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10 Best place to visit in Debeljača Serbia


Belgrade in August SERBIA

šta mislite vi, jedan moj drugar je iš'o u teretanu i devojka koja je dizala 45kg-a na bendzu se nežno oslonila na njega dok je radila zgibove i posle mu je tražila broj telefona... on, kad nije hteo da joj da, uvrnula mu je ruku, pa je on morao da joj da svoj broj... posle ga je nasla na fejsu, uzela mu broj fiksnog i sinoc ga je, pijana, zaprosila... ja ne znam... jel’ vam se desilo nekom drugu nekad nesto slicno? šta?
a) reci ti njemu da on radi bicepse malo vise... zbog spanske kragne...
b) neka pusti da se malo ohladi situacija... i da se ona otrezni...
c) moze da kaze da ima devojku što na Youtubu prati kanale za borilacke veštine...
d) nema mu pomoci... gotovo je...

Serbia Road Niz Belgrade, Gopro / Serbie Route Niz Belgrade, Gopro

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

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The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live.
Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me.
If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.

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La majorité des journalistes dans le monde ont choisi de développer leur sujet sur des thèmes polémiques et sensationnels : violence, guerre, criminalité. Mais tous ces faits ne représentent que 1 % de notre monde et de ses habitants, en oubliant les 99 % restant dont on ne parle jamais.
J’ai choisi de visiter chaque pays de la planète et de les filmer pour vous les présenter en format Haute définition mais de manière brute, sans musique, sans commentaire. Simplement, la réalité dans toute sa vérité. Ainsi, vous pourrez vous faire votre propre idée sur le monde dans lequel vous vivez.
Actuellement, j’ai déjà visité près de 170 pays et mon tour du monde continue grâce à vous qui me suivez.
Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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welcome to kovacica [part 1 of 5]

Zbog heterogenog nacionalnog sastava i skladnih medunacionalnih odnosa izmedu Slovaka (41,07%), Srba (32,91%), Madara (10,52%), Rumuna i ostalih, Kovacicu nazivaju Vojvodina u malom. Stanovnici Kovacice, gonjeni ekonomskim problemima, verskim proganjanjima i vodeni željom za boljim životom, uvek se se oslanjali jedni na druge, poštovali svoje obicaje, jezik i kulturu drugih, cuvajuci i negujuci svoje. Pre dvesta godina došli su da cuvaju srednju Evropu od upada Turaka, i ovde ostali do danas.
Due to heterogenous national composition and harmonious international relations between Slovaks (41.07%), Serbs (32,91%), Hungarians (10,52%), Romanians and others, Kovacica is often called Vojvodina in small. Pursued by economic problems, religious persecutions and lead by the desire for better life, the inhabitants of Kovacica have always relied on each other, respected their customs, language and cultures of other nationalities, but on the other hand, preserving and cherishing their own. 200 years ago they came to protect middle Europe from the Turkish intrusion and have stayed in this place ever since.

#69 - Belgrade, Serbia - Cyclomarathon Belgrade - Kovačica 1/2 (06/2013)

Now, I know it's a number 69 but it really isn't what you think. ;) It's another public ride (one more left), another great adventure and another personal best broken. Oh, and another new destination as this was my first real venture into Vojvodina region. Best known (among cyclists) for being flat. And I do mean flat (Fruška Gora excluded). Still, there's so much more to it as you'll realise once I... Hehe, spoilers... (as River Song would say)

So, a public event which worked perfectly well. Except for not going to Kovačica. ;) And I must point out the best police work I've ever seen (motorcycle unit). Incredible. More on that in the movie. Also, as promised, you'll have a rare opportunity to listen to us talking almost the entire time! And such useful stuff, you won't believe. And all for free! Is this the best channel or what? ;)

Oh, apart from great police work, great stories, beautiful landscapes and some (great) tips, you will also see the Pančevo bridge over Danube river, learn some history and how to get from Belgrade to Pančevo on bike almost the legal way. So, don't waste another moment, grab some popcorns, sit back and enjoy the ride! It'll feel like doing the hard work yourself. Only, with absolutely no effect whatsoever. ;)

Filmed in June 2013.
Photo album:

Copyright © Srđan Canić. All rights reserved.

welcome to kovacica [part 2 of 5]

Zbog heterogenog nacionalnog sastava i skladnih medunacionalnih odnosa izmedu Slovaka (41,07%), Srba (32,91%), Madara (10,52%), Rumuna i ostalih, Kovacicu nazivaju Vojvodina u malom. Stanovnici Kovacice, gonjeni ekonomskim problemima, verskim proganjanjima i vodeni željom za boljim životom, uvek se se oslanjali jedni na druge, poštovali svoje obicaje, jezik i kulturu drugih, cuvajuci i negujuci svoje. Pre dvesta godina došli su da cuvaju srednju Evropu od upada Turaka, i ovde ostali do danas.
Due to heterogenous national composition and harmonious international relations between Slovaks (41.07%), Serbs (32,91%), Hungarians (10,52%), Romanians and others, Kovacica is often called Vojvodina in small. Pursued by economic problems, religious persecutions and lead by the desire for better life, the inhabitants of Kovacica have always relied on each other, respected their customs, language and cultures of other nationalities, but on the other hand, preserving and cherishing their own. 200 years ago they came to protect middle Europe from the Turkish intrusion and have stayed in this place ever since.

Vrška Čuka - Zaječar - Paraćin / SRPSKI PUTEVI

Put 36, od granice sa Bugarskom do uključenja na Koridor 10 kod Paraćina. Snimano u maju 2018. Uživajte!

Ruta na mapi:

Filip and friends fishing

Debeljaca, 2012-04-13

Ušačka i Ledena pećina

Obilazak najduže prohodne pećine u Srbiji u režiji Kluba putnika Srbije, danas poznatog kao Klub putnika.

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R-131: Pančevo - Opovo - Čenta (July 16, 2018)

Driving from Pančevo to the village of Čenta (at the junction with State Road M-13), along regional roads R-130 (Pančevo - Jabuka) and R-131 (Jabuka - Opovo - Čenta).

Playlist with all videos from Serbia here:

Video details:
Size: 5.20 GB
Length: 43' 49''
Resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD)
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Framerate: 60 fps
Bitrate: 13,700 kbps (original)
Edited using: VSDC Free Video Editor.
Rendering time: 4h 12'.
Road signs and other assets created using: Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007.
Recorded on: 16-Jul-2018
Uploaded to youtube on: 4-Aug-2018.


Posetiocima opštine Kovacica na raspolaganju su brojni restorani uredeni kako u nacionalnom stilu, tako i sa savremenim enterijerskim rešenjima.
Na meniju su pretežno nacionalna jela srpske, slovacke i madarske kuhinje ali ne zaostaje ni standardni meni pretežno vojvodanske srpske i evropske kuhinje. /
The municipality Kovacica has placed numerous restaurants at its visitor's disposal, each one composed either in the traditional style or the modern one.
The menu is mostly consisting of the Serbian, Slovak and Hungarian traditional dishes, but of the standard European and regional ones as well.

Zagreb with wheelchair

More information

Do not you imagine as I enjoyed getting lost in Zagreb through its streets and its history with my wheelchair. A stunning, monumental and welcoming city. Its beauty is different from the Dalmatian cities like Split, Zadar and Dubrovnik.
Zagreb is spacious and abrupt but not a problem thanks to the train that ascends us with spectacular ancient city of Gradec, today instead of encounter with history and culture views.
Zagreb live on the street in both summer and winter, its terraces are full of life, daily local produce market is accessible by elevator that rises us to an open space full of fruits and vegetables, with a mixture of odors and thrilling sensations.
The hotel and restaurant infrastructure is very varied, with good levels of accessibility.
A highly recommended to visit if you travel to Croatia or a weekend thanks to direct flights instead.

Nezaboravni ukusi Srbije - Pirot

U Pirotu se zna da dobra janija ima moć da popravi raspoloženje u kući, da za pet minuta odagna tmurne misli i umor i da kod onih koji je jedu, lako budi ljubav prema životu.
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