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10 Best place to visit in Gazi Kenya


Diani Beach The 10 Best Places To Visit | Mombasa - Diani | Tourists are back in Kenya

0:00 Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Diani
0:38 #10 Full-Day Shimba Hills National Reserve Tour from Diani - $70
Tour from Mombasa - $100
1:26 # 9 Traditional Wooden Sailing Boat Trip To the Sandbank - $20
2:26 #8 Half Day Haller Park Mombasa Tour From - $75
Half Day Bora Bora Wildlife Park Diani - $45
4:08 #7 Tuk Tuk Trip to the Local School and Local Village in Diani Half Day trip - $30
5:18 #6 Mombasa City Tour from Diani - Day trip $100
7:47 #5 Maasai Village Day Trip
9:45 #4 Wasini Island Day Trip - $100 or Funzi Island Day Trip - $90
11:57 #3 Baobab Beach Resort & SPA One of the Best Hotels in Diani Beach
13:31 #2 Walk along Diani Beach - a most beautiful beach in Kenya
15:07 #1 Kenya Safari 4-Day | Tsavo West - Ngulia Lodge Amboseli - AA Lodge | Tsavo
East - Voi Safari Lodge


Kenya in 4K

Kenya Safari 4-Day

Baobab Beach Resort & SPA | Full Resort Walkthrough Tour

Voyager Beach Resort | Full Resort Walkthrough Tour

Diani Beach Top 10 Best Places to Visit

10 Amazing Things to See and Do in Mombasa | 10 Highlights not to be missed

Diani Beach in 4 Days | Diani 4-Day Itinerary | Kenya

Mombasa in 2 Days - Must See Places on Your First Visit in Mombasa

Kenya in 10 Days | Diani Beach | Safari Tsavo - Amboseli | Mombasa

10 Days in Kenya in 15 minutes | Mombasa - Tsavo - Amboseli - Diani

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10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану #НовостиДагестана

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Извиняюсь за фактическую неточность. Глубина Сулакского каньона около 1600 м

????Выпуск про потрею дрона и его поиски в дагестанских джунглях

????Выпуск про восхождение на одну из самых красивых гор Кавказа

????Выпуск про мой экстремальный поход
в Тляратинском районе

????Шамсудин, сопровождавший меня в Гооре и снимавший на языке Тролля:

????Дауд, ювелир из Кубачи:

????Гамзат, вытащивший из передряги в Чародинском районе:

????Парни, помогавшие в съёмках и поисках дрона в Зизикском ущелье:
Мейлан: (страница удалена)
Хабиб: (страница удалена)

????Ахмед, амбассадор Большого Сулакского каньона, сдаёт комнаты в Верхнем Каранае:

????Ганифа, сопровождавший меня на Шалбуздаг:

????Ирек, тоже вместе поднимались, проводит туры по Грузии:

???? Парни, с которыми мы вместе ходили по долине реки Баараор до озера Хала-Хель:
Камиль: (страница не найдена)
Хабиб (тоже там втретились, план ХЪ):

????Отдельное спасибо за дагестанскую музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макьам.
Профиль ансамбля:

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Всем привет от Youtube-канала VPUTNAP!
????Меня зовут Алексей, и я обожаю путешествовать!

????Сегодня у меня новый выпуск про Дагестан
????Пожалуй, такой мощной концентрации красоты в одном видео у меня ещё не было! И всё это в 4K! Я не зря был в путешествии по Дагестану целых 4 месяца!

В этом выпуске вы узнаете про 10 мест Дагестана, которые поразили меня своей неповторимой атмосферой и красотой и больше всего запали мне в душу.
Я расскажу о том, что это за места, как туда добраться и покажу, ради чего стоит приехать в Дагестан!

В этом видео вы увидите:
????самое высокогорное село в Европе Куруш (Докузапринский район)
????самое самобытное село Дагестана Кубачи (Дахадаевский район)
????один из самых красивых водопадов Дагестана Чирхалю (Чародинский район)
???? дагестанские джунгли (Зизикское ущелье, Сулейман-Стальский район)
????самый красивый (но опасный) пеший маршрут в Дагестане вдоль реки Баараор (Тляратинский район)
????дагестанский язык тролля (Шамильский район)

Ещё вы узнаете:
????чем заброшенное село Кала-Корейш (Дахадаевский район) лучше распиаренного Гамсутля (Гунибский район)
????где найти в Дагестане исландские пейзажи (долина реки Шиназ, Рутульский район)
????почему все ездят на маленький Сулакский каньон в то время, как есть реально Большой
????как отдохнуть душой и найти атмосферное место с нетронутой природой и мощнейшими видами посреди самого туристического района Дагестана (гора Маяк, Гунибский район)
????где я встретил лучший рассвет в своей жизни (гора Шалбуздаг, Докузпаринский район)

Бóльшая часть мест из моей десятки – не самые туристические.
Но, поверьте, несмотря на то, что в некоторые из них ведут плохие дороги,
либо они пока ещё малоизвестны – это всё настоящие жемчужины????
????Приятного просмотра!

00:00 Начало
01:39 Старый Гоор. Дагестанский язык Тролля
04:46 Старый Кахиб
05:15 Самое высокогорное село Европы — Куруш
08:36 Самое самобытное село Дагестана — Кубачи
12:21 Чем Кала-Корейш круче распиаренного Гамсутля
15:36 Водопад Чирхалю
16:43 Пейзажи Чародинского района — просто песня
17:40 Как я застрял на седане в глубине Чародинского района
18:49 Рутульский район. Цахурская долина
19:32 Исландские пейзажи долины реки Шиназ. Древнее село Уна
22:39 Большой фильм про Дагестан. СКОРО
23:05 Дагестанские джунгли
25:25 Большой Сулакский каньон
29:26 Почему все едут на маленький каньон, когда есть Большой?
31:00 Гора Маяк — топовое место в Дагестане
36:33 Лучший рассвет в моей жизни
37:26 Шалбуздаг: почему стоит подняться?
40:12 Долина реки Баараор: лучший пеший маршрут в Дагестане
43:10 Самый сложный поход в моей жизни
44:26 Сёла Тляратинского района
45:03 Как составлялся список мест?

İstanbul'un 'EN TEHLİKELİ' Mahallesi Diyorlar! - KUŞTEPE ????????

İstanbul'un en büyük, en tehlikeli, en kalabalık Roman mahallesi Kuştepe'deyiz.

Yolculuğuma ortak olmak için Kanala abone ol:

ZİL işaretini açarak, videolardan anlık haberdar olabilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda videoyu beğenmeyi unutmayın. Eğer gerçekten beğendiyseniz tabi :)

Bu arada kanalımın katıl butonunu açtım. Destek olmak isteyenler için:

Sosyal Medya Hesaplarım:

Videodaki müziklere buradan erişebilirsiniz:

#gezi #istanbul #seyahat

Intro: 00:00
Yolun sonu Çıkmaz Sokak: 00:38
Kuştepe Mahallesi Girişi: 02:10
Kuştepe'nin abisi: 04:30
Mahalle kadınlarının derdi: 06:30
1 ev 100 kişi: 08:15
Çiçekçi ve çekçekçi: 12:15
Konstantina Romane: 16:20
Yatıre: 17:30
Sokakta Rap: 21:29
Dom Dom: 22:30
Ah ulan İstanbul: 24:45
Tehlikeli Denilen Alev Sokak: 27:00
Bıjı bıjı: 31:00
Beğeni Esirgemeyin: 33:21

মাত্র ৫০০ টাকায় Gazipur Safari Park ভ্রমণ | ২০২৩ সালে গাজীপুর সাফারী পার্কে সম্পুর্ন ভ্রমন গাইডলাইন

⚪ বিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম । আসসালামু আলাইকুম


গাজীপুর সাফারী পার্কটি দক্ষিণ এশীয় মডেল বিশেষ করে থাইল্যান্ডের সাফারী ওয়ার্ল্ড এর সাথে সামঞ্জস্য রেখে স্থাপন করা হয়েছে। এছাড়াও ইন্দোনেশিয়ার বালি সাফারী পার্কের কতিপয় ধারনা সন্নিবেশিত করা হয়েছে। সাফারী পার্কের চারদিকে নির্মাণ করা হচ্ছে স্থায়ী ঘেরাা এবং উহার মধ্যে দেশী/বিদেশী বন্যপ্রাণীর বংশবৃদ্ধি ও অবাধ বিচরণের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করা হয়েছে যাতে পর্যটকগণ চলমান যানবাহনে অথবা পায়ে হেঁটে ভ্রমণ করে শিক্ষা, গবেষণা ও চিত্তবিনোদনের সুযোগ লাভ করবেন |


Gazipur Safari Park Ticket Price:

Adults per adult-50 Tk
Unemployed elderly-20 Tk
School student (under 15 years)- 10 Tk
Students going to the education tour from educational institute (40-100) -400 Tk
Students coming from the establishment of education (group 100)-800 Tk
Foreign tourist- 5 us dollars or equal amount of Bangladeshi money.


Bangabandhu Sheukh Mujib safari park is open from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park Off Day:
Tuesday is the closing day of the park.

Contact Number:
Indropur, Bagher Bazar, Sreepur,
Phone: +880 1842-434401


Gazipur Safari Park Google Map :



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???? Use Music : (Quick Music): “Sound effects from
????Sound Effect by audio from Pixabay

???? Edited: Adobe Premiere Pro
???? My Vlogging Gear: Samsung Galaxy Note 9, I Phone 8 Plus

#Bangabandhu_Sheikh_Mujib_Safari_Park #Gazipur_Park #Bangladesh_Safari_Park


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BANGLADEŞ KADIN PAZARI (Özel İzinle Girdim) ????????

Bangladeş'de gözlerden uzak bir kadın pazarına gidiyorum. Şaşkınlık veren hayatları birlikte izleyeceğiz.

Yolculuğuma ortak olmak için Kanala abone ol

ZİL işaretini açarak, videolardan anlık haberdar olabilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda videoyu beğenmeyi unutmayın. Eğer gerçekten beğendiyseniz tabi :)

Bu arada kanalımın katıl butonunu açtım. Destek olmak isteyenler için:

Sosyal Medya Hesaplarım:

Videodaki müziklere buradan erişebilirsiniz:

#gezi #seyahat #bangladesh

Intro: 00:00
Kadınlar pazarına geldim: 01:57
Kim bu kız: 02:43
Gülen yüzler: 05:56
Hem ev hem dükkan: 06:44
Arka sokaklar: 08:26
Bambu köprü: 11:03
Önemli bir hatırlatma: 13:53
Pazarlıklar: 16:05
Adam hızlı: 18:10

Golgumbaz, Bijapur #bijapur #echosound #gumbad #golgumbaz #scarysounds

Check out the background score !!!

CAIRO City Guide | Egypt | Travel Guide

Cairo (Arabic: القاهرة ) is the capital and largest city of Egypt. The Cairo metropolitan area, with a population of 21.3 million, is the largest in Africa, in the Arab world, and the 6th-largest in the world.
Cairo, an exotic and fascinating city with a very ancient history, extends along the Nile River in the north of Egypt and offers many sites to visit: The Pyramids of Giza, ancient temples, tombs, Muslim monuments, Christian churches, museums, art galleries and concert halls.

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???? Music:

Music provided by ALD - No Copyright Music
Video Link:

#cairo #egypt #القاهرة

কম খরচে ঘুরতে পারেন যে ৫টি দেশ ????

বন্ধুরা আজকে আমরা কম খরচে ঘুরতে পারেন যে ৫টি দেশ সেই দেশগুলো সম্পর্কে জানবো। এইরকম আরো ভিডিও দেখতে আমার চ্যানেলটি ঘুরে আসতে পারেনঃ

ভ্রমণ পছন্দ করেন না এমন মানুষ খুঁজে পাওয়া কঠিন। ভ্রমণ আমাদের একঘেয়ে জীবন থেকে মুক্তি পেতে সাহায্য করে। পৃথিবীটাকে নতুন করে জানতে শেখায়। কারো জন্য আবার ভ্রমণ এক ধরণের নেশা।

আমাদের মধ্যে অনেকেই এমন আছেন যারা ঘুরতে ভালবাসেন এবং ঘুরতে চান, কিন্তু টাকার অভাবে সেটি হয়ে ওঠে না। তবে এমন কিছু দেশ আছে যে দেশগুলোতে আপনি খুব কম খরচেই ঘুরে আসতে পারবেন। সঠিক পরিকল্পনা ও পরিকল্পিত বাজেটের সাহায্যে আপনি খুব সহজেই এসব জায়গা থেকে ঘুরে আসতে পারবেন। তাহলে চলুন জেনে নেয়া যাক কেমন হওয়া উচিত ভ্রমণ পরিকল্পনা ও স্বল্প বাজেটের দেশগুলো সম্পর্কে।

Today in this video we'll explore 5 countries that you can travel to at low cost. Enjoy The Video! :)

Important Links:

1. Skyscanner:

2. Google flights:


4. Airbnb:

5. Lonely Planet:

6. Couchsurfing:

7. Trustedhousesitters:

8. Housesitmatch:

9. Housecarers:

নিয়মিত চ্যানেলটির ভিডিও পেতে সাবস্ক্রাইব করে রাখুনঃ

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Track: Tropical Flow — BraveLion [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Free Download / Stream:

Stock footage provided by Wikimedia and

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Maldives Travel Guide

Planning a trip to the Maldives? Learn more about the resort shown in this video:

- Find out about our Ayo Favorite Hotels in the Maldives -
Siyam World Hotel Special:
Iru Veli Hotel Special: coming soon

- Watch our other Ayo Travel Guides -
Hawaii: coming soon

- Find out about our different Ayo Destinations in less than 3 minutes -
Paris: Venice:
Hawaii: coming soon

- Follow our travels -
Instagram: @ayoworldofficial

_____ In this video: _____________
00:00 Introduction
1:35 Before you leave
2:17 Arrival at the airport, how to get to the city / your hotel
4:38 Hotel Resorts
5:04 Choosing an accommodation
5:58 Tips on the sun
6:30 Choosing a type of board
7:53 What to do - resort activities
8:07 Swimming and snorkeling
9:33 Diving
11:07 Wellness and SPA
11:50 Evening programme
12:49 Day trips - fishing, snorkeling, sunsets and dolphins
13:39 Native islands
14:30 Capitol Malé
15:10 Malé Traffic - How to get around
15:34 Malé - Tips for tourists
16:20 Malé - Grand Friday Mosque
16:46 Malé - Sultan Park
17:34 Malé - Fruit Market
18:02 Malé - Fish Market
18:19 Malé - Republic Square and Presidential Jetty
18:33 Malé - National Museum
18:46 Malé - Presidential Palace (Muleeaage)
19:20 Malé - Seagull Café

If you have any further questions, feel free to leave us a comment and subscribe to make sure that you don't miss out on our next videos.

Don’t forget to check out all our other Ayo travel destinations like Dubai, Paris, or Venice on:


Diani, Kenya has a lot of new upcoming restaurants - but for someone staying in this holiday destination for a couple of days, it can be tough to choose where to eat at. I'll be sharing my favorite restaurants in this beautiful destination.
Book your Diani Hotels here -

???? Learn How To Film & Edit like me -
???? Learn how to take awesome photos with your phone -
???? My Photo Editing Presets -

Tools and services I recommend:
????The copyright-free music I use in all my videos (1 month free):
???? Hostels and budget accommodations -

▸ Camera -
▸ Main Lens:
▸ Long Lens:
▸ Under Water Camera:
▸ Drone:
▸ My Phone:
▸ Microphone:
▸ Editing Laptop:

Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliate links, which means if you use that link to buy something, I get a small kickback at no extra cost to you. :)

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Vlog: This Is Why Diani Is Ranked Number 1 In The World | The Town & Beach Tour By Liv Kenya

#LivKenya #DianiDestinations #MagicalKenya
Have you ever been to Diani Ukunda Kenya? It's beaches are ranked number one in the world for several years. Lets explore together.

For business contact me via email:
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Instagram: Liv Kenya
Facebook: Liv Kenya



CHECK OUT MY TRAVEL VIDEOS ON TRAVEL PLAYLIST. Here are a few that may interest you:

Mombasa Public Beaches Link Here;


Mombasa City Tour:


Fort Jesus Video Link;

Crave Restaurant Review Video Link:


The Shaza Hotel Vlog Here:

Diani Vacay PART 1 here:

Shimba Hills and Shedrick Waterfall Adventures:

The New face of Mama Ngina Mombasa here:

I have also tried other adventures such as snorkeling in WASINI ISLAND on the video in this LINK:


*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*

Music by Neovaii - Labels -

Music by Neovaii - Wonderland -

Music by Icarus Moth & Wit Blu - Perfect Outfit -

Africa Diani beach Drone 4K aerial the best beach in Kenya

Looking for an amazing view of Kenya's stunning Diani Beach? Look no further than our drone footage! Sit back and enjoy the breathtaking views of the beach and coastline while you relax in your home or office.

Experience Kenya's beautiful coastlines and beaches in unparalleled detail with this drone video from Kenya Diani beach. Enjoy stunning views of the Kenyan coastline as you fly over the ocean, the beaches and the cliffs. You'll see some of the best beaches in Kenya from above, and you won't believe how clear and detailed the video is!

Witness Kenya's most beautiful beach from an entirely new perspective - courtesy of a drone!

Diani Beach is a beautiful and secluded beach located in Mombasa, Kenya. With amazing drone footage, this video gives you a never-before-seen view of this amazing stretch of sand. Watch as the waves crash against the shore, and admire the bright blue waters of the Indian Ocean.

Kenya Country diani beach mombasa in Africa kenia
Hi. all. added longer version of aerial 4k drone shots from Kenya Diani beach. Please note this is not copy allowed. if u interest any footage or more then in this video, full of my footage to use i will be abble to sell all my 70 Gb drone shots from diani beach or separatly each footage what u interest for discounted price. cheaper than on stocks.
if u interest abou any footage in your project please contact me before to:
or purchase on stock websites: shutterstock or adobestock or istockphotoo on this links:



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mermaid in kenya beach kenia

Best beach in kenya? here is some shots from our stay in Diani beach.
We visited Kenya for 18 days In January 2019. We visited safari, some vilages and Mombasa town and some nice beaches. We spend 12 days in Diani beach, and this video is all about Diani beach. We think that Diani is the one of the nicest beach in Kenya. If you have any other tips for better beaches, let me know in comment. We would love to come back to Kenya again in short time. So i would be really thankful if you let me know about another beatiful beaches in Kenya in comments.

kiteboarding in diani beach is the one of the best place for this sport.

We stayed in Diani Sea resort and Diani Sea loundge. I can just recommend both od these resorts. On the beach you can find a lot activities and a lot friendly african people.
People are extremly friendly but some od them just try to get money from you. Od course we understand this we are just tourists. Nothing bad for us. Also you can meet a lot Maasai people . They try to sell a very nice traditional suvenires and local stuffs.

Beach visited:
Diani beach
Tiwi Beach
Gazi beach

Activities on the beach: snorchling diani beach, sailing on traditional boats, trip to sand bank diani beach, kite boarding in diani beach, dolphin tours, diving in diani beach, and a lot other tours.

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A road trip to Diani beach Sawasawa beach house and Baobab beach resort Kenya Africa travel vlog

Diani Beach is a resort area on the Indian Ocean in Kenya, 30 km south of Mombasa.

It is the most tourist-oriented beach of the so-called South Coast. It is separated from the Tiwi Beach to the north by the Kongo River. 10 km south of Diani Beach is Galu Beach, 20 km south Gazi Beach, 30 km south the Msambweni Beach and 50 km the south the Mwazaro Beach.
Sawasawa Beach House is a beautiful lodge in Msambweni right on the sandy beach of the Indian Ocean.

Msambweni is a quiet Fisherman's village on the South Coast of Kenya, 60 km. south of Mombasa and 25 km. south of famous Diani Beach.

The Ocean, the beach, the village and Sawasawa Beach House is the reason to be here, far from the crowd in Diani and near to the Indian Ocean.There is no TV or Music-system, the palmtrees and the waves will sing their own songs.

Restaurant O’Peppo is the restaurant located on the premises. They offer delicious meals and cold drinks served by our friendly staff. In the warm season we dine on the beach under the stars. Or we enjoy dining in the cozy restaurant.

Places to visit in Mombasa,Kenya

It's been a while since I left town. This weekend get away in Mombasa was much needed. I visited some hidden gems and got to meet amazing souls!
I hope you get to enjoy it!


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Song: Niya - A Dispute
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: Vexento - Flare
Creative Commons Attribution license
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: XIXI - Find You
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Song: Tubebackr & Sarah Jansen - Joyride
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Your Diani Beach Trip Is Incomplete Until You Camp Here

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Kenya 140: Road from Diani to Shimba Hills

Road from Diani to Shimba Hills

Driving in Kwale County Kenya #kwale #kenya Kenya #mombasa #diani #ukunda


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Checking in, from your point of view! Diani Beach, Kenya 2020

With the European winter slowly creeping in and our Kenyan summer starting in December, we thought now would be a good time to show you what you'll be missing if you don't book your holiday with us to Kenya and Diani Beach.

Travel To Konya| Full History Documentary About Konya In Urdu | کونیا کی سیر

Konya is a city south of Ankara in Turkey’s Central Anatolia region. It’s a pilgrimage destination for Sufis, focused on the tomb of the founder of the Mevlana order, Jelaleddin Rumi, in the Mevlana Museum. Sema whirling dervish ceremonies take place at the Mevlana Cultural Center, east of the museum. The 12th-century Alaeddin Mosque is surrounded by the green parks of Aladdin Hill.
video title
Travel To Konya| Full History Documentary About Konya In Urdu | کونیا کی سیر
Travel to Konya| Konya| moving to Konya| walking in Konya

Toqeer tv, your number one source for all things about travel We're dedicated to providing you the best information about different countries and states.
Founded on May 27, 2018, by Muhammad Farhan. Toqeer tv has come a long way from its beginnings in Pakistan. When Muhammad Farhan first started,
We hope you enjoy our videos as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to comment on us.
Muhammad Farhan
0:00 introduction
1:00 Konya city of turkey
2:00 Konya lakes
3:00 Konya garden of butterfly
4:00 Konya agriculture
5:00 Konya hotels rules
6:00 Konya airport
7:00 Konya history
8:00 Konya amazing end

all the information or taken from internet so for any confusion and question please comment thanks
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voice by : Muhammad Farhan
video edited by: Muhammad Farhan

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