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10 Best place to visit in Doboj Bosnia and Herzegovina


Places to Visit When in Bosnia | Where to Travel in Bosnia | City of Tuzla

Lets take a tour of Tuzla City.

Tuzla is the third largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the administrative center of Tuzla Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The city of Tuzla is home to Europe's only salt lake as part of its central park. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla is also regarded as one of the most multicultural cities in the country and has managed to keep the pluralist character of the city throughout the Bosnian War and after, with Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats and a small minority of Bosnian Jews residing in Tuzla. Tuzla is one of the oldest European sustained settlements. During the period of the Roman Republic (before the area was conquered by Rome), Tuzla (or Salines as it was called at the time) was ruled by the Illyrian tribe Breuci. It remained under Ottoman rule for nearly 400 years.
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Visiting DOBOJ, KOZARA and NOVI GRAD, Bosnia, Republika Srpska (10/2019)

DOBOJ (Добој) is a city located in Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is situated on the banks of Bosna river, in the northern region of the Republika Srpska. As of 2013, it has a population of 71,441 inhabitants. Doboj is the largest national railway junction and the operational base of the Railways Corporation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in Doboj. It is one of the oldest cities in the country and the most important urban center in northern Republika Srpska. The most visited area of the city is the freshly renovated medieval city castle, Doboj Fortress built in the early 13th century. It now houses restaurants, shops and medieval exhibitions of preserved weaponry with children's playgrounds open during the day.

KOZARA National Park (Национални парк Козара) is a national park that was proclaimed a protected national forest in 1967 by Josip Broz Tito. It is situated between the rivers Una, Sava, Sana and Vrbas, in the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These 33.75 square kilometers of dense forest and hilly meadows have earned the nickname 'Green Beauty of Krajina'. Kozara is a popular hunting ground, with a large 180 square kilometers area of the park open to regulated hunting of deer, pheasants, foxes, boars, hares, and ducks. A smaller part of the park is designated for nature lovers. Kozara was also a former battleground during World War II. The Kozara Offensive, also known as Operation West-Bosnien by the Axis, was fought in 1942 on and around the mountain of Kozara. It was an important battle of the Yugoslav Partisan resistance movement in World War II. It later became an integral part of Yugoslav post-war mythology, which celebrated the courage and martyrdom of outnumbered and outgunned Partisans and civilians.

NOVI GRAD (Нови Град), previously Bosanski Novi, is a town and municipality in Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Situated in the far northwest of the country, it lies across the Una from the Croatian town of Dvor. According to the 2013 census, the town has a population of 11,063, while its municipality comprises a total of 27,115 inhabitants. Known for its scenic quay, Novi Grad lies at the confluence of the Una and Sana rivers.

Our SHOCKING 24 Hours In Bosnia and Herzegovina

In today's episode, we bring you along on our shocking and mind-blowing discoveries in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Is it perhaps one of Europe's best kept secrets?

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We didn't really know what to expect from Bosnia, and we're so happy we didn't. We love traveling without expectations, and in this video you'll see why. From the fascinating and historical capital of Sarajevo (where WW1 was ignited) to the beautiful town center of Mostar and all the gorgeous Switzerland-like nature in between, we were left wanting to come back as soon as possible. We'll add this to our list of Europe's most underrated countries!

Also, in this video, you'll get to meet two of our best friends in the whole world for the first time, Kaisa and Ameera!



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We are Oskar & Dan, two boys from Sweden who decided to change the course of our lives, drop out of university and live life full-time. We're planning to visit every country in the world before we're 30 with an initial goal of 100 before we turn 25. By the time of posting this video, we're both 24 :)

Bosnia and Herzegovina was country #73/197????

We flew into Zagreb, Croatia and began our road trip down to Sarajevo, spent the night, and continued onward to Mostar before driving down to country #74, Montenegro.

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Road Trip Through Bosnia & Herzegovina

First impressions of Bosnia & Herzegovina weren't the best, but from that point forward everything improved dramatically. We absolutely loved this country and can't wait to return.

We stayed in 2 places: Sarajevo and Mostar and did little trips around those cities in our car. Definitely worth visiting if you're in the region.

Make sure you check out the entire Balkans playlist --

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Entdecken sie Bosnien und Herzegowina, Tuzla - Eine Reise durch Natur und die einzigen Salzseen


In diesem Video nehmen wir euch mit auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch Tuzla, eine wunderschöne Stadt, reich an natürlicher Schönheit und kulturellem Erbe. ????????

Lass uns mit einer Tour durch die Innenstadt und die Pannonischen Seen beginnen, wo ihr die entspannte Atmosphäre und die atemberaubende Aussicht genießen werdet. Aber das ist erst der Anfang! Unser Abenteuer setzt sich fort mit dem Besuch unverzichtbarer Ausflugsziele, die Tuzla so besonders machen.

Zuerst führt uns der Weg zum Naturschutzgebiet Ilinčica, ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber. Genießt die Ruhe und Frische dieses wunderschönen Ausflugsziels, spaziert entlang malerischer Pfade und genießt die faszinierenden Ausblicke auf die umliegenden Berge. ????????

Danach geht es weiter zur Panonica Tuzla, wo wir die geheimnisvolle Welt der Salzseen entdecken und faszinierende Geschichten über die Geologie dieser Region erfahren werden. Besucht das Museum und taucht ein in eine Vergangenheit, die euch begeistern wird. ????????

Anschließend könnt ihr euch in der Salzheilanstalt entspannen, einem Ort mit heilenden Eigenschaften. Genießt einen Spaziergang entlang der Promenade mit wunderschönen Denkmälern und Stećci-Grabsteinen und lasst euch von der entspannten Atmosphäre dieses Ortes verzaubern. ????️????

Nicht zu vergessen ist ein Besuch des Tierparks Bing, einem Ort, der euch mit der Schönheit verschiedener Tierarten begeistern wird. Lernt die exotischen Bewohner des Parks kennen und schafft unvergessliche Momente. ????????

Wir beenden unsere Tour auf dem Gipfel des Kicelja, wo wir einen Panoramablick auf Tuzla genießen werden. Spürt den Zauber der Stadt und haltet die wunderschönen Momente fest, die euch inspirieren werden. ????????????

Schließt euch uns in diesem unglaublichen Abenteuer an und entdeckt alles, was Tuzla zu bieten hat. Abonniert unseren Kanal und verpasst keine zukünftigen Videos über Reisen und das Entdecken neuer Orte!

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In this video, we take you on an unforgettable journey through Tuzla, a beautiful city rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. ????????

Let's start with a tour through the city center and the Panonica Lakes, where you will enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and breathtaking views. But that's just the beginning! Our adventure continues with a visit to must-see destinations that make Tuzla special.

First, we head to the Ilinčica Nature Reserve, a paradise for nature lovers. Enjoy the tranquility and freshness of this beautiful excursion site, stroll along picturesque paths, and admire the captivating views of the surrounding mountains. ????????

Next, our journey takes us to Panonica Tuzla, where we will discover the mysterious world of salt lakes and learn fascinating stories about the geology of this region. Visit the museum and immerse yourself in a past that will amaze you. ????????

Afterward, relax at the Saline Spa, an oasis of healing properties. Take a walk along the promenade adorned with beautiful monuments and stećci tombstones, and let yourself be enchanted by the relaxing atmosphere of this place. ????️????

We must not forget to visit the Bing Zoo, a place that will captivate you with the beauty of various animal species. Get to know the exotic residents of the zoo and create unforgettable moments. ????????

We end our tour at the top of Kicelj, where we will enjoy a panoramic view of Tuzla. Feel the magic of the city and capture the beautiful moments that will inspire you. ????????????

Join us on this incredible adventure and discover everything Tuzla has to offer. Subscribe to our channel and don't miss future videos about travel and exploring new places!

Best Hotels In Bihać Bosnia and Herzegovina (Best Affordable & Luxury Options)

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Ulica svetog Save, Doboj, 2K, jul 2021.

Vožnja automobilom kroz Doboj. Početak snimka je u Ulici cara Dušana, u blizini parka Narodnih heroja, u centru Doboja. Skretanje desno i vožnja do magistralnog puta M17.
Saobraćaj u Doboju

Putovanja 2021

Balkanske ulice

Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture. Optagelser, hvor du kan se vej såvel som strand, turiststed, naturlige seværdigheder, by, landsby, bjerg, flod og hav
Horvátország, Szerbia, Magyarország ... csak néhány a régiók és városok közül, amelyek felvételeit megtalálja a csatornán
Bělehrad, Budapešť, Dalmácie, Hercegovina, Černá Hora, Chorvatsko, Srbsko, ... to jsou jen některé z regionů a měst, jejichž záběry najdete na kanálu
Улица светог Саве, Добој

24-Hours in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mini City Tour

A colleague of mine took time out of her day to take me on a tour of her beautiful city, Sarajevo. It was really great touring the city and learning about the history of this place. I wish I had more time to spend in the city especially without being sick. I do hope to visit again one day so I can see more of Sarajevo and try more of their amazing food.

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Voz Tuzla - Doboj

Dolazak voza u stanicu Lukavac iz pravca Tuzle.
Snimljeno u ponedeljak 12.11.2018 u 10:30 u stanici Lukavac grad.
Povratna karta Lukavac - Doboj košta 10 KM.
Ponedeljkom je pijaca u Lukavcu.

Ethno villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina

When leaving the town of Bijeljina, beside Pavlovic's road, you will find Stanisici Ethno Village. Stanisici Ethno Village takes us back in time making us closer to nature and our ancestors, and making us admire the simplicity of rural life of the past. Here one rests his eyes and soul, he becomes kinder, while the babbling of the brook and the sound of the watermill make him wiser.

On the 20 km mark on the Doboj - Derventa road, 45 km away from the Croatian border, spreading across 1 acre of property of Rotor organization is the tourist ethno village “Royal village of Kotromanićevo”. Built on the shore of river Veličanka, a river rich with fish and shell life, which speaks highly of its purity, fit into the ambient of untouched nature, representing a truly restful stop on the main road from Croatia, is suitable for seminar organization, enjoyment in old royal ambience and old architecture of Bosnian kings.

Ethno Beys Village is the first Bosnian village in the region and in the world also. Feel the spirit of Bosnia and Herzegovina in authentic nature environment near Sarajevo, with cosy acommodation and quality healthy food.Accommodation in twin and double bedrooms, four bed apartments within small dreamy houses.

Herceg Ethno Village is a unique Hotel and Tourist complex opened at the end of 2008 and located on four acres of land with 50 stone buildings divided into five sections. The goal of this Project is to have a place with an authentic village atmosphere where we can offer today’s tourist all services.

This will be a heaven for people who like to experience good food, for those who are searching for a break from everyday routine. The Village also provides an ideal place for business people who wish to arrange seminars, conferences and team-building sessions.

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【4K】Drone Footage | Zenica - City at the Bosnia River 2019 ..:: Cinematic Aerial Film | Herzegovina

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina); project finished & uploaded on 2019-05-15 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

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Media data: This drone video (3:04min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Zenica 4K Drone Video Footage & Zenica Drone Pictures. Copyright protected Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, contact me via E-Mail, my Blog, Facebook or Instagram Page. One Man Wolf Pack Contact:

Zenica Drone Flight: Zenica is the fourth largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the administrative center of the Zenica-Doboj Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located about 70 km north of Sarajevo and is situated on the Bosna river, surrounded by a mountainous and hilly landscape. As of 2013, it has a population of 110,663 inhabitants. Zenica was an important economic and military center during the Banate of Bosnia and the Kingdom of Bosnia, and one of the relics from these eras is the Vranduk fortress. The citys old quarter contains several attractions, including the former synagogue, dating from 1906, which is now part of the City Museum. There is also a mosque, an Austrian fountain and an old beys farm house. [wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia, Southeastern Europe, Balkan, Balkans, Countryside, Landside, Adria, Adriatic Sea, Birds View, City, Mountains, Streets, Nature, BIH, Bosna i Hercegovina

Video [Internal ID 321] taken in 2017 and published in 2019



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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | One Man Wolf Pack 2019 -

Sarajevo Most Informative Talk Tour 1, Visit Bosnia

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All facts about Bosnia, Sarajevo Most Informative Talk Tour part 1, Best video of Sarajevo, Sarajevo free walk tour, Sarajevo City walk tour, Sarajevo center walk, walk in Sarajevo. Bosnia today, Yugoslavia, Bosnia people love Tito, Yugoslavia war, Daniel World Travel.


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Doboj, small town in Bosnia ????????

Doboj is a town in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the entity of Republika Srpska. We will take a look at railway station, fortrest dating back to 10th and 13th century and central park called Park of heroes.

City of Doboj DTI

Welcome to the tourist network of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Enjoy the beauty of nature and cultural heritage. Project Digital Tourist BH Itinerary.

Fortress of Doboj

Doboj Fortress or Gradina is located in the city of Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.[1] The fort is currently abandoned.
One of the most important defenses in the medieval bannate/duchy of Usora, this large stone structure was built in the early 13th century on the site of an earlier, clay and wood-based structure from the 10th or 11th century. In the first period of its existence, from the 13th to the late 14th or early 15th century (1415), the fortress was built in the Romanesque architecture style. This magnificent object has been burned and ransacked at least 18 times (per official/written record) in its history.

After the reconstruction of 1415, the Doboj fortress became more of a Gothic structure and had its keep reinforced with thick walls (up to 3 feet or 1 meter thick at the Eastern wall) as well as addition of a bastion/plateau with six cannon on top of it. The captain's tower was the dominating feature with a very tall and square keep dominating the fortress. Three big towers (North-West, Eastern, and Southern Gate) strategically protected the flanks of the fortress, hence rendering any idea of an attack a suicidal attempt. The Southern tower's walls became round in order to deflect cannonballs (circa 1370-1380s) and local captains at the time used Dubrovnik-made cannons, bombards, and balistas as fortress' main defense weaponry (Dubrovnik was known as Republic of Ragusa at the time)

Dobojska tvrđava - Gradina, Republika Srpska

#travel #fortress #doboj

Travel Agency Istra Tours Doboj

Istra Tours Doboj, Travel Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sarajevo to Mostar to Dubrovnik: Train and Bus Travel

Beautiful scenery as I travel in Bosnia & Herzegovina from Sarajevo to Mostar by train, then onto Dubvronik (Croatia) by bus. See what you can expect on these two forms of transportation.

This was the end of my ten day solo road trip adventure of Bosnia & Herzegovina. See all the my travel vlog videos here:

BLAGAJ Tekija & Vrelo Bune (Daytrip from Mostar) 4K

A Dervish Monastery (Tekija) and the Buna River Spring (Vrelo Bune) are the main attractions in Blagaj (Bosnia & Herzegovina). Blagaj is an easy day trip from Mostar, just 20 minutes drive away.

The Tekke (dervish house), was and still is a venue for dervish Zikr praise-chanting and worship. It's fairly small inside, but interesting to see. It's location at the foot of towering cliffs is striking, and right next to it is an underground spring (Vrelo Bune) that is the source of the river Buna.

I went to Blagaj as part of my road trip of Bosnia & Herzegovina in September 2019, stopping there after Mostar and before Sutjeska National Park.

Disclaimer: Fair use has been applied to items where the copyright holder has not given specific permission or received payment for their work, but has been included as historical/news record in conjunction with my own content and commentary to give context to the history of Mostar and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Other videos used under Creative Commons Licence or under Fair Use as follows:



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