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10 Best place to visit in Camponogara Italy


تجنب السفر إلي فينيسيا ( البندقية ) قبل أن تسمع هذا الكلام ????????| Don't visit Venice ????????

أسرار السفر إلى فينيسيا ( البندقية ) ، يجب أن تعرفها قبل أن تسافر
إيطاليا من أجمل البلاد السياحية فى العالم ، و من أجمل المدن الإيطالية هى فينيسيا أو البندقية كما يطلق البعض عليها ، و هى المدينة الشهيرة فى رواية ويليام شيكسبير تاجر البندقية
أهم النصائح من أجل السفر و السياحة فى فينيسيا كيف تذهب إلى فينيسيا
أهم أماكن الزيارة و أهم المطاعم و المأكولات و المحطات
كيف تأخذ جولة بحرية فى قنوات فينيسيا ؟ الجندول أم الأتوبيس النهرى ؟
محطة قطار لوتشيا هلى محطة قطار فينيسيا
أين تأكل البيتزا و الباستا فى إيطاليا ؟
لماذا فينيسيا بلد الأقنعة و منتجات الزجاج المورانو

السياحة في فينيسيا او مدينة فينيسيا ايطاليا والتي تشتهر باسم البندقية هي من اجمل اماكن السياحة في ايطاليا حيث تتميز بشوارعها الضيقة وقنواتها المائية الفريد. تضم المدينة العديد من المعالم السياحية الهامة والمميزة حيث ننصحكم بعمل جولة سيراً على الاقدام في ارجاء هذه المدينة فهي افضل وسيلة للتعرف على تلك المعالم بشكل جيد

فنادق البندقية

تضم مدينة البندقية العديد من شقق و فنادق ايطاليا والتي تتنوع وتختلف بحسب فخامتها و مستوى الخدمة بل وحتى الاسعار و لأن مهمة اختيار الفندق المناسب بالنسبة للسائح صعبة نوعاً ما، قمنا بجمع افضل فنادق البندقية وبالذات القريبة من اماكن السياحة في فينيسيا استناداً الى تجارب السياح العرب وتقييماتهم ..

اهم اماكن السياحة في البندقية

لنتعرف على اشهر معالم السياحة في فينيسيا ايطاليا التي جعلت منها وجهة مميزة للسياح القادمين من مختلف انحاء العالم

القنال الكبير

ركوب الجندول من اهم الانشطة التي ستوفر لكم التعرف على جمال مدينة البندقية وهي تجربة يفضلها معظم سياح المدينة. تستغرق الرحلة حوالي ساعة ونصف يتعرف السياح من خلالها على اجمل اماكن السياحة في فينيسيا ..

كاتدرائية سان ماركو

تقع هذه الكاتدرائية في ساحة سان ماركو في قلب مدينة البندقية فينيسيا ، تشتهر بفن عمارتها الفريد على الطراز البيزنطي وقد سميت أيضاً بالكنيسة المذهّبة بسبب تصميمها الفريد الذي تدخل فيه الفسيفساء المطلية بالذهب. تجذب كاتدرائية سان ماركو الكثير من السيّاح وتعد من اهم اماكن السياحة في فينيسيا .

جسر ريالتو

أشهر الجسور الاربعة التي تربط بين الضفتين في البندقية، الجسر مبني بداية من اضيق منطقة في القناة المائية ويضم العديد من المتاجر الصغيرة التي تستهوي السياح. لجسر ريالتو ثلاثة مسارات اثنان يطلان على القناة والأخير يقع في الوسط يطل على المتاجر، ويعتبر الجسر من اهم الاماكن السياحية في فينيسيا 

سان ماركو كامبانيل

يعود تاريخ بناء البرج الى اكثر من الف سنة وهو يتبع لكاتدرائية سان ماركو الشهيرة، يعتبر من ابرز الاماكن السياحية في فينيسيا ايطاليا ولا زالت اجراسه الخمسة تعمل حتى يومنا هذا ولكل جرس من هذه الاجراس صوت رنين مختلف. بإمكانكم الصعود الى اعلى البرج والتمتع بمشاهدة معالم المدينة من الاعلى

متحف كورير

يعرض متحف كورير تاريخ مدينة فينيسيا من خلال تسلسل الاحداث والفنون والشخصيات التي اثرت في هذه المدينة التاريخية، يضم المتحف مجموعات فنية تشتمل على اللوحات والرسومات التي تحكي قصة البندقية. يضم المتحف العديد من الاقسام وهو من ابرز الاماكن السياحية في البندقية ..اقرأ المزيد

قبة بلانيتاريو دي ميلانو

من اشهر الاماكن السياحية في فينيسيا وهي اكبر قبة سماوية في ايطاليا، تضم مسرح يقدم عروض فلكية تثقيفية تحاكي مشاهد النجوم والكواكب والاجسام السماوية، تسخدم القبة كشاشة عرض ضخمة. تجربة مثيرة ستوسع معرفتكم ومدارك اطفالكم لذا ننصحكم بخوضها. ويعد من اهم معالم السياحة في البندقية

أفضل قناة على اليوتيوب تعطيك نصائح قبل السفر سواء كان السفر من أجل السياحة أو من أجل العمل ، ما هى الدول المسموح السفر لها ... و ما هى الدول الممنوع السفر لها ، خصوصا فى زمن الكورونا ، هل مطلوب تطعيم ضد الكورونا أم ان تحليل او فحص ال pcr كافى ؟
أفضل أماكن الزيارة و المعالم السياحية فى كل بلاد العالم و أماكن الجذب السياحى فى كل بلد
ما هى الدول التى تحتاج تأشيرة للدخول و ما هى الدول التى لا تحتاج ـاشيرة للدخول ؟
السفر الدولى و السفر المحلى ، أسرار السياحة الداخلية و السياحة الخارجية
هل تحتاج وثائق و تصريح سفر من وزارة السفر و السياحة ؟
ما هى شروط السفر ؟ ما هى شروط السفر للسعوديين و كل الدول العربية ؟
ما هى الدول المسموح السفر لها للسعوديين و المصريين و العرب، و ما هى الدول الممنوع السفر لها ؟
ما هى تعليمات وزير السياحة
ما هى أهم المعالم السياحية فى كل دول العالم
هل جواز السفر كافى لدخول أى بلد ، و ما هو أقوى جواز سفر فى العالم و فى الدول العربية
حتى إذا كنت طالب و تحتاج أن تكتب موضوع تعبير عن السياحة لن تجد أفضل من هذه القناة لتكون مرجع لك فى كتابة هذا الموضوع
هل تحتاج شركات سياحة للسفر أم تستطيع السفر بنفسك ؟
تابعنا دائما

Town of Vinkovci | Continental Croatia | Destination Guide

The City of Vinkovci is located in the furthermost northeast of Croatia, between rivers Danube and Sava, situated along the river Bosut. The City and its environs are positioned at 78-125 metres above sea-level, covering the area of 102,805 hectares, of which 60,623 are arable lands, and 29,149 hectares are predominantly oak and ash forests, with mild continental climate.

It extends along the Bosut valley, the highway and the railway, which connect the Western Europe with the Far East, and the Middle Europe with the exit to the Adriatic sea. The City has significant and high-quality natural resources as well as developed infrastructure, and it is through this that one may notice that it is an economically and strategically important part of Croatia. All of this resulted in the traditional agricultural/cattle-raising production and developed forestry, the development of industry and trade, and lastly, a very rich traditional culture. The City of Vinkovci boasts much and diverse international cooperation. The beginning of the international cooperation dates from the period of the former Municipality of Vinkovci, before the War of Independence, when the relations with the Ohrid Municipality were established and maintained. The period of a more intensive development of international cooperation began during the War of Independence, when the City of Vinkovci was aided by many friends from abroad, through various humanitarian actions.

Following the end of the destructions of war and the War of Independence itself, the cooperation between the City of Vinkovci and the cities Camponogara in Italy and Kenzingen in Germany was formalized through the signing of a cooperation treaty. A very intensive and excellent cooperation with the City of Široki Brijeg in Bosnia and Herzegovina is maintained. Additionally, in recent years the international cooperation has been established with neighbours from Hungary, the Budapest district - Kobanaya.

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© 2021 Pointers, d.o.o. (LLC). All Rights Reserved.

Time to travel to the Amazing Venice!#Traveling#Adventure##DiscoverTheWorld#TravelGoals

Today you will learn 10 amazing facts about the magical city of Venice.
Welcome to our channel, where every journey is an exciting adventure into the world of amazing facts and unique stories about countries and cities! We are true explorers of exceptional places, and our goal is to share with you what makes each point on our planet so unique.#Traveling#Adventure##DiscoverTheWorld#TravelGoals

Behind the Scenes: Gondola Preparation by the Grand Canal, Near Venice's Rialto Bridge ????????

Step into the bustling world of Venice's Grand Canal, just a stone's throw away from the iconic Rialto Bridge, where the timeless tradition of gondola preparation unfolds.

This captivating video takes you behind the scenes to witness the meticulous care and skill involved in readying a gondola for its journey through the city's historic waterways.
Side by side with a taxi boat, the gondola stands as a testament to Venice's unique blend of tradition and modernity.

Watch as the gondolier expertly prepares his vessel, ensuring every detail is perfect for the awaiting passengers.

From polishing the wood to adjusting the plush cushions, the dedication to preserving this age-old practice is clear.

Join us in celebrating the artistry and elegance of Venice's gondoliers, right in the heart of the city's most famous canal.
Don't forget to subscribe for more behind-the-scenes looks at Venice's cherished customs.
#VeniceGondola #RialtoBridge #GrandCanal

Rain-Kissed Elegance: Bourgeois Costumes of Venice Carnival from a Bridge View ????️????

Perched above a quaint Venetian bridge, amidst a gentle drizzle, we capture the intricate details of bourgeois costumes that hark back to Venice's golden era.
The Venice Carnival is in full swing, and the city's bridges offer a unique vantage point to observe the parade of opulence and history.
Through the soft veil of rain, the richness of the fabrics, the delicate lace, and the ornate accessories come to life, each element telling a story of wealth, status, and meticulous craftsmanship.
These costumes, a dazzling array of colors and textures, are not merely attire but a bridge to the past, embodying the spirit of Venice's affluent bourgeois class.
Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Carnival costumes, where each raindrop adds to the allure and mystique of this timeless celebration.
Subscribe for more captivating insights into the Venice Carnival's fashion and history.
#VeniceCarnivalFashion #HistoricalCostumes #VenetianHeritage

Moment of normal Life Under the Rialto: Commerce & Tourism in the Heart of Venice ????????️

Dive into the bustling atmosphere beneath the historic Rialto Bridge in Venice, where commerce and tourism converge in a lively display of the city's vibrant soul.

This video captures the essence of the area's dynamic activities, from bustling market stalls offering local crafts and delicacies to the constant flow of gondolas and vaporettos carrying awe-struck tourists.

The Rialto area serves as a focal point for those seeking to experience the authentic hustle and bustle of Venice, showcasing a blend of traditional Venetian commerce and the global appeal of this timeless city.

Join us as we explore the lively exchanges, picturesque scenes, and the unique cultural experiences that make the space under the Rialto Bridge a must-visit destination in Venice.

Subscribe for more insights into Venice's thriving hubs of activity and beauty.
#RialtoBridgeVenice #VenetianLife #TravelItaly

Carnival Colors: A 30 seconds moment on the Rialto Bridge During Venice's Festive Season ????????

Experience the magic of Venice's Carnival through a day on the iconic Rialto Bridge, where the vibrancy of the festival comes alive. Amidst the backdrop of this historic structure, witness the parade of masks, costumes, and revelers that define the spirit of one of the world's most enchanting celebrations.

This video captures the essence of a normal scene during Carnival, with the Rialto serving as the perfect stage for spontaneous performances, colorful gatherings, and the shared joy of festival-goers.

From the intricate details of handcrafted masks to the sweeping gowns that recall eras past, every moment is a testament to the creativity and passion that fuel Venice's Carnival.
Join us as we immerse ourselves in the heart of the festivities, celebrating tradition, artistry, and the timeless allure of Venice.

Subscribe for more vibrant scenes from the Venice Carnival and beyond! ????????✨
#VeniceCarnival #RialtoBridge #CarnivalSpirit

Venetian Splendor: Doge and Consort in Carnival's Elegant Attire ????????

Imagine the grandeur of Venice as a Doge, the revered leader of the Venetian Republic, walks hand in hand with his wife through the historic streets, or perhaps it's a couple, donned in Carnival's finest costumes, that captures your gaze.

This video brings to life the elegance and opulence of traditional Venetian attire, rich with historical significance and a testament to the city's illustrious past.

As they navigate the labyrinth of alleys and canals, their magnificent costumes blend seamlessly with the architectural beauty of Venice, turning every step into a walk through history.

Whether they are modern-day enthusiasts or figures stepping out of a painting from centuries ago, their presence during the Carnival adds a layer of magic and mystery to the festivities.

Join us in celebrating the timeless elegance of Venice's Carnival, where history, culture, and romance intertwine. Subscribe for more glimpses into the enchanting world of Venice's past and present.
#VenetianElegance #CarnivalCostumes #VeniceCarnival

Chiesa di San Vidal ???????? #shorts | Venetian Elegance

Enjoy spectacular Chiesa di San Vidal from amazing Italy, recorded in 4K with iPhone 13 Pro Max.

The Church of San Vidal, also known as the Chiesa di San Vidal, is a historic church located in the heart of Venice, Italy. This church is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city and is a must-visit for anyone looking to explore Venice's rich cultural heritage.

The San Vidal church was built in the 11th century and has undergone several renovations over the years, with the current facade dating back to the 17th century. The interior of the church is decorated with stunning artwork and frescoes, making it a beautiful example of Venetian Baroque architecture.

While the church itself is a wonderful sight to see, there are many other things to do in Venice. The city is renowned for its picturesque canals and gondoliers, who offer visitors a unique way to explore the city. Venice is also famous for its Carnival, which is held annually and is a celebration of the city's rich history and culture.

If you're planning a trip to Venice, it's important to be aware of the city's unique challenges. For example, Venice experiences low tides that can cause the canals to run dry, so it's important to plan your visit accordingly. Additionally, the city can be crowded with tourists, so it's important to be careful and aware of your surroundings.

When visiting Venice, be sure to try some of the local cuisine and sample the Venetian wine. There are many great restaurants in the city that offer delicious food and drink. If you're looking for a more non-touristy experience, consider taking a guided tour of the city to explore its hidden gems.

In conclusion, the Chiesa di San Vidal is a beautiful and historic church that is a must-visit when in Venice. However, there are many other things to see and do in the city, including exploring the canals, experiencing Carnival, and trying the local cuisine. With some careful planning and a sense of adventure, Venice is a wonderful destination for any traveler.

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Breathtaking Views: Grand Canal from the Rialto Bridge in Venice ????????

Embark on a visual journey to one of Venice's most iconic landmarks – the Rialto Bridge – and discover the breathtaking views it offers of the Grand Canal.
This video captures the essence of Venice from a vantage point like no other, where the historical heart of the city meets its bustling waterways.
Watch as gondolas and vaporettos glide beneath the bridge, against a backdrop of timeless Venetian architecture.
The Rialto Bridge not only serves as a crucial crossing over the canal but also as a window to the soul of Venice, offering panoramic views that encapsulate the beauty, history, and vibrancy of the city.
Join us as we take in the stunning scenery and the lively atmosphere of the Grand Canal from the Rialto Bridge. Don't forget to subscribe for more captivating views from Venice!
???????????? #VeniceViews #RialtoBridge #GrandCanalVenice

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Grand Canal, Venezia ???????? Italy ????????❤️ Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo

#venezia #venice

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Grand Canal, Venezia ???????? Italy ????????❤️ Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo





I vini lombardi del Lago di Garda la DOC Lugana e Ca' Maiol | Tannico

Il Lago di Garda, con il suo clima quasi mediterraneo e una grande tradizione imprenditoriale, rappresenta una delle denominazioni più interessanti del vino in Lombardia.

Il vino più noto della zona è sicuramente il Lugana, nelle sue molte versioni, da quella tradizionale e la Riserva fino alle vinificazioni più moderne come quella in Metodo Classico oppure da appassimento in pianta. Tra i produttori da citare assolutamente, c’è senza dubbio Ca’ Maiol, tra i primi a credere in questo territorio.

Scopri i vini della cantina Ca’ Maiol:

Iscriviti a Tannico e ricevi il 10% di sconto sul primo acquisto (*):

(*) La promozione è valida solo in Italia e per i clienti non ancora iscritti a Tannico. Lo sconto del 10% è utilizzabile solo per il primo acquisto.



San Gaetano è una frazione del comune di Caorle.

Come gran parte delle prese veneziane in territorio caorlotto, anche San Gaetano era essenzialmente costituita da terreno paludoso e insalubre, parzialmente bonificato già durante il XVIII secolo. Ne è prova la villa padronale con l'annesso oratorio dedicato a San Gaetano da Thiene, di epoca settecentesca, da cui l'intero abitato ha recentemente preso il nome. Entrambi questi edifici, oggetto di un recente restauro conservativo, possono essere tutt'ora osservati.

Il periodo di maggior notorietà per la frazione di San Gaetano è da individuarsi tuttavia tra gli anni cinquanta e sessanta del Novecento, quando la tenuta era di proprietà della famiglia del barone Raimondo Franchetti. Qui, infatti, soleva ritirarsi più volte all'anno, dal 1948 al 1954, il celeberrimo scrittore statunitense Ernest Hemingway, ospite del barone Raimondo Nanuk, figlio che il Franchetti ebbe con la contessa veneziana Bianca Moceniga Rocca, e prendere parte alle battute di caccia all'anatra nelle zone lagunari di Caorle. Fu in questo modo che lo scrittore poté approfondire il suo legame con il territorio e le usanze delle lagune venete, che descrisse con minuzia di particolari nel suo libro Di là dal fiume e tra gli alberi.

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San Pietro Vecchio - Vestenanova

Abbiamo trovato un bel sentiero che fa un giro ad anello, siamo partiti da San Pietro Vecchio e siamo arrivati fino a Vestenanova e poi ritorno al punto di partenza.
Il sentiero non è segnalato, abbiamo seguito una mappa trovata su internet, quando si arriva a Vestenanova si percorre una parte del sentiero della memoria che è segnalato con cartelli tricolore.
Partenza San Pietro Vecchio via Massanghella, ci si addentra nel bosco e si percorre il sentiero non segnalato (bisogna fare attenzione a non perdersi), si arriva a Ragano, si prosegue per il sentiero della memoria e si arriva a Cappello, da qui ci si addentra ancora nel bosco e si torna a San Pietro Vecchio.


Musica: Reverie by Nomyn Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library


Camponogara Prozzolo Italia,8 en 9May 2011.Childeren singing on the 31a Festa del Folclore.

Hotel Antica Corte Marchesini

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Le ghiaie, Isola d'Elba

Le ghiaie portoferraio

Messina Sacrario di Cristo Re #Dji #Messina #Sicilia

''Il Sacrario di Cristo Re'' presenta una configurazione volumetrica compatta e maestosa che emerge dallo skyline della città.
Sull'altura ove sorge il Sacrario di Cristo Re si trovava il Castello di Matagrifone o Roccaguelfonia; durante la dominazione normanna l'edificio venne fortificato nella struttura e ampliato sotto gli Svevi; nel XVI secolo, con Carlo V, la struttura venne ulteriormente rinforzata; subì numerosi danni nei bombardamenti del 1718-20 e soprattutto nel 1848. Nel 1838 venne trasformato in carcere, fino a quando il terremoto del 1908 distrusse la struttura ad esclusione della torre ottagonale.Nel 1937 iniziarono i lavori dell’attuale chiesa ad opera dell’architetto Giovanni Battista Milani.

Created: GR Prod-Edit & Air•Cinematic
Editor: SLICE
Editing: Nicola Grillone & Giuseppe Repici
VideoShoot: Giuseppe Repici & Nicola Grillone
-INSTAGRAM : Air•Cinematic



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