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10 Best place to visit in Borzna Ukraine


Батурин Baturyn P61 M02 E101 Україна Ukraine 14.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Богданівка Bohdanivka Богданка Bohdanka Шостка Shostka P65 T2502 Україна Ukraine 14.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

5th grade class at Borzna

Kids in class.

Nezhyn, Ukraine Buiding Project

This was some of the work that we did in Nezhyn. We built a church from the ground up by removing the foundation of an old garage and using the space for a brand new church building for Calvary Chapel of Nezhyn, Ukraine. This was from March to August 2008. As of right now we do not have any footage of the currently completed project. As of March 2010 the process is slow due to lack of funding and workers but the roof planks are on and covered, this is the only progress from then. (I'm sorry for some of the misspelling in Russian!)

Вертіївка Vertiivka Радгоспне Radhospne Ніжин Nizhyn Хвилівка Khvylivka Україна Ukraine 15.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Новоселівка Novoselivka Конотоп Konotop Питомник Pytomnyk Вирівка Vyrivka Україна UA 14.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Oy Mamuchko !

Olia & Alla in Borzna

Борзна-Киев-Одесса,650км за 6 минут

Отрезок московской трассы Борзна-Копти-Киев,Киев-Одесса Е95(не доезжая 20 км)

Shot by Go Pro 960 Hero every 2 sec
Sound track by Telepopmusic Breath,Genetic world.

Culture Files v6

Visiting a friend at the hospital, check out the toilets.



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