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10 Best place to visit in Bagnoli Italy


I 10 borghi più belli del MOLISE

L'italia è piena di piccoli borghi arroccati su colline o che si affacciano sul mare tutti da esplorare. Oggi vi porteremo alla scoperta dei borghi più belli del Molise assolutamente da non perdere durante una vacanza in questa splendida regione.

1 Fornelli
E’ un piccolo borgo, collocato in un paesaggio collinare, in cui a dominare sono le piante di ulivo

2 Frosolone
Un suggestivo borgo molisano, nella provincia di Isernia, che conserva ancora l’antico fascino urbanistico medievale

3 Sepino
Natura, bellezza, archeologia, buon cibo e anche acque termali sono gli ingredienti di Sepino

4 Oratino
Adagiato sull’appennino molisano, offre l’occasione per conoscere il Molise più interno

5 Tufara
Il vecchio borgo è dominato dalle possenti mura del Castello di origine longobarda

6 Castellino del Biferno
L'abitato, che sovrasta la vallata del fiume Biferno, sorge su un costone di arenaria

7 Pesche
Le sue casette sono abbarbicate alla roccia, e da lontano il borgo assomiglia a un piccolo presepe scavato nella montagna

8 Bagnoli del Tigno
Bagnoli presenta un aspetto suggestivo e caratteristico tale da meritarsi l'appellativo di Perla del Molise.

9 Ripalimosani
Tra le attività che maggiormente lo caratterizzano vi è quella della lavorazione della canapa

10 Venafro
L'alto numero di chiese presenti sul territorio le è valso l'appellativo di città delle 33 chiese

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

Avellino: the green heart of Campania, Italy |

10 Things to do in Avellino and Irpinia |
Irpinia is a surprising land waiting to be discovered. Its tourist offer is a frame that overlooks the countryside. Good food, cultural attractions and a warm welcome are its calling card.

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Da Ischia a Pozzuoli: viaggio in uno dei golfi più belli d'Italia |

Da Ischia a Pozzuoli, passando per i Campi Flegrei: viaggio in uno dei golfi più belli d'Italia. Contenuto realizzato grazie al contributo della Camera di Commercio di Napoli, attraverso la sua azienda speciale SiImpresa, per la valorizzazione del territorio. |

Places to see in ( Naples - Italy ) Parco Virgiliano

Places to see in ( Naples - Italy ) Parco Virgiliano

Parco Virgiliano is a scenic park located on the hill of Posillipo, Naples, Italy. The Park serves as a green oasis, built on the tufa stone typical to the coast of Posillipo.

A series of terraces overlooking the whole Gulf of Naples provides the park with a unique array of impressive vistas, including views of the coasts of Amalfi and Sorrento, Mount Vesuvius, Gaiola Bay, Pollione'S amphitheater, Trentaremi Bay, Nisida island, the factory neighbourhood of Bagnoli, Pozzuoli, Baia, Bacoli, Monte di Procida and the beautiful islands of Ischia, Capri and Procida.

The park offers several playgrounds designed for children of various age-groups, as well as many kiosks which during the summer nights are often packed with youngsters just relaxing. The park also has a small amphitheater, where events are organized in the summers.

( Naples - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Naples . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Naples - Italy

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Top Restaurants to Visit in Bagnoli del Trigno, Province of Isernia | Molise - English

Bagnoli del Trigno is a picturesque town located in the Province of Isernia, in the Molise region of Italy. This charming city is nestled in the Trigno river valley and is known for its rich history and natural beauty.

The origins of Bagnoli del Trigno can be traced back to ancient times, as evidenced by the archaeological findings in the area. The town has been inhabited since prehistoric times, and it has witnessed the rise and fall of various civilizations throughout its long history.

During the Roman era, Bagnoli del Trigno was an important settlement along the ancient Via Trina, a road that connected Rome to the Adriatic Sea. The town prospered under Roman rule and became a thriving center for agriculture and trade.

In the Middle Ages, Bagnoli del Trigno was a strategic stronghold
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This channel is dedicated to showcasing the exquisite charm of world capitals and cities, aiming to boost tourism in these destinations.

Bagnoli del Trigno boasts an array of exquisite restaurants. Within England, Bagnoli del Trigno stands out for hosting some of the finest dining establishments. Our research has identified the top 10 must-visit restaurants in Bagnoli del Trigno.
These acclaimed dining spots have garnered both local and nationwide attention, making them beloved destinations for diners across England. In this presentation, we'll guide you through the most stunning restaurants that Bagnoli del Trigno has to offer.

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BAGNOLI IRPINO (Avellino-Italy)-TOUR COMPLETO -Viaggio nei Paesi d'Irpinia- La gemma dell'Irpinia

Bagnoli Irpino è un comune italiano della provincia di Avellino in Campania. Il comune conta circa 3.300 abitanti e fa parte della regione storica del Sannio Hirpino, quando intorno all'anno 1000 a.C. i Sanniti Hirpini giunsero alle sorgenti del Calore sotto la guida dell'Hirpus (Lupo). Con la conquista del Sannio da parte dei romani e il suo smembramento, il paese rinasce nasce sotto il dominio dei Longobardi e del loro castello intorno all'anno 870. L'arrivo dei Normanni, intorno all'anno 1000, serve a ricomporre il paese, unendo tutti i suoi casali. Nel 1450 l'arrivo dei Cavaniglia, che comperano la contea di Montella, da nuovo impulso al paese non solo nell'artigianato, famosa la seta di Bagnoli, ma anche nelle arti. Oggi Bagnoli è noto per il lago Laceno, annesso nel suo territorio, per la produzione del Tartufo Nero di Bagnoli Irpino, e la Castagna di Montella.[3] Molto nota la sagra del tartufo e della castagna che avviene l'ultimo sabato e domenica di ottobre. Bagnoli Irpino nasce a ridosso dei Monti Picentini, non lontano da Montella. Le vette più alte che appartengono al territorio comunale sono il Monte Cervialto 1810 m, il Rajamagra ed il Monte Cervarolo. L'altopiano di Laceno è sito tra questi ultimi; sul piano sono presenti un lago di origine carsica, le Grotte del Caliendo e piccole sorgenti che alimentano l'acquedotto comunale.[4] Il bacino idrografico del Cervialto, invece, dà tutta l'acqua alle sorgenti di Caposele, di conseguenza all'acquedotto pugliese.
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I borghi più belli del Molise: 10 tesori da scoprire

I borghi più belli del Molise: 10 tesori da scoprire.

Sei proprio sicur* che il Molise non esiste?
In questo video ti svelerò cosa vedere in Molise attraverso 10 borghi magnifici che ti verrà voglia di visitarli subito. Nel video parleremo di:
- Civitacampomarano, il borgo dei murales e della street art
- Agnone il paese delle campane
- Oratino, uno dei più affascinanti
- Fornelli, il paese delle 7 torri
- Pietracupa, la Betlemme del Molise
- Carpinone, il mix perfetto tra borghi e natura
- Casalciprano, il paese rinato grazie alla pittura e alla scultura
- Ferrazzano con i suoi panorami mozzafiato
- Pietrabbondante, il paese dei Sanniti

Se vuoi sapere di più sul Molise leggi gli articoli del blog

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Napoli Bagnoli Beach Walking Tour | LIDO COMUNALE BAGNOLI | Summer Italy - 4K

#napoli_bagnoli #bagnoli #naples_italy #beachwalk

Bagnoli Irpino

Uno spot video per la presentazione del comune di Bagnoli Irpino e del Lago Laceno, nel contesto IRPINIA. Un contributo del Consorzio Turistico del Laceno.

Bagnoli del Trigno in Molise su Rai tre Il Borgo dei Borghi

Bagnoli del Trigno, Isernia, Molise
Il Borgo dei Borghi fa tappa a Bagnoli del Trigno in Molise, edizione 2019
Il borgo si trova nel cuore del Molise, in provincia di Isernia, ed è stato costruito su un rilievo collinare a ridosso di un massiccio roccioso che divide il fiume Trigno dal torrente Vella.

Essendo situato a due differenti altezze, a partire da 660 metri di altitudine sino ad arrivare ai 783 metri del punto più alto, il borgo è socialmente e culturalmente scisso in due zone, rispettivamente chiamate Terra di sotto e Terra di sopra. Passeggiare lungo le vie che, dal centro storico, si diramano per l’intero paese è come fare un vero e proprio viaggio nel tempo. Solo 700 persone vi abitano, e i ritmi qui sono ancora lenti come in passato.

Un posto meraviglioso, dunque, per rigenerarsi e ritrovare se stessi.

Walking Tour Napoli Spiaggia di Bagnoli (Summer Walk 2022) 4K UHD #walkingtour #4k #mare #napoli

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From Ischia to Pozzuoli: a journey in one of the most beautiful gulfs in Italy |

From Ischia to Pozzuoli, passing through the Campi Flegrei: a journey through one of the most beautiful gulfs in Italy. Content realised thanks to the contribution of Camera del Commercio di Napoli, through its special company SiImpresa, for the enhancement of the area. |

Napoli / Naples bagnoli View from my apartment Balcony - Beautiful places in Napoli

Guys this is the view of hills from my Rione Cavalleggeri via diocloziano apartment. The sounds of birds from trees bellow the building is so amusing in the morning. This gives a very pleasent feelings in beautiful Napoli Italy.


Travel Guide to the Molise Region of Italy

What to see and do in the Molise Region of Italy. For more information about outdoor recreation see

Neapel: Unsere Tipps für eine Städtereise durch die Heimatstadt der Pizza (Doku)

In unserem Reisetagebuch erzählen wir euch von unserem langen Wochenende in Neapel. Auf den Spuren der leckeren neapolitanischen Pizza sind wir durch die Stadt gelaufen und haben so einiges entdeckt. Eine kulturelle und kulinarische Entdeckungstour könnte man es nennen. Mit der Vespa ging es dann noch nach Pompeii und die Amalfiküste entlang. Gerne haben wir für euch einige Eindrücke zusammengestellt und natürlich den ein oder anderen Tipp parat. Neapel hat neben vielen Kirchen, Burgen und schönen Gassen wirklich die leckerste Pizza zu bieten. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Zusehen und hoffen, dass euch unser Video gefällt.

Schumi & Sabina

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Bushwick Tarentella Loop von Kevin MacLeod unterliegt der Lizenz Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung 4.0.

Bushwick Tarentella Loop von Kevin MacLeod unterliegt der Lizenz Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung 4.0.

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Places to see in ( Naples - Italy ) Posillipo

Places to see in ( Naples - Italy ) Posillipo

Posillipo is a residential quarter of Naples, southern Italy, located along the northern coast of the Gulf of Naples; it is called Pusilleco in the Neapolitan language. From the 1st century BC the Bay of Naples witnessed the rise of villas constructed by elite Romans along the most panoramic points of the coast, who had chosen the area as a favourite vacation spot. The remains of some of these can be seen today in the archaeological park and elsewhere.

he houses at water's edge all have at least small piers or landings, and there are even a few small coves with breakwaters along the way. These small harbors are the nuclei for separate, named communities such as Gaiola and Marechiaro, with the characteristic Large rock.

The French Homeric scholar Victor Bérard identified Posillipo as the land of Homer's Cyclopes. It is mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman sources and the Greeks first named this rocky, wooded height at the western end of the Bay of Naples Pausílypon, meaning respite from worry.

In the 17th century the property of the site of the imperial villa passed to the family Maza who, for several generations, showed an interest in archaeology and Francesco Maria Maza (circ. 1680) was the author of inscriptions which he affixed to the so-called 'Piscine of V.Pollio' and to the 'Temple of Fortune' which were in situ in 1913. However the Maza collection was dispersed and the loss to archaeological science was irreparable as a catalogue had never been prepared. Several objects of art from Posillipan sites found their way into the hands of Spanish collectors, and are still no doubt among the Roman antiquities in Spain. Many fine pieces were taken to Mergellina and lost among the other ornaments of the villa of the Duke of Medina.

In 1820 the southern portion of the property was purchased by a well-known Neapolitan archaeologist, Cavaliere Guglielmo Bechi, and his name was associated with the Villa for more than half a century. He did much excavation, but again without publication of results.

In 1841 more methodical excavations were begun on the adjoining property to the west of the ancient lane that led down the valley from the Seiano cave to the sea. The principal buildings of that part of the Villa were soon brought to light; the Theatre, an Odeon, and the remains of a Portico overlooking the sea. An oblong building called the Temple was also found and the remains of an aqueduct.

In about 1870 the Marchese del Tufo opened a quarry for pozzolana clearing away the central part of what had been a broad continuous terrace along the south front of the property in Roman times. The buildings that stood on the hillside above the terrace, including the southern part of the baths, fell down the slope into the sea.

The archaeological park is one of the most beautiful places in the city and along the coast of Posillipo. Among the most important sites are the Seiano cave, the underwater park of Gaiola, the imperial villa of Pausilypon, the Odeon, the theatre and the Palace of the Spirits.

The ruins of the Roman villa of Vedius Pollio, also known as the Imperial Villa, include a 2000-seat theatre on the rocky promontary at the end of the Bay of Naples. Some of the villa's rooms can be seen with traces of the wall decorations while its marine structures and fish ponds are now part of the neighbouring submerged Gaiola (Park) Park.

( Naples - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Naples . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Naples - Italy

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TOP 5 BEST all-inclusive resorts in SARDINIA, Italy [2023, PRICES, REVIEWS INCLUDED]

In this video, we listed the top 5 all-inclusive resorts in SARDINIA, Italy. We made this list based on personal opinion and tried to list them based on their price, quality, location, and more.

Thanks for watching, and we hope you liked this video. If this video was helpful to you, please remember to leave a like and subscribe to our channel to see more videos like this in the future!

Check the prices and availability:
Top 5. Club Esse Roccaruja

Top 4. Arbatax Park Resort

Top 3. PerdePera Resort

Top 2. Grande Baia Resort & Spa

Top 1. Resort & Spa Le Dune

0:00 Intro
0:30 Top 5. Club Esse Roccaruja
1:25 Top 4. Arbatax Park Resort
2:20 Top 3. PerdePera Resort
3:15 Top 2. Grande Baia Resort & Spa
4:10 Top 1. Resort & Spa Le Dune

Molise Region - Italy

Molise (pronounced [moˈliːze]) is a region of Southern Italy, the second smallest of the regions. It was formerly (until 1963) part of the region of Abruzzi e Molise (with Abruzzo) and now a separate entity. The region covers 4,438 km² and has a population of about 300,000.

Molise is the newest Italian region, since it was established in 1963, when the region Abruzzi e Molise was split in two. It became effective only in 1970.


Though there is a large Fiat plant (Termoli), the industrial sector is dominated by the building industry with small and medium-sized firms spread widely throughout the region. Another important industry is food processing: pasta, meat, milk products, oil and wine are the traditional products of the region. In the services sector the most important industries are distribution, hotels and catering, followed by transport and communications, banking and insurance. With few exceptions, in all sectors firms are small, and this explains the difficulties encountered when marketing products on a national scale.[1]

After the earthquake of 2002 some of the communities in Molise became the focus of a generous government policy which contributed state money to individuals willing to make their homes more resistant to seismic activity. Larino, near Termoli, was a particular beneficiary of this policy and the town, already one of the most beautiful in the province, has been transformed. It was policy to return the houses to their historical colours and, based on careful research, the structures were painted in a range of soft pastel tones. As a result Larino has become an important centre for tourism and scores of expatriates from all over the world are returning to live in the revived centro storico (antique centre).

International tourism is becoming more evident largely as a result of the international flights from other European states, Great Britain, and North America which enter Pescara not far to the north in Abruzzo. The tourists are attracted by large expanses of unspoiled beaches, a relative lack of congestion, and the gentle pace of life.



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