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10 Best place to visit in Flores Costa Cuca Guatemala


Flores Guatemala Hidden Gems

This is our first impressions of Flores Petén Guatemala in Central America in September 2022, and we show you the hidden gems of the mainland.

Description in English and Spanish Below. Subtitles are available in English and Spanish. Descripción en inglés y español a continuación. Los subtítulos están disponibles en Inglés y Español.

We stayed at Hotel Del Patio-Tikal

???????? - In this Flores Guatemala Travel Vlog we will be showing you the island and mainland of Flores. If you enjoy this tour from around Flores Guatemala then be sure to subscribe to see our upcoming videos from across Guatemala. You should add Flores Guatemala to your travel wishlist! In this Flores Petén travel guide and Guatemala vlog we will show you the country of eternal spring. We show you what to do, and things to do in Flores Guatemala. We hope this video gives you perspective and maybe changes your mind about Guatemala, in which you can decide if Guatemala is safe to visit. The island of Flores in Guatemala is a must-visit spot if you're making your way to this amazing country. We are now in the heart of the Maya World.

Most people use Flores, as just a jumping off point to explore Tikal. Flores is the capital of Petén. Peten is the largest department in Guatemala. It was on this island that the Maya established NojPetén, their final stronghold in the face of the Spanish conquest. The town of Santa Elena is located on the shores of Lake Petén Itzá, and it is connected by a causeway to the island. San Benito is next to Santa Elena. We will try local food on the waterfront of the causeway, wander through the Santa Elena Market, and search for the best place in San Benito, to see the island of Flores from afar. Come with us, as we look for the hidden gems, of Flores.

#Guatemala #TravelGuide #guatemala2022 #flores

In case you are new here, we are Will and Katy and we are a married couple that hopes to show you what it is like to travel and shop around the world in 2022!

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Estas son nuestras primeras impresiones de Flores Guatemala en Septiembre de 2022.

???????? - En este Vlog de viaje de Flores Guatemala, le mostraremos la isla y el continente de Flores. Si disfruta de este recorrido por Flores Guatemala, asegúrese de suscribirse para ver nuestros próximos videos de toda Guatemala. ¡Debes agregar Flores Guatemala a tu lista de deseos de viaje! En esta guía de viaje de Flores Petén y vlog de Guatemala te mostraremos el país de la eterna primavera. Te mostramos qué hacer y qué hacer en Flores Guatemala. Esperamos que este video le brinde una perspectiva y tal vez le haga cambiar de opinión sobre Guatemala, en el que puede decidir si es seguro visitar Guatemala. La isla de Flores en Guatemala es un lugar de visita obligada si te diriges a este increíble país. Ahora estamos en el corazón del Mundo Maya.

La mayoría de la gente usa Flores, simplemente como un punto de partida para explorar Tikal. Flores es la capital de Petén. Petén que es el departamento más grande de Guatemala. Fue en esta isla donde los mayas establecieron Noj Petén, su último bastión frente a la conquista española. El pueblo de Santa Elena está ubicado a orillas del lago Petén Itzá, y está conectado por un pedraplén a la isla. San Benito está al lado de Santa Elena. Probaremos la comida local en la costanera de la calzada, pasearemos por el Mercado de Santa Elena y buscaremos el mejor lugar de San Benito, para ver de lejos la isla de Flores. Ven con nosotros, mientras buscamos las gemas ocultas de Flores.

En caso de que seas nuevo aquí, somos Will y Katy y somos una pareja casada que espera mostrarte cómo es viajar y comprar en todo el mundo en 2022.

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Madrileños por el Mundo: La Habana (Cuba)

Descubre más destinos maravillosos en

Tras 50 años de bloqueo de Estados Unidos y gran parte del mundo occidental, Cuba espera un tiempo de apertura que sus habitantes acogen con la esperanza de un futuro mejor. Visitamos el mayor país caribeño en un momento histórico, con madrileños que nos guían por lo más destacado de La Habana, una ciudad detenida en el tiempo.

José Carlos vive a caballo entre Madrid y La Habana. Mientras paseamos por el majestuoso Paseo del Prado, recordamos el brillante pasado de la ciudad a mitad del siglo XX. Nos montamos en un mítico Ford de 1957 para descubrir edificios emblemáticos como el Capitolio o la Lonja del Comercio. Visitamos Partagás, el más turístico punto de venta de tabaco, y la fábrica de puros La Corona, donde comprobamos que la elaboración de los prestigiosos habanos sigue siendo completamente artesanal.

De ahí nos vamos a la gran Plaza de la Revolución, un lugar mítico de la historia reciente cubana y epicentro de grandes celebraciones. En el barrio de Jaimanitas apreciamos el arte gaudiano de José Fuster, uno de los creadores cubanos más reconocidos internacionalmente. Y en el Hotel Nacional recordamos el desenfreno de los cincuenta en la galería de los famosos: realeza, burguesía, actores, mafiosos... todos se reunían en torno a un trago de ron y el humo de un habano.

Juanjo trabaja para la cadena Meliá Hoteles, una de las más de 200 empresas españolas que operan en la isla, y que deben asociarse con el Estado para poder instalarse. Paseamos por la Habana Vieja disfrutando del auténtico sabor de la vida en la calle. Y por contraste, nos trasladamos a La Marina, una de las áreas más exclusivas de la ciudad.

Tomamos un ferry con Juan Pablo desde la Habana Vieja para conocer algunos municipios de la bahía como Casablanca, y visitamos un museo al aire libre dedicado a la crisis de los misiles de 1962. De vuelta al corazón de la ciudad, paseamos por la principal arteria, la calle Obispo, y visitamos el curioso Museo Maqueta y el Acuario, donde nos hablan del manjuarí, un pez de agua dulce de la época prehistórica. Por último, visitamos el restaurante El Laurel, uno de los paladares más antiguos de Cuba, casas particulares dedicadas a la hostelería desde hace unos veinte años.

Roberto, que con 24 años se convirtió en el director de sucursal bancaria más joven de España, decidió instalarse en La Habana para dedicarse a la exportación de productos cubanos. Descubrimos la plaza de la Catedral, territorio de santeras, y visitamos la mítica Bodeguita del Medio, el local más conocido de la ciudad. Conocemos la iglesia de San Lázaro y conocemos el gran secreto de nuestro madrileño: es sacerdote babalawo, condición que convierte su casa en lugar sagrado. Por último nos espera Varadero (a unos 135 km. de La Habana), con sus 18 km. de playas de agua cristalina, y principal destino turístico de ocio del país.

Trusting Strangers in Guatemala: Xela And Flores Travel Vlog

In this Guatemala travel vlog, I will be talking about Couchsurfing In Guatemala: Trusting Strangers In Xela And Flores. Trusting strangers can be an issue for a female solo traveler everywhere but some countries have a worse reputation. Guatemala is one of them, unfortunately.

#Guatemala #Travel #Vlog

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00:00 Arriving
00:38 The Finals in Xela
3:22 Enjoying Xela
5:46 Ariving to Flores
8:23 HELP Flores is burning
9:51 Kayaking in Flores

GUATEMALA Travel 2023 | Beautiful Destinations | What to see?

As my Digital Nomad experience in beautiful Guatemala comes to an end, I decided to put together a video highlighting the best moments I had there.

Goodbye, Guate! Gracias for this awesome time! I hope to come back soon!

And one quick message, I've been traveling non-stop everywhere around the world and one thing that always concerns me is travel insurance. A few weeks ago I decided to get Safety Wing insurance and it seems like a great option for digital nomads and travelers. And the best thing is that is pretty affordable (around USD 40/ month). If you wanna check and decide to get travel insurance, please consider using my link below. This way you will be getting a great deal and also contributing to this channel! =)
Safety Wing:

And please don't forget to leave your like (or even consider subscribing to this channel). That would mean a lot to me! =)


Guatemala 2023

Video from my trip to Guatemala in February 2023
Enjoy my other travel videos on my channel or my travel blog
Music: The Pop by Soundroll

Parque Nueva Juventud - Some Background Itfctom's photos around Flores, Guatemala

Preview of Itfctom's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:

This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.

Entry from: Flores, Guatemala
Entry Title: Parque Nueva Juventud - Some Background


I have spent the past month as a volunteer with Volunteer El Peten, this is some background The Eco Parque Nueva Juventud is set a half hour hike from the centre of San Andreas. On my first visit to the park, a fellow volunteer offered directions Walk until you feel you have walked too far and then walk for another 5 minutes, you cannot miss it. The hike is along a dusty biege road and it is hot going. That said, everything here in Peten is hot going, the temperature is high and the humidity higher. Within five minutes of leaving my house I am actively glistening and within an hour of beginning work in the park my clothes are saturated from head to toe. I cannot believe the extent that I have sweated this past month, I knew in theory I was 70% water, but I would never believed my body capable of producing so much fluid on a daily basis. The combination of heat and work, build in me an intense and constant appetite, I have heard that the heat is actually suppose4d to suppress your hunger, but I do not believe a word of these old wives tales. Instead my hunger is sated by the frequent montains of food that my host family provide for me, regular as clockwork, three times a day. As with Xela, the food here is simple, and the staples are frijoles, tortillas, plantainos, rice, eggs and suprisingly large quantities of meat. Occassionally my house family spring a suprise, to break the culinary rhythm, a suprise might comprise a local speciality such as buyos or tamilitos (local specialities.) Breakfast here is no different to any other meal of the day, and in a strange way I long for the monatonous rythm of muesli and granoli with cold milk. The park covers a substantial area of land and takes a substantial hike to explore. However as with all things conservation related, it could do with being bigger to prevent it from being an island of reemerging diversity surrounded by human settlement. The park is sited on partially cleared land, and the primary goal is reforestation to speed the process of succession and create a diverse environment where native hardwoods and animals can survive. Some of the older trees remain in the park, including those that, amusingly, were too tough to machete and when chain sawed produced wood of no practical value because it was too tough to manipulate and destyroyed the sawmills tools when cut. The older trees that do remain help to provide some shade and so create conditions in which young trees can thrive and worthless secondary growth is prevented. However conditions in all the park are not so fortutious and so a lot of work to machete the quick growing weeds and prepare land for the planting of tree species and other plant species such as bananos, plantanos, mushan, makel that can provide shade to protect the more vulnerable species that the project aims to reintroduce. Across the park also are planted various food plants such as oranges, ginger, pineapple, maize, sugar cane to provcide some kind of output from the park.
Read and see more at:

Photos from this trip:
1. Moon on the Lake
2. School Mural
3. Night time Moon
4. Ninos School
5. Ceiba, the National Tree
6. Mateo, Visionary and Co-ordinator
7. Sun over Lake San Andreas
8. Sun over Lake San Andreas 2
9. View to Flores
10. San Jose

See this TripWow and more at

Webinar FIASEET- Ministerio de Turismo Ecuador. Ministra de Turismo Ecuador, Rosi Prado de Holguín.

Webinar organizado por FIASEET y el Ministerio de Turismo Ecuador.
Tema: Agenda de reactivación turística de Ecuador, dictado por la Ministra de Turismo del Ecuador, Rosi Prado de Holguín. Viernes 24 de julio de 2020.



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