 4K 60fps with Captions *NEW*

This walking tour of Amalfi, Italy was filmed on Saturday July 30th, 2022 starting at 11:07 AM on the Amalfi Drive leading into town. This tour also includes a walk around Atrani, which is the filming location for the move The Equalizer 3 with Denzel Washington.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

????Complete List of Walks: ????
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????Merchandise - ????

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Drone intro and Map
1:30 Amalfi Drive view
5:20 Beach Walk - Amalfi
19:00 Piazza Flavio Gioia
23:37 Piazza Duomo
29:19 Chiostro del Paradiso
33:05 Diocesan Museum
34:49 Crypt of St. Andrew
39:19 Cathedral of St. Andrew
44:35 Largo Duchi Piccolomini
51:52 Piazza dei Dogi
55:45 Via Lorenzo D’Amalfi
1:04:02 La Fontana De Cape E Ciucci
1:14:59 Via Torre dello Ziro
1:19:10 Salita S. Lorenzo del Piano
1:26:35 Salita Capo di Croce
1:30:45 Via Nuova Santa Maria delle Signore
1:35:25 Atrani (The Equalizer 3)
1:40:54 Collegiate Santa Maria Maddalena
1:48:47 Piazza Umberto I
1:53:43 Beach Walk - Atrani
2:05:20 Amalfi Drive (SS163)
2:09:38 Amalfi
2:12:13 Piazza Municipio
2:14:57 Piazza Duomo
2:18:21 Beach Walk - Amalfi #2
2:26:36 Ferry Terminal
2:29:19 Via Lungomare dei Cavalieri
2:32:56 Beach Walk - Port of Amalfi

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 11
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Amalfi #Amalficoast

''Kızılderililer Türk MÜ?'' Yakutistan'da Türkler Hakkında Bunları Duymadınız / 526

Selam dostlar bu bölümde Yakutistan'da bulunan Saha Türklerini ziyaret edip, onların gelenek ve göreneklerine şahit oldum. Saha Türkleri hakkında bilgiler edinip sizler için derlerdim. Saha Türkçesi ve Türkiye Türkçesini karşılaştırıp sizler için benzer kelimeleri konuştuk.







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Vamos descobrir como vivem na Sibéria durante o inverno! Conhecemos a cidade de Omsk.

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Split, Croatia Walking Tour - 4K 60fps with Captions

This walking tour of SPLIT, CROATIA was filmed on Tuesday July 26th, 2022 starting at 11:08 AM at the Matejuška Port . For the best experience, be sure to turn on closed captions [CC] and wear headphones ???? as you watch this tour.

????️Map of the Walk - ????️
????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
???? Help with a donation! - ????
???? Support me on Patreon - ????
???? Become a Member - ????
????Merchandise - ????

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Drone intro and Map
2:15 Matejuška Port
4:39 Trumbiceva Obala
6:40 Riva Promenade
12:11 Ferry Terminal
20:11 Marmontova Ulica
21:33 Fish Market
26:35 Ulica kralja Tomislava
30:20 Golden Gate & Gregory of Nin
32:41 Hrvojeva Ulica
33:56 Silver Gate
37:15 Riva Promenade
40:01 Trg Brace Radic (Fruit Square)
42:35 Narodna trg (People’s Square)
49:21 The One-time Convent of Santa Maria de Taurello
54:51 Morpurgova Poljana
57:24 Trg braće Radić (Fruit Square)
58:26 The remains of the Church of St. Michael
1:04:37 Peristyle Court
1:05:41 Vestibul
1:14:35 Triclinium (Diocletian’s Dining Room)
1:20:40 Diocletian’s Mausoleum & Cathedral
1:25:56 Undergound Market
1:31:59 Hrvojeva Street Market
1:32:39 Green Market
1:37:21 Silver Gate
1:41:02 Iron Gate
1:41:55 Narodni trg (People’s Square)
1:46:20 Golden Gate
1:52:21 Carrarina Poljana
1:57:03 Peristyle Square
1:58:11 Temple of Jupiter
1:59:05 Let Me Pass Lane
2:01:50 Trg braće Radić (Fruit Square)
2:03:04 Riva Promenade
2:06:24 Platz der Republik
2:08:13 Marmontova Ulica
2:11:48 Matošića Ulica
2:14:10 Ulica ban Mladenova
2:16:01 Senjska Ulica
2:20:34 Prva vidilica na Marjanu
2:29:01 Seaside Promenade

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 10
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
????Gimbal2: DJI Ronin S2
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Split #Croatia

Japan’s $3000 Most Luxurious Sleeper Train ???????? | Train Suite Shikishima

I traveled on Japan's most expensive and luxurious overnight sleeper train! It was one of the best experiences in my entire life! Please turn on the subtitles to watch the video.

• Information about this train | Train Suite Shikishima

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• First Class Suite Flight From Tokyo To Singapore | Singapore Airlines A380

• First Class Overnight Sleeper Train In Japan ???? | West Express Ginga

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4K | Train Suite Shikishima | Suite Room | Shikishima Train | Overnight Sleeper Train | First Class | best sleeper trains in the world | most expensive sleeper train | japan most expensive train | longest train journey in japan|トランスイート四季島 | solo travel journal
#luxuryexperience #suiteroom #sleepertrain #solotraveljournal



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