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10 Best place to visit in Demyansk Russia


Самоизоляция на природе. Рыбалка в Тверской области.

Наконец-то открыл сезон рыбалки 2020, в режиме самоизоляции. Справедливо решив, что для самоизоляции и профилактики в условиях карантина, лучшего места чем природа – нет и быть не может.
Местом для открытия сезона 2020 выбрали реку Волга, район озера Вселуг, недалеко от озера Селигер.
Дорога до места радовала, кроме последних 30-ти километров. Где машин было также мало, как и на трассе. Но состояние асфальтового покрытия дороги наводило на мысль, что покрытие не ремонтировали со времен ВОВ. Только после таких боев, которые проходили там во время войны, дорога могла оказаться в таком состоянии.
Рыбалка не сильно порадовала, две небольшие рыбки(щука и судак), которыми и хвалится стыдно – вот весь улов за два дня. Зато набрался впечатлений и наметил план следующей рыбалки в ближайшее время.

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в гости к отшельнику

Часть Новгородского Леса превращается в Дальневосточную тайгу. В лесу растут Яблони, кедры, манчжурский орех. В огороде растут дыни и виноград, кукуруза, барбарис... Леший, именно так Он себя и называет, облагораживает все пространство вокруг. 15 лет но живет под навесом, сознательно не строя себе жилище.

Exhumation of Soviet soldiers dead in Demyansk

Demyansk in the area of Novgorod was held spring expedition to search for and burial of the remains of soldiers killed during the Great Patriotic War, as part of the Memory Watch-2009. The expedition was attended by 35 people - instructors and students of educational groups in preparation for the defense of the Motherland Simple Machines City Centre of patriotic education, youth of the city and the soldiers-internationalists members VOOV Combat Brotherhood. During the 10 days of the expedition, with the help of colleagues from Demyansk posse Novgorod search expedition Valley, elektrostaltsam found the remains of 228 Red Army soldiers and 12 soldiers' deaths medallions passed the examination. ********************

Military Archaeology in Russia ww2

During the winter, filled with topographical maps, historical descriptions, satellite photographs, plans and calculations, came to the unpredictable spring with more frozen ground, and the insidious brew sighting attacks in the near suburbs. Impatience and anticipation - the motto of the time between 1 March and late April. Anticipation of which comes above all waiting - check out a search expedition. Modus vivendi, as the saying goes ...
Simple Machines for Detachment 14 th exploratory season in the Valley was going to be easy, but effective. Thanks to colleagues from Demyansk, under the leadership of Anatoly S. Pavlov, as well as in advance to visit the area scout and an experienced search engine Vadim Antonov, found a mysterious unaccounted dumping of Soviet soldiers being in combat strewn ditch full profile. Why mysterious? Will become clear later ...
How easy to say - check out a search expedition. Approximately the same as - decided and went '...' Beggars gather - just belted '...' easy-going ... Well, big set of other gems of folk wisdom. In fact, everything, of course, is not the case - or rather, not so. Products, transport, fuel, equipment, documentation - the five whales upon which the expedition. Only in this way and nothing else. Thirty-five Coupar, which should be fed two weeks to deliver them, birthmarks, and snaryagu the work area and back fill pumps, chainsaws and all-terrain expedition vehicles, to ensure the economic needs and power devices - not a simple task in the financial crisis, but, fortunately, successfully solved by local budget, the sponsor in the person of incinerators and, of course, understanding and support of the management of urban district Elektrostal, Moscow Region. *******************



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