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10 Best place to visit in Basarabeasca Moldova


Cu trenul in REPUBLICA MOLDOVA - IR-N 402 Prietenia

Salut, astazi prezint si calatoresc cu in Republica Moldova cu trenul Prietenia IR-N 402 Bucuresti Nord - Chisinau.

Acesta este singurul tren care circula pe teroritoriul Romaniei si are vagoane sovietice iar la granita, trenul este urcat pe un cric hidraulic si i se schimba osiile pentru a fi pregatite de circulatie in Republica Moldova care foloseste un ecartament larg (rusesc) de 1524mm fata de cel standard folosit in Romania: 1435mm.

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- Detalii despre calatorie -

Tren: IR-N 402 Prietenia
Companie: CFM(Caile ferate Moldovenesti)
De la: Bucuresti Nord
La: Chisinau
Durata: 13h04
Data calatoriei: Iunie 2022
Clasa: Vagon dormit - cabina 2 persoane
Pret: 170 de lei

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Social media buttons design by BiZkettE1 edit by whitechimp
Logo design by edit by whitechimp

[CFM] ChME3 / ЧМЭ3 - 2396 on train 6276

Regional Train 6276 Cahul - Basarabeasca hauled by ChME3-2396 is seen in several places.

Le train régional 6276 qui relie Cahul à Basarabeasca est tiré par le ChME3-2396.

29 May 2013, Moldova

Ziua Națională a Vinului 2021

Autor concept și design: Eugen Boico
Muzica: Valentina Cârneciu

3ТЭ10М-1224 + Толкач 2ТЭ10Л-2303 [CFM] 10Д100 СИЛА !!

02.05.2015 || Basarabeasca - Abaklia || 3ТЭ10М-1224 oraz popychający 2ТЭ10Л-2303 prowadzą ładowny skład z Besarabki do stacji Etulia

Тепловоз 3ТЭ10М-0037Б с поездом Кишинёв - Бессарабка

Тепловоз 2ТЭ10Л-2394Б с хозяйственным поездом, станция Кишинёв

Train trip and City Cahul

We decided to investigate railways in Gagauzia. Originally we wanted to make return trip from Comrat to city Cahul, which is not far from Gagauzia. But we found out, that the train is running only once a day, each direction, from Comrat at 6:40 a.m. Well it is not even from Comrat, the station is called Comrat, but its in village Bugeac, 5 km north of Comrat.

As we were lazy to get up at 5 oclock, we decided to take a bus to Cahul, and by train go only back. Nevertheless the bus took three hours, the gagauzian roads are very bad.

Gara feroviară din Basarabeasca - Dronă

#basarabeasca #heritagexplorer

1. Basarabeasca, UTAG;
2. S-a dezvoltat pe baza a două localități – târgul Romanovca și nodul de căi ferate Basarabeasca.
3. În anii ’50 ai secolului XX s-a construit actuala clădire. În 2003 a fost inaugurată o locomotivă-monument în cinstea veteranilor celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial și veteranilor muncii din breasla feroviară.
4. Actualmente se află în administrația a Î.S. “Calea ferată din Moldova”.

10 Reasons Why Moldova Is A Safe And A Good Travel Destination #tourist #touristplaces

10 Reasons Why Moldova Is A Safe And A Good Travel Destination #tourist #touristplaces #touristspot #bestplaces #moldova

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The BASCALIA Village, Besarabca, Republica Moldova. Car Ride. 4K

A car walk around The BASCALIA Village, throughout the village. You see with your own eyes this beautiful village. Happy viewing.

#Car Ride, #Chisinau, #Moldova, #travelvlog , #car trip, #travel

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Cu Trenul modernizat D1M prin Republica Moldova [Septembrie, 2013]

Vizionare plăcută!

Un tren albastru prin Moldova gonea

Filmare de pe o sosea paralela ,un tren grabit ,o tara frumoasa,vara anului 2008


Deschiderea sezonului sportiv 2022, in satul Pohorniceni, raionul Orhei, republica Moldova.
Organizata de primarul satului Pohorniceni Ianic Corobciuc.

#moldova #raionulorhei #moldovamea

Easter in Moldova

Walking to Memorial Easter with my host mom, her sister and her sister's daughter. It was an interesting experience, similar to that of Day of the Dead or Dias de los muertos in Mexico. It's one week after Orthodox Easter when you go to the cemetery to honor those who have deceased by drinking and eating in remembrance of their souls. The next week I had my English Club meet and color pictures and learn phrases like Happy Easter.

Chisinau-Bender local train in Moldova

This is how slow it goes. The whole ride on this train from Chisianu to Bender (which is about 50 km-s away) takes more than 2 hours! A Kisinyov-Bender vonaton Moldovában. A vonat a nagyjából 50km-es távot több mint 2 óra alatt teszi meg. Ha érdekel a térség vasúti közlekedése, olvasd el vonatkozó írásomat:

3ТЭ10М-1297 [CFM] 11 minut relaksu

27.04.2015 || Oknica (mołd.Ocniţa) || Przyjemny dźwięk silnika 10D100

[CFM] Тепловоз 3ТЭ10М-1103А/0152Б с пассажирским поездом №105 Кишинёв - Бухарест, станция Кишинёв

Train approaching wheel change facility!

Train approaching the wheel change facility at the Romania/Moldova border



Crossing the Moldova-Ukraine border by train

Travelling with the Chernivci-Ocnita train, which crosses the border of Moldova and Ukraine several times. In this video you can see one of these crossings. Utazás a Csernyovci-Ocnita vonattal, ami többször átkel a moldáv-ukrán határon, ami elég kanyargós erre fele. Az egyik határon való áthaladás pont látható a viedóban. A sok határátkelés miatt ez egy igen hosszú út (kb. 170km-t a vonat több mint 5 óra alatt tesz meg), ugyanis a legtöbb átkelés után természetesen útlevél-ellenőrzés, és vámvizsgálat is van. Ha érdekel a térség vasúti közlekedése, olvasd el vonatkozó írásomat: Пересечение Молдова-Украина границу на поезде.



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