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10 Best place to visit in Embrach Switzerland


SWISS - WINTERTHUR , One of the Most beautiful City in Switzerland -19

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Zurich, Switzerland part 1: Old Town walking tour

travel videos & photos at: with text, maps & links.
Zürich is the world’s best city to live in, with the highest quality of life, according to recent studies -- so it is also a perfect place to visit. While most people know its reputation as a modern banking center, you will be surprised to discover the historic charms of its extensive Old Town, among the largest in Switzerland, and the glamor of the modern shopping streets.
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Visitors can take pleasure in this great lifestyle, enjoying friendly, efficient services while exploring many fascinating sights. With just under 400,000 people in the city proper, Zurich is an ideal place to stay -- especially when you consider the main visitor attraction, which is a beautiful Old Town of cobbled lanes lined with historic buildings and numerous fine shops and restaurants. It is delightful to wander in this large pedestrian zone that is filled with enchanting little alleys which lead through an ancient town that was founded during the Middle Ages. With the right strategies you can see this slightly expensive city without spending a fortune. It’s an easy city to cover on foot, which is always the best and cheapest way to see any historic town.

Mystic medieval castle ruins Freienstein near Bülach & Embrach | Canton Zurich, Switzerland 2023

The ruins of Freienstein Castle, also called Alten-Teufen Castle, is the ruin of a hilltop castle at 460 meters above sea level in the municipality of Freienstein-Teufen in the canton of Zurich on a hill above a vineyard.
The castle was built around 1250 by a baron of Tengen. In 1254 Conrad de Tengen gave it to his daughter Ita and her husband, Baron Egolf von Hasle (also Egilolf de Hasli). In this context the castle is mentioned in documents for the first time. Egolf and his descendants now called themselves Barons of Freienstein. Thus the village also received the name Freienstein. The hazel branch in the (new) coat of arms refers to the descent of the barons of Hasli, the lion probably goes back to the Kyburg lion.
In 1302 Egolf sold the Meierhof Freienstein to the monastery of Töss with the consent of his sons Heinrich and Johannes. This Heinrich was married to Nertha von Tüfen, in 1282 he was land judge in the Zürichgau and died after 1314.
In 1334 or 1338 the castle was apparently destroyed by citizens of Zurich, but was rebuilt afterwards. In 1360, with Johannes von Freienstein, the Freienstein family died out in the male line. After that, the castle changed hands several times. In 1436 the knight Herrmann Künsch from Schaffhausen was the owner of the castle. Since he had captured a man from the county of Kyburgern in 1443, Winterthur and Diessenofer under the bailiff and later mayor of Zurich Heinrich Schwend marched in front of the castle and burned it down. The prisoner was forgotten in his dungeon and suffocated in the smoke.
In 1485 knight Felix Schwarzmurer acquired the castle. After his death in 1492 the ruins came to Hans Erhart and Urban zum Thor von Teufen. In 1600, the jurisdiction and lordship of Teufen came to the Zurich von Meiss family, in whose possession it remained until it was sold in 1838. The last owner was Lieutenant Colonel Gottfried von Meiss-Trachsler (1785-1862). In 1975, the von Meiss-Trachsler community of heirs donated the ruin to the Canton of Zurich. Thanks to a donation by Franz Xaver Arnet, a friend of the castle, and contributions from the federal government, the canton and the municipality, the ruin was conserved in 1976 and placed under the protection of the Swiss Confederation.
In 1806, a large part of the castle stones were quarried and used to build the Töss Bridge.
The sod well west of the tower was discovered in 1968. In 1981/82 it was completely excavated. From the bottom of the castle moat, the builders had driven a shaft of 2.30 by 2.40 meters side length and 26.40 meters depth into the molasse rock. Tufa blocks at depths of 10 and 15 meters show that the shaft was walled up to the level of the base of the tower. The total depth of the well is 33.5 meters.
The legend about the end of the castle
One winter day, the beautiful daughter of a free man from Embrach, a respected and influential man, went to visit some acquaintances. While doing so, she forgot the time, and she could not start her return until after nightfall. She had to march through the dark forest and suddenly she realized with horror that she was being pursued by a hungry wolf. However, she was able to get to safety in the Kymenhof. After a young lad there offered to accompany her home, the two fell in love and promised to be faithful to each other. At that time, the robber baron of Freienstein also knew about the beauty of the girl. He wanted to have the girl in his castle, but got a refusal every time. One day, when the girl was alone in the forest looking for firewood, the robber baron came and wanted to persuade her again to come with him to the castle. She refused and the knight put her on his horse and took her to his castle where she had to submit to his will. Her father tried to free his daughter with a clever trick - he let himself be hired by the robber baron as a Swabian falconer - and he succeeded. But he himself was discovered by the knight and thrown into the dungeon. The daughter immediately alerted her father's most influential friends in Kyburg Castle. The Landgrave of Kyburg immediately went to the castle of Freienstein with a troop of heavily armed warriors to free her father. After a siege, the castle tower was set on fire and the fortress was taken.
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English title: Mystic medieval castle ruins Freienstein near Bülach & Embrach | Canton Zurich, Switzerland 2023
#castle #castleruins #medievalcastle

Zurich Switzerland City Tour....View the city, the famous flower clock and amazing food!

Zurich is Switzerland's largest city but it feels like a small town. A very walkable city it has great restaurants, amazing parks, a beautiful lake and stunning views all the way to the Alps.

Zurich is one of the world's leading financial centers so it has a sophisticated feel that you would expect from such an important city. Whether you arrive by plane, train or automobile, Zurich is easy to get around once you get here. Great public transportation makes it easy to navigate the city.

SWISS - Walking in WINTERTHUR , One of the Most beautiful City in Switzerland -3

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#winterthur #walking #swiss #switzerland #nature

Top 10 Cities in Switzerland

The best cities in Switzerland to visit as a tourist in my opinion.
Music: Dramastically Different by The Beastie Boys

Embrach Switzerland Tour 8424 aus der Luft / DJI3

Embrach, im Ortsdialekt Ämbri [æmbri], 1809–1931 offiziell Unterembrach, ist eine politische Gemeinde, die zum unteren Tösstal im Bezirk Bülach des schweizerischen Kantons Zürich gehört.

Erste Spuren einer Besiedlung sind Grabfunde beim Ofengupf in Oberembrach aus der Bronzezeit um 800 v. Chr. Im Einzugsgebiet des Embrachertals sind viele römische Siedlungen dokumentiert. Im Tal selbst gibt es nur wenige römische Spuren, dokumentiert sind nur wenige Münz- und Scherbenfunde. Mit Sicherheit ist der Name Embrach gallorömischen Ursprungs. Imbriacus (1044 erstmals niedergeschrieben als Imbriaguam), von Imbri (Regen) Acus (Acker), also Regenacker. Oder Imbrex (römischer Rundziegel) Acus, also Acker des Zieglers

Alemannische Besiedlung um 750 und erste urkundliche Erwähnung 820 finden sich zu Weiler und Mühle Illingen als Güter des Grossmünsters in Zürich (Rotulus, mit Urbar). Die Mühle ist eindeutig ein Zeichen für ausgedehnten Ackerbau im Embrachertal. Ausgrabungen der Denkmalpflege legten 1992 die Grundmauern des ersten Klosters frei (datiert auf das 9. Jh.), des Vorgängerbaus des Chorherrenstifts St. Peter. Hunfried, Domherr zu Strassburg, überschrieb 1044 Embrach dem Bischof Wilhelm von Strassburg. Das bestehende Chorherrenstift wurde der Kirche Strassburg geschenkt (Hunfried Urkunde). Die weltliche Macht ging in der Folge an die Toggenburger. Von Heidegg (sie hatten ein Tavernenrecht) und Bochsler waren in Embrach wohnhafte Adlige des 14. Jh. Im Sempacherkrieg 1386 plünderten und brandschatzten Eidgenossen Kirche und Stift. Der Wiederaufbau begann 1392. Erbstreitigkeiten um die Ländereien der Toggenburger führten 1444 zum Alten Zürichkrieg. In diesen Wirren wurden grosse Teile des Dorfs Embrach samt Chorherrenstift wiederum von den Eidgenossen vollständig zerstört. Dorf, Stift und Kirche wurden ab 1446 neu aufgebaut.

Embrach wurde 1452 eidgenössisch, es gelangte mit der habsburgischen Kyburg an die Stadt. Eine Lateinschule im Chorherrenstift ist für 1454 dokumentiert. Um die Jahrhundertwende 1500 wuchs die Bevölkerung stark. Die Folgen waren massive Teuerung, Lohnzerfall und weit verbreitete Armut. Es folgte das, was wir heute als Wirtschaftsförderungsprogramm bezeichnen würden. Weinbau und Holznutzung wurden gefördert, die Steuern erlassen und Arme versorgt. Der Weinbau beschäftigte mehr Menschen als Ackerwirtschaft. Rodungen vergrösserten die Anbaufläche, führten aber zu Rechtsunsicherheit, was zu der Zeit zu Embrach aktenkundig wurde.

Wegen seiner geografisch günstigen Lage zu Winterthur, Bülach, Zürich und insbesondere zum Flughafen Zürich wurde Embrach 1960–1965 immer mehr zur Schlafgemeinde. Die Swissair baute am Dreispitz ein ganzes Wohnquartier für ihre Angestellten. Östlich des Dorfkerns am Sonnenberg entstanden im ehemaligen Rebbaugelände Einfamilienhäuser an bester Lage. Im Feld wurden moderate Wohnblocks gebaut. Sieben Jahre nach der Schliessung des „Zwinggi“ erhielten die Embracher ein 1972 gebautes Hallen- und Freibad, die heutige „Badi Talegg“. Sie wurde 2004–2005 saniert und erweitert.

Eine riesige Baustelle zeigte 1972 grosse Veränderung am Nordrand von Embrach. Das Zollfreilager Embraport öffnete 1973 seine Tore. Sozusagen ein Stück Ausland in der Gemeinde. Leider wurde bei der verkehrstechnischen Erschliessung dieser Anlage von den Behörden gewaltig geschlampt. Die Auswirkungen trägt die Bevölkerung bis heute.

Nach langer Planung beginnend 1918 konnte erst 1974 die dritte Psychiatrische Klinik des Kantons Zürich auf der Embracher Hard eröffnet werden. Das Psychiatrie-Zentrum Hard ist ein wichtiger Arbeitgeber geworden. Auf dem Areal ist seit 1989 ein Durchgangszentrum für Asylbewerber.

Die Umsetzung des Psychiatriekonzept für den Kanton Zürich vom August 1998 bedeutet, ambulante und teilstationäre Angebote auf- und stationäre Angebote abzubauen. Das Psychiatrie-Zentrum Hard verliert an Bedeutung und sucht neue Aufgaben. 2008 wurde das Pflegezentrum vom Krankenheimverband Zürcher Unterland (KZU) in einem Teil der Gebäude der Hard neu eröffnet.

Die Gemeinden des Embrachertals betreiben seit 1982 das Regionale Altersheim Embrachertal. Eine Sanierung und Erweiterung wurde 2008 beschlossen, das Haus bietet für 100 betagte Menschen altersgerechten Wohn- und Pflegeraum.

Orkan Lothar verwüstete 1999 auf dem Blauen und dem Dättenberg grosse Flächen Gemeinde- und Privatwald. Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen sind vergessen und die Natur erholt sich prächtig, wie man beispielsweise rund um den Tisch auf dem Blauen sehen kann. Die Tössschlucht an der nördlichen Grenze Embrachs wurde 2003 in die Liste der Auengebiete von nationaler Bedeutung aufgenommen.

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Die gezeigten Szenen sind in keinem Fall zur Nachahmung geeignet!

Ort: Embrach 8424

Switzerland: A quick tour of 9 cities and towns

A quick tour of the following cities in Switzerland: Bern, Interlaken, Lucerne, Gimmelwald, Zurich, Lausanne, Montreux, Lauterbrunnen, and Murren. Also featuring the countryside of Switzerland and a trip up to Mount Pilatus, and Harder Kulm. (more...)

We spent 10 full days in Switzerland exploring by train. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. This was a personal trip I took and I like to take a few clips of video to show my family and friends. I appreciate you being here and watching! Thank you to the people of Switzerland, what incredibly warm, kind people you are. It was such a joy to interact with locals and visit your beautiful country.

Read my blog and travel tips posts on Switzerland:

Direct link to specific cities posts in Switzerland:
Interlaken, Lauterbrunnen + Murren:
Mt. Pilatus:
Berne + Montreux + Lausanne:

Follow Me!

Thanks for watching! Hope you get to visit one day, and if you already have, I would love to hear your favorite city and thing to do in Switzerland! xx

Zurich Hikes: Embrach-Rorbas - Rhinsberg - Eglisau (Ep 38 | Tour 41) Lumix S5 & Hero 10

During the COVID 19 Pandemic, I rediscovered my passion for walking and my interest in Swiss nature. At the same time, I also became interested in learning 'run and gun' videography and vlogging. Therefore I decided to make a series of videos to combine these interests.

One of my projects is to complete all walks out of the 'Zürich Zürichsee Wanderführer - 50 Touren' by Franz Wille.

I already completed 38 of them, so only 12 to go!

In terms of equipment, I use a Lumix S5 with the Panasonic 20-60 3.5-5.6 lens. For this episode, I used a Hero 10 for the first time for the vlogging parts and used my Lumix S5 almost exclusively for the (mostly) black & white pictures.

I am a semi-professional photographer, and on Flickr you can see the still pictures of my hike in high resolution:

Zurich - Swiss Cities

Zurich one of the most beautiful cities of switzerland: /

The Best of Zürich City Tour

Discover Zürich, business and cultural centre of Switzerland and consecutively awarded city with the world's best quality of life on this two-hour classic city tour. Sit back and relax on a comfortable, air-conditioned coach as your guide points out the highlights of this unique city!

Visit us:

Music: Life of Riley Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Driving from Zürich City to Embrach /Switzerland/ 04.2014/ FullHD

Nice driving weather

Zurich - Switzerland / Cirih Švajcarska

Zurich was named the city with the best quality of life in the world as well as the wealthiest city in Europe

Como es una ciudad Suiza, Zurich (Embrach).

Mostrandole El Pueblo donde vivo en Suiza, y mi futuro viaje en Colombia ..

Swiss Cities are waiting for you.

Fly over the main cities in Switzerland and be tempted by what's on offer there!

More information on Switzerland:

2020 05 Himmel über Embrach

Zeitraffer in 4k

Basel, Switzerland information and views of city

Take a tour of Basel, Switzerland and see some of the city!

Zurich Switzerland city tour ~ Travelling Destinations

Zurich Switzerland city tour ~ Travelling Destinations
Zurich Switzerland city tour ~ Travelling Destinations
Zurich Switzerland city tour ~ Travelling Destinations
Zurich Switzerland city tour ~ Travelling Destinations

The City of Water: A Summer Morning in Zurich | チューリッヒ・スイス

Subscribe to my channel here. Thank you so much for a thumb-up!

A short film about a quiet summer morning in the beautiful city of Zurich.

Here are my Japan travel guides and my Japan speeches in Zurich (in German):

Read my daily Japan blog:


Recommended travel camera gear:
DJI Osmo Pocket (new):

DJI Mavic Air:
DJI Mavic 2 Pro:

Please note: It is NOT allowed to download and use my youtube short films for any purpose.

Switzerland, Zurich, travel, film, Zürich, reisen, schweiz, zürichsee, lake, lake of zurich, summer, sommer, dji mavic pro, dji osmo, スイス, チューリッヒ, チューリッヒ湖, 夏

2021 08 08 1. Etappe: Embrach - Lindau

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