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10 Best place to visit in Gaoping China


▲墾丁單車露營171集 一顆電池走屏鵝公路 | 道卡斯電輔車 Action EXC 1 | 人車同行上台鐵教學 | HOLOlive | 自行車環島線 | Taokas

????道卡斯官方LINE@ 連結 :
00:00 騎長途戴風鏡買隱形眼鏡
01:09 【台鐵流程】人車同行購票建議與電梯系統
02:46 EMU600 電聯車最古早的電聯車(無單車車廂)
03:25 上車囉EMU800大好評的電聯車 沿路風光
05:49 潮州轉車-不要出站 跟坐飛機轉機一樣
07:14 好玩的車【道卡斯電輔車Taokas Action EXC 1】
08:23 枋寮站 台鐵飲水機加水通常在站內
10:48 開始騎單車 如何安全的上單車
12:40 加祿HOLOLIVE VTUBER彩繪虛擬人物經濟 劉偉元的旅行
16:40 海豚灣小七 只喝水不入內
17:20 科學報表分析【電輔車配速與高度分析表】
18:45 楓港到了原來以前叫風港~風超大的
19:56 屏鵝唯二小七-滿豐小七可以看海
21:52 海口恆春南灣上下坡大飆速最高47公里
25:05 墾丁大街到達
25:39 大圓山露營區到達 每人只要150元
28:42 【電輔車INFO】71公里/逆風/載重電力通算
29:34 單車露營你要思考一下-吃飯先洗澡先這邊吃外面吃?
30:45 回營區 海檬果超毒的要小心勿當飯後水果
32:34 【電輔車】-拔電池與充電 約5小時滿
33:31 消夜時光 超輕量野炊工具日本BELMONT裝備
40:38 下集預告 海線綠色公路萬里桐屏153順便撿起來!




#電輔車 #ebike #劉偉元

Aerial China:Nanchong, Sichuan四川南充China's Silk Capital

Nanchong, also known as Fruit City, Silk City, is a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province. One of the central cities in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, an important node city in the “Belt and Road” strategy, an important node city in the northeastern Sichuan urban agglomeration, an excellent tourist city in China, a national garden city, a national clean energy demonstration city, a central city in a dense urban area in Nansuiguang, One of the top 200 charming cities with Chinese characteristics. Nanchong is located in the northeast of Sichuan Province and the middle reaches of the Jialing River. It is named after being in the south of Chongguo. It has jurisdiction over 3 districts (Shunqing District, Gaoping District, Jialing District) and 5 counties (Yingshan County, Xichong County, Nanbu County) , Peng'an County, Yilong County), 1 county-level city (Langzhong City); covers an area of ​​12,500 square kilometers. According to the seventh census data, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Nanchong City is 5,607,565.
Nanchong has a long history, originated from Anhan established by Emperor Han Gaozu in 202 BC, and has been built for more than 2220 years. Since the Spring and Autumn Period, it has been the governing place of the capital, state, county, government, and Tao; in the early liberation period, it was the resident of the northern Sichuan administrative district. Nanchong is the birthplace of the culture of the Three Kingdoms and the Spring Festival. The folk customs are simple and elegant, and the culture of the Three Kingdoms, the silk culture, the red culture and the Jialing River culture blend and shine.
Nanchong is an important national production base for commercial grains and agricultural and sideline products, Sichuan's oil and gas, energy and chemical bases, a regional science, education and cultural center in northeastern Sichuan, an important transportation hub city in the western region, and an economic, logistics, commerce and financial center in northeastern Sichuan. Known as the Hometown of Fruits and The Capital of Silk. On October 23, 2019, it was identified as the third batch of urban black and odorous water treatment demonstration cities. In 2020, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government agreed to establish Nanchong Linjiang New District.
In 2020, the GDP of Nanchong will be 240.108 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8% over 2019.


#全台最高神像 #全台十二大神像 #空拍


1 彌勒大道天恩彌勒學院:新竹縣峨眉鄉湖光村快樂路1號 03-6214596
2 開元殿:嘉義縣溪口鄉柴林村1-2號 05-2691273
3 正德埔里大佛山:南投縣埔里鎮福興路110巷105號 049-2930923
3 車城鎮安宮:屏東縣車城鄉統埔路54-6號 08-8821364
5 佛頂山朝聖寺:苗栗縣三義鄉雙潭村雙連潭108號 03-7878321
6 佛光山佛陀紀念館:高雄市大樹區統嶺路1號 07-6563033
6 重光媽祖:澎湖縣馬公市
8 竹南五穀宮:苗栗縣竹南鎮五谷街16號 03-7622454
9 湖山寺:雲林縣斗六市岩山路48號 05-5572323
10 竹南龍鳳宮:苗栗縣竹南鎮龍安街69號 03-7464620
11 佛光山大佛城:高雄市大樹區興田路153號 07-6561921
12 普天宮:新竹市東區高峰路306巷66號 03-5215553
緣道觀音廟:新北市淡水區頂田寮路1000號 02-26269242

#discover_taiwan #igers_taiwan #網美網紅景點 #新冠肺炎 #台湾の観光スポット #大神像 #關公神像 #全台一日遊景點 #療癒系景點 #免費景點 #空拍機 #空撮りの写真

Nanchong, Sichuan, China

Nanchong, also known as Fruit City, Silk Capital, is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Sichuan Province, one of the central cities of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, an important node city of One Belt and One Road strategy, an important node city of Northeast Sichuan City Cluster, an excellent tourist city in China, a national garden city, a national clean energy demonstration city, a central city of South Sui-Guang urban dense area, and one of the top 200 charming cities of China. Nanchong is one of the top 200 cities in China. Nanchong is located in the northeastern part of Sichuan Province, in the middle reaches of the Jialing River, and is named after the southern part of the country of Chong; it has 3 districts (Shunqing District, Gaoping District, Jialing District), 5 counties (Yingshan County, Xichong County, Nanan County, Pengan County, Yilong County) and 1 county-level city (Langzhong City) under its jurisdiction; its area is 12,500 square kilometers. According to the data of the seventh census, the resident population of Nanchong City was 5,607,565 as of November 1, 2020, at 00:00 hours.
Nanchong has a long history, originating from An Han, which was established in 202 B.C. by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty and has been built for more than 2,220 years. Since the Spring and Autumn Period, it has been the capital, state, county, prefecture, and province; and in the early days of liberation, it was the seat of the North Sichuan Executive District. Nanchong is the birthplace of the Three Kingdoms culture and the Spring Festival culture, with simple folk customs and elegant folklore. The Three Kingdoms culture, silk culture, red culture and Jialing River culture are intermingled.
Nanchong is an important national production base for commercial grain and agricultural by-products, one of the seven regional central cities cultivated in Sichuan, an oil and gas and energy chemical base in Sichuan Province, a regional scientific, educational and cultural center in northeast Sichuan, an important transportation hub city in the western region, and an economic, logistic, commercial and financial center in northeast Sichuan. On October 23, 2019, it was identified as the third batch of urban black smelly water body treatment demonstration city. 2020 The People's Government of Sichuan Province agreed to establish Nanchong Linjiang New District.
In 2021, Nanchong will achieve a regional GDP of 260.198 billion yuan, up 7.8% year-on-year.

Pengan, Nanchong, Sichuan, China

Peng'an County is located in the middle reaches of the Jialing River, a provincial historical and cultural city, one of the top ten ecological tourism demonstration cities in China, one of the top fifty most beautiful small cities in China, with the Jialing River Qingxi River running through the city, a very beautiful mountain park city, and an integrated city with the city established by Nanchong. Located in northeastern Sichuan Province, Nanchong City County, 507 A.D. (Southern Dynasty Tianjian six years), Emperor Wu of Liang to commemorate Sima Xiangru, Xiangru's name to the county name, 1371 A.D., incorporated into Pengzhou, 1913 A.D. Pengzhou renamed Pengan, Pengan County, the county area of 1332 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 21 towns, 84 communities and 228 administrative villages. According to the seventh census, as of November 1, 2020, Peng'an County had a resident population of 461,485.
Peng'an has a long history, a talented population, a unique location, and is conveniently located 230 km from Chengdu, 200 km from Chongqing, and only 30 minutes from the main city of Nanchong and Gaoping Airport, and is closely integrated into the two-hour economic circle of Chengdu and Chongqing and the half-hour economic circle of Nanchong. Peng'an is a new type of industrial city.
Peng'an Industrial Park is a new industrial city and a livable city. It is a provincial-level industrial park approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and the provincial government, and is a growing industrial park with 10 billion dollars, which is the key cultivation in Sichuan Province. There are many tourist attractions in Peng'an urban area including National AAAA Grade Tourist Attractions - Jialing First Mulberry, National AA Grade Tourist Attractions - Dashenanhai, Xiangru Lake National Wetland Park, and National Forest Park - Baiyun Mountain.
In March 2019, ranked in the first batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization area district list of counties. on February 2, 2019, by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as county-level national grassroots Chinese medicine work advanced units.

Visit to the Longmen Grottoes

This shows some of our visit to the Longmen Grottoes. The sculptures and caves were really quite amazing.

This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.

【黄河行▪66】山西长治,长平之战古战场,秦军为何要坑杀已投降的40万赵军? | 简体字幕

这一集, 我们离开安泽县城,前往山西长治。
山西长治,古称上党。公元前260年,战国时期秦国与赵国的战略决战,长平之战 ,就发生在这里。


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16:47│蘭姐鴨肉飯 since1963
25:11│Birdy Pancake


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The largest waterfall in Vietnam | Ban Gioc Waterfall | Family travel vlog by Meigo Märk

Ban Gioc Waterfall in Vietnam ????????????
Meigo Märk travel vlog

Ban Gioc Waterfall is the largest waterfall in Vietnam, though not the highest. Ban Gioc Waterfall is one of Vietnam’s most impressive natural sights. Its vertical drop is only around 30m, but it has an impressive 300m span.
It is currently the 4th largest waterfall along a national border, after Iguazu Falls, Victoria Falls, and Niagara Falls.
Ban Gioc Waterfall is 272 km (169 mi) north of Hanoi (河內 Henei).
Ban Gioc Waterfall– Detian Falls or Ban Gioc Ducthien falls (Vietnamese: thác Bản Giốc, Đức Thiên-Bản Ước, Chinese: Détiān pùbù, Bǎnyuē pùbù 板約瀑布, 德天瀑布) is a collective name for two waterfalls on the Quây Sơn River (Chinese: Guichun River (Vietnamese: Quy Xuân Hà), 归春河), that straddle the international border between China and Vietnam; more specifically located between the Karst hills of Daxin County, Guangxi, (Vietnamese: Đại Tân, Quảng Tây) and Trùng Khánh District, Cao Bằng Province. (Chinese Chongqing,Gaoping 重庆,高平)
The waterfall drops 30 m (98 ft). It is separated into three falls by rocks and trees, and the thundering effect of the water hitting the cliffs can be heard from afar.
In Vietnamese, the two falls are considered as two parts of one waterfall with the sole name Bản Giốc. The two parts are thác chính (Main waterfall) and thác phụ (Subordinate waterfall). Chinese texts sometimes name both falls from the Détiān falls on the Chinese side.
Ban Gioc Waterfall is one of Vietnam’s best-known waterfalls, and its image adorns the lobby of many a cheap guesthouse. The falls, fed by the Quay Son River that marks the border with China, are an impressive sight and in a highly scenic location.
A police permit (200,000d for up to 10 people) is required to visit this region but the permit can be purchased at the police station here beside the waterfall. You’ll need to show your passport.
Frequent buses link Cao Bang and the waterfall, a trip of two hours.
Boat owners here will punt you on bamboo rafts (100,000d) close enough to the waterfall so you can feel the spray on your hair and skin. Rafts on the Vietnamese side have green canopies, and on the Chinese side canopies are blue. You’re allowed to swim in the large natural pool on the Vietnamese side, but not in the river or close to the main waterfall.
There are numerous souvenir, snack and drink stalls by the cave and waterfall, and the only accommodation in the immediate area is the Saigon Ban Gioc Resort.
The area is home to many ethnic minority communities, such as the Nung, Dzao and H'mong ethnic groups.
Over thousands of years the waterfall has eroded its crest and slowly moved upstream. It currently appears to be two waterfalls most of the time but when the river is swollen due to summer rains can form one fall again.
The waterfalls are located in an area of mature karst formations where the original limestone bedrock layers are being eroded. Numerous streams spring from underground fissures along the lower levels of the area. The waterfalls have multiple drops, from bedrock layer to layer, which shows the multiple depositions of sediments of different hardness which formed the terrain over millions of years.
A road running along the top of the falls leads to a stone marker that demarcates the border between China and Vietnam in French and Chinese. Modern disputes arose as there are discrepancies as to the correlating legal documents on border demarcation and the placement of markers between the French and Qing administrations in the 19th century.
About 4km from Ban Gioc Waterfall, Nguom Ngao Cave is one of the most spectacular cave systems in Vietnam.










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Meigo Märk travel vlog

#BanGiocWaterfall #Vietnam #ThácBảnGiốc #CaoBang #BanGiocWaterfallInVietnam #TravelAroundTheWorld #Travel #Vlog #WalkingAroundTheWorld #WalkAroundTheWorld #TravelVlog #MeigoMärk #MeigoMärkEstonia #MeigoMärkVlog #MeigoMärkTravelVlog






#旅行 #中国历史 #寺庙

Jingan|Guangzhong Road|Shanghai Cycling 4K |Hualing Road|Gaoping Road|Yuncheng Road

静安|广中路|上海骑行 4K |华灵路|高平路|运城路
Jing'an|Guangzhong Road|Shanghai Cycling 4K|Hualing Road|Gaoping Road|Yuncheng Road
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More Videos|更多视频
01 Nanjing West Road Night|南京西路 夜景|
02 Xintiandi Shopping Mall|新天地商场|
03 North Bund|LV bag|北外滩|LV包展览|
04 Nanjing West Road|南京西路|
05 Nanjing West Road|南京西路东路|
06 Lujiazui Night lights|陆家嘴|灯光夜景|
07 Huaihai Road night|淮海中路 夜晚|
08 Nanjing West Road|南京西路|
09 Huaihai Middle Road|Xintiandi|淮海中路|新天地|
10 The Bund Suzhou River|外滩 苏州河|
11 Huaihai Road|淮海中路|
12 Changning District|Yuyuan Road|长宁街区|愚园路|
13 Nanjing Road West| Xintiandi|南京西路|新天地|
14 Huaihai Road|North Bund|淮海中路|北外滩|
15 Xintiandi|Huaihai Road|新天地|淮海中路|
16 Nanjing Road West|Zhangyuan Fengshengli|南京西路|张园 丰盛里|
17 Nanjing Road|Plaza 66 Mall|南京西路|恒隆广场|
18 The Bund lights up|Middle Huaihai Road|外滩亮灯|淮海中路|
19 The bund|Drive| Huaihai Road|外滩|开车|淮海中路|
20 Xintiandi night view|新天地夜景|


#雨林老爬 #Hiking #健行 #登山 #三等三角點 #舊庄山


00:00 標題
00:07 土地公廟停車處
01:29 乾溝右上
02:44 走錯路右切
04:26 接西稜往三角點
07:01 抵達舊庄山
08:11 離開舊庄山
10:14 抵達鞍部

恩施驾车之旅-湖北省最偏僻的城市-4K HDR

恩施驾车之旅-湖北省最偏僻的城市-4K HDR


别 名:恩施州、世界硒都、施南府
面 积:24060.26 km²
人口数量:3456136 人(截止于2020年)
机 场:恩施许家坪机场
地区生产总值:1302.36 亿元(2021年)

Vlog 18: Muxin Museum

To resume a peaceful start to season III, I revamped on the aesthetics. Here is for year 2020.

Born in 1927, Mu Xin was one of the grand artists in China. A native to Wu Zhen, a traditional water town in the Jiang Nan area, Mu Xin survived the disastrous Culture Revolution and lived in the West for half of his life. He passed away in 2011. Mu Xin Museum, one of the top 10 art galleries in China, hovers above water next to bridges, as what Mu Xin wanted. Sublime, simple, sombre, the gallery is the fruit of civilisation and Nature.

#Muxin #China #artgalley


Fo Guang Shan | The Great Buddha Land
The Great Buddha is located on the eastern side of Fo Guang Shan next to the Great Wisdom Shrine. The Great Buddha is 36 meters in height, and is the highest standing Buddha in Southeast Asia. Situated in a high and prominent position, the compassionate face of the Buddha can be seen from many kilometers away. The body is golden in color and faces Mount Dawu looking along the Gaoping River.

It is surrounded by 480 smaller images of the receiving Buddha. The right hand is raised up, giving forth light, like a light house, as a guide to the living beings ,in this dark world. The left hand is lowered in a gesture of receiving, like a kind mother, receiving living beings and leading them to the Pure Land.

Address: No. 153, Xingtian Road, Dashu District, Kaohsiung City
Opening Hours: Daily 0600 - 1700
Free Admission
Transportation: Take bus E02 at Platform 2 outside THSR Zuoying Station

Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum

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Thank you
Eva Sabela

Huaihai Road Ruijin Road |Shanghai walk 4K Xuhui

淮海中路 瑞金二路 上海步行 4K 徐汇
Middle Huaihai Road Ruijin Second Road Shanghai Walk 4K Xuhui
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01 Nanjing Road|The Bund building 南京路全新改造延伸段外滩
02 Shanghai Walk Street View 南京东路 南京西路
03 Shanghai Huaihai Road Commercial Street 淮海路商业街景 上海
04 West Nanjing Road Anyi Road 南京西路 安义路
05 Huaihai Middle Road West Road 淮海中路西路
06 Yincheng Road Lujiazui |Shanghai 银城中路 陆家嘴
07 Lujiazui Street Oriental Pearl Tower陆家嘴 东方明珠塔
08 Nanjing East Road |Xintiandi|南京东路|新天地
09 Lujiazui IFC Mall Shanghai walking 国金中心 IFC Mall 商场|陆家嘴
10 Global Harbor shopping mall 4K |Shanghai walking 环球港商场|
11 Xintiandi|Sinan|Anfu Road|新天地|思南公馆|淮海中路|
12 Shanghai Tower Lujiazui Financial City 上海中心大厦118层观景平台|陆家嘴
13 Night Nanjing Road|the Bund|Xintiandi 夜景灯光|南京路步行街全新延伸段外滩
14 Huaihai Road Xintiandi|Wukang Road Anfu Road淮海中路新天地|武康路安福路
15 Lujiazui|Shanghai Walking 4K 陆家嘴高楼,
16 Wukang Anfu Road| Shanghai Street 武康路林荫道 ,上海徐汇
17 Tomson Riviera 汤臣一品 Shanghai Lujiazui building 陆家嘴住宅高楼
18 Lujiazui Financial City|ifc mall|陆家嘴金融城|国金中心|
19 House Villa Street|Garden Hotel OKURA|老式洋房街区|花园饭店大仓|
20 Metro Shanghai Subway Line 2 地铁2号线|上海浦东国际机场地铁站 PVG

Fo Guang Shan BUDDHA MUSEUM in KAOHSIUNG (佛光山佛陀紀念館)

We made a brief stop at the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum on our recent trip to Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan. This is a fine place to learn about Buddhism and enjoy the marvelous architecture.

This trip was made possible by MyTaiwanTour (

We are a small publishing company (Vision) based in Taipei. We produce an English magazine (Travel in Taiwan) introducing readers to Taiwan as a travel destination.

My name is Johannes (友漢). I love creating videos about places in Taiwan and I try to post a few videos every week (well, more like twice a month). Please let me know what you think about this channel and feel free to ask me any question. Thanks for your support!

Travel in Taiwan:
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Freezing fog

freezing fog in the back yard - timelapse

Huaihai Road|Walking Tour Night Shanghai 4K|Fumin road|Donghu road|Jing an

淮海中路|步行 夜晚 上海 4K|富民路|东湖路|静安|常德路
Middle Huaihai Road|Walking Night Shanghai 4K|Fumin Road|Donghu Road|Jingan|Changde Road
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More Videos|更多视频
01 Suzhou River The Bund|苏州河观景平台 外滩|
02 East Nanjing Road|Yu Yuan Garden|南京东路步行街|豫园|
03 Jingan Temple Street Driving |Nanjing Road|静安寺街区|南京西路|
04 Huaihai Road|Xin Tian Di|淮海中路|新天地|
05 Inner ring elevated road Driving |内环高架路 开车|
06 The Bund Driving|hengshan road|外滩 自驾|衡山路|
07 Huaihai Road Night Driving |淮海中路 雨夜 行车|
08 Xintiandi Tour|Driving Huaihai road|新天地游览 开车 淮海路|
09 Huaihai Road|Walking Xingtiandi|淮海中路|步行 新天地|
10 Maoming Road|Walking fengshengli|茂名北路南路|步行 丰盛里|
11 Jing an Street|hengshan road|静安街区|衡山路|
12 Yongjia road|hengshan road|永嘉路|衡山路|
13 West Nanjing Road Walking|南京西路 漫步|
14 Xintiandi Walk Tour|新天地|步行游览 上海|
15 Xingtiandi|Night huaihai Street|新天地|夜景|淮海中路
16 Xingtiandi Street|Walking Shanghai 4K|新天地|步行 上海 4K|
17 Huaihai road|xintiandi|淮海路|新天地|
18 Xintiandi|Shanghai 4K Street View|新天地|上海 4K 街景 |
19 Metro Tour Shanghai Walking|地铁游览 上海 步行|
20 Maoming road|Huaihai Road|茂名北路步行街|淮海中路|



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