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10 Best place to visit in Druten Netherlands


Travel from Holland (Netherland) To Germany (Deutschland) 01/10

Travel from Holland To Germany Part 02/10

Our short trip from the Netherlands to Germany across
the Autobahn 2013 October, To visit some dear friends.

Travel, Autobahn, Netherland, Germany, Deutschland, Auto, Car, Road, Trip, Nature, trees, greenery

Nijmegen, Netherlands ????????

Nijmegen is a city in the Dutch province of Gelderland, on the Waal river close to the German border. It is the oldest town of the Netherlands.

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Jaguar Daimler Club Holland, Oldtimersbeurs Druten Holland , 28 October 2018,Tours des Ardennes

Jaguar Daimler Club Țările de Jos, târgul de mașini clasice , în localitatea Drunen din sudul Țările de Jos, 28 octombrie 2018, Turul regiunii Ardenilor. Ardennes, este numit după Munții Ardeni, din Europa de vest.
Membrii autovehiculelor de epocă, Club Daimler Jaguar Țările de Jos, și-au dat întâlnire in orașul Druten, proprietarii de automobile Jaguar, din vestul Europei, Italia, UK, Țările de Jos, Belgia, Germania, Luxembourg, Danemarca, Franța ,Andora, Lichtenstein. Au venit milionarii, cu Rolls Royce și alte mărci auto puternice. Istoria acestui Club olandez , al automobiliștilor de Jaguar a început de fapt în anul 1976, atunci sa format pentru prima oară, Comitetul de acțiune Jaguar, din Țările de Jos . Tema Clubului Jaguar din Țările de Jos a anului 2018, a fost modelul Jaguar R, care înseamnă automobil de curse Jaguar. Au venit aici modelele Jaguar R , care au câștigat curse de automobilism ,pe circuitul automobilistic Le Mans, cu mulți ani în urmă. Dar au venit inclusiv, modele noi de Jaguar. Am numărat eu, peste 50 de automobile Jaguar au fost aici. Au fost puse la vânzare, automobile, dar și foarte multe piese, broșuri ,cărți tehnice, insigne, îmbrăcăminte sport ,accesorii de tot felul ,de toate tipurile, ale automobilelor Jaguar. Consiliul de administrație al Jaguar Daimler Club Holland sunt domnii și doamnele, Job van Breevoort este secretar, Jan Sinoo deține funcția de Președinte este membru al Clubului din 2002. , și Frans Praal , care este trezorier, Steven Leussink este responsabil pentru Comunicații digitale ,responsabilul pentru webmaster este Jean Knoben, doamna Mary Janse Club Winkle, este responsabil pentru întreținerea articolelor din cadrul JDCH Club Shop și expedierea articolelor achiziționate, Robbert Moree redactor-șef la Gazeta Jaguarului , Suzanne Jeukens este responsabilul pentru administrarea membrilor. Jaguar Daimler Club Holland, clubul proprietarilor și admiratorilor Jaguars și Daimlers, există de peste 4 decenii, a fost înființat în anul 1977 ,în luna August ,în ziua de 17 ,fiindcă sa dorit sa fie păstrată moștenirea mărcii autoturismului Jaguar, fiind o perioada când vânzările scăzuseră foarte mult. În anul 2018, a fost aniversarea a 41 de ani, de la înființarea clubului.
Foarte mulți pasionați de automobilism , au venit la această aniversare. Dar au sosit, și numeroase alte mărci de automobile de epocă, majoritatea. Întâlnirea pasionaților de automobilism, face parte din Turul Munților Ardeni .Turul automobilistic ,cu toate tipurile de auto se face anual.
Vă invit să vă abonați, să promovăm pacea, prietenia și armonia între popoare ,de pe planeta Pământ. Aceasta este dorința mea, respect, civilizație, dezvoltare științei și tehnicii ,promovarea ideilor liberale o bună armonie ,interetnică mondială. Sunt pensionar, un om normal, vreau să las moștenire, filme făcute în acești ani, generațiilor viitoare. Sper ca ei, să schimbe mentalitatea învechită a oamenilor, să trăiască cu toții fără granițe, impuse politic sau de războaie devastatoare. Istoria mondială ne dă exemple scrise ,din care putem învăța enorm, pentru o viață mai bună, pe globul pământesc. Gândiți-vă ,că doar o viață avem fiecare dintre noi, nu luăm nimic cu noi, dar putem lăsa fapte ,și lucruri bune ca punct de sprijin ,de referință, și de comparație, pentru viitorul generațiilor care ne urmează , pe scara evoluției omenirii. Vă mulțumesc, și vă doresc ,sănătate, pace, și fericire ,vouă, și familiilor voastre.

#Bringyourself, #wewilldothesame - Explore the unexplored in the Netherlands

#Bringyourself, #wewilldothesame

To promote our new 'Bring yourself, we will do the same concept' we went to Belgium and Germany and invited locals to hop on a train that same day for an unexpected experience in @EindhovenCity @ThisisTheHague and @visitflevoland
The only thing they needed for this trip was an open mind and some free time.

Discover more here!

Travel from Holland (Netherland) To Germany (Deutschland) 04/10

Travel from Holland To Germany Part 05/10

Our short trip from the Netherlands to Germany across
the Autobahn 2013 October, To visit some dear friends.

Travel, Trip, Autobahn, Netherland, Holland, Germany, Deutschland, Auto, Car, Road, Nature, trees, greenery

Crossing the river Waal (1)

On a hiking trip from Tiel (struinroute Tiel to Druten and back) we crossed the river Waal from Tiel to Wamel

Crossing the river Waal (2)

On a hiking trip from Tiel (struinroute Tiel/Druten and back) we crossed the river Waal from Druten to Dodewaard

Kleve - Germany

Radweg Kleve - Nimwegen - Arnheim

Europaradbahn von Kleve nach Nimwegen und weiter Radschnellweg nach Arnheim

Blotenvoetenpad bij Nationaal Fruitpark Hotel & Spa te Ochten.

Blotenvoetenpad bij Nationaal Fruitpark Hotel & Spa te Ochten. Zie hoe onze gasten het blotenvoetenpad ervaren!

Rijnhaven Party Nederland, Wageningen,Netherlands Rhineharbor, Rheinhafen Niederlande

Music from André van Duin imitator starts here 43:40
Die Musik von ein André van Duin Imitator startet hier 43:40
André van Duin imitator begint hier 43:40

Rijnhaven Party Wageningen Nederland
Rhineharbor Party Wageningen Netherlands
Rheinhafen Fest Wageningen Niederlande
Rhin Harbour Festival Wageningen Pays-Bas
Festival del puerto del Rin de Wageningen Países Bajos
Festival Porto Reno Wageningen Países Baixos
Porto sul Reno Festival Wageningen Paesi Bassi
Рейне гавани фестиваль в Вагенингенском Нидерланды
राइन बंदरगाह पर्व Wageningen नीदरलैंड्स
مهرجان الراين وميناء Wageningen بهولندا
פסטיבל נמל הריין Wageningen בהולנד
Το λιμάνι του Ρήνου Φεστιβάλ Wageningen Ολλανδία
Ren liman Festivali Hollanda'da bulunan Wageningen
Marna harbour Festiwal Wageningen Holandia
라인강 항구 축제 네덜란드의 Wageningen
Ngang sông Rhine lễ hội cảng Hà Lan Wageningen (Hà Lan)


Video & Audio: Denver AC-5000W MK2
Video Editor: OpenShot 1.4.3
Picture Editor: Gimp 2.8
All programs used come from the, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit GNU/Linux, repository

Rotterdam - beeindruckende Hafenstadt in Südholland | Niederlande ReiseVLOG 4

Hi Leute, wir sind auf der Tour durch die Niederlande an unserer letzten Station angekommen: Rotterdam. Kommt mit uns auf den Euromast mit seiner beeindruckenden Aussicht in 185 m Höhe, danach könnt ihr die Seele baumeln lassen, wenn wir mit euch auf einer Schiffsrundfahrt gemütlich durch den Hafen fahren. ????

Und jetzt viel Spaß beim Zuschauen!

Fragen und Anregungen bitte in die Kommentare.

Über ein Daumen hoch würde ich mich freuen und wenn ihr nichts verpassen wollt, dann abonnieren nicht vergessen! ;)

Reisen, Camping und mehr! - Merch-Shop

No Copyright Music aus der YouTube Creator Studio Audio-Bibliothek

SONY FDR-X3000 4K Action

Cam Settings
HD 1080 60fps 50MB

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#Camping #reisevlog

Kleve, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany - 25th March, 2013

This film features views around the North Rhine Westphalian town of Kleve, ancient home of Anne of Cleves near the German border with Holland. The video features the streets, buildings, architecture, attractions art and culture of Kleve, with the following locations and features identified: Flutstraße, Kermisdahl, Koekkoeplatz, Town Hall, Koekkoekstege, Haus Koekkoek, Kavarinerstraße, Unterstadtkirche, Große Straße, Lohengrinbrunnen, Schloßstraße, Marstall Dr. Heinz Will Platz, Schwanenburg, Schloßberg, Collegiate Church, 44 Tiergartenstraße, Gruftstraße, Tiergartenstraße, Klever Ring and the Rilano Hotel.

camping Waalstrand in Gendt (campertrip 11/wohnmobilfahrt 11)

Gendt is een plaats met historische stadsrechten in Nederland, in de provincie Gelderland. De plaats ligt in landstreek de Betuwe, in de gemeente Lingewaard. Tot en met het jaar 2000 was Gendt een zelfstandige gemeente. De plaats ligt aan de rivier de Waal, die de zuidgrens van het Gendtse grondgebied vormt.

Camping Waalstrand is een camping in Gendt, Gelderland, gelegen aan de Waal. Deze terrassencamping heeft plaatsen met afbakening en zonder schaduw. Camping Waalstrand ligt nabij een zandstrand. De camping beschikt over een speeltuin.

De Waal is een Nederlandse rivier. Ter hoogte van Pannerden splitst de Rijn zich in het Pannerdensch Kanaal, dat 6 km verderop overgaat in de Nederrijn, en de Waal. De Waal is veruit de waterrijkste arm van de Rijn in Nederland en ook de voornaamste voor de scheepvaart.

Gendt ist ein Ort mit historischen Stadtrechten in den Niederlanden in der Provinz Gelderland. Der Ort befindet sich in der Region Betuwe in der Gemeinde Lingewaard. Bis zum Jahr 2000 war Gendt eine unabhängige Gemeinde. Der Ort liegt am Fluss Waal, der die südliche Grenze des Gendt-Territoriums bildet. Camping Waalstrand ist ein Campingplatz in Gendt, Gelderland, an der Waal. Dieser terrassenförmig angelegte Campingplatz verfügt über Stellplätze mit Abgrenzung und ohne Schatten. Camping Waalstrand liegt in der Nähe eines Sandstrandes. Der Campingplatz verfügt über einen Spielplatz. Der Waal ist ein niederländischer Fluss. In Pannerden teilt sich der Rhein in den Pannerdenschkanal, der 6 km weiter in den Nederrijn und den Waal übergeht. Die Waal ist mit Abstand der wasserreichste Arm des Rheins in den Niederlanden und auch der wichtigste für die Schifffahrt

Gendt is a place with historical city rights in the Netherlands, in the province of Gelderland. The place is located in the Betuwe region, in the municipality of Lingewaard. Until the year 2000, Gendt was an independent municipality. The place is located on the river Waal, which forms the southern border of the Gendt territory. Camping Waalstrand a camping Gendt, Gelderland, located on the river Waal. This terraced campsite has pitches with demarcation and without shade. Camping Waalstrand is located close to a sandy beach. The camping has a playground. The Waal is a Dutch river. At Pannerden, the Rhine splits into the Pannerdensch Canal, which turns 6 km further into the Nederrijn, and the Waal. The Waal is by far the most water-rich arm of the Rhine in the Netherlands and also the most important for shipping

Camera: Canon eos m100
Dji osmo pocket 2
Samsung a52
Vizu actioncam


GIETHOORN PUEBLO PINTORESCO | ¿La Venecia de Holanda? // La Holandesa

Podemos decir que Giethoorn es la Venecia de Holanda? Giethoorn es un pueblo pintoresco en Holanda. Paseamos un día en Giethoorn Holanda para demostrarles si es parecido a la verdadera Venecia en Italia, o no.

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Song: Fredji - Welcome Sunshine (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Neder-Betuwe _ Rondje Dorpen

Een prachtig gebied midden in de Betuwe, tussen de Rijn en de Waal mag terecht worden genoemd als Parel In Rivierenland. De veelzijdigheid in landschappelijk schoon te midden van een goede infrastructuur nodigt zeker uit tot een bezoek. De nostalgische boerderijen dwingen bezoekers vaak even stil te staan bij de geschiedenis en oorsprong van dit uniek plekje in Nederland.

A beautiful area in the middle of the Betuwe, between the rivers Rhine and Waal can rightly be called as Pearl In River Landscape. Versatility in scenic beauty amidst a good infrastructure invites sure to visit them. Nostalgic farms compel visitors often for a pause to consider the history and origins of this unique place in the Netherlands.

Eine schöne Gegend in der Mitte der Betuwe, zwischen den Flüssen Rhein und Waal kann zu Recht als Perle In Rivierenland aufgerufen werden. Vielseitigkeit in landschaftliche Schönheit inmitten einer guten Infrastruktur lädt Sie zu einem Besuch ein. Nostalgic Bauernhöfen zwingen Gäste immer zu widerspiegeln über die Geschichte und Ursprünge dieser einzigartigen Ort in den Niederlanden.zwingen

De gemeente Neder-Betuwe ontstond op 1 januari 2002 door de fusie van de gemeenten Dodewaard, Echteld en Kesteren.

De gemeente Neder-Betuwe ligt in de gelijknamige streek en wordt aan de oostzijde begrensd door de gemeente Overbetuwe en aan de westzijde door de gemeenten Buren en Tiel. In het noorden vormt de rivier de Rijn de grens, in het zuiden de rivier de Waal. In het westen vormt het Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal over korte afstand de grens.

Het meest oostelijk gelegen dorp is Dodewaard, het meest westelijk gelegen dorp Echteld. Aan de Rijn liggen de dorpen Kesteren en Opheusden, aan de Waal de dorpen IJzendoorn en Ochten. Tot de gemeente behoren vier buurtschappen. Hien en Wely liggen oostelijk van Dodewaard, Eldik ligt tussen Dodewaard en Ochten in, Pottum ligt oostelijk van Ochten.

De gemeente wordt van oost naar west doorkruist door de A15. De dorpen Echteld en IJzendoorn kunnen worden bereikt via afslag 34, Kesteren en Ochten via afslag 35 en Dodewaard en Opheusden via afslag 36.

Via het spoor is de gemeente eveneens te bereiken. De Betuwelijn doorkruist de gemeente met stations in Kesteren, Opheusden en Dodewaard. De Betuweroute doorkruist de gemeente van oost naar west.

(bron Wikipidea)

DUTCH ROADS #29 | A50 - A59 | Ewijk - Hintham

In this video we drive from Ewijk to Hintham (Den Bosch) on the A50 and A59 motorways.
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[4K] Walking in Kleve City center ????????. | Hochschule Rhein-Waal [4K Walk Germany]

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Kleve is a town in the North western Germany with rich culture and history. It is the hill station with the Schwanenburg castle at the top. Explore the whole city and it's peculiarities. There is the campus of the Hochschule Rhein-Waal.

00:00 The highlights
01:41 Kleve Railway Station (Bahnhof)
05:20 The main street
07:13 Hagsche Straße - Shopping street
12:38 Towards the castle Schwanenburg
14:07 Jewish Monumnet
16:27 The church
18:54 Fountains in the circle
22:36 Postbank
28:41 Weber Gasse
37:14 Koek-Koek Museum
42:38 Hochschule Rhein-Waal

The Waste Transformers are changing the future of organic waste

The Waste Transformers are changing the future of (the) organic waste. In the Netherlands about 40% of the waste produced by households, contains of organic waste. With The Waste Transformers in the game, organic waste no longer needs to be considered as ‘waste’. The organic waste is now nothing less than an element for the bio-digesters produced by The Waste Transformers.
By developing de-centralized, small energy-hubs The Waste Transformers contribute to a sustainable environment. Without environmental sustainability, how would we be able to create a sustainable economic future, where social-cohesion is the norm?
The bio-digesters as produced by The Waste Transformers, use the organic waste to create a biogas which can be used to produce heat and electricity. Beside the sustainable energy, the digester also creates clean water and fertilizer.
The big advantage that the digester form The Waste Transformers offers ; is the fact that the installation is a mobile installation which can easily be removed, replaced an reused.
The small scaled projects allow the local people to jump in and share their opinion about the installation. This instantly creates awareness among the people, who will get to know the importance of reusing organic waste.
The Waste Transformers create, awareness, a sustainable environment and a sustainable future. When will you become a Waste Transformer?

Camperplaats Kessel (NL)

We bezoeken camperplaats Kessel in Kessel (NL)
Wat een prachtige camperplaats.

Hier is goed te wandelen en fietsen in de omgeving. En niet te vergeten prima gastheer en gastvrouw. Wij gaan zeker nog eens terug.

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