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10 Best place to visit in Bondoukou Ivory Coast


15 Best Places to Visit in Cote d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast | | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel

15 Best Places to Visit in Cote d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast | | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel
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This African City will Blow Your Mind (ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST ????????)

I reached Abidjan, known as Paris of West Africa by Bus from Yamoussoukro, the capital of Ivory Coast and I was Surprised to see the Mind Blowing City of Abidjan and its native. I explored many places in Abidjan and met many people including an Indian.

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Ivory Coast Has The BEST Road Transport System In West Africa? Cote d'Ivoire #Africa Ep.14

One of the things that stands out about #Ivorycoast / #cotedivoire is the road transport infrastructure. Some publications have ranked it no 4 in Africa after Namibia, South Africa and Rwanda.
I enjoyed my road trip from the political capital #Yamoussoukro to the commercial capital #Abidjan. It is one of the country's 4 laned highway covering 224km from Abidjan to Yamoussoukro. It is built with modern technologies and under international standards of security.

Ivory Coast invested remarkably in its transport system. Transport Infrastructures are much more developed than they are other West African countries despite a crisis that restrained their maintenance and development.

Since its independence in 1960, Ivory Coast put an emphasis on increasing and modernizing the transport network for human as well as for goods. Major infrastructures of diverse nature were built including railways, roads, waterways, and airports. In spite of the crisis, neighbor countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Guinea) still strongly depend on the Ivorian transport network for importing, exporting, and transiting their immigrants to Ivory Coast.

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map of the Ivory Coast [ Africa ]

Ivory Coast, also known as Côte d'Ivoire, officially the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, is a country on the southern coast of West Africa. Its political capital is Yamoussoukro, in the centre of the country; while its largest city and economic centre is the port city of Abidjan. It borders Guinea to the northwest, Liberia to the west, Mali to the northwest, Burkina Faso to the northeast, Ghana to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean) to the south. Its official language is French, but local indigenous languages are also widely used, including Bété, Baoulé, Dioula, Dan, Anyin, and Cebaara Senufo. In total, there are around 78 different languages spoken in Ivory Coast. The country has large populations of the adherents of Christianity, Islam and various indigenous religions.

Before its colonization by Europeans, Ivory Coast was home to several states, including Gyaaman, the Kong Empire and Baoulé. The area became a protectorate of France in 1843 and was consolidated as a French colony in 1893 amid the European scramble for Africa. It achieved independence in 1960, led by Félix Houphouët-Boigny, who ruled the country until 1993. Relatively stable by regional standards, Ivory Coast established close political economic ties with its West African neighbours while maintaining close relations with the West, especially France. Its stability was diminished by a coup d'état in 1999, then two civil wars—first between 2002 and 2007 and again during 2010–2011. It adopted a new constitution in 2000.

Ivory Coast is a republic with strong executive power vested in its president. Through the production of coffee and cocoa, it was an economic powerhouse in West Africa during the 1960s and 1970s, then experienced an economic crisis in the 1980s, contributing to a period of political and social turmoil. It was not until around 2014 that its gross domestic product again reached the level of its peak in the 1970s. In 2020, Ivory Coast was the world's largest exporter of cocoa beans and had high levels of income for its region. In the 21st century, the Ivorian economy has been largely market-based; it still relies heavily on agriculture, with smallholder cash-crop production predominating mapa de Costa de Marfil Africa , Cote d Ivorie Ivory Coast is a country of western sub-Saharan Africa. It borders Liberia and Guinea in the west, Mali and Burkina Faso in the north, Ghana in the east, and the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean) in the south. The country lies between latitudes 4° and 11°N, and longitudes 2° and 9°W. Around 64.8% of the land is agricultural land; arable land amounted to 9.1%, permanent pasture 41.5%, and permanent crops 14.2%. Water pollution is one of the biggest issues that the country is currently facing.

Administrative divisions
Main articles: Subdivisions of Ivory Coast, Districts of Ivory Coast, Regions of Ivory Coast, Departments of Ivory Coast, and Sub-prefectures of Ivory Coast

Districts of Ivory Coast
Since 2011, Ivory Coast has been administratively organised into 12 districts plus two district-level autonomous cities. The districts are divided into 31 regions; the regions are divided into 108 departments; and the departments are divided into 510 sub-prefectures. In some instances, multiple villages are organised into communes. The autonomous districts are not divided into regions, but they do contain departments, sub-prefectures, and communes.

Since 2011, governors for the 12 non-autonomous districts have not been appointed. As a result, these districts have not yet begun to function as governmental entities.

The following is the list of districts, district capitals and each district's regions:

1 Abidjan
(District Autonome d'Abidjan)
2 Bas-Sassandra
(District du Bas-Sassandra) San-Pédro Gbôklé Sassandra
Nawa Soubré
San-Pédro San-Pédro
3 Comoé
(District du Comoé) Abengourou Indénié-Djuablin Abengourou
Sud-Comoé Aboisso
4 Denguélé
(District du Denguélé) Odienné Folon Minignan
Kabadougou Odienné
5 Gôh-Djiboua
(District du Gôh-Djiboua) Gagnoa Gôh Gagnoa
Lôh-Djiboua Divo
6 Lacs
(District des Lacs) Dimbokro Bélier Region Yamoussoukro
Iffou Daoukro
Moronou Bongouanou
N'Zi Dimbokro 247,578
7 Lagunes
(District des Lagunes) Dabou Agnéby-Tiassa Agboville
Grands-Ponts Dabou
La Mé Adzopé
8 Montagnes
(District des Montagnes) Man Cavally Guiglo
Guémon Duékoué
Tonkpi Man
9 Sassandra-Marahoué
(District du Sassandra-Marahoué) Daloa Haut-Sassandra Daloa 1,430,960
Marahoué Bouaflé 862,344
10 Savanes
(District des Savanes) Korhogo Bagoué Boundiali 375,687
Poro Korhogo 763,852
Tchologo Ferkessédougou 467,958
11 Vallée du Bandama
(District de la Vallée du Bandama) Bouaké Gbêkê Bouaké 1,010,849
Hambol Katiola 429,977
12 Woroba
(District du Woroba) Séguéla Béré Mankono 389,758
Bafing Touba 183,047
Worodougou Séguéla 272,334
13 Yamoussoukro
(District Autonome du Yamoussoukro) 355,573
14 Zanzan
(District du Zanzan) Bondoukou Bounkani Bouna 267,167
Gontougo Bondoukou

l'histoire de la ville de Bondoukou : carrefour des civilisations

Bondoukou, CARREFOUR DES CIVILISATIONS, Ville de moins de 100 000 habitants, Bondoukou est le chef-lieu de la région du Gontougo, au nord-est de la Côte d’Ivoire. Située au carrefour de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Ghana et du Burkina Faso, Bondoukou est considérée comme l’une des plus vieilles villes de la Côte d’Ivoire
à la rencontre de plusieurs civilisations.
A l’origine, Bondoukou aurait été un simple campement de chasseurs Lorhon où seraient ensuite arrivés les Nafana, du groupe Sénoufo, et les Gins, aujourd’hui disparus et assimilés par les Koulango,
Selon les gin, à l’arrivée de leurs ancêtres dans cette zone autrefois peuplée d’animaux sauvages, leur chef aurait décidé de camper à cet endroit, en disant : «Gon tou go » qui signifie «le meilleur est à venir». A Bondoukou, on peut visiter ce qui aurait été la première case de la ville, bâtie par Taki Adreré, le fondateur Gin qui aurait prononcé le fameux « Gontougo ». Aujourd’hui, cette case, qui ne se visite que le 25 décembre à l’occasion de la fiago, cérémonie du « feu de brousse », figure parmi les sites touristiques les plus connus de la ville.
Enfin, au 17è siècle, deux grands groupes vont arriver : les Koulango et les Abrons.
Les Koulangos
La Sous-Préfecture de Laoudiba est le siège du Royaume Koulango de Bondoukou dont le souverain est Dagbolo Saye 1er. Récemment, Dagbolo Saye Ier a effectué un long séjour au Ghana où il a côtoyé et fraternisé pendant 4 ans avec ses collègues rois Ashanti. Contraint à l’exil en 2011 lors de la crise postélectorale, il a mis à profit ce séjour forcé chez les Ashanti pour faire de grandes découvertes sur les liens de filiation entre Koulango et Ashanti. L’épopée Koulango révèle que le vaillant peuple Ashanti est issu du peuple Koulango, précisément de l’ancienne cité historique de Saye (Bouna) ayant préfiguré la fondation du royaume de Bounkani. Allant plus loin, les Koulango situent leurs origines primaires au Congo. En effet, les femmes Koulango les plus conservatrices ont perpétué le culte de Kongo, une divinité païenne de la République Démocratique du Congo.
Arrivée des Abrons
Les Abrons de la région de Bondoukou sont originaires d’Akwamu, région du sud-est du Ghana, près du fleuve Volta. Au XVè siècle, un conflit de succession au trône les décide à émigrer vers l’ouest, à Koumassi, capitale des Ashanti. Leur alliance avec les Ashanti ne dure pas longtemps et, chassés par ces derniers, les Abron s’installent dans la région de Dôma (Wam) au Ghana. Toujours poursuivis par les Ashanti, ils demandent asile politique aux Nafana de Gontougou (Bondoukou) avec lesquels ils font serment d’amitié et de non belligérance. Leur arrivée à Bondoukou date de 1700. Les Abrons trahissent vite leur promesse et entreprennent une série de guerres de conquête, soumettant les Nafana de Bondoukou et les Koulango, ces derniers se réfugiant à Bouna. Les Abrons créent ainsi un royaume puissant, bien organisé et prospère. Dans ce pays, la succession au trône principal se fait dans le clan maternel (d’oncle à neveu ou de frère à frère utérin), tandis que celle au trône de province se fait dans le clan paternel (de frère à frère ou de père à fils).
Soumission des Abrons aux Ashantis
Mécontents de voir un puissant royaume se développer en-déçà de la rivière Tain, les Ashanti lancent une première expédition punitive contre les Abrons. Le roi Abron Abo-Mri est tué à Kong au combat. Lors de la seconde expédition, le roi ashanti Oséi Bonsu défait et met à mort, sur la rivière Tain près de Bondoukou, Kouadio Adingra Kuman, roi des Abrons Gyaman (les Abrons Gyaman sont ceux qui ont quitté le Ghana, par opposition aux Brong Ahafo sédentaires). Le siège en or d’Adingra Kuman est emporté au Ghana et devient « Sikadjua Koffi », nom du tabouret qui reste aujourd’hui le seul en or massif que les Akans détiennent. Sikadjua Koffi est toujours accompagné de trois cloches et de trois clochettes. Deux des cloches sont en laiton et une en or. Quant aux clochettes, toutes trois en or, elles représentent les trois guerriers de haut rang vaincus par les Ashantis. Le tabouret en or massif « Sikadjua Koffi » est considéré comme un objet sacré, un don divin, source d’inspiration pour les héros Ashantis. « Sikadjua Koffi » combine les deux grands attributs de la royauté Akan : le siège et l’or. Le siège sacré, principal objet du culte des ancêtres, est considéré comme un autel sur lequel on offre boissons, nourritures et sacrifices aux mânes des ancêtres et aux génies protecteurs et sur lequel on invoque l’esprit du fondateur du royaume. L’or, deuxième attribut sacré, représente le feu spirituel et la vitalité des ancêtres. La présence de l’or confère au patriarche respect, puissance et autorité, morale et spirituelle, sur l’ensemble des membres de la famille et des sujets du royaume. C’est également cet or qui donne qui donne crédit et valeur aux serments, aux prières et aux jugements rendus par le patriarche en nom et place des ancêtres.


la grande mosquée, de Bondoukou COTE D'IVOIRE


Juste une visite dans le centre commercial carrefour et playce de Marcory à Abidjan en Cote d'Ivoire.
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West Africa 2018 Part 2 BURKINA FASO, IVORY COAST

Great West Africa overland trip., 3400km in 4WD from Dakar to Abidjan. Part 2: BURKINA FASO (Bobo-Dioulasso, Banfora, Sindou Peaks, ancient village Troglodite de Niagsogoni, Tengrela lake, shaman house in Kampti) and IVORY COAST (Bouma, Bondoukou, Abidjan, Grand-Bassam).

visitons les nouvelles plages magnifiques situé dans la capitale d'Abidjan

Best Hotel Accommodation near Grande Mosquee du Plateau, Abidjan

This is MUST WATCH video, if you are looking for the best accommodation near Grande Mosquee du Plateau. Find Cheap and best, Budget Hotels, Luxury Hotels and resorts around Grande Mosquee du Plateau. Our clients, reviewers and in house travel experts has voted theses hotels near Grande Mosquee du Plateau as the best for travellers for all price range. Please note that this list is not rank wise, these are our best picks and none of the hotels mentioned in the video has paid or sponsored us. We have not mentioned the prices because prices keep on fluctuating from time to time and seasons. If you want to find out the best travel deals on these hotels, please visit our web site

If you have a suggestion or you do not agree with our list, please write to us in the comment box below. We will definitely consider your review in our next video for this city.

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List of Best hotels near Grande Mosquee du Plateau, Abidjan

A- Hotel TIAMA
0 Boulevard de la Republique

B- Sofitel Abidjan Hotel Ivoire
Boulevard Hassan II |
08 BP 01 Abidjan 08 00225

C- Seen Hotel Abidjan Plateau
Lamblin Avenue 01BP10008

D- Novotel Abidjan
10 Avenue du General de Gaulle |
01 BP 3718 3718
00 225 20 31 80 00

E- Pullman Abidjan
Rue Abdoulaye Fadiga, Avenue
Delafosse Prolongee | 01 BP 2185 01

F- Azalai Hotel Abidjan
Boulevard Valery Giscard d'Estaing

G- Hotel Palm Club
Route du Lycee Technique | Cocody Bd Latrille

H- Ibis Abidjan Plateau
7 Boulevard Roume | 04 BP 1185 1185

I- Grand Hotel d'Abidjan
01 Rue Leon Montigny | Plateau 01 BP 1785

J- Hotel Ile Maurice
Avenue De Marcory 11 BP 1398

Happy Travelling.


Cameroonians Pick Up Hitchhiker in Côte d'Ivoire and THIS happened!

If you're looking for a exciting and challenging adventure, then check out this video! In it, We are picking up a hitchhiker in Ivory Coast and taking her on an amazing journey from Abidjan to Yamoussoukro. This is part II.

This is a great adventure for anyone looking for an adrenalin-packed experience. If you're up for a challenge, then this video is for you! As the title suggests, the risks are all mine – so be prepared for a fascinating and exciting journey!

Yamoussoukro is the capital city of Côte d'Ivoire, in West Africa. It's inland, northwest of the country’s economic and cultural hub, the coastal city of Abidjan. It's known for the enormous Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro, with its stained-glass windows and towering dome. The city is the birthplace of 20th-century president Félix Houphouët-Boigny, whose former palace has a crocodile-filled lagoon.

Welcome back to Ivaintures!


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Video of the Lagoon in Abidjan

Video of the Lagoon taken from Plateau, the commercial centre of Abidjan.

???????? | Côte-d’Ivoire | The Most Expensive Houses Tour | West Africa (luxury Moderne Home)

In this video, I will show the capital of Ivory Coast: Abidjan, district name: Riviera Golf

Ghana????????- Ivory Coast????????Boarder Town Sampa in the Jaman North District#ghana#accra #theseekerghana

Sampa is a town in the Bono Region of Ghana, on the border with Côte d'Ivoire. It is the capital of Jaman North District, and was formerly the site of a Slave market. It was also the capital of the Akan State of Gyaaman in the late 15th century. It is the biggest border town in Ghana with a population of over 36,000. It is the principal town of the Nafana ethnic group. They speak the Nafaanra language and equally speak Twi as a second language because Sampa is a cosmopolitan society. Nafaanra is also spoken in Banda District, parts of Tain District and Bondoukou District of Cote d'Ivoire.

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Agriculture, commerce, industrialisation, and service are Sampa's main economic activities. Sampa was a slave market place in Africa during the Atlantic slave trade, and it is now a Cashew market center in Ghana. In Sampa, cashew buyers and purchasers from India and Vietnam have warehouses. Cashew nuts are transported to Sampa before being shipped to Tema for export by these enterprises' merchants in Bole, Wenchi, Dormaa, Techiman, Banda, and neighboring Cote d'Ivoire. Mondays are market days in Sampa once more. The Sampa Market is one of the largest in the Bono Region, with foreigners from Cote d'Ivoire and other parts of the country buying and selling goods. If you want the best aky3k3 to eat then that will be at Sampa.

Sampa is derived from two Nafaanra words; Se (Go) and Pa (Come), when the two words are combined as 'Sempa', it means, When you go come back. Sempa has now assumed the orthographic form 'Sampa'. Sampa, capital of the Jaman North Municipal was originally called Sikasoko. It means gold powder. This explains the abundant gold in the area in times past. In 1890s when the British and French colonialists established a boundary between their territories, Sampa which was known as Sikasoko was designated headquarters. Before Sunyani became the capita, Sampa had served as capital of the district, which comprised Jaman, Wenchi, Techiman, Berekum, Wam (Dormaa), Ahafo, Odumasi and Sunyani.

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When Cameroonians Ride with a female Hitchhiker in Côte d'Ivoire ????????

If you're looking for a exciting and challenging adventure, then check out this video! In it, We are picking up a hitchhiker in Ivory Coast and taking her on an amazing journey from Abidjan to Yamoussoukro.

This is a great adventure for anyone looking for an adrenalin-packed experience. If you're up for a challenge, then this video is for you! As the title suggests, the risks are all mine – so be prepared for a fascinating and exciting journey!

Yamoussoukro is the capital city of Côte d'Ivoire, in West Africa. It's inland, northwest of the country’s economic and cultural hub, the coastal city of Abidjan. It's known for the enormous Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro, with its stained-glass windows and towering dome. The city is the birthplace of 20th-century president Félix Houphouët-Boigny, whose former palace has a crocodile-filled lagoon.

Welcome back to Ivaintures!


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Mud Mosques of Kong, Ivory Coast (Dec. 12, 1997)

Les deux mosquées de Kong en Côte d'Ivoire


Hi Guys!!!!
We're back again Chaley. Todays video takes us to Assinie which is about 2 hours drive from Abijan Cote D'ivoire
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I wanted to leave Cote D'Ivoire and THIS Happened!!!

This is the mess that happened on my last day in Cote D'Ivoire.


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Religion: Masjid of business center of Abidjan PLATEAU Cote d'ivoire

Religion: Masjid of business center of Abidjan PLATEAU Cote d'ivoire.

Welcome to our latest video, where we take you on a journey to one of the most beautiful and culturally significant mosques in Africa - the Masjid of Business Center in Abidjan Plateau, Cote d'Ivoire. This stunning mosque is a true masterpiece of Islamic architecture, with intricate details and a unique blend of modern and traditional design.

Located in the heart of the bustling business center of Abidjan Plateau, the Masjid is a spiritual oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. Its towering minarets and elegant domes make it a true landmark, visible from all around the city.

But the Masjid of Business Center is more than just a beautiful building - it's a vibrant hub of Islamic culture and community. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, attend religious services, or simply soak up the serene atmosphere of the prayer hall. The mosque is also a center of education, offering classes on Arabic, Islamic studies, and Quranic recitation.

Join us as we explore the Masjid of Business Center and discover the rich history and cultural significance of this magnificent mosque. Whether you're a devout Muslim, a lover of architecture and design, or simply curious about the world around you, you won't want to miss this fascinating journey.

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