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10 Best place to visit in Desamparados Costa Rica



Jacó, Costa Rica is a small, party, beach town on the southern, Pacific coast of Costa Rica.

This video was filmed during Costa Rica's Independence Day weekend.



#Jaco #CostaRica #TravelDolo


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How to travel Costa Rica on a budget. Detailed cost break down and full itinerary | Two weeks trip

How to travel Costa Rica on a budget. In this video we break down cost, expenses and itinerary of our 2 week trip, which might give you ideas and tips for your own trip.

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Our Costa Rica travel video:
Our Costa Rica diving:

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Trip details:
- Alajuela

- Poas Volcano

- La Fortuna

We booked our adventures with Erick

Our zipline experience

Canyoning/rappelling with Jairo and David (Maquique Adventure)

- Mistico Hanging Bridges

- Rio Celeste

- Rio Naranjo

- Playa Flamingo

Diving at Islas Santa Catalina

- Monteverde

- Santa Elena Cloud Forest

- Cerros Amigos

- Quepos

- Osa Peninsula
Bolita Rainforest Hostel

- Drake Bay

Diving at Isla Del Cano

- Platanillo

- Nauyaca Falls

- Alajuela


hola hola amigos, este es un mapa de la hermosa Costa Rica. limita con el Mar Caribe al este y el Océano Pacífico al oeste. Costa Rica también limita con Nicaragua al norte y con Panamá al sur.

El punto más alto del país es el Cerro Chirripó, con 3.819 metros. El volcán más alto del país es el Volcán Irazú 3.431 m y el lago más grande es el Lago Arenal. Hay 14 volcanes conocidos en Costa Rica, y seis de ellos han estado activos en los últimos 75 años.

Costa Rica experimenta un clima tropical durante todo el año. Hay dos temporadas. El verano o estación seca es de diciembre a abril, y el invierno o estación lluviosa es de mayo a noviembre.

hogar de la famosa rana arbórea de ojos rojos.
Hay una rica variedad de plantas y vida silvestre costarricense.

Un parque nacional, el Parque Nacional Corcovado, es reconocido internacionalmente entre los ecologistas por su biodiversidad (incluidos los grandes felinos y los tapires) y es donde los visitantes pueden esperar ver una gran cantidad de vida silvestre. Corcovado es el único parque en Costa Rica donde se pueden encontrar las cuatro especies de monos costarricenses. Estos incluyen el capuchino de cabeza blanca, el aullador de manto, el mono araña de Geoffroy en peligro de extinción y el mono ardilla centroamericano, que se encuentran solo en la costa del Pacífico de Costa Rica y una pequeña parte de Panamá. si llegaste hasta el final probablemente seas el primero, jajaja jejeje, no te rías, si te ríes debes suscribirte a mi canal por el amor de costa rica. Costa Rica oficialmente la República de Costa Rica (español: República de Costa Rica), es un país de América Central, limita con Nicaragua al norte, el Mar Caribe al noreste, Panamá al sureste, el Océano Pacífico al suroeste, y frontera marítima con Ecuador al sur de la Isla del Coco. Tiene una población de alrededor de cinco millones en una superficie terrestre de 51.060 km2 (19.710 millas cuadradas). Se estima que 333.980 personas viven en la capital y ciudad más grande, San José, con alrededor de dos millones de personas en el área metropolitana circundante.

El estado soberano es una república constitucional presidencial unitaria. Es conocido por su democracia estable y de larga data, y por su fuerza laboral altamente educada. El país gasta aproximadamente el 6,9 % de su presupuesto (2016) en educación, en comparación con un promedio mundial del 4,4 %. Su economía, que alguna vez dependió en gran medida de la agricultura, se ha diversificado para incluir sectores como finanzas, servicios corporativos para empresas extranjeras, productos farmacéuticos y ecoturismo. Muchas empresas extranjeras de manufactura y servicios operan en las Zonas Francas (FTZ) de Costa Rica, donde se benefician de incentivos fiscales y de inversión.

Costa Rica estuvo habitada por pueblos indígenas antes de quedar bajo el dominio español en el siglo XVI. Siguió siendo una colonia periférica del imperio hasta la independencia como parte del Primer Imperio Mexicano, seguida de la membresía en la República Federal de América Central, de la cual declaró formalmente su independencia en 1847. Luego de la breve Guerra Civil de Costa Rica en 1948, permanentemente abolió su ejército en 1949, convirtiéndose en una de las pocas naciones soberanas sin un ejército permanente.

Ciudades o pueblos más grandes de Costa Rica
Censo 2011[cita requerida]
Rango Nombre Provincia Pob.
San Jose
San Jose
Cartago 1 San José San José 342 188 Heredia
2 Cartago Cartago 151 744
3 Heredia Heredia 128 550
4 Puntarenas Puntarenas 122 335
5 Limón Limón 96 314
6 Liberia Guanacaste 64 797
7 San Isidro de El General San José 45 773
8 Alajuela Alajuela 42 975
9 Quesada Alajuela 42 060
10 Desamparados San José 36 794
Artículo principal: Religión en Costa Rica
Religión en Costa Rica (CIEP 2018)[4]

Catolicismo (52%)
Protestantismo (25%)
Sin religión (17%)
Otras religiones (3%)
Sin respuesta (3%)

Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles), durante la romería de 2007
La mayoría de los costarricenses se identifican con una religión cristiana, siendo el catolicismo la que cuenta con el mayor número de miembros y además la religión oficial del estado según la Constitución de 1949, que a la vez garantiza la libertad de culto. Costa Rica es el único estado moderno en las Américas que actualmente tiene el catolicismo como religión estatal; otros países con religiones estatales (católica, luterana, anglicana, ortodoxa) están en Europa: Liechtenstein, Mónaco, Ciudad del Vaticano, Malta, Noruega, Reino Unido, Dinamarca, Islandia y Grecia

Costa Rican Girl Takes Me Into Most Dangerous Barrio in Limon

Wendy takes me into Costa Ricas a conflictive Province in Limon and shows me the Barrio Cieneguita. Costa Rica is a beautiful country but there are some sides behind these beautiful nature. I hope i could give you a little perspective about it. Would you like to see more of this Videos? Please let me know in the comments. ❤
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COSTA RICA ROAD TRIP | the best spots on the Pacific coast

Centering yourself on a surfboard, hiking on an active Volcano, taking a dip on the Pacific ocean or just relaxing in natural hot springs, your only limit is your return date ! We're taking you through the perfect road trip in Costa Rica, showing you the most amazing spots, hotels and hidden gems you don't want to miss. PURA VIDA life style

Costa Rica Travel Guide Must Do Adventure in Costa Rica

- Costa Rica is rich in scenery, wildlife, tours, activities and services. Don't miss out on an exciting zip line tour. Imagine gliding through the rain forest canopy. It is an incredible thrill of a lifetime!

Evelyn Gallardo is a vacation rental expert with 12 years of experience in Costa Rica and the author of the travel book series, The Best of Manuel Antonio & Quepos, Costa Rica (2012 & 2013) -- As Revealed by the Locals


hello hello friends, this is a map of beautiful Costa Rica. it borders the Caribbean Sea to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Costa Rica also borders Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south.

The highest point in the country is Cerro Chirripó, at 3,819 meters. The highest volcano in the country is the Irazú Volcano 3,431 m and the largest lake is Lake Arenal. There are 14 known volcanoes in Costa Rica, and six of them have been active in the last 75 years.

Costa Rica experiences a tropical climate year-round. There are two seasons. The summer or dry season is December to April, and the winter or rainy season is May to November.

Red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas)
There is a rich variety of plants and Costa Rican wildlife.

One national park, the Corcovado National Park, is internationally renowned among ecologists for its biodiversity (including big cats and tapirs) and is where visitors can expect to see an abundance of wildlife. Corcovado is the one park in Costa Rica where all four Costa Rican monkey species can be found. These include the white-headed capuchin, the mantled howler, the endangered Geoffroy's spider monkey, and the Central American squirrel monkey, found only on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and a small part of Panama, if you made it until the end you are probably the first, hahaha hehehe, dont laugh, if you laugh you must subscribe to my channel for the love of costa rica. Costa Rica officially the Republic of Costa Rica (Spanish: República de Costa Rica), is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, the Caribbean Sea to the northeast, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, and maritime border with Ecuador to the south of Cocos Island. It has a population of around five million in a land area of 51,060 km2 (19,710 sq mi). An estimated 333,980 people live in the capital and largest city, San José, with around two million people in the surrounding metropolitan area.

The sovereign state is a unitary presidential constitutional republic. It is known for its long-standing and stable democracy, and for its highly educated workforce. The country spends roughly 6.9% of its budget (2016) on education, compared to a global average of 4.4%. Its economy, once heavily dependent on agriculture, has diversified to include sectors such as finance, corporate services for foreign companies, pharmaceuticals, and ecotourism. Many foreign manufacturing and services companies operate in Costa Rica's Free Trade Zones (FTZ) where they benefit from investment and tax incentives.

Costa Rica was inhabited by indigenous peoples before coming under Spanish rule in the 16th century. It remained a peripheral colony of the empire until independence as part of the First Mexican Empire, followed by membership in the Federal Republic of Central America, from which it formally declared independence in 1847. Following the brief Costa Rican Civil War in 1948, it permanently abolished its army in 1949, becoming one of only a few sovereign nations without a standing army.

Largest cities or towns in Costa Rica
Census 2011[citation needed]
Rank Name Province Pop.
San José
San José
Cartago 1 San José San José 342 188 Heredia
2 Cartago Cartago 151 744
3 Heredia Heredia 128 550
4 Puntarenas Puntarenas 122 335
5 Limón Limón 96 314
6 Liberia Guanacaste 64 797
7 San Isidro de El General San José 45 773
8 Alajuela Alajuela 42 975
9 Quesada Alajuela 42 060
10 Desamparados San José 36 794
Main article: Religion in Costa Rica
Religion in Costa Rica (CIEP 2018)[4]

Catholicism (52%)
Protestantism (25%)
No religion (17%)
Other religions (3%)
No answer (3%)

Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels), during 2007 pilgrimage
Most Costa Ricans identify with a Christian religion, with Catholicism being the one with the largest number of members and also the official state religion according to the 1949 Constitution, which at the same time guarantees freedom of religion. Costa Rica is the only modern state in the Americas which currently has Catholicism as its state religion; other countries with state religions (Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Orthodox) are in Europe: Liechtenstein, Monaco, the Vatican City, Malta, Norway, United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, and Greece

5 Days in Costa Rica in 500 pictures

425 photos of wildlife, jungles and beaches illustrate my recent travels in Costa Rica. A lot of fun can be had in 5 days...

For more travel stories visit

Parque de la costa: Top juegos más extremos

Parque de la costa: un top 6 con los juegos más adrenalinicos del parque de la costa.
Los 6 juegos más fuertes y que para mi son los mejores.

Spring Break in Costa Rica!

Spring Break, Costa Rica
March 23 - March 31, 2019

Song: And The Sea by Poolside

Finca la Lucha | San Cristobal | No vayas, sin antes ver esto...| Costa Rica | ???? VLOG 10

finca la lucha!! Un lugar para pasar un buen rato, del sector de San José, propiamente en San Cristobal.

Gracias por ver el vídeo y aun mas por abrir las descripciones.

Nos encantaría que formes parte de este viaje, te invito a suscribirte!

Este vídeo es un recorrido por una finca Finca la Lucha en sector de San Cristobal sector perteneciente a la provincia de San Jose, es conocida como finca la Lucha. Un lugar bonito para hacer picnic o acampar, excelente para pasar el día en familia o amigos y relajarse un rato, en si el lugar es muy tranquilo.

Continuamos conociendo y aprendiendo.
valiosa información:

Su ubicacion:

Si quieres conocer y no cuentas con vehículo; te dejo la dirección de la terminal de bus en San Jose a Cartago:

Ubicacion Buses de Cartago a Finca la Lucha:

¿quien es Pepe?

Comenten, compartan y sobre todo disfruten del momento.

Un fuerte abrazo!

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Travel to Costa Rica | San Jose City | Baldi Hot Springs | Teatro Nacional Costa Rica | Pia Dina

Travel to Costa Rica | San Jose City | Baldi Hot Springs | Teatro Nacional Costa Rica | Pia Dina

Hello everyone!
Welcome to #piastravels in #CostaRica where I stayed in #SanJoseCity for a few days and explored the city and see the following:

Downtown San Jose,
Teatro Nacional Costa Rica,
Wings of Mexico,
San Jose City,
Costa Rica,
Central America,
Things to do in Costa Rica,
Places to visit in Costa Rica,
Travel during the Pandemic,

Come and join me on my travel to Costa Rica in September 2022.

Please subscribe to my channel:

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❌ Reason You Will Leave Costa Rica 2 Years after Moving to Costa Rica MUST SEE

#movetoCostaRica #liveinCostaRica #expatcommunity
There's a million reasons people decide to move to Costa Rica and try to make a life in Costa Rica. They are searching for the simple life in CR, maybe they're hoping to make some money in Costa Rica, maybe they love the flora and fauna of Costa Rica or the 750 miles of coastline, the climate of Costa Rica. Maybe its just wanting to leave their current situation and looking for change. Maybe they looking for that special someone in Costa Rica to share their life with. So many reasons people move to Costa Rica, start a business in Costa Rica, start over in Costa Rica. So many people move to Costa Rica so why do most end up leaving after a couple years. You need to check out this video, 'Reason You Will Leave Costa Rica 2 or 3 Years after Moving to Costa Rica MUST SEE' Did they lose their money in Costa Rica? Couldn't make their business work in Costa Rica? Too much time on their hands? Things were too expensive in Costa Rica.

Travel Costa Rica NOW is a travel agency. Travel Costa Rica NOW is like you having best friends who live in Costa Rica, who know Costa Rica, totally hooking up your Costa Rica vacation. We can also help you with your move to Costa Rica. GO to FILL OUT the 4-minute form (or email us) and you will be that much closer to making it happen for you in Costa Rica.


You can live a quality simple life in Costa Rica. You can live here for $1200/mo if you want too. Some of you will have to change your ways. Wants vs. Needs. Adjust and Adapt. Do you. Follow your passion your dream. Work on the internet from Costa Rica to supplement your income. Many expats (gringos) work from their home. Easy peezy. Eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. Work on yourself. Travel the country looking for that perfect rental property. They are out there and you can find them. Remember, having AC down at the beach can be very expensive.

Picnic y Camping Costa Rica

Tenga un día de picnic en familia al lado del Rio Machuca en Aventura y Camping Poza Blanca.

Have a amazing picnic by the river at Aventura y Camping Poza Blanca.
Right next to the Machuca River.

Costa Rica 2018

My family and I took a trip to our 2nd home COSTA RICA!
And captured some amazing footage, Hope you enjoy!

Also check me out at
and on IG

music by Marshmello - Only One (ft. Taylor Swift)


Video shot with : Dji Mavic Pro / Sony a6500 / Samsung Galaxy s7

San Jose, Escazu, Desamparados, Fraijanes, Jaco, Guanacaste, Dreams Las Mareas

San Pedro Mall | ????????Costa Rica | Walking Tour| Tour a pie por el centro comercial San Pedro

In this video I give you a walking tour of the famous San Pedro Mall in San Jose Costa Rica. San Pedro is the young area of San Jose where most of the college kids in the City Hang out. You will see people walking around and shopping and sight seeing.

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La Piedra de Aserrí Costa Rica

Caminata a La Piedra de Aserri el día Sábado 10 de agosto del 2019. Un paseo muy divertido con una vista realmente extraordinaria y muy cerca de la capital.

Edificios antiguos de Costa Rica

Costa Rica: What Every Digital Nomad Needs to Know

Are you a digital nomad considering Costa Rica as your next destination? Look no further! In this video, we'll cover everything you need to know about living and working remotely in Costa Rica. From the best cities for digital nomads to the cost of living, visa requirements, and safety tips, we've got you covered.
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Una catarata monstruosa : Las Cortinas - Limón, Costa Rica

Una de las cataratas más altas en que hemos estado. Un lugar que hay que conocer



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