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10 Best place to visit in Fürstenau Germany


Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Michelstadt Destination Spot

Top Tourist Attractions Places To Visit In Germany | Michelstadt Destination Spot - Tourism in Germany


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Michelstadt in the Odenwald is a town in the Odenwaldkreis (district) in southern Hesse, Germany between Darmstadt and Heidelberg.
Michelstadt had its first documentary mention in 741 from Mayor of the Palace Carloman, Charlemagne’s uncle.
Michelstadt is one of the oldest settlements in the inner Odenwald.
Its castle grew out of a Frankish baronial estate.
This was built into a refuge for the local inhabitants.
As a royal estate, Prince Carloman donated it in 741 to Saint Boniface’s pupil Burchard, the first Bishop of Würzburg.
This donation was apparently meant for Bishop Burchard personally, for the Michelnstat area passed back to the Frankish Crown upon Burchard’s death in 791.
Timber-frame house at the marketplace with the market well
In 815, the Michlinstat area was donated once again.
Einhard also built the Einhardsbasilika.
In 819, he bequeathed his Odenwald holdings to Lorsch Abbey and in so doing precisely defined the boundaries of the Mark Michelstadt.
Upon Einhard’s death on 14 March 840, the monastery came into its inheritance.
In the 17th century, the first houses outside the town wall were built.
In 1773, a new town gate was built, called the Neutor (“New Gate”).
Out of what was once a small farming community grew a sizeable town with important industrial operations on the foundation of the centuries-old ironworking.
A new economic era began.
From the clothweavers’ and dyers’ guild grew a cloth factory; from foundries grew machine factories.
Ivory carving was a starting point for businesses in the souvenir industry and plastics processing.
Michelstadt's Old Town features many timber-frame houses.
Particularly worthy of mention are the following buildings, some within the old town, others in the surrounding countryside: The historic Town Hall, the Diebsturm (Thief's Tower) at the town wall, the Kellereihof (a Frankish, early mediaeval castle complex refurbished in an early Renaissance style) in the town wall ring, the late Gothic town church (late 13th century), the Einhards-Basilika, the palace of the Counts at Erbach-Fürstenau (Schloss Fürstenau, within which are parts of an old moated castle in Michelstadt-Steinbach), Jagdschloss Eulbach with an English landscape garden and a Roman bath and castra, formerly part of the Neckar-Odenwald Limes.


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►Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Margravial Opera House Destination Spot - Tourism In Germany:

►Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Marienplatz Destination Spot - Tourism In Germany:

►Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Michelstadt Destination Spot - Tourism In Germany:

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Ugly Tourists in Germany: How to Upset Germans

Germany is a wonderful country to visit with the top of the line museums, quaint half timbered houses, and food galore! However when you visit Germany there may be a few things that will upset your local German friends that you might not know about. Here are ways that tourists and non-Germans can really upset Germans in Germany.
Filmed in Freiburg, Germany

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Copyright Mark Wolters 2022

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Best Vacation Guide | Switzerland

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Tecklenburg im Teutoburger Wald - Wandern auf dem Tecklenburger Bergpfad

Am Nordrand des Münsterlandes an der Landesgrenze zwischen Nordrhein-Westfalen und Niedersachsen erheben sich der Teutoburger Wald und das Wiehengebirge aus der westfälischen Ebene. Oben auf dem Kamm des Teutoburgerwaldes liegt das kleine Örtchen Tecklenburg. Von dort lassen sich weite Ausblicke ins Münsterland und ins Wiehengebirge genießen. Zahlreiche Wanderwege führen über Berg und Tal durch den Teutoburger Wald und das Tecklenburger Land. Der Tourismusverband nennt sie werbewirksam Teutoschleifen.
An einem sonnigen Maitag erwandeten wir die Teutoschleife mit dem einladenden Namen 'Tecklenburger Bergpfad'. Wir wurden nicht enttäuscht: Über Berg und Tal führte uns eine vierstündige Wanderung von Tecklenburg nach Brochterbeck. Aussichts- und abwechslungsreich war es und wir waren zufrieden. Für den Hinweg nach Brochterbeck wählten wir die Talvariante. Auf dem Rückweg nach Tecklenburg wanderten wir auf dem Hermannsweg, der hier als Kammweg ein sehr entspanntes Laufen ermöglicht.

Eine detaillierte Wanderbeschreibung findet ihr hier:

Es war sicher nicht unsere letzte Wanderung im Tecklenburger Land,

Die begleitende Musik stammt von der bayerischen Band Haindling: Sommerthema 1.

[4K] Bus 100 - Kommentierte Stadtrundfahrt in Berlin

Für eine Stadtrundfahrt mit Kommentar bietet sich der Bus 100 in Berlin einfach an, da er an vielen der Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt vorbei fährt. Er gilt als die Linie für Touristen.
Bei dieser Berlin Tour ist Start am Tiergarten. Es geht vorbei an der Siegessäule, dem Schloss Bellevue, der Kongresshalle, dem Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, entlang der Straße Unter den Linden mit Staatsbibliothek, Humboldt Universität, Staatsoper, Neue Wache, Berliner Schloss / Humboldt Forum, Berliner Dom, Museumsinsel, Fernsehturm zum Alexanderplatz und zurück bis zur Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche und Bahnhof Zoo.
Diese Tour habe ich am 16. Mai 2021, einem Sonntag, aufgenommen.
Leider fährt seit einiger Zeit kein Doppeldecker mehr, da sich unter der Straße Unter den Linden ein Tunnel befindet, dessen Statik nicht mehr die Beste ist. schwere Busse sind nicht mehr erlaubt.

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Zeiten und Orte:
00:00 Intro
00:15 Parteizentrale der CDU
00:32 Botschaften von Luxembourg, Malaysia und Bahrain
00:46 Botschaft Mexiko
00:53 Skandinavische Botschaften
01:03 Siegessäule
01:28 Tiergarten
01:50 Schloss Bellevue
01:58 Tiergarten und Spree
02:58 Haus der Kulturen der Welte (ehemalige Kongresshalle)
03:08 Tiergarten
04:03 Reichstagsgebäude
04:48 ehemaliger Grenzbereich (wir kommen ins ehemalige Ost-Berlin)
05:10 Brandenburger Tor
05:14 Bürogebäude für den Deutschen Bundestag
05:53 Hotel Adlon and Britische Botschaft
06:32 Brandenburger Tor
06:49 Unter den Linden
07:03 Botschaft der Russischen Föderation
07:20 Unter den Linden
07:36 Fernsehturm, Kuppel des Berliner Doms und Turm des Roten Rathauses geradezu
07:43 Alte Staatsbibliothek
07:53 Reiterstandbild Friedrich II. und Humboldt Universität
08:02 Bebelplatz mit St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale und Staatsoper
08:12 Neue Wache
08:16 Deutsches Historisches Museum (Zeughaus) links
08:18 Kronprinzenpalais rechts
08:22 Alte Kommandantur
08:27 Berliner Schloss / Humboldt Forum
08:48 Berliner Dom
08:58 Marienkirche, Fernsehturm und Turm vom Roten Rathaus
09:44 Marienkirche
10:10 Rotes Rathaus
10:23 Martin Luther Denkmal
10:30 Marienkirche
11:16 Alexanderplatz und Hotel Park Inn
11:56 Alexanderplatz
12:58 Endstation
13:04 Domaquaree mit Sea Life
13:53 Berliner Schloss / Humboldt Forum
13:58 Berliner Dom und Museumsinsel
14:42 Unter den Linden
14:55 Altes Zeughaus, Deutsches Historisches Museum
15:00 Kronprinzenpalais (links)
15:09 Neue Wache (Zentrale Gedenkstätte für die Opfer von Krieg und Gewaltherrschaft)
15:21 Humboldt Universität
15:29 Königliche Bibliothek, Neues Palais und Reiterstandbild Friedrich II.
15:38 Staatsbibliothek
15:56 Bud Spencer Museum
16:26 Unter den Linden
16:34 Hotel Westin Grand, ehemals Standort Kaffee Kranzler
16:47 Unter den Linden
18:01 Madame Tussauds
18:22 Brandenburger Tor
19:10 Bürogebäude für den Deutschen Bundestag
20:02 Reichstagsgebäude und weiter im ehemaligen West-Berlin
21:04 Tiergarten
21:49 Glockenturm
21:56 Bundeskanzleramt
22:08 Tiergarten
22:34 Carillon im Tiergarten
22:48 Haus der Kulturen der Welte (ehemals Kongresshalle)
23:10 Tiergarten und Spree
24:08 Schloss Bellevue (Sitz des Bundespräsidenten) und Bundespräsidialamt
25:25 Siegessäule
26:14 Tiergarten
26:40 Botschaften der Nordischen Länder
27:02 Botschaft Mexikos
27:09 Botschaften
27:17 Parteizentrale der CDU - Konrad Adenauer Haus
27:40 Auf dem Weg in die City West
28:40 Kurfürstenstraße
29:39 Deutsches Institut für Normung mit Din-Platz
30:10 Aquarium und Berliner Zoo mit Elefantentor
30:44 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche und Bikinihaus
31:00 Gedächtniskirche
31:42 Zoo-Palast
31:48 Bahn Zoologischer Garten (Endstation)

GERMANY: Tecklenburg - medieval town

Tecklenburg is a town in Germany set against a decor of the Middle Ages, located at the foothills of the Teutoburg Forest (Teutoburger Wald).

Tecklenburg retained some of its medieval townscape to date.

Main sites include the ruined castle (now serving as open air theatre during the Summer) and the Stadtkirche (the main, old church) including tombs of the dukes of Tecklenburg and others prominent in the history of the county and city.

The castle was built around 1250. Anna von Tecklenburg-Schwerin made a lot of construction changes. Around 1700 the castle was old and the bricks were used for other buildings in Tecklenburg. Only a ruin was the result.

Today, Tecklenburg is a lovely tourist place, a place to relax and to walk around. The city's center streets represent old European charm. As you walk these streets, you sense becoming part of history - 100's years of lives lived out in these same streets.

November 14, 2009.

Updated video of Tecklenburg (2012):

Here Are The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2019!

The list of The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2019, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, is here!

The official list:
No.1, Mirazur, France
No.2, Noma, Denmark
No.3, Asador Etxebarri, Spain
No.4, Gaggan, Thailand
No.5, Geranium, Denmark
No.6, Central, Peru
No.7, Mugaritz, Spain
No.8, Arpège, France
No.9, Disfrutar, Spain
No.10, Maido, Peru
No.11, Den, Japan
No.12, Pujol, Mexico
No.13, White Rabbit, Russia
No.14, Azurmendi, Spain
No.15, Septime, France
No.16, Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée, France
No.17, Steirereck, Austria
No.18, Odette, Singapore
No.19, Twins Garden, Russia
No.20, Tickets, Spain
No.21, Frantzén, Sweden
No.22, Narisawa, Japan
No.23, Cosme, USA
No.24, Quintonil, Mexico
No.25, Alléno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen, France
No.26, Boragó, Chile
No.27, The Clove Club, UK
No.28, Blue Hill at Stone Barns, USA
No.29, Piazza Duomo, Italy
No.30, Elkano, Spain
No.31, Le Calandre, Italy
No.32, Nerua, Spain
No.33, Lyle's, UK
No.34, Don Julio, Argentina
No.35, Atelier Crenn, USA
No.36, Le Bernardin, USA
No.37, Alinea, USA
No.38, Hiša Franko, Slovenia
No.39, A Casa do Porco, Brazil
No.40, Restaurant Tim Raue, Germany
No.41, The Chairman, China
No.42, Belcanto, Portugal
No.43, Hof Van Cleve, Belgium
No.44, The Test Kitchen, South Africa
No.45, Sühring, Thailand
No.46, De Librije, Netherlands
No.47, Benu, USA
No.48, Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet, China
No.49, Leo, Colombia
No.50, Schloss Schauenstein, Switzerland

GERMANY: Tecklenburg - medieval town

Tecklenburg is a town in Germany set against a decor of the Middle Ages, located at the foothills of the Teutoburg Forest (Teutoburger Wald).

Tecklenburg retained some of its medieval townscape to date.
Main sites include the ruined castle (now serving as open air theatre during the Summer) and the Stadtkirche (the main, old church) including tombs of the dukes of Tecklenburg and others prominent in the history of the county and city.

The castle was built around 1250. Anna von Tecklenburg-Schwerin made a lot of construction changes. Around 1700 the castle was old and the bricks were used for other buildings in Tecklenburg. Only a ruin was the result.

Today, Tecklenburg is a lovely tourist place, a place to relax and to walk around. The city's center streets represent old European charm. As you walk these streets, you sense becoming part of history - 100's years of lives lived out in these same streets.

May 28, 2012


Bikkelweekend in Fürstenau 2016.

Osnabruck Germany

I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (

5 Ausflugstipps für Familien im Osnabrücker Land

Endlich Sommerferien in Niedersachsen! ???? Bist Du noch auf noch auf der Suche nach Ausflugszielen, die der ganzen Familie Spaß machen? Dann haben wir genau das Richtige für Dich: ???? Unsere Bucket-List für spannende Familienausflüge im Osnabrücker Land. ????

Mit dabei ist definitiv eine Alpaka-Tour, zum Beispiel bei Alpakamo in Bersenbrück. ????

Eine Radtour darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Kennst Du schon die familienfreundliche Germanen-Route zwischen dem Alfsee Ferien- und Erlebnispark ( und VARUSSCHLACHT im Osnabrücker Land - Museum und Park Kalkriese ( ????
Ein Ferien-Highlight ist bestimmt ein Besuch auf dem Baumwipfelpfad Bad Iburg ????. Garantiert richtig spannend wird es für Deine Kids auf dem Rundwanderweg Piesberg Osnabrück ????.

Wie ein kleiner Urlaub für alle fühlt sich ein Besuch beim Dinkelhof Horstmann in Glandorf mit der tollen Swin-Golf-Anlage an. ????️ Übernachten könnt ihr hier übrigens im Heuhotel, im Tipi oder auf dem Campingplatz.

00:00 - 00:10 Intro
00:10 - 00:24 Alpaka-Wanderung
00:24 - 00:48 Baumwipfelpfad Bad Iburg
00:48 - 01:22 Rundwanderweg Piesberg
01:22 - 01:54 Radtour am Alfsee
01:54 - 02:25 Dinkelhof Horstmann in Glandorf

Top 15 Things To Do In Michelstadt, Germany

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Michelstadt -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 15 things to do in Michelstadt, Germany
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.

1. Schloss Fürstenau -
2. Kainsbacher Getreidemühle -
3. Einhardsbasilika -
4. Old Town - Shutterstock
5. Stadtmuseum -
6. Historisches Rathaus -
7. Diebsturm - Shutterstock
8. Eulbacher Park -
9. Stadtkirche -
10. Synagoge Michelstadt -
11. Burg Michelstadt -
12. Marktbrunnen -
13. Römerbad Würzberg -
14. German Ivory Museum -

15. Christmas Market - Shutterstock

For business inquiries contact us at:

Michelstadt,Michelstadt germany,Michelstadt tour,Michelstadt tourist,Michelstadt guide,Michelstadt attractions, visit Michelstadt, travel Michelstadt, things to do in Michelstadt, places to visit in Michelstadt, Michelstadt hotels,Michelstadt holiday

Cityportrait Fürstenau

This is my very first commercial project, which took me 14 shooting days and it´s an imagefilm
about a small town in the north of germany, called Fürstenau.

The so called Hanseatic Day is arranged every year by different hanseatic cities.
This time, Fürstenau was supposed to show it´s amenities to the city councils
and mayors of all associated cities.

The movie was directed by Anja Meyer, who is tourism agent of Fürstenau.
Her demands were just simple: Show Fürstenau from its best side and generate shots,
like the ones, you´ve shot for your Neuschwanstein-movie.

Therefore she made a huge list of attractions, locations, events and companies which
had to be filmed.

We gathered more than 400 GB of wonderful footage, visited a lot of nice places, lots of companies, we shot weddings, festivities, impressions, livings, attractions and whatsoever.

At the end we had to reduce the movies length of 20 minutes down to a maximum of 8 mins, which was an iterative task between the client and me.

With tears in my eyes we had to get rid off a lot of very nice shots, as it was necessary to keep the movie interesting and entertaining enough.

The music and sounddesign has been produced by Sounds In Motion, Gunter Richter, who did an amazing job, merging the different topics seamless together.

Along with this movie, I edited several smaller movies, like ANTJESFEUERBERG, enchanted forest and Sabine & Steven - Medieval Wedding.

My wife Sonja shot and edited a nice behind the scenes-movie, which you can find here:​14521043

Enjoy! :)

Equipment used:

Canon EOS 7D,
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ38,
B+W MRC Polarizer, slim,
Tokina AF 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X Pro DX,
Kenko Polarizer,
Sigma AF 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG macro,
Kenko Polarizer Digital Pro,
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II,
Kenko Polarizer Digital Pro,
Canon EF 50mm/ f/1,4, USM
B+W MRC Polarizer, slim,
Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
B+W MRC Polarizer, slim,
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro,
B+W MRC Polarizer, slim,
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 USM L IS,
B+W MRC Polarizer, slim,
ND Fader,
Seagull Shoulderrig,
Manfrotto 190 DB tripod,
Manfrotto MA 055 CXPRO3 tripod,
Manfrotto 701 HDV videohead,
Manfrotto 700RC2 videohead,
Manfrotto 808 RC4 3way-head,
Manfrotto 234 videohead,
Soligor motorized pan head,
Phottix Hector Remote Liveview,
JJC-TM-A remote switch/timer,
Rode Stereo VideoMic,

Shot mostly at ISO 100, 1/60, 29.98 fps, FullHD
superflat picture style and edited in Adobe Premiere, graded in After Effects.

© 2010 The IE·DNlab Project

Best Vienna hotels *4 star*: Top 10 hotels in Vienna, Austria

1. The Student Hotel Vienna
► More info:

2. Hotel Brauhof Wien
► More info:

3. Parks 73 The Townhouse Hotel
► More info:

4. Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna
► More info:

5. The Harmonie Vienna, BW Premier Collection
► More info:

6. Hotel Am Parkring
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7. BASSENA Wien Messe Prater
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8. Appartement-Hotel an der Riemergasse
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9. Hotel Erzherzog Rainer
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10. Hotel Stefanie
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Schloss Fürstenau Michelstadt Odenwald

Zu Besuch bei einem etwas gruselig anmutenden Schloss, dem Schloss Fürstenau in Michelstadt im Odenwald - aufgesucht von MoPa und Satya am 29.12.13
Musik: Castle door - Time Sequences und On the Nameless Height (soundtrack) - Old Carpet
Viel Freude und keine Angst vor Dracula oder mir, weil-ich bin schon weg... :-)

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Schauenstein (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Osnabruck in Germany - most beautiful City in the World

I'm from america and have been in Osnabruck for 2 weeks. THIS GERMAN CITY IS AWESOME! Wish I would life there :(

Some photos I've shot myself and some I've found at google.

Discover Switzerland: A Journey Through its Majestic Mountains, Charming Cities, and Cultural Riches

???????? Welcome to Discover Switzerland: A Journey Through its Majestic Mountains, Charming Cities, and Cultural Riches – your ultimate guide to exploring the wonders of Switzerland, brought to you by Kabooma Travel!

00:00 Introduction
00:41 How to Get to Switzerland
03:04 Best Time to Go to Switzerland
05:50 Budget for Traveling to Switzerland
8:51 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland
11:54 Best Restaurants in Switzerland
14:43 Best Resorts in Switzerland
17:33 Natural Beauty of Switzerland
20:12 Art and Architecture in Switzerland
23:10 Tradition and Festivals of Switzerland
27:07 Conclusion

????️ Join us on a breathtaking journey as we traverse the iconic Swiss Alps, uncover the hidden gems of its picturesque cities, and dive deep into the rich tapestry of Swiss culture and traditions. From the snow-capped peaks of the Matterhorn to the historic streets of Lucerne and the vibrant festivals that color the Swiss calendar, we'll show you why Switzerland is a must-visit destination.

???? Explore the cosmopolitan flair of Zurich, the international spirit of Geneva, and the historic grandeur of Bern. Witness the harmony of historical architecture and modern innovation that defines Swiss cities.

???? Indulge in the culinary delights of Switzerland, from mouth-watering fondue and raclette to the world-renowned Swiss chocolate. Discover local delicacies and learn about the multicultural influences that shape Swiss cuisine.

???? Immerse yourself in Switzerland’s artistic and architectural wonders, visiting contemporary art scenes and ancient castles that tell tales of a bygone era.

???? Luxuriate in some of the world’s most exquisite resorts nestled in the heart of stunning landscapes, combining elegance with breathtaking natural beauty.

???? Experience the unspoiled natural wonders of Switzerland, from serene lakes to awe-inspiring glaciers, and the picturesque valleys that offer a sanctuary for nature lovers.

???? Get a front-row seat to Switzerland's vibrant festivals and unique traditions, showcasing the country’s rich heritage and community spirit.

???? Remember to hit 'Like' and 'Subscribe' to Kabooma Travel for more engaging travel content. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let us know what other destinations you'd like us to explore next!

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#Switzerland #TravelSwitzerland #KaboomaTravel #SwissAlps #SwissCulture #TravelEurope #AdventureTravel #CulturalJourneys #SwissCuisine #SwissArt #LuxuryTravel #NatureLovers #SwissFestivals

✈️ Ready to discover Switzerland? Let's embark on this unforgettable journey together! ????????️

The Masurian Canal - Prestige Project From Hitler-Germany

Have a walk around the biggest lock of the Masurian Canal, today completely abandoned. No ships will ever go here. Read more on
Instagram: Travelblogeurope

Music credits:
Enter the Party Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



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