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10 Best place to visit in Capodrise Italy


The Royal Palace of Caserta or Reggia di Caserta. AMAZING HUGE UNESCO Palace - Caserta Italy - ECTV

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The Royal Palace of Caserta (Italian: Reggia di Caserta [ˈrɛddʒa di kaˈzɛrta]; Neapolitan: Reggia 'e Caserta [ˈrɛdːʒ(ə) e kaˈsertə]) is a former royal residence in Caserta, southern Italy, constructed by the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies as their main residence as kings of Naples. It is the largest palace erected in Europe during the 18th century.[1] In 1997, the palace was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site; its nomination described it as the swan song of the spectacular art of the Baroque, from which it adopted all the features needed to create the illusions of multidirectional space.[2] In terms of volume, the Royal Palace of Caserta is the largest royal residence in the world[1][3] with over 1 million m³[4] and covering an area of 47,000 m².[5]

The construction of the palace began in 1752 for Charles VII of Naples (Charles III of Spain), who worked closely with his architect, Luigi Vanvitelli. When Charles saw Vanvitelli's grandly scaled model for Caserta, it filled him with emotion fit to tear his heart from his breast. In the end, he never slept a night at the Reggia, as he abdicated in 1759 to become King of Spain, and the project was carried to only partial completion for his third son and successor, Ferdinand IV of Naples.

The political and social model for Vanvitelli's palace was Versailles, which, though strikingly different in its variety and disposition, solves similar problems of assembling and providing for king, court and government in a massive building with the social structure of a small city, confronting a baroque view of a highly subordinated nature, la nature forcée.[6] This was part of the entire concept of the palace when it was first proposed by Mario Gioffredo sometime in 1750. According to Hersey, the proposal envisaged a palace that was a virtual city, housing not just the court and king but all the main political and cultural elites of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - university, museum, library, cabinet bureaus, military high commands, and so on.[7]

The population of Caserta Vecchia was moved 10 kilometers to provide a work force closer to the palace. A silk manufactory at San Leucio resort was disguised as a pavilion in the immense parkland.

Another of the king's primary objects was to have a magnificent new royal court and administrative center for the kingdom in a location protected from sea attack, and distant from the revolt-prone and congested city of Naples. To provide the king with suitable protection, troop barracks were housed within the palace.

The Royal Palace of Madrid, where Charles had grown up, which had been devised by Filippo Juvarra for Charles' father, Philip V of Spain, and Charlottenburg Palace provided models. A spacious octagonal vestibule seems to have been inspired by Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in Venice, while the palatine chapel is most often compared to the Royal Chapel at Versailles. Vanvitelli died in 1773: the construction was continued by his son Carlo and then by other architects; but the elder Vanvitelli's original project, which included a vast pair of frontal wings similar to Bernini's wings at St. Peter's, was never finished.

From 1923 to 1943 the palace was the location of the Accademia Aeronautica, the Italian Air Force Academy. From 1943, during the allied invasion the royal palace served as Allied Force Headquarters for the Supreme Allied Commander in the Mediterranean area; Sir Maitland Wilson and later Sir Harold Alexander. In April 1945 the palace was the site of the signing of terms of the unconditional surrender of German forces in Italy. The agreement covered between 600,000 and 900,000 soldiers along the Italian Front including troops in sections of Austria. The first Allied war crimes trial took place in the palace in 1945; German general Anton Dostler was sentenced to death and executed nearby, in Aversa.[8] In the left hand arc behind the façade, a set of barracks were built. During World War II the soldiers of the US Fifth Army recovered here in a rest centre.

In 1998, the palace was a filming location for Star Wars: Episode One - The Phantom Menace, specifically as the interior of the Theed City Naboo Palace. It was used as a location for four days after it had been closed to visitors. Scenes with explosions were filmed on replica sets in Leavesden Studios to avoid damaging the actual palace.

UNESCO World Heritage site
The palace was listed as a world heritage site in 1997. According to the rationale, the palace, whilst cast in the same mould as other 18th century royal establishments, is exceptional for the broad sweep of its design, incorporating not only an imposing palace and park, but also much of the surrounding natural landscape and an ambitious new town laid out according to the urban planning precepts of its time.[14]

Nuovo Parco Commerciale Busto Arsizio (VA)

Una quasi nuova azienda,in disuso,abbandonata,non si conosce le cause!
Buona Visione.

Leggenda urbana,edifici abbandonati,lasciati a se stessi,le indagini sono condotte senza asportare,imbrattare,provocare danni. Urban legend, abandoned buildings, left to themselves, the surveys are conducted without remove, deface, damage.

Convento di Marcianise


Bergamo nascosta e dimenticata: il Castello dell'Allegrezza

In mezzo al folto bosco dell'Allegrezza, nella Conca di Astino, è situato l'omonimo castello, o meglio le sue affascinanti vestigia abbandonate. Il corpo di fabbrica, impostato su una corte invasa dalla vegetazione, è accessoriato da una torre quadrata, priva di copertura. L'ingresso ad arco, le belle pietre squadrate, gli ambienti interni, superstiti, lasciano pensare che fosse un fortilizio importante, del quale si ha notizia negli Statuti del 1343, quando apparteneva alla potente famiglia dei Suardi. Andiamo quindi ad affrontare questa ennesima avventura, alla scoperta di una Bergamo nascosta e dimenticata.


PIETRAVAIRANO (Ce) - Sant'Eraclio Martire - 1 Settembre 2018

Spettacolo pirotecnico a cura di:
Fratelli SICILIANO Historical Family da Pignataro Maggiore (Ce)

Hotel Novotel Caserta Sud

Ss 87 Sannitica Km 22 600
Tel (+39)0823/826553 - Fax (+39)0823/516043

New Year's Eve from Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain. Happy New Year 2024!

CAMPANADAS 2023 - 2024: 31st of December on New Year's Eve 2023 2024, the Puerta del Sol Clock in Madrid (Spain) will strike twelve announcing the year-end, the famous New Year's Eve Bell-Ringing in Madrid.

Meanwhile we desire you Happy and Healthy New Year 2024!

Hello! We are in Spain and we are about to witness the New Year's Eve tradition of eating 12 grapes, each one the same rhythm that the bell strokes, which is actually quite fun and interesting. Also, this tradition is from the XIX century so its quite old. Enjoy!
We warmly thanked Hotel Europa of Madrid ( the facilities provided to make this video taking advantage of its spectacular views to the Puerta del Sol, being the only one with direct views to this famous square of Madrid.
We recorded this video during the pre - grapes at the Puerta del Sol in Madrid.
Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays from Madrid for everyone!
Cicerone Plus:

NAPOLI, dove soggiornare e perchè

se il video ti è piaciuto iscriviti al canale :

parlo della nostra esperienza brevemente e vi dico perchè consiglio e ritorneremo nello stesso posto la prossima volta che torneremo a Napoli #dovesoggiornareanapoli#Napoli#turistisquattrinati

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Erasmus+ - Interview with a Marketing Expert Caserta, Italy

Video Interview with a Marketing Expert-Caserta, Italy

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Rivivi il palinsesto con il video.

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Caserta -- Ucraini in piazza a sostegno delle proteste nel loro Paese

La folta comunità ucraina presente a Caserta scenderà in piazza giovedì 12 dicembre per una manifestazione pacifica di sostegno alle proteste che stanno imperversando in tutta l'Ucraina contro la svolta filorussa e l'allontanamento del Paese dall'Unione europea. I manifestanti si raduneranno in piazza Vanvitelli alle ore 15 e, senza occupare la sede stradale, sfileranno sotto i porticati del Comune, per approdare poi nella piazza della Prefettura, dove la protesta avrà termine intorno alle ore 17.30.

Il corteo è organizzato da Cidis Onlus, associazione no-profit che da oltre venti anni opera a livello nazionale e locale per favorire l'integrazione dei cittadini immigrati, in collaborazione con l'associazione Zerno e la parrocchia personale ucraina della Santissima Trinità.

Dopo quasi due settimane di proteste in tutte le città ucraine, con milioni di cittadini che chiedono le dimissioni del governo presieduto da Viktor Yanukovyc, Caserta non poteva restare indifferente di fronte a una situazione politica e sociale esplosiva, che rischia di precludere all'Ucraina la possibilità di entrare a far parte dell'Unione europea, alla quale gli ucraini residenti in Italia sentono già di appartenere.
La tensione sociale è una conseguenza del congelamento della firma dell'accordo di associazione del Paese con l'Unione europea: domenica 8 dicembre oltre 500mila persone hanno risposto all'appello delle forze di opposizione per una marcia pacifica nella capitale Kiev, la più grande manifestazione dai tempi della Rivoluzione arancione del 2004.

La comunità ucraina presente a Caserta, la più numerosa tra le comunità straniere sul nostro territorio, condanna inoltre l'uso eccessivo della forza da parte della polizia ucraina a Kiev, ed esorta le autorità ucraine a rispettare le libertà fondamentali di pensiero, di parola e di espressione. Le forze dell'ordine, strumento indispensabile per il mantenimento della legalità di un paese, sono divenute strumento di una repressione incompatibile con una nazione occidentale moderna.

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