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10 Best place to visit in Caerano di San Marco Italy


Places to see in ( Catanzaro - Italy )

Places to see in ( Catanzaro - Italy )

Catanzaro, also known as the city of the two seas, is an Italian city of 91,000 inhabitants and the capital of the Calabria region and of its province. The archbishop's seat was the capital of the province of Calabria Ultra for over 200 years. It houses the University Magna Græcia, the second largest University of Calabria.

Catanzaro is an urban centre, with much activity, including some coastal towns, such as Sellia Marina and Soverato, and the municipalities of Silas, with a total of 156,196 inhabitants. Catanzaro is being consolidated to form a greater metropolitan area, by the Region of Calabria, and in connection with the town of Lamezia Terme, comprising 10 municipalities. This will lead to the creation of an integrated area involving over 200,000 inhabitants. During the summer months, the Ionian coast from Catanzaro to Soverato is an important tourist attraction, especially for the youth, and is in the presence of several important structures located in the coastal districts of the city and the towns of Copanello and Soverato.

Catanzaro is also known as city of the three V's, referring to the three distinct features of the city, namely Saint Vitalian, the patron saint; velvet, because the city has been an important silk center since Byzantine times; and wind (vento in Italian), because of the strong breezes from the Ionian Sea and La Sila. VVV was the symbol by which Catanzaro's silk industry was known, identified for both its domestic and foreign markets, and iconic for the finest fabrication of silks, velvets, damasks, and brocades from the city.

Catanzaro overlooks the Gulf of Squillace, in the Ionian Sea. The district of Catanzaro stretches from the sea to an elevation of 600 metres (2,000 ft). The historic center is approximately 300 metres (980 ft) above sea level. The town dates back to the valley of Fiumarella (formerly known as River Zaro). The Bishopric, St. Tryphon (or San Rocco) and St. John (or castle) marks the city's historical center and is connected to the North Sila. Due to its particular geography, the municipality gets wet from the sea, and is still subjected to a snowy winter. Catanzaro's rivers include the main stream of the Fiumarella (in local dialect Hjiumareddha), which joins with the river Musofalo, and the torrent Corach (formerly called Crotalo).

Alot to see in Catanzaro such as :

Catanzaro Bridge, a well-known, one-arch bridge (Viaduct Morandi-Bisantis)- one of the tallest in Europe.
Duomo (Cathedral). Built over a Norman cathedral built in 1121, in the 16th century it received a Renaissance façade which was however destroyed in 1638. The church was almost entirely destroyed by the bombings of 1943, and was later rebuilt.
Basilica dell'Immacolata.
Church of the Santissimo Rosario (15th or 16th century), with a Renaissance façade and a single nave interior
Church of Sant'Omobono (11th or 12th century).
Byzantine small church of Sant'Omobono (11th century).
Chiesa dell'Osservanza, or Santa Teresa. In the interior is the 16th century Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre and a statue of Madonna delle Grazie by Antonello Gagini.
Remains of the Norman Castle.
Porta di S. Agostino and Porta di Stratò, two gates of which are the last remains of the medieval walls, demolished in 1805.
Palazzo de' Nobili (15th century), now Town Hall.
Piazza Grimaldi, a town square named in honor of the House of Grimaldi, who had branches that traded heavily within Catanzaro.

( Catanzaro - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Catanzaro . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Catanzaro - Italy

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Strada dei vini del Montello e colli Asolani

La cultura del vino, il fascino di un rinomato territorio ricco di storia, di arte e di saporiti frutti della sua natura generosa, unitamente a una DOC variegata e di grande pregio. Sono questi i punti di forza del progetto di marketing territoriale promosso dalle Aziende vitivinicole disseminate sui colli occidentali della Marca trevigiana e associate sotto il nome della Strada del Vino del Montello e Colli Asolani.

Riconosciuta dalla Regione Veneto nel dicembre del 2007, la Strada ha mosso i primi passi sul proprio territorio nel 2008, arricchendosi di nuovi soci istituzionali a partire dalla Provincia di Treviso, ai Comuni di Asolo, Caerano di San Marco, Castelcucco, Cavaso del Tomba, Maser, Montebelluna e San Zenone degli Ezzelini, al Consorzio di promozione turistica Marca Treviso e all'Associazione Altamarca.

Marchio distintivo della Strada è il ricco patrimonio culturale e artistico del suo territorio, che comprende il medievale feudo del terribile Ezzelino da Romano a San Zenone, la rinascimentale Asolo, città dai cento orizzonti, dominio di Caterina Cornaro Regina di Cipro e uno dei Borghi più belli d'Italia, la patria del grande Canova, con il neoclassico Tempio e la Gipsoteca di Possagno, le terre del Palladio e del Veronese, la cui arte raggiunge il culmine nella cinquecentesca Villa Barbaro di Maser, i luoghi della Grande guerra visitabili sulla boscosa collina del Montello.

Il suggestivo paesaggio collinare, racchiuso tra il Monte Grappa e il Piave, fiume sacro alla Patria, custodisce i frutti preziosi della DOC Montello e Colli Asolani, nelle declinazioni Rosso, Bianco, Venegazzù, Merlot, Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio. La denominazione si fregia dei vini da mono-vitigno autoctono Carmenère, Bianchetta e Manzoni Bianco, mentre la punta di diamante della produzione locale rimane il Prosecco, il più caratteristico e amato tra i vini della collinare Marca Trevigiana.

Info e contatti:

Per i pacchetti turistici:

Calici di Asolo Prosecco e Montello DOCG con sapori di Rosso di Treviso tra Arte e Storia nel Giardino di Venezia
Iniziativa realizzata nell`ambito del Progetto di eccellenza ``Valorizzazione dell`enogastronomia e della tipicità regionale come turismo esperienziale`` (ex art. 1, c. 1228 della L.296/2006) con il contributo del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo (MIBACT) e della Regione del Veneto - Direzione Promozione Economica e Internazionalizzazione.

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