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10 Best place to visit in Gehrden Germany


Visit Hannover - Top 10 Sites in Hannover Germany

Whether you are just passing through on your way to Berlin or Hamburg, Hannover is the biggest small town in Germany. With numerous sites, a nice rebuilt historic center and the home of numerous trade fairs like CeBIT Hanover offers a lot of travelers and tourists. Here we give you the top 10 sights to see in Hanover, Germany
filmed in Hannover
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014

Walking tour in Hannover, Germany - 4K 60fps

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Today's tour is in Hanover city, the capital city of lower saxony state in Germany. we explore the old town and all the famous landmarks. I focus more to show you the natural life in hanover and a city full of life in streets, restaurants, parks, coffeeshops, train stations.

HANOVER in 3 minutes | THE LOCALS for Hannover City

Hannover, also called Hanover, is the city with the red thread. The arrival is easy: Hanover Airport is 15 minutes away from the city centre, Hanover Central Station is located directly in the city centre. We show you some highlights like the Tiergarten, Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten, Maschsee and the Nanas.

#theTravellers #Hanover #Europetravel

Recommended stay: min 2 days
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Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) Erlebnis Zoo Hannover

Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) Erlebnis Zoo Hannover

Hanover Zoo is located in the city centre of Hanover, Germany. The zoo was established on 4 May 1865, and comprises an area of 22 hectares. It contains about 3,414 animals in 237 species, which are cared for by more than 400 employees in the summer season.

Hanover Zoo is the fifth oldest German zoo. It was established in 1865 with private money. To cover expenses, a stock company was founded. Without any experience in the keeping of wild animals, the company faced significant difficulties and, as a result, losses. It was often visited by local residents.

Due to the consequences of World War I, ever increasing subsidies by the government were needed to keep the zoo open. In 1920, the city took over, but in 1922, when the zoo was no longer financially viable, it was closed. Two years later, in 1924, due to public pressure and private commitment by the animal trading company Ruhe, it was re-opened with a lions' canyon and monkey rock. In 1932, Ruhe completely took over the zoo and used it as a showcase for their pet shop. Often, the animals were only exhibited for a few weeks before they were sold.

During World War II, the zoo was badly damaged. In 1946, Ruhe restored parts of the zoo provisionally and few animals could be seen until the reopening in 1950. As time passed and with funding from the municipal budget, new enclosures were built for rhinos, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, seals, and penguins. At this time, Hanover Zoo was renowned for its elephant breeding program: 10 Asian and 3 African elephants were born. In 1972, the zoo was again taken over by the city of Hanover.

In the early 1990s, the zoo had continuously falling visitor numbers. In 1994, it was converted into a limited company and sold to Hanover Region and work on a new concept started the next year. €111.9 million has since been invested in the zoo's development. Since 2000, more than a million people have visited the zoo annually. In 2005, the Winter-Zoo was introduced, in 2007, the children's paradise Mollywoop was opened, in spring 2010, the Australian Outback and in May 2010, the seventh theme world followed. A Canadian theme world Yukon Bay was opened, a world record of five Asian baby elephants were born in one calendar year at the zoo, and it received the 2009/10 ‘Best Zoo’ award. More than 1.6 million people visit every year.

( Hannover - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Hannover . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Hannover - Germany

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Qué ver en Hannover ???????? | 10 Lugares Imprescindibles

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Sehenswürdigkeiten von Hannover

Fotos von Hannover in der Bild-Galerie als Video für Foto-Kalender, Poster und Städtetassen:

Ein Tag in Hannover | ARD Reisen

Lisa Kestel besucht die Landeshauptstadt von Niedersachsen und spaziert durch die Herrenhäuser Gärten, erkundet das Neue Rathaus und natürlich dürfen auch das typische Gericht Kanzlerplatte und das Traditionsgetränk Lüttje Lage bei Ein Tag in Hannover nicht fehlen.

00:00 Begrüßung und Rathaus
02:08 Vom Hauptbahnhof zur Altstadt
03:01 Lisa trinkt eine Lüttje Lage
05:29 Barocke Blumenpracht in den Herrenhäuser Gärten
07:12 Experimentelle Stadtentwicklung im PLATZprojekt
09:42 Kiosk-Bier und Limmern in Linden-Nord

Ob in der historischen Altstadt, oder im Szene-Viertel Linden mit einem Bierchen unterwegs – in Hannover gibt es viele tolle Orte zu entdecken. Ein Stadtwald, doppelt so groß wie der Central Park in New York, die prachtvollen Herrenhäuser Gärten oder Europas einziger Bogenaufzug im Neuen Rathaus – Hannover ist so viel mehr als Messestadt und perfektes Hochdeutsch. Knapp 540.000 Menschen leben in der Leine-Metropole, darunter mehr als 50.000 Studierende.

Eine Stadt, die definitiv einen Trip wert ist. Was denkt ihr? Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!

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#EinTagin #Hannover #WDRReisen #ARDReisen

Ein Film von Lea Wulfert. Redaktion Jörg Gaensel und Patrick Löffler. Dieser Film wurde im Jahr 2021 für Ein Tag in... produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seit dem nicht aktualisiert.

Sehenswürdigkeiten von Neustadt am Rübenberge

Fotos der Sehenswürdigkeiten von Neustadt am Rübenberge im Bildkalender oder für Poster und Wandbilder. Witzige Städtetassen mit Neustadt-Motiven:

11 Tipps für einen Tag in HANNOVER

In diesem Video zeigen wir dir 11 Tipps für einen Tag in Hannover.. Warst du schonmal in Hannover? Schreib uns gerne deine Tipps in die Kommentare.

11 Tipps für einen Tag in Hannover:
1. Herrenhäuser Gärten
2. Neues Rathaus
3. Maschsee-Teich & Maschpark
4. Maschsee
5. Die Aegidienkirche
6. Altstadt Hannover
7. Kaffeepause im mynk Café
8. Fluss Leine
9. Ernst-August-Gallerie
10. Landesmuseum Hannover
11. Marienburg

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Hannover attractions in 4K Lower Saxony Germany | Landes Niedersachsen

Enjoy 4K travel video about top sights and attractions of Hannover. Tourists from all over the world visit Hannover to see the sights of the capital of Lower Saxony (Landes Niedersachsen). Enjoy this travel video in 4K.

Locals love Hanover (spelt 'Hannover' in German) for the low cost of living; good public transport; wealth of museums, theatre, live music and other arts and cultural events; and the city's proximity to green spaces. The spectacularly Baroque Herrenhäuser Gärten, the constructed Lake Maschsee and the Eilenriede, Europe's largest urban forest, are all close at hand. That said, most Germans groan at the first mention of Hanover, whose dialect is regarded as the closest tongue to High German. Perhaps it's a complex socio-linguistic thing – or perhaps they're just jealous of the laid-back lifestyle.

Video by Andrey Shagin
Music track by Andrey Shagin
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Видео: Андрей Шагин
Музыка: Андрей Шагин
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Hannover, Sehenswürdigkeiten der Landeshauptstadt von Niedersachsen

Unseren Rundgang durch Hannover starten wir am Bahnhof. Wir besichtigen danach u.a. die Oper, flanieren über die Georgsstrasse, schauen uns die Aegidienkirche an und bestaunen das Neue Rathaus. Danach machen wir einen Abstecher zum Maschsee. Das Leineschloss und die Altstadt mit dem Alten Rathaus stehen danach auf unserem Programm.

Einzelheiten: siehe Untertitel

Hanover , Germany ???????? | 4K Drone Footage (With Subtitles)

Hanover or Hannover , Germany ???????? | 4K Drone Footage (With Subtitles)

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Watch also GERMANY PLAYLIST ???? :


Hanover is the capital and largest city of the German state of Lower Saxony. Its 535,932 inhabitants make it the 13th-largest city in Germany as well as the fourth-largest city in Northern Germany after Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen. Wikipedia

You will see the most beautiful places in Hanover by aerial drone footage 4k !


Emotional Piano & Orchestra by MusicalSmile

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Budapest , Hungary ???????? | 4K Drone Footage

Buenos Aires, Argentina ???????? | 4K Drone Footage

Istanbul, Turkey ???????? | 4K Drone Footage


Ein Tag Hameln - Ausflug in die Rattenfängerstadt an der Weser - Unterwegs in Niedersachsen

Wir erkunden Hameln und genießen einen Tag in der Rattenfängerstadt und an der Weser bei herrlichem Wetter.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Altstadt Hameln mit Rattenfängerhaus u.v.m.
3:17 Bürgerpark
4:01 Alte Marktstraße mit Redenhof
5:06 Münster St. Bonifatius
5:37 Weserpromenade
7:00 Panoramablick vom Klütturm
7:31 Outro

Warum in die Ferne schweifen... Und so steigen wir an einem sonnigen Tag ins Auto und machen uns von Hannover auf den Weg nach Hameln. Eine knappe Stunde Autofahrt später sind wir in der Rattenfängerstadt angekommen und erkunden die wunderschöne Altstadt mit den zahllosen Gebäuden aus der Zeit der Weserrenaissance. Der Rattenfänger findet sich als Motiv überall wieder, sei es in diversen Brunnen, auf den Gehwegen oder aber in Form des Rattenfängerhauses mitten in der Altstadt.

Nach einem Rundgang durch die Stadt, vorbei am Hochzeitshaus, Stiftsherrenhaus, dem Redenhof und weiteren sehenswerten Gebäuden, landem wir zuerst am Münster St. Bonifatius und damit dann auch an der Weserpromenade, wo wir bei einem Kaltgeränk mit Blick aufs Wasser die Seele baumeln lassen. Zurück geht es vorbei an der alten Pfortmühle zum Auto. Der letzte Punkt auf unserer Liste ist der Klütturm, von dem man einen tollen Panoramablick über die ganze Stadt hat.

Ein lohnenswerter Tagesausflug.

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Sehenswürdigkeiten von Bad Nenndorf

Fotos von Bad Nenndorf in der Bild-Galerie als Video für Foto-Kalender, Poster und Städtetassen.

Top 10 rides at Rasti-Land - Salzhemmendorf, Germany | 2022

Join us today as we count down the top 10 rides at Rasti-Land including such attractions as Familien­achterbahn and Bobkart-Bahn Blizzard. In addition to this we show on ride povs and soundracks throughout :)

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JB Coaster

Intro 00:00
Kraawummm 00:21
Go-Karts 01:11
Strohnado 02:07
Abenteuerfahrt durch die Piratenstadt 03:03
Rafting-Bahn 03:58
Familien-Freifallturm 04:48
Wildwasserbahn 05:38
Riesen-Schiffschaukel Santa Maria 06:32
Bobkart-Bahn Blizzard 07:21
Familien­achterbahn 08:11








Hotel Schloß Gehrden, Gehrden, Germany

Hotel Schloß Gehrden, Gehrden, Germany
About Property:
Set in a former Benedictine monastery, this castle hotel in Brakel-Gehrden is surrounded by parkland and the scenic Eggegebirge Mountains. It offers free Wi-Fi, traditional Austrian cuisine, and a 12th-century wine cellar.
Combining Medieval and modern design, all rooms at the Hotel Schloß Gehrden include a satellite TV, CD player and safe. Many feature high-quality, antique-style furniture.
The Restaurant Rudolphi offers regional and seasonal dishes made of local ingredients. The bra...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Schloßstr. 6, 33034 Gehrden, Germany
Searching For
1. Hotel Schloß Gehrden - Gehrden - Germany
2. Hotel Schloß Gehrden - Gehrden - Germany Address
3. Hotel Schloß Gehrden - Gehrden - Germany Rooms
4. Hotel Schloß Gehrden - Gehrden - Germany Amenities
5. Hotel Schloß Gehrden - Gehrden - Germany Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
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#TravelFacts #HotelSchloßGehrdenGehrden #HotelSchloßGehrdenGehrdenGermany

Bremen Day Trip | Travel Northern Germany | Weekend Getaway | City sight seeing

Travel and explore the Hanseatic city Bremen in Northern Germany for a day or a weekend trip. Sights not to be missed include UNESCO protected medieval buildings, windmill, Schnoor neighbourhood, Botcherstrasse, all within short walking distances from each other. We loved visiting Bremen! See chapters:

0:00 Bremen Cathedral / St Petri Dom
0:42 Bible Garden
1:01 Marktplatz / Market Square
1:24 Rathaus / City Hall
1:59 Roland Statue / UNESCO
2:09 Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten / Town Musicians of Bremen statue & Bremer Loch
2:23 Unser Lieben Frauen Kirchhof
2:38 Hachez Chocolatier
2:56 Altstad buildings
3:17 Böttcherstrasse
3:46 Glockenspiel
4:26 Teerhof Bridge
4:44 Lloyd Passage & Sögestrasse
5:03 Hauptbanhof / Train Station
5:13 Mühle & Blumen Feld / Mill and flower fields
6:08 Am Wall green route
6:23 Schnoor / Middle Ages Neighbourhood

Lower Saxony, Germany | City of Hannover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Goettingen | Drone 4k video

Lower Saxony, Germany. A 4k video shot with a drone provides an aerial view of the German federal state of Lower Saxony. The views of this area are unusually beautiful. Picturesque areas stretch between the sea and the mountains. Green parks, dense forests, well-groomed fields - all this is Lower Saxony.

general information
1946 - the year of the formation of Lower Saxony. Its territory is about 47,612.88 km² (after Bavaria - this is the second largest region), and the population is more than 8 million people.
The leading sector of the economy in Lower Saxony is agriculture. It is represented here by agriculture, fruit growing and cattle breeding. Cultivation of crops (sugar beet, carrots, cabbage, rapeseed, asparagus, green cabbage, cereals) is favored by the composition of the local soil: sand and clay.
Most of the oil and gas is also produced in this region. Developed in Lower Saxony engineering, shipbuilding, fishing, instrument making. Tourism also flourishes here, which replenishes the treasury of the federal state. In the Frisian Islands, this industry flourishes particularly rapidly.

For many centuries, the city of Hannover has been the administrative center of Lower Saxony. It is located between two rivers, the Weser and Leine, near the Harz mountains. Beautiful green areas and industrial exhibitions made Hannover famous. The exhibition complex is the largest in the world. The city is a transport center, as important railway lines intersect here.
Developed in the capital of the region and art. The attention of tourists is attracted by street exhibits, the State Theatre, the Hannover Zoo, Mash Lake and other attractions.

Mountains and the sea surround Lower Saxony, located in the north-east of Germany, on the North German Plain and the Lüneburg Heath. The North Sea washes the northern shores of the region, and the Harz Mountains are the borders of the land in the southeast. The East Frisian Islands in the North Sea are part of Lower Saxony. Watts shallows on the North Sea coast are included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.
You can admire beautiful places in Dremling, a local nature reserve. The landscapes of the Harz mountains are especially attractive. Navigable rivers flow through the region: Weser, Aller, Elbe.

Major cities
There are many wonderful cities in Lower Saxony. Among them is the university city of Göttingen. Many Russians live here. The city has Russian-speaking areas: Gaismar, Gron, Holtensen Berg. The famous route for tourists German Fairy Tale Road is laid through Göttingen.
Osnabrück is a city in Lower Saxony, the third largest in the federal state. There is a very beautiful historical center here: the market square, the town hall with the Peace Hall, cozy streets with medieval buildings.
Braunschweig is one of the largest cities in the region. The city has the status of an educational and scientific center. In 2007, it was awarded the title of City of Science, as it is here that large-scale scientific and technical research and discoveries are carried out.

What to see
You can plunge into the world of the primeval jungle at the Hannover Zoo. It was founded in 1865. About 3 thousand animals live here. It is worth seeing not only the pets, but also the unusual design of the zoo.
For happiness you can go to Göttingen. The highlight of this city is the monument Liza with geese. He is over a hundred years old. Tourists kiss the sculpture for good luck, and students ask her for good luck in their exams.
There is something to see in Lower Saxony: the Lüneburg Heide bird park, spruce and beech forests, granite rocks, sea shallows and much more.

The beautiful gardens of Herrenhausen, which are located in Hannover, became the prototype of Versailles. This park has a greenhouse, a gallery and four picturesque gardens. They were planted at the request of Princess Sofia at the end of the 11th century.
Lower Saxony has many town halls, palaces and castles. Bückeburg Palace in the city of the same name is noteworthy. It was built in the 14th century, earlier it was a princely residence. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park.
Wilhelmshaven is a world famous seaport. It is the deepest water port in Germany. This harbor can meet ocean tankers. At the same time, Wilhelmshaven is a scientific center.

#LowerSaxony #Germany

Hannover Germany/tour in Hannover beautiful city in Germany/Walking tour 4k HDR

Hannover City Germany

Hanover is a city of short distances - which has grown over centuries from the angled old town on the banks of the Leine, between the Aegidientor in the west and the Steintor in the east, to the main train station built in the 19th century. If you leave via Ernst-August-Platz, you are almost in the middle of the city, which offers a new landmark with the new light sculpture on Kröpcke!
Old town and market hall
The shopping streets take you to Hanover's old town with its half-timbered houses around the market square. Cafés, restaurants and small but fine shops can be found in the picturesque streets

The Ballhofplatz, where many festivals are held in summer, is cozy. Next to the market church, the largest of the three old town churches, is the medieval old town hall. Both buildings are considered the southernmost examples of North German brick Gothic. Also eye-catching is the imposing Leibnizhaus, a detailed replica of the Renaissance town house that the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz lived in for several years.

Opposite the Old Town Hall, the traditional market hall, also known as the belly of Hanover, attracts connoisseurs with its wide range of delicacies.


Lustwandeln Sie in einem der besterhaltenen Barockgärten Europas – dem Großen Garten – mit seiner über 300-jährigen Geschichte.
Dieses Kleinod barocker Gartenkunst verdankt die Stadt Hannover einer außergewöhnlichen Frau: Kurfürstin Sophie von der Pfalz. Inspiriert durch den Sonnenkönig Ludwig XlV. ließ sie den 200 Morgen großen Garten Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts nach französischem Vorbild anlegen und machte ihn zu ihrem Lebenswerk.

Kamera: Panasonic HC-VX 878 mit SanDisk Extreme PRO 128GB
Videobearbeitung: Magix Video Pro X / 11 & Adobe Premiere Pro
PC: i7-9700F , 32GB, GTX 1650 , SSD 1TB

Aufnahme/Schnitt: JANGO TV HANNOVER 2020/07



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