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10 Best place to visit in Helden Netherlands


Regional reisen! - Die Top 10 Reiseziele Deutschlands

So viel Schönes liegt so nah! Auch Deutschland bietet uns eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an sehr unterschiedlichen Urlaubsregionen. Hier findet jeder sein Lieblingsziel - ob Aktivurlauber, Wellnessliebhaber oder Familienmensch. Wir stellen euch in diesem Beitrag unsere 10 Favoriten deutscher Urlaubsdestinationen vor - vom Norden bis zum Süden, von West nach Ost - eine Reise durch Deutschlands schönste Regionen.

Weitere Infos zu diesen findet ihr u.a. auch hier:

| Unser Format: Top-Themen |
Urlaubstipps in Form von Rankingvideos machen mit hochwertigen Bildern Lust aufs Reisen und liefern Infos zu den besten Ausflugszielen und Unternehmungen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf Destinationen im deutschsprachigen Raum.

MARCO POLO TV ist der erste journalistische deutschsprachige TV-Reisesender und kommt aus dem Verlagshaus MairDumont. Die Themen Reisen, Kultur, Genuss und Natur stehen genauso im Fokus wie der Umgang mit Ressourcen, der Schutz und Erhalt von Ökosystemen sowie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Alle Informationen sind aufwändig recherchiert und immer auf dem aktuellen Stand. Reise-Reportagen, Dokumentationen, serviceorientierte Sendungen und Reisetipps laden zum Träumen und Reisen ein und werden in bester HD-Qualität ausgestrahlt. Urlaub zum greifen nah.

Hier gibt's weitere Informationen:

Unsere TOP 5 Urlaubsorte in Holland am Meer

Es geht um Camping in Holland am Meer. Wir sind häufig zum Camping in den Niederlande und stellen euch unsere liebsten Orte und Campingplätze in Holland direkt am Meer vor. Mit Hund waren wir in Julianadorp, Noordwijk, Bergen aan Zee, Ouddorp und am Brouwersdam unterwegs.

???? Weiterführende Videos & Links:


???? Inhaltsverzeichnis:
00:00 - Intro Camping in Holland am Meer
01:03 - Ouddorp in Südholland
02:01 - Julianadorp in Nordholland
03:05 - Videosponsoring by Silwy
04:49 - Scharendijk in Zeeland
06:02 - Noordwijk in Südholland
08:01 - Bergen Aan Zee in Nordholland

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—— Unsere Top10 fürs WoMo ???? —————————————
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1085 NETHERLANDS - A67 Hapert Eersel Someren Asten Liesse Helden Velden Trip From Velfium To Germany

???? £1.00 Donation Click here ???? ???? WWW.TOFIL.NET ???? REC DATE - 2019 #tofil


00:00:18 Border
00:03:37 #Hapert A67 Junction 29
00:06:09 #Eersel A67 Junction 30
00:11:57 #A67 Junction 32a
00:25:16 #Someren A67 Junction 35
00:28:02 #Asten A67 Junction 36
00:23:57 #Liesse A67 Junction 37
00:38:42 #Helden A67 Junction 38
00:43:06 #Venlo A67 Junction 39
00:47:20 #Velden A67 Junction 40
00:48:58 #Velden A67 Junction 41

Borkum, Ostfriesland und die Niederlande: Mit dem Fahrrad die Ems entlang | Wunderschön | ARD Reisen

Alles Friesisch oder was? Daniel Aßmann macht eine Fahrradtour von Borkum an die Ems und lernt dabei Land und Leute auf der holländischen und der ostfriesisch-deutschen Seite kennen. Rund um die Emsmündung und den Dollart entdeckt er die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der beiden Nachbarländer. (Mehr Wunderschön findet ihr in der ARD Mediathek: )

00:00:00 Begrüßung
00:01:22 Borkum
00:08:44 Seehundbank und Nordsee-Aquarium
00:19:06 Seenotrettung und Heimatmuseum
00:22:45 Reiten und Radtour
00:35:33 Von Eemshaven bis Lauwersoog
00:43:17 Lauwersoog
00:47:23 Fahrradstadt Groningen
01:04:23 Appingedam nach Emden
01:10:59 Überfahrt nach Emden
01:15:30 Seehundstation Norddeich
01:27:26 Verabschiedung

Zwischendurch wechselt er auch mal das Gefährt: Er rast mit einem Strandsegler, einem segelgetriebenen Kart, das bis zu 100 km/h schnell werden kann, über die Sandbank des Borkumer Strands. Auf dem Festland spielt er den Vorkoster für die Seehunde in der Robbenstation in Norddeich.

Die Region um Emsmündung und Dollart besticht durch die Nachbarschaft der Niederlande mit dem deutschen Ostfriesland. Heute stehen sich die Friesen auf beiden Seiten der Landesgrenzen nah. Die deutsch-niederländische Geschichte der Region war jedoch nicht immer so friedvoll. Jahrhundertelang war die Gegend rund um die Emsmündung und den Dollart umkämpft. Teile des Dollarts, die Meeresbucht an der Grenze zwischen Deutschland und den Niederlanden, wurden im 17. Jahrhundert durch Eindeichungen trockengelegt, und so entstanden neue Ländereien, die von beiden Nationen genutzt wurden. Im Jahr 1648 wurde der Westfälische Frieden geschlossen, der den jahrzehntelangen Krieg zwischen den europäischen Mächten beendete. Die Region rund um den Dollart wurde dabei als gemeinsames Gebiet von Deutschland und den Niederlanden definiert, das von beiden Seiten genutzt werden konnte. In der Folgezeit kam es jedoch immer wieder zu Streitigkeiten und Konflikten zwischen den beiden Ländern, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Schifffahrtsrechte. Erst im Jahr 1960 wurde der Ems-Dollart-Vertrag geschlossen, der die Zusammenarbeit in verschiedenen Bereichen regelte. Insbesondere die Nutzung der Ems als Schifffahrtsroute wurde dabei neu geregelt. Der Vertrag gilt bis heute als wichtiger Meilenstein in den deutsch-niederländischen Beziehungen. 2014 wurde dieser Vertrag zuletzt nochmal erweitert.

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Ein Film von Dieter Schug. Redaktion: Christiane Möllers. Der Film wurde im Auftrag des WDR für die Sendung Wunderschön im Jahr 2022 produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Wunderschön produziert Reisedokumentationen für den WDR. Es werden Reiseziele auf der ganzen Welt vorgestellt. Wunderschön versucht Menschen, Kultur, Kulinarik und die Landschaft des jeweiligen Reiseziels zu zeigen und gibt Tipps für die Planung des eigenen Urlaubs.

Onride Python ???? - Efteling

Een onride van de Python in de Efteling! Overleef de kronkelende bewegingen op grote hoogte in deze stalen achtbaan met dubbele looping en kurkentrekker. Maak een duizelingwekkende rit en ontsnap aan de draaiende wurggreep van de Python die in alle rust op je wacht..

#onride #efteling #python

Abonneer je op het Efteling YouTube kanaal en bekijk als eerste nieuwe video's van de #Efteling!

Kijk ook op of op en blijf op de hoogte van alles uit de wondere wereld van de Efteling.

Außergewöhnliche Hotels - 8 verrückte Unterkünfte weltweit | ARD Reisen

Ein ganz außergewöhnliche Reise durch Japan gibt's jetzt auch schon in der ARD Mediathek:

Möchtest du einmal auf einem Bett aus Eis übernachten, die Nacht hoch oben in einem Baumhaus in Lappland verbringen oder in einem Übersee-Container schlafen? Oder lieber Schlossatmosphäre genießen, in einem Bett am Pazifik aufwachen oder eine Nacht in einer kühlen Höhle verbringen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir stellen euch 8 Hotels dieser Welt vor, in denen genau solche Träume wahr werden können.

00:25 Eishotel in Lappland
05:24 Kitsch in Kalifornien: Übernachten am Highway 1
10:45 Schloss Lomnitz im Hirschberger Tal, Polen
16:35 Hotel New York in Rotterdam
24:00 Jokkmokk, im Land der Samen: Baumhaus-Hotel
28:01 Camperparadies: Basecamp in Bonn
33:15 The Singular Patagonia in Chile
39:14 Übernachten in Überseecontainern in Warnemünde

Aber nicht nur das Übernachten kann ein Abenteuer sein. Wir haben auch die visionären Besitzer dieser Hotels kennengelernt. Mit Enthusiasmus und Einfallsreichtum schaffen sie Orte, die überraschen, begeistern und verzaubern. Übernachten einmal anders – das sind ganz besondere Erlebnisse in unvergesslichen Hotels.

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Außergewöhnliche Hotels - 8 verrückte Unterkünfte weltweit ist eine Kompilation von Katja Devaux. Redaktion Claudia Bohm. Dieser Film wurde 2023 im Auftrag des Hessischen Rundfunks produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert.

Wohnmobil Neuheiten 2022: Die Top 7 besten Campingplätze Europas. Urlaub 2022

Die kompletten Filme seht ihr auf dem YouTube Kanal German Television:

Abonniert den Kanal, um täglich mit den neusten Wohnmobil & Technik-Videos versorgt zu werden.

#camping #campingtipps #campingplatz #europa #2020 #2021#gardasee

0:00 Intro
0:10 Jesolo International, Italien
9:15 Monte Generoso, Schweiz
17:42 Les Méditerranées, Frankreich
28:05 Gitzenweiler Hof, Deutschland
39:48 Union Lido, Italien
53:16 Marina di Venezia, Italien
1:12:15 Alpencamping Nenzing, Österreich

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Oktoberfest Heroes: Andrea

This is Andrea, a Hofbräu-Festzelt waitress who is approx. 150cm tall. She is our hero.

???? Note the foam in the beer.. it's supposed to be at that level. By the time it gets to the table it will settle and the glasses will contain exactly 1 Litre of delicious Munich beer. Prost! ????

Check out more Oktoberfest heroes here:

To become an Oktoberfest server one needs to be something a little more than human. They need to survive 16 days of the most grueling and underappreciated work. It’s a year’s worth of training—physical, mental, emotional—for 16 days straight working 12-hour days. On their feet, in a tent, under all kinds of pressure.

So let's say an almighty PROST to these heroes who keep the 6.5 million visitors hydrated in the beer tents!

Top Restaurants to Visit in Helden, Limburg Province | The Netherlands - English

Helden is a small city located in the Limburg Province of the Netherlands. With a rich history that dates back to medieval times, Helden has a lot to offer in terms of historical landmarks and cultural heritage. The city was first mentioned in historical records in the 14th century and has since grown into a vibrant community.

One of the notable landmarks in Helden is the O.L. Vrouw van Zeven Smarten Church, a beautiful Gothic-style church that dates back to the 15th century. This church is not only a place of worship but also a significant historical site that attracts tourists from all over.

In addition to its historical attractions, Helden also offers a range of outdoor activities for nature enthusiasts. The city is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and is a great destination for h
Music track: Enlivening by Pufino


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This channel is dedicated to showcasing the exquisite charm of world capitals and cities, aiming to boost tourism in these destinations.

Helden boasts an array of exquisite restaurants. Within England, Helden stands out for hosting some of the finest dining establishments. Our research has identified the top 10 must-visit restaurants in Helden.
These acclaimed dining spots have garnered both local and nationwide attention, making them beloved destinations for diners across England. In this presentation, we'll guide you through the most stunning restaurants that Helden has to offer.

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All visual and audio content, including videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this presentation, are the property of their respective owners. This channel does not claim any ownership rights over them.

DEN HELDER in the Netherlands may surprise you (feat. Chris Chameleon)


Den Helder is a municipality and a city in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland. Den Helder occupies the northernmost point of the North Holland peninsula. It is home to the country's main naval base. From here the Royal TESO ferryboat service operates the transportation link between Den Helder and the nearby Dutch Wadden island of Texel to the north.

Den Helder has played an important part in Dutch shipping. During the Dutch Golden Age, ships would be assembled near Den Helder and sail the world's oceans from there.

Den Helder was the site of a naval base as early as the 18th century. An Anglo-Russian invasion force landed at Den Helder in August 1799 and captured the Batavian navy there (see Battle of Castricum). French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, visiting Den Helder in 1811, was impressed with the town's strategic location and ordered the construction of a fort (Kijkduin) and naval dockyards (Willemsoord). The docks were built during the years 1813–1827. In 1947, it officially became the Royal Netherlands Navy's main centre of operations. Den Helder continues to be the navy's main base today. The Royal Netherlands Naval College is also located in the city, as is the Dutch Navy Museum.

The old naval dockyards of Willemsoord, located in the north of the city, now house restaurants, a cinema, and other recreational facilities. The naval docks and administration have been moved to a new location further east.

12 Travel Tips about Leiden | LEIDEN TRAVEL GUIDE, in 8 minutes!

LEIDEN TRAVEL GUIDE. This is Leiden, the birthplace of Rembrandt van Rijn, the city with the oldest university in the Netherlands and with windmills. With this Leiden Guide you get all the travel information from the oldest botanical garden, parks, shopping places, to the best place to stay... and with some hidden gems, from locals! Leiden is only 20-30 minutes by train from Amsterdam and 15 minutes from The Hague.

▬ Things to do in Leiden - Travel Guide Leiden ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00​​ - Intro
1:35 - Hofjes (courtyards)
2:04 - Molens (windmills)
2:36 - Dicht op de muur (poems)
2:54 - Rapenburg
3:21 - Hortus Botanicus Leiden
3:57 - Shopping
4:22 - CTY Books design hotel
5:01 - Burcht van Leiden (artificial hill)
5:38 - Birthplace of Rembrandt van Rijn
6:53 - Singelpark (city park)
7:27 - Gerecht
7:49 - Morspoort (old city gate)

Link (from video):
Dicht op de muur :
VVV (Leiden Marketing) :


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Gear used in the Leiden Guide:
Panasonic GH5
Lumix 42.5mm f 1.7
Lumix 8-18mm f 2.8-4.0
Lumix 15mm f 1.7
Lumix 35-100mm f 2.8
iPhone X Film mic pro
DJI Ronin S

#leiden #leidentravel #leidentravelguide

5 Bizarre things you can do in The Netherlands !

Find out about 5 bizarre but very cool things that you can do in The Netherlands.

These are some of the most unique and adventurous activities if you really want to do something special.

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rijksmuseum - Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide - Travel Bite

More info about travel to Amsterdam: The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, is one of the artistic highlights of Europe. It was built to showcase the art of the Dutch Golden Age. #ricksteveseurope #netherlands #amsterdam

Visit for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.

Check out more Rick Steves’ Europe travel resources:
• “Rick Steves’ Europe” public television series:
• “Travel with Rick Steves” public radio program:
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• Rick Steves Audio Europe App:

Rick Steves, America's most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.

Amsterdam's best art museum, the Rijksmuseum

travel videos & photos at: with text, maps & links.
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands is a huge world-famous collection presented in 80 galleries, exhibiting 8,000 objects that tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history. This collection focuses primarily on Dutch paintings of the 16th and 17th centuries, rather than trying to present a complete sample of the entire world of art. The museum has a lot to show, thanks especially to the extreme genius of great native painters, Frans Hals, Vermeer, van Ruisdael, Jan Steen, and most-famously, Rembrandt.
Don’t miss out on the absolute highlights, like Vermeer’s Milkmaid, Van Gogh’s Self-portrait and a gorgeous collection of Delft Blue pottery ranging from tea sets to vases,
The total archive includes 1 million objects from the years 1200–2000, with more than 2,000 paintings from the Dutch Golden Age. Some 30 galleries are dedicated to the glory of the Golden Age, when the young mercantile republic led the world in trade, science, shipping and the arts.
Many objects from Dutch history tell the story with Paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, silver, porcelain, delftware, furniture, jewelry, costumes and more. There are also dozens of rooms with medieval arts and later decorative pieces of the 19th century, 17th century miniature house models, along with a sampling of minor Italian Renaissance paintings
The building itself is a major work of art, designed in neo-Gothic and Reneissance styles by Pierre Cuypers, who also designed the similar-looking Central Train Station, both completed in the 1880s. The red terra-cotta façade is adorned with many statues, decorative stripes, reliefs and ceramic plaques, using a mix of medieval and 19th century styles.

STAY IN A LIGHTHOUSE (NEAR AMSTERDAM) // Quirky places to stay in Europe (Almere)

Want to see other unique places to stay in the Netherlands?

BOOK this lighthouse:

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???? We're Sean and Jessica from the USA and are now expats living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands since 2014. We travel all around Europe to discover new places, good food, and memorable experiences. You'll also find a bunch of Amsterdam content because we love our new home city! Follow our European travel adventures for food and fun ????

#uniqueplacestostay #uniqueaccommodations #weslepthere #iamsterdam #visitnetherlands

Walking in Spaarndam, the Netherlands - Mooie Nel, Hans Brinker statue and more | 4K

A short walking tour through the village of Spaarndam near Haarlem in the Netherlands. Having gained fame as the setting of the 1865 American novel Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates, Spaarndam is an excellent spot to kick back and enjoy some good food and drinks.

00:00 Fortress bezuiden Spaarndam (1901)
02:42 Spaarne River and Mooie Nel
03:35 Boezemgemaal water pumping station (1844)
10:38 Kolksluice (1280, renovated 2022)
15:35 Information
16:40 Statue of Hans Brinker, the Hero of Haarlem (1950)
20:20 Grote Sluis sluice (1569, renovated multiple times)

Recorded in September 2022


Amsterdam Food - Best Chocolate Shop in Amsterdam Urban Cacao

Amsterdam food experiences can be varied. Are you looking for the best chocolate shop in Amsterdam? My favourite is Chocolatier Urban Cacao, whom I have selected as my local hero. Dutch bank ING is running a campaign called Local Heroes (Lokale Helden) which aims to highlight local shop owners who are doing amazing things. Through my affiliation with the Bloggers Network, I was asked by ING to nominate my favourite shop. Being the chocoholic that I am, I immediately thought of my favourite chocolate shop in Amsterdam, Urban Cacao.

Urban Cacao opened its doors on the Rozengracht in Amsterdam in early 2014. They produce an amazing selection of products including chocolates and macarons. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to meet the owner and chocolatier of Urban Cacao, Hans Mekking.

-Urban Cacao:
-ING Local Heroes:
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Music used: Get Some 002

Bruges Belgium Tour Travel | RoamerRealm

This video is about Bruges Belgium Tour Travel | RoamerRealm

Ever since I first landed in Bruges Belgium, apart from the ‘high praises’ that were given to Antwerp and Brussels, there were two other towns that gained a lot of raves from tourists and travelers alike: Bruges and Ghent.

EuRail Pass Video -
Bruges' Tourism Website -

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Tripod (Budget) - (Amazon)
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Mic (Rode) - (Amazon)
Smartphone Mount- (Amazon)

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We've already explored Ghent in the earlier video, and today we're here at Bruges Belgium; a seemingly favorite choice of Belgians when it comes to charming little old towns! In this video, I'll give you a quick snapshot about this place with some essential information in case you're planning a visit here! So, let's go explore Bruges (Brugge) Belgium!

Bruges (Brugge) Belgium, is the capital and largest city in the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium. In Dutch, the name means ‘bridges'. The city center is rather small and an outstanding example of a medieval historic settlement! Thanks to the cobbled lanes, dreamy canals & medieval architecture being in Bruges (Brugge) Belgium can make you feel like you're walking and living in a fairy tale town

Getting to Bruges (Brugge) Belgium is easy from many places in Belgium and the Netherlands. It's well connected and you can reach here by using a car, taxi, bus or train. Belgium has an excellent rail system so it shouldn’t be hard for you to reach here using that.

The Center is the hub of all activities, but during peak season it can be really crowded for ones taste. You can escape that with De Brugse Vesten - a scenic park or ‘green belt’ around the city’s historic center that’s also laced with canals.A backpack is fine, but remember that the city has streets with cobbled stones so carrying a strolley or a suitcase will be challenging!You'll cross the beautiful Minnewater Park, also knows as the ‘Lake of Love’ on the way towards the center! Incase you get hungry, grab a quick bite at one of the many street side restaurants and if you're tired, or maybe just curious, you could ride a horse carriage.

The Grote Market Or simply ‘Markt‘ is a large market square of Bruges (Brugge) Belgium that packs a lot of character! It has a prominent statue in the middle highlighting two ‘heroes’ of the city, the reference being the historical Battle of the Golden Spurs. The Belfry, it's a medieval (12th century) bell tower rising at 83 meters and it is surely one of Bruges’ most prominent symbols. It has 366 steps and should you choose to climb them, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic view of the entire city! Some very talented street artists can be spotted here as well! I think prior to this day I had never seen a person playing a Harp in real, so this was an incredible sight! Also, you'll be surprised to know that these artists don't just randomly start playing on the streets. They audition in the city hall and only the really good ones make the cut and are then assigned spots throughout the city where they can to play in public. This quality control is done keeping the tourists in mind!

Next is one of the most photographed area in Bruges (Brugge) Belgium. It's also right next to the hotel which was also featured in the movie ‘In Bruges‘. Canal cruises also start & I can't stress enough that a trip to Bruges (Brugge) Belgium would NOT be complete without this experience! It may sound like ‘touristy’ thing to do but I still think it's one of those experiences which should not be missed.

As always, thanks for watching, keep exploring, this is Rahul and I'll see you in the next one!

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Places on earth that don’t feel real: The Netherlands - Rotterdam Zuid! #nederland???????? #zomer

ONE DAY IN AMSTERDAM - City Tour, Anne Frank House and MORE | Epic European Adventure #EP21

In this video we spend one day in Amsterdam touring the City and seeing as many sites and attractions we can in a short period of time.

We start the day with a free walking tour around Amsterdam from Sandemans Tours. The Amsterdam Free Tour starts in front of the National Monument in Dam Square and we walk past the quintessential Amsterdam canals, bridges and houses before discovering the Jewish Quarter, hidden churches and Multatuli's giant head as well as learning about the Dutch bike culture. More information on the Walking Tour can be found Here:

Alternatively check out my favourite FREE Walking Tour Company GuruWalk here:

After our free walking tour we explored the city by ourselves, first we headed for a traditional Dutch pancake house for our lunch. then visited some museums.

In the afternoon we visited the Anne Frank House which is a must for any visitor to Amsterdam.

Epic European Adventure Series
Episode 01 - Home to London:
Episode 02 - London to Paris:
Episode 03 - Disneyland Paris:
Episode 04 - Walt Disney Studios:
Episode 05 - Paris to Zurich:
Episode 06 - Zurich to Milan:
Episode 07 - Pisa:
Episode 08 - Florence:
Episode 09 - Rome:
Episode 10 - Vatican City and Rome:
Episode 11 - Pompeii and Sorrento:
Episode 12 - Capri and Amalfi Coast:
Episode 13 - Venice:
Episode 14 - Gardaland:
Episode 15 - Gardaland, Venice, Sleeper train to Vienna:
Episode 16 - Vienna:
Episode 17 - Kraków:
Episode 18 - Prague:
Episode 19 - Berlin:
Episode 20 - Berlin to Amsterdam:
Episode 21 - Amsterdam:

Travelshorts’ Epic European Adventure is a family travel vlog about a father, son and daughter travelling around Europe over three weeks using only Trains, buses, boats and taxis. The plan was to see as much as possible whilst still reducing our carbon footprint. In this 22 episode series we visit France, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican City, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and of course the UK. The goal was to have as much fun as possible and create memories that will last a life time.

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Unlike most YouTubers I don't want money from you via Patreon, I make these videos for fun not for profit, but if you feel like you want to donate anything please consider giving to charity instead:
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00:00 Introduction
00:32 Breakfast in Amsterdam
00:53 Dam Square in Amsterdam
01:22 Amsterdam Free Walking Tour
16:23 Touring around Amsterdam
17:11 Rembrandt Square Amsterdam
17:22 Pancakes in Amsterdam
17:55 Walking around Amsterdam
18:19 Ruks Museum Amsterdam
20:01 More walking around Amsterdam
20:49 Shopping in Amsterdam
21:08 Trying different drinks in Amsterdam
22:15 Walking to the Anne Frank House
22:59 Anne Frank House Review
23:46 Anne Frank Monument
25:13 Dinner in Amsterdam
25:44 Walking back to Hotel in Amsterdam
26:06 Back at the Van Gelder Hotel in Amsterdam
26:37 Thanks for Watching



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