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10 Best place to visit in Dryanovo Bulgaria


What to see in Dryanovo, Bulgaria in 1 day

#Bulgaria #Dryanovo #EasternEurope
Dryanovo, Bulgaria was part of a 4-day trip to the centre of Bulgaria. Dryanovo is a small town in the Gabrovo region in the heart of Bulgaria. It is most known for its monastery, a cave in which they found some of the oldest human proof, and for its clean air.
Enjoy the vlog!
Read more about What to Do and See in Dryanovo, Bulgaria, on my blog here:

Cap Compas: Lumea aparține celor curajoși – călătorie la Dryanovo, Bulgaria

Ediţia emisiunii Cap Compas, difuzată sâmbătă, 30 octombrie, la TVR2, când Elena Dinu şi echipa emisiunii ne-au propus o călătorie la Dryanovo, în Bulgaria.

Ivanovo este primul popas al echipei. Bulgaria, este o țară care ascunde numeroase frumuseți neștiute și împărtășește o istorie pe alocuri comună cu a noastră. În apropierea satului Ivanovo natură s-a întrecut pe sine în a crea un tablou perfect pe malurile stâncoase ale râului Lom. Mergem apoi în Veliko Tarnovo pentru a descopri biserica unde au fost aduce moaștele Sfintei Filofteia.

Ne continuăm drumul spre un alt loc al isihasmului bulgăresc și ajungem la Mănăstirea Arhanghel Mihail, aflată la 30 de km de orașul Veliko Tărnovo și la 5 km de micul oraș Dryanovo. În zonă sunt rămășițe din vechile culturi atât din perioada neolitică, cât și din epoca bronzului, precum și din timpurile antice, când aceste zone erau locuite de traci.

Timpul nu se poate rupe de realitatea pe care oamenii o construiesc între hotarele sale, nu poate decât să despartă vremurile unele de altele pe spirală istoriei și nici nu poate fi singur în sine însuși că realitate fizică sau imaterială.

Regiunea Dryanovo a fost casă și refugiu pentru oamenii care au trăit în epocile cunoscute ale tranziției umane, de la paleolitic până în prezent. Fotogramele unui fluid de viață necontenit te poartă rapid pe cărări bătătorite de pașii celor curajoși.

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ICHI trip to Bulgaria

A souvenir of a 10 day Bulgarian trip undertaken by the Innovations In Cultural Heritage Interpretation group. See for more info.

Дряновски манастир - Dryanovo Monastery 4K Bulgaria By Drone

The Dryanovo Monastery (Bulgarian: Дряновски манастир, Dryanovski manastir, [ˈdrʲanofski mɐnɐsˈtir]) is a functioning Bulgarian Orthodox monastery situated in the Andaka River Valley, in Bulgarka Nature Park in the central part of Bulgaria five kilometers away from the town of Dryanovo. It was founded in the 12th century, during the Second Bulgarian Empire, and is dedicated to Archangel Michael. Twice burnt down and pillaged during the Ottoman rule of Bulgaria, the monastery was restored at it present place in 1845. It was the site of several battles during the April Uprising of 1876.

Манастирската клисура има древна история. Първите хора я заселват през ранните праисторически епохи. Те обитават пещерите на масива Боруна и кухините в скалния венец Поличките. Най-старо е поселението на първобитния човек в пещера Бачо Киро, което датира от средния и късния период на старокаменната епоха (100 000 – 10 000 г. пр. Хр.). Археолозите проучват 5-метров културен пласт и разкриват над 6000 находки. Пещерата е благоустроена и пригодена за посещения от туристи.

Поселищните и културни традиции продължават да се развиват в медно каменната и бронзовата епохи, когато хората устройват жилищата си в каменните отверстия и кухините на Поличките. От началото на старожелязната епоха до Античността местните жители са траки, които остават в покрайнините на известните тракийски държавни обединения и имат значително по-бедна култура от сънародниците си.

В ранновизантийската епоха стратегическото значение на Предбалкана нараства, ускорява се стопанският и културният възход. При каньоните на реките ромеите изграждат крепости в местностите „Боруна“ и „Града“, защото оценяват добрата възможност да се контролират проходите и пътищата в Средна Стара планина. Византийците изоставят крепостите през V век, когато Предбалканът влиза в територията на славянските племена. Същите започват да се използват през X век и влизат във владенията на най-популярните феодални господари в Северна България – бъдещите владетели Асеневци.

Крепостите „Боруна“ и „Градът“ са възлови звена и последна преграда за отбрана на българската столица Търновград.

Средновековната обител „св. Арахангел Михаил“ е основана по времето на цар Калоян, след пренасяне на мощите на свети Михаил Воин от Потука (неизвестно селище в Тракия) в Търновград около 1206 г. Процесията нощува край р. Дряновска под Града и по християнските канони на свещеното място се издига манастир. През вековете Дряновският манастир е средище на българската просвета и култура.

На днешното място е възстановен през 1845 г. Както другите манастири, той е бил пазител на българския дух през време на петвековното османско владичество. В него са намирали убежище Васил Иванов Кунчев – Левски, отец Матей Преображенски – Миткалото и други революционери. В манастира бил създаден революционен комитет.

Манастирът играе основна роля в подготовката на Априлското въстание в Първи търновски окръг, тук са струпани запаси от храни и оръжие. На 29 април 1876 г. в Дряновския манастир влиза четата на поп Харитон – първият бунтовнически отряд в Търновски окръг и България. Обградени от турците водят 9-дневна битка и повечето загиват за свободата на България. Разрушеният и опожарен манастир е възстановен частично и на 3 април 1877 г. главният му храм е тържествено осветен. Игуменът Пахомий Стоянов отслужва първата панихида за загиналите четници. Храмът е без стенописи, с пробит от турски куршум потир и дупки от турските шрапнели в зидовете, съзнателно оставени от строителите, за да не се забрави миналото и българското страдание. Благодарните потомци вдигат паметник костница през 1897 г. на загиналите въстаници. Костницата е изработена по проект на италианеца Джовани Мосути. Проектът е бил готов още през 1890 г. като статуята е изработена в Рим от Лука Ардити. През 1946 г. габровският индустриалец, общественик, дарител и немски вицеконсул Кольо Карагьозов внася в касата на манастира дарение от 50000 лева за изработване на нов иконостас в църквата.

Съвременният манастир е сред 10-те най-почитани светини на Българската православна църква, национален исторически паметник и предпочитан туристически обект.

If you like tourism and travelling this channel is exactly for you.
In this channel, I will show you the nature of Bulgaria and Europe with many drone footages. Beautiful mountains, blue lakes, beautiful nature and many other amazing places. 4K movies filmed by a drone from above. You will have many ideas to explore the country in many different adventure ways, like trekking, hiking or relaxation on the beach.
In these travel videos, You will see one of the most beautiful hidden landscapes and sceneries in the world. Plan your next European trip now! puh81

????Monasteries of Bulgaria ???????? Bulgarian Monastery 2020 Video

To find out more about Monasteries of Bulgaria please click: ????

The video is all about the Monasteries of Bulgaria but also try to cover the following subject:
-Rila monastery
-Dryanovo monastery
-Troyan monastery
-monasteries in bulgaria

So you want to find out more about Monasteries of Bulgaria, I did too, and here is the outcome.
Monasteries of Bulgaria interested me so I did some research study and published this to YT .
Our YouTube channel has various other related videos about dryanovo monastery, troyan monastery, and monasteries in Bulgaria
Please check them out :

Visit the link to learn more about Rila monastery Bulgaria, and all other monasteries, like Troyan Monastery, Dryanovo Monastery, kremikovski monastery, visit: ????????

This video is about monasteries Bulgaria valuable information but also try to cover the following subject:
-explore Bulgaria
-Bulgaria travel
-visit Bulgaria

Youtube is the best place to visit when searching for videos about Rila monastery Bulgaria, also for the Dryanovo monastery, Troyan Monastery, Klisura Monastery, and much more.
Rila monastery Bulgaria is clearly something that interests you and a lot of people so I made this video.

Our YouTube channel has other related videos regarding explore Bulgaria, Bulgaria travel and visit Bulgaria
Please check them out:
Have I addressed all of your questions about Rila monastery Bulgaria?
Individuals who looked to explore Bulgaria also searched for Bulgaria travel.

Historical places in Bulgaria (Part 1)

Baba Vida, Vidin
Asenova krepost, Asenovgrad
Tsarevets, Velilko Tarnovo
Rocks of Belogradchik

Dryanovo monastery
Archangel Michael

Dryanovo Monastery Bulgaria BG (Дряновски манастри)

Dryanovo Monastery, the Saint Arcangel Michael (Дряновски манастир „Свети Архангел Михаил“) Near Dryanovo, 6km away, you can find the Dryanovo monastery. You can go by bus, train or by car. Just follow the Dryanovska river, direction towards Gabrovo. The monastery is in great shape, it has a free entrance, but you need to pay for the parking. What you can see there is a very well-preserved monastery with hundreds of years of history. First, there was a Byzantine fortress (5th century), later the fortress was part of the Bulgarian kingdom (10th century). The first Christian building was created during king Kaloyan (1206). The current version of the Dryanovo Monastery was created in 1845 and has been very important for the Bulgarian Liberation Movement (We were under Turkish occupation for 500 years!). This is why there is a monument of the freedom fighters too. Now it is a typical touristic place, where you can buy souvenirs, eat or drink in a restaurant and make many pictures.
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Train To DRYANOVO Monastery BULGARIA | Wild Snakes & Floods ????????

We jumped on the train from Veliko Tarnovo here in Central Bulgaria to a little trainstation near the town of Dryanovo ????????

We got off at the beautiful Dryanovo Monastery and set off through the woodland to get there coming across snakes and then a dead end where the river had overflown.

We couldnt be bothered getting our feet wet so found a super long way round and eventually got to the stunning monastery grounds which we explored for a few hours before jumping on the train back to Veliko Tarnovo ????????


Discover the Bulgarian Kalymnos- climbing at Dryanovo Monastery,Stalbata

Maybe you have heard about the beautiful limestone walls of Dryanovo Monastery, sector Stalbata. Everything you need to know before you come climbing at the Bulgarian Kalymnos you can see in this video.

If you like this content please like and subscribe. If you want to support us become a patreon. There are subtitles.

00:00 - 00:32 Introduction to the crag
00:33 - 02:36 How to get to Stalbata,
03:01 - 03:27 What to bring to the crag and how are the routes equipped
03:32 - 04:32 Tips and advice about climbing here
04:33 - 04:52 Where to stay when coming to this crag
04:55 - 05:25 Regarding water, food and waste
05:26 - 05:43 Best advice regarding this crag
05:45 - 06:10 What to do on rest days
06:11 - 06:48 Outro

For routes and topos:

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PS: Camping and parking on the stage is very much not recommended. You might be prosecuted if you are found there.

Disclaimer: Rock climbing is a dangerous sport and can result in injury or death. What you see in this video is by no means a substitute for proper training. Enthusiasm and interest are no substitute for knowledge and experience.

What to do on days off:

The Dryanovo Monastery Bulgaria.

Дряновски манастир „Свети Архангел Михаил“.

That is Bulgaria - 51 Around Dryanovo

Около Дряново:
с приятно еднодневно пътуване с посещение на Дряновския манастир, пещерата Бачо Киро и Еко разходка с пристигане в началната точка, Дряновския манастир.

Around Dryanovo:
A nice day trip with a visit to the Dryanovo monastery, the Bacho Kiro cave and an Eco walk with arrival at the starting point, the Dryanovo monastery.

Links to my other video's in Dryanovo:
Връзка към другите ми видеоклипове от Дряново:

All sights in the city Dryanovo:

Всички интересни места в град Дряново:

Top 5 sight in Dryanovo:

Топ 5 забележителности в град Дряново

Bulgaria's Beautiful Historical Locations - Timelapse Video - 4K

One of the loveliest Bulgarian historical cities must be Veliko Tarnovo (Велико Търново) with its Tsarevets (Царевец), a medieval stronghold located on a hill. It often features Sound and Light Show, emblematic attraction in Veliko Tarnovo. Audio visual spectacle using music and light to evoke the dramatic and turbulent historic events around Tsarevets and the city of Tarnovo Dramatic music, multicolor lights, lasers and chiming bells are synchronized in a special way. And it is not only Tsarevets that attracts visitors, Veliko Tarnovo has unique position over not one but two spectacular river bends. Not less enjoyable is city of Plovdiv with its historical old town which features Roman theatre and it is one of the world's best-preserved ancient theatres, It was constructed in the 90s of the 1st century AD, probably under the rulership of Emperor Domitian. Nearby Asen's Fortress, a medieval fortress in the Bulgarian Rhodope Mountains is a great location for a daytime visit. Add little gems like Tryavna town or Dryanovo Monastery with its great locations along the river. Vratsa town might not the the most picturesque place, however its position at Vrachanski Karst Nature Reserve makes it a worthwhile visit.

Photography : Lucie Debelkova ►
Music : Sylia Twolands ►

Locations : #VelikoTarnovo, #Plovdiv, Central #Bulgaria

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Quick view of Dryanovo Monastery (Дряновски манастир) Bulgaria BG

Dryanovo Monastery, the Saint Arcangel Michael (Дряновски манастир „Свети Архангел Михаил“) Near Dryanovo, 6km away, you can find the Dryanovo monastery. You can go by bus, train or by car. Just follow the Dryanovska river, direction towards Gabrovo. The monastery is in great shape, it has a free entrance, but you need to pay for the parking. What you can see there is a very well-preserved monastery with hundreds of years of history. First, there was a Byzantine fortress (5th century), later the fortress was part of the Bulgarian kingdom (10th century). The first Christian building was created during king Kaloyan (1206). The current version of the Dryanovo Monastery was created in 1845 and has been very important for the Bulgarian Liberation Movement (We were under Turkish occupation for 500 years!). This is why there is a monument of the freedom fighters too. Now it is a typical touristic place, where you can buy souvenirs, eat or drink in a restaurant and make many pictures.

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Дряновский монастырь в Болгарии / Dryanovo Monastery in Bulgaria

Приглашаем в паломнические поездки по Греции, Италии, Сербии, Черногории! Паломническая служба храма св. великомученицы Варвары

Beautiful Bulgaria-Dryanovo Monastery

Красиви исторически кътчета от България. Дряновският Манастир е една историческа забележителност на България, съчетана с красива природа.

Saturday market at Dryanovo in Bulgaria

Dryanovo in Bulgaria has a bustling market every Saturday selling locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables.

Bachkovski manastir, Bulgaria travel guide 4K

Заснемане на хотели и туристически дестинации от Блумакс студио. Production of Bluemax Studio. Bachkovski manastir, Bulgaria travel guide 4K

Didn’t Expect To Find This Quality In A Village in Bulgaria

We took a trip to Elena in the stara Planina Mountain Range in Bulgaria, we decided not to stay in the centre of Elena. We instead were very lucky to find this Mountain Guesthouse in a village nearby.

If you like the place you can contact Steve and Lisa through their facebook Page where you can find their number also.

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Bulgarian Monasteries - Group and Private Tours

Take a journey and explore the magnificence of the Bulgarian monasteries - masterpieces of architecture and art. Experience the difference!

Custom designed cultural tours to Bulgaria introducing the most famed monasteries in Bulgaria - jealous guards of Bulgaria's national culture and spirit. Hidden among the most beautiful mountain peaks, spread along the beautiful scenery of the picturesque river valleys or hewn into the gorgeous rocks - each monastery has its own and impressive story. Visiting the Bulgarian monasteries is equal to time-traveling - it allows you to acknowledge the country's turbolent history.

Book your tour of Bulgaria with us and combine it with some of the neighboring countries - get acquainted with the monasteries in Romania, Macedonia or Serbia!

Below is a short list of must-see-in-Bulgaria monasteries:

1) Rila Monastery
2) Bachkovo Monastery
3) Troyan Monastery
4) Ivanovo Rock Monastery
5) Dryanovo Monastery
6) Rozhen Monastery
7) Besarbovski Rock Monastery
8) Preobrazhenski Monastery
9) Aladzha Rock Monastery
10) Sokolski Monastery
11) Dragalevski Monastery

For more information:

????????Bulgaria 4k: Troian - iul.2019

Troianu de Bulgaria.



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