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10 Best place to visit in Cagli Italy


I 10 borghi più belli delle MARCHE | Cosa vedere nelle Marche

Una classifica dei borghi più belli delle Marche secondo Come si viaggia.
Cosa vedere durante una vacanza nelle Marche? Ecco 10 borghi assolutamente da non perdere.

1 Corinaldo
Uno dei punti caratteristici da non perdere a Corinaldo è la Piaggia, o meglio conosciuta come le Cento Scale

2 Sarnano
Il territorio di Sarnano è famoso anche per percorsi trekking e in mountain bike

3 Acquaviva Picena
Immerso nella magnifica Valle del Tronto, il borgo collinare è famoso per i reperti preistorici e la rocca medievale

4 Candelara
Di origine preistorica e abitato in epoca romana, il borgo è un concentrato di bellezze artistiche

5 Gradara
Situato nell'entroterra, la cittadina, che gode di una splendida vista panoramica, è famosa per il Castello Malatestiano

6 Grottammare
Nota destinazione balneare, la cittadina custodisce un antico cuore medievale di grande fascino

7 Cingoli
Arroccato sulla vetta del Monte Circe, Cingoli è conosciuto anche con l’appellativo il Balcone delle Marche”

8 Offida
Tra gennaio e febbraio in questo borgo si svolge il Carnevale storico di Offida: da non perdere assolutamente

9 Frontino
Scorci panoramici mozzafiato ti attendono a Frontino, borgo protetto dal monte Carpegna

10 Mogliano
Caratteristico borgo collinare famoso in tutta Italia per la lavorazione del vimini

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

I 10 castelli più belli in ITALIA

Con il video di oggi andremo alla scoperta dei castelli più belli da vedere in Italia. La classifica è soggettiva e invitiamo a commentare chi guarda il video con la propria classifica

1 Rocca Scaligera di Sirmione (Lombardia)
Si tratta di uno fra i più completi e meglio conservati castelli d'Italia,[1] oltre che raro esempio di fortificazione lacustre

2 Castello Scaligero di Malcesine (Veneto)
Una visita al Castello, ti porta nei punti più panoramici di tutta Malcesine:

3 Rocca Calascio (Abruzzo)
Imponente e maestoso, situato in un suggestivo paesaggio di montagna

4 Castello Aragonese di Ischia (Campania)
Il Castello Aragonese è una fortificazione che sorge su un'isola di roccia trachitica posto sul versante orientale dell'isola d'Ischia

5 Castello di Miramare (Friuli)
Contornato da un rigoglioso parco, sorveglia il golfo di Trieste

6 Castel Sant’Angelo (Lazio)
Edificato intorno al 123 d.C. come sepolcro per l'imperatore Adriano e la sua famiglia

7 Castel dell'Ovo (Campania)
Il castel dell'Ovo è il castello più antico della città di Napoli ed è uno degli elementi che spiccano maggiormente nel panorama del golfo.

8 Castel del Monte (Puglia)
L'edificio è a pianta ottagonale e a ogni spigolo si innesta una torretta a sua volta ottagonale

9 Castello di Fénis (Valle d'Aosta)
Diversamente dagli altri castelli, costruiti per scopi bellici, il castello di Fénis non è situato sulla sommità di un promontorio

10 Castello Sforzesco (Lombardia)
Fu eretto da Francesco Sforza, divenuto da poco Duca di Milano, sui resti di una precedente fortificazione medievale

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

Cagli: Storia e Natura

Il toponimo Cagli deriva dall'antico nome latino di Cale, attraverso le forme tardolatine Callis e Callium. L'abitato altomedievale sorgeva però sul Colle della Banderuola a sud-ovest della città moderna.
L'ubicazione attuale della città è su di un altopiano stretto dai fiumi Bosso e Burano confluenti al Metauro.
È città di nobile e artistico passato, come non può sfuggire anche ad un primo seppur distratto sguardo. L'impianto urbanistico, elegante e sobrio, racconta di una civile e diffusa prosperità, legata in particolare alla posizione strategica lungo l'antica Flaminia.
Cales, Callis o meglio Callium fu un'importante municipio romano. Nel 554 venne occupata dai Goti, poi fu dei Longobardi e, nel 774, passò sotto il dominio della Chiesa. Nel Duecento divenne Comune. Nel 1287 subì la distruttiva occupazione del ghibellino Trasmondo Brancaleoni. Parzialmente distrutta dalle fiamme, la città venne fatta riedificare da Papa Nicolò IV più a valle del Monte Petrano, nel luogo in cui si trova tuttora.
Dopo un fiorente periodo di indipendenza fu assimilata ai possedimenti dei Montefeltro, in seguito dei Della Rovere, dal 1376 fino al 1631, quando passò sotto il governo della Chiesa. Soprattutto sotto la signoria feltresca, l'economia della città si sviluppò e distinse nell'artigianato tessile e conciario.
Operò qui Giovanni Santi, padre di Raffaello. Nella Chiesa di San Domenico è la Cappella Tiranni, considerata il suo capolavoro, con l'affresco del Cristo nel Sarcofago fra San Gerolamo e San Bonaventura, del1491. La tradizione vuole che un angelo, ritratto nell'affresco a lato del trono della Madonna, rappresenti proprio Raffaello da bambino.
Nei pressi di San Domenico si trova il palazzo Tiranni - Carpegna, con la sua bella loggia cinquecentesca. A poca distanza, il quattrocentesco Palazzo Preziosi-Brancaleoni, dalla raffinata facciata bugnata.
Emblema di Cagli è sicuramente il Torrione a pianta ellissoidale, posto sul lato occidentale della città,. Esso era parte del più ampio sistema difensivo progettato da Francesco di Giorgio Martini su incarico del Duca Federico.
La piazza centrale, l'antica Piazza Maggiore, è sovrastata dal Palazzo Pubblico duecentesco, con all'interno il museo archeologico. Di fronte, a lato, è la Basilica Cattedrale con il portale gotico del 1424 di mastro Antonio di mastro Cristoforo da Cagli.


Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Laigueglia | Best Hotels In Laigueglia

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Laigueglia | Best Hotels In Laigueglia

1) Hotel Splendid Mare, Laigueglia
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2) Hotel Residence Baiadelsole, Laigueglia
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3) Hotel Windsor, Laigueglia
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4) Hotel Bristol, Laigueglia
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5) Hotel Villa Ida family wellness, Laigueglia
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6) Hotel Tritone, Laigueglia
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7) Boutique Hotel de la Ville, Laigueglia
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8) Hotel Villa Giulia, Laigueglia
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9) Hotel Aquilia, Laigueglia
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10) Hotel Mambo, Laigueglia
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Laigueglia
2) Top 10 Hotels In Laigueglia
3) Top Ten Hotels In Laigueglia
4) Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Laigueglia
5) 10 Best Hotels For Couples In Laigueglia
6) Hotels In Laigueglia
7) Best Hotels In Laigueglia
8) Top 10 Luxury Hotels In Laigueglia
9) Luxury Hotel In Laigueglia
10) Luxury Hotels In Laigueglia
11) Luxury Stay In Laigueglia
12) Top 10 4 Star Hotel In Laigueglia
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Laigueglia
14) 4 Star Hotel In Laigueglia

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Italy:
2) Top 5 Hotels In Massa Marittima:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Valdarno:
4) Top 5 Hotels In Benevento:
5) Top 10 Hotels In Tuscia:
6) Top 5 Hotels In Santa Caterina di Nardo:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Cava d'Aliga:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Silvi Marina:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Agerola:
10) Top 5 Hotels In Albisola Superiore:
11) Top 4 Hotels In Itri:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Cagli:
13) Top 10 Hotels In Vesuvio Archaeological Coast:
14) Top 5 Hotels In Porto Valtravaglia:
15) Top 5 Hotels In Santa Cesarea Terme:
16) Top 10 Hotels In Cadore:
17) Top 5 Hotels In Calatafimi:
18) Top 5 Hotels In Lanciano:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Conero:
20) Top 5 Hotels In Sant'Andrea:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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MARCHE - ITALIA (Italy) | Sirolo | Conero | San Marino | Urbino

The region of Marche in Italy. Often overlooked and not as known, but just as beautiful as the rest of Italy. We stayed at Gradara near the Monte San Bartolo Natural Park and the oldest republic in the world: San Marino. Then, at Sirolo in the Monte Conero Natural Park, a very picturesque town overlooking the Adriatic Sea. From there one can reach the famous Due Sorelle Beach by boat. There are so many more medieval old towns in this region that I want to come back in another season to visit them all. One life is not enough to see everything in Italy.


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DJI Mavic Mini

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Places to see in ( Senigallia - Italy )

Places to see in ( Senigallia - Italy )

Senigallia (or Sinigaglia in Old Italian) is a comune and port town on Italy's Adriatic coast. It is situated in the province of Ancona in the Marche region and lies approximately 30 kilometers north-east of the provincial capital city Ancona . Senigallia's small port is located at the mouth of the river Misa.

Senigallia was first settled in the 4th century BC by the gallic tribe of the Senones who first settled this coastal area . In 284 BC, the settlement was taken over by Romans, who established the colony Sena Gallica there. Sena is probably a corrupted form of Senones and Gallica (meaning Gaulish) distinguished it from Saena (Siena) in Etruria.

In the prelude to the battle of the Metaurus between Romans and Carthaginians in 207 BC, Sena Gallica was the southernmost point of Carthaginian General Hasdrubal Barca's invasion of Italy. Senigallia was ravaged by Alaric during the decline of the Roman Empire and fortified when it became part of the Byzantine Empire. It was again laid waste by the Lombards in the 8th century and by the Saracens in the 9th. It was one of the five cities of the medieval Adriatic duchy of Pentapolis.

The diocese and the bishopric had long been established, and the city saw economic development, including the establishment of the so-called Magdalena Fair around the 13th century. The fair's popularity grew when Sergius, count of Senigallia, became engaged to the daughter of the count of Marseilles. On his engagement, the count of Marseilles presented Sergius with relics, said to be of Mary Magdalene. The fair was visited by merchants from both Europe and the Levant.

In the 15th century, Senigallia was captured and recaptured many times by opposing sides during the Guelph and Ghibelline war. Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta of Rimini fortified the town in the years 1450-1455. Pope Pius II made his nephew Antonio Piccolomini Lord of Senigallia in [?] but in 1464 the residents pledged loyalty to Pope Paul II. In 1472, Giacomo Piccolomini tried but failed to seize the town In 1503, Cesare Borgia carried out a bloody coup at Senigallia, against some of his disloyal supporters. Sixtus IV assigned the lordship to the Della Rovere family. In 1516 this was revoked by Pope Leo X who transferred the Lordship to his nephew, Lorenzo II de Medici. Since 1624, Senigallia has been part of the Papal State's legation (province) of Urbino.

The municipality includes the hamlets (frazioni) of Bettolelle, Borgo Bicchia, Borgo Catena, Borgo Passera, Brugnetto, Cannella, Castellaro, Cesanella, Cesano, Ciarnin, Filetto, Gabriella, Grottino, Mandriola, Marzocca, Montignano, Roncitelli, Sant'Angelo, San Silvestro, Scapezzano and Vallone.

Though traces of the city's history are still visible, much of today's city is modern. Visitor attractions include:

Palazzo Comunale, from the 17th century.
Rocca Roveresca - castle of Gothic origin, was restored by Baccio Pontelli in 1492. It has a square plan with four large round tower.
The Cathedral, erected after 1787.
Santa Maria delle Grazie - one of the only two churches attributed to Baccio Pontelli (the other is at Orciano near Mondavio, about 20 kilometres (12 miles) to the west by road). It once housed the painting of Madonna di Senigallia by Piero della Francesca.
Chiesa della Croce
Rotonda a mare, an art nouveau pier

( Senigallia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Senigallia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Senigallia - Italy

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Walking Tour : Cagli, Italy.

The town of Cagli in the Marche region, Italy. Recorded December 2019.

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Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Cagli | Top 5 Best 4 Star Hotels In Cagli | Luxury Hotels In Cagli

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Cagli | Top 5 Best 4 Star Hotels In Cagli | Luxury Hotels In Cagli

1) Agriturismo Molleone, Cagli
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2) Agriturismo Vellaneta, Cagli
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3) Casale Giada, Cagli
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4) Appartamento Corallo, Cagli
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5) Agriturismo Il Fienile di Cà Battista, Cagli
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Cagli
2) Top 5 Hotels In Cagli
3) Top Five Hotels In Cagli
4) Top 5 Romantic Hotels In Cagli
5) 5 Best Hotels For Couples In Cagli
6) Hotels In Cagli
7) Best Hotels In Cagli
8) Top 5 Luxury Hotels In Cagli
9) Luxury Hotel In Cagli
10) Luxury Hotels In Cagli
11) Luxury Stay In Cagli
12) Top 5 4 Star Hotel In Cagli
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Cagli
14) 4 Star Hotel In Cagli

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Italy:
2) Top 5 Hotels In Albenga:
3) Top 5 Hotels In Riparbella:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Bari:
5) Top 10 Hotels In Silvi Marina:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Marsala:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Cuneo:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Merano e dintorni:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Pescia:
10) Top 5 Hotels In Torre Lapillo:
11) Top 10 Hotels In Brenzone sul Garda:
12) Top 10 Hotels In Bordighera:
13) Top 10 Hotels In Bologna Province:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Romagna:
15) Top 5 Hotels In Noto Marina:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Monti Sibillini:
17) Top 10 Hotels In Lampedusa:
18) Top 5 Hotels In Pachino:
19) Top 5 Hotels In Tarvisio:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Amalfi:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Fiesta de la Vida
Artist: Aaron Kenny

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* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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Marcheholiday – Dive Into The Bathing Rivers of Cagli

Do you often wish to do something unusual when on a holiday, something that you know you could do only there or in just a few other places? Would you like to discover some of the unknown and really authentic faces of the new destination, some of those special places, known only by locals?
Come with us and explore places and natural beauty you have never seen before in Marche, Italy!

Hotels Review: Agriturismo La Ferraia ( Cagli, Italy )

Agriturismo La Ferraia ( Cagli, Italy )
Address: Strada Casale 10
Hotels Discount Here:

Ideally located in the prime touristic area of Cagli Agriturismo La Ferraia promises a relaxing and wonderful visit. The hotel offers a high standard of service and amenities to suit the individual needs of all travelers. Facilities for disabled guests express check-in/check-out luggage storage meeting facilities family room are just some of the facilities on offer. Heating desk telephone television in room safe can be found in selected guestrooms. Access to the hotel's outdoor pool children's playground garden games room will further enhance your satisfying stay. Agriturismo La Ferraia combines warm hospitality with a lovely ambiance to make your stay in Cagli unforgettable.

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Rivers in Cagli, Italy. Cold rivers beat the summer heat, every time. Subscribe ????????♥️

Le Marche region in Italy has many secrets mainly lived by the locals. The rivers in Cagli are a must visit during summer and even during colder temperatures for hikers, reading day camps, the more adventurous or wherever your imagination takes you. Just a quick drive from Urbino, Pesaro or Acqualagna.

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CAGLI il gioco dell'oca e la gola del Furlo #ProntiPartenzaVia ???????? #trip

CAGLI, nell'entroterra marchigiano, è un piccolo borgo dall'importante passato, soprattutto nel rinascimento, durante la Signoria dei Montefeltro, quando fu una sorta di città ideale.
La sua planimetria a scacchiera, le stradine e i suoi monumenti invitano ad una visita approfondita, che da modo di scoprire per esempio l'interno dell'eclettico Teatro Comunale o i sotterranei del Torrione della Rocca che conducono al suggestivo soccorso coverto.
La cittadina è protagonista della rievocazione del gioco dell'oca ogni anno ad agosto, e l'oca è divenuta proprio il simbolo di Cagli.
A poca distanza dal borgo la strada che conduce alla famosa Gola del Furlo dal suggestivo panorama.

Pronti Partenza...Via
una realizzazione di Fabrizio Vaghi e Silvia Sissa
grafica, montaggio e regia di Fabrizio Vaghi
produzione Vaghi per il mondo

Tutti i diritti riservati, Vaghi per il mondo, 2019 -
Vietata la duplicazione e la diffusione non autorizzata al di fuori del canale

#guidadiviaggio #Cagli #GoladelFurlo #Marche
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A Different World

An inside look at life at Monasterio Dei Cappucini, a monastery that sits above the Italian town of Cagli.

CAGLIARI - 4k Tour - Exploring Cagliari from a Cruise

Hello everyone and welcome to my video about the marvelous city of Cagliari! Today, I will talk about how to visit this fascinating destination when arriving by cruise. Did you know that visiting Cagliari from a cruise ship is incredibly convenient? The port is right next to the city, allowing you to disembark and begin your exploration on foot, without the need for expensive organized excursions. It's a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and beauty of this city independently.

But how should you proceed to visit Cagliari on foot? Here are some helpful tips. First and foremost, I recommend heading towards the historic center, which is a true treasure trove of history and atmosphere. From here, you can start your walk through the charming streets, uncovering the secrets of Cagliari step by step.

An unmissable stop is the Cathedral of Santa Maria, located in the heart of the city. This magnificent building will leave you speechless with its imposing Gothic façade and architectural details that tell the story of centuries past. Inside, you can admire beautiful frescoes and artworks that testify to the cultural richness of Cagliari.

Continuing your stroll, I suggest making your way to the Bastion of Saint Remy, an impressive fortified structure that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city and the surrounding sea. Climb up to its belvedere to admire the vista and capture unforgettable photos. You'll find yourself immersed in a unique atmosphere, surrounded by historic architecture and a refreshing sea breeze.

Next, you can explore the picturesque neighborhoods of Cagliari, such as Castello and Stampace. Lose yourself in the narrow streets and characteristic alleyways, discovering local boutiques, cozy cafés, and authentic restaurants where you can savor delicious Sardinian cuisine. Don't forget to try the famous traditional sweets like fregula and amaretti!

One final tip: remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle with you as exploring Cagliari on foot will require some physical effort, but it will undoubtedly be worth it.

These are just a few of the wonders you can discover when visiting Cagliari from a cruise ship. The city has so much more to offer, and I'm sure you'll be captivated by its unique history, culture, and beauty. I hope this brief itinerary has been helpful, and I wish you a fantastic experience in Cagliari. Thank you for joining me, and see you soon!

#cagliari #italy

Poggio dell'Oncia casale nelle Marche in comune di Cagli

Poggio dell’Oncia è un grande casale di montagna situato a circa 820 s.l.m. nel comune di Cagli nelle Marche in provincia di Pesaro e Urbino. Il casale ha una superficie di circa 380 mq. ed è suddiviso in due appartamenti e degli spazi comuni, al piano primo ci sono due camere da letto due bagni e una cucina e un grande salone ideale per feste o sala convegni; al piano terra troviamo una grande taverna con pietra faccia vista dove erano ubicate le vecchie stalle, di seguito troviamo il secondo appartamento con due camere, due bagni e cucina. Poggio dell’Oncia per sua posizione amena è ideale per nuclei di famiglie che vogliono rimanere isolate dalla frenesia della città, si raggiunge da una strada privata dove è già predisposto la possibilità di chiuderla con un cancello. La ristrutturazione è stata fatta a regola d’arte con travi di legno e pietra faccia a vista le sue condizioni sono pari al nuovo, tetto con isolamento termico. Il riscaldamento è con il pellet, l’acqua calda viene prodotta con pannelli termici, il gas viene utilizzato per le cucine, l’acqua è servita da una sorgente privata, la corrente elettrica è servita dalla linea nazionale. Il paese più vicino è Pianello e rimane a circa 5,5 km dove si trova la farmacia, bar e negozi di vario genere, il centro storico di Cagli rimane a circa 18 km cittadina medievale di circa nove mila abitanti molto vivace e attiva in molte manifestazioni. La proprietà viene venduta con circa 40.000 mq. ma si può acquistare ulteriore terreno fino a 80 ettari di cui 60 di bosco e 20 di prato, il prezzo del terreno accessorio sarà da concordare in seguito.

Places to see in ( Forio - Italy )

Places to see in ( Forio - Italy )

The busiest resort town on Ischia, Forio is located on the western shore of the island, under the slopes of Monte Epomeo. The neighbouring countryside is green and fertile, well-known for its wine production. Forio has been a popular destination since the 1950s, when it was a port of call for the international jet-set. Nowadays it attracts a wide range of visitors who appreciate the atmosphere, the beaches and the spas.

One of Forio's prime attractions is the beautiful beach of Citara, alongside one of the island's largest spa complexes, the Giardini di Poseidon. Forio's historical centre is better-preserved than other Ischian towns, and there are pleasant streets for wandering where you can see traces of the medieval and Baroque eras. Interesting buildings include the Torrione, a fifteenth century tower with panoramic views, and the little white church of Santuario della Madonna del Sorccorso, which is perched above the sea.

Forio (known also as Forio of Ischia) is a town and comune of c. 17,000 inhabitants in the Metropolitan City of Naples, southern Italy, situated on the island of Ischia. Its territory includes the town of Panza, the only frazione of Forio and of the island of Ischia. Panza has always been an independent village since the 16th century when a first governmental organization was introduced on the island.

In the 1975 the inhabitants of Panza tried to become an independent comune but the referendum, claimed by the inhabitants of Forio, was denied by the Campania's Regional Government. There are numerous coastal watchtowers, built from the Middle Ages against Saracen and African pirates raids.

Alot to see in Forio such as :

Villa La Colombaia
Villa La Mortella
Il Torrione
The Soccorso's church
Sorgeto Hot Springs
Poseidon Gardens and Natural Spas

( Forio - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Forio . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Forio - Italy

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That's Marche Ep. 10: Gradara the story of an Immortal Love

A masterful reading by Carmelo Bene:

We are in Gradara, one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Italy. The ancient castle has an history dating back from Roman period, then in medieval times it was conquered by the Malatesta's family and after them by the Sforza.
Apart from the rich history what makes Gradara so special is the love story of Paolo Malatesta and Francesca da Rimini. Francesca was married with Gianciotto but this, as was the custom, was just a political marriage. So in secret she started a passionate relationship with Gianciotto’s younger brother: Paolo.
One day however they were discovered and killed just before they could escape through a trap door.
Their love and their death was so famous that was even immortalized by Dante in his Divina Commedia.

Superb Farmhouse With Views of Valle del Metauro, Le Marche

This lovely and unique country home located in Cagli is a superb example of the conversion and extension of a traditional Marchigiano farmhouse into an exceptional property both in terms of design and standard of finish, amounting to nearly 580 sq.m.
Situated in an elevated location close to this popular village it offers privacy without isolation and far reaching views over Valle Del Metauro. Set in around 4 hectares fully fenced, this property also benefits from an annex with 2 apartments, to develop a small holiday rental business.

The House

The main building is a traditional farmhouse and – as such – it was enlarged over the years, as the family became bigger. This is why you can see different blocks attached to each other which, by the way, are all connected internally.
The house measures about 450 sq.m. divided as follows:

First Floor:
Spacious living room, featuring the typical cotto tiles and wooden beams. The 2 big French windows guarantee plenty of light to this room and direct exit out to the garden. The living room is also connected to a lovely and unique internal courtyard: it is amazing to sit here in the winter, because you can stay out, but sheltered from the cool wind.
From here you pass directly to the fully equipped kitchen, which features an original big fireplace, which in the past was used to cook food, and now you can use it to heat up the house, in addition to the modern heating system (radiators). The dining room has exit out to the garden.
Still on the same floor there are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
Externally there’s an original oven, which you may use to prepare pizza for your family and guests.

Ground Floor:
The ground floor is a space for your spare time, to relax or do some sports: there’s a big room, which can be used as a hobby room or as a studio. From here you enter the gym and another room, which could be a reading room or an additional studio.
The other rooms are: laundry room, cellar and storages.
The whole house has been restored in a delightful way and in harmony with the Marchigiano architectural tradition. The original, solid wood beams have been left untouched, even in their irregular layout. The cotto floorings give that tone of ancient time, in contrast with a few contemporary elements, added over the years.

The Annex

The property enjoys an annex of about 130 sq.m. divided into 2 self-contained apartments: they may be used as a space for guests or to develop a small rental business, which gives you something to do with little effort and allows you to cover the annual costs of the property.
One of the apartments features an open plan kitchen/dining/living room with many contemporary elements on the ground floor, while on the upper floor there are 2 bedrooms.
The second apartment has a kitchen/dining/living room and a bedroom on the mezzanine.

The Land

The property includes a 4 ha of arable land, fully fenced. From all spots of the land, you can enjoy breathtaking views of Valle Del Metauro and the Appennines, with the sun going down behind the mountains.
A small lake is included in the property: this makes the property perfect also for those, who have animals like horses, donkeys and other grazing animals.
Building a panoramic pool is possible.

The Location

The location is fantastic, because you’re not completely isolated, but you have a privacy and a view that are hard to be found.
In Cagli, which is 7 kms from the house, you can find all you need to live a happy, fulfilling life: together with all the basic services, you can also find schools, theatre, cinema, bus station to get to the main towns in the surroundings, as well as many nice and typical restaurants, where you can taste delicious local food, especially mushrooms and truffles. The closest University can be found in Urbino.
Cagli is a city of great artistic value, overflowing with works of art, many of which were carried out under the rule of the Montefeltro.
The surroundings of Cagli are no less evocative and rich in art and history and dotted with interesting fortresses, such as the Castle of Brancaleoni (Piobbico), and with protected areas particularly suitable for those who like hiking or biking.

Why Buy It
This farm has a special charm: first of all, its shape that follows the course of the grounds seems to make it one with nature. And this is a symptom of the great respect for nature that people once had.
The courtyard, like a cloister, gives it a further touch of uniqueness, as well as making an outdoor space accessible even in winter, because it is protected and sheltered.
The location is far from rude civilization, but close to wonderful places that will capture your heart at first sight for their beauty and cosiness.
Excellent home for a family, but also for those who want to do some business, without too much effort.

Fano, Marche, Italy


NCL PRIMA Day 3 CAGLIARI, Sardinia -Cruise from Rome to Barcelona -Norwegian Prima Shore Excursions

Stewy, Emery, Robin and Mark are in Cagliari, Sardinia today. It’s day 3 of our 9-day cruise from Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy to Barcelona, Spain. As ‘we’ like to do, we take shore excursions to see the many sites of interest in the various destinations. Our time in port was limited, so we decided to take a Cagliari Bus Tour. After the tour, we walked to the nearby shops and restaurants. It was a warm day, so cool creamy Gelato was a must. Back onboard the ship we enjoyed the sunshine and of course, banana daquiris as we sailed away from Cagliari. In the evening it was time for Mexican food and margaritas. We all agreed it was the best we’d ever had.

@insta360 @OMSYSTEMCameras @norwegiancruiseline

00:00 INTRO
01:14 Cruise Terminal
02:09 Bus Tour
02:56 *Postcard From Stewy
03:09 Casti Gelato
04:10 Walk to the PRIMA
05:32 Sail Away
05:49 *Postcard From Stewy
05:55 Los Lobos Mexican Food
07:01 Tableside Guacamole
08:32 Delicious Dishes
10:41 Sizzling Fajitas
10:51 *Postcard From Stewy
10:58 Thanks for Watching

#ncl #norwegiancruiseline #prima #cagliari #sardinia #italy #travel #travelvlog #insta360 #insta360oners1inch #olympus #omsystem #postcardsfromstewy #stewyandemery #Civitavecchia #rode #rome #cruisenorwegian #norwegiancruise



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