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10 Best place to visit in Għaxaq Malta


Hiking from Ħal Għaxaq to Qajjenza

Leaving Ħal Għaxaq along Triq tal-Andar through the valley and Malta's colourful countryside, we stop at Għar Dalam before proceeding onward to Birżebbuġa and Qajjenza. From Qajjenza we climb uphill to St. Lucian Tower and then turn inland through country roads towards Żejtun, from where we return to Ħal Għaxaq.

This video was shot on 6th February 2022.

Abandoned! Malta ...17th Century ...'id-Dar ta' Pultu' Trail, Ghaxaq ... CNG Trekventures - 48/2020

It was time to take you all Back in Time ... way back to the 17th Century ... 1664.
An abandoned Building at the end of a nice relaxing valley in Hal-Ghaxaq Malta, previously owned by a Sicilian Knight Ippolito Novantieri, carrying a long an interesting Love Legend.
Hope you enjoy the info given and some nice shots as well.

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Impossible is Nothing, and with your help it is even easier and faster ;)
Thanks in Advance.

CNG Trekventures ... Free Your Spirit.

Ghaxaq Easter procession 5 April 2023

Handheld filming just standing on the steps - so a bit rough
However a great experience

Festa San Guzepp Ghaxaq 2022 Lejliet il-Festa...Part no 4


Climbing at Top of the World | S3 EP: 4, part 1 | The Local Traveller with Clare Agius | Malta

A popular spot for sports climbing in Malta is located in Għargħur, commonly known as Top of the World.

In this clip, Clare joins the Malta Climbing Club for an abseiling experience and learns all about this adventurous sport.
Find out more about The Local Traveller on
The Local Traveller follows Clare Agius as she explores Malta and Gozo in search for their many hidden gems. Sit back as Clare uncovers the Maltese Islands' culture, cuisine, and natural heritage with the help of a few friendly locals.


Presenter: Clare Agius

- Fabian Mizzi
- Noel Pace
Videography: Creative Corner
Drone footage: Salvu Vella

- Heritage Malta
- Clare Agius
- Fabian Mizzi
Script & Production: Clare Agius
Director: Fabian Mizzi

Opening Song: Semplicità by The Travellers


English Translation and Subtitles are funded by Malta Arts Council.
Warren Taliana, Martina Caruana, Martina Cremona, Amina Baldacchino, Nathlin Johnson, Alessia Sciberras from the Department of Translation, Terminology and Interpreting Studies.
Faculty of Arts, University of Malta

All Rights Reserved 2022 - Clare Agius - One Group

Ħaż Żabbar, The grandmasters city of Città Hompesch, MALTA

City in the Southeastern Region of Malta. It is the sixth largest city in the country, Originally a part of Żejtun, Żabbar was granted the title of Città Hompesch by the last of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John to reign in Malta,
Music in this video
Song: Nekzlo - Heading Home (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: NOWË - just some melodies. (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Restaurants in Ħal Għaxaq, Malta

Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Ħal Għaxaq. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.

Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, nutzt gerne einen unserer Affiliate Links. Euch entstehen dadurch keine Mehrkosten und wir erhalten eine kleine Provision.

Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):

Hier findest du Restaurants in Ħal Għaxaq, Malta:
1) San Manuel Chapparon Bar
2) Istanbul Kebab House
3) Four T's
4) Terry's Take Away
5) CFC Crispy flavoured chicken
7) Giannino Snack Bar
8) Hugo's Burger Bar (South)
9) Maltese Food and Wine Festival
10) Mystic Grill

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Festa Santa Marija Hal Ghaxaq 2022

On August 15, the church celebrates the Feast of Saint Mary. This is the traditional date of her Assumption, bodily taken up to heaven. In this video you will see the celebration of a typical Maltese Feast in Hal Ghaxaq, Malta.
#festimaltin #festa #hal=ghaxaq #maltaculture #festimalta #Santamaijamalta #maltin #minnmalta #maltacountry #maltatravel #maltaholiday #maltavacation #vacanzemalta

I Visited Malta's House of Snails (Shocked!) ????????

???? Għaxaq, Malta | It is probably Malta's most unique facades you'll ever see... its the House of Snails (Dar tal-Bebbux) sea-shells decorated house.

Indri Dimech's creation started back in 1898 as he envisioned this unique way to decorate the façade of his property in Għaxaq with hundreds of snails and seashells which he collected from local and foreign beaches.

Take a look at the situation of this unique façade nowadays.

So passing through the beautiful outskirts of the pristine countryside, encountering the old town houses, following the narrow streets and talking with the locals, I could feel that Għaxaq is that community centered southern village that oozes character.

The random chats with the locals, shows you how you can feel at ease if you're ever visit here.

Get your festive mojo as they do not joke when it comes to feast celebrations and fireworks.

00:07 Intro
00:44 Outskirts of Ghaxaq
7:34 Vatican Basilica Chapel
9:49 Local man helping me
12:40 Ghaxaq Parish Church
15:35 House Of Snails
19:54 Roaming Ghaxaq Streets

Għaxaq Local Council Email:​

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Gordon Travels
P.S. travel smart, stay humble, tell stories...

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【K】Malta Travel-Attard[몰타 여행-아샤크]성당이 주최하는 축제/Ghaxaq Parish Church/Adult/Festival

■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
몰타 남부의 작은 마을에서 축제가 벌어졌다. 몰타의 여름은 축제로 가득하다. 마치, 여름날의 크리스마스를 보는 것 같다. 축제의 주최는 성당. 매년 여름이 되면, 각 동네의 주요 성당을 중심으로, 성인을 기리는 축제를 일주일씩 연다고 한다. 축제 기간에는 성당을 비롯해, 주변에 있는 모든 건물을 화려하게 밝힌다. 그리고 악단의 연주로 마을에 활기를 불어넣는다. “다양한 곳에서 사람들이 모이고, 관광객들도 축제를 찾아옵니다. 몰타의 전통을 즐기러 오는 거죠. 저희 몰타문화의 한 부분입니다. 몰타에는 6개의 교회 교구가 있습니다. 대부분의 교회는 1개 이상의 축제를 열고 있습니다.” 밤늦게까지 이어지는 축제는 화려하게 장식한 무대에서 펼쳐지는 관현악단 공연이 하이라이트. 왠지 놀이공원에 온 느낌이다. 축제가 즐거운 이유는 볼거리와 더불어 먹을 거리도 넘치기 때문이다. 마치 크리스마스 마켓이 열린 것 같다. 솜사탕까지 판다. 달콤한 솜사탕만으로는 부족하다 생각이 든다면. 고개를 들어 하늘을 보면 된다. 몰타의 여름은 올해도 뜨겁다.

[English: Google Translator]
A festival took place in a small town in southern Malta. Malta's summer is full of festivals. It is like looking at Christmas on a summer's day. The organizer of the festival is the cathedral. Every summer, the festival celebrating adults is held weekly, centering on the main cathedrals in each neighborhood. During the festival period, all the buildings around the cathedral, as well as the surrounding area, are illuminated. And it invigorates the village with the performance of the band. People gather in various places and tourists come to visit the festival. I'm coming to enjoy the tradition of Malta. It is part of our Maltese culture. There are six church parishes in Malta. Most churches have more than one festival open. The festival, which lasts until late at night, is highlighted by an orchestra performance in the ornate stage. Somehow I feel like I came to an amusement park. The reason why the festival is so fun is that it is full of food and food. It looks as though the Christmas market is open. It sells cotton candy. If you think that sweet cotton candy is not enough. Lift your head and look at the sky. The summer in Malta is hot this year.

[Malta: Google Translator]
Sar festival f'belt żgħir fin-Nofsinhar ta 'Malta. Is-sajf ta 'Malta huwa mimli festivals. Huwa simili li tħares lejn il-Milied f'jum tas-sajf. L-organizzatur tal-festival huwa l-katidral. Kull sajf, il-festival li jiċċelebra l-adulti jinżamm darba fil-ġimgħa, u jiffoka fuq il-katidrali ewlenin f'kull lokal. Matul il-perjodu tal-festival, il-binjiet kollha madwar il-katidral, kif ukoll iż-żona tal-madwar, huma mdawla. U jsaħħaħ ir-raħal bil-prestazzjoni tal-medda. In-nies jiġbru f'diversi postijiet u t-turisti jżuru l-festival. Qed nibda biex igawdi t-tradizzjoni ta 'Malta. Hija parti mill-kultura Maltija tagħna. Hemm sitt parroċċi tal-knisja f'Malta. Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-knejjes għandhom aktar minn festival wieħed miftuħ. Il-festival, li jdum sa tard billejl, huwa enfasizzat minn prestazzjoni ta 'orkestra fl-istadju ta' wara. B'xi nħossni li ġejt park ta 'divertiment. Ir-raġuni għaliex il-festival huwa tant gost huwa li huwa mimli ikel u ikel. Jidher daqslikieku s-suq tal-Milied huwa miftuħ. Tbiegħ il-qoton. Jekk taħseb li l-qoton ħelu tal-qoton mhuwiex biżżejjed. Erfa 'r-ras u tħares lejn is-sema. Is-sajf f'Malta huwa sħun din is-sena.

■클립명: 유럽088-몰타03-15 성당이 주최하는 성인 축제
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하용일 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June

섬,island,cliff,종교시설,church,축제,축제,,festival,유럽Europe몰타MaltaRepubblika ta' MaltaRepublic of Malta하용일20186월몰타섬Malta IslandJune걸어서 세계속으로

San Guzepp Hal Ghaxaq Malta 2013

The holy procession of Saint Joseph in the little village of Ghaxaq in Malta

Best of Malta and Gozo

Pět protančených dní na Maltě! Všechno na dosah ruky a i v prosinci moře na koupačku!

Camino Maltés - the Malta segment, April 2023

The first stage of the Camino Maltés to Santiago de Compostela. 35 kms from Rabat to Birgu via Mdina, Haz-Zebbug, Siggiewi, Qrendi, Zurrieq, Gudja, Hal Ghaxaq, Zejtun, Haz-Zabbar and Bormla, passing by countless churches, chapels and places of interest on the way.

00:21 St. Cataldus Chapel, Rabat
00:23 St. Paul's Basilica and Grotto
01:00 Ta' Ġieżu
01:17 Ta' Doni Chapel
01:53 Mdina
02:27 St. Nicholas Chapel
02:58 Church of the Annunciation
03:03 Chapel of St. Roque
03:19 St. Paul's Cathedral
03:28 Mdina Gate
05:48 Remnant of railway embankment
07:06 St. James Chapel
07:44 Ħaż-Żebbuġ
08:13 Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows
08:20 St. Philip Parish Church
08:58 Our Lady of Light Chapel (Tad-Dawl)
09:14 Baqqiegħa Valley
09:22 Qirda Valley
10:02 Chapel of the Visitation
10:33 Ħesri Valley
12:09 Siġġiewi
12:28 St. Nicholas Parish Church
12:49 Chapel of Santa Maria ta' Ċwerra
13:15 Chapel of St. John the Baptist
13:37 Old Parish Church ruins
14:47 Providenza Chapel
15:18 San Niklaw Chapel
16:13 Qrendi
16:24 Chapel of Our Lady of Grace
16:38 Santa Marija Parish Church
16:53 Chapel of St. Matthew (Tal-Maqluba)
17:44 Our Lady of Mercy Sanctuary (Tal-Ħniena)
18:41 Qrendi cemetery
19:27 Ċimiterju tal-Ars (slight detour)
20:06 Ħal-Millieri - Lunzjata and
20:40 Ħal-Millieri - Chapel of St. John the Evangelist
21:38 Żurrieq
22:02 St. Catherine Parish Church
23:27 St. Andrew's Chapel and Xarolla Windmill
23:37 Catacombs
24:14 Chapel of St. Agatha
24:57 Misraħ Ħlantun
25:19 Ta' Ġawrhar Tower (Ħal Safi)
25:45 Airport runway
26:40 Ta' Loretu Chapel (Gudja)
27:19 Gudja
27:23 Santa Marija Parish Church
27:35 Ġnien tal-Kmand
28:12 Bir Miftuħ Church
28:55 Lunzjata Chapel
29:30 Chapel of St. Catherine
29:43 Palazzo Dorell
30:00 Xlejli Tower
30:10 Ħal Għaxaq
30:40 Dar tal-Bebbux
30:49 Santa Marija Parish Church
31:33 Bir id-Deheb
31:43 Our Lady of Mercy Chapel
32:00 Żejtun
32:24 Tas-Sinjura (Sacred Heart)
32:35 Santa Marija tal-Ħlas
32:46 Chapel of St. Angelo
32:54 Mater Boni Consigli
33:03 St. Catherine Parish Church
33:33 Ġesù Nazzarenu
33:46 San Girgor Church
34:13 Is-Salvatur Chapel
34:47 Chapel of St. Clement
35:20 Ħaż-Żabbar
35:38 Our Lady of Graces Sanctuary (Parish Church)
36:08 Lunzjata Church
36:43 Notre Dame Gate (Birgu)
36:58 Bormla
37:29 Immaculate Conception Parish Church
38:07 Dock number 1
38:23 Maċina (Senglea)
38:34 Birgu Parish Church of St. Lawrence
39:33 Maritime Museum
39:58 Fort St. Angelo

Churches in the Maltese Islands

In the small island state of Malta, the church or chapel is a common feature of the landscape. Many churches in Malta dominate the skyline, and the domes and steeples can usually be seen from across the island. One can usually find the center of a town or village by driving towards the parish church, although many towns and village cores feature two or more churches and chapels. (Wikipedia)

Music by Kevin Mc.Leod
license (cc by 4.0)
#maltaculture, #malta , #travelmalta ,#triptomalta ,#church #maltachurch, #knejjes,

Gozo Picnic | S3 EP: 20, part 2 | The Local Traveller with Clare Agius | Malta

With so many natural wonders to enjoy, Gozo is the perfect destination for a picnic out in the wild.

Clare sits with Ana from Gozo Picnic at Mġarr ix-Xini enjoying the lovely spread prepared by Ana, and chats about how Ana and her husband came to live in Gozo, and what inspired her to start organising her Gozo Picnics.

Find out more about The Local Traveller on
The Local Traveller follows Clare Agius as she explores Malta and Gozo in search for their many hidden gems. Sit back as Clare uncovers the Maltese Islands' culture, cuisine, and natural heritage with the help of a few friendly locals.


Presenter: Clare Agius
- Tony Grech
- Michelle Grech Farrugia
- Marlene Portelli
- Giovanni Sultana
- Ryan Azzopardi
- Silvan Grima
- Ana Kisling

- Fabian Mizzi
- Noel Pace
Videography: Creative Corner
Drone footage:
- Salvu Vella
- Anthony Axiak

- Heritage Malta
- Clare Agius
- Fabian Mizzi
Script & Production: Clare Agius
Director: Fabian Mizzi

Opening Song: Semplicità by The Travellers

Special Thanks:
- Gleneagles Bar
- Socjeta Filarmonika Leone
- Aurora Dance Company
- Gozo Picnic
- Edward Said - Nader Mayor
- Ministry of Gozo
- Pierre Micallef Grimaud
- Dynart Studios

English Translation and Subtitles are funded by Malta Arts Council.
Warren Taliana, Martina Caruana, Martina Cremona, Amina Baldacchino, Nathlin Johnson, Alessia Sciberras from the Department of Translation, Terminology and Interpreting Studies.
Faculty of Arts, University of Malta

All Rights Reserved 2023 - Clare Agius - One Group

2 October 2011 - Girandola Maltese - St Mary Fireworks Hal Ghaxaq Malta

2 October 2011 - One of the girandolas lit by St Mary Fireworks Factory from Hal-Ghaxaq Malta for the festival FireworksOne II which was held in San Severo (Fg) Italia.


~MALTA~ Lija Village Tour & Festa

Hi everyone :) Today we are in the beautiful village of Lija. Lija is a village found in the center of island and is part of the region of the three villages together with Attard and Balzan. We first go around and visit the village square which is infront of the parish church and the band club where you can find a few shops and across the road there are modern homes and villas with the Belvedere at the beginning of the entrance of the village. Next we go to the Lija parish church. The church, dedicated to the Trasfiguration or Christ the Saviour was built in 1694 and was completed some 17 years later. It was built facing the modern part of Lija while the old part of village is just behind the church. The interior is adorned with beautiful treasures, riches and a beautiful altar underneath the dome adorned with the Titular painting. In our visit to the church we go up the bell tower where we see stunning views of the village. We also participate in the traditional bell ringing, bells which 5 of them where cast in 1946 by John Taylor Bell Founders of Loughbrough in England. The 5 bells are known as some of finest bells on Malta. There are also 3 older bells but these rarely ring and are used on special occasions. After we go to the stunning Belvedere which was built in the 19th Century in a huge garden near a beautiful villa we can still find today nearby. In the 1950s some parts of the garden where shrinked to make way for Trasfiguration Road. Instead of demolishing the Belvedere it was decided to instead preserve it and leave it as a roundabout. Today the Belvedere is a popular hangout and a known landmark just outside the village square. Then we also go around the colourful streets and alleyways. Finally we end the video with pictures showing the best parts of the Lija village festa dedicated to the Trasfiguration ( Is- Salvatur ) celebrated every 6th August. The village of Lija is a very quiet place adorned with villas and a colourful festa, so it definitely deserves a visit :) Hope you enjoyed :)

What are festas ?
Festas are Religious Catholic events held in many places around Malta islands. The festa includes pontifical mass, band parties, late night parties, decorations and a procession with statue of the patron saint of the locality.

Malta Something for everyone

Something for Everyone in Malta

«Malta on the road 2022”

Watch this footage and enjoy the streets of Malta from our point of view. Be our guest in the car and discover Malta on the road.
#DiscoverMalta #Maltastreets #Maltaontheroad #drivingmalta #maltadrive #roadsofmalta #maltabycar #Actioncamera #goprofootage

CNG Treks - 16/2020 ... Ghajn tal Hasselin, Dingli - Malta

During this Covid'19 Pandemic, and in view of all those trekkers who cannot go out, protecting themselves by staying at Home, I am visiting these interesting places (solo, or strictly honouring the required social distancing), shooting some nice photos and footages, and sharing them with you in this Vlog.
Hope you enjoy, and kindly feedback where you want me to visit next.
These Vlogs are also aimed for young citizens who never had the opportunity to visit, and for foreigners who would love to see what this beautiful island can offer while on holiday ;)

Kuragg Malta.




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