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10 Best place to visit in Cerro Maggiore Italy


Driving from Parabiago to Cerro Maggiore | Lombardia | Italy

Guidando da Parabiago a Cerro Maggiore | Lombardia | Italy

Sunday on Lago Maggiore | Monvalle, ITALY | Drone 4K

Sunday on Lago Maggiore | Monvalle, ITALY | Drone 4K.

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Рим Италия Что посмотреть в Риме за 2 дня ❤️ РИМ Достопримечательности Рима. Путешествие Рим топ 10

*Рим – одно из самых завораживающих мест на Земле. Вечный город пронизан историей, искусством и культурой, представляет собой настоящий археологический кладезь, полный великолепных достопримечательностей.*
Если вы ищете Что посмотреть в Риме за 2 дня, то Вы попали на нужное видео. Я расскажу все что нужно знать туристу перед поездкой в Рим, а также покажу ТОП 10 мест Рима, плюс бонусные локации. *Колизей, Пантеон, Фонтан Треви, Ватикан, Музеи Ватикана, Уста истины, Испанская лестница, Замок Святого ангела, Римский форум, Холм Палатин, Витториано, Пьяцца Навона* и другие.
Путешествие в Рим и отдых в Риме оставят в вашей памяти неизгладимое впечатление. Часто думаете о римской империи? Тогда бросайте все и приезжайте сюда.

Колизей – символ Рима и всей Италии, возвышается как монумент величия древнего Рима. Этот амфитеатр был построен около 2000 лет назад и способен был вместить до 60 000 зрителей.
Билеты в Колизей без посредников:
Билеты в Колизей через турагента:

Пантеон – еще один великолепный образец античной архитектуры, который впечатляет своим куполом.
Билеты в Пантеон:

Римский Форум – это археологический комплекс, где можно прогуляться по древним улицам и рассмотреть развалины античных храмов, базилик и других зданий.

Ватикан – маленькая территория в центре Рима, где находится резиденция Папы и Музеи Ватикана, дома одной из самых великолепных художественных коллекций в мире.
Сайт Ватикана и информация о куполе:
Билеты в музеи Ватикана:

Фонтан Треви - один из самых знаменитых фонтанов в мире и символ Рима. Этот барочный фонтан был завершен в 1762 году и известен своей великолепной скульптурной композицией.

Испанская лестница - известная лестница в Риме, находящаяся у церкви Тринита-деи-Монти. Лестница была построена в 18 веке и имеет 135 ступенек. Название она получила благодаря испанскому посольству, которое находилось рядом. Сегодня Испанская лестница стала популярным местом для отдыха и наблюдения за жизнью города.

Замок Святого Ангела (Castel Sant'Angelo) - это историческое сооружение в Риме, Италия. Замок был построен во 2 веке н.э. как мавзолей для императора Адриана и его семьи. В последующие века он использовался как крепость, а также как каземат и тюрьма.
Сегодня Замок Святого Ангела открыт для посещения и является популярным местом для туристов.
Билеты в замок:

Витториано – это величественное историческое сооружение в Риме, Италия. Этот памятник был построен в честь объединения Италии в 19 веке и является символом национальной единства страны.
Внутри Витториано находится музей, посвященный истории Италии и памятникам национальной славы. А на верху комплекса находится смотровая площадка.
Билеты в Витториано:

Для перемещения по Риму вам могут пригодиться эти ссылки:
Карта туриста:
Италия что посмотреть

*Больше моих путешествий вы найдете здесь:*
*Интересные города:*

???? Таймкоды путешествия Рим Италия:
0:00 Вступление
2:29 Анонс. Все что нужно знать туристу в Риме
4:08 Транспорт в Рим из аэропорта. Поезд, Автобус, Такси
6:50 В каком районе Рима искать жилье. Цены на отели
8:33 Жилье в пригороде Рима. Roma Pass
10:22 Кофе в Риме. История кофе
13:12 Пьяцца-дель-Пополо
14:30 Дворец правосудия в Риме
15:24 Замок Святого Ангела
18:30 Питьевая вода в Риме
19:54 Мост Ангелов
21:17 Ватикан
26:00 Купол Собора Святого Петра
31:14 Музеи Ватикана
32:54 Fontana dell'Acqua Paola
33:37 Церковь Санта-Мария-ин-Космедин. Уста Истины. Святой Валентин
36:41 Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa
37:15 Колизей
44:07 Как покупать билеты на достопримечательности в Риме
46:12 Рестораны и кухня в Риме
50:29 Палатин. История возникновения Рима
52:15 Римский форум
54:10 Капитолийский холм
56:01 Витториано
58:30 Говорящие статуи
59:11 Форум Трояна
59:57 Пьяцца Навона
1:02:06 Пантеон
1:08:24 Фонтан Треви
1:11:25 Джелато
1:12:30 Испанская лестница
1:15:56 Terrazza del Pincio
1:17:12 Выводы по путешествию в Рим

#рим #италия #колизей

Artena (Lazio), Italy【Walking Tour】History in Subtitles - 4K

A walking tour in ????????????????????????, region ????????????????????, central Italy, a small town of about 13.500 inhabitants.
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????Link here????

???? *** ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????! *** ????
???? A donation is always welcome! - ????
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⭕ [???????????? *????????????????????????????????????* ???????? ???????????? ????????-???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????] ⭕
**** Click on the ???????????????????????????????? → ????????????????????????????????????/???????? → ???????????????????????????? buttons in the lower part of the video to modify the subtitles font size, colours, opacity or to translate them in other languages! ****
???? **???????????????? ????????????????????????????** ????

Livy wrote that: [...]The consul Marco Orazio Pulvillo engages in battle on Mount Algido (459 BC) since the Aequi, annihilated the garrison of Corbione, they had also conquered Ortona.

The name quoted by the historian is identical to that of the Frentana city which stands on a steep promontory to the sea, identical to the town of Ortona in the Marsica, which.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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♦♦♦ ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???? ♦♦♦

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[** ☀️ ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ☀️ **]
0:00 - [Drone intro????]
2:00 - [Walking tour begins at Piazza della Resistenza????⛲]
3:03 - [Via Maggiore]
6:00 - [Birthplace of Father Andrea Vitelli????]
6:38 - [Vicolo Ostetriche (of the obstreticians)????]
8:25 - [Birtplace of Father Antonio Cocchi - Martyr in China in 1939????]
9:21 - [Church of Santa Croce (Holy Cross) - *closed*⛪]
10:17 - [Artena's Kindergarten (to the left)????]
11:44 - [...back to Via Maggiore...]
13:30 - [???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????☀️]
15:23 - [Via Cavour]
17:24 - [Entering Via del Crognaletto and its history]
19:00 - [Via dei Gelsi]
25:16 - [Via Giuseppe Verdi]
26:00 - [...panorama on the valley...????]
27:00 - [Via Giuseppe Verdi]
29:30 - [Via Monaco]
30:04 - [Public Garden????????]
32:38 - [Via Roma]
34:00 - [House of illustrious citizens - Stefano and Anastasio Serangeli????]
34:54 - [Via Cavour]
36:08 - [Vicolo Cavour]
37:20 - [Church of Santo Stefano - *closed*⛪]
38:29 - [Via Piana]
42:02 - [Borghese Palace from above????]
43:09 - [Snow White & the 7 dwarfs????????]
44:39 - [Via del Municipio]
47:04 - [Borghese Palace????☀️]
48:44 - [Piazza della Vittoria⛲]
50:49 - [Via Cavour]
51:40 - [Vicolo Cecalotti]
54:00 - [Largo Padre Alvaro di Cori⛲]
57:00 - [...back to Piazza della Vittoria...⛲????]
58:35 - [Via Giuseppe Garibaldi]
1:00:00 - [Borghese Arch????]
*** - ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? - ***
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Author = Roman Senyk
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VLOG : Que visiter à BOLOGNE en Italie ? ???????? Guide de voyage + Secrets de la ville !

Abonne toi et clique sur la ???? pour recevoir une notification à chaque nouvelle vidéo !

Benvenuti à Bologna ! ???????? La ville où je vis partiellement depuis un peu plus de 2 ans maintenant... Il était temps que je fasse un Vlog quand même ????. Découvrez cette fabuleuse ville emblématique d'Italie, son histoire, ses monuments historiques, ses spécialités locales, ses incontournables et surtout ses secrets... Plongez dans la vie bolognese avec moi le temps d'une journée inoubliable ❤️

➡️ Comment avez-vous trouvé ce vlog ? Il vous donne envie de venir visiter Bologne ? ????

Mon Spray anti moustiques :


Un petit coup de pouce pour faire grandir la chaine est toujours grandement apprécié, tu peux mettre un j'aime si la vidéo t'a plu et si tu as appris des choses, tu peux également t'abonner à ma chaine, c'est une façon très simple de me remercier pour mon travail ❤️

???????? Commente Mystère et boule de gomme si tu as lu toute la description ????

Merci d'avoir regardé cette vidéo.
Thanks for watching ❤

00:00 Préparation d'une touriste à Bologne
02:28 En route mauvaise troupe !
04:18 Piazza Maggiore
04:52 Fontaine de Neptune
05:31 Secret de Bologne n°1
06:29 Les 3 surnoms de Bologne
07:32 Basilique San Petronio
09:59 Tour de l'Horloge
14:27 Première université du monde
17:11 Andiamo mangiare à la Sfoglia Rina !
18:34 Sanctuaire de la Madonna di San Luca
13:03 Secret de Bologne n°2
24:36 Un Spritz en terrasse !
25:17 498 marches de la Tour Asinelli

Suivez l'aventure :
Instagram @morganehevasia -
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Facebook : Morgane Hevasia -
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Tous droits réservés © Morgane Hevasia
Je filme avec un Canon G7x Mark III
Je monte avec Adobe Premiere Pro + After Effects

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Tour - Rome, Italy - 4K60fps with Captions - Prowalk Tours

This walking tour of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill in Rome, Italy was filmed on Friday May 13th, 2022 at 10:36 am starting at the scenic lookout on the Palatine Hill.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.


????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
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???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
1:25 Palatine Hill Lookout
4:35 Piazza del Campidoglio
13:15 Septimius Severus Arch
20:42 Via dei Fori Imperiali
30:16 Roman Forum Entrance
32:44 Temple of Caesar
35:40 Curia Julia
37:50 Forum of Caesar
45:55 Basilica Emilia
52:00 Basilica Julia
53:18 Lacus Curtius and Column of Phocas
55:25 Septimius Severus Arch
59:32 Temple of Saturn
1:0:07 Portico degli Dei Consenti
1:02:15 Temple of Vespasian and Titus
1:06:49 Temple of Divus Augustus
1:08:35 Oratorio dei Quaranta Martiri
1:09:42 Santa Maria Antiqua
1:12:38 Fonte di Giuturna
1:12:56 Temple of the Castors
1:13:48 Temple of Vesta
1:14:16 Antoninus and Faustina Temple
1:16:15 Temple of Romulus
1:21:44 House of the Vestal Virgins
1:31:57 Basilica of Maxentius
1:36:47 Colosseum
1:38:09 Temple of Venus and Roma
1:41:07 Museum of the Roman Forum
1:52:49 Arch of Titus
1:58:07 Nymphaeum of the Rain - Farnese Gardens
2:03:32 Palatine Hill
2:06:01 Palatine Stadium
2:13:53 Palace of Domitian
2:14:41 Fountain of the Pelte
2:18:10 Circus Maximus
2:21:47 Cenatio Iovis
2:24:41 Aula Regia (Royal Hall)
2:26:29 Casina Farnese
2:31:32 Village of Romulus
2:37:57 Observation Deck
2:41:55 Terrazza Belvedere
2:47:53 Farnese Gardens
2:59:37 Barberini Vineyard
3:01:29 Elagabalium

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 11
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #romanforum

Castiglione in Teverina (Lazio), Italy【Walking Tour】History in Subtitles - 4K

A walking tour in Castiglione in Teverina, region ????????????????????, central Italy, province of Viterbo, a small town of about 2.300 inhabitants.
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???? *** ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????! *** ????
???? A donation is always welcome! - ????
???? Become a fan on Patreon! - ????
☕️ Offer me a Coffee! - ☕️
⭕ [???????????? *????????????????????????????????????* ???????? ???????????? ????????-???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????] ⭕
**** Click on the ???????????????????????????????? → ????????????????????????????????????/???????? → ???????????????????????????? buttons in the lower part of the video to modify the subtitles font size, colours, opacity or to translate them in other languages! ****
???? **???????????????? ????????????????????????????** ????
*Castilionis Tyberinae*, *Castiglione quod est in Teberina*, *Castiglione Tiberino*, *Castiglione Capo della Teverina*, are denominations that have been chasing each other for at least 700 years, but the traces of human presence in its surroundings date back to prehistoric times and follow one another through the Etruscans, the Romans, the Goths, the Lombards.

The current town probably arose around the year 1000, but the numerous karst caves that open into the rock where the historic center stands could have been inhabited since the 4th - 5th century, when, following the decay of the Roman empire................................................................
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♦♦♦ ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???? ♦♦♦

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[** ☀️ ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ☀️ **]
0:00 - [Drone intro]
3:40 - [Walking tour begins / Piazza Maggiore⛲]
7:40 - [Panorama on the territory between Latium and Umbria regions⛺]
8:26 - [....into the old medieval village...????]
9:20 - [Rocca Monaldeschi (Castle)????]
11:30 - [...Very beautiful alley...????]
17:20 - [...a very peculiar part...????]
21:40 - [Ruins of the Church of St.John (15th century)⛪]
22:20 - [Panorama⛺]
24:30 - [Town's northern gate & St.John's Tower????]
26:20 - [Piazza San Giovanni]
26:40 - [???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????]
37:30 - [Piazza Maggiore⛲]
39:20 - [Via Allegra]
42:30 - [Via G.Marconi]
44:30 - [Piazza del Poggetto⛲]
45:50 - [Wine Museum]
46:30 - [Via Orvietana]
50:40 - [Via A.Gramsci]
53:30 - [Via Allegra]
56:30 - [Via del Rivellino (very charming)????]
*** - ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? - ***
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???????????????????????????????? -
???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? -
(As an amazon affiliate, by using these links you can support my channel)

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Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Cerro Maggiore (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Lake Maggiore Laveno Italy what to do? Laveno cosa vedere?

EN Lake Maggiore Laveno Italy what to do? Laveno cosa vedere?
IT Lago Maggiore Laveno cosa vedere?
FR Lac Majeur Laveno Italie quoi faire?
DE Lago Maggiore Laveno Italien was tun?
SP Lago Maggiore Laveno Italia ¿qué hacer?
PT Lago Maggiore Laveno Itália o que fazer?
RU Озеро Маджоре Лавено Италия что делать?
CN 意大利馬焦雷湖拉韋諾怎麼辦?
JP マッジョーレ湖ラヴェーノイタリア何をすべきか?
HINDI लेक मैगीगोर लावेनो इटली क्या करें?
Arabic بحيرة ماجوري لافينو ايطاليا ماذا تفعل؟
Indonesian Danau Maggiore Laveno Italia apa yang harus dilakukan?

Laveno cosa vedere? La bidonvia del Sasso del Ferro, il Lungolago e L'Eremo di Santa Caterina.

Ciao a tutti, siamo su un battello sul Lago Maggiore. Ci siamo imbarcati a Verbania Intra per andare a Laveno.

Stiamo andando a Laveno per trascorrere il pomeriggio in cima al Sasso del Ferro e per godere di una buona cena in un posto magnifico.
Altre 2 cose da vedere qui a Laveno sono il lungolago e l’Eremo di Santa Caterina che è facilmente ragiungibile da Laveno.
Siamo quasi arrivati infatti possiamo ammirare davanti a noi Laveno.
Per salire sul Sasso del Ferro dobbiamo andare alla bindonvia ma nel frattempo possiamo godere di una bella passeggiata sul lungolago di Laveno.
Per andare all’Eremo di Santa Caterina da Laveno puoi andare in battello o in auto.
Il traghetto che da Verbania arriva a Laveno può portare anche le auto. In questo modo puoi venire a Laveno da Verbania per poi andare all’Eremo in auto.
L’opzione migliore per andare all’Eremo è comunque in Battello. In questo modo puoi vedere L’Eremo dal lago.
Ora torniamo a Laveno per vedere la salita sulla bidonvia e la vista dal Sasso del Ferro.

Laveno Italy what to see? The Sasso del Ferro, the lakeside promenade and the hermitage of Santa Caterina.

Hi everybody, we are on a boat on Lake Maggiore. We boarded in Verbania Intra to go to Laveno.
We’re going to Laveno to spend the afternoon on the top of the Sasso del Ferro and to enjoy a good dinner in a magnificent place.
Two other things to see here in Laveno are the lakefront and the Hermitage of Santa Caterina which is easily reachable from Laveno.
We are almost there in fact and we can admire Laveno in front of us.
To climb the Sasso del Ferro, we have to go to the cableway, but in the meantime, we can enjoy a nice walk along the Laveno lakefront.
To go to the Hermitage of Santa Caterina from Laveno, you can go by boat or car.
The ferry from Verbania to Laveno can also bring cars. This way you can come to Laveno from Verbania and then go to the Hermitage by car.
However, the best option to go to the Hermitage is by boat. This way you can see the Hermitage from the lake.
Now let's go back to Laveno to see the ascent on the cable car and the view from the Sasso del Ferro.

Laveno Italie que voir? Le Sasso del Ferro, la promenade au bord du lac et l'ermitage de Santa Caterina.

Laveno Italien was zu sehen? Der Sasso del Ferro, die Seepromenade und die Einsiedelei Santa Caterina.

Laveno Italia que ver? El Sasso del Ferro, el paseo del lago y la ermita de Santa Caterina.

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Laveno-Mombello | Lago Maggiore, Italy | 4K Cinematic Drone Footage

Laveno-Mombello is a municipality located on the Lombardy coast of Lake Maggiore, between Leggiuno and Porto Valtravaglia.

It is considered the tourist capital of the Lombard shore of Lake Maggiore, located between the blue of the lake and the green of the mountains that surround it behind, first of all the Mount Sasso del Ferro that dominates the town from the top of its 1062 meters. The pier of Laveno Mombello connects the Lombard bank with Intra of Verbania on the Piedmont bank through a ferry service that also offers the transport of vehicles.

Laveno is a popular destination for tourists and visitors all year round.

Its particular position has made it an important strategic point for all the armies that passed from this area: from the Romans, through the Visconti, the Sforza and the Borromeo, up to Garibaldi.


UNAHOTELS Malpensa, Cerro Maggiore, Italy

UNAHOTELS Malpensa, Cerro Maggiore, Italy
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at UNAHOTELS Malpensa! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
UNAHOTELS Malpensa is a striking modern building on the way to Milan Malpensa Airport. The restaurant serves the best of Italian and international cuisine, with a choice of regional specialities.
This UNA hotel offers attractive, design rooms furnished in a modern style. Each room features free WiFi, a satellite TV, and a marble bat...
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Property Type: Hotel
Address: Via Turati 84, 20023 Cerro Maggiore, Italy
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1. UNAHOTELS Malpensa - Cerro Maggiore - Italy
2. UNAHOTELS Malpensa - Cerro Maggiore - Italy Address
3. UNAHOTELS Malpensa - Cerro Maggiore - Italy Rooms
4. UNAHOTELS Malpensa - Cerro Maggiore - Italy Amenities
5. UNAHOTELS Malpensa - Cerro Maggiore - Italy Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Holidays In Europe.
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*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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Lago Maggiore, Italy ???????? Driving from Luino to Sesto Calende

Today we will be driving along the Lago Maggiore from Luino to Sesto Calende in Italy ????Please Subscribe➤

Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy watching this FULL-length scenic road trip video in 4K quality. This Relaxing Video is best watched on a 4K big-screen TV with your legs stretched out on a big comfy couch. Optional, mute the video sound and play your favorite music along the video.

***** Route Info *****
◎ Drive Date: September 2022
◎ Start: Luino, Italy
◎ End: Sesto Calende, Italy
◎ Drive Distance from Luino to Sesto Calende: 50 km / 31 mi
◎ Drive Time from Luino to Sesto Calende: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
◎ Route:

***** Places and Interesting points along the route *****
• 00:00 - Luino, Italy
• 04:45 - Germignaga, Italy
• 10:11 - Porto Valtravaglia, Italy
• 15:12 - Castelveccana, Italy
• 24:50 - Laveno Mombello, Italy
• 31:32 - Cerro, Italy
• 33:28 - Reno, Italy
• 36:42 - Arolo, Italy
• 39:42 - Monvalle, Italy
• 45:10 - Ispra, Italy
• 51:58 - Uponne, Italy
• 54:47 - Ranco, Italy
• 59:14 - Angera, Italy
• 1:08:32 - Sesto Calende, Italy

◉See all our Trips on Google MyMaps:

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Diese Städte MUSST du am Lago Maggiore besuchen | VLOG 1

Diese Städte musst du am Lago Maggiore besuchen. Wir fahren schon seit einigen Jahren an den Lago Maggiore und kennen uns dort sehr gut aus. Wir haben euch in die schönsten Städte mitgenommen. Eine weitere Stadt die in unserem VLOG leider nicht vorkommt ist Luino. Wir haben es leider nicht geschafft sie zu besuchen. Trotzdem würden wir euch wärmstens empfehlen dort vorbei zu schauen. Der Markt in Luino findet immer Mittwochs von 8 - 17 Uhr statt.

Wir hoffen der VLOG hilft euch bei eurer Urlaubsplanung! Über ein Like und ein Abo würden wir uns sehr freuen!

Instagram: @caricampari & @hannes________

Das Haus am Ende des Videos liegt in Castelveccana. Die minimale Mietdauer des Hauses beträgt eine Woche und die Endreinigung kostet extra. Außerdem wird das Haus nur ohne Haustiere vermietet.
Falls du dich für das Haus interessierst, kannst du dich gern per Mail bei Dagmar via melden.

Song: Jarico - Island (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Title: Sand Castles
Artist: The Green Orbs
Genre: Children's
Mood: Romantic

Italian Afternoon by Twin Musicom
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library

Song: Beau Walker - Horizon
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Video Link:

#LagoMaggiore #StädteLagoMaggiore #VLOG

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Laveno-Mombello | Best Hotels In Laveno-Mombello

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Laveno-Mombello | Best Hotels In Laveno-Mombello

1) Il Porticciolo, Laveno-Mombello
Booking or More Details:

2) Hotel de Charme Laveno, Laveno-Mombello
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3) Locanda Pozzetto, Laveno-Mombello
Booking or More Details:

4) Hotel Funivia, Laveno-Mombello
Booking or More Details:

5) La Dama del Porto, Laveno-Mombello
Booking or More Details:

Queries Solved:
1) Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
2) Top 5 Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
3) Top Five Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
4) Top 5 Romantic Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
5) 5 Best Hotels For Couples In Laveno-Mombello
6) Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
7) Best Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
8) Top 5 Luxury Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
9) Luxury Hotel In Laveno-Mombello
10) Luxury Hotels In Laveno-Mombello
11) Luxury Stay In Laveno-Mombello
12) Top 5 4 Star Hotel In Laveno-Mombello
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Laveno-Mombello
14) 4 Star Hotel In Laveno-Mombello

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Italy:
2) Top 5 Hotels In Marina di Pescoluse:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Italian Riviera:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Valtenesi del Garda:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Monte San Savino:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Lake Como:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Castellina in Chianti:
8) Top 5 Hotels In Porto Recanati:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Belvedere Marittimo:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Diano Marina:
11) Top 5 Hotels In Bagni di Lucca:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Alleghe:
13) Top 5 Hotels In Mondello:
14) Top 5 Hotels In Magione:
15) Top 5 Hotels In Rho:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Francavilla di Sicilia:
17) Top 5 Hotels In Valtournenche:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Salento:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Agropoli:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Terracina:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

#TravelBy3Girls #Top5HotelsInLaveno-Mombello #TopFiveHotelsInLaveno-Mombello #Top5RomanticHotelsInLaveno-Mombello #HotelsInLaveno-Mombello #BestHotelsInLaveno-Mombello #Top5HotelsInItaly #LuxuryHotelsInLaveno-Mombello #4StarHotelInLaveno-Mombello


This small port city I really liked - I felt that I was on the lakeside I walk all day and enjoy a beautiful view of lake and mountains - a refreshing breathe moist air port. The streets of this city, I felt fantastic. I walked in the shade of maples and I watched the sun-flooded houses with huge green hills in the background. Everything was extremely clean and colorful - and the air smelled really.
date: 22.5.2012
location: LAVENO-MOMBELLO, Lake Maggiore, ITALY
author: Zuzu
camera: SONY NEX VG10

Laveno-Mombello (Laven Mumbèl Varese dialect) is an Italian town of 9,053 inhabitants of the province of Varese in Lombardy. The town, located on the shores of Lake Maggiore, was born in 1928 abolished the union of municipalities of Laveno Mombello Cerro Lago Maggiore and Lago Maggiore (1757 to 1809, which is called Cerro with Ceresolo).
Bordered to the north Ghiffa (VB), north-east Castelveccana Cittiglio with east, south-east Caravate, to the south and Leggiuno Sangiano, south-west Stresa (VB) and west Verbania (VB ).
It is one of the largest ports in the lake over the marina, there is a landing, from which year-round ferries cars for Verbania-Intra.
The village center is located in a large natural bay, in front of Verbania-Intra. In the extreme north and south of the bay there are two forts. On the hill north is the great Garibaldi, surrounded by a park.
In the east, just above the village, is the imposing Mount Sasso del Ferro. Using a cestovia you get to the top of the mountain, which offers a panorama that sweeps over the lake and the Alps, until arriving in Milan.

Verbania ( VB ) scopri il Piemonte

Il nome di #Verbania derivò da quello del Lago Maggiore, detto anche Verbano. ed è l'unione dei comuni di #Intra, #Pallanza e #Suna.

San's Travel Adventures - Lago Maggiore, Serenity Italian Style

Italy's second largest lake is home to charming resort towns, the magnificent Borromeo Palace on Isola Bella and a funivia to access the Alps.

Autofahrt am Ortasee entlang - von Orta San Giulio nach Verbania | Piemont, Italien

Autofahrt von Orta San Giulio entlang der Ostküste des malerisch gelegenen, in die Gebirgslandschaft eingebetteten Ortasees, über Omegna nach Verbania am Lago Maggiore.

00:00 Villa Crespi
00:14 Orta San Giulio
01:27 Tortirogno
03:15 Pettenasco
09:23 Omegna
19:15 Casale Corte Cerro
21:48 Galleria del Bocciol
24:07 Cantonaccio
25:28 Feriolo
34:49 Verbania Pallanza
39:00 Verbania Intra
41:59 Casa Camilla

Technische Daten: 22.10.2022 - GoPro HERO10, 4K, 60fps, 19mm

Kayaking Lago Maggiore Italy

Impressions from kayak trips on the Italian part of Lago Maggiore (based on my photos and videos from various kayak trips within the last 10 years; video by Detlef Gerritzen / 2018)

Lago Maggiore - Italië

Italië en Zwitserland zijn goede buren. Dat merk je gauw genoeg aan het Lago Maggiore. Het uitzicht op de Alpentoppen is adembenemend. De sfeer op de camping aan het meer is op en top Italiaans.

Pak de boot
De mooiste kanten van het Lago Maggiore, zie je vanaf de boot. Al varend over het bergmeer, heb je uitzicht op Alpentoppen. In het Lago Maggiore liggen de Borromeïsche eilanden. Vanaf Stresa zie je in de verte het romantische Isola Bella al liggen. Rond het meer zijn nog veel meer mooie plekken. De botanische tuinen van Verbania. Gezellige markten waar je heerlijke Italiaanse delicatessen koopt. En Milaan ligt in de buurt voor een dagje shoppen.

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