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10 Best place to visit in Disūq Egypt


EGYPT: Stunning and historic city of ALEXANDRIA ????️????, top sites to see and visit!

Alexandria, Egypt - top sites to visit in Alexandria, Egypt. Let's go to Alexandria which is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. During the Hellenistic period, Alexandria was home to a lighthouse ranking among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as well as a storied library. Today the library of Alexandria is reincarnated in the disc-shaped, ultramodern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Alexandria also has Greco-Roman landmarks, old-world cafes and sandy beaches. Alexandria's 15th-century seafront Qaitbay Citadel is now a museum.
Alexandria was founded in c. 331 BC by Alexander the Great, king of Macedon and leader of the Greek League of Corinth, during his conquest of the Achaemenid Empire. An Egyptian village named Rhacotis existed at the location and grew into the Egyptian quarter of Alexandria. Alexandria grew rapidly to become an important centre of Hellenistic civilization and remained the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt and Roman and Byzantine Egypt for almost 1,000 years, until the Muslim conquest of Egypt in AD 641.
#Alexandria #Egypt #VicStefanu

Egyptian Museum Cairo TOUR - 4K with Captions *NEW!*

????️Map of the Walk - ????️
This walking tour of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (EMC) was filmed on March 31st starting 12:49 PM just outside of the main entrance located in El-Tahrir Square. This tour will take you around the Ground Floor and Upper Floor where you will see the largest collection of Egyptian antiquities in the world.
???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro
0:57 Outside Entrance
2:26 Entrance Hall R48
3:26 Narmer Palette R43
4:53 Tri-Lobed Disc of Sabu R43
6:09 Central Hall
19:44 Room 49
24:33 Graeco-Roman Exhibit R50
29:10 Room 34 GRAECO-ROMAN
37:56 Room 24
43:29 New Kingdom Exhibit R20
45:11 Room 14
48:55 Room 10 - RAMSES II
51:14 Room 3 - AMARNA ROOM
55:30 Room 8 - Large Sphinx
57:54 Room 12 - HATHOR SHRINE
1:08:15 Room 22 - MONTUHOTEP II
1:10:32 Room 32 Old Kingdom - Rahotep and Nofret
1:13:35 Room 36 Old Kingdom
1:15:02 Room 41 Old Kingdom - Ka-aper Statue
1:15:51 Room 42 Old Kingdom - Statue of Khafre
1:20:55 Room 47 Old Kingdom
1:24:00 Room 51 Old Kingdom
1:25:06 Room 46 UPPER FLOOR Sarcophagi & Grave Goods
1:28:48 Room 53 Animal Mummies
1:34:38 Room 49 Sarcophagi & Grave Goods
1:36:48 Rooms 50 & 56 New Kingdom
1:41:59 Sarcophagi & Grave Goods
1:44:21 Room 42 Pottery & Bowls
1:47:33 Room 37 Coffins & Mummies
1:51:31 Room 32 Models
1:55:18 Room 27 Models
1:57:58 Room 22 Grave Goods
2:02:20 Room 17 Coffins & Masks
2:05:58 Room 12 Grave Goods
2:09:53 Room 7 Tutankhamun Exhibit
2:11:57 Room 13 Tutankhamun Exhibit
2:21:44 Room 43 View of Central Hall
2:26:08 Room 15 Yuya and Thuya
2:26:39 Room 14 Fayum Portrait of Two Brothers
2:32:28 Room 19 Gods of Ancient Egypt
2:36:09 Statue of the Priest Djedhor
2:42:24 Room 24 Papyri and Ostraca
2:46:19 Room 25 Yuya Mummy
2:48:42 Room 29 Manuscript Writing Materials
2:52:50 Room 34 Daily Life
2:59:39 Room 40 Satamun Chair
3:00:39 Room 39 Vases and Statuettes
3:04:09 Room 45 Funerary Masks of Tuya and Yuya
3:06:21 Room 44 Tiles and Statuettes
3:11:17 GROUND FLOOR - Entrance Hallway
3:13:04 Kingdom Hallway
3:14:36 Gift Shop
3:15:59 Outside the Museum

Egyptian Museum Website:

This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

????Complete List of Walks: ????
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Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 11
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #EgyptianMuseum

The Top Attractions of Egypt’s Nile Delta: Port Said

At the eastern edge of the Nile Delta lies Port Said, a relatively modern city established in 1859 during the construction of the Suez Canal. Port Said marks the northern entry into the world-famous waterway, which connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea and therefore has enormous commercial and political importance. Walk along the city’s waterfront boardwalk to admire its crumbling 19th-century architecture and to marvel at the sight of titanic supertankers on their way from Europe to Africa and Asia. Free ferries run from Port Said to its sister city, Port Fuad, located on the opposite side of the canal.

Crossing the canal means traversing the border between Africa and Asia, and Port Said is one of only two metropolitan areas in the world (the other being Istanbul) where it’s possible to do so. To discover the canal’s historical importance, pay a visit to Port Said Military Museum. Exhibits shed light on the 1956 Suez Crisis, when Israel, the UK and France invaded Egypt in a failed attempt to remove the Egyptian president and regain Western control of the canal. You can also learn about later conflicts between Egypt and Israel. Contemporary art fans should also make a stop at the worthwhile Al-Nasr Museum of Modern Art.

Рим Италия Что посмотреть в Риме за 2 дня ❤️ РИМ Достопримечательности Рима. Путешествие Рим топ 10

*Рим – одно из самых завораживающих мест на Земле. Вечный город пронизан историей, искусством и культурой, представляет собой настоящий археологический кладезь, полный великолепных достопримечательностей.*
Если вы ищете Что посмотреть в Риме за 2 дня, то Вы попали на нужное видео. Я расскажу все что нужно знать туристу перед поездкой в Рим, а также покажу ТОП 10 мест Рима, плюс бонусные локации. *Колизей, Пантеон, Фонтан Треви, Ватикан, Музеи Ватикана, Уста истины, Испанская лестница, Замок Святого ангела, Римский форум, Холм Палатин, Витториано, Пьяцца Навона* и другие.
Путешествие в Рим и отдых в Риме оставят в вашей памяти неизгладимое впечатление. Часто думаете о римской империи? Тогда бросайте все и приезжайте сюда.

Колизей – символ Рима и всей Италии, возвышается как монумент величия древнего Рима. Этот амфитеатр был построен около 2000 лет назад и способен был вместить до 60 000 зрителей.
Билеты в Колизей без посредников:
Билеты в Колизей через турагента:

Пантеон – еще один великолепный образец античной архитектуры, который впечатляет своим куполом.
Билеты в Пантеон:

Римский Форум – это археологический комплекс, где можно прогуляться по древним улицам и рассмотреть развалины античных храмов, базилик и других зданий.

Ватикан – маленькая территория в центре Рима, где находится резиденция Папы и Музеи Ватикана, дома одной из самых великолепных художественных коллекций в мире.
Сайт Ватикана и информация о куполе:
Билеты в музеи Ватикана:

Фонтан Треви - один из самых знаменитых фонтанов в мире и символ Рима. Этот барочный фонтан был завершен в 1762 году и известен своей великолепной скульптурной композицией.

Испанская лестница - известная лестница в Риме, находящаяся у церкви Тринита-деи-Монти. Лестница была построена в 18 веке и имеет 135 ступенек. Название она получила благодаря испанскому посольству, которое находилось рядом. Сегодня Испанская лестница стала популярным местом для отдыха и наблюдения за жизнью города.

Замок Святого Ангела (Castel Sant'Angelo) - это историческое сооружение в Риме, Италия. Замок был построен во 2 веке н.э. как мавзолей для императора Адриана и его семьи. В последующие века он использовался как крепость, а также как каземат и тюрьма.
Сегодня Замок Святого Ангела открыт для посещения и является популярным местом для туристов.
Билеты в замок:

Витториано – это величественное историческое сооружение в Риме, Италия. Этот памятник был построен в честь объединения Италии в 19 веке и является символом национальной единства страны.
Внутри Витториано находится музей, посвященный истории Италии и памятникам национальной славы. А на верху комплекса находится смотровая площадка.
Билеты в Витториано:

Для перемещения по Риму вам могут пригодиться эти ссылки:
Карта туриста:
Италия что посмотреть

*Больше моих путешествий вы найдете здесь:*
*Интересные города:*

???? Таймкоды путешествия Рим Италия:
0:00 Вступление
2:29 Анонс. Все что нужно знать туристу в Риме
4:08 Транспорт в Рим из аэропорта. Поезд, Автобус, Такси
6:50 В каком районе Рима искать жилье. Цены на отели
8:33 Жилье в пригороде Рима. Roma Pass
10:22 Кофе в Риме. История кофе
13:12 Пьяцца-дель-Пополо
14:30 Дворец правосудия в Риме
15:24 Замок Святого Ангела
18:30 Питьевая вода в Риме
19:54 Мост Ангелов
21:17 Ватикан
26:00 Купол Собора Святого Петра
31:14 Музеи Ватикана
32:54 Fontana dell'Acqua Paola
33:37 Церковь Санта-Мария-ин-Космедин. Уста Истины. Святой Валентин
36:41 Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa
37:15 Колизей
44:07 Как покупать билеты на достопримечательности в Риме
46:12 Рестораны и кухня в Риме
50:29 Палатин. История возникновения Рима
52:15 Римский форум
54:10 Капитолийский холм
56:01 Витториано
58:30 Говорящие статуи
59:11 Форум Трояна
59:57 Пьяцца Навона
1:02:06 Пантеон
1:08:24 Фонтан Треви
1:11:25 Джелато
1:12:30 Испанская лестница
1:15:56 Terrazza del Pincio
1:17:12 Выводы по путешествию в Рим

#рим #италия #колизей


Chichen Itza Mexico in the house! Looking for a Chichen Itza Tour or for a guide to Chichen Itza? Wanting to go to Chichen Itza on your own, or from Valladolid and needing some more information? Well good thing you’re here!

In this video we will show you how to explore Chichen Itza Mexico on a budget from Valladolid, take a mid-day dip in Cenote Ik-Kil, and end the day eating a Yucatán specialty, Poc chuk!

Chichen Itza Mexico is not only one of the 7 Wonders of the World but is also the most visited archeological site in Mexico! There is so much mystery and history here - you’re just going to have to watch this video to see why!

Join us on this Chichen Itza Tour and tell you how to get to Chichen Itza, facts about Chichen Itza, it’s history and so much more! You will want to watch until the end - Adam’s dance moves may or may not make an appearance!

Here is a map of our stops along the way:

#chichenitza #chichenitzamexico #mayanruins

*There are 22 levels to reach paradise for the Mayans, not 21.
*Sorry for our poor pronunciation, we try!

Links to products we use and love ????

-Our Powerbeats Pro Earbuds:
-TRAVEL HAPPENS™ Sealed Wet Bag (Keep your wet clothes & dry goods separate):
-The most comfortable walking shoe envy traveler needs:
-Stay hydrated with the Yeti Rambler 36 oz bottle:
-The action camera that makes this channel possible - The GoPro Hero 9:
-Media mod for the GoPro Hero 9 (captures the best audio):
-GoPro Floating Hand Grip:
-The best hard drive for all your photos & video, Samsung T5 Portable SSD 2TB:
-Apple MacBook Pro with Apple M1 Chip (the best for video editing):
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Who are we? We are The Country Collectors! For the past 10 years we have been traveling the world in search of unique experiences that fuel our fire for life! This journey has taken us to 39 countries together and we have no plan of stopping anytime soon. We decided to start this channel to share our beautiful world with you, and hopefully inspire you, even just a little, to get out of your comfort zone and check off those items on your bucket list. Like my mom says, never say should have, would have, or could have - JUST DO IT! No regrets! - XOXO - Heidi & Adam

We (Heidi & Adam) are part of multiple affiliate sales networks. This means that we may be compensated if you (the consumer) choose to utilize the links located here, in our channel. We only recommend products, services, and resources we believe will provide value to YOU! We greatly appreciate when you use our links!

Ostia Antica - Ancient Roman Ruins - 4K Walking Tour 60fps with Captions

Enjoy a tour around the ruins of Rome's ancient seaport, Ostia Antica. This walk was filmed on Friday July 2nd, 2021 starting at 12:34 pm at the entrance to the site. The temperature was 30°C/86°F.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

Useful links about Ostia Antica:
2. Digital Map of Ostia -

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.


????Complete List of Walks: ????
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???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
1:09 Entrance - Viale degli Scavi
2:18 Necropoli Ostiense
4:09 Tomb of the Archetti
5:03 Porta Romana
9:03 Baths of Neptune
12:38 Baths of the Provinces
14:38 Barracks of the Fire Brigade
19:45 Ostian Theater
28:50 Square of the Corporations
40:47 Fullery
41:51 Mitreo of Felicissimo
43:15 House of the Wrestlers
44:57 House of Fortuna Annonaria
50:03 House of the Well
52:18 Bakery
53:57 House of the Porch
56:55 Baths of the Jealous One
1:01:18 Great Warehouse
1:04:56 Bakery
1:10:11 Temple of Capitoline
1:13:17 House of the Paintings
1:16:03 Caseggiato dei Doli
1:20:19 House of the Wine Bar
1:24:32 Cardo Maximus
1:26:53 Piccolo Mercato
1:32:30 Horrea Epagathiana
1:39:06 House of Cupid and Psyche
1:42:19 Temple of Mithras
1:48:15 House of the Serapeum
1:50:12 Baths of the Seven Sages
1:56:32 Insula delle Muse
1:57:40 Garden Houses
2:01:40 Porta Marina
2:05:22 Baths of the Porta Marina
2:15:56 Viale degli Scavi
2:16:26 Augusteum
2:19:05 Forum
2:20:32 Forum Baths
2:28:05 Roman Bathroom

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 11
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #ostiaantica #Romanruins #RomanBaths

Egyptian Street Food - Seafood HEAVEN + Traditional Egyptian Food Adventure in Alexandria, Egypt!

My new blog:
Check out for 3 months free w/ 1 year pack and 49% OFF! Egyptian Street Food HEAVEN in Alexandria, Egypt! Today, we're going DEEP for Traditional Egyptian Cuisine in the back streets of Alexandria. We're having some AMAZING Egyptian Seafood and a HUGE Egyptian BREAKFAST!

► The BEST VPNs for China:

►My Egyptian Food Guide To Alexandria :

In this street food vlog, we are traveling in Egypt up to Alexandria, famous for it's long history and delicious seafood. We're bringing you to try some AMAZING Egyptian Street food cooked by local chefs using famous Egyptian recipes. The flavours you can try here are so delicious!

Starting out, we're going for a traditional egyptian breakfast, served with Foul Fava bean dip, baba ganoush, Egyptian bread, and many more egyptian dishes. If you're wondering what do Egyptians eat, this is it, a healthy breakfast with lots of delicious baladi bread.These are all super delicious Ancient Egyptian recipes and super popular with the locals, using only the best Egyptian spices!!

After that amazing Egyptian breakfast, we're going for more Egyptian street food, but first, a stop at an amazing Alexandria cheese fondue restaurant, full of delicious beef and seafood!

And next up, we're going for the best seafood in Egypt, DEEP in the local seafood market of Alexandria, where you can buy incredibly fresh Seafood and bring it to the local grills nearby to cook in the Egyptian style. Here, we had a delicious baked fish, some squid, crab, and more. It was amazing!

And to finish up our day of Egyptian street food after that amazing Seafood, we're going for one more Egyptian street food, the fried liver sandwiches! This is another specialty of Alexandria, and we found the best one in the city! Although I personally found it too strong, many locals love the flavour and all the Egyptian dishes that come with it!

The Food Ranger YouTube:

The Food Ranger Instagram:

The Food Ranger FB:

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► How I Access The Internet ANYWHERE:

► MUSIC I USE (Great For YouTubers):



In the next video, we're going for even more Egyptian street food, like Koshary and Egyptian Pizza!!

Thanks so much for watching all of my Egyptian street food tour videos! Make sure to subscribe to this video!
Best Captioning services:

Egito Ep. 18: O Vale dos Reis

Em mais um episódio emocionante da nossa jornada pelo Egito, mergulharemos no coração da história antiga enquanto exploramos o lendário Vale dos Reis em Luxor.

Prepare-se para ser transportado para um mundo de mistério e maravilha, enquanto desvendamos os segredos escondidos sob as antigas colinas. Neste episódio, caminharemos pelos corredores escuros e admiraremos as impressionantes tumbas dos faraós, decoradas com hieróglifos coloridos e arte milenar.

Descubra as histórias fascinantes de alguns dos faraós mais renomados, incluindo Tutancâmon e Ramsés II, enquanto exploramos seus túmulos ricamente decorados.

Além de explorar o passado glorioso, forneceremos informações práticas para os viajantes que desejam visitar o Vale dos Reis, incluindo dicas sobre horários ideais de visita e como tirar o máximo proveito dessa experiência única.

Junte-se a nós enquanto nos aventuramos nas profundezas do Vale dos Reis, um lugar onde o passado se encontra com o presente, e onde os mistérios da civilização egípcia se revelam. Este é um episódio que o levará de volta à era dos faraós e o deixará maravilhado com a grandeza e o esplendor do antigo Egito. Venha conosco nesta jornada histórica e emocionante!

00:00 intro
02:51 Bilheteria
04:04 Deslocamento
05:38 Tumba de Tutankhamon
09:13 Tumba Ramsés III
13:42 Tumba de Merenptah
18:44 Tumba de Ramsés I
22:20 Saindo do Sítio

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Exploring ALEXANDRIA, Egypt's Great Port City ???????? | Alexandria Travel Vlog 2022

Exploring ALEXANDRIA, Egypt's Great Port City ???????? | Alexandria Travel Vlog 2022

Alexandria is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. During the Hellenistic period, it was home to a lighthouse ranking among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as well as a storied library. Today the library is reincarnated in the disc-shaped, ultramodern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The city also has Greco-Roman landmarks, old-world cafes and sandy beaches. Its 15th-century seafront Qaitbay Citadel is now a museum. Alexandria, Arabic Al-Iskandariyyah, major city and urban muḥāfaẓah (governorate) in Egypt. Once among the greatest cities of the Mediterranean world and a centre of Hellenic scholarship and science, Alexandria was the capital of Egypt from its founding by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE until its surrender to the Arab forces led by ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ in 642 CE. One of Egypt’s largest cities, Alexandria is also its principal seaport and a major industrial centre. The city lies on the Mediterranean Sea at the western edge of the Nile River delta, about 114 miles (183 km) northwest of Cairo in Lower Egypt. Area city, 116 square miles (300 square km). Pop. (2006) city, 4,110,015.

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???? Day 1 Giza Pyramids:

Thanks for watching this video.

alexandria,alexandria egypt,exploring alexandria,exploring egypt,alexandria tourist,egypt tourist,alexandria travel,egypt travel,alexandria vlog,egypt vlog,vlog alexandria,egyptian food,alexandria people,alexandrian,alexandria food,egypt food,alexandria tour,egypt trip,alexandria travel guide,egypt travel guide,ancient alexandria,alexandria history,Alexandria Travel Vlog 2022,Exploring ALEXANDRIA,Egypt's Great Port City,????????

EGYPT & JORDAN: A Solo Backpacking Adventure - Trailer

I went backpacking around Egypt & Jordan for one month by myself.

Egypt & Jordan are undoubtedly on most people's travel bucket lists, but I've always had the impression that the majority of people travel there on an organised tour.

So I wanted to give it a go by myself and see what it was like booking everything on the go, treating it like a normal backpacking trip.

This is the trailer for the 2-part documentary series.

Highlights of the trip include seeing the Pyramids of Cairo; visiting Abu Simbel temple; cruising along the Nile, exploring the Valley of the Kings at Luxor, scuba-diving in the Red Sea; following in the footsteps of Indiana Jones at Petra; and enjoying the vast beauty of Wadi Rum.

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--------------------- Equipment ---------------------------

Sony A7s:
Sony 28-70mm Lens:
RodeGo Mic:
Rode DeadCat:
Shoot Tripod:

GoPro Hero 6:
GoPro Monopod:

DJI MavicPro Drone:
MavicPro Case:

MacBook Pro:
WD Elements 4TB Hard Drive:

Software used:
Final Cut X, Adobe After Effects

Music provided by MusicBed - get a free trial for the best music for your videos:

--------------------- About Karl Watson ---------------------

My name’s Karl, welcome to my channel that’s all about sharing my backpacking adventures from around the world, through fun, entertaining and honest travel documentaries.

Through these films I want you - the audience - to escape and come on the journey with me, and then be inspired to start an adventure of your own.

In between my travels I’m based in London, UK where I work as a freelance video editor.


#EgyptTravel #JordanTravel

Cairo Shore Excursion from Alexandria Port

Enjoy your holiday to Egypt from your cruise ship by visiting Egypt Pyramids in Giza, famous Sphinx and the valley temple . Continue to visit the Egyptian museum with Tutankhamun treasures . End your Cairo trip shopping in Khan Elkhalily before coming back to your cruise ship in Alexandria port.....


Our first overnight train might as well be in Egypt! We took the Watania overnight train from Cairo to Luxor and it was quite the experience. It was different from everything we read online about it!

Cairo to Luxor, Egypt - May 2019

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❤️Aubrey was a Speech-Language Pathologist, Donnie was graphic designer, but we both had a dream to travel the world and experience cultures. After three years of being married and dreaming about if something like this great adventure would be possible, we decided to quit the rat race and take on the world. We sold everything we had, quit our jobs, and took off! We don't know how long we will get to do this, and we do have a goal of getting jobs in the UK eventually, but we are going to live it to the fullest while we can!

Port Said to Cairo Tour | Nile Cruise and Giza Pyramids From Port Said

Book Giza Pyramids Cairo From Port Said at

Egypt cruise tour to Cairo from Port Said, Shore excursions to get closer to the history of ancient Egypt. Port trips operated at any time from Port Said. Travel privately with personal guide to visit Cairo, Giza Pyramids and enjoy your lunch on board a delicate cruise sailing the Nile River in Cairo with entertainment from Port Said.

A Journey To The Source Of The Nile River. From Uganda To Egypt.

A Journey To The Source Of The Nile River. From Uganda To Egypt.

The Nile River flows from south to north through eastern Africa. It begins in the rivers that flow into Lake Victoria (located in modern-day Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya), and empties into the Mediterranean Sea more than 6,600 kilometers (4,100 miles) to the north, making it the longest river in Africa and the disputed longest river in the world, as the Brazilian government says that the Amazon River is longer than the Nile.

The Nile River was critical to the development of ancient Egypt. In addition to Egypt, the Nile runs through or along the border of 10 other African countries, namely, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. Its three main tributaries are the White Nile, the Blue Nile, and the Atbara.
The White Nile is the headwaters and primary stream of the Nile itself.
The Blue Nile, however, is the source of most of the water and silt.

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Wow, Could This Be Real? | Secrets of Ancient Egypt | Mysterious Temples - Detailed Archaeology

In this enthralling video, join us on a fascinating journey as we explore the captivating and mysterious lost temples of Ancient Egypt. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage as we unravel the secrets of these ancient structures.

00:00:00 Introduction and Brief History of Ancient Egypt
00:02:09 Philae Temple
00:04:08 Luxor Temple
00:06:06 Karnak Temple
00:08:01 Temples of the Amarna Period
00:10:08 Conclusion

Discover the hidden beauty and architectural marvels of temples that have stood the test of time. From the intricately carved hieroglyphics to the towering obelisks, each temple tells a unique story of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Uncover the mysteries surrounding these lost temples, from their significance in religious rituals to their alignment with celestial events. Learn about the gods and goddesses worshipped within these sacred grounds and the rituals performed to honor them.

Through stunning aerial footage and expert interviews, we will delve into the historical significance and cultural impact of these temples. Gain a deeper understanding of how they shaped the lives of ancient Egyptians and how they continue to fascinate us today.

Join us on this captivating journey and indulge your curiosity as we unlock the secrets of the lost temples of Ancient Egypt. Don't forget to like and share this video with other history enthusiasts who share the same passion for unraveling the mysteries of the past.

#Enigma #AncientEgypt #Temples #Mysterious #Egyptology #History #Archaeology #UnlockingTheEnigma #Exploration #Adventure #Discovery #EgyptianTemples #AncientCivilization #Pharaohs #Pyramids #Secrets #AncientMysteries #SacredPlaces #Heritage #AncientWonders
Cosmic Chronicle Hub
ancient egypt
ancient egypt documentary
history documentary
ancient history
cosmic chronicle hub story
full documentary

Egyptian TV Gamal Esayed, Dr Tarek Elabsy, Mr Eshafie at Disuq

Dr Tarek Elabsy held a big conference in Disuq aiming to achieve more US Egyptian understanding.

VR 360: Tumba de Merenptah

Prepare-se para uma experiência única e envolvente enquanto exploramos a intrigante Tumba de Merenptah, um dos locais mais fascinantes do Antigo Egito, em um vídeo de realidade virtual 360 graus.

Neste vídeo VR, convidamos você a viajar no tempo e mergulhar nas profundezas desta tumba, revelando seus segredos e histórias. Com nossa tecnologia de câmera 360 graus, você terá a liberdade de explorar cada detalhe da decoração, inscrições e relevos que adornam esta tumba histórica.

À medida que você navega pelas galerias, será transportado para a atmosfera mágica do Egito Antigo, onde os deuses, rituais e a jornada para a vida após a morte desempenhavam um papel central.

Esta experiência de realidade virtual oferece uma oportunidade única de explorar a história e a beleza da civilização egípcia antiga de uma maneira que nunca antes foi possível. Junte-se a nós enquanto nos aventuramos nas profundezas da Tumba de Merenptah e desvendamos seus mistérios em uma experiência que o levará de volta ao passado glorioso do Egito.

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Epic Drone Flight: Alexandria, Jewel of the Mediterranean ????

Embark on an exhilarating drone adventure above Alexandria, the radiant jewel nestled along the Mediterranean coast! This awe-inspiring aerial journey unveils the grandeur of Alexandria's historic landmarks, sun-kissed beaches, and bustling cityscape. Join us on this mesmerizing flight and immerse yourself in the splendor of one of the Mediterranean's most enchanting cities!

#AlexandriaDroneFlight #MediterraneanJewel #AerialAdventures #HistoricLandmarks #DroneExploration #ExploreAlexandria #MediterraneanBeauty #DroneExperience #EgyptTravel #CityscapeViews

#Mediterranean #DroneFlight #CitadelOfQaitbay #BibliothecaAlexandrina #Corniche #MontazaPalace #StanleyBridge #AncientHistory #ModernCulture

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EGYPT: Looted tombs ⚱️✝️, Greek cemetery in ALEXANDRIA, who is buried here

The Greek cemetery in Alexandria, Egypt - the Greek Orthodox cemetery of Alexandria in Egypt. Let's travel to Egypt and let's visit the city of Alexandria. In Alexandria we will go to the beautiful (but neglected and looted) Greek Orthodox cemetery in Alexandria, Egypt. For the needs of the Greek Community of Alexandria, since its foundation in the late 1800s, a large area in Chatby was purchased, where the Greek cemetery is found today, in Alexandria, Egypt, known for its artistic sculptures found in various burial monuments.
Alexandria is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. During the Hellenistic period, it was home to a lighthouse ranking among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as well as a storied library. Today the library is reincarnated in the disc-shaped, ultramodern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The city also has Greco-Roman landmarks, old-world cafes and sandy beaches. Its 15th-century seafront Qaitbay Citadel is now a museum.
#Alexandria #cemetery #VicStefanu

Ancient Egyptian Obelisk

Ancient Egyptian Obelisk The term obelisk comes from the Greek word Obeliskos, which means a pointed nail. It is a tall, tapering, four sided structure ending at a pointed head. It was called Tenjen in the language of Ancient Egypt, and meant protection and defence. The Obleisk was thought to perforate the clouds and disperse the negative forces.

It is said to represent a petrified ray of the sundisk. Egyptian temples usually had a pair of Obelisks flanking the main gateway at the pylon. Many of these Obelisks still survive, in situ as well as in different places across the world. The earliest temple Obelisk is the red granite Obelisk at the temple of Senusret I, at Al-Matarriyah part of Heliopolis.

 Videos about Obelisk

Obelisk Meaning

Ancient Egyptian Obelisk

The Obelisks of Rome

What do you know about Obelisk

Obelisk History

Ancient Egyptian obelisk Facts

Istanbul Obelisk

Cleopatra’s Needle

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What is the symbolism of the Egyptian obelisk?



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