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10 Best place to visit in Barysh Russia


Communal Hell: The Inhuman Conditions of Shared Housing in Russia | Soviet Heritage in St Petersburg

The history of communal flats goes back to the times of Peter the Great, however they were spread the most in the USSR. Communal flat is a place shared by several families. Each has their own bedroom, but have to use a common kitchen, bathroom and corridor. Saint Petersburg is truly the centre of Russian communal housing. I went there to see what historical communal flats look like now. Join me to see this portal to the past of Russia, these unique apartments giving out the vibes of both luxury and poverty.

The City with a Dark History: Magadan, Russia

How People Live in the Most Unlivable City of Russia? | Arkhangelsk | Documentary ENG SUB

Remote Russia: How People Live in Isolated Villages? | Mobile Shops in Russia | Documentary ENG SUB

Trip to the Most Dangerous Place in Russia: Poverty, Drunk People & Crime | Tuva, Travel Documentary

Vorkuta: Fastest Dying City in Russia. From Coal Mine to Ghost Town | Built by Stalin’s Gulag

#saintpetersburg #russia #ussr #documentary

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Hey guys! My name is Ilya, I am a Russian journalist and a founder of various urban beautification projects in Moscow and across Russia. There is nothing in the world that I love more than traveling. On this channel I will do my best to give you an unbiased overview of life in different places around the globe. Subscribe to the channel not to miss my new videos.

My channel with relaxing beautiful videos:

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00:00:00 Welcome to Russia’s cultural capital
00:02:02 What is a communal flat?
00:03:20 What to expect when renting a communal flat
00:05:15 Sergey Dovlatov’s apartment
00:06:40 Elements of the Soviet décor in the interior
00:08:12 Kitchen: the heart of a communal flat
00:08:51 “You had to go to the toilet with your own toilet seat”
00:12:28 Historical house of Julian Bak
00:17:49 A cath**se inside of a communal flat
00:19:23 Renovations of the house of Bak
00:22:22 The capital of communal housing: why St. Petersburg?
00:25:26 “Dear neighbors! Caution: homeless people are using our bathroom”
00:28:00 “There’s nothing to steal, we’re all poor”
00:30:32 16 rooms in one communal flat!
00:33:07 Vasilyevsky Island: St. Petersburg’s largest communal flat
00:34:12 Breathing new life into the old design of a communal flat
00:37:29 Apartment in the house of Nikolai Nikonov
00:40:19 Quarrels and conflicts of the residents of communal flats
00:44:09 How people renovate communal flats
00:49:45 Tatiana Putilova's revenue house
00:53:07 Soul Kitchen, a co-living in the house of Lipin
00:58:52 Communal household rules
01:00:49 Afterword

Moscow Seasons

Moscow sights to classic russian folk tunes.

Several families living in one flat: how is that possible?

Imagine having 9 flatmates. For residents of communal flats in Saint Petersburg this is the reality. How this type of housing appeared, what it is like living there and why the government does absolutely nothing about it? Watch my video to learn the history of shared housing in the Soviet Union and their condition in modern Russia.

If you liked this video, share it on Reddit and other social media platforms!

Hey guys! My name is Ilya, I am a Russian journalist and a founder of various urban beautification projects in Moscow and across Russia. There is nothing in the world that I love more than traveling. On this channel I will do my best to give you an unbiased overview of life in different places around the globe. Subscribe to the channel not to miss my new videos.

My channel with relaxing beautiful videos:

You can support me and my team by becoming a member of my YouTube channel:
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00:00:00 Welcome to Russia’s cultural capital
00:02:02 What is a communal flat?
00:03:20 What to expect when renting a communal flat
00:05:15 Sergey Dovlatov’s apartment
00:06:40 Elements of the Soviet décor in the interior
00:08:12 Kitchen: the heart of a communal flat
00:08:51 “You had to go to the toilet with your own toilet seat”
00:12:28 Historical house of Julian Bak
00:17:49 A brothel inside of a communal flat
00:19:23 Renovations of the house of Bak
00:22:22 The capital of communal housing: why St. Petersburg?
00:25:26 “Dear neighbors! Caution: homeless people are using our bathroom”
00:28:00 “There’s nothing to steal, we’re all poor”
00:30:32 16 rooms in one communal flat!
00:33:07 Vasilyevsky Island: St. Petersburg’s largest communal flat
00:34:12 Breathing new life into the old design of a communal flat
00:37:29 Apartment in the house of Nikolai Nikonov
00:40:19 Quarrels and conflicts of the residents of communal flats
00:44:09 How people renovate communal flats
00:49:45 Tatiana Putilova's revenue house
00:53:07 Soul Kitchen, a co-living in the house of Lipin
00:58:52 Communal household rules
01:00:49 Afterword

Сергиев Посад. Золотое кольцо России. Обзор на город Сергеев Посад. Сергиев Посад история.

Сергиев Посад. Золотое кольцо России. Обзор на город Сергеев Посад. Сергеева Лавра, Золотое Кольца.

*Шикарный мангал от Колундров* -
*Промокод* - vohmin
*Промокод на скидку 25%* - Посад

В этом видео обзор на Сергеев Посад. Единственный город золотого кольца России в Московской области.

Итак, Сергиев Посад

Сразу надо сказать - я был в Сергиевом Посаде первый раз зимой, но отсмотрев зимний материал решил что нужно сьездить еще раз в Сергиев Посад чтобы подснять недостающего материала, так что будут чередоваться кадры зимнего и весеннего Сергиева Посада - не пугайтесь, это просто две разные поездки)

Сергиев Посад это один из важнейших городов золотого кольца России, но все-таки не главный, самое интересное о нем расскажу позже, но на мой взгляд тот же Ярославль, который как раз столица Золотого кольца, куда обширнее и интереснее

Если вы не видели выпуск из Ярославля - крайне рекомендую к просмотру
Да и вообще подпишитесь на канал, у меня тут много клевых путешествий как по России так и в другие страны

Например мы пересекли США на машине, или вот недавно был выпуск о Турции, и еще будет
Или Италия - тоже весьма любопытное место
В общем есть что вам показать, буду рад вашей подписке)
Ну и каждый ваш лайк и комментарий со словом Сергиев Посад продвигает это видео, спасибо за поддержку)

На первый взгляд Сергиев Посад ничем не выделяется из сотен других подобных городков России с населением чуть больше 100 тысяч человек

Но в действительности есть отличия:
Здесь какая-то своя атмосфера, люди как будто чуть добрее, воздух чуть чище и снег белее, это если ехать зимой
впрочем, это не точно)

А вот чем точно Сергиев Посад отличается от многих других городов России: он вырос не на месте деревеньки, и не раззросся вокруг стен какой-нибудь разноЙ степени приступности крепости.

Он появился из шалаша и простых деревянных келий с церковью, ставших впоследствии прародителями Свято-Троицкой Сергиевой лавры.

Монастырь, основанный в XIV в. Преподобным Сергием Радонежским, дал название и городу Сергиев Посад

Сергеев Посад - одно из очевидных мест куда можно съездить из Москвы на выходные, можно погулять по городу, заглянуть в лавру, поесть монастырской выпечки

00:00 - Что вас ждет в видео о Сергиевом Посаде?
01:04 - Почему тут кадры зимнего Сергиева Посада?
01:57 - что делает Сергеев Посад особенным?
03:16 - как на счет выехать на шашлыки?
4:24 - цены на жилье в Сергиевом Посаде
4:37 - сколько ехать из Москвы в Посад
5:10 - Золотое кольцо России
6:50 - ветер в Троице Сергиевой Лавре
7:15 - Зачем монастырю крепостная стена?
8:50 - Как на счет путешествий?
9:35 - минутка полезной инфы автолюбителям
10:14 - академия Русской Православной Церкви
12:29 - ощущения от Троице Сергиевой Лавры
13:13 - монастрыская еда и квас
15:38 - подходы к Лавре
16:06 - сувениры у входа в Лавру (летом их уже не было)
16:31 - туристическая инфраструктура в России
17:54 - как выглядит Сергиев Посад прямо рядом с Сергеевой Лаврой
19:29 - Китайцы В Сергеевом Посаде
21:31 - Святой источник Саввы Сторожевского, ученика Сергия Радоенжского
25:38 - другие достопримечательности Сергиева Посада
27:03 - Приглашаю вас на свой ораторский курс
28:55 - выводы о Сергиевом Посаде

Asyiknya Wisata Ke Kota Jendela Eropa, Saint Petersburg Rusia | Wisata Halal Cheria Holiday

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Saint Petersburg nama yang diberikan oleh Tsar Peter the Great pada tanggal 27 Mei 1703 ketika mendirikan kota ini karena beliau adalah seorang yang senang dengan yang berbau jerman, namun setelah perang dunia I pada tanggal 1 September 1914 namanya di ubah menjadi Petrograd (Kota Peter), kemudian setelah Lenin meninggal kota ini diganti menjadi Leningrad pada 26 Januari 1924, dan pada 1 Oktober 19191 dikembalikan ke nama aslinya Saint Petersburg.

Saint Petersburg merupakan kota kedua terbesar setelah Moscow, terletak di tepi Sungai Neva, di kepala Teluk Finlandia di Laut Baltik dan merupakan kota pelabuhan yang penting di Laut baltik. Kota ini sejak dulu merupakan ibukota pemerintahan Kekaisaran Russia sampai tahun 1918. Saint Petersburg merupakan kota yang modern dan merupakan juga kota budaya. UNESCO telah menetapkan Saint Petersburg sebagai salah satu warisan dunia. Julukan tradisional kota ini di antara orang Rusia adalah Jendela ke Barat dan Jendela ke Eropa.

Saint Petersburg memiliki warisan sejarah dan budaya yang kaya. Arsitekur kota berupa bangunan abad ke 18 dan 19 masih tetap lestari walaupun kota ini pernah menjadi pusat peperangan perang dunia II namun bangunan - bangunan yang sempt rusak telah di rekonstruksi kembali, dan perubahan status tidak lagi menjadi ibukota Negara setelah dipindah ke Moscow menjadikan lebih banyak bangunan bersejarah yang dapat di pertahankan. Dan kota ini telah menjadi cagar unik gaya arsitektur Eropa selama tiga abad terakhir, dan telah diakui UNESCO sebagai bagian dari warisan Dunia, dengan 36 kompleks arsitektur bersejarah dan sekitar 4000 monumen arsitektur, sejarah, dan budaya yang menonjol. Program wisata baru dan wisata tamasya telah dikembangkan bagi Anda yang ingin Wisata Halal yang ingin melihat warisan budaya Saint Petersburg.

Kota ini memiliki 221 museum, 2000 perpustakaan, lebih dari 80 teater, 100 organisasi konser, 45 galeri dan ruang pameran, 62 bioskop dan sekitar 80 perusahaan budaya lainnya. Setiap tahun kota ini menyelenggarakan sekitar 100 festival dan berbagai kompetisi seni dan budaya, termasuk lebih dari 50 festival internasional.

Travel Halal Anda ke kota ini dapat mengunjungi berbagai museum yang ada termasuk beberapa museum baru yang di bangun di kota ini, misalnya museum boneka pribadi (dibuka pada tahun 1999) menyimpan lebih dari 2000 boneka. 'Saint Petersburg multinasional' dan 'Pushkin's Petersburg ' Dunia museum Saint Petersburg sangat beragam. Kota ini tidak hanya rumah bagi Museum Hermitage yang terkenal di dunia dan Museum Rusia dengan koleksi seni Rusia yang kaya, tetapi juga istana Saint Petersburg dan pinggirannya, yang disebut museum kota kecil dan lainnya seperti museum Rusia yang terkenal penulis Dostoyevsky; Museum Alat Musik, museum seni dekoratif dan museum orientasi profesional.

Saint Petersburg kaya dan beragam dengan budaya, dengan kota ini sekarang menjadi tuan rumah sejumlah karnaval tahunan. Kota ini adalah tempat sekolah Balet terbaik didunia dimana telah melahirkan Seniman Balet terkenal dunia seperti Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Makarova, Mikhail Baryshnikov.

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Moscow - Walk ❄️ 10 Most Beautiful Streets in Snowfall | Myasnitskaya

Myasnitskaya Street, one of the symbols of Moscow, is interesting in that it is ready to compete with Tverskaya and Arbat with its rich 500-year history. As the poet Solovyov said, here every house is a poem.
This was filmed around 2:00 pm and shows an afternoon walk in Moscow on Friday.
Throughout the video you can hear the sounds of people, streets. Enjoy!

More routes on

1:58 House of Three Composers: Baroque
2:58 Centrosoyuz Building: Modernism
3:36 Baryshnikov's estate: Classicism
11:00 Chistoprudny Boulevard. Metro Chistye Prudy
13:10 Yushkov House: Classicism
14:15 Perlov's tea shop: Chinoiserie
15:20 Tenement houses: Neoclassicism and Art Nouveau
23:00 Higher School of Economics
24:12 Chertkov Manor: Rococo
27:40 Ensemble of administrative buildings: Art Deco
31:50 Children's World: Art Deco
35:10 Theater passage
#walks #snowwalk #binauralwalk #walkingambience

Rain Walks:
Winter Snow Walks:
Nature Walks Ambience Sounds: #walkingambience



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Mikhail Baryshnikov en Argentina, Tierra de Vinos

Danzando en la Tierra De Vinos
El bailarín, coreógrafo y actor Mikhail Baryshnikov de visita en Argentina, saborea nuestra tierra.

Argentina Es Tu Mundo en

Culture - Russian Ballet

Russia is synonymous with ballet, which began in the mid 1700's. No trip to Russia would be complete without experiencing this artistic form of dance.


March 20, 2021 – Theatre du Leman, Geneva

XXIST CENTURY BALLET STARS is the 4th edition of the Russian Ballet Jewels aiming at bringing the most extraordinary world ballet stars to Switzerland.

The focus of the show will be based on what is the best in the universe of ballet NOW and today’s “Gods of Dance”. You will see 11 astonishing Ballet Stars, internationally renowned artists, principal dancers of the Bolshoi Theatre, the American Ballet Theatre, the Staatsballett Berlin, the Dutch National Ballet, the Royal Ballet of Flanders and Grand Théâtre de Genève. They are worldwide famous dancers and some of them are also promising choreographers.

The program will become a stunning showcase of their great talents as dancers and choreographers.

So we will delight our public with the program containing both iconic classics and contemporary masterpieces created by the most prominent and sought-after choreographers of today’s ballet world.

To surprise our spectators we are happy to present two world premiers: “The Hours” choreographers Simone Repele and Sasha Riva and “Confession of Nijinsky” choreographer Claudio Cangialosi, composer Andrey Leshukov created especially for “XXISTCENTURY BALLET STARS” Gala.

11 Ballet Super Stars from 6 legendary Theatres in a stunning new program! Not to be missed!

Daniil Simkin – Principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre and Staatsballett Berlin. The world ballet star.
Awards: Senior Gold Medal at the Jackson International Ballet competition in 2006, the Grand Prix at the Helsinki International Ballet Competition in 2005, the Junior Gold Medal at Varna International Ballet Competition in 2004, 1st Prize senior, Prize “Mikhail Baryshnikov” 8th International Ballet Competition “Arabesque” Perm, Russia in 2004 , the Gold Medal at the 7th International Ballet Competition in Luxembourg and the Grand Prix at the International Ballet Competition in Vienna in 2004.

Maia Makhateli – Prima ballerina with the Dutch National Ballet in Amsterdam. Awards: 2011 - Nina Ananiashvili and Gilbert Albert Award . 2014 - Maia was nominated as one of the outstanding dancers in the Netherlands by Critics Choice for her performance in Aleksei Ratmansky's Firebird and Balanchine's Tchaikovsky Pas de deux. 2015 - Alexandra Radius Prize for remarkable achievements.

Artur Shesterikov – Principal dancer with the Dutch National Ballet in Amsterdam. Awards: He received “Alexandra Radius prize” for remarkable achievements. In 2004 finalist of international ballet competition “Arabesque” and received the “most talented dancer” prize.
Anna Nikulina - Prima Ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre. Merited Artist of the Russian Federation Awards: In 2004, she was a recipient of a Triumph youth grant prize. In 2018, awarded the title Honored artist of the Russian Federation.

Yumi Aizawa– principal dancer at the Grand Théâtre de Genève.
Sasha Riva – former principal dancer at the Grand Théâtre de Genève, founder of the Riva&Repele danzarte.
Awards: In 2012 Sasha was awarded the title of Promising Young Talent 2012 by the German Tanz magazine and in 2017 he received the International Award of Merit from the artistic director Mauro de Candia during the Gala Tersicore in Italy.

Simone Repele – former principal dancer at the Grand Théâtre de Genève, founder of the Riva&Repele danzarte.
In 2018, Simone received the Anfiteatro d'oro prize from the city of Avella from Francesco Imperatore for her creativity and expressive originality.
In 2020, Simone was selected for the prestigious evening of the Noverre Gesellschaft, to create a piece for the Stuttgart Ballet.

Cangialosi Claudio - principal dancer at the Royal Ballet of Flanders.
Awards: In 2009 received the nomination “Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer (Critics’ Choice)” for 'The World According To Us' by D. Dawson.
In 2012 he won the Italian “Apuliarte Prize” for outstanding artist of the year, the “SIAE Prize” for outstanding choreographer for his creation “With(in)” and in 2013 he won the Danza & Danza award as outstanding artist as well as the Giuliana Penzi Prize.

Nancy Osbaldeston - principal dancer at the Royal Ballet of Flanders.
Awards: Nancy was a finalist at the Prix de Lausanne. In 2013 she won English National Ballet’s Emerging Dancer Award and also featured in Time Out's talent for 2013 Ones to watch.

STT 025: Saint Petersburg Art Routes Wrap Up, Part I

Art Routes Saint Petersburg was a glorious success, and on this episode of Solo Travel talk, Astrid introduces Saint Petersburg as a select, must-visit destination. The discussion turns to the classic arts and the prominence of ballet in Saint Petersburg. Astrid details how the Art Routes Tour took a deep dive into the world of ballet. If you want to get excited about visiting this premiere Russian city, this episode is for you. This is part one: next week, the show continues by covering all the other sights experienced on the Art Routes tour.

Mentioned on the show:

Open Russia Tours Vaganova Ballet Academy Mariinsky Theatre Reduce your trip stress by using a packing list! Astrid has an amazing packing list available for download. Get it at her website, Follow Astrid on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, or with your favorite podcast app. Just go solo!

Ten Years of White Nights -- Summer Literary Seminars

For the last ten years, writers of fiction, non-fiction and poetry have converged on St. Petersburg, Russia, for the Summer Literary Seminars. They have attended workshops, talks and readings led by some of the most significant writers in North America and Russia--people like Aimee Bender, Robert Coover, Robert Creeley, Dave Eggers, Mary Gaitskill, Robert Haas, Denis Johnson, Sam Lipsyte, William Meredith, Francine Prose, George Saunders, Anthony Swofford, and many more. But what proves to be a life-altering element of SLS in Russia is the city of St. Petersburg, described by Mikhail Iossel (founding director of SLS) as:

...a decidedly surreal stage that, at any given point in time, is many different cities in one: it is a city of starchy imperial granite facades and mega-majestic Italianate palazzos, peeling lemon-yellow facades, decrepit litter-strewn stray cat-owned inner courtyards (whose entirety forms a veritable city within a city), desolate echoing silences, long vertical shadows at midnight, empty water-bound perspectives, low Arctic sky, blinding glare of the unseen afternoon sun, ostentatious (banana republic-style) opulence and equally fantastic poverty; it is a city that never sleeps during the fleeting summer months...It is a city of inordinate, staggering beauty borne out of profound sadness. An unforgettable city.

This video tries to capture the epic mystique of the city and its impact on the participants of the Summer Literary Seminars in Russia. It was shot during the tenth anniversary session (summer, 2008).

Learn more about the Program at

Остатки былой роскоши . Усадьба Барышниковых.

Сегодня я тебе покажу заброшенную усадьбу Барышниковых, в селе Алексино, Дорогобужского района, Смоленской обл. Осмотрим усадьбу не только снаружи, но и побываем внутри.
Today I will show you the abandoned estate of the Baryshnikovs, in the village of Aleksino, Dorogobuzhsky district, Smolensk region. We will exam

White night festival

White night festival in Yakutsk Russia

Ballet Story

First of all, I would like to apologize that the story is about an inappropriate topic at a time when people are dying, deprived of the most necessary things, but in many ways, our actions are determined by the desires of our children. We try to protect them from negativity and shift their attention to something else.

Ballet is our daughter’s passion. So we all have to share her interests and do everything possible and impossible for us to maintain that interest in her.

Every trip to any city involves visiting ballet museums, theaters, stores with pointe shoes and other outfits, and other attractions.

I. Searching for the apartment where the famous ballerina Galina Ulanova used to live (00:01)
II. Ballet Museum (01:33)
III. Pointe shoe shopping (06:45)
IV. Ballet Don Quixote (08:25)

Ярмарка 2024 на Острове Канта. Новогодний эксклюзив или развод туристов ?

В новом видео я и моя подруга Алиса прогуляемся вместе с вами по Ярмарке на Острове Канта. Покажем в подробностях что там продается, сколько это стоит и конечно же попробуем сами. Приятного просмотра :)

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Russian involvement in American Culture

Cleveland Russian Cultural Garden Co-Chair Boris Vinogradsky gave a presentation about Russian culture and the involvement of Russians in American culture. He spoke at the 99th birthday of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens on April 14, 2015.

Kim Cattrall Interview - Sensitive Skin, Bayrshnikov & Sex and the City 3

Kim Cattrall Interview - Sensitive Skin, Bayrshnikov & Sex and the City 3
Subscribe to Red Carpet News:

Sex and the City star Kim Cattrall talks to Red Carpet News TV at the opening of the exhibition of ballet photographs taken by acclaimed dance master Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Kim talks about her new series Sensitive Skin, working with Dance legend Baryshnikov and being flattered by fan enthusiasm for another Sex and the City movie.

Red Carpet News brings you all the latest Film & Entertainment News. Featuring exclusive content and interviews for Game Of Thrones, Sherlock, Hunger Games, Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, Doctor Who and so much more.

Visit our homepage at or follow us on Twitter @RedCarpetNewsTV for exclusive daily updates, reviews, photo galleries and more. Don't forget to subscribe and thanks for watching

Imran khan bold interview to Russian Tv

Prime Minister Imran Khan has single handedly done for Kashmir what decades of previous governments could not do for its cause. He, by declaring himself as the Ambassador of Kashmir has successfully sensitised the world towards Kashmir cause and given voice and hope to them. (12.09.19)
#PTI #PrimeMinisterImranKhan


Biographer and film historian Patricia Ward Kelly is the widow of Gene Kelly. She has worked as a writer at a film production company, as a contributing scholar for the authoritative Northwestern/Newberry Writings of Herman Melville, and as a freelance journalist. She and Kelly met at the Smithsonian in 1985, when he was the host/narrator for a television special for which she was a writer. Soon after, he invited her to California to write his memoirs, a job for which she recorded his words nearly every day for over ten years, and they were together until his death in 1996.

Currently, she serves as Trustee of The Gene Kelly Image Trust and Creative Director of Gene Kelly: The Legacy, a corporation established to commemorate Kelly’s centenary worldwide. She lives in Los Angeles and is completing the book about her late husband.



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