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10 Best place to visit in Bakanas Kazakhstan


This Is The Biggest Market In Kazakhstan! Baraholka Bazaar In Almaty

In this video, we explore the biggest market in Kazakhstan, which is called Baraholka! This Bazaar is located in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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My name is Gabriel, a Canadian vlogger documenting my first year of leaving home and travelling around the globe. I want to inspire others to see the world, and treat it as one big home. I hope I can inspire and motivate you to explore, take risks, and go on your own adventure! At the end of it all , I believe the memories we make are the one of the most important things.

What awaits Balkhash in the near future. «Outdoor World»

OutdoorWORLD. № 9
Today, the topic of drought is on the front lines of the media and is hotly discussed on social media. President of the country Kassym-Jomart Tokayev instructed the Government to develop a plan for the preservation of Balkhash. This year, drought has affected many regions of Kazakhstan.
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#OutdoorWorld #Balkhash #BalkhashLake #Kazakhstan

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Trip to Tamgaly-Tas 4K - Scenic Drive - Almaty Region - Kazakhstan

The road was very interesting and sometimes hard work. The main thing to remember if you go to Tamgaly-Tas in your car - do not trust Google, because it builds a route on an impassable road. The photo that you see on the cover was taken just 300 meters before the place where I had to turn around and go back to the highway.

It is better to go the other way, of which there are two options:

1. After 100 meters after the Kerbulak cafe, turn right and go towards the ILI river

2. Get to the 19th kilometer of the Bakanas highway and there you will see a large billboard with the sign Tamgaly-Tas. This will be the shortest way and the best road.


Дорога была очень интересной и местами трудовой. Главное что нужно запомнить, если вы поедите в Тамгалы-Тас на своей машине - не доверяйте Гуглу, потому что он строит маршрут по непроезжаемой дороге. Фото, которое вы видите на обложке, сделано как раз метров за 300 до того места, где мне пришлось развернуться и возвращаться обратно на шоссе.

Лучше поехать другим путем, коего имеется два варианта:

1. Через метров 100 после кафе Кербулак свернуть направо и ехать в сторону реки ИЛИ

2. Доехать до 19 километра Баканасской трассы и там вы увидите большой билборд, с указателем Тамгалы-Тас. Это будет самый короткий путь и самая хорошая дорога.



Tamgaly-Tas (“stones with signs / written stones”) is a tract near the Ili River, 120 km north of the city of Alma-Ata, where many petroglyphs, images of mysterious deities, late Buddhist inscriptions have been preserved on the rocks. Among the petroglyphs, about a thousand rock images are distinguished, among which the most famous are the images of Buddha Shakyamuni, the Buddha of Infinite Light Amitabha and the bodhisattva of Infinite Sympathy Avalokiteshvara. In addition to Buddhist drawings and inscriptions, there is a stone with ancient Turkic runic inscriptions of the 8th-9th centuries, presumably left by the Kipchaks. Tamgaly-Tas is under the protection of the government of Kazakhstan as a cultural monument and is an open-air Buddhist temple.

There is a legend that in the 10th century, when one of the Buddhist missions stopped on the banks of the Ili River during a campaign in Semirechye, an earthquake occurred and a large piece of rock fell to the ground, which was regarded as a sign of the need to return to India. three images of the Buddha are carved. Scientists have solved the riddle of all the runes on it, it says that in 2004, on March 6, a prophet will be born. On the adjacent rocks you can find other images of him, where a pike was killed.

According to another version, the inscriptions were made by the Kalmyks on the “todorkhoy nomyn bichig” (“clear literary writing”), which was created by Zaya Pandita Ogtorguyn in 1648 and was used for more than three centuries by nomadic Mongols who carved images of the Buddha.

Exploration of stones in Tamgaly-Tas began at the end of the 19th century. In 1875, Shokan Ualikhanov made sketches of the area, in 1899, the Mongolian scholar Alexei Pozdneev, in the Notes of the Russian Geographical Society, gave a detailed description of the inscriptions and drawings.

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Музыка: Closer
Музыкант: Marco Lazovic



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